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@ark/schema - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.2.1 to 0.2.2




@@ -1,4 +0,3 @@

import { Callable, type array, type Hkt, type Json } from "@ark/util";
import { Callable, type array, type Json } from "@ark/util";
import type { inferRoot } from "./inference.js";
import type { RootSchema } from "./kinds.js";
import type { SchemaRoot, UnknownRoot } from "./roots/root.js";

@@ -50,3 +49,3 @@ import type { BaseScope, InternalBaseScope } from "./scope.js";

export declare class LazyGenericBody<params extends array<GenericParamAst> = array<GenericParamAst>, returns = unknown> extends Callable<(args: GenericArgResolutions<params>) => returns> {
export declare class LazyGenericBody<argResolutions = {}, returns = unknown> extends Callable<(args: argResolutions) => returns> {

@@ -72,7 +71,12 @@ export declare class GenericRoot<params extends array<GenericParamAst> = array<GenericParamAst>, bodyDef = unknown, $ = {}, arg$ = $> extends Callable<GenericRootInstantiator<params, bodyDef, $>> {

export type GenericHktSchemaParser<$ = {}> = <const paramsDef extends array<GenericParamDef>>(...params: paramsDef) => (instantiateDef: LazyGenericBody<genericParamSchemasToAst<paramsDef, $>, RootSchema>) => GenericHktRootSubclass<genericParamSchemasToAst<paramsDef, $>, $>;
export type GenericHktRootSubclass<params extends array<GenericParamAst>, $> = abstract new () => GenericHktRoot<params, $, $>;
interface Hkt extends Hkt.Kind {
export type GenericHktSchemaParser<$ = {}> = <const paramsDef extends array<GenericParamDef>>(...params: paramsDef) => <hkt extends abstract new () => GenericHkt, params extends Array<GenericParamAst> = genericParamSchemasToAst<paramsDef, $>>(instantiateDef: LazyGenericBody<GenericArgResolutions<params>>, hkt: hkt) => GenericRoot<params, InstanceType<hkt>, $, $>;
export declare abstract class GenericHkt<hkt extends (args: any) => unknown = (args: any) => unknown> {
readonly args: array;
abstract readonly hkt: hkt;
export interface GenericHktRoot<params extends array<GenericParamAst>, $, args$> extends GenericRoot<params, Hkt, $, args$>, Hkt.Kind {
export declare namespace GenericHkt {
type instantiate<hkt extends GenericHkt, args extends Parameters<hkt["hkt"]>[0]> = ReturnType<(hkt & {
readonly args: args;
type conform<thisArgs, parameters extends array> = thisArgs extends parameters ? thisArgs : parameters;

@@ -79,0 +83,0 @@ export declare const writeUnsatisfiedParameterConstraintMessage: <name extends string, constraint extends string, arg extends string>(name: name, constraint: constraint, arg: arg) => writeUnsatisfiedParameterConstraintMessage<name, constraint, arg>;

@@ -130,2 +130,4 @@ var __runInitializers = (this && this.__runInitializers) || function (thisArg, initializers, value) {

export { GenericRoot };
export class GenericHkt {
export const writeUnsatisfiedParameterConstraintMessage = (name, constraint, arg) => `${name} must be assignable to ${constraint} (was ${arg})`;
import type { RootModule, SchemaModule } from "../module.js";
import { type BaseScope } from "../scope.js";
import { type tsKeywordExports } from "./tsKeywords.js";
import { type arkGenericsExports } from "./arkGenerics.js";
import { type formattingExports } from "./format.js";

@@ -14,3 +15,3 @@ import { type internalExports } from "./internal.js";

export declare const keywordNodes: SchemaModule<Ark>;
export interface Ark extends tsKeywordExports, jsObjectExports, platformObjectExports, validationExports, tsGenericsExports, internalExports {
export interface Ark extends tsKeywordExports, jsObjectExports, platformObjectExports, validationExports, tsGenericsExports, arkGenericsExports, internalExports {
TypedArray: RootModule<typedArrayExports>;

@@ -17,0 +18,0 @@ parse: RootModule<parsingExports>;

@@ -6,2 +6,3 @@ import { schemaScope } from "../scope.js";

import { $ark } from "@ark/util";
import { arkGenerics } from "./arkGenerics.js";
import { formatting } from "./format.js";

@@ -22,2 +23,3 @@ import { internal } from "./internal.js";

TypedArray: typedArray,

@@ -24,0 +26,0 @@ parse: parsing,

@@ -1,35 +0,32 @@

import { liftArray, type conform, type Hkt, type Key, type show } from "@ark/util";
import { type Key } from "@ark/util";
import type { SchemaModule } from "../module.js";
import type { Out } from "../roots/morph.js";
declare const ArkRecord_base: import("../generic.js").GenericHktRootSubclass<[["K", Key], import("../generic.js").GenericParamAst<"V", unknown>], {}>;
declare class ArkRecord extends ArkRecord_base {
hkt: (args: conform<this[Hkt.args], [PropertyKey, unknown]>) => Record<(typeof args)[0], (typeof args)[1]>;
declare const ArkPick_base: import("../generic.js").GenericHktRootSubclass<[["T", object], ["K", Key]], {}>;
declare class ArkPick extends ArkPick_base {
hkt: (args: conform<this[Hkt.args], [object, Key]>) => show<Pick<(typeof args)[0], (typeof args)[1] & keyof (typeof args)[0]>>;
declare const ArkOmit_base: import("../generic.js").GenericHktRootSubclass<[["T", object], ["K", Key]], {}>;
declare class ArkOmit extends ArkOmit_base {
hkt: (args: conform<this[Hkt.args], [object, Key]>) => show<Omit<(typeof args)[0], (typeof args)[1] & keyof (typeof args)[0]>>;
declare const ArkExclude_base: import("../generic.js").GenericHktRootSubclass<[import("../generic.js").GenericParamAst<"T", unknown>, import("../generic.js").GenericParamAst<"U", unknown>], {}>;
declare class ArkExclude extends ArkExclude_base {
hkt: (args: conform<this[Hkt.args], [unknown, unknown]>) => Exclude<(typeof args)[0], (typeof args)[1]>;
declare const ArkExtract_base: import("../generic.js").GenericHktRootSubclass<[import("../generic.js").GenericParamAst<"T", unknown>, import("../generic.js").GenericParamAst<"U", unknown>], {}>;
declare class ArkExtract extends ArkExtract_base {
hkt: (args: conform<this[Hkt.args], [unknown, unknown]>) => Extract<(typeof args)[0], (typeof args)[1]>;
declare const ArkLiftArray_base: import("../generic.js").GenericHktRootSubclass<[import("../generic.js").GenericParamAst<"T", unknown>], {}>;
declare class ArkLiftArray extends ArkLiftArray_base {
hkt: (args: conform<this[Hkt.args], [unknown]>) => liftArray<(typeof args)[0]> extends infer lifted ? (In: (typeof args)[0] | lifted) => Out<lifted> : never;
declare const tsGenericsExports: {
Record: ArkRecord;
Pick: ArkPick;
Omit: ArkOmit;
Exclude: ArkExclude;
Extract: ArkExtract;
liftArray: ArkLiftArray;
Record: import("../generic.js").GenericRoot<[["K", Key], import("../generic.js").GenericParamAst<"V", unknown>], {
hkt: (args: [PropertyKey, unknown]) => Record<PropertyKey, unknown>;
readonly args: import("@ark/util").array;
}, {}, {}>;
Pick: import("../generic.js").GenericRoot<[["T", object], ["K", Key]], {
hkt: (args: [object, Key]) => {};
readonly args: import("@ark/util").array;
}, {}, {}>;
Omit: import("../generic.js").GenericRoot<[["T", object], ["K", Key]], {
hkt: (args: [object, Key]) => {};
readonly args: import("@ark/util").array;
}, {}, {}>;
Exclude: import("../generic.js").GenericRoot<[import("../generic.js").GenericParamAst<"T", unknown>, import("../generic.js").GenericParamAst<"U", unknown>], {
hkt: (args: [unknown, unknown]) => never;
readonly args: import("@ark/util").array;
}, {}, {}>;
Extract: import("../generic.js").GenericRoot<[import("../generic.js").GenericParamAst<"T", unknown>, import("../generic.js").GenericParamAst<"U", unknown>], {
hkt: (args: [unknown, unknown]) => unknown;
readonly args: import("@ark/util").array;
}, {}, {}>;
Partial: import("../generic.js").GenericRoot<[["T", object]], {
hkt: (args: [object]) => object;
readonly args: import("@ark/util").array;
}, {}, {}>;
Required: import("../generic.js").GenericRoot<[["T", object]], {
hkt: (args: [object]) => object;
readonly args: import("@ark/util").array;
}, {}, {}>;

@@ -36,0 +33,0 @@ export type tsGenericsExports = typeof tsGenericsExports;

@@ -1,4 +0,5 @@

import { $ark, liftArray } from "@ark/util";
import { $ark } from "@ark/util";
import { GenericHkt } from "../generic.js";
import { generic, schemaScope } from "../scope.js";
class ArkRecord extends generic(["K", $ark.intrinsic.propertyKey], "V")(args => ({
const Record = generic(["K", $ark.intrinsic.propertyKey], "V")(args => ({
domain: "object",

@@ -9,23 +10,26 @@ index: {

})) {
class ArkPick extends generic(["T", $ark.intrinsic.object], ["K", $ark.intrinsic.propertyKey])(args => args.T.pick(args.K)) {
class ArkOmit extends generic(["T", $ark.intrinsic.object], ["K", $ark.intrinsic.propertyKey])(args => args.T.omit(args.K)) {
class ArkExclude extends generic("T", "U")(args => args.T.exclude(args.U)) {
class ArkExtract extends generic("T", "U")(args => args.T.extract(args.U)) {
class ArkLiftArray extends generic("T")(args => args.T.or(args.T.array()).pipe(liftArray)) {
}), class RecordHkt extends GenericHkt {
const Pick = generic(["T", $ark.intrinsic.object], ["K", $ark.intrinsic.propertyKey])(args => args.T.pick(args.K), class PickHkt extends GenericHkt {
const Omit = generic(["T", $ark.intrinsic.object], ["K", $ark.intrinsic.propertyKey])(args => args.T.omit(args.K), class OmitHkt extends GenericHkt {
const Partial = generic(["T", $ark.intrinsic.object])(args => args.T.partial(), class PartialHkt extends GenericHkt {
const Required = generic(["T", $ark.intrinsic.object])(args => args.T.required(), class RequiredHkt extends GenericHkt {
const Exclude = generic("T", "U")(args => args.T.exclude(args.U), class ExcludeHkt extends GenericHkt {
const Extract = generic("T", "U")(args => args.T.extract(args.U), class ExtractHkt extends GenericHkt {
const tsGenericsExports = {
Record: new ArkRecord(),
Pick: new ArkPick(),
Omit: new ArkOmit(),
Exclude: new ArkExclude(),
Extract: new ArkExtract(),
liftArray: new ArkLiftArray()
const $ = schemaScope(tsGenericsExports);
export const tsGenerics = $.export();

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import type { anonymous, number, string } from "../ast.js";
import type { anonymous, AtLeast, AtMost, DivisibleBy, number, string } from "../ast.js";
import type { SchemaModule } from "../module.js";

@@ -16,4 +16,5 @@ export interface validationExports {

integer: number.divisibleBy<1>;
unixTimestamp:<DivisibleBy<1> & AtMost<8640000000000000> & AtLeast<-8640000000000000>>;
export type validation = SchemaModule<validationExports>;
export declare const validation: validation;

@@ -41,2 +41,27 @@ import { defineRoot, schemaScope } from "../scope.js";

* As per the ECMA-262 specification:
* A time value supports a slightly smaller range of -8,640,000,000,000,000 to 8,640,000,000,000,000 milliseconds.
* @see
const unixTimestamp = defineRoot({
domain: {
domain: "number",
description: "a number representing a Unix timestamp"
divisor: {
rule: 1,
description: `an integer representing a Unix timestamp`
min: {
rule: -8640000000000000,
description: `a Unix timestamp after -8640000000000000`
max: {
rule: 8640000000000000,
description: "a Unix timestamp before 8640000000000000"
description: "an integer representing a safe Unix timestamp"
export const validation = schemaScope({

@@ -57,3 +82,4 @@ alpha: defineRegex(/^[A-Za-z]*$/, "only letters"),

divisor: 1
}, { prereducedAliases: true }).export();

@@ -29,3 +29,3 @@ import { type array, type listable, type show } from "@ark/util";

proto?: ProtoSchema;
} & conditionalRootOf<inferredBasis>>;
} & conditionalRootOf<inferredBasis>> | IntersectionNode;
export type IntersectionDeclaration = declareNode<{

@@ -32,0 +32,0 @@ kind: "intersection";

@@ -58,2 +58,3 @@ import { $ark, arrayEquals, liftArray, throwParseError } from "@ark/util";

// TODO:
in: inTersection

@@ -60,0 +61,0 @@ }));

@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ import type { ConstraintKind, DivisorSchema, ExactLengthSchema, ExclusiveDateRangeSchema, ExclusiveNumericRangeSchema, FlatRef, InclusiveDateRangeSchema, InclusiveNumericRangeSchema, InferredRoot, LimitSchemaValue, PatternSchema, TypeIndexer, TypeKey, UnknownRangeSchema, writeInvalidOperandMessage } from "@ark/schema";

assert(data: unknown): unknown;
pick(...keys: array<TypeKey>): BaseRoot;
omit(...keys: array<TypeKey>): BaseRoot;
private filterKeys;
get(...path: array<TypeIndexer>): BaseRoot;
pick(...keys: TypeKey[]): BaseRoot;
omit(...keys: TypeKey[]): BaseRoot;
required(): BaseRoot;
partial(): BaseRoot;
private applyStructuralOperation;
get(...path: TypeIndexer[]): BaseRoot;
extract(r: unknown): BaseRoot;

@@ -64,2 +66,3 @@ exclude(r: UnknownRoot): BaseRoot;

onUndeclaredKey(cfg: UndeclaredKeyBehavior | UndeclaredKeyConfig): BaseRoot;
onDeepUndeclaredKey(behavior: UndeclaredKeyBehavior): BaseRoot;
satisfying(predicate: Predicate): BaseRoot;

@@ -128,2 +131,3 @@ divisibleBy(schema: DivisorSchema): BaseRoot;

onUndeclaredKey(behavior: UndeclaredKeyBehavior): this;
onDeepUndeclaredKey(behavior: UndeclaredKeyBehavior): this;
from(literal: this["inferIn"]): this["infer"];

@@ -143,2 +147,8 @@ }

}, $>;
required(this: validateStructuralOperand<"required", this>): SchemaRoot<{
[k in keyof this["inferIn"]]-?: this["inferIn"][k];
}, $>;
partial(this: validateStructuralOperand<"partial", this>): SchemaRoot<{
[k in keyof this["inferIn"]]?: this["inferIn"][k];
}, $>;
get<k1 extends arkKeyOf<t>>(k1: k1 | InferredRoot<k1>): SchemaRoot<getArkKey<t, k1>, $>;

@@ -193,5 +203,5 @@ get<k1 extends arkKeyOf<t>, k2 extends arkKeyOf<getArkKey<t, k1>>>(k1: k1 | InferredRoot<k1>, k2: k2 | InferredRoot<k2>): SchemaRoot<getArkKey<getArkKey<t, k1>, k2>, $>;

}> = t["inferIn"] extends Prerequisite<kind> ? t : ErrorMessage<writeInvalidOperandMessage<kind, SchemaRoot<t["inferIn"]>>>;
export type StructuralOperationName = "pick" | "omit" | "index access";
export type StructuralOperationName = "pick" | "omit" | "get" | "required" | "partial";
export type writeNonStructuralOperandMessage<operation extends StructuralOperationName, operand extends string> = `${operation} operand must be an object (was ${operand})`;
export declare const writeNonStructuralOperandMessage: <operation extends StructuralOperationName, operand extends string>(operation: operation, operand: operand) => writeNonStructuralOperandMessage<operation, operand>;
export {};

@@ -97,10 +97,16 @@ var __runInitializers = (this && this.__runInitializers) || function (thisArg, initializers, value) {

pick(...keys) {
return this.filterKeys("pick", keys);
return this.applyStructuralOperation("pick", keys);
omit(...keys) {
return this.filterKeys("omit", keys);
return this.applyStructuralOperation("omit", keys);
filterKeys(operation, keys) {
required() {
return this.applyStructuralOperation("required", []);
partial() {
return this.applyStructuralOperation("partial", []);
applyStructuralOperation(operation, args) {
if (this.hasKind("union")) {
return this.$.schema( => branch[operation](...keys)));
return this.$.schema( => branch.applyStructuralOperation(operation, args)));

@@ -110,3 +116,3 @@ if (this.hasKind("morph")) {

in:, args)

@@ -118,5 +124,8 @@ }

const structuralMethodName = operation === "required" ? "require"
: operation === "partial" ? "optionalize"
: operation;
return this.$.node("intersection", {
structure: this.inner.structure[operation](...keys)
structure: this.inner.structure[structuralMethodName](...args)

@@ -137,3 +146,3 @@ }

return (branch.structure?.get(...path) ??
throwParseError(writeNonStructuralOperandMessage("index access", this.expression)));
throwParseError(writeNonStructuralOperandMessage("get", this.expression)));

@@ -246,2 +255,5 @@ extract(r) {

onDeepUndeclaredKey(behavior) {
return this.onUndeclaredKey({ rule: behavior, deep: true });
satisfying(predicate) {

@@ -248,0 +260,0 @@ return this.constrain("predicate", predicate);

@@ -15,4 +15,5 @@ import { type Domain, type Json, type Key, type SerializedPrimitive, type show } from "@ark/util";

export type UnionChildNode = Node<UnionChildKind>;
export type UnionSchema<branches extends readonly UnionChildSchema[] = readonly UnionChildSchema[]> = NormalizedUnionSchema<branches> | branches;
export interface NormalizedUnionSchema<branches extends readonly UnionChildSchema[] = readonly UnionChildSchema[]> extends BaseMeta {
export type UnionBranchSchema = UnionChildSchema | BaseRoot;
export type UnionSchema<branches extends readonly UnionBranchSchema[] = readonly UnionBranchSchema[]> = NormalizedUnionSchema<branches> | branches;
export interface NormalizedUnionSchema<branches extends readonly UnionBranchSchema[] = readonly UnionBranchSchema[]> extends BaseMeta {
readonly branches: branches;

@@ -19,0 +20,0 @@ readonly ordered?: true;

@@ -42,3 +42,3 @@ var __runInitializers = (this && this.__runInitializers) || function (thisArg, initializers, value) {

import { registeredReference } from "../shared/registry.js";
import { pathToPropString } from "../shared/utils.js";
import { hasArkKind, pathToPropString } from "../shared/utils.js";
import { BaseRoot } from "./root.js";

@@ -59,3 +59,5 @@ import { defineRightwardIntersections } from "./utils.js";

parse: (schema, ctx) => {
const branches = => ctx.$.node(unionChildKinds, branch));
const branches = schema.flatMap(branch => hasArkKind(branch, "root") ?
: ctx.$.node(unionChildKinds, branch));
if (!ctx.schema.ordered)

@@ -62,0 +64,0 @@ branches.sort((l, r) => (l.innerHash < r.innerHash ? -1 : 1));

@@ -92,3 +92,3 @@ import { DynamicBase, ParseError, type Json, type anyOrNever, type array, type flattenListable, type show } from "@ark/util";

export declare const schemaScope: <const aliases>(aliases: validateAliases<aliases>, config?: ArkConfig) => SchemaScope<instantiateAliases<aliases>>;
export interface BaseScope<$ = any> {
export interface BaseScope<$ = {}> {
t: $;

@@ -116,2 +116,3 @@ [arkKind]: "scope";

/** @ts-ignore sometimes infinite? requires further investigation */
export interface SchemaScope<$ = {}> extends BaseScope<$> {

@@ -118,0 +119,0 @@ defineRoot: this["defineSchema"];

@@ -129,7 +129,3 @@ var __runInitializers = (this && this.__runInitializers) || function (thisArg, initializers, value) {

const $ = this;
return (instantiateDef) => class GenericHktSubclass extends GenericRoot {
constructor() {
super(params, new LazyGenericBody(instantiateDef), $, $);
return instantiateDef => new GenericRoot(params, new LazyGenericBody(instantiateDef), $, $);

@@ -136,0 +132,0 @@ units(values, opts) {

@@ -116,4 +116,5 @@ import { Hkt } from "@ark/util";

morphs: to.morphs,
// TODO:
in: result

@@ -57,4 +57,6 @@ import { type array, type join, type Key, type typeToString } from "@ark/util";

readonly exhaustive: boolean;
pick(...keys: array<BaseRoot | Key>): StructureNode;
omit(...keys: array<BaseRoot | Key>): StructureNode;
pick(...keys: TypeKey[]): StructureNode;
omit(...keys: TypeKey[]): StructureNode;
optionalize(): StructureNode;
require(): StructureNode;
merge(r: StructureNode): StructureNode;

@@ -61,0 +63,0 @@ private filterKeys;

@@ -141,2 +141,19 @@ var __runInitializers = (this && this.__runInitializers) || function (thisArg, initializers, value) {

optionalize() {
const { required, ...inner } = this.inner;
return this.$.node("structure", {
optional: => prop.hasKind("required") ? this.$.node("optional", prop.inner) : prop)
require() {
const { optional, ...inner } = this.inner;
return this.$.node("structure", {
required: => prop.hasKind("optional") ?
// don't include keys like default that don't exist on required
this.$.node("required", { key: prop.key, value: prop.value })
: prop)
merge(r) {

@@ -143,0 +160,0 @@ const inner = makeRootAndArrayPropertiesMutable(this.filterKeys("omit", [r.keyof()]));

"name": "@ark/schema",
"version": "0.2.1",
"version": "0.2.2",
"license": "MIT",

@@ -27,3 +27,3 @@ "author": {

"dependencies": {
"@ark/util": "0.1.1"
"@ark/util": "0.1.2"

@@ -30,0 +30,0 @@ "publishConfig": {

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