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Comparing version 1.2.0 to 1.3.0




@@ -1,171 +0,2 @@

/* eslint-disable */
export const protobufPackage = "";
export interface SortOptions {
/** Attribute to sort by */
attribute: string;
* Order of the sort.
* Must be either "asc" or "desc"
order: string;
/** Selected facet to filter by */
export interface FacetRequestOptions {
* Note: Should be removed after migration to technical name in all services (with reserved)
* @deprecated
attribute: string;
/** Values of the facet used for filtering the results */
values: string[];
/** Selected facet to filter by (technical name) */
name: string;
export interface DisableOptions {
* Feature to disable in the query
* Example: "facet"
name: string;
export interface SearchOptions {
/** Pagination: index of the first item to return */
offset: number;
/** Pagination: size of the page */
limit: number;
* List of sorting rules
* (applied in order)
sortBy: SortOptions[];
* List of selected facets
* (translated into filters at search time)
facets: FacetRequestOptions[];
/** Filter string */
filter: string;
* Disable rules
* If specified, disable specific functionalities
disable: DisableOptions[];
/** Response mask to return only specific attributes of items */
customResponseMask: string;
export interface SearchRequest {
/** Search token, used by the client to authenticate himself */
token: string;
/** Text query */
query: string;
/** Search options */
options?: SearchOptions;
* Profile ID authenticate who performed the request.
* Can be used to trigger action based on user profile.
profileId: string;
export interface SearchResponseRedirectItem {
/** ID of the redirect */
id: string;
/** Name of the triggered redirect */
name: string;
/** URL the client should redirect to */
url: string;
* All fields are unknown, as they depends on the XO catalog.
* However, in protobuf v3.5+, unknown fields are preserved.
* See here:
export interface SearchResponseProduct {
[attribute: string]: any;}
export interface SearchResponseItem {
/** ID of the item */
id: string;
/** Score of this item */
score: number;
* If specified, it's a "standard" item.
* Contains attributes as specified in the XO catalog
product?: SearchResponseProduct | undefined;
/** If specified, it's a "redirect" item. */
redirect?: SearchResponseRedirectItem | undefined;
kind: string;
context: string;
export interface SearchResponseMetadata {
* Number of items matching the query
* (higher than the actual number of returned items, set by "limit")
count: number;
/** Duration of the request */
time: number;
/** Token used for the request (same as SearchRequest.token) */
token: string;
/** URL that can be used to send an equivalent request */
url: string;
* Pagination: index of the first returned item
* (same as SearchRequest.options.offset)
offset: number;
* Pagination: size of the page
* (same as SearchRequest.options.limit)
limit: number;
* List of facets (and their values) found for the query
* ( /!\ Different from SearchRequest.options.facets )
facets: SearchResponseMetadata_Facet[];
export interface SearchResponseMetadata_Facet {
/** ID of the facet in database */
id: string;
* Attribute of detected facet
* @deprecated
attribute: string;
/** Title (set in XO Console) */
title: string;
/** Number of different values found */
count: number;
/** List of values */
values: SearchResponseMetadata_Facet_Value[];
/** Name of detected facet */
name: string;
export interface SearchResponseMetadata_Facet_Value {
/** Value of a facet */
value: string;
/** Number of items matching this value */
count: number;
/** If true, this facet's value was specified in SearchRequest.options.facet. */
selected: boolean;
export interface SearchResponse {
/** List of items found */
items: SearchResponseItem[];
/** Response metadata */
metadata?: SearchResponseMetadata;
export * from './com/attraqt/search/protobuf/search';
export * from './com/attraqt/search/protobuf/product_suggest';
"name": "@attraqt/search-commons",
"description": "Typescript generated code for the search API definition",
"version": "1.2.0",
"version": "1.3.0",
"author": "",
"types": "index.d.ts"
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