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@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.144.0 to 1.145.0



@@ -143,7 +143,5 @@ function _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_Operation(p) {

function _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_PointInTimeRecoverySpecificationProperty(p) {
function _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_ContributorInsightsSpecificationProperty(p) {
function _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_TimeToLiveSpecificationProperty(p) {
function _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_PointInTimeRecoverySpecificationProperty(p) {

@@ -154,2 +152,4 @@ function _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_SSESpecificationProperty(p) {

function _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_TimeToLiveSpecificationProperty(p) {
function _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_ReadProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty(p) {

@@ -220,3 +220,3 @@ }

module.exports = { print, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_Operation, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_TableEncryption, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_AttributeType, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_BillingMode, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_ProjectionType, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_StreamViewType, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_TableClass, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_EnableScalingProps, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_GlobalSecondaryIndexProps, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_UtilizationScalingProps, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_Attribute, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_TableAttributes, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_SystemErrorsForOperationsMetricOptions, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_TableProps, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_LocalSecondaryIndexProps, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_SchemaOptions, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_IScalableTableAttribute, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_SecondaryIndexProps, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_TableOptions, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTableProps, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnTableProps, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_ReplicaSSESpecificationProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_StreamSpecificationProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_AttributeDefinitionProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_KeySchemaProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_ProjectionProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_PointInTimeRecoverySpecificationProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_ContributorInsightsSpecificationProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_TimeToLiveSpecificationProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_SSESpecificationProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_ReadProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_WriteProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_CapacityAutoScalingSettingsProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnTable, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnTable_KinesisStreamSpecificationProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnTable_StreamSpecificationProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnTable_AttributeDefinitionProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnTable_KeySchemaProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnTable_ProvisionedThroughputProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnTable_ProjectionProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSpecificationProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnTable_ContributorInsightsSpecificationProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnTable_PointInTimeRecoverySpecificationProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnTable_TimeToLiveSpecificationProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnTable_SSESpecificationProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_LocalSecondaryIndexProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_GlobalSecondaryIndexProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_ITable, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnTable_LocalSecondaryIndexProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_ReplicaSpecificationProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnTable_GlobalSecondaryIndexProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_Table };
module.exports = { print, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_Operation, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_TableEncryption, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_AttributeType, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_BillingMode, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_ProjectionType, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_StreamViewType, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_TableClass, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_EnableScalingProps, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_GlobalSecondaryIndexProps, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_UtilizationScalingProps, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_Attribute, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_TableAttributes, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_SystemErrorsForOperationsMetricOptions, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_TableProps, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_LocalSecondaryIndexProps, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_SchemaOptions, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_IScalableTableAttribute, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_SecondaryIndexProps, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_TableOptions, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTableProps, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnTableProps, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_ReplicaSSESpecificationProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_StreamSpecificationProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_AttributeDefinitionProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_KeySchemaProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_ProjectionProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_ContributorInsightsSpecificationProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_PointInTimeRecoverySpecificationProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_SSESpecificationProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_TimeToLiveSpecificationProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_ReadProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_WriteProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_CapacityAutoScalingSettingsProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnTable, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnTable_KinesisStreamSpecificationProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnTable_StreamSpecificationProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnTable_AttributeDefinitionProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnTable_KeySchemaProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnTable_ProvisionedThroughputProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnTable_ProjectionProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSpecificationProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnTable_ContributorInsightsSpecificationProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnTable_PointInTimeRecoverySpecificationProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnTable_TimeToLiveSpecificationProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnTable_SSESpecificationProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_LocalSecondaryIndexProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_GlobalSecondaryIndexProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_ITable, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnTable_LocalSecondaryIndexProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnGlobalTable_ReplicaSpecificationProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_CfnTable_GlobalSecondaryIndexProperty, _aws_cdk_aws_dynamodb_Table };
module.exports.DeprecationError = DeprecationError;
import * as appscaling from '@aws-cdk/aws-applicationautoscaling';
* Interface for scalable attributes.
* @stability stable
* Interface for scalable attributes
export interface IScalableTableAttribute {
* Add scheduled scaling for this scaling attribute.
* @stability stable
* Add scheduled scaling for this scaling attribute
scaleOnSchedule(id: string, actions: appscaling.ScalingSchedule): void;
* Scale out or in to keep utilization at a given level.
* @stability stable
* Scale out or in to keep utilization at a given level

@@ -22,17 +16,11 @@ scaleOnUtilization(props: UtilizationScalingProps): void;

* Properties for enabling DynamoDB capacity scaling.
* @stability stable
* Properties for enabling DynamoDB capacity scaling
export interface EnableScalingProps {
* Minimum capacity to scale to.
* @stability stable
* Minimum capacity to scale to
readonly minCapacity: number;
* Maximum capacity to scale to.
* @stability stable
* Maximum capacity to scale to

@@ -42,13 +30,9 @@ readonly maxCapacity: number;

* Properties for enabling DynamoDB utilization tracking.
* @stability stable
* Properties for enabling DynamoDB utilization tracking
export interface UtilizationScalingProps extends appscaling.BaseTargetTrackingProps {
* Target utilization percentage for the attribute.
* @stability stable
* Target utilization percentage for the attribute
readonly targetUtilizationPercent: number;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjozLCJmaWxlIjoic2NhbGFibGUtYXR0cmlidXRlLWFwaS5qcyIsInNvdXJjZVJvb3QiOiIiLCJzb3VyY2VzIjpbInNjYWxhYmxlLWF0dHJpYnV0ZS1hcGkudHMiXSwibmFtZXMiOltdLCJtYXBwaW5ncyI6IiIsInNvdXJjZXNDb250ZW50IjpbImltcG9ydCAqIGFzIGFwcHNjYWxpbmcgZnJvbSAnQGF3cy1jZGsvYXdzLWFwcGxpY2F0aW9uYXV0b3NjYWxpbmcnO1xuXG4vKipcbiAqIEludGVyZmFjZSBmb3Igc2NhbGFibGUgYXR0cmlidXRlc1xuICovXG5leHBvcnQgaW50ZXJmYWNlIElTY2FsYWJsZVRhYmxlQXR0cmlidXRlIHtcbiAgLyoqXG4gICAqIEFkZCBzY2hlZHVsZWQgc2NhbGluZyBmb3IgdGhpcyBzY2FsaW5nIGF0dHJpYnV0ZVxuICAgKi9cbiAgc2NhbGVPblNjaGVkdWxlKGlkOiBzdHJpbmcsIGFjdGlvbnM6IGFwcHNjYWxpbmcuU2NhbGluZ1NjaGVkdWxlKTogdm9pZDtcblxuICAvKipcbiAgICogU2NhbGUgb3V0IG9yIGluIHRvIGtlZXAgdXRpbGl6YXRpb24gYXQgYSBnaXZlbiBsZXZlbFxuICAgKi9cbiAgc2NhbGVPblV0aWxpemF0aW9uKHByb3BzOiBVdGlsaXphdGlvblNjYWxpbmdQcm9wcyk6IHZvaWQ7XG59XG5cbi8qKlxuICogUHJvcGVydGllcyBmb3IgZW5hYmxpbmcgRHluYW1vREIgY2FwYWNpdHkgc2NhbGluZ1xuICovXG5leHBvcnQgaW50ZXJmYWNlIEVuYWJsZVNjYWxpbmdQcm9wcyB7XG4gIC8qKlxuICAgKiBNaW5pbXVtIGNhcGFjaXR5IHRvIHNjYWxlIHRvXG4gICAqL1xuICByZWFkb25seSBtaW5DYXBhY2l0eTogbnVtYmVyO1xuXG4gIC8qKlxuICAgKiBNYXhpbXVtIGNhcGFjaXR5IHRvIHNjYWxlIHRvXG4gICAqL1xuICByZWFkb25seSBtYXhDYXBhY2l0eTogbnVtYmVyO1xufVxuXG4vKipcbiAqIFByb3BlcnRpZXMgZm9yIGVuYWJsaW5nIER5bmFtb0RCIHV0aWxpemF0aW9uIHRyYWNraW5nXG4gKi9cbmV4cG9ydCBpbnRlcmZhY2UgVXRpbGl6YXRpb25TY2FsaW5nUHJvcHMgZXh0ZW5kcyBhcHBzY2FsaW5nLkJhc2VUYXJnZXRUcmFja2luZ1Byb3BzIHtcbiAgLyoqXG4gICAqIFRhcmdldCB1dGlsaXphdGlvbiBwZXJjZW50YWdlIGZvciB0aGUgYXR0cmlidXRlXG4gICAqL1xuICByZWFkb25seSB0YXJnZXRVdGlsaXphdGlvblBlcmNlbnQ6IG51bWJlcjtcbn1cbiJdfQ==

@@ -10,4 +10,2 @@ import * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';

* Options for configuring a system errors metric that considers multiple operations.
* @stability stable

@@ -19,3 +17,2 @@ export interface SystemErrorsForOperationsMetricOptions extends cloudwatch.MetricOptions {

* @default - All operations available by DynamoDB tables will be considered.
* @stability stable

@@ -26,95 +23,36 @@ readonly operations?: Operation[];

* Supported DynamoDB table operations.
* @stability stable
export declare enum Operation {
* GetItem.
* @stability stable
/** GetItem */
GET_ITEM = "GetItem",
* BatchGetItem.
* @stability stable
/** BatchGetItem */
BATCH_GET_ITEM = "BatchGetItem",
* Scan.
* @stability stable
/** Scan */
SCAN = "Scan",
* Query.
* @stability stable
/** Query */
QUERY = "Query",
* GetRecords.
* @stability stable
/** GetRecords */
GET_RECORDS = "GetRecords",
* PutItem.
* @stability stable
/** PutItem */
PUT_ITEM = "PutItem",
* DeleteItem.
* @stability stable
/** DeleteItem */
DELETE_ITEM = "DeleteItem",
* UpdateItem.
* @stability stable
/** UpdateItem */
UPDATE_ITEM = "UpdateItem",
* BatchWriteItem.
* @stability stable
/** BatchWriteItem */
BATCH_WRITE_ITEM = "BatchWriteItem",
* TransactWriteItems.
* @stability stable
/** TransactWriteItems */
TRANSACT_WRITE_ITEMS = "TransactWriteItems",
* TransactGetItems.
* @stability stable
/** TransactGetItems */
TRANSACT_GET_ITEMS = "TransactGetItems",
* ExecuteTransaction.
* @stability stable
/** ExecuteTransaction */
EXECUTE_TRANSACTION = "ExecuteTransaction",
* BatchExecuteStatement.
* @stability stable
/** BatchExecuteStatement */
BATCH_EXECUTE_STATEMENT = "BatchExecuteStatement",
* ExecuteStatement.
* @stability stable
/** ExecuteStatement */
EXECUTE_STATEMENT = "ExecuteStatement"
* Represents an attribute for describing the key schema for the table and indexes.
* @stability stable
* Represents an attribute for describing the key schema for the table
* and indexes.

@@ -124,4 +62,2 @@ export interface Attribute {

* The name of an attribute.
* @stability stable

@@ -131,4 +67,2 @@ readonly name: string;

* The data type of an attribute.
* @stability stable

@@ -139,4 +73,2 @@ readonly type: AttributeType;

* What kind of server-side encryption to apply to this table.
* @stability stable

@@ -146,4 +78,2 @@ export declare enum TableEncryption {

* Server-side KMS encryption with a master key owned by AWS.
* @stability stable

@@ -153,3 +83,2 @@ DEFAULT = "AWS_OWNED",

* Server-side KMS encryption with a customer master key managed by customer.
* If `encryptionKey` is specified, this key will be used, otherwise, one will be defined.

@@ -162,4 +91,2 @@ *

* > is set to `true` in your `cdk.json`.
* @stability stable


* Server-side KMS encryption with a master key managed by AWS.
* @stability stable

@@ -177,4 +102,2 @@ AWS_MANAGED = "AWS_MANAGED"

* Represents the table schema attributes.
* @stability stable

@@ -184,4 +107,2 @@ export interface SchemaOptions {

* Partition key attribute definition.
* @stability stable

@@ -193,3 +114,2 @@ readonly partitionKey: Attribute;

* @default no sort key
* @stability stable

@@ -199,13 +119,9 @@ readonly sortKey?: Attribute;

* Properties of a DynamoDB Table.
* Properties of a DynamoDB Table
* Use {@link TableProps} for all table properties
* @stability stable
export interface TableOptions extends SchemaOptions {
* The read capacity for the table.
* Careful if you add Global Secondary Indexes, as
* The read capacity for the table. Careful if you add Global Secondary Indexes, as
* those will share the table's provisioned throughput.

@@ -216,9 +132,6 @@ *

* @default 5
* @stability stable
readonly readCapacity?: number;
* The write capacity for the table.
* Careful if you add Global Secondary Indexes, as
* The write capacity for the table. Careful if you add Global Secondary Indexes, as
* those will share the table's provisioned throughput.

@@ -229,3 +142,2 @@ *

* @default 5
* @stability stable

@@ -237,3 +149,2 @@ readonly writeCapacity?: number;

* @default PROVISIONED if `replicationRegions` is not specified, PAY_PER_REQUEST otherwise
* @stability stable

@@ -243,9 +154,7 @@ readonly billingMode?: BillingMode;

* Whether point-in-time recovery is enabled.
* @default - point-in-time recovery is disabled
* @stability stable
readonly pointInTimeRecovery?: boolean;
* (deprecated) Whether server-side encryption with an AWS managed customer master key is enabled.
* Whether server-side encryption with an AWS managed customer master key is enabled.

@@ -255,2 +164,3 @@ * This property cannot be set if `encryption` and/or `encryptionKey` is set.

* @default - server-side encryption is enabled with an AWS owned customer master key
* @deprecated This property is deprecated. In order to obtain the same behavior as

@@ -262,5 +172,3 @@ * enabling this, set the `encryption` property to `TableEncryption.AWS_MANAGED` instead.

* Specify the table class.
* @default STANDARD
* @stability stable

@@ -281,3 +189,2 @@ readonly tableClass?: TableClass;

* @default - server-side encryption is enabled with an AWS owned customer master key
* @stability stable

@@ -292,3 +199,2 @@ readonly encryption?: TableEncryption;

* property is undefined, a new KMS key will be created and associated with this table.
* @stability stable

@@ -298,12 +204,10 @@ readonly encryptionKey?: kms.IKey;

* The name of TTL attribute.
* @default - TTL is disabled
* @stability stable
readonly timeToLiveAttribute?: string;
* When an item in the table is modified, StreamViewType determines what information is written to the stream for this table.
* When an item in the table is modified, StreamViewType determines what information
* is written to the stream for this table.
* @default - streams are disabled unless `replicationRegions` is specified
* @stability stable

@@ -315,10 +219,8 @@ readonly stream?: StreamViewType;

* @default RemovalPolicy.RETAIN
* @stability stable
readonly removalPolicy?: RemovalPolicy;
* Regions where replica tables will be created.
* Regions where replica tables will be created
* @default - no replica tables are created
* @stability stable

@@ -330,3 +232,2 @@ readonly replicationRegions?: string[];

* @default Duration.minutes(30)
* @stability stable

@@ -336,3 +237,2 @@ readonly replicationTimeout?: Duration;

* Indicates whether CloudFormation stack waits for replication to finish.
* If set to false, the CloudFormation resource will mark the resource as

@@ -347,5 +247,4 @@ * created and replication will be completed asynchronously. This property is

* @see
* @default true
* @see
* @stability stable

@@ -357,3 +256,2 @@ readonly waitForReplicationToFinish?: boolean;

* @default false
* @stability stable

@@ -363,5 +261,3 @@ readonly contributorInsightsEnabled?: boolean;

* Properties for a DynamoDB Table.
* @stability stable
* Properties for a DynamoDB Table

@@ -371,5 +267,3 @@ export interface TableProps extends TableOptions {

* Enforces a particular physical table name.
* @default <generated>
* @stability stable

@@ -381,3 +275,2 @@ readonly tableName?: string;

* @default - no Kinesis Data Stream
* @stability stable

@@ -387,5 +280,3 @@ readonly kinesisStream?: kinesis.IStream;

* Properties for a secondary index.
* @stability stable
* Properties for a secondary index

@@ -395,4 +286,2 @@ export interface SecondaryIndexProps {

* The name of the secondary index.
* @stability stable

@@ -402,5 +291,3 @@ readonly indexName: string;

* The set of attributes that are projected into the secondary index.
* @default ALL
* @stability stable

@@ -410,5 +297,3 @@ readonly projectionType?: ProjectionType;

* The non-key attributes that are projected into the secondary index.
* @default - No additional attributes
* @stability stable

@@ -418,5 +303,3 @@ readonly nonKeyAttributes?: string[];

* Properties for a global secondary index.
* @stability stable
* Properties for a global secondary index

@@ -430,3 +313,2 @@ export interface GlobalSecondaryIndexProps extends SecondaryIndexProps, SchemaOptions {

* @default 5
* @stability stable

@@ -440,3 +322,2 @@ readonly readCapacity?: number;

* @default 5
* @stability stable

@@ -446,5 +327,3 @@ readonly writeCapacity?: number;

* Properties for a local secondary index.
* @stability stable
* Properties for a local secondary index

@@ -454,4 +333,2 @@ export interface LocalSecondaryIndexProps extends SecondaryIndexProps {

* The attribute of a sort key for the local secondary index.
* @stability stable

@@ -462,4 +339,2 @@ readonly sortKey: Attribute;

* An interface that represents a DynamoDB Table - either created with the CDK, or an existing one.
* @stability stable

@@ -470,4 +345,3 @@ export interface ITable extends IResource {

* @stability stable
* @attribute true
* @attribute

@@ -478,4 +352,3 @@ readonly tableArn: string;

* @stability stable
* @attribute true
* @attribute

@@ -486,14 +359,13 @@ readonly tableName: string;

* @stability stable
* @attribute true
* @attribute
readonly tableStreamArn?: string;
* Optional KMS encryption key associated with this table.
* @stability stable
readonly encryptionKey?: kms.IKey;
* Adds an IAM policy statement associated with this table to an IAM principal's policy.
* Adds an IAM policy statement associated with this table to an IAM
* principal's policy.

@@ -503,9 +375,9 @@ * If `encryptionKey` is present, appropriate grants to the key needs to be added

* @param grantee The principal (no-op if undefined).
* @param actions The set of actions to allow (i.e. "dynamodb:PutItem", "dynamodb:GetItem", ...).
* @stability stable
* @param grantee The principal (no-op if undefined)
* @param actions The set of actions to allow (i.e. "dynamodb:PutItem", "dynamodb:GetItem", ...)
grant(grantee: iam.IGrantable, ...actions: string[]): iam.Grant;
* Adds an IAM policy statement associated with this table's stream to an IAM principal's policy.
* Adds an IAM policy statement associated with this table's stream to an
* IAM principal's policy.

@@ -515,9 +387,9 @@ * If `encryptionKey` is present, appropriate grants to the key needs to be added

* @param grantee The principal (no-op if undefined).
* @param actions The set of actions to allow (i.e. "dynamodb:DescribeStream", "dynamodb:GetRecords", ...).
* @stability stable
* @param grantee The principal (no-op if undefined)
* @param actions The set of actions to allow (i.e. "dynamodb:DescribeStream", "dynamodb:GetRecords", ...)
grantStream(grantee: iam.IGrantable, ...actions: string[]): iam.Grant;
* Permits an IAM principal all data read operations from this table: BatchGetItem, GetRecords, GetShardIterator, Query, GetItem, Scan.
* Permits an IAM principal all data read operations from this table:
* BatchGetItem, GetRecords, GetShardIterator, Query, GetItem, Scan.

@@ -527,4 +399,3 @@ * Appropriate grants will also be added to the customer-managed KMS key

* @param grantee The principal to grant access to.
* @stability stable
* @param grantee The principal to grant access to

@@ -535,8 +406,9 @@ grantReadData(grantee: iam.IGrantable): iam.Grant;

* @param grantee The principal (no-op if undefined).
* @stability stable
* @param grantee The principal (no-op if undefined)
grantTableListStreams(grantee: iam.IGrantable): iam.Grant;
* Permits an IAM principal all stream data read operations for this table's stream: DescribeStream, GetRecords, GetShardIterator, ListStreams.
* Permits an IAM principal all stream data read operations for this
* table's stream:
* DescribeStream, GetRecords, GetShardIterator, ListStreams.

@@ -546,8 +418,8 @@ * Appropriate grants will also be added to the customer-managed KMS key

* @param grantee The principal to grant access to.
* @stability stable
* @param grantee The principal to grant access to
grantStreamRead(grantee: iam.IGrantable): iam.Grant;
* Permits an IAM principal all data write operations to this table: BatchWriteItem, PutItem, UpdateItem, DeleteItem.
* Permits an IAM principal all data write operations to this table:
* BatchWriteItem, PutItem, UpdateItem, DeleteItem.

@@ -557,4 +429,3 @@ * Appropriate grants will also be added to the customer-managed KMS key

* @param grantee The principal to grant access to.
* @stability stable
* @param grantee The principal to grant access to

@@ -564,3 +435,2 @@ grantWriteData(grantee: iam.IGrantable): iam.Grant;

* Permits an IAM principal to all data read/write operations to this table.
* BatchGetItem, GetRecords, GetShardIterator, Query, GetItem, Scan,

@@ -572,4 +442,3 @@ * BatchWriteItem, PutItem, UpdateItem, DeleteItem

* @param grantee The principal to grant access to.
* @stability stable
* @param grantee The principal to grant access to

@@ -583,30 +452,26 @@ grantReadWriteData(grantee: iam.IGrantable): iam.Grant;

* @param grantee The principal to grant access to.
* @stability stable
* @param grantee The principal to grant access to
grantFullAccess(grantee: iam.IGrantable): iam.Grant;
* Metric for the number of Errors executing all Lambdas.
* @stability stable
* Metric for the number of Errors executing all Lambdas
metric(metricName: string, props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric;
* Metric for the consumed read capacity units.
* Metric for the consumed read capacity units
* @param props properties of a metric.
* @stability stable
* @param props properties of a metric
metricConsumedReadCapacityUnits(props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric;
* Metric for the consumed write capacity units.
* Metric for the consumed write capacity units
* @param props properties of a metric.
* @stability stable
* @param props properties of a metric
metricConsumedWriteCapacityUnits(props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric;
* (deprecated) Metric for the system errors.
* Metric for the system errors
* @param props properties of a metric.
* @param props properties of a metric
* @deprecated use `metricSystemErrorsForOperations`

@@ -616,34 +481,32 @@ */

* Metric for the system errors this table.
* Metric for the system errors this table
* @param props properties of a metric.
* @stability stable
* @param props properties of a metric
metricSystemErrorsForOperations(props?: SystemErrorsForOperationsMetricOptions): cloudwatch.IMetric;
* Metric for the user errors.
* Metric for the user errors
* @param props properties of a metric.
* @stability stable
* @param props properties of a metric
metricUserErrors(props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric;
* Metric for the conditional check failed requests.
* Metric for the conditional check failed requests
* @param props properties of a metric.
* @stability stable
* @param props properties of a metric
metricConditionalCheckFailedRequests(props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric;
* Metric for throttled requests.
* Metric for throttled requests
* @param props properties of a metric.
* @stability stable
* @param props properties of a metric
metricThrottledRequests(props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric;
* Metric for the successful request latency.
* Metric for the successful request latency
* @param props properties of a metric.
* @stability stable
* @param props properties of a metric

@@ -654,4 +517,2 @@ metricSuccessfulRequestLatency(props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric;

* Reference to a dynamodb table.
* @stability stable

@@ -661,7 +522,5 @@ export interface TableAttributes {

* The ARN of the dynamodb table.
* One of this, or {@link tableName}, is required.
* @default - no table arn
* @stability stable

@@ -671,7 +530,5 @@ readonly tableArn?: string;

* The table name of the dynamodb table.
* One of this, or {@link tableArn}, is required.
* @default - no table name
* @stability stable

@@ -683,3 +540,2 @@ readonly tableName?: string;

* @default - no table stream
* @stability stable

@@ -691,3 +547,2 @@ readonly tableStreamArn?: string;

* @default - no key
* @stability stable

@@ -697,3 +552,2 @@ readonly encryptionKey?: kms.IKey;

* The name of the global indexes set for this Table.
* Note that you need to set either this property,

@@ -705,3 +559,2 @@ * or {@link localIndexes},

* @default - no global indexes
* @stability stable

@@ -711,3 +564,2 @@ readonly globalIndexes?: string[];

* The name of the local indexes set for this Table.
* Note that you need to set either this property,

@@ -719,3 +571,2 @@ * or {@link globalIndexes},

* @default - no local indexes
* @stability stable

@@ -741,8 +592,6 @@ readonly localIndexes?: string[];

abstract readonly encryptionKey?: kms.IKey;
* @stability stable
protected readonly regionalArns: string[];
* Adds an IAM policy statement associated with this table to an IAM principal's policy.
* Adds an IAM policy statement associated with this table to an IAM
* principal's policy.

@@ -752,9 +601,9 @@ * If `encryptionKey` is present, appropriate grants to the key needs to be added

* @param grantee The principal (no-op if undefined).
* @param actions The set of actions to allow (i.e. "dynamodb:PutItem", "dynamodb:GetItem", ...).
* @stability stable
* @param grantee The principal (no-op if undefined)
* @param actions The set of actions to allow (i.e. "dynamodb:PutItem", "dynamodb:GetItem", ...)
grant(grantee: iam.IGrantable, ...actions: string[]): iam.Grant;
* Adds an IAM policy statement associated with this table's stream to an IAM principal's policy.
* Adds an IAM policy statement associated with this table's stream to an
* IAM principal's policy.

@@ -764,9 +613,9 @@ * If `encryptionKey` is present, appropriate grants to the key needs to be added

* @param grantee The principal (no-op if undefined).
* @param actions The set of actions to allow (i.e. "dynamodb:DescribeStream", "dynamodb:GetRecords", ...).
* @stability stable
* @param grantee The principal (no-op if undefined)
* @param actions The set of actions to allow (i.e. "dynamodb:DescribeStream", "dynamodb:GetRecords", ...)
grantStream(grantee: iam.IGrantable, ...actions: string[]): iam.Grant;
* Permits an IAM principal all data read operations from this table: BatchGetItem, GetRecords, GetShardIterator, Query, GetItem, Scan.
* Permits an IAM principal all data read operations from this table:
* BatchGetItem, GetRecords, GetShardIterator, Query, GetItem, Scan.

@@ -776,4 +625,3 @@ * Appropriate grants will also be added to the customer-managed KMS key

* @param grantee The principal to grant access to.
* @stability stable
* @param grantee The principal to grant access to

@@ -784,8 +632,9 @@ grantReadData(grantee: iam.IGrantable): iam.Grant;

* @param grantee The principal (no-op if undefined).
* @stability stable
* @param grantee The principal (no-op if undefined)
grantTableListStreams(grantee: iam.IGrantable): iam.Grant;
* Permits an IAM principal all stream data read operations for this table's stream: DescribeStream, GetRecords, GetShardIterator, ListStreams.
* Permits an IAM principal all stream data read operations for this
* table's stream:
* DescribeStream, GetRecords, GetShardIterator, ListStreams.

@@ -795,8 +644,8 @@ * Appropriate grants will also be added to the customer-managed KMS key

* @param grantee The principal to grant access to.
* @stability stable
* @param grantee The principal to grant access to
grantStreamRead(grantee: iam.IGrantable): iam.Grant;
* Permits an IAM principal all data write operations to this table: BatchWriteItem, PutItem, UpdateItem, DeleteItem.
* Permits an IAM principal all data write operations to this table:
* BatchWriteItem, PutItem, UpdateItem, DeleteItem.

@@ -806,4 +655,3 @@ * Appropriate grants will also be added to the customer-managed KMS key

* @param grantee The principal to grant access to.
* @stability stable
* @param grantee The principal to grant access to

@@ -813,3 +661,2 @@ grantWriteData(grantee: iam.IGrantable): iam.Grant;

* Permits an IAM principal to all data read/write operations to this table.
* BatchGetItem, GetRecords, GetShardIterator, Query, GetItem, Scan,

@@ -821,4 +668,3 @@ * BatchWriteItem, PutItem, UpdateItem, DeleteItem

* @param grantee The principal to grant access to.
* @stability stable
* @param grantee The principal to grant access to

@@ -832,35 +678,28 @@ grantReadWriteData(grantee: iam.IGrantable): iam.Grant;

* @param grantee The principal to grant access to.
* @stability stable
* @param grantee The principal to grant access to
grantFullAccess(grantee: iam.IGrantable): iam.Grant;
* Return the given named metric for this Table.
* Return the given named metric for this Table
* By default, the metric will be calculated as a sum over a period of 5 minutes.
* You can customize this by using the `statistic` and `period` properties.
* @stability stable
metric(metricName: string, props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric;
* Metric for the consumed read capacity units this table.
* Metric for the consumed read capacity units this table
* By default, the metric will be calculated as a sum over a period of 5 minutes.
* You can customize this by using the `statistic` and `period` properties.
* @stability stable
metricConsumedReadCapacityUnits(props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric;
* Metric for the consumed write capacity units this table.
* Metric for the consumed write capacity units this table
* By default, the metric will be calculated as a sum over a period of 5 minutes.
* You can customize this by using the `statistic` and `period` properties.
* @stability stable
metricConsumedWriteCapacityUnits(props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric;
* (deprecated) Metric for the system errors this table.
* Metric for the system errors this table

@@ -871,5 +710,3 @@ * @deprecated use `metricSystemErrorsForOperations`.

* Metric for the user errors.
* Note that this metric reports user errors across all
* Metric for the user errors. Note that this metric reports user errors across all
* the tables in the account and region the table resides in.

@@ -879,17 +716,13 @@ *

* You can customize this by using the `statistic` and `period` properties.
* @stability stable
metricUserErrors(props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric;
* Metric for the conditional check failed requests this table.
* Metric for the conditional check failed requests this table
* By default, the metric will be calculated as a sum over a period of 5 minutes.
* You can customize this by using the `statistic` and `period` properties.
* @stability stable
metricConditionalCheckFailedRequests(props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric;
* (deprecated) How many requests are throttled on this table.
* How many requests are throttled on this table

@@ -902,7 +735,5 @@ * Default: sum over 5 minutes

* How many requests are throttled on this table, for the given operation.
* How many requests are throttled on this table, for the given operation
* Default: sum over 5 minutes
* @stability stable

@@ -915,4 +746,2 @@ metricThrottledRequestsForOperation(operation: string, props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric;

* You can customize this by using the `statistic` and `period` properties.
* @stability stable

@@ -926,4 +755,2 @@ metricSuccessfulRequestLatency(props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric;

* You can customize this by using the `statistic` and `period` properties.
* @stability stable

@@ -955,11 +782,8 @@ metricSystemErrorsForOperations(props?: SystemErrorsForOperationsMetricOptions): cloudwatch.IMetric;

* Provides a DynamoDB table.
* @stability stable
export declare class Table extends TableBase {
* (deprecated) Permits an IAM Principal to list all DynamoDB Streams.
* @param grantee The principal (no-op if undefined).
* Permits an IAM Principal to list all DynamoDB Streams.
* @deprecated Use {@link #grantTableListStreams} for more granular permission
* @param grantee The principal (no-op if undefined)

@@ -973,3 +797,2 @@ static grantListStreams(grantee: iam.IGrantable): iam.Grant;

* @param tableName The table's name.
* @stability stable

@@ -983,3 +806,2 @@ static fromTableName(scope: Construct, id: string, tableName: string): ITable;

* @param tableArn The table's ARN.
* @stability stable

@@ -993,30 +815,15 @@ static fromTableArn(scope: Construct, id: string, tableArn: string): ITable;

* @param attrs A `TableAttributes` object.
* @stability stable
static fromTableAttributes(scope: Construct, id: string, attrs: TableAttributes): ITable;
* KMS encryption key, if this table uses a customer-managed encryption key.
* @stability stable
readonly encryptionKey?: kms.IKey;
* Arn of the dynamodb table.
* @stability stable
* @attribute true
* @attribute
readonly tableArn: string;
* Table name of the dynamodb table.
* @stability stable
* @attribute true
* @attribute
readonly tableName: string;
* ARN of the table's stream, if there is one.
* @stability stable
* @attribute true
* @attribute

@@ -1038,5 +845,2 @@ readonly tableStreamArn: string | undefined;

private readonly globalReplicaCustomResources;
* @stability stable
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: TableProps);

@@ -1046,4 +850,3 @@ /**

* @param props the property of global secondary index.
* @stability stable
* @param props the property of global secondary index

@@ -1054,32 +857,27 @@ addGlobalSecondaryIndex(props: GlobalSecondaryIndexProps): void;

* @param props the property of local secondary index.
* @stability stable
* @param props the property of local secondary index
addLocalSecondaryIndex(props: LocalSecondaryIndexProps): void;
* Enable read capacity scaling for this table.
* Enable read capacity scaling for this table
* @returns An object to configure additional AutoScaling settings
* @stability stable
autoScaleReadCapacity(props: EnableScalingProps): IScalableTableAttribute;
* Enable write capacity scaling for this table.
* Enable write capacity scaling for this table
* @returns An object to configure additional AutoScaling settings for this attribute
* @stability stable
autoScaleWriteCapacity(props: EnableScalingProps): IScalableTableAttribute;
* Enable read capacity scaling for the given GSI.
* Enable read capacity scaling for the given GSI
* @returns An object to configure additional AutoScaling settings for this attribute
* @stability stable
autoScaleGlobalSecondaryIndexReadCapacity(indexName: string, props: EnableScalingProps): IScalableTableAttribute;
* Enable write capacity scaling for the given GSI.
* Enable write capacity scaling for the given GSI
* @returns An object to configure additional AutoScaling settings for this attribute
* @stability stable

@@ -1091,3 +889,2 @@ autoScaleGlobalSecondaryIndexWriteCapacity(indexName: string, props: EnableScalingProps): IScalableTableAttribute;

* @returns Schema of table or index.
* @stability stable

@@ -1099,3 +896,2 @@ schema(indexName?: string): SchemaOptions;

* @returns an array of validation error message
* @stability stable

@@ -1142,5 +938,3 @@ protected validate(): string[];

* Whether this table has indexes.
* @stability stable
* Whether this table has indexes

@@ -1155,25 +949,12 @@ protected get hasIndex(): boolean;

* Data types for attributes within a table.
* Data types for attributes within a table
* @see
* @stability stable
export declare enum AttributeType {
* Up to 400KiB of binary data (which must be encoded as base64 before sending to DynamoDB).
* @stability stable
/** Up to 400KiB of binary data (which must be encoded as base64 before sending to DynamoDB) */
* Numeric values made of up to 38 digits (positive, negative or zero).
* @stability stable
/** Numeric values made of up to 38 digits (positive, negative or zero) */
* Up to 400KiB of UTF-8 encoded text.
* @stability stable
/** Up to 400KiB of UTF-8 encoded text */

@@ -1183,12 +964,6 @@ }

* DynamoDB's Read/Write capacity modes.
* @stability stable
export declare enum BillingMode {
* Pay only for what you use.
* You don't configure Read/Write capacity units.
* @stability stable
* Pay only for what you use. You don't configure Read/Write capacity units.

@@ -1198,4 +973,2 @@ PAY_PER_REQUEST = "PAY_PER_REQUEST",

* Explicitly specified Read/Write capacity units.
* @stability stable

@@ -1205,59 +978,28 @@ PROVISIONED = "PROVISIONED"

* The set of attributes that are projected into the index.
* The set of attributes that are projected into the index
* @see
* @stability stable
export declare enum ProjectionType {
* Only the index and primary keys are projected into the index.
* @stability stable
/** Only the index and primary keys are projected into the index. */
* Only the specified table attributes are projected into the index.
* The list of projected attributes is in `nonKeyAttributes`.
* @stability stable
/** Only the specified table attributes are projected into the index. The list of projected attributes is in `nonKeyAttributes`. */
* All of the table attributes are projected into the index.
* @stability stable
/** All of the table attributes are projected into the index. */
* When an item in the table is modified, StreamViewType determines what information is written to the stream for this table.
* When an item in the table is modified, StreamViewType determines what information
* is written to the stream for this table.
* @see
* @stability stable
export declare enum StreamViewType {
* The entire item, as it appears after it was modified, is written to the stream.
* @stability stable
/** The entire item, as it appears after it was modified, is written to the stream. */
* The entire item, as it appeared before it was modified, is written to the stream.
* @stability stable
/** The entire item, as it appeared before it was modified, is written to the stream. */
* Both the new and the old item images of the item are written to the stream.
* @stability stable
/** Both the new and the old item images of the item are written to the stream. */
* Only the key attributes of the modified item are written to the stream.
* @stability stable
/** Only the key attributes of the modified item are written to the stream. */

@@ -1269,18 +1011,9 @@ }

* @see
* @stability stable
export declare enum TableClass {
* Default table class for DynamoDB.
* @stability stable
/** Default table class for DynamoDB. */
* Table class for DynamoDB that reduces storage costs compared to existing DynamoDB Standard tables.
* @stability stable
/** Table class for DynamoDB that reduces storage costs compared to existing DynamoDB Standard tables. */
export {};
"name": "@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb",
"version": "1.144.0",
"version": "1.145.0",
"description": "The CDK Construct Library for AWS::DynamoDB",

@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ "main": "lib/index.js",

"devDependencies": {
"@aws-cdk/assertions": "1.144.0",
"@aws-cdk/cdk-build-tools": "1.144.0",
"@aws-cdk/cdk-integ-tools": "1.144.0",
"@aws-cdk/cfn2ts": "1.144.0",
"@aws-cdk/pkglint": "1.144.0",
"@aws-cdk/assertions": "1.145.0",
"@aws-cdk/cdk-build-tools": "1.145.0",
"@aws-cdk/cdk-integ-tools": "1.145.0",
"@aws-cdk/cfn2ts": "1.145.0",
"@aws-cdk/pkglint": "1.145.0",
"@types/aws-lambda": "^8.10.92",

@@ -98,10 +98,10 @@ "@types/jest": "^27.4.0",

"dependencies": {
"@aws-cdk/aws-applicationautoscaling": "1.144.0",
"@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch": "1.144.0",
"@aws-cdk/aws-iam": "1.144.0",
"@aws-cdk/aws-kinesis": "1.144.0",
"@aws-cdk/aws-kms": "1.144.0",
"@aws-cdk/aws-lambda": "1.144.0",
"@aws-cdk/core": "1.144.0",
"@aws-cdk/custom-resources": "1.144.0",
"@aws-cdk/aws-applicationautoscaling": "1.145.0",
"@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch": "1.145.0",
"@aws-cdk/aws-iam": "1.145.0",
"@aws-cdk/aws-kinesis": "1.145.0",
"@aws-cdk/aws-kms": "1.145.0",
"@aws-cdk/aws-lambda": "1.145.0",
"@aws-cdk/core": "1.145.0",
"@aws-cdk/custom-resources": "1.145.0",
"constructs": "^3.3.69"

@@ -111,10 +111,10 @@ },

"peerDependencies": {
"@aws-cdk/aws-applicationautoscaling": "1.144.0",
"@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch": "1.144.0",
"@aws-cdk/aws-iam": "1.144.0",
"@aws-cdk/aws-kinesis": "1.144.0",
"@aws-cdk/aws-kms": "1.144.0",
"@aws-cdk/aws-lambda": "1.144.0",
"@aws-cdk/core": "1.144.0",
"@aws-cdk/custom-resources": "1.144.0",
"@aws-cdk/aws-applicationautoscaling": "1.145.0",
"@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch": "1.145.0",
"@aws-cdk/aws-iam": "1.145.0",
"@aws-cdk/aws-kinesis": "1.145.0",
"@aws-cdk/aws-kms": "1.145.0",
"@aws-cdk/aws-lambda": "1.145.0",
"@aws-cdk/core": "1.145.0",
"@aws-cdk/custom-resources": "1.145.0",
"constructs": "^3.3.69"

@@ -121,0 +121,0 @@ },

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