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Package description

What is @aws-cdk/aws-iam?

@aws-cdk/aws-iam is an AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) library that allows you to define AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resources in your CDK applications. This package provides constructs for creating and managing IAM roles, users, policies, and groups, enabling you to manage permissions and access control in your AWS environment programmatically.

What are @aws-cdk/aws-iam's main functionalities?

Create IAM Role

This code sample demonstrates how to create an IAM role that can be assumed by EC2 instances and has read-only access to Amazon S3.

const iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');
const cdk = require('@aws-cdk/core');

class MyStack extends cdk.Stack {
  constructor(scope, id, props) {
    super(scope, id, props);

    new iam.Role(this, 'MyRole', {
      assumedBy: new iam.ServicePrincipal(''),
      managedPolicies: [

const app = new cdk.App();
new MyStack(app, 'MyStack');

Create IAM User

This code sample demonstrates how to create an IAM user with administrator access.

const iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');
const cdk = require('@aws-cdk/core');

class MyStack extends cdk.Stack {
  constructor(scope, id, props) {
    super(scope, id, props);

    new iam.User(this, 'MyUser', {
      userName: 'my-user',
      managedPolicies: [

const app = new cdk.App();
new MyStack(app, 'MyStack');

Attach Inline Policy to Role

This code sample demonstrates how to create an IAM role and attach an inline policy that allows listing objects in a specific S3 bucket.

const iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');
const cdk = require('@aws-cdk/core');

class MyStack extends cdk.Stack {
  constructor(scope, id, props) {
    super(scope, id, props);

    const role = new iam.Role(this, 'MyRole', {
      assumedBy: new iam.ServicePrincipal('')

    role.addToPolicy(new iam.PolicyStatement({
      actions: ['s3:ListBucket'],
      resources: ['arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket']

const app = new cdk.App();
new MyStack(app, 'MyStack');

Other packages similar to @aws-cdk/aws-iam



0.25.3 (2019-03-12)

Bug Fixes

  • aws-cloudtrail: correct created log policy when sendToCloudWatchLogs is true (#1966) (f06ff8e)
  • aws-ec2: All SSM WindowsVersion entries (#1977) (85a1840)
  • decdk: relax validation when not using constructs (#1999) (afbd591)




AWS IAM Construct Library

Define a role and add permissions to it. This will automatically create and attach an IAM policy to the role:

attaching permissions to role

Define a policy and attach it to groups, users and roles. Note that it is possible to attach the policy either by calling xxx.attachInlinePolicy(policy) or policy.attachToXxx(xxx).

attaching policies to user and group

Managed policies can be attached using xxx.attachManagedPolicy(arn):

attaching managed policies

Configuring an ExternalId

If you need to create roles that will be assumed by 3rd parties, it is generally a good idea to require an ExternalId to assume them. Configuring an ExternalId works like this:

supplying an external ID

IAM Principals

When defining policy statements as part of an AssumeRole policy or as part of a resource policy, statements would usually refer to a specific IAM principal under Principal.

IAM principals are modeled as classes that derive from the iam.PolicyPrincipal abstract class. Principal objects include principal type (string) and value (array of string), optional set of conditions and the action that this principal requires when it is used in an assume role policy document.

To add a principal to a policy statement you can either use the abstract statement.addPrincipal, one of the concrete addXxxPrincipal methods:

  • addAwsPrincipal, addArnPrincipal or new ArnPrincipal(arn) for { "AWS": arn }
  • addAwsAccountPrincipal or new AccountPrincipal(accountId) for { "AWS": account-arn }
  • addServicePrincipal or new ServicePrincipal(service) for { "Service": service }
  • addAccountRootPrincipal or new AccountRootPrincipal() for { "AWS": { "Ref: "AWS::AccountId" } }
  • addCanonicalUserPrincipal or new CanonicalUserPrincipal(id) for { "CanonicalUser": id }
  • addFederatedPrincipal or new FederatedPrincipal(federated, conditions, assumeAction) for { "Federated": arn } and a set of optional conditions and the assume role action to use.
  • addAnyPrincipal or new AnyPrincipal for { "AWS": "*" }

If multiple principals are added to the policy statement, they will be merged together:

const statement = new PolicyStatement();

Will result in:

  "Principal": {
    "Service": [ "", "" ],
    "AWS": "arn:aws:boom:boom"

The CompositePrincipal class can also be used to define complex principals, for example:

const role = new iam.Role(this, 'MyRole', {
  assumedBy: new iam.CompositePrincipal(
    new iam.ServicePrincipal(''),
    new iam.AccountPrincipal('1818188181818187272')


  • Policy name uniqueness is enforced. If two policies by the same name are attached to the same principal, the attachment will fail.
  • Policy names are not required - the CDK logical ID will be used and ensured to be unique.



Last updated on 12 Mar 2019

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