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What is @aws-cdk/aws-ssm?

@aws-cdk/aws-ssm is an AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) library that allows you to interact with AWS Systems Manager (SSM) services. It provides constructs for defining and managing SSM parameters, documents, and associations within your CDK applications.

What are @aws-cdk/aws-ssm's main functionalities?

Create SSM Parameter

This feature allows you to create a new SSM parameter. The code sample demonstrates how to create a string parameter named 'myParameter' with the value 'myValue'.

const ssm = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ssm');
const cdk = require('@aws-cdk/core');

const app = new cdk.App();
const stack = new cdk.Stack(app, 'MyStack');

new ssm.StringParameter(stack, 'MyParameter', {
  parameterName: 'myParameter',
  stringValue: 'myValue',


Retrieve SSM Parameter

This feature allows you to retrieve an existing SSM parameter. The code sample demonstrates how to retrieve a string parameter named 'myParameter' and log its value.

const ssm = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ssm');
const cdk = require('@aws-cdk/core');

const app = new cdk.App();
const stack = new cdk.Stack(app, 'MyStack');

const parameter = ssm.StringParameter.fromStringParameterName(stack, 'MyParameter', 'myParameter');


Create SSM Document

This feature allows you to create a new SSM document. The code sample demonstrates how to create a document with a shell script that echoes 'Hello World'.

const ssm = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ssm');
const cdk = require('@aws-cdk/core');

const app = new cdk.App();
const stack = new cdk.Stack(app, 'MyStack');

new ssm.CfnDocument(stack, 'MyDocument', {
  content: JSON.stringify({
    schemaVersion: '2.2',
    description: 'My SSM Document',
    mainSteps: [
        action: 'aws:runShellScript',
        name: 'exampleStep',
        inputs: {
          runCommand: ['echo Hello World']
  documentType: 'Command'


Other packages similar to @aws-cdk/aws-ssm



1.78.0 (2020-12-11)


  • cloudfront-origins: Default minimum origin SSL protocol for HttpOrigin and LoadBalancerOrigin changed from SSLv3 to TLSv1.2.
  • apigatewayv2: domainName property under DomainName has been renamed to name.
  • appmesh: the properties dnsHostName and awsCloudMap of VirtualNodeProps have been replaced with the property serviceDiscovery
  • kms: change the default value of trustAccountIdentities to true, which will result in the key getting the KMS-recommended default key policy. This is enabled through the '@aws-cdk/aws-kms:defaultKeyPolicies' feature flag.


  • appmesh: add ClientPolicy to VirtualNode, VirtualGateway and VirtualService (#11563) (bfee58c)
  • appmesh: change Virtual Node service discovery to a union-like class (#11926) (f75c264)
  • appsync: support appsync functions for pipelineConfig (#10111) (cb703c7), closes #9092
  • batch: Log configuration for job definitions (#11771) (84c959c), closes #11218
  • cloudfront: responseHttpStatus defaults to httpStatus in errorResponses (#11879) (c6052ae)
  • cloudfront: the Distribution construct is now Generally Available (stable) (#11919) (442bf7e)
  • cloudfront-origins: ability to specify minimum origin SSL protocol (#11997) (a0aa61d), closes #11994
  • cloudfront-origins: CloudFront Origins is now Generally Available (#12011) (daace16), closes #11919
  • codeguruprofiler: the CodeGuru Profiler Construct Library is now Generally Available (stable) (#11924) (cbe7a10)
  • ecs: introduce a new Image type, TagParameterContainerImage, to be used in CodePipeline (#11795) (4182c40), closes #1237 #7746
  • eks: kubernetes resource pruning (#11932) (1fdd549), closes #10495
  • kms: change default key policy to align with KMS best practices (under feature flag) (#11918) (ff695da), closes #5575 #8977 #10575 #11309
  • s3: add support to set bucket OwnershipControls (#11834) (0d289cc), closes #11591

Bug Fixes

  • apigateway: base path url cannot contain upper case characters (#11799) (8069a7e)
  • cfn-include: cfn-include fails in monocdk (#11595) (45e43f2), closes #11342
  • cli: cross-account deployment no longer works (#11966) (6fb3448), closes #11350 #11792 #11792
  • codebuild: incorrect SSM Parameter ARN in Project's IAM permissions (#11917) (7a09c18), closes #9980
  • core: autogenerated exports do not account for stack name length (#11909) (0df79a2), closes #9733
  • ecs: cannot disable container insights of an ECS cluster (#9151) (e328f22), closes #9149
  • eks: kubectl provider out-of-memory for large manifests/charts (now 1GiB) (#11957) (2ec2948), closes #11787
  • synthetics: metricFailed uses Average instead of Sum by default (#11941) (3530e8c)
  • apigatewayv2: rename 'domainName' to 'name' in the DomainName construct (#11989) (1be831a)



AWS Systems Manager Construct Library

cfn-resources: Stable

cdk-constructs: Stable

This module is part of the AWS Cloud Development Kit project.


Install the module:

$ npm i @aws-cdk/aws-ssm

Import it into your code:

import * as ssm from '@aws-cdk/aws-ssm';

Using existing SSM Parameters in your CDK app

You can reference existing SSM Parameter Store values that you want to use in your CDK app by using ssm.ParameterStoreString:

using SSM parameter

Creating new SSM Parameters in your CDK app

You can create either ssm.StringParameter or ssm.StringListParameters in a CDK app. These are public (not secret) values. Parameters of type SecretString cannot be created directly from a CDK application; if you want to provision secrets automatically, use Secrets Manager Secrets (see the @aws-cdk/aws-secretsmanager package).

new ssm.StringParameter(stack, 'Parameter', {
  allowedPattern: '.*',
  description: 'The value Foo',
  parameterName: 'FooParameter',
  stringValue: 'Foo',
  tier: ssm.ParameterTier.ADVANCED,

creating SSM parameters

When specifying an allowedPattern, the values provided as string literals are validated against the pattern and an exception is raised if a value provided does not comply.



Last updated on 12 Dec 2020

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