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Cloud executable protocol

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Package description

What is @aws-cdk/cx-api?

@aws-cdk/cx-api is a part of the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) that provides a set of APIs for interacting with the Cloud Assembly, which is the output of the CDK synthesis process. It allows developers to programmatically access and manipulate the synthesized cloud infrastructure stacks, assets, and metadata.

What are @aws-cdk/cx-api's main functionalities?

Accessing Cloud Assembly

This feature allows you to load and interact with a Cloud Assembly, which is the output directory of a CDK app synthesis. The code sample demonstrates how to load a Cloud Assembly from a specified path and log the stacks it contains.

const cxapi = require('@aws-cdk/cx-api');
const assembly = new cxapi.CloudAssembly('/path/to/cloud-assembly');

Reading Stack Metadata

This feature allows you to read metadata from a specific stack within the Cloud Assembly. The code sample shows how to get a stack by its name and log its metadata.

const cxapi = require('@aws-cdk/cx-api');
const assembly = new cxapi.CloudAssembly('/path/to/cloud-assembly');
const stack = assembly.getStackByName('MyStack');

Listing Assets

This feature allows you to list all the assets included in the Cloud Assembly. The code sample demonstrates how to log all the assets in the Cloud Assembly.

const cxapi = require('@aws-cdk/cx-api');
const assembly = new cxapi.CloudAssembly('/path/to/cloud-assembly');

Other packages similar to @aws-cdk/cx-api



0.35.0 (2019-06-19)

Bug Fixes

Code Refactoring


  • cli: Expose props in CFN resources and remove propertyOverrides (#2372) (#2372) (aa61dfb), closes #2100
  • cli: deploy/destory require explicit stack selection if app contains more than a single stack (#2772) (118a716), closes #2731
  • cli: Remove stack rename support (#2819) (0f30e39), closes #2670
  • cloudformation: add option to restrict data returned AwsCustomResource (#2859) (a691900), closes #2825
  • cloudformation: Add removalPolicy on CustomResource (#2770) (859248a)
  • cloudfront: add Lambda associations (#2760) (b088c8c)
  • codepipeline: final form of the CodeBuild Pipeline action. (#2716) (c10fc9a)
  • core: show token creation stack trace upon resolve error (#2886) (f4c8dcd)
  • ecs: add metrics for Fargate services (#2798) (acf015d)
  • ecs-patterns: LoadBalancedFargateService - allow specifying containerName and role (#2764) (df12197)
  • elasticloadbalancing: add crossZone load balancing (#2787) (192bab7), closes #2786
  • lambda: Expose $LATEST function version (#2792) (55d1bc8), closes #2776
  • s3: add CORS Property to S3 Bucket (#2101) (#2843) (1a386d8)
  • s3: add missing storage classes and API cleanups (#2834) (5cd9609), closes #2708
  • stepfunctions: add grantStartExecution() (#2793) (da32176)
  • stepfunctions: add support for AmazonSageMaker APIs (#2808) (8b1f3ed), closes #1314
  • stepfunctions: waitForTaskToken for Lambda, SQS, SNS (#2686) (d017a14), closes #2658 #2735
  • formalize the concept of physical names, and use them for cross-environment CodePipelines. (#1924) (6daaca8)


  • assets: AssetProps.packaging has been removed and is now automatically discovered based on the file type.
  • assets: ZipDirectoryAsset has been removed, use aws-s3-assets.Asset.
  • assets: FileAsset has been removed, use aws-s3-assets.Asset.
  • lambda: and Code.file have been removed. Use Code.asset.
  • assets-docker: The module has been renamed to aws-ecr-assets
  • ecs: the property that specifies the type of EC2 AMI optimized for ECS was renamed to hardwareType from hwType.
  • codebuild: the method addToRoleInlinePolicy in CodeBuild's Project class has been removed.
  • dynamodb: TableOptions.pitrEnabled renamed to pointInTimeRecovery.
  • dynamodb: TableOptions.sseEnabled renamed to serverSideEncryption.
  • dynamodb: TableOptions.ttlAttributeName renamed to timeToLiveAttribute.
  • dynamodb: TableOptions.streamSpecification renamed stream.
  • ecs: ContainerImage.fromAsset() now takes only build directory directly (no need to pass scope or id anymore).
  • secretsmanager: ISecret.secretJsonValue renamed to secretValueFromJson.
  • ssm: ParameterStoreString has been removed. Use StringParameter.fromStringParameterAttributes.
  • ssm: ParameterStoreSecureString has been removed. Use StringParameter.fromSecureStringParameterAttributes.
  • ssm: was renamed to parameterName.
  • logs: newStream renamed to addStream and doesn't need a scope
  • logs: newSubscriptionFilter renamed to addSubscriptionFilter and doesn't need a scope
  • logs: newMetricFilter renamed to addMetricFilter and doesn't need a scope
  • logs: NewSubscriptionFilterProps renamed to SubscriptionProps
  • logs: NewLogStreamProps renamed to LogStreamOptions
  • logs: NewMetricFilterProps renamed to MetricFilterOptions
  • logs: JSONPattern renamed to JsonPattern
  • apigateway: MethodOptions.authorizerId is now called authorizer and accepts an IAuthorizer which is a placeholder interface for the authorizer resource.
  • apigateway: restapi.executeApiArn renamed to arnForExecuteApi.
  • apigateway: restapi.latestDeployment and deploymentStage are now read-only.
  • events: EventPattern.detail is now a map.
  • events: scheduleExpression: string is now schedule: Schedule.
  • multiple modules have been changed to use cdk.RemovalPolicy to configure the resource's removal policy.
  • core: applyRemovalPolicy is now CfnResource.applyRemovalPolicy.
  • core: RemovalPolicy.Orphan has been renamed to Retain.
  • core: RemovalPolicy.Forbid has been removed, use Retain.
  • ecr: RepositoryProps.retain is now removalPolicy, and defaults to Retain instead of remove since ECR is a stateful resource
  • kms: KeyProps.retain is now removalPolicy
  • logs: LogGroupProps.retainLogGroup is now removalPolicy
  • logs: LogStreamProps.retainLogStream is now removalPolicy
  • rds: DatabaseClusterProps.deleteReplacePolicy is now removalPolicy
  • rds: DatabaseInstanceNewProps.deleteReplacePolicy is now removalPolicy
  • codebuild: rename BuildSource to Source, S3BucketSource to S3Source, BuildArtifacts to Artifacts, S3BucketBuildArtifacts to S3Artifacts
  • codebuild: the classes CodePipelineBuildSource, CodePipelineBuildArtifacts, NoBuildSource, and NoBuildArtifacts have been removed
  • codebuild: rename buildScriptAsset and buildScriptAssetEntrypoint to buildScript and buildScriptEntrypoint, respectively
  • cli: All L1 ("Cfn") Resources attributes are now prefixed with attr instead of the resource type. For example, in S3 bucket.bucketArn is now bucket.attrArn.
  • propertyOverrides has been removed from all "Cfn" resources, instead users can now read/write resource properties directly on the resource class. For example, instead of lambda.propertyOverrides.runtime just use lambda.runtime.
  • codepipeline: the property designating the name of the stage when creating a CodePipeline is now called stageName instead of name
  • codepipeline: the output and extraOutputs properties of the CodeBuildAction were merged into one property, outputs.
  • lambda:
    • Renamed Function.addLayer to addLayers and made it variadic
    • Removed IFunction.handler property
    • Removed IVersion.versionArn property (the value is at functionArn)
    • Removed SingletonLayerVersion
    • Stopped exporting LogRetention
  • cli: if an app includes more than one stack "cdk deploy" and "cdk destroy" now require that an explicit selector will be passed. Use "cdk deploy '*'" if you want to select all stacks.
  • iam: PolicyStatement no longer has a fluid API, and accepts a props object to be able to set the important fields.
  • iam: rename ImportedResourcePrincipal to UnknownPrincipal.
  • iam: managedPolicyArns renamed to managedPolicies, takes return value from ManagedPolicy.fromAwsManagedPolicyName().
  • iam: PolicyDocument.postProcess() is now removed.
  • iam: PolicyDocument.addStatement() renamed to addStatements.
  • iam: PolicyStatement is no longer IResolvable, call .toStatementJson() to retrieve the IAM policy statement JSON.
  • iam: AwsPrincipal has been removed, use ArnPrincipal instead.
  • s3: s3.StorageClass is now an enum-like class instead of a regular enum. This means that you need to call .value in order to obtain it's value.
  • s3: s3.Coordinates renamed to s3.Location
  • codepipeline: Artifact.s3Coordinates renamed to Artifact.s3Location.
  • codebuild: buildSpec argument is now a BuildSpec object.
  • lambda: lambda.Runtime.NodeJS* are now lambda.Runtime.Nodejs*
  • core: multiple changes to the Stack API
  • core: renamed to stack.stackName
  • core: stack.stackName will return the concrete stack name. Use Aws.stackName to indicate { Ref: "AWS::StackName" }.
  • core: stack.account and stack.region will return the concrete account/region only if they are explicitly specified when the stack is defined (under the env prop). Otherwise, they will return a token that resolves to the AWS::AccountId and AWS::Region intrinsic references. Use Context.getDefaultAccount() and Context.getDefaultRegion() to obtain the defaults passed through the toolkit in case those are needed. Use Token.isUnresolved(v) to check if you have a concrete or intrinsic.
  • core: stack.logicalId has been removed. Use stack.getLogicalId()
  • core: stack.env has been removed, use stack.account, stack.region and stack.environment instead
  • core: stack.accountId renamed to stack.account (to allow treating account more abstractly)
  • core: AvailabilityZoneProvider can now be accessed through Context.getAvailabilityZones()
  • core: SSMParameterProvider can now be accessed through Context.getSsmParameter()
  • core: parseArn is now Arn.parse
  • core: arnFromComponents is now arn.format
  • core: node.lock and node.unlock are now private
  • core: stack.requireRegion and requireAccountId have been removed. Use Token.unresolved(stack.region) instead
  • core: stack.parentApp have been removed. Use App.isApp(stack.node.root) instead.
  • core: stack.missingContext is now private
  • core: stack.renameLogical have been renamed to stack.renameLogicalId
  • core: IAddressingScheme, HashedAddressingScheme and LogicalIDs are now internal. Override Stack.allocateLogicalId to customize how logical IDs are allocated to resources.
  • cli: The CLI no longer accepts --rename, and the stack names are now immutable on the stack artifact.
  • sns: using a queue, lambda, email, URL as SNS Subscriber now requires an integration object from the @aws-cdk/aws-sns-subscribers package.
  • ecs-patterns: Renamed QueueWorkerService for base, ec2 and fargate to QueueProcessingService, QueueProcessingEc2Service, and QueueProcessingFargateService.
  • iam: roleName in RoleProps is now of type PhysicalName
  • s3: bucketName in BucketProps is now of type PhysicalName
  • codebuild: roleName in RoleProps is now of type PhysicalName



Cloud Executable protocol

Stability: Experimental

This is a developer preview (public beta) module. Releases might lack important features and might have future breaking changes.

This API is still under active development and subject to non-backward compatible changes or removal in any future version. Use of the API is not recommended in production environments. Experimental APIs are not subject to the Semantic Versioning model.

This module is part of the AWS Cloud Development Kit project.



Last updated on 19 Jun 2019

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