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@aws-sdk/client-s3 - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 3.590.0 to 3.591.0



@@ -6,3 +6,3 @@ "use strict";

const a = false, b = true, c = "isSet", d = "booleanEquals", e = "error", f = "aws.partition", g = "stringEquals", h = "getAttr", i = "name", j = "substring", k = "bucketSuffix", l = "parseURL", m = "{url#scheme}://{url#authority}/{uri_encoded_bucket}{url#path}", n = "endpoint", o = "tree", p = "aws.isVirtualHostableS3Bucket", q = "{url#scheme}://{Bucket}.{url#authority}{url#path}", r = "not", s = "{url#scheme}://{url#authority}{url#path}", t = "hardwareType", u = "regionPrefix", v = "bucketAliasSuffix", w = "outpostId", x = "isValidHostLabel", y = "sigv4a", z = "s3-outposts", A = "s3", B = "{url#scheme}://{url#authority}{url#normalizedPath}{Bucket}", C = "https://{Bucket}.s3-accelerate.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", D = "https://{Bucket}.s3.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", E = "aws.parseArn", F = "bucketArn", G = "arnType", H = "", I = "s3-object-lambda", J = "accesspoint", K = "accessPointName", L = "{url#scheme}://{accessPointName}-{bucketArn#accountId}.{url#authority}{url#path}", M = "mrapPartition", N = "outpostType", O = "arnPrefix", P = "{url#scheme}://{url#authority}{url#normalizedPath}{uri_encoded_bucket}", Q = "https://s3.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}/{uri_encoded_bucket}", R = "https://s3.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", S = { [ce]: false, [cf]: "String" }, T = { [ce]: true, "default": false, [cf]: "Boolean" }, U = { [ce]: false, [cf]: "Boolean" }, V = { [ch]: d, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "Accelerate" }, true] }, W = { [ch]: d, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "UseFIPS" }, true] }, X = { [ch]: d, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "UseDualStack" }, true] }, Y = { [ch]: c, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "Endpoint" }] }, Z = { [ch]: f, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "Region" }], [ck]: "partitionResult" }, aa = { [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "partitionResult" }, i] }, "aws-cn"] }, ab = { [ch]: c, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "Bucket" }] }, ac = { [cj]: "Bucket" }, ad = { [ch]: l, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "Endpoint" }], [ck]: "url" }, ae = { [ch]: d, [ci]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "url" }, "isIp"] }, true] }, af = { [cj]: "url" }, ag = { [ch]: "uriEncode", [ci]: [ac], [ck]: "uri_encoded_bucket" }, ah = { [cn]: "S3Express", [co]: [{ [cp]: true, [i]: "sigv4", [cq]: "s3express", [cr]: "{Region}" }] }, ai = {}, aj = { [ch]: p, [ci]: [ac, false] }, ak = { [e]: "S3Express bucket name is not a valid virtual hostable name.", [cf]: e }, al = { [cn]: "S3Express", [co]: [{ [cp]: true, [i]: "sigv4-s3express", [cq]: "s3express", [cr]: "{Region}" }] }, am = { [ch]: c, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "UseS3ExpressControlEndpoint" }] }, an = { [ch]: d, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "UseS3ExpressControlEndpoint" }, true] }, ao = { [ch]: r, [ci]: [Y] }, ap = { [e]: "Unrecognized S3Express bucket name format.", [cf]: e }, aq = { [ch]: r, [ci]: [ab] }, ar = { [cj]: t }, as = { [cg]: [ao], [e]: "Expected a endpoint to be specified but no endpoint was found", [cf]: e }, at = { [co]: [{ [cp]: true, [i]: y, [cq]: z, [ct]: ["*"] }, { [cp]: true, [i]: "sigv4", [cq]: z, [cr]: "{Region}" }] }, au = { [ch]: d, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "ForcePathStyle" }, false] }, av = { [cj]: "ForcePathStyle" }, aw = { [ch]: d, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "Accelerate" }, false] }, ax = { [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "Region" }, "aws-global"] }, ay = { [co]: [{ [cp]: true, [i]: "sigv4", [cq]: A, [cr]: "us-east-1" }] }, az = { [ch]: r, [ci]: [ax] }, aA = { [ch]: d, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "UseGlobalEndpoint" }, true] }, aB = { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}.s3-fips.dualstack.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: { [co]: [{ [cp]: true, [i]: "sigv4", [cq]: A, [cr]: "{Region}" }] }, [cs]: {} }, aC = { [co]: [{ [cp]: true, [i]: "sigv4", [cq]: A, [cr]: "{Region}" }] }, aD = { [ch]: d, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "UseGlobalEndpoint" }, false] }, aE = { [ch]: d, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "UseDualStack" }, false] }, aF = { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}.s3-fips.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: aC, [cs]: {} }, aG = { [ch]: d, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "UseFIPS" }, false] }, aH = { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}.s3-accelerate.dualstack.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: aC, [cs]: {} }, aI = { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}.s3.dualstack.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: aC, [cs]: {} }, aJ = { [ch]: d, [ci]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [af, "isIp"] }, false] }, aK = { [cl]: B, [cm]: aC, [cs]: {} }, aL = { [cl]: q, [cm]: aC, [cs]: {} }, aM = { [n]: aL, [cf]: n }, aN = { [cl]: C, [cm]: aC, [cs]: {} }, aO = { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}.s3.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: aC, [cs]: {} }, aP = { [e]: "Invalid region: region was not a valid DNS name.", [cf]: e }, aQ = { [cj]: F }, aR = { [cj]: G }, aS = { [ch]: h, [ci]: [aQ, "service"] }, aT = { [cj]: K }, aU = { [cg]: [X], [e]: "S3 Object Lambda does not support Dual-stack", [cf]: e }, aV = { [cg]: [V], [e]: "S3 Object Lambda does not support S3 Accelerate", [cf]: e }, aW = { [cg]: [{ [ch]: c, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "DisableAccessPoints" }] }, { [ch]: d, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "DisableAccessPoints" }, true] }], [e]: "Access points are not supported for this operation", [cf]: e }, aX = { [cg]: [{ [ch]: c, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "UseArnRegion" }] }, { [ch]: d, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "UseArnRegion" }, false] }, { [ch]: r, [ci]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [aQ, "region"] }, "{Region}"] }] }], [e]: "Invalid configuration: region from ARN `{bucketArn#region}` does not match client region `{Region}` and UseArnRegion is `false`", [cf]: e }, aY = { [ch]: h, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "bucketPartition" }, i] }, aZ = { [ch]: h, [ci]: [aQ, "accountId"] }, ba = { [co]: [{ [cp]: true, [i]: "sigv4", [cq]: I, [cr]: "{bucketArn#region}" }] }, bb = { [e]: "Invalid ARN: The access point name may only contain a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and `-`. Found: `{accessPointName}`", [cf]: e }, bc = { [e]: "Invalid ARN: The account id may only contain a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and `-`. Found: `{bucketArn#accountId}`", [cf]: e }, bd = { [e]: "Invalid region in ARN: `{bucketArn#region}` (invalid DNS name)", [cf]: e }, be = { [e]: "Client was configured for partition `{partitionResult#name}` but ARN (`{Bucket}`) has `{bucketPartition#name}`", [cf]: e }, bf = { [e]: "Invalid ARN: The ARN may only contain a single resource component after `accesspoint`.", [cf]: e }, bg = { [e]: "Invalid ARN: Expected a resource of the format `accesspoint:<accesspoint name>` but no name was provided", [cf]: e }, bh = { [co]: [{ [cp]: true, [i]: "sigv4", [cq]: A, [cr]: "{bucketArn#region}" }] }, bi = { [co]: [{ [cp]: true, [i]: y, [cq]: z, [ct]: ["*"] }, { [cp]: true, [i]: "sigv4", [cq]: z, [cr]: "{bucketArn#region}" }] }, bj = { [ch]: E, [ci]: [ac] }, bk = { [cl]: "https://s3-fips.dualstack.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}/{uri_encoded_bucket}", [cm]: aC, [cs]: {} }, bl = { [cl]: "https://s3-fips.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}/{uri_encoded_bucket}", [cm]: aC, [cs]: {} }, bm = { [cl]: "https://s3.dualstack.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}/{uri_encoded_bucket}", [cm]: aC, [cs]: {} }, bn = { [cl]: P, [cm]: aC, [cs]: {} }, bo = { [cl]: "https://s3.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}/{uri_encoded_bucket}", [cm]: aC, [cs]: {} }, bp = { [cj]: "UseObjectLambdaEndpoint" }, bq = { [co]: [{ [cp]: true, [i]: "sigv4", [cq]: I, [cr]: "{Region}" }] }, br = { [cl]: "https://s3-fips.dualstack.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: aC, [cs]: {} }, bs = { [cl]: "https://s3-fips.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: aC, [cs]: {} }, bt = { [cl]: "https://s3.dualstack.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: aC, [cs]: {} }, bu = { [cl]: s, [cm]: aC, [cs]: {} }, bv = { [cl]: "https://s3.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: aC, [cs]: {} }, bw = [{ [cj]: "Region" }], bx = [{ [cj]: "Endpoint" }], by = [ac], bz = [X], bA = [V], bB = [Y, ad], bC = [{ [ch]: c, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "DisableS3ExpressSessionAuth" }] }, { [ch]: d, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "DisableS3ExpressSessionAuth" }, true] }], bD = [ae], bE = [ag], bF = [aj], bG = [W], bH = [{ [ch]: j, [ci]: [ac, 6, 14, true], [ck]: "s3expressAvailabilityZoneId" }, { [ch]: j, [ci]: [ac, 14, 16, true], [ck]: "s3expressAvailabilityZoneDelim" }, { [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "s3expressAvailabilityZoneDelim" }, "--"] }], bI = [{ [cg]: [W], [n]: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}.s3express-fips-{s3expressAvailabilityZoneId}.{Region}", [cm]: ah, [cs]: {} }, [cf]: n }, { [n]: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}.s3express-{s3expressAvailabilityZoneId}.{Region}", [cm]: ah, [cs]: {} }, [cf]: n }], bJ = [{ [ch]: j, [ci]: [ac, 6, 15, true], [ck]: "s3expressAvailabilityZoneId" }, { [ch]: j, [ci]: [ac, 15, 17, true], [ck]: "s3expressAvailabilityZoneDelim" }, { [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "s3expressAvailabilityZoneDelim" }, "--"] }], bK = [{ [cg]: [W], [n]: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}.s3express-fips-{s3expressAvailabilityZoneId}.{Region}", [cm]: al, [cs]: {} }, [cf]: n }, { [n]: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}.s3express-{s3expressAvailabilityZoneId}.{Region}", [cm]: al, [cs]: {} }, [cf]: n }], bL = [ab], bM = [{ [ch]: x, [ci]: [{ [cj]: w }, false] }], bN = [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [cj]: u }, "beta"] }], bO = ["*"], bP = [Z], bQ = [{ [ch]: x, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "Region" }, false] }], bR = [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "Region" }, "us-east-1"] }], bS = [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [aR, J] }], bT = [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [aQ, "resourceId[1]"], [ck]: K }, { [ch]: r, [ci]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [aT, H] }] }], bU = [aQ, "resourceId[1]"], bV = [{ [ch]: r, [ci]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [aQ, "region"] }, H] }] }], bW = [{ [ch]: r, [ci]: [{ [ch]: c, [ci]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [aQ, "resourceId[2]"] }] }] }], bX = [aQ, "resourceId[2]"], bY = [{ [ch]: f, [ci]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [aQ, "region"] }], [ck]: "bucketPartition" }], bZ = [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [aY, { [ch]: h, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "partitionResult" }, i] }] }], ca = [{ [ch]: x, [ci]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [aQ, "region"] }, true] }], cb = [{ [ch]: x, [ci]: [aZ, false] }], cc = [{ [ch]: x, [ci]: [aT, false] }], cd = [{ [ch]: x, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "Region" }, true] }];
const _data = { version: "1.0", parameters: { Bucket: S, Region: S, UseFIPS: T, UseDualStack: T, Endpoint: S, ForcePathStyle: T, Accelerate: T, UseGlobalEndpoint: T, UseObjectLambdaEndpoint: U, Key: S, Prefix: S, DisableAccessPoints: U, DisableMultiRegionAccessPoints: T, UseArnRegion: U, UseS3ExpressControlEndpoint: U, DisableS3ExpressSessionAuth: U }, rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: c, [ci]: bw }], rules: [{ [cg]: [V, W], error: "Accelerate cannot be used with FIPS", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [X, Y], error: "Cannot set dual-stack in combination with a custom endpoint.", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [Y, W], error: "A custom endpoint cannot be combined with FIPS", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [Y, V], error: "A custom endpoint cannot be combined with S3 Accelerate", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [W, Z, aa], error: "Partition does not support FIPS", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [ab, { [ch]: j, [ci]: [ac, 0, 6, b], [ck]: k }, { [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [cj]: k }, "--x-s3"] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bz, error: "S3Express does not support Dual-stack.", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: bA, error: "S3Express does not support S3 Accelerate.", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: bB, rules: [{ [cg]: bC, rules: [{ [cg]: bD, rules: [{ [cg]: bE, rules: [{ endpoint: { [cl]: m, [cm]: ah, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bF, rules: [{ endpoint: { [cl]: q, [cm]: ah, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, ak], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bD, rules: [{ [cg]: bE, rules: [{ endpoint: { [cl]: m, [cm]: al, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bF, rules: [{ endpoint: { [cl]: q, [cm]: al, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, ak], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [am, an], rules: [{ [cg]: [ag, ao], rules: [{ [cg]: bG, endpoint: { [cl]: "https://s3express-control-fips.{Region}{uri_encoded_bucket}", [cm]: ah, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: { [cl]: "https://s3express-control.{Region}{uri_encoded_bucket}", [cm]: ah, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bF, rules: [{ [cg]: bC, rules: [{ [cg]: bH, rules: bI, [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bJ, rules: bI, [cf]: o }, ap], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bH, rules: bK, [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bJ, rules: bK, [cf]: o }, ap], [cf]: o }, ak], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aq, am, an], rules: [{ [cg]: bB, endpoint: { [cl]: s, [cm]: ah, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: bG, endpoint: { [cl]: "https://s3express-control-fips.{Region}", [cm]: ah, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: { [cl]: "https://s3express-control.{Region}", [cm]: ah, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [ab, { [ch]: j, [ci]: [ac, 49, 50, b], [ck]: t }, { [ch]: j, [ci]: [ac, 8, 12, b], [ck]: u }, { [ch]: j, [ci]: [ac, 0, 7, b], [ck]: v }, { [ch]: j, [ci]: [ac, 32, 49, b], [ck]: w }, { [ch]: f, [ci]: bw, [ck]: "regionPartition" }, { [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [cj]: v }, "--op-s3"] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bM, rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [ar, "e"] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bN, rules: [as, { [cg]: bB, endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}.ec2.{url#authority}", [cm]: at, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}.ec2.s3-outposts.{Region}.{regionPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: at, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [ar, "o"] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bN, rules: [as, { [cg]: bB, endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}.op-{outpostId}.{url#authority}", [cm]: at, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}.op-{outpostId}.s3-outposts.{Region}.{regionPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: at, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Unrecognized hardware type: \"Expected hardware type o or e but got {hardwareType}\"", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: The outpost Id must only contain a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and `-`.", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bL, rules: [{ [cg]: [Y, { [ch]: r, [ci]: [{ [ch]: c, [ci]: [{ [ch]: l, [ci]: bx }] }] }], error: "Custom endpoint `{Endpoint}` was not a valid URI", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [au, aj], rules: [{ [cg]: bP, rules: [{ [cg]: bQ, rules: [{ [cg]: [V, aa], error: "S3 Accelerate cannot be used in this region", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [X, W, aw, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [X, W, aw, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: aB, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [X, W, aw, ao, az, aD], endpoint: aB, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, W, aw, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, W, aw, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: aF, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aE, W, aw, ao, az, aD], endpoint: aF, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [X, aG, V, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [X, aG, V, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: aH, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [X, aG, V, ao, az, aD], endpoint: aH, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [X, aG, aw, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [X, aG, aw, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: aI, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [X, aG, aw, ao, az, aD], endpoint: aI, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, Y, ad, ae, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: B, [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, Y, ad, aJ, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: q, [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, Y, ad, ae, az, aA], rules: [{ [cg]: bR, endpoint: aK, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: aK, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, Y, ad, aJ, az, aA], rules: [{ [cg]: bR, endpoint: aL, [cf]: n }, aM], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, Y, ad, ae, az, aD], endpoint: aK, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, Y, ad, aJ, az, aD], endpoint: aL, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, V, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: C, [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, V, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ [cg]: bR, endpoint: aN, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: aN, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, V, ao, az, aD], endpoint: aN, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: D, [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ [cg]: bR, endpoint: { [cl]: D, [cm]: aC, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: aO, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, ao, az, aD], endpoint: aO, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, aP], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [Y, ad, { [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [af, "scheme"] }, "http"] }, { [ch]: p, [ci]: [ac, b] }, au, aG, aE, aw], rules: [{ [cg]: bP, rules: [{ [cg]: bQ, rules: [aM], [cf]: o }, aP], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [au, { [ch]: E, [ci]: by, [ck]: F }], rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [aQ, "resourceId[0]"], [ck]: G }, { [ch]: r, [ci]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [aR, H] }] }], rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [aS, I] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bS, rules: [{ [cg]: bT, rules: [aU, aV, { [cg]: bV, rules: [aW, { [cg]: bW, rules: [aX, { [cg]: bY, rules: [{ [cg]: bP, rules: [{ [cg]: bZ, rules: [{ [cg]: ca, rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [aZ, H] }], error: "Invalid ARN: Missing account id", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: cb, rules: [{ [cg]: cc, rules: [{ [cg]: bB, endpoint: { [cl]: L, [cm]: ba, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: bG, endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}-{bucketArn#accountId}.s3-object-lambda-fips.{bucketArn#region}.{bucketPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ba, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}-{bucketArn#accountId}.s3-object-lambda.{bucketArn#region}.{bucketPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ba, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, bb], [cf]: o }, bc], [cf]: o }, bd], [cf]: o }, be], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, bf], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: bucket ARN is missing a region", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, bg], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: Object Lambda ARNs only support `accesspoint` arn types, but found: `{arnType}`", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bS, rules: [{ [cg]: bT, rules: [{ [cg]: bV, rules: [{ [cg]: bS, rules: [{ [cg]: bV, rules: [aW, { [cg]: bW, rules: [aX, { [cg]: bY, rules: [{ [cg]: bP, rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [aY, "{partitionResult#name}"] }], rules: [{ [cg]: ca, rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [aS, A] }], rules: [{ [cg]: cb, rules: [{ [cg]: cc, rules: [{ [cg]: bA, error: "Access Points do not support S3 Accelerate", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [W, X], endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}-{bucketArn#accountId}.s3-accesspoint-fips.dualstack.{bucketArn#region}.{bucketPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: bh, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [W, aE], endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}-{bucketArn#accountId}.s3-accesspoint-fips.{bucketArn#region}.{bucketPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: bh, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, X], endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}-{bucketArn#accountId}.s3-accesspoint.dualstack.{bucketArn#region}.{bucketPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: bh, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, aE, Y, ad], endpoint: { [cl]: L, [cm]: bh, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, aE], endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}-{bucketArn#accountId}.s3-accesspoint.{bucketArn#region}.{bucketPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: bh, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, bb], [cf]: o }, bc], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: The ARN was not for the S3 service, found: {bucketArn#service}", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, bd], [cf]: o }, be], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, bf], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: x, [ci]: [aT, b] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bz, error: "S3 MRAP does not support dual-stack", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: bG, error: "S3 MRAP does not support FIPS", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: bA, error: "S3 MRAP does not support S3 Accelerate", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: d, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "DisableMultiRegionAccessPoints" }, b] }], error: "Invalid configuration: Multi-Region Access Point ARNs are disabled.", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: f, [ci]: bw, [ck]: M }], rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [{ [cj]: M }, i] }, { [ch]: h, [ci]: [aQ, "partition"] }] }], rules: [{ endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}.accesspoint.s3-global.{mrapPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: { [co]: [{ [cp]: b, name: y, [cq]: A, [ct]: bO }] }, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Client was configured for partition `{mrapPartition#name}` but bucket referred to partition `{bucketArn#partition}`", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid Access Point Name", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, bg], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [aS, z] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bz, error: "S3 Outposts does not support Dual-stack", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: bG, error: "S3 Outposts does not support FIPS", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: bA, error: "S3 Outposts does not support S3 Accelerate", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: c, [ci]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [aQ, "resourceId[4]"] }] }], error: "Invalid Arn: Outpost Access Point ARN contains sub resources", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: bU, [ck]: w }], rules: [{ [cg]: bM, rules: [aX, { [cg]: bY, rules: [{ [cg]: bP, rules: [{ [cg]: bZ, rules: [{ [cg]: ca, rules: [{ [cg]: cb, rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: bX, [ck]: N }], rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [aQ, "resourceId[3]"], [ck]: K }], rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [cj]: N }, J] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bB, endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}-{bucketArn#accountId}.{outpostId}.{url#authority}", [cm]: bi, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}-{bucketArn#accountId}.{outpostId}.s3-outposts.{bucketArn#region}.{bucketPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: bi, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Expected an outpost type `accesspoint`, found {outpostType}", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: expected an access point name", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: Expected a 4-component resource", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, bc], [cf]: o }, bd], [cf]: o }, be], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: The outpost Id may only contain a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and `-`. Found: `{outpostId}`", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: The Outpost Id was not set", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: Unrecognized format: {Bucket} (type: {arnType})", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: No ARN type specified", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: j, [ci]: [ac, 0, 4, a], [ck]: O }, { [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [cj]: O }, "arn:"] }, { [ch]: r, [ci]: [{ [ch]: c, [ci]: [bj] }] }], error: "Invalid ARN: `{Bucket}` was not a valid ARN", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: d, [ci]: [av, b] }, bj], error: "Path-style addressing cannot be used with ARN buckets", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: bE, rules: [{ [cg]: bP, rules: [{ [cg]: [aw], rules: [{ [cg]: [X, ao, W, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}/{uri_encoded_bucket}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [X, ao, W, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: bk, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [X, ao, W, az, aD], endpoint: bk, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, ao, W, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}/{uri_encoded_bucket}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, ao, W, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: bl, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aE, ao, W, az, aD], endpoint: bl, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [X, ao, aG, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}/{uri_encoded_bucket}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [X, ao, aG, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: bm, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [X, ao, aG, az, aD], endpoint: bm, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, Y, ad, aG, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: P, [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, Y, ad, aG, az, aA], rules: [{ [cg]: bR, endpoint: bn, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: bn, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aE, Y, ad, aG, az, aD], endpoint: bn, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, ao, aG, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: Q, [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, ao, aG, az, aA], rules: [{ [cg]: bR, endpoint: { [cl]: Q, [cm]: aC, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: bo, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aE, ao, aG, az, aD], endpoint: bo, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Path-style addressing cannot be used with S3 Accelerate", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: c, [ci]: [bp] }, { [ch]: d, [ci]: [bp, b] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bP, rules: [{ [cg]: cd, rules: [aU, aV, { [cg]: bB, endpoint: { [cl]: s, [cm]: bq, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: bG, endpoint: { [cl]: "https://s3-object-lambda-fips.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: bq, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: { [cl]: "https://s3-object-lambda.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: bq, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, aP], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aq], rules: [{ [cg]: bP, rules: [{ [cg]: cd, rules: [{ [cg]: [W, X, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [W, X, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: br, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [W, X, ao, az, aD], endpoint: br, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [W, aE, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [W, aE, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: bs, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [W, aE, ao, az, aD], endpoint: bs, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, X, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, X, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: bt, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aG, X, ao, az, aD], endpoint: bt, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, aE, Y, ad, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: s, [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, aE, Y, ad, az, aA], rules: [{ [cg]: bR, endpoint: bu, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: bu, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aG, aE, Y, ad, az, aD], endpoint: bu, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, aE, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: R, [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, aE, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ [cg]: bR, endpoint: { [cl]: R, [cm]: aC, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: bv, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aG, aE, ao, az, aD], endpoint: bv, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, aP], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { error: "A region must be set when sending requests to S3.", [cf]: e }] };
const _data = { version: "1.0", parameters: { Bucket: S, Region: S, UseFIPS: T, UseDualStack: T, Endpoint: S, ForcePathStyle: T, Accelerate: T, UseGlobalEndpoint: T, UseObjectLambdaEndpoint: U, Key: S, Prefix: S, CopySource: S, DisableAccessPoints: U, DisableMultiRegionAccessPoints: T, UseArnRegion: U, UseS3ExpressControlEndpoint: U, DisableS3ExpressSessionAuth: U }, rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: c, [ci]: bw }], rules: [{ [cg]: [V, W], error: "Accelerate cannot be used with FIPS", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [X, Y], error: "Cannot set dual-stack in combination with a custom endpoint.", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [Y, W], error: "A custom endpoint cannot be combined with FIPS", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [Y, V], error: "A custom endpoint cannot be combined with S3 Accelerate", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [W, Z, aa], error: "Partition does not support FIPS", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [ab, { [ch]: j, [ci]: [ac, 0, 6, b], [ck]: k }, { [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [cj]: k }, "--x-s3"] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bz, error: "S3Express does not support Dual-stack.", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: bA, error: "S3Express does not support S3 Accelerate.", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: bB, rules: [{ [cg]: bC, rules: [{ [cg]: bD, rules: [{ [cg]: bE, rules: [{ endpoint: { [cl]: m, [cm]: ah, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bF, rules: [{ endpoint: { [cl]: q, [cm]: ah, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, ak], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bD, rules: [{ [cg]: bE, rules: [{ endpoint: { [cl]: m, [cm]: al, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bF, rules: [{ endpoint: { [cl]: q, [cm]: al, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, ak], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [am, an], rules: [{ [cg]: [ag, ao], rules: [{ [cg]: bG, endpoint: { [cl]: "https://s3express-control-fips.{Region}{uri_encoded_bucket}", [cm]: ah, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: { [cl]: "https://s3express-control.{Region}{uri_encoded_bucket}", [cm]: ah, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bF, rules: [{ [cg]: bC, rules: [{ [cg]: bH, rules: bI, [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bJ, rules: bI, [cf]: o }, ap], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bH, rules: bK, [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bJ, rules: bK, [cf]: o }, ap], [cf]: o }, ak], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aq, am, an], rules: [{ [cg]: bB, endpoint: { [cl]: s, [cm]: ah, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: bG, endpoint: { [cl]: "https://s3express-control-fips.{Region}", [cm]: ah, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: { [cl]: "https://s3express-control.{Region}", [cm]: ah, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [ab, { [ch]: j, [ci]: [ac, 49, 50, b], [ck]: t }, { [ch]: j, [ci]: [ac, 8, 12, b], [ck]: u }, { [ch]: j, [ci]: [ac, 0, 7, b], [ck]: v }, { [ch]: j, [ci]: [ac, 32, 49, b], [ck]: w }, { [ch]: f, [ci]: bw, [ck]: "regionPartition" }, { [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [cj]: v }, "--op-s3"] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bM, rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [ar, "e"] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bN, rules: [as, { [cg]: bB, endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}.ec2.{url#authority}", [cm]: at, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}.ec2.s3-outposts.{Region}.{regionPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: at, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [ar, "o"] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bN, rules: [as, { [cg]: bB, endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}.op-{outpostId}.{url#authority}", [cm]: at, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}.op-{outpostId}.s3-outposts.{Region}.{regionPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: at, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Unrecognized hardware type: \"Expected hardware type o or e but got {hardwareType}\"", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: The outpost Id must only contain a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and `-`.", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bL, rules: [{ [cg]: [Y, { [ch]: r, [ci]: [{ [ch]: c, [ci]: [{ [ch]: l, [ci]: bx }] }] }], error: "Custom endpoint `{Endpoint}` was not a valid URI", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [au, aj], rules: [{ [cg]: bP, rules: [{ [cg]: bQ, rules: [{ [cg]: [V, aa], error: "S3 Accelerate cannot be used in this region", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [X, W, aw, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [X, W, aw, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: aB, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [X, W, aw, ao, az, aD], endpoint: aB, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, W, aw, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, W, aw, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: aF, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aE, W, aw, ao, az, aD], endpoint: aF, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [X, aG, V, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [X, aG, V, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: aH, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [X, aG, V, ao, az, aD], endpoint: aH, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [X, aG, aw, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [X, aG, aw, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: aI, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [X, aG, aw, ao, az, aD], endpoint: aI, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, Y, ad, ae, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: B, [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, Y, ad, aJ, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: q, [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, Y, ad, ae, az, aA], rules: [{ [cg]: bR, endpoint: aK, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: aK, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, Y, ad, aJ, az, aA], rules: [{ [cg]: bR, endpoint: aL, [cf]: n }, aM], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, Y, ad, ae, az, aD], endpoint: aK, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, Y, ad, aJ, az, aD], endpoint: aL, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, V, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: C, [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, V, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ [cg]: bR, endpoint: aN, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: aN, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, V, ao, az, aD], endpoint: aN, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: D, [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ [cg]: bR, endpoint: { [cl]: D, [cm]: aC, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: aO, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, ao, az, aD], endpoint: aO, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, aP], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [Y, ad, { [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [af, "scheme"] }, "http"] }, { [ch]: p, [ci]: [ac, b] }, au, aG, aE, aw], rules: [{ [cg]: bP, rules: [{ [cg]: bQ, rules: [aM], [cf]: o }, aP], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [au, { [ch]: E, [ci]: by, [ck]: F }], rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [aQ, "resourceId[0]"], [ck]: G }, { [ch]: r, [ci]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [aR, H] }] }], rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [aS, I] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bS, rules: [{ [cg]: bT, rules: [aU, aV, { [cg]: bV, rules: [aW, { [cg]: bW, rules: [aX, { [cg]: bY, rules: [{ [cg]: bP, rules: [{ [cg]: bZ, rules: [{ [cg]: ca, rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [aZ, H] }], error: "Invalid ARN: Missing account id", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: cb, rules: [{ [cg]: cc, rules: [{ [cg]: bB, endpoint: { [cl]: L, [cm]: ba, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: bG, endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}-{bucketArn#accountId}.s3-object-lambda-fips.{bucketArn#region}.{bucketPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ba, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}-{bucketArn#accountId}.s3-object-lambda.{bucketArn#region}.{bucketPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ba, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, bb], [cf]: o }, bc], [cf]: o }, bd], [cf]: o }, be], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, bf], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: bucket ARN is missing a region", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, bg], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: Object Lambda ARNs only support `accesspoint` arn types, but found: `{arnType}`", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bS, rules: [{ [cg]: bT, rules: [{ [cg]: bV, rules: [{ [cg]: bS, rules: [{ [cg]: bV, rules: [aW, { [cg]: bW, rules: [aX, { [cg]: bY, rules: [{ [cg]: bP, rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [aY, "{partitionResult#name}"] }], rules: [{ [cg]: ca, rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [aS, A] }], rules: [{ [cg]: cb, rules: [{ [cg]: cc, rules: [{ [cg]: bA, error: "Access Points do not support S3 Accelerate", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [W, X], endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}-{bucketArn#accountId}.s3-accesspoint-fips.dualstack.{bucketArn#region}.{bucketPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: bh, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [W, aE], endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}-{bucketArn#accountId}.s3-accesspoint-fips.{bucketArn#region}.{bucketPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: bh, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, X], endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}-{bucketArn#accountId}.s3-accesspoint.dualstack.{bucketArn#region}.{bucketPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: bh, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, aE, Y, ad], endpoint: { [cl]: L, [cm]: bh, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, aE], endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}-{bucketArn#accountId}.s3-accesspoint.{bucketArn#region}.{bucketPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: bh, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, bb], [cf]: o }, bc], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: The ARN was not for the S3 service, found: {bucketArn#service}", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, bd], [cf]: o }, be], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, bf], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: x, [ci]: [aT, b] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bz, error: "S3 MRAP does not support dual-stack", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: bG, error: "S3 MRAP does not support FIPS", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: bA, error: "S3 MRAP does not support S3 Accelerate", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: d, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "DisableMultiRegionAccessPoints" }, b] }], error: "Invalid configuration: Multi-Region Access Point ARNs are disabled.", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: f, [ci]: bw, [ck]: M }], rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [{ [cj]: M }, i] }, { [ch]: h, [ci]: [aQ, "partition"] }] }], rules: [{ endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}.accesspoint.s3-global.{mrapPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: { [co]: [{ [cp]: b, name: y, [cq]: A, [ct]: bO }] }, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Client was configured for partition `{mrapPartition#name}` but bucket referred to partition `{bucketArn#partition}`", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid Access Point Name", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, bg], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [aS, z] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bz, error: "S3 Outposts does not support Dual-stack", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: bG, error: "S3 Outposts does not support FIPS", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: bA, error: "S3 Outposts does not support S3 Accelerate", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: c, [ci]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [aQ, "resourceId[4]"] }] }], error: "Invalid Arn: Outpost Access Point ARN contains sub resources", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: bU, [ck]: w }], rules: [{ [cg]: bM, rules: [aX, { [cg]: bY, rules: [{ [cg]: bP, rules: [{ [cg]: bZ, rules: [{ [cg]: ca, rules: [{ [cg]: cb, rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: bX, [ck]: N }], rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [aQ, "resourceId[3]"], [ck]: K }], rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [cj]: N }, J] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bB, endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}-{bucketArn#accountId}.{outpostId}.{url#authority}", [cm]: bi, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}-{bucketArn#accountId}.{outpostId}.s3-outposts.{bucketArn#region}.{bucketPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: bi, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Expected an outpost type `accesspoint`, found {outpostType}", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: expected an access point name", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: Expected a 4-component resource", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, bc], [cf]: o }, bd], [cf]: o }, be], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: The outpost Id may only contain a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and `-`. Found: `{outpostId}`", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: The Outpost Id was not set", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: Unrecognized format: {Bucket} (type: {arnType})", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: No ARN type specified", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: j, [ci]: [ac, 0, 4, a], [ck]: O }, { [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [cj]: O }, "arn:"] }, { [ch]: r, [ci]: [{ [ch]: c, [ci]: [bj] }] }], error: "Invalid ARN: `{Bucket}` was not a valid ARN", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: d, [ci]: [av, b] }, bj], error: "Path-style addressing cannot be used with ARN buckets", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: bE, rules: [{ [cg]: bP, rules: [{ [cg]: [aw], rules: [{ [cg]: [X, ao, W, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}/{uri_encoded_bucket}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [X, ao, W, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: bk, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [X, ao, W, az, aD], endpoint: bk, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, ao, W, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}/{uri_encoded_bucket}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, ao, W, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: bl, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aE, ao, W, az, aD], endpoint: bl, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [X, ao, aG, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}/{uri_encoded_bucket}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [X, ao, aG, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: bm, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [X, ao, aG, az, aD], endpoint: bm, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, Y, ad, aG, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: P, [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, Y, ad, aG, az, aA], rules: [{ [cg]: bR, endpoint: bn, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: bn, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aE, Y, ad, aG, az, aD], endpoint: bn, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, ao, aG, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: Q, [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, ao, aG, az, aA], rules: [{ [cg]: bR, endpoint: { [cl]: Q, [cm]: aC, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: bo, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aE, ao, aG, az, aD], endpoint: bo, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Path-style addressing cannot be used with S3 Accelerate", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: c, [ci]: [bp] }, { [ch]: d, [ci]: [bp, b] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bP, rules: [{ [cg]: cd, rules: [aU, aV, { [cg]: bB, endpoint: { [cl]: s, [cm]: bq, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: bG, endpoint: { [cl]: "https://s3-object-lambda-fips.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: bq, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: { [cl]: "https://s3-object-lambda.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: bq, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, aP], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aq], rules: [{ [cg]: bP, rules: [{ [cg]: cd, rules: [{ [cg]: [W, X, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [W, X, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: br, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [W, X, ao, az, aD], endpoint: br, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [W, aE, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [W, aE, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: bs, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [W, aE, ao, az, aD], endpoint: bs, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, X, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, X, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: bt, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aG, X, ao, az, aD], endpoint: bt, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, aE, Y, ad, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: s, [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, aE, Y, ad, az, aA], rules: [{ [cg]: bR, endpoint: bu, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: bu, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aG, aE, Y, ad, az, aD], endpoint: bu, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, aE, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: R, [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, aE, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ [cg]: bR, endpoint: { [cl]: R, [cm]: aC, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: bv, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aG, aE, ao, az, aD], endpoint: bv, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, aP], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { error: "A region must be set when sending requests to S3.", [cf]: e }] };
exports.ruleSet = _data;

@@ -16,2 +16,4 @@ import { getThrow200ExceptionsPlugin } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-sdk-s3";

Bucket: { type: "contextParams", name: "Bucket" },
Key: { type: "contextParams", name: "Key" },
CopySource: { type: "contextParams", name: "CopySource" },

@@ -18,0 +20,0 @@ .m(function (Command, cs, config, o) {

const ce = "required", cf = "type", cg = "conditions", ch = "fn", ci = "argv", cj = "ref", ck = "assign", cl = "url", cm = "properties", cn = "backend", co = "authSchemes", cp = "disableDoubleEncoding", cq = "signingName", cr = "signingRegion", cs = "headers", ct = "signingRegionSet";
const a = false, b = true, c = "isSet", d = "booleanEquals", e = "error", f = "aws.partition", g = "stringEquals", h = "getAttr", i = "name", j = "substring", k = "bucketSuffix", l = "parseURL", m = "{url#scheme}://{url#authority}/{uri_encoded_bucket}{url#path}", n = "endpoint", o = "tree", p = "aws.isVirtualHostableS3Bucket", q = "{url#scheme}://{Bucket}.{url#authority}{url#path}", r = "not", s = "{url#scheme}://{url#authority}{url#path}", t = "hardwareType", u = "regionPrefix", v = "bucketAliasSuffix", w = "outpostId", x = "isValidHostLabel", y = "sigv4a", z = "s3-outposts", A = "s3", B = "{url#scheme}://{url#authority}{url#normalizedPath}{Bucket}", C = "https://{Bucket}.s3-accelerate.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", D = "https://{Bucket}.s3.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", E = "aws.parseArn", F = "bucketArn", G = "arnType", H = "", I = "s3-object-lambda", J = "accesspoint", K = "accessPointName", L = "{url#scheme}://{accessPointName}-{bucketArn#accountId}.{url#authority}{url#path}", M = "mrapPartition", N = "outpostType", O = "arnPrefix", P = "{url#scheme}://{url#authority}{url#normalizedPath}{uri_encoded_bucket}", Q = "https://s3.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}/{uri_encoded_bucket}", R = "https://s3.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", S = { [ce]: false, [cf]: "String" }, T = { [ce]: true, "default": false, [cf]: "Boolean" }, U = { [ce]: false, [cf]: "Boolean" }, V = { [ch]: d, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "Accelerate" }, true] }, W = { [ch]: d, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "UseFIPS" }, true] }, X = { [ch]: d, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "UseDualStack" }, true] }, Y = { [ch]: c, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "Endpoint" }] }, Z = { [ch]: f, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "Region" }], [ck]: "partitionResult" }, aa = { [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "partitionResult" }, i] }, "aws-cn"] }, ab = { [ch]: c, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "Bucket" }] }, ac = { [cj]: "Bucket" }, ad = { [ch]: l, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "Endpoint" }], [ck]: "url" }, ae = { [ch]: d, [ci]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "url" }, "isIp"] }, true] }, af = { [cj]: "url" }, ag = { [ch]: "uriEncode", [ci]: [ac], [ck]: "uri_encoded_bucket" }, ah = { [cn]: "S3Express", [co]: [{ [cp]: true, [i]: "sigv4", [cq]: "s3express", [cr]: "{Region}" }] }, ai = {}, aj = { [ch]: p, [ci]: [ac, false] }, ak = { [e]: "S3Express bucket name is not a valid virtual hostable name.", [cf]: e }, al = { [cn]: "S3Express", [co]: [{ [cp]: true, [i]: "sigv4-s3express", [cq]: "s3express", [cr]: "{Region}" }] }, am = { [ch]: c, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "UseS3ExpressControlEndpoint" }] }, an = { [ch]: d, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "UseS3ExpressControlEndpoint" }, true] }, ao = { [ch]: r, [ci]: [Y] }, ap = { [e]: "Unrecognized S3Express bucket name format.", [cf]: e }, aq = { [ch]: r, [ci]: [ab] }, ar = { [cj]: t }, as = { [cg]: [ao], [e]: "Expected a endpoint to be specified but no endpoint was found", [cf]: e }, at = { [co]: [{ [cp]: true, [i]: y, [cq]: z, [ct]: ["*"] }, { [cp]: true, [i]: "sigv4", [cq]: z, [cr]: "{Region}" }] }, au = { [ch]: d, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "ForcePathStyle" }, false] }, av = { [cj]: "ForcePathStyle" }, aw = { [ch]: d, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "Accelerate" }, false] }, ax = { [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "Region" }, "aws-global"] }, ay = { [co]: [{ [cp]: true, [i]: "sigv4", [cq]: A, [cr]: "us-east-1" }] }, az = { [ch]: r, [ci]: [ax] }, aA = { [ch]: d, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "UseGlobalEndpoint" }, true] }, aB = { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}.s3-fips.dualstack.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: { [co]: [{ [cp]: true, [i]: "sigv4", [cq]: A, [cr]: "{Region}" }] }, [cs]: {} }, aC = { [co]: [{ [cp]: true, [i]: "sigv4", [cq]: A, [cr]: "{Region}" }] }, aD = { [ch]: d, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "UseGlobalEndpoint" }, false] }, aE = { [ch]: d, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "UseDualStack" }, false] }, aF = { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}.s3-fips.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: aC, [cs]: {} }, aG = { [ch]: d, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "UseFIPS" }, false] }, aH = { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}.s3-accelerate.dualstack.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: aC, [cs]: {} }, aI = { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}.s3.dualstack.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: aC, [cs]: {} }, aJ = { [ch]: d, [ci]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [af, "isIp"] }, false] }, aK = { [cl]: B, [cm]: aC, [cs]: {} }, aL = { [cl]: q, [cm]: aC, [cs]: {} }, aM = { [n]: aL, [cf]: n }, aN = { [cl]: C, [cm]: aC, [cs]: {} }, aO = { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}.s3.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: aC, [cs]: {} }, aP = { [e]: "Invalid region: region was not a valid DNS name.", [cf]: e }, aQ = { [cj]: F }, aR = { [cj]: G }, aS = { [ch]: h, [ci]: [aQ, "service"] }, aT = { [cj]: K }, aU = { [cg]: [X], [e]: "S3 Object Lambda does not support Dual-stack", [cf]: e }, aV = { [cg]: [V], [e]: "S3 Object Lambda does not support S3 Accelerate", [cf]: e }, aW = { [cg]: [{ [ch]: c, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "DisableAccessPoints" }] }, { [ch]: d, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "DisableAccessPoints" }, true] }], [e]: "Access points are not supported for this operation", [cf]: e }, aX = { [cg]: [{ [ch]: c, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "UseArnRegion" }] }, { [ch]: d, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "UseArnRegion" }, false] }, { [ch]: r, [ci]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [aQ, "region"] }, "{Region}"] }] }], [e]: "Invalid configuration: region from ARN `{bucketArn#region}` does not match client region `{Region}` and UseArnRegion is `false`", [cf]: e }, aY = { [ch]: h, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "bucketPartition" }, i] }, aZ = { [ch]: h, [ci]: [aQ, "accountId"] }, ba = { [co]: [{ [cp]: true, [i]: "sigv4", [cq]: I, [cr]: "{bucketArn#region}" }] }, bb = { [e]: "Invalid ARN: The access point name may only contain a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and `-`. Found: `{accessPointName}`", [cf]: e }, bc = { [e]: "Invalid ARN: The account id may only contain a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and `-`. Found: `{bucketArn#accountId}`", [cf]: e }, bd = { [e]: "Invalid region in ARN: `{bucketArn#region}` (invalid DNS name)", [cf]: e }, be = { [e]: "Client was configured for partition `{partitionResult#name}` but ARN (`{Bucket}`) has `{bucketPartition#name}`", [cf]: e }, bf = { [e]: "Invalid ARN: The ARN may only contain a single resource component after `accesspoint`.", [cf]: e }, bg = { [e]: "Invalid ARN: Expected a resource of the format `accesspoint:<accesspoint name>` but no name was provided", [cf]: e }, bh = { [co]: [{ [cp]: true, [i]: "sigv4", [cq]: A, [cr]: "{bucketArn#region}" }] }, bi = { [co]: [{ [cp]: true, [i]: y, [cq]: z, [ct]: ["*"] }, { [cp]: true, [i]: "sigv4", [cq]: z, [cr]: "{bucketArn#region}" }] }, bj = { [ch]: E, [ci]: [ac] }, bk = { [cl]: "https://s3-fips.dualstack.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}/{uri_encoded_bucket}", [cm]: aC, [cs]: {} }, bl = { [cl]: "https://s3-fips.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}/{uri_encoded_bucket}", [cm]: aC, [cs]: {} }, bm = { [cl]: "https://s3.dualstack.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}/{uri_encoded_bucket}", [cm]: aC, [cs]: {} }, bn = { [cl]: P, [cm]: aC, [cs]: {} }, bo = { [cl]: "https://s3.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}/{uri_encoded_bucket}", [cm]: aC, [cs]: {} }, bp = { [cj]: "UseObjectLambdaEndpoint" }, bq = { [co]: [{ [cp]: true, [i]: "sigv4", [cq]: I, [cr]: "{Region}" }] }, br = { [cl]: "https://s3-fips.dualstack.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: aC, [cs]: {} }, bs = { [cl]: "https://s3-fips.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: aC, [cs]: {} }, bt = { [cl]: "https://s3.dualstack.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: aC, [cs]: {} }, bu = { [cl]: s, [cm]: aC, [cs]: {} }, bv = { [cl]: "https://s3.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: aC, [cs]: {} }, bw = [{ [cj]: "Region" }], bx = [{ [cj]: "Endpoint" }], by = [ac], bz = [X], bA = [V], bB = [Y, ad], bC = [{ [ch]: c, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "DisableS3ExpressSessionAuth" }] }, { [ch]: d, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "DisableS3ExpressSessionAuth" }, true] }], bD = [ae], bE = [ag], bF = [aj], bG = [W], bH = [{ [ch]: j, [ci]: [ac, 6, 14, true], [ck]: "s3expressAvailabilityZoneId" }, { [ch]: j, [ci]: [ac, 14, 16, true], [ck]: "s3expressAvailabilityZoneDelim" }, { [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "s3expressAvailabilityZoneDelim" }, "--"] }], bI = [{ [cg]: [W], [n]: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}.s3express-fips-{s3expressAvailabilityZoneId}.{Region}", [cm]: ah, [cs]: {} }, [cf]: n }, { [n]: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}.s3express-{s3expressAvailabilityZoneId}.{Region}", [cm]: ah, [cs]: {} }, [cf]: n }], bJ = [{ [ch]: j, [ci]: [ac, 6, 15, true], [ck]: "s3expressAvailabilityZoneId" }, { [ch]: j, [ci]: [ac, 15, 17, true], [ck]: "s3expressAvailabilityZoneDelim" }, { [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "s3expressAvailabilityZoneDelim" }, "--"] }], bK = [{ [cg]: [W], [n]: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}.s3express-fips-{s3expressAvailabilityZoneId}.{Region}", [cm]: al, [cs]: {} }, [cf]: n }, { [n]: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}.s3express-{s3expressAvailabilityZoneId}.{Region}", [cm]: al, [cs]: {} }, [cf]: n }], bL = [ab], bM = [{ [ch]: x, [ci]: [{ [cj]: w }, false] }], bN = [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [cj]: u }, "beta"] }], bO = ["*"], bP = [Z], bQ = [{ [ch]: x, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "Region" }, false] }], bR = [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "Region" }, "us-east-1"] }], bS = [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [aR, J] }], bT = [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [aQ, "resourceId[1]"], [ck]: K }, { [ch]: r, [ci]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [aT, H] }] }], bU = [aQ, "resourceId[1]"], bV = [{ [ch]: r, [ci]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [aQ, "region"] }, H] }] }], bW = [{ [ch]: r, [ci]: [{ [ch]: c, [ci]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [aQ, "resourceId[2]"] }] }] }], bX = [aQ, "resourceId[2]"], bY = [{ [ch]: f, [ci]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [aQ, "region"] }], [ck]: "bucketPartition" }], bZ = [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [aY, { [ch]: h, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "partitionResult" }, i] }] }], ca = [{ [ch]: x, [ci]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [aQ, "region"] }, true] }], cb = [{ [ch]: x, [ci]: [aZ, false] }], cc = [{ [ch]: x, [ci]: [aT, false] }], cd = [{ [ch]: x, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "Region" }, true] }];
const _data = { version: "1.0", parameters: { Bucket: S, Region: S, UseFIPS: T, UseDualStack: T, Endpoint: S, ForcePathStyle: T, Accelerate: T, UseGlobalEndpoint: T, UseObjectLambdaEndpoint: U, Key: S, Prefix: S, DisableAccessPoints: U, DisableMultiRegionAccessPoints: T, UseArnRegion: U, UseS3ExpressControlEndpoint: U, DisableS3ExpressSessionAuth: U }, rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: c, [ci]: bw }], rules: [{ [cg]: [V, W], error: "Accelerate cannot be used with FIPS", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [X, Y], error: "Cannot set dual-stack in combination with a custom endpoint.", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [Y, W], error: "A custom endpoint cannot be combined with FIPS", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [Y, V], error: "A custom endpoint cannot be combined with S3 Accelerate", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [W, Z, aa], error: "Partition does not support FIPS", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [ab, { [ch]: j, [ci]: [ac, 0, 6, b], [ck]: k }, { [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [cj]: k }, "--x-s3"] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bz, error: "S3Express does not support Dual-stack.", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: bA, error: "S3Express does not support S3 Accelerate.", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: bB, rules: [{ [cg]: bC, rules: [{ [cg]: bD, rules: [{ [cg]: bE, rules: [{ endpoint: { [cl]: m, [cm]: ah, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bF, rules: [{ endpoint: { [cl]: q, [cm]: ah, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, ak], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bD, rules: [{ [cg]: bE, rules: [{ endpoint: { [cl]: m, [cm]: al, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bF, rules: [{ endpoint: { [cl]: q, [cm]: al, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, ak], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [am, an], rules: [{ [cg]: [ag, ao], rules: [{ [cg]: bG, endpoint: { [cl]: "https://s3express-control-fips.{Region}{uri_encoded_bucket}", [cm]: ah, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: { [cl]: "https://s3express-control.{Region}{uri_encoded_bucket}", [cm]: ah, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bF, rules: [{ [cg]: bC, rules: [{ [cg]: bH, rules: bI, [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bJ, rules: bI, [cf]: o }, ap], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bH, rules: bK, [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bJ, rules: bK, [cf]: o }, ap], [cf]: o }, ak], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aq, am, an], rules: [{ [cg]: bB, endpoint: { [cl]: s, [cm]: ah, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: bG, endpoint: { [cl]: "https://s3express-control-fips.{Region}", [cm]: ah, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: { [cl]: "https://s3express-control.{Region}", [cm]: ah, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [ab, { [ch]: j, [ci]: [ac, 49, 50, b], [ck]: t }, { [ch]: j, [ci]: [ac, 8, 12, b], [ck]: u }, { [ch]: j, [ci]: [ac, 0, 7, b], [ck]: v }, { [ch]: j, [ci]: [ac, 32, 49, b], [ck]: w }, { [ch]: f, [ci]: bw, [ck]: "regionPartition" }, { [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [cj]: v }, "--op-s3"] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bM, rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [ar, "e"] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bN, rules: [as, { [cg]: bB, endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}.ec2.{url#authority}", [cm]: at, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}.ec2.s3-outposts.{Region}.{regionPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: at, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [ar, "o"] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bN, rules: [as, { [cg]: bB, endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}.op-{outpostId}.{url#authority}", [cm]: at, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}.op-{outpostId}.s3-outposts.{Region}.{regionPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: at, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Unrecognized hardware type: \"Expected hardware type o or e but got {hardwareType}\"", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: The outpost Id must only contain a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and `-`.", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bL, rules: [{ [cg]: [Y, { [ch]: r, [ci]: [{ [ch]: c, [ci]: [{ [ch]: l, [ci]: bx }] }] }], error: "Custom endpoint `{Endpoint}` was not a valid URI", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [au, aj], rules: [{ [cg]: bP, rules: [{ [cg]: bQ, rules: [{ [cg]: [V, aa], error: "S3 Accelerate cannot be used in this region", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [X, W, aw, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [X, W, aw, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: aB, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [X, W, aw, ao, az, aD], endpoint: aB, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, W, aw, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, W, aw, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: aF, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aE, W, aw, ao, az, aD], endpoint: aF, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [X, aG, V, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [X, aG, V, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: aH, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [X, aG, V, ao, az, aD], endpoint: aH, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [X, aG, aw, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [X, aG, aw, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: aI, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [X, aG, aw, ao, az, aD], endpoint: aI, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, Y, ad, ae, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: B, [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, Y, ad, aJ, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: q, [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, Y, ad, ae, az, aA], rules: [{ [cg]: bR, endpoint: aK, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: aK, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, Y, ad, aJ, az, aA], rules: [{ [cg]: bR, endpoint: aL, [cf]: n }, aM], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, Y, ad, ae, az, aD], endpoint: aK, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, Y, ad, aJ, az, aD], endpoint: aL, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, V, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: C, [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, V, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ [cg]: bR, endpoint: aN, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: aN, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, V, ao, az, aD], endpoint: aN, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: D, [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ [cg]: bR, endpoint: { [cl]: D, [cm]: aC, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: aO, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, ao, az, aD], endpoint: aO, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, aP], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [Y, ad, { [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [af, "scheme"] }, "http"] }, { [ch]: p, [ci]: [ac, b] }, au, aG, aE, aw], rules: [{ [cg]: bP, rules: [{ [cg]: bQ, rules: [aM], [cf]: o }, aP], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [au, { [ch]: E, [ci]: by, [ck]: F }], rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [aQ, "resourceId[0]"], [ck]: G }, { [ch]: r, [ci]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [aR, H] }] }], rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [aS, I] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bS, rules: [{ [cg]: bT, rules: [aU, aV, { [cg]: bV, rules: [aW, { [cg]: bW, rules: [aX, { [cg]: bY, rules: [{ [cg]: bP, rules: [{ [cg]: bZ, rules: [{ [cg]: ca, rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [aZ, H] }], error: "Invalid ARN: Missing account id", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: cb, rules: [{ [cg]: cc, rules: [{ [cg]: bB, endpoint: { [cl]: L, [cm]: ba, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: bG, endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}-{bucketArn#accountId}.s3-object-lambda-fips.{bucketArn#region}.{bucketPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ba, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}-{bucketArn#accountId}.s3-object-lambda.{bucketArn#region}.{bucketPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ba, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, bb], [cf]: o }, bc], [cf]: o }, bd], [cf]: o }, be], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, bf], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: bucket ARN is missing a region", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, bg], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: Object Lambda ARNs only support `accesspoint` arn types, but found: `{arnType}`", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bS, rules: [{ [cg]: bT, rules: [{ [cg]: bV, rules: [{ [cg]: bS, rules: [{ [cg]: bV, rules: [aW, { [cg]: bW, rules: [aX, { [cg]: bY, rules: [{ [cg]: bP, rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [aY, "{partitionResult#name}"] }], rules: [{ [cg]: ca, rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [aS, A] }], rules: [{ [cg]: cb, rules: [{ [cg]: cc, rules: [{ [cg]: bA, error: "Access Points do not support S3 Accelerate", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [W, X], endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}-{bucketArn#accountId}.s3-accesspoint-fips.dualstack.{bucketArn#region}.{bucketPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: bh, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [W, aE], endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}-{bucketArn#accountId}.s3-accesspoint-fips.{bucketArn#region}.{bucketPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: bh, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, X], endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}-{bucketArn#accountId}.s3-accesspoint.dualstack.{bucketArn#region}.{bucketPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: bh, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, aE, Y, ad], endpoint: { [cl]: L, [cm]: bh, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, aE], endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}-{bucketArn#accountId}.s3-accesspoint.{bucketArn#region}.{bucketPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: bh, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, bb], [cf]: o }, bc], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: The ARN was not for the S3 service, found: {bucketArn#service}", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, bd], [cf]: o }, be], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, bf], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: x, [ci]: [aT, b] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bz, error: "S3 MRAP does not support dual-stack", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: bG, error: "S3 MRAP does not support FIPS", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: bA, error: "S3 MRAP does not support S3 Accelerate", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: d, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "DisableMultiRegionAccessPoints" }, b] }], error: "Invalid configuration: Multi-Region Access Point ARNs are disabled.", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: f, [ci]: bw, [ck]: M }], rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [{ [cj]: M }, i] }, { [ch]: h, [ci]: [aQ, "partition"] }] }], rules: [{ endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}.accesspoint.s3-global.{mrapPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: { [co]: [{ [cp]: b, name: y, [cq]: A, [ct]: bO }] }, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Client was configured for partition `{mrapPartition#name}` but bucket referred to partition `{bucketArn#partition}`", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid Access Point Name", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, bg], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [aS, z] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bz, error: "S3 Outposts does not support Dual-stack", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: bG, error: "S3 Outposts does not support FIPS", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: bA, error: "S3 Outposts does not support S3 Accelerate", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: c, [ci]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [aQ, "resourceId[4]"] }] }], error: "Invalid Arn: Outpost Access Point ARN contains sub resources", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: bU, [ck]: w }], rules: [{ [cg]: bM, rules: [aX, { [cg]: bY, rules: [{ [cg]: bP, rules: [{ [cg]: bZ, rules: [{ [cg]: ca, rules: [{ [cg]: cb, rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: bX, [ck]: N }], rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [aQ, "resourceId[3]"], [ck]: K }], rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [cj]: N }, J] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bB, endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}-{bucketArn#accountId}.{outpostId}.{url#authority}", [cm]: bi, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}-{bucketArn#accountId}.{outpostId}.s3-outposts.{bucketArn#region}.{bucketPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: bi, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Expected an outpost type `accesspoint`, found {outpostType}", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: expected an access point name", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: Expected a 4-component resource", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, bc], [cf]: o }, bd], [cf]: o }, be], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: The outpost Id may only contain a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and `-`. Found: `{outpostId}`", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: The Outpost Id was not set", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: Unrecognized format: {Bucket} (type: {arnType})", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: No ARN type specified", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: j, [ci]: [ac, 0, 4, a], [ck]: O }, { [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [cj]: O }, "arn:"] }, { [ch]: r, [ci]: [{ [ch]: c, [ci]: [bj] }] }], error: "Invalid ARN: `{Bucket}` was not a valid ARN", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: d, [ci]: [av, b] }, bj], error: "Path-style addressing cannot be used with ARN buckets", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: bE, rules: [{ [cg]: bP, rules: [{ [cg]: [aw], rules: [{ [cg]: [X, ao, W, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}/{uri_encoded_bucket}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [X, ao, W, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: bk, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [X, ao, W, az, aD], endpoint: bk, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, ao, W, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}/{uri_encoded_bucket}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, ao, W, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: bl, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aE, ao, W, az, aD], endpoint: bl, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [X, ao, aG, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}/{uri_encoded_bucket}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [X, ao, aG, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: bm, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [X, ao, aG, az, aD], endpoint: bm, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, Y, ad, aG, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: P, [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, Y, ad, aG, az, aA], rules: [{ [cg]: bR, endpoint: bn, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: bn, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aE, Y, ad, aG, az, aD], endpoint: bn, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, ao, aG, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: Q, [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, ao, aG, az, aA], rules: [{ [cg]: bR, endpoint: { [cl]: Q, [cm]: aC, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: bo, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aE, ao, aG, az, aD], endpoint: bo, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Path-style addressing cannot be used with S3 Accelerate", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: c, [ci]: [bp] }, { [ch]: d, [ci]: [bp, b] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bP, rules: [{ [cg]: cd, rules: [aU, aV, { [cg]: bB, endpoint: { [cl]: s, [cm]: bq, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: bG, endpoint: { [cl]: "https://s3-object-lambda-fips.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: bq, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: { [cl]: "https://s3-object-lambda.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: bq, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, aP], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aq], rules: [{ [cg]: bP, rules: [{ [cg]: cd, rules: [{ [cg]: [W, X, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [W, X, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: br, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [W, X, ao, az, aD], endpoint: br, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [W, aE, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [W, aE, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: bs, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [W, aE, ao, az, aD], endpoint: bs, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, X, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, X, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: bt, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aG, X, ao, az, aD], endpoint: bt, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, aE, Y, ad, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: s, [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, aE, Y, ad, az, aA], rules: [{ [cg]: bR, endpoint: bu, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: bu, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aG, aE, Y, ad, az, aD], endpoint: bu, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, aE, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: R, [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, aE, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ [cg]: bR, endpoint: { [cl]: R, [cm]: aC, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: bv, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aG, aE, ao, az, aD], endpoint: bv, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, aP], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { error: "A region must be set when sending requests to S3.", [cf]: e }] };
const _data = { version: "1.0", parameters: { Bucket: S, Region: S, UseFIPS: T, UseDualStack: T, Endpoint: S, ForcePathStyle: T, Accelerate: T, UseGlobalEndpoint: T, UseObjectLambdaEndpoint: U, Key: S, Prefix: S, CopySource: S, DisableAccessPoints: U, DisableMultiRegionAccessPoints: T, UseArnRegion: U, UseS3ExpressControlEndpoint: U, DisableS3ExpressSessionAuth: U }, rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: c, [ci]: bw }], rules: [{ [cg]: [V, W], error: "Accelerate cannot be used with FIPS", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [X, Y], error: "Cannot set dual-stack in combination with a custom endpoint.", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [Y, W], error: "A custom endpoint cannot be combined with FIPS", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [Y, V], error: "A custom endpoint cannot be combined with S3 Accelerate", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [W, Z, aa], error: "Partition does not support FIPS", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [ab, { [ch]: j, [ci]: [ac, 0, 6, b], [ck]: k }, { [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [cj]: k }, "--x-s3"] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bz, error: "S3Express does not support Dual-stack.", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: bA, error: "S3Express does not support S3 Accelerate.", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: bB, rules: [{ [cg]: bC, rules: [{ [cg]: bD, rules: [{ [cg]: bE, rules: [{ endpoint: { [cl]: m, [cm]: ah, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bF, rules: [{ endpoint: { [cl]: q, [cm]: ah, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, ak], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bD, rules: [{ [cg]: bE, rules: [{ endpoint: { [cl]: m, [cm]: al, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bF, rules: [{ endpoint: { [cl]: q, [cm]: al, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, ak], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [am, an], rules: [{ [cg]: [ag, ao], rules: [{ [cg]: bG, endpoint: { [cl]: "https://s3express-control-fips.{Region}{uri_encoded_bucket}", [cm]: ah, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: { [cl]: "https://s3express-control.{Region}{uri_encoded_bucket}", [cm]: ah, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bF, rules: [{ [cg]: bC, rules: [{ [cg]: bH, rules: bI, [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bJ, rules: bI, [cf]: o }, ap], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bH, rules: bK, [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bJ, rules: bK, [cf]: o }, ap], [cf]: o }, ak], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aq, am, an], rules: [{ [cg]: bB, endpoint: { [cl]: s, [cm]: ah, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: bG, endpoint: { [cl]: "https://s3express-control-fips.{Region}", [cm]: ah, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: { [cl]: "https://s3express-control.{Region}", [cm]: ah, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [ab, { [ch]: j, [ci]: [ac, 49, 50, b], [ck]: t }, { [ch]: j, [ci]: [ac, 8, 12, b], [ck]: u }, { [ch]: j, [ci]: [ac, 0, 7, b], [ck]: v }, { [ch]: j, [ci]: [ac, 32, 49, b], [ck]: w }, { [ch]: f, [ci]: bw, [ck]: "regionPartition" }, { [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [cj]: v }, "--op-s3"] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bM, rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [ar, "e"] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bN, rules: [as, { [cg]: bB, endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}.ec2.{url#authority}", [cm]: at, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}.ec2.s3-outposts.{Region}.{regionPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: at, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [ar, "o"] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bN, rules: [as, { [cg]: bB, endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}.op-{outpostId}.{url#authority}", [cm]: at, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}.op-{outpostId}.s3-outposts.{Region}.{regionPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: at, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Unrecognized hardware type: \"Expected hardware type o or e but got {hardwareType}\"", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: The outpost Id must only contain a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and `-`.", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bL, rules: [{ [cg]: [Y, { [ch]: r, [ci]: [{ [ch]: c, [ci]: [{ [ch]: l, [ci]: bx }] }] }], error: "Custom endpoint `{Endpoint}` was not a valid URI", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [au, aj], rules: [{ [cg]: bP, rules: [{ [cg]: bQ, rules: [{ [cg]: [V, aa], error: "S3 Accelerate cannot be used in this region", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [X, W, aw, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [X, W, aw, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: aB, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [X, W, aw, ao, az, aD], endpoint: aB, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, W, aw, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, W, aw, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: aF, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aE, W, aw, ao, az, aD], endpoint: aF, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [X, aG, V, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [X, aG, V, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: aH, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [X, aG, V, ao, az, aD], endpoint: aH, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [X, aG, aw, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{Bucket}{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [X, aG, aw, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: aI, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [X, aG, aw, ao, az, aD], endpoint: aI, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, Y, ad, ae, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: B, [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, Y, ad, aJ, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: q, [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, Y, ad, ae, az, aA], rules: [{ [cg]: bR, endpoint: aK, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: aK, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, Y, ad, aJ, az, aA], rules: [{ [cg]: bR, endpoint: aL, [cf]: n }, aM], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, Y, ad, ae, az, aD], endpoint: aK, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, Y, ad, aJ, az, aD], endpoint: aL, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, V, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: C, [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, V, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ [cg]: bR, endpoint: aN, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: aN, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, V, ao, az, aD], endpoint: aN, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: D, [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ [cg]: bR, endpoint: { [cl]: D, [cm]: aC, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: aO, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aE, aG, aw, ao, az, aD], endpoint: aO, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, aP], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [Y, ad, { [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [af, "scheme"] }, "http"] }, { [ch]: p, [ci]: [ac, b] }, au, aG, aE, aw], rules: [{ [cg]: bP, rules: [{ [cg]: bQ, rules: [aM], [cf]: o }, aP], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [au, { [ch]: E, [ci]: by, [ck]: F }], rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [aQ, "resourceId[0]"], [ck]: G }, { [ch]: r, [ci]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [aR, H] }] }], rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [aS, I] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bS, rules: [{ [cg]: bT, rules: [aU, aV, { [cg]: bV, rules: [aW, { [cg]: bW, rules: [aX, { [cg]: bY, rules: [{ [cg]: bP, rules: [{ [cg]: bZ, rules: [{ [cg]: ca, rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [aZ, H] }], error: "Invalid ARN: Missing account id", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: cb, rules: [{ [cg]: cc, rules: [{ [cg]: bB, endpoint: { [cl]: L, [cm]: ba, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: bG, endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}-{bucketArn#accountId}.s3-object-lambda-fips.{bucketArn#region}.{bucketPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ba, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}-{bucketArn#accountId}.s3-object-lambda.{bucketArn#region}.{bucketPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ba, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, bb], [cf]: o }, bc], [cf]: o }, bd], [cf]: o }, be], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, bf], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: bucket ARN is missing a region", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, bg], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: Object Lambda ARNs only support `accesspoint` arn types, but found: `{arnType}`", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: bS, rules: [{ [cg]: bT, rules: [{ [cg]: bV, rules: [{ [cg]: bS, rules: [{ [cg]: bV, rules: [aW, { [cg]: bW, rules: [aX, { [cg]: bY, rules: [{ [cg]: bP, rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [aY, "{partitionResult#name}"] }], rules: [{ [cg]: ca, rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [aS, A] }], rules: [{ [cg]: cb, rules: [{ [cg]: cc, rules: [{ [cg]: bA, error: "Access Points do not support S3 Accelerate", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [W, X], endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}-{bucketArn#accountId}.s3-accesspoint-fips.dualstack.{bucketArn#region}.{bucketPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: bh, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [W, aE], endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}-{bucketArn#accountId}.s3-accesspoint-fips.{bucketArn#region}.{bucketPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: bh, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, X], endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}-{bucketArn#accountId}.s3-accesspoint.dualstack.{bucketArn#region}.{bucketPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: bh, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, aE, Y, ad], endpoint: { [cl]: L, [cm]: bh, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, aE], endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}-{bucketArn#accountId}.s3-accesspoint.{bucketArn#region}.{bucketPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: bh, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, bb], [cf]: o }, bc], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: The ARN was not for the S3 service, found: {bucketArn#service}", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, bd], [cf]: o }, be], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, bf], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: x, [ci]: [aT, b] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bz, error: "S3 MRAP does not support dual-stack", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: bG, error: "S3 MRAP does not support FIPS", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: bA, error: "S3 MRAP does not support S3 Accelerate", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: d, [ci]: [{ [cj]: "DisableMultiRegionAccessPoints" }, b] }], error: "Invalid configuration: Multi-Region Access Point ARNs are disabled.", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: f, [ci]: bw, [ck]: M }], rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [{ [cj]: M }, i] }, { [ch]: h, [ci]: [aQ, "partition"] }] }], rules: [{ endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}.accesspoint.s3-global.{mrapPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: { [co]: [{ [cp]: b, name: y, [cq]: A, [ct]: bO }] }, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Client was configured for partition `{mrapPartition#name}` but bucket referred to partition `{bucketArn#partition}`", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid Access Point Name", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, bg], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [aS, z] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bz, error: "S3 Outposts does not support Dual-stack", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: bG, error: "S3 Outposts does not support FIPS", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: bA, error: "S3 Outposts does not support S3 Accelerate", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: c, [ci]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [aQ, "resourceId[4]"] }] }], error: "Invalid Arn: Outpost Access Point ARN contains sub resources", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: bU, [ck]: w }], rules: [{ [cg]: bM, rules: [aX, { [cg]: bY, rules: [{ [cg]: bP, rules: [{ [cg]: bZ, rules: [{ [cg]: ca, rules: [{ [cg]: cb, rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: bX, [ck]: N }], rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: h, [ci]: [aQ, "resourceId[3]"], [ck]: K }], rules: [{ [cg]: [{ [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [cj]: N }, J] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bB, endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}-{bucketArn#accountId}.{outpostId}.{url#authority}", [cm]: bi, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: { [cl]: "https://{accessPointName}-{bucketArn#accountId}.{outpostId}.s3-outposts.{bucketArn#region}.{bucketPartition#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: bi, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Expected an outpost type `accesspoint`, found {outpostType}", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: expected an access point name", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: Expected a 4-component resource", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, bc], [cf]: o }, bd], [cf]: o }, be], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: The outpost Id may only contain a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and `-`. Found: `{outpostId}`", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: The Outpost Id was not set", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: Unrecognized format: {Bucket} (type: {arnType})", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Invalid ARN: No ARN type specified", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: j, [ci]: [ac, 0, 4, a], [ck]: O }, { [ch]: g, [ci]: [{ [cj]: O }, "arn:"] }, { [ch]: r, [ci]: [{ [ch]: c, [ci]: [bj] }] }], error: "Invalid ARN: `{Bucket}` was not a valid ARN", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: d, [ci]: [av, b] }, bj], error: "Path-style addressing cannot be used with ARN buckets", [cf]: e }, { [cg]: bE, rules: [{ [cg]: bP, rules: [{ [cg]: [aw], rules: [{ [cg]: [X, ao, W, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}/{uri_encoded_bucket}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [X, ao, W, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: bk, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [X, ao, W, az, aD], endpoint: bk, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, ao, W, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}/{uri_encoded_bucket}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, ao, W, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: bl, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aE, ao, W, az, aD], endpoint: bl, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [X, ao, aG, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}/{uri_encoded_bucket}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [X, ao, aG, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: bm, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [X, ao, aG, az, aD], endpoint: bm, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, Y, ad, aG, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: P, [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, Y, ad, aG, az, aA], rules: [{ [cg]: bR, endpoint: bn, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: bn, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aE, Y, ad, aG, az, aD], endpoint: bn, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, ao, aG, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: Q, [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aE, ao, aG, az, aA], rules: [{ [cg]: bR, endpoint: { [cl]: Q, [cm]: aC, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: bo, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aE, ao, aG, az, aD], endpoint: bo, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { error: "Path-style addressing cannot be used with S3 Accelerate", [cf]: e }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [{ [ch]: c, [ci]: [bp] }, { [ch]: d, [ci]: [bp, b] }], rules: [{ [cg]: bP, rules: [{ [cg]: cd, rules: [aU, aV, { [cg]: bB, endpoint: { [cl]: s, [cm]: bq, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: bG, endpoint: { [cl]: "https://s3-object-lambda-fips.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: bq, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: { [cl]: "https://s3-object-lambda.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: bq, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, aP], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aq], rules: [{ [cg]: bP, rules: [{ [cg]: cd, rules: [{ [cg]: [W, X, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [W, X, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: br, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [W, X, ao, az, aD], endpoint: br, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [W, aE, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [W, aE, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: bs, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [W, aE, ao, az, aD], endpoint: bs, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, X, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: "{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}", [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, X, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ endpoint: bt, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aG, X, ao, az, aD], endpoint: bt, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, aE, Y, ad, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: s, [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, aE, Y, ad, az, aA], rules: [{ [cg]: bR, endpoint: bu, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: bu, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aG, aE, Y, ad, az, aD], endpoint: bu, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, aE, ao, ax], endpoint: { [cl]: R, [cm]: ay, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { [cg]: [aG, aE, ao, az, aA], rules: [{ [cg]: bR, endpoint: { [cl]: R, [cm]: aC, [cs]: ai }, [cf]: n }, { endpoint: bv, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, { [cg]: [aG, aE, ao, az, aD], endpoint: bv, [cf]: n }], [cf]: o }, aP], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }], [cf]: o }, { error: "A region must be set when sending requests to S3.", [cf]: e }] };
export const ruleSet = _data;

@@ -77,2 +77,3 @@ import { Endpoint, EndpointParameters as __EndpointParameters, EndpointV2, Provider } from "@smithy/types";

Prefix?: string;
CopySource?: string;
DisableAccessPoints?: boolean;

@@ -79,0 +80,0 @@ DisableMultiRegionAccessPoints?: boolean;

@@ -88,2 +88,3 @@ import {

Prefix?: string;
CopySource?: string;
DisableAccessPoints?: boolean;

@@ -90,0 +91,0 @@ DisableMultiRegionAccessPoints?: boolean;

"name": "@aws-sdk/client-s3",
"description": "AWS SDK for JavaScript S3 Client for Node.js, Browser and React Native",
"version": "3.590.0",
"version": "3.591.0",
"scripts": {

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ "build": "concurrently 'yarn:build:cjs' 'yarn:build:es' 'yarn:build:types'",

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

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