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AWS credential provider that sources credentials from ~/.aws/credentials and ~/.aws/config

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Package description

What is @aws-sdk/credential-provider-ini?

The @aws-sdk/credential-provider-ini package is a module that allows Node.js developers to load AWS credentials from INI-formatted files, such as the ones created by the AWS CLI. This package is part of the AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3) and is used to retrieve AWS credentials from local configuration files, enabling developers to authenticate AWS SDK calls.

What are @aws-sdk/credential-provider-ini's main functionalities?

Loading credentials from a shared INI file

This feature allows developers to load AWS credentials from a shared INI file, typically located at `~/.aws/credentials`. The `fromIni` function reads the file and returns the credentials for the default profile or a specified profile.

const { fromIni } = require('@aws-sdk/credential-provider-ini');
const credentials = fromIni();

Specifying a custom profile

Developers can specify a custom profile to load credentials for a specific AWS account or role. This is useful when working with multiple AWS accounts or when different permissions are needed.

const { fromIni } = require('@aws-sdk/credential-provider-ini');
const credentials = fromIni({ profile: 'myCustomProfile' });

Assuming a role with MFA

This feature supports assuming an IAM role that requires Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). The `mfaCodeProvider` is a function that returns the MFA code, which is then used to assume the role.

const { fromIni } = require('@aws-sdk/credential-provider-ini');
const credentials = fromIni({
  profile: 'myRoleProfile',
  mfaCodeProvider: async () => '123456', // Replace with actual MFA code provider

Other packages similar to @aws-sdk/credential-provider-ini



3.554.0 (2024-04-11)

Bug Fixes

  • private: add dependency checking to private folder (#5993) (c071cea)


  • client-batch: This release adds the task properties field to attempt details and the name field on EKS container detail. (6771613)
  • client-cloudfront: CloudFront origin access control extends support to AWS Lambda function URLs and AWS Elemental MediaPackage v2 origins. (1061555)
  • client-cloudwatch: This release adds support for Metric Characteristics for CloudWatch Anomaly Detection. Anomaly Detector now takes Metric Characteristics object with Periodic Spikes boolean field that tells Anomaly Detection that spikes that repeat at the same time every week are part of the expected pattern. (e0d291a)
  • client-iam: For CreateOpenIDConnectProvider API, the ThumbprintList parameter is no longer required. (bd8d5bf)
  • client-medialive: AWS Elemental MediaLive introduces workflow monitor, a new feature that enables the visualization and monitoring of your media workflows. Create signal maps of your existing workflows and monitor them by creating notification and monitoring template groups. (17570f0)
  • client-omics: This release adds support for retrieval of S3 direct access metadata on sequence stores and read sets, and adds support for SHA256up and SHA512up HealthOmics ETags. (a6d5127)
  • client-pipes: LogConfiguration ARN validation fixes (b937f44)
  • client-wafv2: Adds an updated version of smoke tests, including smithy trait, for SDK testing. (5b79451)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2024-04-11 (bd1a417)
  • core: validate XML during deserialization (#5991) (50002cf)




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An internal package


You probably shouldn't, at least directly. Please use @aws-sdk/credential-providers instead.



Last updated on 11 Apr 2024

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