client-mediaconvert: AWS Elemental MediaConvert SDK has added support for the pass-through of WebVTT styling to WebVTT outputs, pass-through of KLV metadata to supported formats, and improved filter support for processing 444/RGB content. (d49135a)
client-mediapackage-vod: This release adds ScteMarkersSource as an available field for Dash Packaging Configurations. When set to MANIFEST, MediaPackage will source the SCTE-35 markers from the manifest. When set to SEGMENTS, MediaPackage will source the SCTE-35 markers from the segments. (fc43d06)
client-wafv2: Add a new CurrentDefaultVersion field to ListAvailableManagedRuleGroupVersions API response; add a new VersioningSupported boolean to each ManagedRuleGroup returned from ListAvailableManagedRuleGroups API response. (07f9765)
clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-04-08 (ad3734a)
client-config-service: Added new APIs GetCustomRulePolicy and GetOrganizationCustomRulePolicy, and updated existing APIs PutConfigRule, DescribeConfigRule, DescribeConfigRuleEvaluationStatus, PutOrganizationConfigRule, DescribeConfigRule to support a new feature for building AWS Config rules with AWS CloudFormation Guard (da33251)
client-lambda: Adds support for increased ephemeral storage (/tmp) up to 10GB for Lambda functions. Customers can now provision up to 10 GB of ephemeral storage per function instance, a 20x increase over the previous limit of 512 MB. (d77b86b)
client-transcribe: This release adds an additional parameter for subtitling with Amazon Transcribe batch jobs: outputStartIndex. (8419c39)
clients: update client endpoints to latest (523b0fd)