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Package description

What is @aws-sdk/middleware-expect-continue?

@aws-sdk/middleware-expect-continue is a middleware package for the AWS SDK for JavaScript. It is used to handle the 'Expect: 100-continue' HTTP header, which allows a client to check if the server is willing to accept a request before actually sending the request body. This can be useful for optimizing network usage and improving performance when sending large payloads.

What are @aws-sdk/middleware-expect-continue's main functionalities?

Adding Expect-Continue Middleware

This feature allows you to add the Expect-Continue middleware to an AWS SDK client. The middleware is added to the client's middleware stack at the 'build' step with high priority.

const { S3Client } = require('@aws-sdk/client-s3');
const { expectContinueMiddleware } = require('@aws-sdk/middleware-expect-continue');

const client = new S3Client({});
client.middlewareStack.add(expectContinueMiddleware(), {
  step: 'build',
  priority: 'high',

Customizing Expect-Continue Middleware

This feature allows you to customize the Expect-Continue middleware by setting options such as the continue timeout. In this example, the continue timeout is set to 3000 milliseconds.

const { S3Client } = require('@aws-sdk/client-s3');
const { expectContinueMiddleware } = require('@aws-sdk/middleware-expect-continue');

const client = new S3Client({});
  continueTimeout: 3000 // Custom timeout in milliseconds
}), {
  step: 'build',
  priority: 'high',

Other packages similar to @aws-sdk/middleware-expect-continue



3.451.0 (2023-11-14)


  • client-backup: AWS Backup - Features: Provide Job Summary for your backup activity. (5319e55)
  • client-cleanrooms: This feature provides the ability for the collaboration creator to configure either the member who can run queries or a different member in the collaboration to be billed for query compute costs. (85cd599)
  • client-connect: Introducing SegmentAttributes parameter for StartChatContact API (839de51)
  • client-glue: Introduces new storage optimization APIs to support automatic compaction of Apache Iceberg tables. (89bfc1a)
  • client-iot: This release introduces new attributes in API CreateSecurityProfile, UpdateSecurityProfile and DescribeSecurityProfile to support management of Metrics Export for AWS IoT Device Defender Detect. (faf048e)
  • client-lambda: Add Python 3.12 (python3.12) support to AWS Lambda (b388fbe)
  • client-mediatailor: Removed unnecessary default values. (a3f23ba)
  • client-pipes: Added support (via new LogConfiguration field in CreatePipe and UpdatePipe APIs) for logging to Amazon CloudWatch Logs, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), and Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose (08927cc)
  • client-resource-explorer-2: Resource Explorer supports multi-account search. You can now use Resource Explorer to search and discover resources across AWS accounts within your organization or organizational unit. (806c94f)
  • client-sagemaker: This release makes Model Registry Inference Specification fields as not required. (6c3fba8)
  • client-sfn: This release adds support to redrive executions in AWS Step Functions with a new RedriveExecution operation. (0627029)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2023-11-14 (e8beb70)
  • experimentalIdentityAndAuth: release phase for [@smithy]( (#5271) (2e1ac5b)




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Last updated on 14 Nov 2023

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