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Axway AMPLIFY authentication SDK for Node.js

Version published


The AMPLIFY Auth SDK for Node.js makes it easy for Node.js applications to authenticate with AxwayID in order to access AMPLIFY Services.


In nearly all cases, you should use @axway/amplify-sdk instead of this package. AMPLIFY SDK will populate the account org info and facilitate org switching which was removed from this package in v2.


Auth SDK v2 changed the structure of the data in the token store, but some dependencies still rely on Auth SDK v1. To ensure other CLI's won't break, Auth SDK v2 will write the accounts in both the v1 and v2 formats.

Note that Auth SDK v1 is unaware of the v2 token store and thus revoking an account using Auth SDK v1 will only affect the credentials stored in the v1 token store.


npm i @axway/amplify-auth-sdk --save


There are 4 supported authentication methods:

  • Resource Owner Accounts:
    • Authorization Code Grant with PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange)
    • Username/Password
  • Service Accounts:
    • Client Secret Credentials
    • JSON Web Token

The Auth SDK supports being authenticated into multiple accounts simultaneously regardless of the authentication method. Each account is uniquely identified by its account name and base URL.


  • Support for multiple authentication methods
  • Persists tokens in a local store
  • Optional support for secure token storage
  • Custom token store support
  • Ability to simultaneously authentication into multiple environments with different credentials and authentication methods
  • Built-in web server for interactive login flows
  • Customizable interactive success message


Access tokens are persisted in a token store. The type of token store is specified at the time the Auth instance is created. Possible types are:

  • "auto" (default) - Attempts to create the best token store.
  • "secure" - A secure file-based store.
  • "file" - An unsecure file-based store.
  • "memory" - An in-memory store.
  • null - No store will be created and tokens will not be persisted.

By default, the Auth SDK will use the "auto" token store which attempts to create a "secure" token store, but falls back to a file-based store followed by an in-memory store should that fail.

Both "secure" and "file" token stores require a tokenStoreDir value. The directory will be created if it does not exist.

The secure store requires the keytar dependency. keytar is a native Node.js C++ addon and thus requires a C++ compiler to be installed on the user's machine at the time this Auth SDK is installed. Since users may not have a compiler available, it is recommended that keytar be an optional dependency.

:bulb: When using keytar and a user changes their Node.js version to a different major version, the module API version for which keytar was compiled for will no longer be compatible and the Auth SDK fail to operate.

The "memory" token store will persist the tokens for the life of the process and are lost when the process exits. This was originally intended for unit tests.

:warning: Tokens that do not have an email address in the payload cannot be persisted. The email address is used as the account name and a unique identifier when attempting to get the token in the store. It is up to the consumer to [securely] persist the tokens.


Authorization Code Grant with PKCE

PKCE is the default authentication method. It requires user interaction using a web browser to complete the authentication process.

import Auth from '@axway/amplify-auth-sdk';

(async function main() {
	const auth = new Auth({
		clientId: 'my_app',
		realm: 'realm_to_auth_into'

	// this will launch the default browser and wait for the user to complete the process
	const account = await auth.login();

	console.log(`Authenticated successfully ${}!`);

You can also manually authenticate manually without a browser.

Note: Manual authentication will spin up a local HTTP server for the redirects. Manual mode is intended for headless environments.

import Auth from '@axway/amplify-auth-sdk';
import got from 'got';

(async function main() {
	const auth = new Auth({
		clientId: 'my_app',
		realm: 'realm_to_auth_into'

	const { url } = await auth.login({ manual: true });
  const res = await got(url, { followRedirect: false });
  const code = new URL(res.headers.get('location')).searchParams.get('code');
	const account = await auth.login({ code });

	console.log(`Authenticated successfully ${}!`);


import Auth from '@axway/amplify-auth-sdk';

(async function main() {
	const auth = new Auth({
		clientId: 'my_app',
		realm: 'realm_to_auth_into',
		username: 'tester',
		password: 'password1'

	const account = await auth.login();

	console.log(`Authenticated successfully ${}!`);

Client Secret Credentials

import Auth from '@axway/amplify-auth-sdk';

(async function main() {
	const auth = new Auth({
		clientId: 'my_app',
		realm: 'realm_to_auth_into',
		clientSecret: '63b320e4-752e-452a-9066-a168f6f6c201'

	// this will launch the default browser and wait for the user to complete the process
	const account = await auth.login();

	console.log(`Authenticated successfully ${}!`);

JSON Web Token

import Auth from '@axway/amplify-auth-sdk';

(async function main() {
	const auth = new Auth({
		clientId: 'my_app',
		realm: 'realm_to_auth_into',
		secretFile: '/path/to/rsa-private-key.pem'

	const account = await auth.login();

	console.log(`Authenticated successfully ${}!`);


new Auth(options)

Creates a new Auth instance. This class facilitates authentication, reporting tokens, and revoking tokens.

A single Auth instance can be used to authenticate multiple accounts regardless of the authentication method.

Note: Should your application create more than one Auth instance, it is recommended that you manually create a single token store and pass it into each Auth instance.

options: (Object)

Aside from the token store related options, the options are stored as "default" values that are used when a method is invoked and a property has not be specified.

  • General:
    • baseUrl: (String) [optional] The base URL to use for all outgoing requests.
    • clientId: (String) [required] The client id to specify when authenticating.
    • env: (String) [optional] The environment name. Must be "dev", "preprod", or "prod". The environment is a shorthand way of specifying a Axway default base URL. Defaults to "prod".
    • secureServiceName: (String) [optional] The name of the consumer using this library when using the "secure" token store. Defaults to "Axway AMPLIFY Auth".
    • messages: (Object) [optional] A map of categorized messages to display to the end user. Supports plain text or HTML strings.
    • realm: (String) [required] The name of the realm to authenticate with.
    • tokenRefreshThreshold: (Number) [optional] The number of seconds before the access token expires and should be refreshed. Defaults to 0.
    • tokenStore: (TokenStore) [optional] A token store instance for persisting the tokens.
    • tokenStoreDir: (String) [optional] The directory where the token store is saved. Required when the tokenStoreType is secure or file.
    • tokenStoreType: (String) [optional] The type of store to persist the access token. Possible values include: "auto", "secure", "file", or "memory". If value is auto, it will attempt to use secure, then file, then memory. If set to null, then it will not persist the access token. Defaults "secure".
  • PKCE:
    • This is the default authentication method and has no options.
  • Username/Password:
    • username: (String) [optional] The username to login as.
    • password: (String) [optional] The password use.
  • Client Secret Credentials:
    • clientSecret: (String) [optional] The client-specific secret key to login with.
    • serviceAccount: (Boolean) [optional] When true, indicates the consumer is a service and not a user and that authentication should be non-interactive.
  • JSON Web Token:
    • secretFile: (String) [optional] The path to the file containing the secret key to login with. This is RSA private key, usually stored in a .pem file.



Retrieves the access token based on the supplied account name.

options: (Object)
  • accountName: (String) The account name to retrieve.
  • authenticator: (Authenticator) [optional] An authenticator instance to use. If not specified, one will be auto-selected based on the options.
  • baseUrl: (String) [optional] The base URL to filter by.
Return Value

Returns a Promise that resolves an Object containing:

  • auth: (Object) Authentication related info.
  • auth.authenticator: (String) The authentication method.
  • auth.baseUrl: (String) The base URL.
  • auth.env: (String) The environment name. Note that a user may override the environment's base URL.
  • auth.expired: (Boolean) This is a computed property that determimes if the access token is expired. Auth SDK consumers should check this after retreiving the account to see if they need to re-authenticate by calling login().
  • auth.expires: (Object) An object containing a timestamp (in milliseconds) for which the access and
  • auth.realm: (String) The OpenID realm. auth.refresh tokens expire.
  • auth.tokens: (Object) The original OpenID tokens object.
  • hash: (String) A base64 encoded md5 hash of the authenticator parameters.
  • name: (String) The account name. Generally this is the user's email address.

If the account is not found or if the tokenStoreType has been explicitly set to null, it will resolve null.

const account = await auth.find({ accountName: '' });
if (account) {
	if (account.expired) {
		console.log(`Found ${}, but the access token is expired and you must call login() again`);
	} else {
		console.log(`Found ${}`);
} else {
	console.log('Not found');

Returns a list of all valid access tokens.

Return Value

Returns a Promise that resolves an Array of account objects (as described in find()).

If the tokenStoreType has been explicitly set to null, it will resolve an empty array.

const accounts = await auth.list();
console.log(`Found ${accounts.length} accounts`);

Determines the appropriate authentication method and begins the authentication method login process.

For PKCE or non-service client secret, it will start a local http server and launch the default web browser with the Axway login page. Once the user has logged in, the Axway platform will redirect the browser to the local http server and continue the authentication process.

All other authentication methods are non-interactive and pass along the parameters specified in the Auth() constructor to complete the authentication process.

If the account is already in the token store with valid access and refresh tokens, then it is returned instead of going through the authentication process unless the code option is specified. If the code is passed in, it is assumed that effort was made to retrieve the code and thus the intention was to get fresh tokens.

options: (Object) [optional]
  • General:
    • accessType: (String) [optional] The access type to send with requests. Defaults to "offline".
    • app: (String|Array) [optional] Specify the app to open the target with, or an array with the app and app arguments. Defaults to the system default web browser.
    • authenticator: (Authenticator) [optional] An authenticator instance to use. If not specified, one will be auto-selected based on the options.
    • clientId: (String) [required] The client id to specify when authenticating.
    • code: (String) [optional] The authentication code from a successful interactive login.
    • endpoints: (Object) [optional] A map of endpoint names to endpoint URLs. Possible endpoints are: "auth", "certs", "logout", "token", "userinfo", and "wellKnown".
    • interactiveLoginTimeout: (Number) [optional] The number of milliseconds to wait before shutting down the local HTTP server. Defaults to 120000.
    • manual: (Boolean) [optional] When the authentication method is interactive and manual is true it will return the auth URL instead of starting the local web server and launching the web browser. It is then up to the consumer to connect to the URL, login, and retrieve the auth code. Defaults to false.
    • responseType: (String) [optional] The response type to send with requests. Defaults to "code".
    • scope: (String) [optional] The name of the scope to send with requests. Defaults to "openid".
    • serverHost: (String) [optional] The local HTTP server hostname or IP address to listen on when interactively authenticating. Defaults to "".
    • serverPort: (Number) [optional] The local HTTP server port to listen on when interactively authenticating. Defaults to 3000
    • timeout: (Number) [optional] The number of milliseconds to wait before timing out. Defaults to the interactiveLoginTimeout property.
    • wait: (Boolean) [optional] Wait for the opened app to exit before fulfilling the promise. If false it's fulfilled immediately when opening the app. Defaults to false.

Each of the following authentication method specific options override the default values defined in the Auth constructor. If no default values have been defined, then the following options are required.

  • PKCE:
    • This is the default authentication method and has no options.
  • Username/Password:
    • username: (String) The username to login as.
    • password: (String) The password use.
  • Client Secret Credentials:
    • clientSecret: (String) The client-specific secret key to login with.
    • serviceAccount: (Boolean) [optional] When true, indicates the consumer is a service and not a user and that authentication should be non-interactive.
  • JSON Web Token:
    • secretFile: (String) The path to the file containing the secret key to login with. This is RSA private key, usually stored in a .pem file.
Return Value

Returns a Promise that resolves an Object. The contents of that object depends on whether manual=true.

If manual, the resolved object contains:

  • cancel(): (Function) A function that cancels the interactive login request and stops the local HTTP server.
  • promise: (Promise) Resolves an Object containing the accessToken if authentication succeeds.
  • url: (String) The URL to call that when successful should return a 301 redirect to the local HTTP server containing the authorization code used to retreive the access token when calling login({ code }).

If NOT manual, it resolves an account info object as described in the find() return value description.

const account = await auth.login();
console.log(`Account name = ${}`);
console.log(`Access token = ${account.auth.tokens.access_token}`);
console.log('User info =', account.user);
console.log('Org info =',;

Invalidates all or specific account access tokens by name.

options: (Object)
  • accounts: (Array|String) A single account or array of accounts to revoke.
  • all: (Boolean) Revokes all account access tokens. Supercedes accounts option.
  • baseUrl: (String) [optional] The base URL used to filter accounts.
Return Value

Returns a Promise that resolves an Array of revoked accounts.

Note: If all accounts have been revoked, the token store implementation generally removes the entire store rather than keep an empty store.

This function will always succeed regardless if it the Axway platform was able to invalidate the access token.

const revoked = await auth.logout({ accounts: [ '' ] });
console.log(`Revoked ${revoked.length} accounts`);
const revoked = await auth.logout({ all: true });
console.log(`Revoked ${revoked.length} accounts`);

Advanced Methods


Determines which authenticator should be used based on the supplied options, then creates an instance of that authenticator.

This method can be directly invoked, but the recommended usage is to call login() instead. However, if you have some advanced scenario, this method may come in handy. Note that this method only applies the supplied options and not the default options of the Auth instance.

  • General:
    • authenticator: (Authenticator) [optional] An authenticator instance to use. If not specified, one will be auto-selected based on the options.
  • PKCE:
    • This is the default authentication method and has no options.
  • Username/Password:
    • username: (String) The username to login as.
    • password: (String) The password use.
  • Client Secret Credentials:
    • clientSecret: (String) The client-specific secret key to login with.
    • serviceAccount: (Boolean) [optional] When true, indicates the consumer is a service and not a user and that authentication should be non-interactive.
  • JSON Web Token:
    • secretFile: (String) The path to the file containing the secret key to login with. This is RSA private key, usually stored in a .pem file.
Return Value

Returns either a ClientSecret, OwnerPassword, PKCE or SignedJWT authenticator instance.


Discovers available endpoints based on the remote server's OpenID configuration.

  • url: (String) [optional] An URL to discover the available endpoints. Defaults to the URL derived from the baseUrl.
Return Value

Returns a Promise that resolves an Object containing information about the authentication endpoint.

Internal APIs

The Auth class is a convenience wrapper around a specific authenticator implementation. This SDK exports all internal classes for authenticators and token stores.

These implementation specific authentication and token store classes can be used directly, but generally for testing or defining new authentication and token store classes.


  • Authenticator: The base class for all authenticators.
    • ClientSecret: The client secret authenticator.
    • OwnerPassword: The username/password authenticator.
    • PKCE: The PKCE authenticator.
    • SignedJWT: The JSON web token authenticator.

Token Stores

  • TokenStore: The base class for all token stores.
    • FileStore: The default file-based token store.
    • MemoryStore: An in-memory token store.
    • SecureStore: A secure token store that uses keytar.

Misc Internal APIs

  • environments: (Object) Default environment settings.
  • getEndpoints({ baseUrl, realm } ): Constructs an object containing all endpoints for the given baseUrl and realm.
  • server: An object with a methods for starting and stopping the local HTTP server.
server.stop(force, serverIds)

Stops the local HTTP interactive login callback server. This can be called by consumers to abort all interactive logins.

  • force: (Boolean) When true, it will stop the server regardless if there are any pending interactive logins or connections. Any pending interactive requests will be rejected.
  • serverIds: (String|Array) A list of server ids to stop. A server id is defined by "<server_host>:<server_port>". By default, all servers are stopped.
Return Value

Returns a Promise when all connections have been disconnected and the HTTP server(s) have been stopped.

This project is open source under the Apache Public License v2 and is developed by Axway, Inc and the community. Please read the LICENSE file included in this distribution for more information.




Package last updated on 27 Aug 2020

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