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Comparing version 14.2.0 to 14.3.0




@@ -0,1 +1,4 @@

import { Logger } from "../logger/Logger";
import { AuthorityMetadataSource } from "../utils/Constants";
import { StaticAuthorityOptions } from "./AuthorityOptions";
import { CloudDiscoveryMetadata } from "./CloudDiscoveryMetadata";

@@ -231,83 +234,9 @@ export declare const rawMetdataJSON: {

instanceDiscoveryMetadata: {
"": {
tenant_discovery_endpoint: string;
"api-version": string;
metadata: {
preferred_network: string;
preferred_cache: string;
aliases: string[];
"": {
tenant_discovery_endpoint: string;
"api-version": string;
metadata: {
preferred_network: string;
preferred_cache: string;
aliases: string[];
"": {
tenant_discovery_endpoint: string;
"api-version": string;
metadata: {
preferred_network: string;
preferred_cache: string;
aliases: string[];
"": {
tenant_discovery_endpoint: string;
"api-version": string;
metadata: {
preferred_network: string;
preferred_cache: string;
aliases: string[];
"": {
tenant_discovery_endpoint: string;
"api-version": string;
metadata: {
preferred_network: string;
preferred_cache: string;
aliases: string[];
"": {
tenant_discovery_endpoint: string;
"api-version": string;
metadata: {
preferred_network: string;
preferred_cache: string;
aliases: string[];
"": {
tenant_discovery_endpoint: string;
"api-version": string;
metadata: {
preferred_network: string;
preferred_cache: string;
aliases: string[];
"": {
tenant_discovery_endpoint: string;
"api-version": string;
metadata: {
preferred_network: string;
preferred_cache: string;
aliases: string[];
"": {
tenant_discovery_endpoint: string;
"api-version": string;
metadata: {
preferred_network: string;
preferred_cache: string;
aliases: string[];
tenant_discovery_endpoint: string;
"api-version": string;
metadata: {
preferred_network: string;
preferred_cache: string;
aliases: string[];

@@ -543,98 +472,30 @@ };

export declare const InstanceDiscoveryMetadata: {
"": {
tenant_discovery_endpoint: string;
"api-version": string;
metadata: {
preferred_network: string;
preferred_cache: string;
aliases: string[];
"": {
tenant_discovery_endpoint: string;
"api-version": string;
metadata: {
preferred_network: string;
preferred_cache: string;
aliases: string[];
"": {
tenant_discovery_endpoint: string;
"api-version": string;
metadata: {
preferred_network: string;
preferred_cache: string;
aliases: string[];
"": {
tenant_discovery_endpoint: string;
"api-version": string;
metadata: {
preferred_network: string;
preferred_cache: string;
aliases: string[];
"": {
tenant_discovery_endpoint: string;
"api-version": string;
metadata: {
preferred_network: string;
preferred_cache: string;
aliases: string[];
"": {
tenant_discovery_endpoint: string;
"api-version": string;
metadata: {
preferred_network: string;
preferred_cache: string;
aliases: string[];
"": {
tenant_discovery_endpoint: string;
"api-version": string;
metadata: {
preferred_network: string;
preferred_cache: string;
aliases: string[];
"": {
tenant_discovery_endpoint: string;
"api-version": string;
metadata: {
preferred_network: string;
preferred_cache: string;
aliases: string[];
"": {
tenant_discovery_endpoint: string;
"api-version": string;
metadata: {
preferred_network: string;
preferred_cache: string;
aliases: string[];
tenant_discovery_endpoint: string;
"api-version": string;
metadata: {
preferred_network: string;
preferred_cache: string;
aliases: string[];
export declare const InstanceDiscoveryMetadataAliases: Set<String>;
* Returns aliases for the given canonical authority if found in hardcoded Instance Discovery Metadata or null if not found
* @param canonicalAuthority
* Attempts to get an aliases array from the static authority metadata sources based on the canonical authority host
* @param staticAuthorityOptions
* @param logger
* @returns
export declare function getHardcodedAliasesForCanonicalAuthority(canonicalAuthority?: string): string[] | null;
export declare function getAliasesFromStaticSources(staticAuthorityOptions: StaticAuthorityOptions, logger?: Logger): string[];
* Returns aliases for from the raw cloud discovery metadata given in configuration or null if no configuration was provided
* Returns aliases for from the raw cloud discovery metadata passed in
* @param authorityHost
* @param rawCloudDiscoveryMetadata
* @returns
export declare function getAliasesFromConfigMetadata(canonicalAuthority?: string, cloudDiscoveryMetadata?: CloudDiscoveryMetadata[]): string[] | null;
export declare function getAliasesFromMetadata(authorityHost?: string, cloudDiscoveryMetadata?: CloudDiscoveryMetadata[], source?: AuthorityMetadataSource, logger?: Logger): string[] | null;
* Get cloud discovery metadata for common authorities
export declare function getCloudDiscoveryMetadataFromHardcodedValues(authorityHost: string): CloudDiscoveryMetadata | null;
* Searches instance discovery network response for the entry that contains the host in the aliases list

@@ -644,7 +505,3 @@ * @param response

export declare function getCloudDiscoveryMetadataFromNetworkResponse(response: CloudDiscoveryMetadata[], authority: string): CloudDiscoveryMetadata | null;
* Get cloud discovery metadata for common authorities
export declare function getCloudDiscoveryMetadataFromHardcodedValues(canonicalAuthority: string): CloudDiscoveryMetadata | null;
export declare function getCloudDiscoveryMetadataFromNetworkResponse(response: CloudDiscoveryMetadata[], authorityHost: string): CloudDiscoveryMetadata | null;
import { ProtocolMode } from "./ProtocolMode";
import { OIDCOptions } from "./OIDCOptions";
import { AzureRegionConfiguration } from "./AzureRegionConfiguration";
import { CloudDiscoveryMetadata } from "./CloudDiscoveryMetadata";
import { CloudInstanceDiscoveryResponse } from "./CloudInstanceDiscoveryResponse";
export type AuthorityOptions = {

@@ -17,3 +17,3 @@ protocolMode: ProtocolMode;

canonicalAuthority?: string;
cloudDiscoveryMetadata?: CloudDiscoveryMetadata[];
cloudDiscoveryMetadata?: CloudInstanceDiscoveryResponse;

@@ -20,0 +20,0 @@ export declare const AzureCloudInstance: {

import { CredentialEntity } from "./CredentialEntity";
import { AuthenticationScheme } from "../../utils/Constants";
import { ICrypto } from "../../crypto/ICrypto";
* ACCESS_TOKEN Credential Type
* Key:Value Schema:
* Key Example:
* Value Schema:
* {
* homeAccountId: home account identifier for the auth scheme,
* environment: entity that issued the token, represented as a full host
* credentialType: Type of credential as a string, can be one of the following: RefreshToken, AccessToken, IdToken, Password, Cookie, Certificate, Other
* clientId: client ID of the application
* secret: Actual credential as a string
* familyId: Family ID identifier, usually only used for refresh tokens
* realm: Full tenant or organizational identifier that the account belongs to
* target: Permissions that are included in the token, or for refresh tokens, the resource identifier.
* cachedAt: Absolute device time when entry was created in the cache.
* expiresOn: Token expiry time, calculated based on current UTC time in seconds. Represented as a string.
* extendedExpiresOn: Additional extended expiry time until when token is valid in case of server-side outage. Represented as string in UTC seconds.
* keyId: used for POP and SSH tokenTypes
* tokenType: Type of the token issued. Usually "Bearer"
* }
* Access token cache type
export declare class AccessTokenEntity extends CredentialEntity {
export type AccessTokenEntity = CredentialEntity & {
/** Full tenant or organizational identifier that the account belongs to */
realm: string;
/** Permissions that are included in the token, or for refresh tokens, the resource identifier. */
target: string;
/** Absolute device time when entry was created in the cache. */
cachedAt: string;
/** Token expiry time, calculated based on current UTC time in seconds. Represented as a string. */
expiresOn: string;
/** Additional extended expiry time until when token is valid in case of server-side outage. Represented as string in UTC seconds. */
extendedExpiresOn?: string;
/** Used for proactive refresh */
refreshOn?: string;
keyId?: string;
/** Matches the authentication scheme for which the token was issued (i.e. Bearer or pop) */
tokenType?: AuthenticationScheme;
/** Stringified claims object */
requestedClaims?: string;
/** Matches the SHA 256 hash of the claims object included in the token request */
requestedClaimsHash?: string;
* Create AccessTokenEntity
* @param homeAccountId
* @param environment
* @param accessToken
* @param clientId
* @param tenantId
* @param scopes
* @param expiresOn
* @param extExpiresOn
static createAccessTokenEntity(homeAccountId: string, environment: string, accessToken: string, clientId: string, tenantId: string, scopes: string, expiresOn: number, extExpiresOn: number, cryptoUtils: ICrypto, refreshOn?: number, tokenType?: AuthenticationScheme, userAssertionHash?: string, keyId?: string, requestedClaims?: string, requestedClaimsHash?: string): AccessTokenEntity;
* Validates an entity: checks for all expected params
* @param entity
static isAccessTokenEntity(entity: object): boolean;
import { CredentialType, AuthenticationScheme } from "../../utils/Constants";
* Base type for credentials to be stored in the cache: eg: ACCESS_TOKEN, ID_TOKEN etc
* Key:Value Schema:
* Key: <home_account_id*>-<environment>-<credential_type>-<client_id>-<realm*>-<target*>-<requestedClaims*>-<scheme*>
* Value Schema:
* {
* homeAccountId: home account identifier for the auth scheme,
* environment: entity that issued the token, represented as a full host
* credentialType: Type of credential as a string, can be one of the following: RefreshToken, AccessToken, IdToken, Password, Cookie, Certificate, Other
* clientId: client ID of the application
* secret: Actual credential as a string
* familyId: Family ID identifier, usually only used for refresh tokens
* realm: Full tenant or organizational identifier that the account belongs to
* target: Permissions that are included in the token, or for refresh tokens, the resource identifier.
* tokenType: Matches the authentication scheme for which the token was issued (i.e. Bearer or pop)
* requestedClaimsHash: Matches the SHA 256 hash of the claims object included in the token request
* userAssertionHash: Matches the SHA 256 hash of the obo_assertion for the OBO flow
* }
* Credential Cache Type
export declare class CredentialEntity {
export type CredentialEntity = {
/** Identifier for the user in their home tenant*/
homeAccountId: string;
/** Entity that issued the token, represented as a full host */
environment: string;
/** Type of credential */
credentialType: CredentialType;
/** Client ID of the application */
clientId: string;
/** Actual credential as a string */
secret: string;
/** Family ID identifier, usually only used for refresh tokens */
familyId?: string;
/** Full tenant or organizational identifier that the account belongs to */
realm?: string;
/** Permissions that are included in the token, or for refresh tokens, the resource identifier. */
target?: string;
/** Matches the SHA 256 hash of the obo_assertion for the OBO flow */
userAssertionHash?: string;
/** Matches the authentication scheme for which the token was issued (i.e. Bearer or pop) */
tokenType?: AuthenticationScheme;
/** KeyId for PoP and SSH tokens stored in the kid claim */
keyId?: string;
/** Matches the SHA 256 hash of the claims object included in the token request */
requestedClaimsHash?: string;
* Generate Account Id key component as per the schema: <home_account_id>-<environment>
generateAccountId(): string;
* Generate Credential Id key component as per the schema: <credential_type>-<client_id>-<realm>
generateCredentialId(): string;
* Generate target key component as per schema: <target>
generateTarget(): string;
* generates credential key
generateCredentialKey(): string;
* returns the type of the cache (in this case credential)
generateType(): number;
* generates credential key
* <home_account_id*>-\<environment>-<credential_type>-<client_id>-<realm\*>-<target\*>-<scheme\*>
static generateCredentialCacheKey(homeAccountId: string, environment: string, credentialType: CredentialType, clientId: string, realm?: string, target?: string, familyId?: string, tokenType?: AuthenticationScheme, requestedClaimsHash?: string): string;
* generates Account Id for keys
* @param homeAccountId
* @param environment
private static generateAccountIdForCacheKey;
* Generates Credential Id for keys
* @param credentialType
* @param realm
* @param clientId
* @param familyId
private static generateCredentialIdForCacheKey;
* Generate target key component as per schema: <target>
private static generateTargetForCacheKey;
* Generate requested claims key component as per schema: <requestedClaims>
private static generateClaimsHashForCacheKey;
* Generate scheme key componenet as per schema: <scheme>
private static generateSchemeForCacheKey;
import { CredentialEntity } from "./CredentialEntity";
* ID_TOKEN Cache
* Key:Value Schema:
* Key Example:
* Value Schema:
* {
* homeAccountId: home account identifier for the auth scheme,
* environment: entity that issued the token, represented as a full host
* credentialType: Type of credential as a string, can be one of the following: RefreshToken, AccessToken, IdToken, Password, Cookie, Certificate, Other
* clientId: client ID of the application
* secret: Actual credential as a string
* realm: Full tenant or organizational identifier that the account belongs to
* }
* Id Token Cache Type
export declare class IdTokenEntity extends CredentialEntity {
export type IdTokenEntity = CredentialEntity & {
/** Full tenant or organizational identifier that the account belongs to */
realm: string;
* Create IdTokenEntity
* @param homeAccountId
* @param authenticationResult
* @param clientId
* @param authority
static createIdTokenEntity(homeAccountId: string, environment: string, idToken: string, clientId: string, tenantId: string): IdTokenEntity;
* Validates an entity: checks for all expected params
* @param entity
static isIdTokenEntity(entity: object): boolean;
import { CredentialEntity } from "./CredentialEntity";
* Key:Value Schema:
* Key Example:
* Value:
* {
* homeAccountId: home account identifier for the auth scheme,
* environment: entity that issued the token, represented as a full host
* credentialType: Type of credential as a string, can be one of the following: RefreshToken, AccessToken, IdToken, Password, Cookie, Certificate, Other
* clientId: client ID of the application
* secret: Actual credential as a string
* familyId: Family ID identifier, '1' represents Microsoft Family
* realm: Full tenant or organizational identifier that the account belongs to
* target: Permissions that are included in the token, or for refresh tokens, the resource identifier.
* }
* Refresh Token Cache Type
export declare class RefreshTokenEntity extends CredentialEntity {
familyId?: string;
* Create RefreshTokenEntity
* @param homeAccountId
* @param authenticationResult
* @param clientId
* @param authority
static createRefreshTokenEntity(homeAccountId: string, environment: string, refreshToken: string, clientId: string, familyId?: string, userAssertionHash?: string): RefreshTokenEntity;
* Validates an entity: checks for all expected params
* @param entity
static isRefreshTokenEntity(entity: object): boolean;
export type RefreshTokenEntity = CredentialEntity;

@@ -45,3 +45,3 @@ import { ClientConfiguration, CommonClientConfiguration } from "../config/ClientConfiguration";

updateAuthority(updatedAuthority: Authority): void;
updateAuthority(cloudInstanceHostname: string, correlationId: string): Promise<void>;

@@ -48,0 +48,0 @@ * Creates query string for the /token request

@@ -29,2 +29,3 @@ /**

export { CredentialEntity } from "./cache/entities/CredentialEntity";
export * as CacheHelpers from "./cache/utils/CacheHelpers";
export { AppMetadataEntity } from "./cache/entities/AppMetadataEntity";

@@ -31,0 +32,0 @@ export { AccountEntity } from "./cache/entities/AccountEntity";

export declare const name = "@azure/msal-common";
export declare const version = "14.2.0";
export declare const version = "14.3.0";

@@ -33,6 +33,6 @@ import { ServerAuthorizationTokenResponse } from "./ServerAuthorizationTokenResponse";

* @param serverResponseHash
* @param cachedState
* @param requestState
* @param cryptoObj
validateServerAuthorizationCodeResponse(serverResponseHash: ServerAuthorizationCodeResponse, cachedState: string, cryptoObj: ICrypto): void;
validateServerAuthorizationCodeResponse(serverResponse: ServerAuthorizationCodeResponse, requestState: string): void;

@@ -39,0 +39,0 @@ * Function which validates server authorization token response.

@@ -13,3 +13,3 @@ {

"version": "14.2.0",
"version": "14.3.0",
"description": "Microsoft Authentication Library for js",

@@ -16,0 +16,0 @@ "keywords": [

@@ -858,3 +858,3 @@ /*


@@ -1268,9 +1268,7 @@ if (hardcodedMetadata) {

const rawCloudDiscoveryMetadata = authOptions.cloudDiscoveryMetadata;
let cloudDiscoveryMetadata: CloudDiscoveryMetadata[] | undefined =
let cloudDiscoveryMetadata: CloudInstanceDiscoveryResponse | undefined =
if (rawCloudDiscoveryMetadata) {
try {
cloudDiscoveryMetadata = JSON.parse(
cloudDiscoveryMetadata = JSON.parse(rawCloudDiscoveryMetadata);
} catch (e) {

@@ -1277,0 +1275,0 @@ throw createClientConfigurationError(

@@ -6,3 +6,6 @@ /*

import { Logger } from "../logger/Logger";
import { UrlString } from "../url/UrlString";
import { AuthorityMetadataSource } from "../utils/Constants";
import { StaticAuthorityOptions } from "./AuthorityOptions";
import { CloudDiscoveryMetadata } from "./CloudDiscoveryMetadata";

@@ -556,389 +559,43 @@

instanceDiscoveryMetadata: {
"": {
"api-version": "1.1",
metadata: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [""],
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [""],
"": {
"api-version": "1.1",
metadata: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [""],
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [""],
"": {
"api-version": "1.1",
metadata: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [""],
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [""],
"": {
"api-version": "1.1",
metadata: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [""],
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [""],
"": {
"api-version": "1.1",
metadata: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [""],
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [""],
"": {
"api-version": "1.1",
metadata: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [""],
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [""],
"": {
"api-version": "1.1",
metadata: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [""],
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [""],
"": {
"api-version": "1.1",
metadata: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [""],
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [""],
"": {
"api-version": "1.1",
metadata: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [""],
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [""],
"api-version": "1.1",
metadata: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [""],
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [
preferred_network: "",
preferred_cache: "",
aliases: [""],

@@ -952,48 +609,73 @@ };

export const InstanceDiscoveryMetadataAliases: Set<String> = new Set();
for (const key in InstanceDiscoveryMetadata) {
for (const metadata of InstanceDiscoveryMetadata[key].metadata) {
for (const alias of metadata.aliases) {
(metadataEntry: CloudDiscoveryMetadata) => {
metadataEntry.aliases.forEach((alias: string) => {
* Returns aliases for the given canonical authority if found in hardcoded Instance Discovery Metadata or null if not found
* @param canonicalAuthority
* Attempts to get an aliases array from the static authority metadata sources based on the canonical authority host
* @param staticAuthorityOptions
* @param logger
* @returns
export function getHardcodedAliasesForCanonicalAuthority(
canonicalAuthority?: string
): string[] | null {
export function getAliasesFromStaticSources(
staticAuthorityOptions: StaticAuthorityOptions,
logger?: Logger
): string[] {
let staticAliases: string[] | undefined;
const canonicalAuthority = staticAuthorityOptions.canonicalAuthority;
if (canonicalAuthority) {
const instanceDiscoveryMetadata =
if (instanceDiscoveryMetadata) {
return instanceDiscoveryMetadata.aliases;
const authorityHost = new UrlString(
staticAliases =
) ||
) ||
return null;
return staticAliases || [];
* Returns aliases for from the raw cloud discovery metadata given in configuration or null if no configuration was provided
* Returns aliases for from the raw cloud discovery metadata passed in
* @param authorityHost
* @param rawCloudDiscoveryMetadata
* @returns
export function getAliasesFromConfigMetadata(
canonicalAuthority?: string,
cloudDiscoveryMetadata?: CloudDiscoveryMetadata[]
export function getAliasesFromMetadata(
authorityHost?: string,
cloudDiscoveryMetadata?: CloudDiscoveryMetadata[],
source?: AuthorityMetadataSource,
logger?: Logger
): string[] | null {
if (canonicalAuthority && cloudDiscoveryMetadata) {
const canonicalAuthorityUrlComponents = new UrlString(
logger?.trace(`getAliasesFromMetadata called with source: ${source}`);
if (authorityHost && cloudDiscoveryMetadata) {
const metadata = getCloudDiscoveryMetadataFromNetworkResponse(
if (metadata) {
`getAliasesFromMetadata: found cloud discovery metadata in ${source}, returning aliases`
return metadata.aliases;
} else {
`getAliasesFromMetadata: did not find cloud discovery metadata in ${source}`

@@ -1006,2 +688,15 @@ }

* Get cloud discovery metadata for common authorities
export function getCloudDiscoveryMetadataFromHardcodedValues(
authorityHost: string
): CloudDiscoveryMetadata | null {
const metadata = getCloudDiscoveryMetadataFromNetworkResponse(
return metadata;
* Searches instance discovery network response for the entry that contains the host in the aliases list

@@ -1013,7 +708,7 @@ * @param response

response: CloudDiscoveryMetadata[],
authority: string
authorityHost: string
): CloudDiscoveryMetadata | null {
for (let i = 0; i < response.length; i++) {
const metadata = response[i];
if (metadata.aliases.includes(authority)) {
if (metadata.aliases.includes(authorityHost)) {
return metadata;

@@ -1025,22 +720,1 @@ }

* Get cloud discovery metadata for common authorities
export function getCloudDiscoveryMetadataFromHardcodedValues(
canonicalAuthority: string
): CloudDiscoveryMetadata | null {
const canonicalAuthorityUrlComponents = new UrlString(
if (canonicalAuthority in InstanceDiscoveryMetadata) {
const metadata = getCloudDiscoveryMetadataFromNetworkResponse(
return metadata;
return null;

@@ -9,3 +9,3 @@ /*

import { AzureRegionConfiguration } from "./AzureRegionConfiguration";
import { CloudDiscoveryMetadata } from "./CloudDiscoveryMetadata";
import { CloudInstanceDiscoveryResponse } from "./CloudInstanceDiscoveryResponse";

@@ -27,3 +27,3 @@ export type AuthorityOptions = {

canonicalAuthority?: string;
cloudDiscoveryMetadata?: CloudDiscoveryMetadata[];
cloudDiscoveryMetadata?: CloudInstanceDiscoveryResponse;

@@ -30,0 +30,0 @@

@@ -24,2 +24,3 @@ /*

import { CredentialEntity } from "./entities/CredentialEntity";
import { generateCredentialKey } from "./utils/CacheHelpers";
import { ScopeSet } from "../request/ScopeSet";

@@ -46,6 +47,3 @@ import { AccountEntity } from "./entities/AccountEntity";

import { StoreInCache } from "../request/StoreInCache";
import {
} from "../authority/AuthorityMetadata";
import { getAliasesFromStaticSources } from "../authority/AuthorityMetadata";
import { StaticAuthorityOptions } from "../authority/AuthorityOptions";

@@ -264,3 +262,9 @@ import { TokenClaims } from "../account/TokenClaims";

const allAccounts = this.getAllAccounts(accountFilter);
if (allAccounts.length > 0) {
if (allAccounts.length > 1) {
// If one or more accounts are found, further filter to the first account that has an ID token
return allAccounts.filter((account) => {
return !!account.idTokenClaims;
} else if (allAccounts.length === 1) {
// If only one account is found, return it regardless of whether a matching ID token was found
return allAccounts[0];

@@ -309,3 +313,3 @@ } else {

return null;
return accountInfo;

@@ -964,3 +968,3 @@

idTokens.forEach((idToken) => {

@@ -1121,5 +1125,3 @@ return null;

accessTokens.forEach((accessToken) => {
void this.removeAccessToken(
void this.removeAccessToken(generateCredentialKey(accessToken));

@@ -1432,13 +1434,7 @@ return null;

if (this.staticAuthorityOptions) {
const staticAliases =
) ||
) ||
const staticAliases = getAliasesFromStaticSources(
if (
staticAliases &&
staticAliases.includes(environment) &&

@@ -1445,0 +1441,0 @@ staticAliases.includes(entity.environment)

@@ -7,162 +7,26 @@ /*

import { CredentialEntity } from "./CredentialEntity";
import { CredentialType, AuthenticationScheme } from "../../utils/Constants";
import { TimeUtils } from "../../utils/TimeUtils";
import { ICrypto } from "../../crypto/ICrypto";
import { TokenClaims } from "../../account/TokenClaims";
import {
} from "../../error/ClientAuthError";
import { extractTokenClaims } from "../../account/AuthToken";
import { AuthenticationScheme } from "../../utils/Constants";
* ACCESS_TOKEN Credential Type
* Key:Value Schema:
* Key Example:
* Value Schema:
* {
* homeAccountId: home account identifier for the auth scheme,
* environment: entity that issued the token, represented as a full host
* credentialType: Type of credential as a string, can be one of the following: RefreshToken, AccessToken, IdToken, Password, Cookie, Certificate, Other
* clientId: client ID of the application
* secret: Actual credential as a string
* familyId: Family ID identifier, usually only used for refresh tokens
* realm: Full tenant or organizational identifier that the account belongs to
* target: Permissions that are included in the token, or for refresh tokens, the resource identifier.
* cachedAt: Absolute device time when entry was created in the cache.
* expiresOn: Token expiry time, calculated based on current UTC time in seconds. Represented as a string.
* extendedExpiresOn: Additional extended expiry time until when token is valid in case of server-side outage. Represented as string in UTC seconds.
* keyId: used for POP and SSH tokenTypes
* tokenType: Type of the token issued. Usually "Bearer"
* }
* Access token cache type
export class AccessTokenEntity extends CredentialEntity {
export type AccessTokenEntity = CredentialEntity & {
/** Full tenant or organizational identifier that the account belongs to */
realm: string;
/** Permissions that are included in the token, or for refresh tokens, the resource identifier. */
target: string;
/** Absolute device time when entry was created in the cache. */
cachedAt: string;
/** Token expiry time, calculated based on current UTC time in seconds. Represented as a string. */
expiresOn: string;
/** Additional extended expiry time until when token is valid in case of server-side outage. Represented as string in UTC seconds. */
extendedExpiresOn?: string;
/** Used for proactive refresh */
refreshOn?: string;
keyId?: string; // for POP and SSH tokenTypes
/** Matches the authentication scheme for which the token was issued (i.e. Bearer or pop) */
tokenType?: AuthenticationScheme;
/** Stringified claims object */
requestedClaims?: string;
/** Matches the SHA 256 hash of the claims object included in the token request */
requestedClaimsHash?: string;
* Create AccessTokenEntity
* @param homeAccountId
* @param environment
* @param accessToken
* @param clientId
* @param tenantId
* @param scopes
* @param expiresOn
* @param extExpiresOn
static createAccessTokenEntity(
homeAccountId: string,
environment: string,
accessToken: string,
clientId: string,
tenantId: string,
scopes: string,
expiresOn: number,
extExpiresOn: number,
cryptoUtils: ICrypto,
refreshOn?: number,
tokenType?: AuthenticationScheme,
userAssertionHash?: string,
keyId?: string,
requestedClaims?: string,
requestedClaimsHash?: string
): AccessTokenEntity {
const atEntity: AccessTokenEntity = new AccessTokenEntity();
atEntity.homeAccountId = homeAccountId;
atEntity.credentialType = CredentialType.ACCESS_TOKEN;
atEntity.secret = accessToken;
const currentTime = TimeUtils.nowSeconds();
atEntity.cachedAt = currentTime.toString();
* Token expiry time.
* This value should be  calculated based on the current UTC time measured locally and the value  expires_in Represented as a string in JSON.
atEntity.expiresOn = expiresOn.toString();
atEntity.extendedExpiresOn = extExpiresOn.toString();
if (refreshOn) {
atEntity.refreshOn = refreshOn.toString();
atEntity.environment = environment;
atEntity.clientId = clientId;
atEntity.realm = tenantId; = scopes;
atEntity.userAssertionHash = userAssertionHash;
atEntity.tokenType = tokenType || AuthenticationScheme.BEARER;
if (requestedClaims) {
atEntity.requestedClaims = requestedClaims;
atEntity.requestedClaimsHash = requestedClaimsHash;
* Create Access Token With Auth Scheme instead of regular access token
* Cast to lower to handle "bearer" from ADFS
if (
atEntity.tokenType?.toLowerCase() !==
) {
atEntity.credentialType =
switch (atEntity.tokenType) {
case AuthenticationScheme.POP:
// Make sure keyId is present and add it to credential
const tokenClaims: TokenClaims | null = extractTokenClaims(
if (!tokenClaims?.cnf?.kid) {
throw createClientAuthError(
atEntity.keyId = tokenClaims.cnf.kid;
case AuthenticationScheme.SSH:
atEntity.keyId = keyId;
return atEntity;
* Validates an entity: checks for all expected params
* @param entity
static isAccessTokenEntity(entity: object): boolean {
if (!entity) {
return false;
return (
entity.hasOwnProperty("homeAccountId") &&
entity.hasOwnProperty("environment") &&
entity.hasOwnProperty("credentialType") &&
entity.hasOwnProperty("realm") &&
entity.hasOwnProperty("clientId") &&
entity.hasOwnProperty("secret") &&
entity.hasOwnProperty("target") &&
(entity["credentialType"] === CredentialType.ACCESS_TOKEN ||
entity["credentialType"] ===

@@ -6,216 +6,32 @@ /*

import {
} from "../../utils/Constants";
import {
} from "../../error/ClientAuthError";
import { CredentialType, AuthenticationScheme } from "../../utils/Constants";
* Base type for credentials to be stored in the cache: eg: ACCESS_TOKEN, ID_TOKEN etc
* Key:Value Schema:
* Key: <home_account_id*>-<environment>-<credential_type>-<client_id>-<realm*>-<target*>-<requestedClaims*>-<scheme*>
* Value Schema:
* {
* homeAccountId: home account identifier for the auth scheme,
* environment: entity that issued the token, represented as a full host
* credentialType: Type of credential as a string, can be one of the following: RefreshToken, AccessToken, IdToken, Password, Cookie, Certificate, Other
* clientId: client ID of the application
* secret: Actual credential as a string
* familyId: Family ID identifier, usually only used for refresh tokens
* realm: Full tenant or organizational identifier that the account belongs to
* target: Permissions that are included in the token, or for refresh tokens, the resource identifier.
* tokenType: Matches the authentication scheme for which the token was issued (i.e. Bearer or pop)
* requestedClaimsHash: Matches the SHA 256 hash of the claims object included in the token request
* userAssertionHash: Matches the SHA 256 hash of the obo_assertion for the OBO flow
* }
* Credential Cache Type
export class CredentialEntity {
export type CredentialEntity = {
/** Identifier for the user in their home tenant*/
homeAccountId: string;
/** Entity that issued the token, represented as a full host */
environment: string;
/** Type of credential */
credentialType: CredentialType;
/** Client ID of the application */
clientId: string;
/** Actual credential as a string */
secret: string;
/** Family ID identifier, usually only used for refresh tokens */
familyId?: string;
/** Full tenant or organizational identifier that the account belongs to */
realm?: string;
/** Permissions that are included in the token, or for refresh tokens, the resource identifier. */
target?: string;
/** Matches the SHA 256 hash of the obo_assertion for the OBO flow */
userAssertionHash?: string;
/** Matches the authentication scheme for which the token was issued (i.e. Bearer or pop) */
tokenType?: AuthenticationScheme;
/** KeyId for PoP and SSH tokens stored in the kid claim */
keyId?: string;
/** Matches the SHA 256 hash of the claims object included in the token request */
requestedClaimsHash?: string;
* Generate Account Id key component as per the schema: <home_account_id>-<environment>
generateAccountId(): string {
return CredentialEntity.generateAccountIdForCacheKey(
* Generate Credential Id key component as per the schema: <credential_type>-<client_id>-<realm>
generateCredentialId(): string {
return CredentialEntity.generateCredentialIdForCacheKey(
* Generate target key component as per schema: <target>
generateTarget(): string {
return CredentialEntity.generateTargetForCacheKey(;
* generates credential key
generateCredentialKey(): string {
return CredentialEntity.generateCredentialCacheKey(
* returns the type of the cache (in this case credential)
generateType(): number {
switch (this.credentialType) {
case CredentialType.ID_TOKEN:
return CacheType.ID_TOKEN;
case CredentialType.ACCESS_TOKEN:
return CacheType.ACCESS_TOKEN;
case CredentialType.REFRESH_TOKEN:
return CacheType.REFRESH_TOKEN;
default: {
throw createClientAuthError(
* generates credential key
* <home_account_id*>-\<environment>-<credential_type>-<client_id>-<realm\*>-<target\*>-<scheme\*>
static generateCredentialCacheKey(
homeAccountId: string,
environment: string,
credentialType: CredentialType,
clientId: string,
realm?: string,
target?: string,
familyId?: string,
tokenType?: AuthenticationScheme,
requestedClaimsHash?: string
): string {
const credentialKey = [
this.generateAccountIdForCacheKey(homeAccountId, environment),
return credentialKey.join(Separators.CACHE_KEY_SEPARATOR).toLowerCase();
* generates Account Id for keys
* @param homeAccountId
* @param environment
private static generateAccountIdForCacheKey(
homeAccountId: string,
environment: string
): string {
const accountId: Array<string> = [homeAccountId, environment];
return accountId.join(Separators.CACHE_KEY_SEPARATOR).toLowerCase();
* Generates Credential Id for keys
* @param credentialType
* @param realm
* @param clientId
* @param familyId
private static generateCredentialIdForCacheKey(
credentialType: CredentialType,
clientId: string,
realm?: string,
familyId?: string
): string {
const clientOrFamilyId =
credentialType === CredentialType.REFRESH_TOKEN
? familyId || clientId
: clientId;
const credentialId: Array<string> = [
realm || Constants.EMPTY_STRING,
return credentialId.join(Separators.CACHE_KEY_SEPARATOR).toLowerCase();
* Generate target key component as per schema: <target>
private static generateTargetForCacheKey(scopes?: string): string {
return (scopes || Constants.EMPTY_STRING).toLowerCase();
* Generate requested claims key component as per schema: <requestedClaims>
private static generateClaimsHashForCacheKey(
requestedClaimsHash?: string
): string {
return (requestedClaimsHash || Constants.EMPTY_STRING).toLowerCase();
* Generate scheme key componenet as per schema: <scheme>
private static generateSchemeForCacheKey(tokenType?: string): string {
* PoP Tokens and SSH certs include scheme in cache key
* Cast to lowercase to handle "bearer" from ADFS
return tokenType &&
tokenType.toLowerCase() !==
? tokenType.toLowerCase()
: Constants.EMPTY_STRING;

@@ -7,69 +7,9 @@ /*

import { CredentialEntity } from "./CredentialEntity";
import { CredentialType } from "../../utils/Constants";
* ID_TOKEN Cache
* Key:Value Schema:
* Key Example:
* Value Schema:
* {
* homeAccountId: home account identifier for the auth scheme,
* environment: entity that issued the token, represented as a full host
* credentialType: Type of credential as a string, can be one of the following: RefreshToken, AccessToken, IdToken, Password, Cookie, Certificate, Other
* clientId: client ID of the application
* secret: Actual credential as a string
* realm: Full tenant or organizational identifier that the account belongs to
* }
* Id Token Cache Type
export class IdTokenEntity extends CredentialEntity {
export type IdTokenEntity = CredentialEntity & {
/** Full tenant or organizational identifier that the account belongs to */
realm: string;
* Create IdTokenEntity
* @param homeAccountId
* @param authenticationResult
* @param clientId
* @param authority
static createIdTokenEntity(
homeAccountId: string,
environment: string,
idToken: string,
clientId: string,
tenantId: string
): IdTokenEntity {
const idTokenEntity = new IdTokenEntity();
idTokenEntity.credentialType = CredentialType.ID_TOKEN;
idTokenEntity.homeAccountId = homeAccountId;
idTokenEntity.environment = environment;
idTokenEntity.clientId = clientId;
idTokenEntity.secret = idToken;
idTokenEntity.realm = tenantId;
return idTokenEntity;
* Validates an entity: checks for all expected params
* @param entity
static isIdTokenEntity(entity: object): boolean {
if (!entity) {
return false;
return (
entity.hasOwnProperty("homeAccountId") &&
entity.hasOwnProperty("environment") &&
entity.hasOwnProperty("credentialType") &&
entity.hasOwnProperty("realm") &&
entity.hasOwnProperty("clientId") &&
entity.hasOwnProperty("secret") &&
entity["credentialType"] === CredentialType.ID_TOKEN

@@ -7,73 +7,6 @@ /*

import { CredentialEntity } from "./CredentialEntity";
import { CredentialType } from "../../utils/Constants";
* Key:Value Schema:
* Key Example:
* Value:
* {
* homeAccountId: home account identifier for the auth scheme,
* environment: entity that issued the token, represented as a full host
* credentialType: Type of credential as a string, can be one of the following: RefreshToken, AccessToken, IdToken, Password, Cookie, Certificate, Other
* clientId: client ID of the application
* secret: Actual credential as a string
* familyId: Family ID identifier, '1' represents Microsoft Family
* realm: Full tenant or organizational identifier that the account belongs to
* target: Permissions that are included in the token, or for refresh tokens, the resource identifier.
* }
* Refresh Token Cache Type
export class RefreshTokenEntity extends CredentialEntity {
familyId?: string;
* Create RefreshTokenEntity
* @param homeAccountId
* @param authenticationResult
* @param clientId
* @param authority
static createRefreshTokenEntity(
homeAccountId: string,
environment: string,
refreshToken: string,
clientId: string,
familyId?: string,
userAssertionHash?: string
): RefreshTokenEntity {
const rtEntity = new RefreshTokenEntity();
rtEntity.clientId = clientId;
rtEntity.credentialType = CredentialType.REFRESH_TOKEN;
rtEntity.environment = environment;
rtEntity.homeAccountId = homeAccountId;
rtEntity.secret = refreshToken;
rtEntity.userAssertionHash = userAssertionHash;
if (familyId) rtEntity.familyId = familyId;
return rtEntity;
* Validates an entity: checks for all expected params
* @param entity
static isRefreshTokenEntity(entity: object): boolean {
if (!entity) {
return false;
return (
entity.hasOwnProperty("homeAccountId") &&
entity.hasOwnProperty("environment") &&
entity.hasOwnProperty("credentialType") &&
entity.hasOwnProperty("clientId") &&
entity.hasOwnProperty("secret") &&
entity["credentialType"] === CredentialType.REFRESH_TOKEN
export type RefreshTokenEntity = CredentialEntity;

@@ -197,4 +197,3 @@ /*


@@ -201,0 +200,0 @@

@@ -22,6 +22,2 @@ /*

import { version, name } from "../packageMetadata";
import {
} from "../error/ClientAuthError";
import { CcsCredential, CcsCredentialType } from "../account/CcsCredential";

@@ -32,2 +28,4 @@ import { buildClientInfoFromHomeAccountId } from "../account/ClientInfo";

import { BaseAuthRequest } from "../request/BaseAuthRequest";
import { AuthorityFactory } from "../authority/AuthorityFactory";
import { PerformanceEvents } from "../telemetry/performance/PerformanceEvent";

@@ -189,9 +187,22 @@ /**

updateAuthority(updatedAuthority: Authority): void {
if (!updatedAuthority.discoveryComplete()) {
throw createClientAuthError(
async updateAuthority(
cloudInstanceHostname: string,
correlationId: string
): Promise<void> {
const cloudInstanceAuthorityUri = `https://${cloudInstanceHostname}/${this.authority.tenant}/`;
const cloudInstanceAuthority =
await AuthorityFactory.createDiscoveredInstance(
this.authority = updatedAuthority;
this.authority = cloudInstanceAuthority;

@@ -198,0 +209,0 @@

@@ -74,2 +74,3 @@ /*

export { CredentialEntity } from "./cache/entities/CredentialEntity";
export * as CacheHelpers from "./cache/utils/CacheHelpers";
export { AppMetadataEntity } from "./cache/entities/AppMetadataEntity";

@@ -76,0 +77,0 @@ export { AccountEntity } from "./cache/entities/AccountEntity";

/* eslint-disable header/header */
export const name = "@azure/msal-common";
export const version = "14.2.0";
export const version = "14.3.0";

@@ -7,3 +7,2 @@ /*

import { ServerAuthorizationTokenResponse } from "./ServerAuthorizationTokenResponse";
import { buildClientInfo } from "../account/ClientInfo";
import { ICrypto } from "../crypto/ICrypto";

@@ -49,2 +48,3 @@ import {

import { AccountInfo } from "../account/AccountInfo";
import * as CacheHelpers from "../cache/utils/CacheHelpers";

@@ -86,12 +86,11 @@ /**

* @param serverResponseHash
* @param cachedState
* @param requestState
* @param cryptoObj
serverResponseHash: ServerAuthorizationCodeResponse,
cachedState: string,
cryptoObj: ICrypto
serverResponse: ServerAuthorizationCodeResponse,
requestState: string
): void {
if (!serverResponseHash.state || !cachedState) {
throw serverResponseHash.state
if (!serverResponse.state || !requestState) {
throw serverResponse.state
? createClientAuthError(

@@ -107,8 +106,8 @@ ClientAuthErrorCodes.stateNotFound,

let decodedServerResponseHash: string;
let decodedCachedState: string;
let decodedServerResponseState: string;
let decodedRequestState: string;
try {
decodedServerResponseHash = decodeURIComponent(
decodedServerResponseState = decodeURIComponent(

@@ -118,3 +117,3 @@ } catch (e) {


@@ -124,11 +123,11 @@ }

try {
decodedCachedState = decodeURIComponent(cachedState);
decodedRequestState = decodeURIComponent(requestState);
} catch (e) {
throw createClientAuthError(
if (decodedServerResponseHash !== decodedCachedState) {
if (decodedServerResponseState !== decodedRequestState) {
throw createClientAuthError(ClientAuthErrorCodes.stateMismatch);

@@ -139,21 +138,21 @@ }

if (
serverResponseHash.error ||
serverResponseHash.error_description ||
serverResponse.error ||
serverResponse.error_description ||
) {
if (
) {
throw new InteractionRequiredAuthError(
serverResponseHash.error || Constants.EMPTY_STRING,
serverResponseHash.timestamp || Constants.EMPTY_STRING,
serverResponseHash.trace_id || Constants.EMPTY_STRING,
serverResponseHash.correlation_id || Constants.EMPTY_STRING, || Constants.EMPTY_STRING
serverResponse.error || "",
serverResponse.timestamp || "",
serverResponse.trace_id || "",
serverResponse.correlation_id || "", || ""

@@ -163,11 +162,7 @@ }

throw new ServerError(
serverResponseHash.error || Constants.EMPTY_STRING,
serverResponse.error || "",
if (serverResponseHash.client_info) {
buildClientInfo(serverResponseHash.client_info, cryptoObj);

@@ -426,3 +421,3 @@

if (serverTokenResponse.id_token && !!idTokenClaims) {
cachedIdToken = IdTokenEntity.createIdTokenEntity(
cachedIdToken = CacheHelpers.createIdTokenEntity(

@@ -480,6 +475,6 @@ env,

// non AAD scenarios can have empty realm
cachedAccessToken = AccessTokenEntity.createAccessTokenEntity(
cachedAccessToken = CacheHelpers.createAccessTokenEntity(
serverTokenResponse.access_token || Constants.EMPTY_STRING,

@@ -490,3 +485,3 @@ idTokenClaims?.tid || authority.tenant,


@@ -504,6 +499,6 @@ serverTokenResponse.token_type,

if (serverTokenResponse.refresh_token) {
cachedRefreshToken = RefreshTokenEntity.createRefreshTokenEntity(
cachedRefreshToken = CacheHelpers.createRefreshTokenEntity(
serverTokenResponse.refresh_token || Constants.EMPTY_STRING,

@@ -510,0 +505,0 @@ serverTokenResponse.foci,

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