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@babel/runtime-corejs2 - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 7.22.15 to 7.23.0




@@ -5,2 +5,5 @@ var _Array$isArray = require("core-js/library/fn/array/is-array.js");

var _Map = require("core-js/library/fn/map.js");
var _Symbol = require("core-js/library/fn/symbol/index.js");
var _Symbol$for = require("core-js/library/fn/symbol/for.js");
var _Object$create = require("core-js/library/fn/object/create.js");
var _typeof = require("./typeof.js")["default"];

@@ -16,69 +19,70 @@ var checkInRHS = require("./checkInRHS.js");

function memberDec(e, t, r, n, a, i, s, o, c, l) {
var u;
function memberDec(e, t, r, a, n, i, s, o, c, l, u) {
var f;
switch (i) {
case 1:
u = "accessor";
f = "accessor";
case 2:
u = "method";
f = "method";
case 3:
u = "getter";
f = "getter";
case 4:
u = "setter";
f = "setter";
u = "field";
f = "field";
var f,
p = {
kind: u,
var d,
h = {
kind: f,
name: o ? "#" + r : r,
"static": s,
"private": o
"private": o,
metadata: u
h = {
v = {
v: !1
if (0 !== i && (p.addInitializer = createAddInitializerMethod(a, h)), o || 0 !== i && 2 !== i) {
if (2 === i) f = function f(e) {
return assertInstanceIfPrivate(l, e), n.value;
if (0 !== i && (h.addInitializer = createAddInitializerMethod(n, v)), o || 0 !== i && 2 !== i) {
if (2 === i) d = function d(e) {
return assertInstanceIfPrivate(l, e), a.value;
};else {
var v = 0 === i || 1 === i;
(v || 3 === i) && (f = o ? function (e) {
return assertInstanceIfPrivate(l, e),;
var y = 0 === i || 1 === i;
(y || 3 === i) && (d = o ? function (e) {
return assertInstanceIfPrivate(l, e),;
} : function (e) {
}), (v || 4 === i) && (d = o ? function (e, t) {
assertInstanceIfPrivate(l, e),, t);
}), (y || 4 === i) && (p = o ? function (e, t) {
assertInstanceIfPrivate(l, e),, t);
} : function (e, t) {, t);, t);
} else f = function f(e) {
} else d = function d(e) {
return e[r];
}, 0 === i && (d = function d(e, t) {
}, 0 === i && (p = function p(e, t) {
e[r] = t;
var y = o ? l.bind() : function (e) {
var m = o ? l.bind() : function (e) {
return r in e;
p.access = f && d ? {
get: f,
set: d,
has: y
} : f ? {
get: f,
has: y
h.access = d && p ? {
get: d,
set: p,
has: m
} : d ? {
get: d,
has: m
} : {
set: d,
has: y
set: p,
has: m
try {
return, c, p);
return, c, h);
} finally {
h.v = !0;
v.v = !0;

@@ -98,4 +102,4 @@ }

} else if ("function" !== r) {
var n;
throw n = 0 === e ? "field" : 5 === e ? "class" : "method", new TypeError(n + " decorators must return a function or void 0");
var a;
throw a = 0 === e ? "field" : 5 === e ? "class" : "method", new TypeError(a + " decorators must return a function or void 0");

@@ -113,5 +117,4 @@ }

function applyMemberDec(e, t, r, n, a, i, s, o, c, l) {
var u,
function applyMemberDec(e, t, r, a, n, i, s, o, c, l, u) {
var f,

@@ -121,4 +124,5 @@ p,

y = r[0];
n || _Array$isArray(y) || (y = [y]), o ? u = 0 === i || 1 === i ? {
m = r[0];
a || _Array$isArray(m) || (m = [m]), o ? f = 0 === i || 1 === i ? {
get: curryThis1(r[3]),

@@ -132,62 +136,62 @@ set: curryThis2(r[4])

value: r[3]
} : 0 !== i && (u = _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, a)), 1 === i ? d = {
get: u.get,
set: u.set
} : 2 === i ? d = u.value : 3 === i ? d = u.get : 4 === i && (d = u.set);
for (var g = n ? 2 : 1, m = y.length - 1; m >= 0; m -= g) {
var b;
if (void 0 !== (p = memberDec(y[m], n ? y[m - 1] : void 0, a, u, c, i, s, o, d, l))) assertValidReturnValue(i, p), 0 === i ? b = p : 1 === i ? (b = p.init, h = p.get || d.get, v = p.set || d.set, d = {
get: h,
set: v
}) : d = p, void 0 !== b && (void 0 === f ? f = b : "function" == typeof f ? f = [f, b] : f.push(b));
} : 0 !== i && (f = _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n)), 1 === i ? p = {
get: f.get,
set: f.set
} : 2 === i ? p = f.value : 3 === i ? p = f.get : 4 === i && (p = f.set);
for (var g = a ? 2 : 1, b = m.length - 1; b >= 0; b -= g) {
var I;
if (void 0 !== (h = memberDec(m[b], a ? m[b - 1] : void 0, n, f, c, i, s, o, p, l, u))) assertValidReturnValue(i, h), 0 === i ? I = h : 1 === i ? (I = h.init, v = h.get || p.get, y = h.set || p.set, p = {
get: v,
set: y
}) : p = h, void 0 !== I && (void 0 === d ? d = I : "function" == typeof d ? d = [d, I] : d.push(I));
if (0 === i || 1 === i) {
if (void 0 === f) f = function f(e, t) {
if (void 0 === d) d = function d(e, t) {
return t;
};else if ("function" != typeof f) {
var I = f;
f = function f(e, t) {
for (var r = t, n = I.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) r = I[n].call(e, r);
};else if ("function" != typeof d) {
var w = d;
d = function d(e, t) {
for (var r = t, a = w.length - 1; a >= 0; a--) r = w[a].call(e, r);
return r;
} else {
var w = f;
f = function f(e, t) {
return, t);
var M = d;
d = function d(e, t) {
return, t);
0 !== i && (1 === i ? (u.get = d.get, u.set = d.set) : 2 === i ? u.value = d : 3 === i ? u.get = d : 4 === i && (u.set = d), o ? 1 === i ? (e.push(function (e, t) {
return, t);
0 !== i && (1 === i ? (f.get = p.get, f.set = p.set) : 2 === i ? f.value = p : 3 === i ? f.get = p : 4 === i && (f.set = p), o ? 1 === i ? (e.push(function (e, t) {
return, t);
}), e.push(function (e, t) {
return, t);
})) : 2 === i ? e.push(d) : e.push(function (e, t) {
return, t);
}) : _Object$defineProperty(t, a, u));
return, t);
})) : 2 === i ? e.push(p) : e.push(function (e, t) {
return, t);
}) : _Object$defineProperty(t, n, f));
function applyMemberDecs(e, t, r) {
for (var n, a, i, s = [], o = new _Map(), c = new _Map(), l = 0; l < t.length; l++) {
var u = t[l];
if (_Array$isArray(u)) {
var f,
p = u[1],
h = u[2],
v = u.length > 3,
y = 16 & p,
g = !!(8 & p),
m = r;
if (p &= 7, g ? (f = e, 0 !== p && (d = a = a || []), v && !i && (i = function i(t) {
function applyMemberDecs(e, t, r, a) {
for (var n, i, s, o = [], c = new _Map(), l = new _Map(), u = 0; u < t.length; u++) {
var f = t[u];
if (_Array$isArray(f)) {
var d,
h = f[1],
v = f[2],
y = f.length > 3,
m = 16 & h,
g = !!(8 & h),
b = r;
if (h &= 7, g ? (d = e, 0 !== h && (p = i = i || []), y && !s && (s = function s(t) {
return checkInRHS(t) === e;
}), m = i) : (f = e.prototype, 0 !== p && (d = n = n || [])), 0 !== p && !v) {
var b = g ? c : o,
I = b.get(h) || 0;
if (!0 === I || 3 === I && 4 !== p || 4 === I && 3 !== p) throw new Error("Attempted to decorate a public method/accessor that has the same name as a previously decorated public method/accessor. This is not currently supported by the decorators plugin. Property name was: " + h);
b.set(h, !(!I && p > 2) || p);
}), b = s) : (d = e.prototype, 0 !== h && (p = n = n || [])), 0 !== h && !y) {
var I = g ? l : c,
w = I.get(v) || 0;
if (!0 === w || 3 === w && 4 !== h || 4 === w && 3 !== h) throw new Error("Attempted to decorate a public method/accessor that has the same name as a previously decorated public method/accessor. This is not currently supported by the decorators plugin. Property name was: " + v);
I.set(v, !(!w && h > 2) || h);
applyMemberDec(s, f, u, y, h, p, g, v, d, m);
applyMemberDec(o, d, f, m, v, h, g, y, p, b, a);
return pushInitializers(s, n), pushInitializers(s, a), s;
return pushInitializers(o, n), pushInitializers(o, i), o;

@@ -200,29 +204,40 @@ function pushInitializers(e, t) {

function applyClassDecs(e, t, r) {
function applyClassDecs(e, t, r, a) {
if (t.length) {
for (var n = [], a = e, i =, s = r ? 2 : 1, o = t.length - 1; o >= 0; o -= s) {
var c = {
for (var n = [], i = e, s =, o = r ? 2 : 1, c = t.length - 1; c >= 0; c -= o) {
var l = {
v: !1
try {
var l = t[o].call(r ? t[o - 1] : void 0, a, {
var u = t[c].call(r ? t[c - 1] : void 0, i, {
kind: "class",
name: i,
addInitializer: createAddInitializerMethod(n, c)
name: s,
addInitializer: createAddInitializerMethod(n, l),
metadata: a
} finally {
c.v = !0;
l.v = !0;
void 0 !== l && (assertValidReturnValue(5, l), a = l);
void 0 !== u && (assertValidReturnValue(5, u), i = u);
return [a, function () {
for (var e = 0; e < n.length; e++) n[e].call(a);
return [defineMetadata(i, a), function () {
for (var e = 0; e < n.length; e++) n[e].call(i);
function applyDecs2305(e, t, r, n, a) {
return {
e: applyMemberDecs(e, t, a),
function defineMetadata(e, t) {
return _Object$defineProperty(e, _Symbol.metadata || _Symbol$for("Symbol.metadata"), {
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0,
value: t
function applyDecs2305(e, t, r, a, n, i) {
if (arguments.length >= 6) var s = i[_Symbol.metadata || _Symbol$for("Symbol.metadata")];
var o = _Object$create(void 0 === s ? null : s),
c = applyMemberDecs(e, t, n, o);
return r.length || defineMetadata(e, o), {
e: c,
get c() {
return applyClassDecs(e, r, n);
return applyClassDecs(e, r, a, o);

@@ -229,0 +244,0 @@ };

@@ -6,2 +6,5 @@ import _typeof from "./typeof.js";

import _Map from "core-js/library/fn/map.js";
import _Symbol from "core-js/library/fn/symbol/index.js";
import _Symbol$for from "core-js/library/fn/symbol/for.js";
import _Object$create from "core-js/library/fn/object/create.js";
import checkInRHS from "./checkInRHS.js";

@@ -16,69 +19,70 @@ function createAddInitializerMethod(e, t) {

function memberDec(e, t, r, n, a, i, s, o, c, l) {
var u;
function memberDec(e, t, r, a, n, i, s, o, c, l, u) {
var f;
switch (i) {
case 1:
u = "accessor";
f = "accessor";
case 2:
u = "method";
f = "method";
case 3:
u = "getter";
f = "getter";
case 4:
u = "setter";
f = "setter";
u = "field";
f = "field";
var f,
p = {
kind: u,
var d,
h = {
kind: f,
name: o ? "#" + r : r,
"static": s,
"private": o
"private": o,
metadata: u
h = {
v = {
v: !1
if (0 !== i && (p.addInitializer = createAddInitializerMethod(a, h)), o || 0 !== i && 2 !== i) {
if (2 === i) f = function f(e) {
return assertInstanceIfPrivate(l, e), n.value;
if (0 !== i && (h.addInitializer = createAddInitializerMethod(n, v)), o || 0 !== i && 2 !== i) {
if (2 === i) d = function d(e) {
return assertInstanceIfPrivate(l, e), a.value;
};else {
var v = 0 === i || 1 === i;
(v || 3 === i) && (f = o ? function (e) {
return assertInstanceIfPrivate(l, e),;
var y = 0 === i || 1 === i;
(y || 3 === i) && (d = o ? function (e) {
return assertInstanceIfPrivate(l, e),;
} : function (e) {
}), (v || 4 === i) && (d = o ? function (e, t) {
assertInstanceIfPrivate(l, e),, t);
}), (y || 4 === i) && (p = o ? function (e, t) {
assertInstanceIfPrivate(l, e),, t);
} : function (e, t) {, t);, t);
} else f = function f(e) {
} else d = function d(e) {
return e[r];
}, 0 === i && (d = function d(e, t) {
}, 0 === i && (p = function p(e, t) {
e[r] = t;
var y = o ? l.bind() : function (e) {
var m = o ? l.bind() : function (e) {
return r in e;
p.access = f && d ? {
get: f,
set: d,
has: y
} : f ? {
get: f,
has: y
h.access = d && p ? {
get: d,
set: p,
has: m
} : d ? {
get: d,
has: m
} : {
set: d,
has: y
set: p,
has: m
try {
return, c, p);
return, c, h);
} finally {
h.v = !0;
v.v = !0;

@@ -98,4 +102,4 @@ }

} else if ("function" !== r) {
var n;
throw n = 0 === e ? "field" : 5 === e ? "class" : "method", new TypeError(n + " decorators must return a function or void 0");
var a;
throw a = 0 === e ? "field" : 5 === e ? "class" : "method", new TypeError(a + " decorators must return a function or void 0");

@@ -113,5 +117,4 @@ }

function applyMemberDec(e, t, r, n, a, i, s, o, c, l) {
var u,
function applyMemberDec(e, t, r, a, n, i, s, o, c, l, u) {
var f,

@@ -121,4 +124,5 @@ p,

y = r[0];
n || _Array$isArray(y) || (y = [y]), o ? u = 0 === i || 1 === i ? {
m = r[0];
a || _Array$isArray(m) || (m = [m]), o ? f = 0 === i || 1 === i ? {
get: curryThis1(r[3]),

@@ -132,62 +136,62 @@ set: curryThis2(r[4])

value: r[3]
} : 0 !== i && (u = _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, a)), 1 === i ? d = {
get: u.get,
set: u.set
} : 2 === i ? d = u.value : 3 === i ? d = u.get : 4 === i && (d = u.set);
for (var g = n ? 2 : 1, m = y.length - 1; m >= 0; m -= g) {
var b;
if (void 0 !== (p = memberDec(y[m], n ? y[m - 1] : void 0, a, u, c, i, s, o, d, l))) assertValidReturnValue(i, p), 0 === i ? b = p : 1 === i ? (b = p.init, h = p.get || d.get, v = p.set || d.set, d = {
get: h,
set: v
}) : d = p, void 0 !== b && (void 0 === f ? f = b : "function" == typeof f ? f = [f, b] : f.push(b));
} : 0 !== i && (f = _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n)), 1 === i ? p = {
get: f.get,
set: f.set
} : 2 === i ? p = f.value : 3 === i ? p = f.get : 4 === i && (p = f.set);
for (var g = a ? 2 : 1, b = m.length - 1; b >= 0; b -= g) {
var I;
if (void 0 !== (h = memberDec(m[b], a ? m[b - 1] : void 0, n, f, c, i, s, o, p, l, u))) assertValidReturnValue(i, h), 0 === i ? I = h : 1 === i ? (I = h.init, v = h.get || p.get, y = h.set || p.set, p = {
get: v,
set: y
}) : p = h, void 0 !== I && (void 0 === d ? d = I : "function" == typeof d ? d = [d, I] : d.push(I));
if (0 === i || 1 === i) {
if (void 0 === f) f = function f(e, t) {
if (void 0 === d) d = function d(e, t) {
return t;
};else if ("function" != typeof f) {
var I = f;
f = function f(e, t) {
for (var r = t, n = I.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) r = I[n].call(e, r);
};else if ("function" != typeof d) {
var w = d;
d = function d(e, t) {
for (var r = t, a = w.length - 1; a >= 0; a--) r = w[a].call(e, r);
return r;
} else {
var w = f;
f = function f(e, t) {
return, t);
var M = d;
d = function d(e, t) {
return, t);
0 !== i && (1 === i ? (u.get = d.get, u.set = d.set) : 2 === i ? u.value = d : 3 === i ? u.get = d : 4 === i && (u.set = d), o ? 1 === i ? (e.push(function (e, t) {
return, t);
0 !== i && (1 === i ? (f.get = p.get, f.set = p.set) : 2 === i ? f.value = p : 3 === i ? f.get = p : 4 === i && (f.set = p), o ? 1 === i ? (e.push(function (e, t) {
return, t);
}), e.push(function (e, t) {
return, t);
})) : 2 === i ? e.push(d) : e.push(function (e, t) {
return, t);
}) : _Object$defineProperty(t, a, u));
return, t);
})) : 2 === i ? e.push(p) : e.push(function (e, t) {
return, t);
}) : _Object$defineProperty(t, n, f));
function applyMemberDecs(e, t, r) {
for (var n, a, i, s = [], o = new _Map(), c = new _Map(), l = 0; l < t.length; l++) {
var u = t[l];
if (_Array$isArray(u)) {
var f,
p = u[1],
h = u[2],
v = u.length > 3,
y = 16 & p,
g = !!(8 & p),
m = r;
if (p &= 7, g ? (f = e, 0 !== p && (d = a = a || []), v && !i && (i = function i(t) {
function applyMemberDecs(e, t, r, a) {
for (var n, i, s, o = [], c = new _Map(), l = new _Map(), u = 0; u < t.length; u++) {
var f = t[u];
if (_Array$isArray(f)) {
var d,
h = f[1],
v = f[2],
y = f.length > 3,
m = 16 & h,
g = !!(8 & h),
b = r;
if (h &= 7, g ? (d = e, 0 !== h && (p = i = i || []), y && !s && (s = function s(t) {
return checkInRHS(t) === e;
}), m = i) : (f = e.prototype, 0 !== p && (d = n = n || [])), 0 !== p && !v) {
var b = g ? c : o,
I = b.get(h) || 0;
if (!0 === I || 3 === I && 4 !== p || 4 === I && 3 !== p) throw new Error("Attempted to decorate a public method/accessor that has the same name as a previously decorated public method/accessor. This is not currently supported by the decorators plugin. Property name was: " + h);
b.set(h, !(!I && p > 2) || p);
}), b = s) : (d = e.prototype, 0 !== h && (p = n = n || [])), 0 !== h && !y) {
var I = g ? l : c,
w = I.get(v) || 0;
if (!0 === w || 3 === w && 4 !== h || 4 === w && 3 !== h) throw new Error("Attempted to decorate a public method/accessor that has the same name as a previously decorated public method/accessor. This is not currently supported by the decorators plugin. Property name was: " + v);
I.set(v, !(!w && h > 2) || h);
applyMemberDec(s, f, u, y, h, p, g, v, d, m);
applyMemberDec(o, d, f, m, v, h, g, y, p, b, a);
return pushInitializers(s, n), pushInitializers(s, a), s;
return pushInitializers(o, n), pushInitializers(o, i), o;

@@ -200,31 +204,42 @@ function pushInitializers(e, t) {

function applyClassDecs(e, t, r) {
function applyClassDecs(e, t, r, a) {
if (t.length) {
for (var n = [], a = e, i =, s = r ? 2 : 1, o = t.length - 1; o >= 0; o -= s) {
var c = {
for (var n = [], i = e, s =, o = r ? 2 : 1, c = t.length - 1; c >= 0; c -= o) {
var l = {
v: !1
try {
var l = t[o].call(r ? t[o - 1] : void 0, a, {
var u = t[c].call(r ? t[c - 1] : void 0, i, {
kind: "class",
name: i,
addInitializer: createAddInitializerMethod(n, c)
name: s,
addInitializer: createAddInitializerMethod(n, l),
metadata: a
} finally {
c.v = !0;
l.v = !0;
void 0 !== l && (assertValidReturnValue(5, l), a = l);
void 0 !== u && (assertValidReturnValue(5, u), i = u);
return [a, function () {
for (var e = 0; e < n.length; e++) n[e].call(a);
return [defineMetadata(i, a), function () {
for (var e = 0; e < n.length; e++) n[e].call(i);
export default function applyDecs2305(e, t, r, n, a) {
return {
e: applyMemberDecs(e, t, a),
function defineMetadata(e, t) {
return _Object$defineProperty(e, _Symbol.metadata || _Symbol$for("Symbol.metadata"), {
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0,
value: t
export default function applyDecs2305(e, t, r, a, n, i) {
if (arguments.length >= 6) var s = i[_Symbol.metadata || _Symbol$for("Symbol.metadata")];
var o = _Object$create(void 0 === s ? null : s),
c = applyMemberDecs(e, t, n, o);
return r.length || defineMetadata(e, o), {
e: c,
get c() {
return applyClassDecs(e, r, n);
return applyClassDecs(e, r, a, o);
"name": "@babel/runtime-corejs2",
"version": "7.22.15",
"version": "7.23.0",
"description": "babel's modular runtime helpers with core-js@2 polyfilling",

@@ -138,2 +138,11 @@ "license": "MIT",

"./helpers/esm/dispose": "./helpers/esm/dispose.js",
"./helpers/importDeferProxy": [
"node": "./helpers/importDeferProxy.js",
"import": "./helpers/esm/importDeferProxy.js",
"default": "./helpers/importDeferProxy.js"
"./helpers/esm/importDeferProxy": "./helpers/esm/importDeferProxy.js",
"./helpers/iterableToArrayLimit": [

@@ -949,2 +958,11 @@ {

"./helpers/esm/identity": "./helpers/esm/identity.js",
"./helpers/nullishReceiverError": [
"node": "./helpers/nullishReceiverError.js",
"import": "./helpers/esm/nullishReceiverError.js",
"default": "./helpers/nullishReceiverError.js"
"./helpers/esm/nullishReceiverError": "./helpers/esm/nullishReceiverError.js",
"./package": "./package.json",

@@ -951,0 +969,0 @@ "./package.json": "./package.json",

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