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@babel/runtime-corejs3 - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 7.22.10 to 7.22.11



@@ -16,236 +16,236 @@ var _typeof = require("./typeof.js")["default"];

var _Array$isArray = require("core-js-pure/features/array/is-array.js");
function old_createMetadataMethodsForProperty(metadataMap, kind, property, decoratorFinishedRef) {
function old_createMetadataMethodsForProperty(e, t, a, r) {
return {
getMetadata: function getMetadata(key) {
old_assertNotFinished(decoratorFinishedRef, "getMetadata"), old_assertMetadataKey(key);
var metadataForKey = metadataMap[key];
if (void 0 !== metadataForKey) if (1 === kind) {
var pub = metadataForKey["public"];
if (void 0 !== pub) return pub[property];
} else if (2 === kind) {
var priv = metadataForKey["private"];
if (void 0 !== priv) return priv.get(property);
} else if (, "constructor")) return metadataForKey.constructor;
getMetadata: function getMetadata(o) {
old_assertNotFinished(r, "getMetadata"), old_assertMetadataKey(o);
var i = e[o];
if (void 0 !== i) if (1 === t) {
var n = i["public"];
if (void 0 !== n) return n[a];
} else if (2 === t) {
var l = i["private"];
if (void 0 !== l) return l.get(a);
} else if (, "constructor")) return i.constructor;
setMetadata: function setMetadata(key, value) {
old_assertNotFinished(decoratorFinishedRef, "setMetadata"), old_assertMetadataKey(key);
var metadataForKey = metadataMap[key];
if (void 0 === metadataForKey && (metadataForKey = metadataMap[key] = {}), 1 === kind) {
var pub = metadataForKey["public"];
void 0 === pub && (pub = metadataForKey["public"] = {}), pub[property] = value;
} else if (2 === kind) {
var priv = metadataForKey.priv;
void 0 === priv && (priv = metadataForKey["private"] = new _Map()), priv.set(property, value);
} else metadataForKey.constructor = value;
setMetadata: function setMetadata(o, i) {
old_assertNotFinished(r, "setMetadata"), old_assertMetadataKey(o);
var n = e[o];
if (void 0 === n && (n = e[o] = {}), 1 === t) {
var l = n["public"];
void 0 === l && (l = n["public"] = {}), l[a] = i;
} else if (2 === t) {
var s = n.priv;
void 0 === s && (s = n["private"] = new _Map()), s.set(a, i);
} else n.constructor = i;
function old_convertMetadataMapToFinal(obj, metadataMap) {
var parentMetadataMap = obj[_Symbol$metadata || _Symbol$for("Symbol.metadata")],
metadataKeys = _Object$getOwnPropertySymbols(metadataMap);
if (0 !== metadataKeys.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < metadataKeys.length; i++) {
var key = metadataKeys[i],
metaForKey = metadataMap[key],
parentMetaForKey = parentMetadataMap ? parentMetadataMap[key] : null,
pub = metaForKey["public"],
parentPub = parentMetaForKey ? parentMetaForKey["public"] : null;
pub && parentPub && _Object$setPrototypeOf(pub, parentPub);
var priv = metaForKey["private"];
if (priv) {
var privArr = _Array$from(_valuesInstanceProperty(priv).call(priv)),
parentPriv = parentMetaForKey ? parentMetaForKey["private"] : null;
parentPriv && (privArr = _concatInstanceProperty(privArr).call(privArr, parentPriv)), metaForKey["private"] = privArr;
function old_convertMetadataMapToFinal(e, t) {
var a = e[_Symbol$metadata || _Symbol$for("Symbol.metadata")],
r = _Object$getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
if (0 !== r.length) {
for (var o = 0; o < r.length; o++) {
var i = r[o],
n = t[i],
l = a ? a[i] : null,
s = n["public"],
c = l ? l["public"] : null;
s && c && _Object$setPrototypeOf(s, c);
var d = n["private"];
if (d) {
var u = _Array$from(_valuesInstanceProperty(d).call(d)),
f = l ? l["private"] : null;
f && (u = _concatInstanceProperty(u).call(u, f)), n["private"] = u;
parentMetaForKey && _Object$setPrototypeOf(metaForKey, parentMetaForKey);
l && _Object$setPrototypeOf(n, l);
parentMetadataMap && _Object$setPrototypeOf(metadataMap, parentMetadataMap), obj[_Symbol$metadata || _Symbol$for("Symbol.metadata")] = metadataMap;
a && _Object$setPrototypeOf(t, a), e[_Symbol$metadata || _Symbol$for("Symbol.metadata")] = t;
function old_createAddInitializerMethod(initializers, decoratorFinishedRef) {
return function (initializer) {
old_assertNotFinished(decoratorFinishedRef, "addInitializer"), old_assertCallable(initializer, "An initializer"), _pushInstanceProperty(initializers).call(initializers, initializer);
function old_createAddInitializerMethod(e, t) {
return function (a) {
old_assertNotFinished(t, "addInitializer"), old_assertCallable(a, "An initializer"), _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, a);
function old_memberDec(dec, name, desc, metadataMap, initializers, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, value) {
var kindStr;
switch (kind) {
function old_memberDec(e, t, a, r, o, i, n, l, s) {
var c;
switch (i) {
case 1:
kindStr = "accessor";
c = "accessor";
case 2:
kindStr = "method";
c = "method";
case 3:
kindStr = "getter";
c = "getter";
case 4:
kindStr = "setter";
c = "setter";
kindStr = "field";
c = "field";
var metadataKind,
ctx = {
kind: kindStr,
name: isPrivate ? "#" + name : name,
isStatic: isStatic,
isPrivate: isPrivate
var d,
f = {
kind: c,
name: l ? "#" + t : t,
isStatic: n,
isPrivate: l
decoratorFinishedRef = {
p = {
v: !1
if (0 !== kind && (ctx.addInitializer = old_createAddInitializerMethod(initializers, decoratorFinishedRef)), isPrivate) {
metadataKind = 2, metadataName = _Symbol(name);
var access = {};
0 === kind ? (access.get = desc.get, access.set = desc.set) : 2 === kind ? access.get = function () {
return desc.value;
} : (1 !== kind && 3 !== kind || (access.get = function () {
}), 1 !== kind && 4 !== kind || (access.set = function (v) {, v);
})), ctx.access = access;
} else metadataKind = 1, metadataName = name;
if (0 !== i && (f.addInitializer = old_createAddInitializerMethod(o, p)), l) {
d = 2, u = _Symbol(t);
var v = {};
0 === i ? (v.get = a.get, v.set = a.set) : 2 === i ? v.get = function () {
return a.value;
} : (1 !== i && 3 !== i || (v.get = function () {
}), 1 !== i && 4 !== i || (v.set = function (e) {, e);
})), f.access = v;
} else d = 1, u = t;
try {
return dec(value, _Object$assign(ctx, old_createMetadataMethodsForProperty(metadataMap, metadataKind, metadataName, decoratorFinishedRef)));
return e(s, _Object$assign(f, old_createMetadataMethodsForProperty(r, d, u, p)));
} finally {
decoratorFinishedRef.v = !0;
p.v = !0;
function old_assertNotFinished(decoratorFinishedRef, fnName) {
if (decoratorFinishedRef.v) throw new Error("attempted to call " + fnName + " after decoration was finished");
function old_assertNotFinished(e, t) {
if (e.v) throw new Error("attempted to call " + t + " after decoration was finished");
function old_assertMetadataKey(key) {
if ("symbol" != _typeof(key)) throw new TypeError("Metadata keys must be symbols, received: " + key);
function old_assertMetadataKey(e) {
if ("symbol" != _typeof(e)) throw new TypeError("Metadata keys must be symbols, received: " + e);
function old_assertCallable(fn, hint) {
if ("function" != typeof fn) throw new TypeError(hint + " must be a function");
function old_assertCallable(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof e) throw new TypeError(t + " must be a function");
function old_assertValidReturnValue(kind, value) {
var type = _typeof(value);
if (1 === kind) {
if ("object" !== type || null === value) throw new TypeError("accessor decorators must return an object with get, set, or init properties or void 0");
void 0 !== value.get && old_assertCallable(value.get, "accessor.get"), void 0 !== value.set && old_assertCallable(value.set, "accessor.set"), void 0 !== value.init && old_assertCallable(value.init, "accessor.init"), void 0 !== value.initializer && old_assertCallable(value.initializer, "accessor.initializer");
} else if ("function" !== type) {
var hint;
throw hint = 0 === kind ? "field" : 10 === kind ? "class" : "method", new TypeError(hint + " decorators must return a function or void 0");
function old_assertValidReturnValue(e, t) {
var a = _typeof(t);
if (1 === e) {
if ("object" !== a || null === t) throw new TypeError("accessor decorators must return an object with get, set, or init properties or void 0");
void 0 !== t.get && old_assertCallable(t.get, "accessor.get"), void 0 !== t.set && old_assertCallable(t.set, "accessor.set"), void 0 !== t.init && old_assertCallable(t.init, "accessor.init"), void 0 !== t.initializer && old_assertCallable(t.initializer, "accessor.initializer");
} else if ("function" !== a) {
var r;
throw r = 0 === e ? "field" : 10 === e ? "class" : "method", new TypeError(r + " decorators must return a function or void 0");
function old_getInit(desc) {
var initializer;
return null == (initializer = desc.init) && (initializer = desc.initializer) && "undefined" != typeof console && console.warn(".initializer has been renamed to .init as of March 2022"), initializer;
function old_getInit(e) {
var t;
return null == (t = e.init) && (t = e.initializer) && "undefined" != typeof console && console.warn(".initializer has been renamed to .init as of March 2022"), t;
function old_applyMemberDec(ret, base, decInfo, name, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, metadataMap, initializers) {
var desc,
decs = decInfo[0];
if (isPrivate ? desc = 0 === kind || 1 === kind ? {
get: decInfo[3],
set: decInfo[4]
} : 3 === kind ? {
get: decInfo[3]
} : 4 === kind ? {
set: decInfo[3]
function old_applyMemberDec(e, t, a, r, o, i, n, l, s) {
var c,
h = a[0];
if (n ? c = 0 === o || 1 === o ? {
get: a[3],
set: a[4]
} : 3 === o ? {
get: a[3]
} : 4 === o ? {
set: a[3]
} : {
value: decInfo[3]
} : 0 !== kind && (desc = _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor(base, name)), 1 === kind ? value = {
get: desc.get,
set: desc.set
} : 2 === kind ? value = desc.value : 3 === kind ? value = desc.get : 4 === kind && (value = desc.set), "function" == typeof decs) void 0 !== (newValue = old_memberDec(decs, name, desc, metadataMap, initializers, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, value)) && (old_assertValidReturnValue(kind, newValue), 0 === kind ? initializer = newValue : 1 === kind ? (initializer = old_getInit(newValue), get = newValue.get || value.get, set = newValue.set || value.set, value = {
get: get,
set: set
}) : value = newValue);else for (var i = decs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var newInit;
if (void 0 !== (newValue = old_memberDec(decs[i], name, desc, metadataMap, initializers, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, value))) old_assertValidReturnValue(kind, newValue), 0 === kind ? newInit = newValue : 1 === kind ? (newInit = old_getInit(newValue), get = newValue.get || value.get, set = newValue.set || value.set, value = {
get: get,
set: set
}) : value = newValue, void 0 !== newInit && (void 0 === initializer ? initializer = newInit : "function" == typeof initializer ? initializer = [initializer, newInit] : _pushInstanceProperty(initializer).call(initializer, newInit));
value: a[3]
} : 0 !== o && (c = _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, r)), 1 === o ? u = {
get: c.get,
set: c.set
} : 2 === o ? u = c.value : 3 === o ? u = c.get : 4 === o && (u = c.set), "function" == typeof h) void 0 !== (f = old_memberDec(h, r, c, l, s, o, i, n, u)) && (old_assertValidReturnValue(o, f), 0 === o ? d = f : 1 === o ? (d = old_getInit(f), p = f.get || u.get, v = f.set || u.set, u = {
get: p,
set: v
}) : u = f);else for (var y = h.length - 1; y >= 0; y--) {
var b;
if (void 0 !== (f = old_memberDec(h[y], r, c, l, s, o, i, n, u))) old_assertValidReturnValue(o, f), 0 === o ? b = f : 1 === o ? (b = old_getInit(f), p = f.get || u.get, v = f.set || u.set, u = {
get: p,
set: v
}) : u = f, void 0 !== b && (void 0 === d ? d = b : "function" == typeof d ? d = [d, b] : _pushInstanceProperty(d).call(d, b));
if (0 === kind || 1 === kind) {
if (void 0 === initializer) initializer = function initializer(instance, init) {
return init;
};else if ("function" != typeof initializer) {
var ownInitializers = initializer;
initializer = function initializer(instance, init) {
for (var value = init, i = 0; i < ownInitializers.length; i++) value = ownInitializers[i].call(instance, value);
return value;
if (0 === o || 1 === o) {
if (void 0 === d) d = function d(e, t) {
return t;
};else if ("function" != typeof d) {
var g = d;
d = function d(e, t) {
for (var a = t, r = 0; r < g.length; r++) a = g[r].call(e, a);
return a;
} else {
var originalInitializer = initializer;
initializer = function initializer(instance, init) {
return, init);
var m = d;
d = function d(e, t) {
return, t);
_pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, initializer);
_pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, d);
0 !== kind && (1 === kind ? (desc.get = value.get, desc.set = value.set) : 2 === kind ? desc.value = value : 3 === kind ? desc.get = value : 4 === kind && (desc.set = value), isPrivate ? 1 === kind ? (_pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance, args) {
return, args);
}), _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance, args) {
return, args);
})) : 2 === kind ? _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, value) : _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance, args) {
return, args);
}) : _Object$defineProperty(base, name, desc));
0 !== o && (1 === o ? (c.get = u.get, c.set = u.set) : 2 === o ? c.value = u : 3 === o ? c.get = u : 4 === o && (c.set = u), n ? 1 === o ? (_pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e, t) {
return, t);
}), _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e, t) {
return, t);
})) : 2 === o ? _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, u) : _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e, t) {
return, t);
}) : _Object$defineProperty(t, r, c));
function old_applyMemberDecs(ret, Class, protoMetadataMap, staticMetadataMap, decInfos) {
for (var protoInitializers, staticInitializers, existingProtoNonFields = new _Map(), existingStaticNonFields = new _Map(), i = 0; i < decInfos.length; i++) {
var decInfo = decInfos[i];
if (_Array$isArray(decInfo)) {
var base,
kind = decInfo[1],
name = decInfo[2],
isPrivate = decInfo.length > 3,
isStatic = kind >= 5;
if (isStatic ? (base = Class, metadataMap = staticMetadataMap, 0 !== (kind -= 5) && (initializers = staticInitializers = staticInitializers || [])) : (base = Class.prototype, metadataMap = protoMetadataMap, 0 !== kind && (initializers = protoInitializers = protoInitializers || [])), 0 !== kind && !isPrivate) {
var existingNonFields = isStatic ? existingStaticNonFields : existingProtoNonFields,
existingKind = existingNonFields.get(name) || 0;
if (!0 === existingKind || 3 === existingKind && 4 !== kind || 4 === existingKind && 3 !== kind) throw new Error("Attempted to decorate a public method/accessor that has the same name as a previously decorated public method/accessor. This is not currently supported by the decorators plugin. Property name was: " + name);
!existingKind && kind > 2 ? existingNonFields.set(name, kind) : existingNonFields.set(name, !0);
function old_applyMemberDecs(e, t, a, r, o) {
for (var i, n, l = new _Map(), s = new _Map(), c = 0; c < o.length; c++) {
var d = o[c];
if (_Array$isArray(d)) {
var u,
v = d[1],
h = d[2],
y = d.length > 3,
b = v >= 5;
if (b ? (u = t, f = r, 0 !== (v -= 5) && (p = n = n || [])) : (u = t.prototype, f = a, 0 !== v && (p = i = i || [])), 0 !== v && !y) {
var g = b ? s : l,
m = g.get(h) || 0;
if (!0 === m || 3 === m && 4 !== v || 4 === m && 3 !== v) throw new Error("Attempted to decorate a public method/accessor that has the same name as a previously decorated public method/accessor. This is not currently supported by the decorators plugin. Property name was: " + h);
!m && v > 2 ? g.set(h, v) : g.set(h, !0);
old_applyMemberDec(ret, base, decInfo, name, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, metadataMap, initializers);
old_applyMemberDec(e, u, d, h, v, b, y, f, p);
old_pushInitializers(ret, protoInitializers), old_pushInitializers(ret, staticInitializers);
old_pushInitializers(e, i), old_pushInitializers(e, n);
function old_pushInitializers(ret, initializers) {
initializers && _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance) {
for (var i = 0; i < initializers.length; i++) initializers[i].call(instance);
return instance;
function old_pushInitializers(e, t) {
t && _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e) {
for (var a = 0; a < t.length; a++) t[a].call(e);
return e;
function old_applyClassDecs(ret, targetClass, metadataMap, classDecs) {
if (classDecs.length > 0) {
for (var initializers = [], newClass = targetClass, name =, i = classDecs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var decoratorFinishedRef = {
function old_applyClassDecs(e, t, a, r) {
if (r.length > 0) {
for (var o = [], i = t, n =, l = r.length - 1; l >= 0; l--) {
var s = {
v: !1
try {
var ctx = _Object$assign({
var c = _Object$assign({
kind: "class",
name: name,
addInitializer: old_createAddInitializerMethod(initializers, decoratorFinishedRef)
}, old_createMetadataMethodsForProperty(metadataMap, 0, name, decoratorFinishedRef)),
nextNewClass = classDecs[i](newClass, ctx);
name: n,
addInitializer: old_createAddInitializerMethod(o, s)
}, old_createMetadataMethodsForProperty(a, 0, n, s)),
d = r[l](i, c);
} finally {
decoratorFinishedRef.v = !0;
s.v = !0;
void 0 !== nextNewClass && (old_assertValidReturnValue(10, nextNewClass), newClass = nextNewClass);
void 0 !== d && (old_assertValidReturnValue(10, d), i = d);
_pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, newClass, function () {
for (var i = 0; i < initializers.length; i++) initializers[i].call(newClass);
_pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, i, function () {
for (var e = 0; e < o.length; e++) o[e].call(i);
function applyDecs(targetClass, memberDecs, classDecs) {
var ret = [],
staticMetadataMap = {},
protoMetadataMap = {};
return old_applyMemberDecs(ret, targetClass, protoMetadataMap, staticMetadataMap, memberDecs), old_convertMetadataMapToFinal(targetClass.prototype, protoMetadataMap), old_applyClassDecs(ret, targetClass, staticMetadataMap, classDecs), old_convertMetadataMapToFinal(targetClass, staticMetadataMap), ret;
function applyDecs(e, t, a) {
var r = [],
o = {},
i = {};
return old_applyMemberDecs(r, e, i, o, t), old_convertMetadataMapToFinal(e.prototype, i), old_applyClassDecs(r, e, o, a), old_convertMetadataMapToFinal(e, o), r;
module.exports = applyDecs, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports;

@@ -8,186 +8,186 @@ var _typeof = require("./typeof.js")["default"];

function applyDecs2203Factory() {
function createAddInitializerMethod(initializers, decoratorFinishedRef) {
return function (initializer) {
!function (decoratorFinishedRef, fnName) {
if (decoratorFinishedRef.v) throw new Error("attempted to call " + fnName + " after decoration was finished");
}(decoratorFinishedRef, "addInitializer"), assertCallable(initializer, "An initializer"), _pushInstanceProperty(initializers).call(initializers, initializer);
function createAddInitializerMethod(e, t) {
return function (r) {
!function (e, t) {
if (e.v) throw new Error("attempted to call " + t + " after decoration was finished");
}(t, "addInitializer"), assertCallable(r, "An initializer"), _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, r);
function memberDec(dec, name, desc, initializers, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, value) {
var kindStr;
switch (kind) {
function memberDec(e, t, r, a, n, i, s, o) {
var c;
switch (n) {
case 1:
kindStr = "accessor";
c = "accessor";
case 2:
kindStr = "method";
c = "method";
case 3:
kindStr = "getter";
c = "getter";
case 4:
kindStr = "setter";
c = "setter";
kindStr = "field";
c = "field";
var get,
ctx = {
kind: kindStr,
name: isPrivate ? "#" + name : name,
"static": isStatic,
"private": isPrivate
var l,
f = {
kind: c,
name: s ? "#" + t : t,
"static": i,
"private": s
decoratorFinishedRef = {
p = {
v: !1
0 !== kind && (ctx.addInitializer = createAddInitializerMethod(initializers, decoratorFinishedRef)), 0 === kind ? isPrivate ? (get = desc.get, set = desc.set) : (get = function get() {
return this[name];
}, set = function set(v) {
this[name] = v;
}) : 2 === kind ? get = function get() {
return desc.value;
} : (1 !== kind && 3 !== kind || (get = function get() {
}), 1 !== kind && 4 !== kind || (set = function set(v) {, v);
})), ctx.access = get && set ? {
get: get,
set: set
} : get ? {
get: get
0 !== n && (f.addInitializer = createAddInitializerMethod(a, p)), 0 === n ? s ? (l = r.get, u = r.set) : (l = function l() {
return this[t];
}, u = function u(e) {
this[t] = e;
}) : 2 === n ? l = function l() {
return r.value;
} : (1 !== n && 3 !== n || (l = function l() {
}), 1 !== n && 4 !== n || (u = function u(e) {, e);
})), f.access = l && u ? {
get: l,
set: u
} : l ? {
get: l
} : {
set: set
set: u
try {
return dec(value, ctx);
return e(o, f);
} finally {
decoratorFinishedRef.v = !0;
p.v = !0;
function assertCallable(fn, hint) {
if ("function" != typeof fn) throw new TypeError(hint + " must be a function");
function assertCallable(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof e) throw new TypeError(t + " must be a function");
function assertValidReturnValue(kind, value) {
var type = _typeof(value);
if (1 === kind) {
if ("object" !== type || null === value) throw new TypeError("accessor decorators must return an object with get, set, or init properties or void 0");
void 0 !== value.get && assertCallable(value.get, "accessor.get"), void 0 !== value.set && assertCallable(value.set, "accessor.set"), void 0 !== value.init && assertCallable(value.init, "accessor.init");
} else if ("function" !== type) {
var hint;
throw hint = 0 === kind ? "field" : 10 === kind ? "class" : "method", new TypeError(hint + " decorators must return a function or void 0");
function assertValidReturnValue(e, t) {
var r = _typeof(t);
if (1 === e) {
if ("object" !== r || null === t) throw new TypeError("accessor decorators must return an object with get, set, or init properties or void 0");
void 0 !== t.get && assertCallable(t.get, "accessor.get"), void 0 !== t.set && assertCallable(t.set, "accessor.set"), void 0 !== t.init && assertCallable(t.init, "accessor.init");
} else if ("function" !== r) {
var a;
throw a = 0 === e ? "field" : 10 === e ? "class" : "method", new TypeError(a + " decorators must return a function or void 0");
function applyMemberDec(ret, base, decInfo, name, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, initializers) {
var desc,
decs = decInfo[0];
if (isPrivate ? desc = 0 === kind || 1 === kind ? {
get: decInfo[3],
set: decInfo[4]
} : 3 === kind ? {
get: decInfo[3]
} : 4 === kind ? {
set: decInfo[3]
function applyMemberDec(e, t, r, a, n, i, s, o) {
var c,
h = r[0];
if (s ? c = 0 === n || 1 === n ? {
get: r[3],
set: r[4]
} : 3 === n ? {
get: r[3]
} : 4 === n ? {
set: r[3]
} : {
value: decInfo[3]
} : 0 !== kind && (desc = _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor(base, name)), 1 === kind ? value = {
get: desc.get,
set: desc.set
} : 2 === kind ? value = desc.value : 3 === kind ? value = desc.get : 4 === kind && (value = desc.set), "function" == typeof decs) void 0 !== (newValue = memberDec(decs, name, desc, initializers, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, value)) && (assertValidReturnValue(kind, newValue), 0 === kind ? init = newValue : 1 === kind ? (init = newValue.init, get = newValue.get || value.get, set = newValue.set || value.set, value = {
get: get,
set: set
}) : value = newValue);else for (var i = decs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var newInit;
if (void 0 !== (newValue = memberDec(decs[i], name, desc, initializers, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, value))) assertValidReturnValue(kind, newValue), 0 === kind ? newInit = newValue : 1 === kind ? (newInit = newValue.init, get = newValue.get || value.get, set = newValue.set || value.set, value = {
get: get,
set: set
}) : value = newValue, void 0 !== newInit && (void 0 === init ? init = newInit : "function" == typeof init ? init = [init, newInit] : _pushInstanceProperty(init).call(init, newInit));
value: r[3]
} : 0 !== n && (c = _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, a)), 1 === n ? u = {
get: c.get,
set: c.set
} : 2 === n ? u = c.value : 3 === n ? u = c.get : 4 === n && (u = c.set), "function" == typeof h) void 0 !== (f = memberDec(h, a, c, o, n, i, s, u)) && (assertValidReturnValue(n, f), 0 === n ? l = f : 1 === n ? (l = f.init, p = f.get || u.get, d = f.set || u.set, u = {
get: p,
set: d
}) : u = f);else for (var v = h.length - 1; v >= 0; v--) {
var g;
if (void 0 !== (f = memberDec(h[v], a, c, o, n, i, s, u))) assertValidReturnValue(n, f), 0 === n ? g = f : 1 === n ? (g = f.init, p = f.get || u.get, d = f.set || u.set, u = {
get: p,
set: d
}) : u = f, void 0 !== g && (void 0 === l ? l = g : "function" == typeof l ? l = [l, g] : _pushInstanceProperty(l).call(l, g));
if (0 === kind || 1 === kind) {
if (void 0 === init) init = function init(instance, _init) {
return _init;
};else if ("function" != typeof init) {
var ownInitializers = init;
init = function init(instance, _init2) {
for (var value = _init2, i = 0; i < ownInitializers.length; i++) value = ownInitializers[i].call(instance, value);
return value;
if (0 === n || 1 === n) {
if (void 0 === l) l = function l(e, t) {
return t;
};else if ("function" != typeof l) {
var y = l;
l = function l(e, t) {
for (var r = t, a = 0; a < y.length; a++) r = y[a].call(e, r);
return r;
} else {
var originalInitializer = init;
init = function init(instance, _init3) {
return, _init3);
var m = l;
l = function l(e, t) {
return, t);
_pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, init);
_pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, l);
0 !== kind && (1 === kind ? (desc.get = value.get, desc.set = value.set) : 2 === kind ? desc.value = value : 3 === kind ? desc.get = value : 4 === kind && (desc.set = value), isPrivate ? 1 === kind ? (_pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance, args) {
return, args);
}), _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance, args) {
return, args);
})) : 2 === kind ? _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, value) : _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance, args) {
return, args);
}) : _Object$defineProperty(base, name, desc));
0 !== n && (1 === n ? (c.get = u.get, c.set = u.set) : 2 === n ? c.value = u : 3 === n ? c.get = u : 4 === n && (c.set = u), s ? 1 === n ? (_pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e, t) {
return, t);
}), _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e, t) {
return, t);
})) : 2 === n ? _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, u) : _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e, t) {
return, t);
}) : _Object$defineProperty(t, a, c));
function pushInitializers(ret, initializers) {
initializers && _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance) {
for (var i = 0; i < initializers.length; i++) initializers[i].call(instance);
return instance;
function pushInitializers(e, t) {
t && _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) t[r].call(e);
return e;
return function (targetClass, memberDecs, classDecs) {
var ret = [];
return function (ret, Class, decInfos) {
for (var protoInitializers, staticInitializers, existingProtoNonFields = new _Map(), existingStaticNonFields = new _Map(), i = 0; i < decInfos.length; i++) {
var decInfo = decInfos[i];
if (_Array$isArray(decInfo)) {
var base,
kind = decInfo[1],
name = decInfo[2],
isPrivate = decInfo.length > 3,
isStatic = kind >= 5;
if (isStatic ? (base = Class, 0 != (kind -= 5) && (initializers = staticInitializers = staticInitializers || [])) : (base = Class.prototype, 0 !== kind && (initializers = protoInitializers = protoInitializers || [])), 0 !== kind && !isPrivate) {
var existingNonFields = isStatic ? existingStaticNonFields : existingProtoNonFields,
existingKind = existingNonFields.get(name) || 0;
if (!0 === existingKind || 3 === existingKind && 4 !== kind || 4 === existingKind && 3 !== kind) throw new Error("Attempted to decorate a public method/accessor that has the same name as a previously decorated public method/accessor. This is not currently supported by the decorators plugin. Property name was: " + name);
!existingKind && kind > 2 ? existingNonFields.set(name, kind) : existingNonFields.set(name, !0);
return function (e, t, r) {
var a = [];
return function (e, t, r) {
for (var a, n, i = new _Map(), s = new _Map(), o = 0; o < r.length; o++) {
var c = r[o];
if (_Array$isArray(c)) {
var l,
f = c[1],
p = c[2],
d = c.length > 3,
h = f >= 5;
if (h ? (l = t, 0 != (f -= 5) && (u = n = n || [])) : (l = t.prototype, 0 !== f && (u = a = a || [])), 0 !== f && !d) {
var v = h ? s : i,
g = v.get(p) || 0;
if (!0 === g || 3 === g && 4 !== f || 4 === g && 3 !== f) throw new Error("Attempted to decorate a public method/accessor that has the same name as a previously decorated public method/accessor. This is not currently supported by the decorators plugin. Property name was: " + p);
!g && f > 2 ? v.set(p, f) : v.set(p, !0);
applyMemberDec(ret, base, decInfo, name, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, initializers);
applyMemberDec(e, l, c, p, f, h, d, u);
pushInitializers(ret, protoInitializers), pushInitializers(ret, staticInitializers);
}(ret, targetClass, memberDecs), function (ret, targetClass, classDecs) {
if (classDecs.length > 0) {
for (var initializers = [], newClass = targetClass, name =, i = classDecs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var decoratorFinishedRef = {
pushInitializers(e, a), pushInitializers(e, n);
}(a, e, t), function (e, t, r) {
if (r.length > 0) {
for (var a = [], n = t, i =, s = r.length - 1; s >= 0; s--) {
var o = {
v: !1
try {
var nextNewClass = classDecs[i](newClass, {
var c = r[s](n, {
kind: "class",
name: name,
addInitializer: createAddInitializerMethod(initializers, decoratorFinishedRef)
name: i,
addInitializer: createAddInitializerMethod(a, o)
} finally {
decoratorFinishedRef.v = !0;
o.v = !0;
void 0 !== nextNewClass && (assertValidReturnValue(10, nextNewClass), newClass = nextNewClass);
void 0 !== c && (assertValidReturnValue(10, c), n = c);
_pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, newClass, function () {
for (var i = 0; i < initializers.length; i++) initializers[i].call(newClass);
_pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, n, function () {
for (var e = 0; e < a.length; e++) a[e].call(n);
}(ret, targetClass, classDecs), ret;
}(a, e, r), a;
var applyDecs2203Impl;
function applyDecs2203(targetClass, memberDecs, classDecs) {
return (applyDecs2203Impl = applyDecs2203Impl || applyDecs2203Factory())(targetClass, memberDecs, classDecs);
function applyDecs2203(e, t, r) {
return (applyDecs2203Impl = applyDecs2203Impl || applyDecs2203Factory())(e, t, r);
module.exports = applyDecs2203, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports;

@@ -8,183 +8,183 @@ var _typeof = require("./typeof.js")["default"];

function applyDecs2203RFactory() {
function createAddInitializerMethod(initializers, decoratorFinishedRef) {
return function (initializer) {
!function (decoratorFinishedRef, fnName) {
if (decoratorFinishedRef.v) throw new Error("attempted to call " + fnName + " after decoration was finished");
}(decoratorFinishedRef, "addInitializer"), assertCallable(initializer, "An initializer"), _pushInstanceProperty(initializers).call(initializers, initializer);
function createAddInitializerMethod(e, t) {
return function (r) {
!function (e, t) {
if (e.v) throw new Error("attempted to call " + t + " after decoration was finished");
}(t, "addInitializer"), assertCallable(r, "An initializer"), _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, r);
function memberDec(dec, name, desc, initializers, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, value) {
var kindStr;
switch (kind) {
function memberDec(e, t, r, n, a, i, s, o) {
var c;
switch (a) {
case 1:
kindStr = "accessor";
c = "accessor";
case 2:
kindStr = "method";
c = "method";
case 3:
kindStr = "getter";
c = "getter";
case 4:
kindStr = "setter";
c = "setter";
kindStr = "field";
c = "field";
var get,
ctx = {
kind: kindStr,
name: isPrivate ? "#" + name : name,
"static": isStatic,
"private": isPrivate
var l,
f = {
kind: c,
name: s ? "#" + t : t,
"static": i,
"private": s
decoratorFinishedRef = {
p = {
v: !1
0 !== kind && (ctx.addInitializer = createAddInitializerMethod(initializers, decoratorFinishedRef)), 0 === kind ? isPrivate ? (get = desc.get, set = desc.set) : (get = function get() {
return this[name];
}, set = function set(v) {
this[name] = v;
}) : 2 === kind ? get = function get() {
return desc.value;
} : (1 !== kind && 3 !== kind || (get = function get() {
}), 1 !== kind && 4 !== kind || (set = function set(v) {, v);
})), ctx.access = get && set ? {
get: get,
set: set
} : get ? {
get: get
0 !== a && (f.addInitializer = createAddInitializerMethod(n, p)), 0 === a ? s ? (l = r.get, u = r.set) : (l = function l() {
return this[t];
}, u = function u(e) {
this[t] = e;
}) : 2 === a ? l = function l() {
return r.value;
} : (1 !== a && 3 !== a || (l = function l() {
}), 1 !== a && 4 !== a || (u = function u(e) {, e);
})), f.access = l && u ? {
get: l,
set: u
} : l ? {
get: l
} : {
set: set
set: u
try {
return dec(value, ctx);
return e(o, f);
} finally {
decoratorFinishedRef.v = !0;
p.v = !0;
function assertCallable(fn, hint) {
if ("function" != typeof fn) throw new TypeError(hint + " must be a function");
function assertCallable(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof e) throw new TypeError(t + " must be a function");
function assertValidReturnValue(kind, value) {
var type = _typeof(value);
if (1 === kind) {
if ("object" !== type || null === value) throw new TypeError("accessor decorators must return an object with get, set, or init properties or void 0");
void 0 !== value.get && assertCallable(value.get, "accessor.get"), void 0 !== value.set && assertCallable(value.set, "accessor.set"), void 0 !== value.init && assertCallable(value.init, "accessor.init");
} else if ("function" !== type) {
var hint;
throw hint = 0 === kind ? "field" : 10 === kind ? "class" : "method", new TypeError(hint + " decorators must return a function or void 0");
function assertValidReturnValue(e, t) {
var r = _typeof(t);
if (1 === e) {
if ("object" !== r || null === t) throw new TypeError("accessor decorators must return an object with get, set, or init properties or void 0");
void 0 !== t.get && assertCallable(t.get, "accessor.get"), void 0 !== t.set && assertCallable(t.set, "accessor.set"), void 0 !== t.init && assertCallable(t.init, "accessor.init");
} else if ("function" !== r) {
var n;
throw n = 0 === e ? "field" : 10 === e ? "class" : "method", new TypeError(n + " decorators must return a function or void 0");
function applyMemberDec(ret, base, decInfo, name, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, initializers) {
var desc,
decs = decInfo[0];
if (isPrivate ? desc = 0 === kind || 1 === kind ? {
get: decInfo[3],
set: decInfo[4]
} : 3 === kind ? {
get: decInfo[3]
} : 4 === kind ? {
set: decInfo[3]
function applyMemberDec(e, t, r, n, a, i, s, o) {
var c,
h = r[0];
if (s ? c = 0 === a || 1 === a ? {
get: r[3],
set: r[4]
} : 3 === a ? {
get: r[3]
} : 4 === a ? {
set: r[3]
} : {
value: decInfo[3]
} : 0 !== kind && (desc = _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor(base, name)), 1 === kind ? value = {
get: desc.get,
set: desc.set
} : 2 === kind ? value = desc.value : 3 === kind ? value = desc.get : 4 === kind && (value = desc.set), "function" == typeof decs) void 0 !== (newValue = memberDec(decs, name, desc, initializers, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, value)) && (assertValidReturnValue(kind, newValue), 0 === kind ? init = newValue : 1 === kind ? (init = newValue.init, get = newValue.get || value.get, set = newValue.set || value.set, value = {
get: get,
set: set
}) : value = newValue);else for (var i = decs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var newInit;
if (void 0 !== (newValue = memberDec(decs[i], name, desc, initializers, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, value))) assertValidReturnValue(kind, newValue), 0 === kind ? newInit = newValue : 1 === kind ? (newInit = newValue.init, get = newValue.get || value.get, set = newValue.set || value.set, value = {
get: get,
set: set
}) : value = newValue, void 0 !== newInit && (void 0 === init ? init = newInit : "function" == typeof init ? init = [init, newInit] : _pushInstanceProperty(init).call(init, newInit));
value: r[3]
} : 0 !== a && (c = _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n)), 1 === a ? u = {
get: c.get,
set: c.set
} : 2 === a ? u = c.value : 3 === a ? u = c.get : 4 === a && (u = c.set), "function" == typeof h) void 0 !== (f = memberDec(h, n, c, o, a, i, s, u)) && (assertValidReturnValue(a, f), 0 === a ? l = f : 1 === a ? (l = f.init, p = f.get || u.get, d = f.set || u.set, u = {
get: p,
set: d
}) : u = f);else for (var v = h.length - 1; v >= 0; v--) {
var g;
if (void 0 !== (f = memberDec(h[v], n, c, o, a, i, s, u))) assertValidReturnValue(a, f), 0 === a ? g = f : 1 === a ? (g = f.init, p = f.get || u.get, d = f.set || u.set, u = {
get: p,
set: d
}) : u = f, void 0 !== g && (void 0 === l ? l = g : "function" == typeof l ? l = [l, g] : _pushInstanceProperty(l).call(l, g));
if (0 === kind || 1 === kind) {
if (void 0 === init) init = function init(instance, _init) {
return _init;
};else if ("function" != typeof init) {
var ownInitializers = init;
init = function init(instance, _init2) {
for (var value = _init2, i = 0; i < ownInitializers.length; i++) value = ownInitializers[i].call(instance, value);
return value;
if (0 === a || 1 === a) {
if (void 0 === l) l = function l(e, t) {
return t;
};else if ("function" != typeof l) {
var y = l;
l = function l(e, t) {
for (var r = t, n = 0; n < y.length; n++) r = y[n].call(e, r);
return r;
} else {
var originalInitializer = init;
init = function init(instance, _init3) {
return, _init3);
var m = l;
l = function l(e, t) {
return, t);
_pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, init);
_pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, l);
0 !== kind && (1 === kind ? (desc.get = value.get, desc.set = value.set) : 2 === kind ? desc.value = value : 3 === kind ? desc.get = value : 4 === kind && (desc.set = value), isPrivate ? 1 === kind ? (_pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance, args) {
return, args);
}), _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance, args) {
return, args);
})) : 2 === kind ? _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, value) : _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance, args) {
return, args);
}) : _Object$defineProperty(base, name, desc));
0 !== a && (1 === a ? (c.get = u.get, c.set = u.set) : 2 === a ? c.value = u : 3 === a ? c.get = u : 4 === a && (c.set = u), s ? 1 === a ? (_pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e, t) {
return, t);
}), _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e, t) {
return, t);
})) : 2 === a ? _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, u) : _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e, t) {
return, t);
}) : _Object$defineProperty(t, n, c));
function applyMemberDecs(Class, decInfos) {
for (var protoInitializers, staticInitializers, ret = [], existingProtoNonFields = new _Map(), existingStaticNonFields = new _Map(), i = 0; i < decInfos.length; i++) {
var decInfo = decInfos[i];
if (_Array$isArray(decInfo)) {
var base,
kind = decInfo[1],
name = decInfo[2],
isPrivate = decInfo.length > 3,
isStatic = kind >= 5;
if (isStatic ? (base = Class, 0 !== (kind -= 5) && (initializers = staticInitializers = staticInitializers || [])) : (base = Class.prototype, 0 !== kind && (initializers = protoInitializers = protoInitializers || [])), 0 !== kind && !isPrivate) {
var existingNonFields = isStatic ? existingStaticNonFields : existingProtoNonFields,
existingKind = existingNonFields.get(name) || 0;
if (!0 === existingKind || 3 === existingKind && 4 !== kind || 4 === existingKind && 3 !== kind) throw new Error("Attempted to decorate a public method/accessor that has the same name as a previously decorated public method/accessor. This is not currently supported by the decorators plugin. Property name was: " + name);
!existingKind && kind > 2 ? existingNonFields.set(name, kind) : existingNonFields.set(name, !0);
function applyMemberDecs(e, t) {
for (var r, n, a = [], i = new _Map(), s = new _Map(), o = 0; o < t.length; o++) {
var c = t[o];
if (_Array$isArray(c)) {
var l,
f = c[1],
p = c[2],
d = c.length > 3,
h = f >= 5;
if (h ? (l = e, 0 !== (f -= 5) && (u = n = n || [])) : (l = e.prototype, 0 !== f && (u = r = r || [])), 0 !== f && !d) {
var v = h ? s : i,
g = v.get(p) || 0;
if (!0 === g || 3 === g && 4 !== f || 4 === g && 3 !== f) throw new Error("Attempted to decorate a public method/accessor that has the same name as a previously decorated public method/accessor. This is not currently supported by the decorators plugin. Property name was: " + p);
!g && f > 2 ? v.set(p, f) : v.set(p, !0);
applyMemberDec(ret, base, decInfo, name, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, initializers);
applyMemberDec(a, l, c, p, f, h, d, u);
return pushInitializers(ret, protoInitializers), pushInitializers(ret, staticInitializers), ret;
return pushInitializers(a, r), pushInitializers(a, n), a;
function pushInitializers(ret, initializers) {
initializers && _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance) {
for (var i = 0; i < initializers.length; i++) initializers[i].call(instance);
return instance;
function pushInitializers(e, t) {
t && _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) t[r].call(e);
return e;
return function (targetClass, memberDecs, classDecs) {
return function (e, t, r) {
return {
e: applyMemberDecs(targetClass, memberDecs),
e: applyMemberDecs(e, t),
get c() {
return function (targetClass, classDecs) {
if (classDecs.length > 0) {
for (var initializers = [], newClass = targetClass, name =, i = classDecs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var decoratorFinishedRef = {
return function (e, t) {
if (t.length > 0) {
for (var r = [], n = e, a =, i = t.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var s = {
v: !1
try {
var nextNewClass = classDecs[i](newClass, {
var o = t[i](n, {
kind: "class",
name: name,
addInitializer: createAddInitializerMethod(initializers, decoratorFinishedRef)
name: a,
addInitializer: createAddInitializerMethod(r, s)
} finally {
decoratorFinishedRef.v = !0;
s.v = !0;
void 0 !== nextNewClass && (assertValidReturnValue(10, nextNewClass), newClass = nextNewClass);
void 0 !== o && (assertValidReturnValue(10, o), n = o);
return [newClass, function () {
for (var i = 0; i < initializers.length; i++) initializers[i].call(newClass);
return [n, function () {
for (var e = 0; e < r.length; e++) r[e].call(n);
}(targetClass, classDecs);
}(e, r);

@@ -194,5 +194,5 @@ };

function applyDecs2203R(targetClass, memberDecs, classDecs) {
return (module.exports = applyDecs2203R = applyDecs2203RFactory(), module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports)(targetClass, memberDecs, classDecs);
function applyDecs2203R(e, t, r) {
return (module.exports = applyDecs2203R = applyDecs2203RFactory(), module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports)(e, t, r);
module.exports = applyDecs2203R, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports;

@@ -10,213 +10,213 @@ var _typeof = require("./typeof.js")["default"];

function applyDecs2301Factory() {
function createAddInitializerMethod(initializers, decoratorFinishedRef) {
return function (initializer) {
!function (decoratorFinishedRef, fnName) {
if (decoratorFinishedRef.v) throw new Error("attempted to call " + fnName + " after decoration was finished");
}(decoratorFinishedRef, "addInitializer"), assertCallable(initializer, "An initializer"), _pushInstanceProperty(initializers).call(initializers, initializer);
function createAddInitializerMethod(e, t) {
return function (r) {
!function (e, t) {
if (e.v) throw new Error("attempted to call " + t + " after decoration was finished");
}(t, "addInitializer"), assertCallable(r, "An initializer"), _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, r);
function assertInstanceIfPrivate(has, target) {
if (!has(target)) throw new TypeError("Attempted to access private element on non-instance");
function assertInstanceIfPrivate(e, t) {
if (!e(t)) throw new TypeError("Attempted to access private element on non-instance");
function memberDec(dec, name, desc, initializers, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, value, hasPrivateBrand) {
var kindStr;
switch (kind) {
function memberDec(e, t, r, n, a, i, s, o, c) {
var u;
switch (a) {
case 1:
kindStr = "accessor";
u = "accessor";
case 2:
kindStr = "method";
u = "method";
case 3:
kindStr = "getter";
u = "getter";
case 4:
kindStr = "setter";
u = "setter";
kindStr = "field";
u = "field";
var get,
ctx = {
kind: kindStr,
name: isPrivate ? "#" + name : name,
"static": isStatic,
"private": isPrivate
var l,
p = {
kind: u,
name: s ? "#" + t : t,
"static": i,
"private": s
decoratorFinishedRef = {
d = {
v: !1
if (0 !== kind && (ctx.addInitializer = createAddInitializerMethod(initializers, decoratorFinishedRef)), isPrivate || 0 !== kind && 2 !== kind) {
if (2 === kind) get = function get(target) {
return assertInstanceIfPrivate(hasPrivateBrand, target), desc.value;
if (0 !== a && (p.addInitializer = createAddInitializerMethod(n, d)), s || 0 !== a && 2 !== a) {
if (2 === a) l = function l(e) {
return assertInstanceIfPrivate(c, e), r.value;
};else {
var t = 0 === kind || 1 === kind;
(t || 3 === kind) && (get = isPrivate ? function (target) {
return assertInstanceIfPrivate(hasPrivateBrand, target),;
} : function (target) {
}), (t || 4 === kind) && (set = isPrivate ? function (target, value) {
assertInstanceIfPrivate(hasPrivateBrand, target),, value);
} : function (target, value) {, value);
var h = 0 === a || 1 === a;
(h || 3 === a) && (l = s ? function (e) {
return assertInstanceIfPrivate(c, e),;
} : function (e) {
}), (h || 4 === a) && (f = s ? function (e, t) {
assertInstanceIfPrivate(c, e),, t);
} : function (e, t) {, t);
} else get = function get(target) {
return target[name];
}, 0 === kind && (set = function set(target, v) {
target[name] = v;
} else l = function l(e) {
return e[t];
}, 0 === a && (f = function f(e, r) {
e[t] = r;
var has = isPrivate ? _bindInstanceProperty(hasPrivateBrand).call(hasPrivateBrand) : function (target) {
return name in target;
var v = s ? _bindInstanceProperty(c).call(c) : function (e) {
return t in e;
ctx.access = get && set ? {
get: get,
set: set,
has: has
} : get ? {
get: get,
has: has
p.access = l && f ? {
get: l,
set: f,
has: v
} : l ? {
get: l,
has: v
} : {
set: set,
has: has
set: f,
has: v
try {
return dec(value, ctx);
return e(o, p);
} finally {
decoratorFinishedRef.v = !0;
d.v = !0;
function assertCallable(fn, hint) {
if ("function" != typeof fn) throw new TypeError(hint + " must be a function");
function assertCallable(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof e) throw new TypeError(t + " must be a function");
function assertValidReturnValue(kind, value) {
var type = _typeof(value);
if (1 === kind) {
if ("object" !== type || null === value) throw new TypeError("accessor decorators must return an object with get, set, or init properties or void 0");
void 0 !== value.get && assertCallable(value.get, "accessor.get"), void 0 !== value.set && assertCallable(value.set, "accessor.set"), void 0 !== value.init && assertCallable(value.init, "accessor.init");
} else if ("function" !== type) {
var hint;
throw hint = 0 === kind ? "field" : 10 === kind ? "class" : "method", new TypeError(hint + " decorators must return a function or void 0");
function assertValidReturnValue(e, t) {
var r = _typeof(t);
if (1 === e) {
if ("object" !== r || null === t) throw new TypeError("accessor decorators must return an object with get, set, or init properties or void 0");
void 0 !== t.get && assertCallable(t.get, "accessor.get"), void 0 !== t.set && assertCallable(t.set, "accessor.set"), void 0 !== t.init && assertCallable(t.init, "accessor.init");
} else if ("function" !== r) {
var n;
throw n = 0 === e ? "field" : 10 === e ? "class" : "method", new TypeError(n + " decorators must return a function or void 0");
function curryThis2(fn) {
return function (value) {
fn(this, value);
function curryThis2(e) {
return function (t) {
e(this, t);
function applyMemberDec(ret, base, decInfo, name, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, initializers, hasPrivateBrand) {
var desc,
decs = decInfo[0];
if (isPrivate ? desc = 0 === kind || 1 === kind ? {
get: (fn = decInfo[3], function () {
return fn(this);
function applyMemberDec(e, t, r, n, a, i, s, o, c) {
var u,
g = r[0];
if (s ? u = 0 === a || 1 === a ? {
get: (p = r[3], function () {
return p(this);
set: curryThis2(decInfo[4])
} : 3 === kind ? {
get: decInfo[3]
} : 4 === kind ? {
set: decInfo[3]
set: curryThis2(r[4])
} : 3 === a ? {
get: r[3]
} : 4 === a ? {
set: r[3]
} : {
value: decInfo[3]
} : 0 !== kind && (desc = _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor(base, name)), 1 === kind ? value = {
get: desc.get,
set: desc.set
} : 2 === kind ? value = desc.value : 3 === kind ? value = desc.get : 4 === kind && (value = desc.set), "function" == typeof decs) void 0 !== (newValue = memberDec(decs, name, desc, initializers, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, value, hasPrivateBrand)) && (assertValidReturnValue(kind, newValue), 0 === kind ? init = newValue : 1 === kind ? (init = newValue.init, get = newValue.get || value.get, set = newValue.set || value.set, value = {
get: get,
set: set
}) : value = newValue);else for (var i = decs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var newInit;
if (void 0 !== (newValue = memberDec(decs[i], name, desc, initializers, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, value, hasPrivateBrand))) assertValidReturnValue(kind, newValue), 0 === kind ? newInit = newValue : 1 === kind ? (newInit = newValue.init, get = newValue.get || value.get, set = newValue.set || value.set, value = {
get: get,
set: set
}) : value = newValue, void 0 !== newInit && (void 0 === init ? init = newInit : "function" == typeof init ? init = [init, newInit] : _pushInstanceProperty(init).call(init, newInit));
value: r[3]
} : 0 !== a && (u = _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n)), 1 === a ? f = {
get: u.get,
set: u.set
} : 2 === a ? f = u.value : 3 === a ? f = u.get : 4 === a && (f = u.set), "function" == typeof g) void 0 !== (d = memberDec(g, n, u, o, a, i, s, f, c)) && (assertValidReturnValue(a, d), 0 === a ? l = d : 1 === a ? (l = d.init, h = d.get || f.get, v = d.set || f.set, f = {
get: h,
set: v
}) : f = d);else for (var y = g.length - 1; y >= 0; y--) {
var m;
if (void 0 !== (d = memberDec(g[y], n, u, o, a, i, s, f, c))) assertValidReturnValue(a, d), 0 === a ? m = d : 1 === a ? (m = d.init, h = d.get || f.get, v = d.set || f.set, f = {
get: h,
set: v
}) : f = d, void 0 !== m && (void 0 === l ? l = m : "function" == typeof l ? l = [l, m] : _pushInstanceProperty(l).call(l, m));
if (0 === kind || 1 === kind) {
if (void 0 === init) init = function init(instance, _init) {
return _init;
};else if ("function" != typeof init) {
var ownInitializers = init;
init = function init(instance, _init2) {
for (var value = _init2, i = 0; i < ownInitializers.length; i++) value = ownInitializers[i].call(instance, value);
return value;
if (0 === a || 1 === a) {
if (void 0 === l) l = function l(e, t) {
return t;
};else if ("function" != typeof l) {
var b = l;
l = function l(e, t) {
for (var r = t, n = 0; n < b.length; n++) r = b[n].call(e, r);
return r;
} else {
var originalInitializer = init;
init = function init(instance, _init3) {
return, _init3);
var I = l;
l = function l(e, t) {
return, t);
_pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, init);
_pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, l);
0 !== kind && (1 === kind ? (desc.get = value.get, desc.set = value.set) : 2 === kind ? desc.value = value : 3 === kind ? desc.get = value : 4 === kind && (desc.set = value), isPrivate ? 1 === kind ? (_pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance, args) {
return, args);
}), _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance, args) {
return, args);
})) : 2 === kind ? _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, value) : _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance, args) {
return, args);
}) : _Object$defineProperty(base, name, desc));
0 !== a && (1 === a ? (u.get = f.get, u.set = f.set) : 2 === a ? u.value = f : 3 === a ? u.get = f : 4 === a && (u.set = f), s ? 1 === a ? (_pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e, t) {
return, t);
}), _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e, t) {
return, t);
})) : 2 === a ? _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, f) : _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e, t) {
return, t);
}) : _Object$defineProperty(t, n, u));
function applyMemberDecs(Class, decInfos, instanceBrand) {
for (var protoInitializers, staticInitializers, staticBrand, ret = [], existingProtoNonFields = new _Map(), existingStaticNonFields = new _Map(), i = 0; i < decInfos.length; i++) {
var decInfo = decInfos[i];
if (_Array$isArray(decInfo)) {
var base,
kind = decInfo[1],
name = decInfo[2],
isPrivate = decInfo.length > 3,
isStatic = kind >= 5,
hasPrivateBrand = instanceBrand;
if (isStatic ? (base = Class, 0 !== (kind -= 5) && (initializers = staticInitializers = staticInitializers || []), isPrivate && !staticBrand && (staticBrand = function staticBrand(_) {
return checkInRHS(_) === Class;
}), hasPrivateBrand = staticBrand) : (base = Class.prototype, 0 !== kind && (initializers = protoInitializers = protoInitializers || [])), 0 !== kind && !isPrivate) {
var existingNonFields = isStatic ? existingStaticNonFields : existingProtoNonFields,
existingKind = existingNonFields.get(name) || 0;
if (!0 === existingKind || 3 === existingKind && 4 !== kind || 4 === existingKind && 3 !== kind) throw new Error("Attempted to decorate a public method/accessor that has the same name as a previously decorated public method/accessor. This is not currently supported by the decorators plugin. Property name was: " + name);
!existingKind && kind > 2 ? existingNonFields.set(name, kind) : existingNonFields.set(name, !0);
function applyMemberDecs(e, t, r) {
for (var n, a, i, s = [], o = new _Map(), c = new _Map(), u = 0; u < t.length; u++) {
var l = t[u];
if (_Array$isArray(l)) {
var f,
d = l[1],
h = l[2],
v = l.length > 3,
g = d >= 5,
y = r;
if (g ? (f = e, 0 !== (d -= 5) && (p = a = a || []), v && !i && (i = function i(t) {
return checkInRHS(t) === e;
}), y = i) : (f = e.prototype, 0 !== d && (p = n = n || [])), 0 !== d && !v) {
var m = g ? c : o,
b = m.get(h) || 0;
if (!0 === b || 3 === b && 4 !== d || 4 === b && 3 !== d) throw new Error("Attempted to decorate a public method/accessor that has the same name as a previously decorated public method/accessor. This is not currently supported by the decorators plugin. Property name was: " + h);
!b && d > 2 ? m.set(h, d) : m.set(h, !0);
applyMemberDec(ret, base, decInfo, name, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, initializers, hasPrivateBrand);
applyMemberDec(s, f, l, h, d, g, v, p, y);
return pushInitializers(ret, protoInitializers), pushInitializers(ret, staticInitializers), ret;
return pushInitializers(s, n), pushInitializers(s, a), s;
function pushInitializers(ret, initializers) {
initializers && _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance) {
for (var i = 0; i < initializers.length; i++) initializers[i].call(instance);
return instance;
function pushInitializers(e, t) {
t && _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) t[r].call(e);
return e;
return function (targetClass, memberDecs, classDecs, instanceBrand) {
return function (e, t, r, n) {
return {
e: applyMemberDecs(targetClass, memberDecs, instanceBrand),
e: applyMemberDecs(e, t, n),
get c() {
return function (targetClass, classDecs) {
if (classDecs.length > 0) {
for (var initializers = [], newClass = targetClass, name =, i = classDecs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var decoratorFinishedRef = {
return function (e, t) {
if (t.length > 0) {
for (var r = [], n = e, a =, i = t.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var s = {
v: !1
try {
var nextNewClass = classDecs[i](newClass, {
var o = t[i](n, {
kind: "class",
name: name,
addInitializer: createAddInitializerMethod(initializers, decoratorFinishedRef)
name: a,
addInitializer: createAddInitializerMethod(r, s)
} finally {
decoratorFinishedRef.v = !0;
s.v = !0;
void 0 !== nextNewClass && (assertValidReturnValue(10, nextNewClass), newClass = nextNewClass);
void 0 !== o && (assertValidReturnValue(10, o), n = o);
return [newClass, function () {
for (var i = 0; i < initializers.length; i++) initializers[i].call(newClass);
return [n, function () {
for (var e = 0; e < r.length; e++) r[e].call(n);
}(targetClass, classDecs);
}(e, r);

@@ -226,5 +226,5 @@ };

function applyDecs2301(targetClass, memberDecs, classDecs, instanceBrand) {
return (module.exports = applyDecs2301 = applyDecs2301Factory(), module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports)(targetClass, memberDecs, classDecs, instanceBrand);
function applyDecs2301(e, t, r, n) {
return (module.exports = applyDecs2301 = applyDecs2301Factory(), module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports)(e, t, r, n);
module.exports = applyDecs2301, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports;

@@ -9,216 +9,216 @@ var _typeof = require("./typeof.js")["default"];

var checkInRHS = require("./checkInRHS.js");
function createAddInitializerMethod(initializers, decoratorFinishedRef) {
return function (initializer) {
assertNotFinished(decoratorFinishedRef, "addInitializer"), assertCallable(initializer, "An initializer"), _pushInstanceProperty(initializers).call(initializers, initializer);
function createAddInitializerMethod(e, t) {
return function (r) {
assertNotFinished(t, "addInitializer"), assertCallable(r, "An initializer"), _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, r);
function assertInstanceIfPrivate(has, target) {
if (!has(target)) throw new TypeError("Attempted to access private element on non-instance");
function assertInstanceIfPrivate(e, t) {
if (!e(t)) throw new TypeError("Attempted to access private element on non-instance");
function memberDec(dec, thisArg, name, desc, initializers, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, value, hasPrivateBrand) {
var kindStr;
switch (kind) {
function memberDec(e, t, r, n, a, i, s, o, c, l) {
var u;
switch (i) {
case 1:
kindStr = "accessor";
u = "accessor";
case 2:
kindStr = "method";
u = "method";
case 3:
kindStr = "getter";
u = "getter";
case 4:
kindStr = "setter";
u = "setter";
kindStr = "field";
u = "field";
var get,
ctx = {
kind: kindStr,
name: isPrivate ? "#" + name : name,
"static": isStatic,
"private": isPrivate
var f,
p = {
kind: u,
name: o ? "#" + r : r,
"static": s,
"private": o
decoratorFinishedRef = {
h = {
v: !1
if (0 !== kind && (ctx.addInitializer = createAddInitializerMethod(initializers, decoratorFinishedRef)), isPrivate || 0 !== kind && 2 !== kind) {
if (2 === kind) get = function get(target) {
return assertInstanceIfPrivate(hasPrivateBrand, target), desc.value;
if (0 !== i && (p.addInitializer = createAddInitializerMethod(a, h)), o || 0 !== i && 2 !== i) {
if (2 === i) f = function f(e) {
return assertInstanceIfPrivate(l, e), n.value;
};else {
var t = 0 === kind || 1 === kind;
(t || 3 === kind) && (get = isPrivate ? function (target) {
return assertInstanceIfPrivate(hasPrivateBrand, target),;
} : function (target) {
}), (t || 4 === kind) && (set = isPrivate ? function (target, value) {
assertInstanceIfPrivate(hasPrivateBrand, target),, value);
} : function (target, value) {, value);
var v = 0 === i || 1 === i;
(v || 3 === i) && (f = o ? function (e) {
return assertInstanceIfPrivate(l, e),;
} : function (e) {
}), (v || 4 === i) && (d = o ? function (e, t) {
assertInstanceIfPrivate(l, e),, t);
} : function (e, t) {, t);
} else get = function get(target) {
return target[name];
}, 0 === kind && (set = function set(target, v) {
target[name] = v;
} else f = function f(e) {
return e[r];
}, 0 === i && (d = function d(e, t) {
e[r] = t;
var has = isPrivate ? _bindInstanceProperty(hasPrivateBrand).call(hasPrivateBrand) : function (target) {
return name in target;
var y = o ? _bindInstanceProperty(l).call(l) : function (e) {
return r in e;
ctx.access = get && set ? {
get: get,
set: set,
has: has
} : get ? {
get: get,
has: has
p.access = f && d ? {
get: f,
set: d,
has: y
} : f ? {
get: f,
has: y
} : {
set: set,
has: has
set: d,
has: y
try {
return, value, ctx);
return, c, p);
} finally {
decoratorFinishedRef.v = !0;
h.v = !0;
function assertNotFinished(decoratorFinishedRef, fnName) {
if (decoratorFinishedRef.v) throw new Error("attempted to call " + fnName + " after decoration was finished");
function assertNotFinished(e, t) {
if (e.v) throw new Error("attempted to call " + t + " after decoration was finished");
function assertCallable(fn, hint) {
if ("function" != typeof fn) throw new TypeError(hint + " must be a function");
function assertCallable(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof e) throw new TypeError(t + " must be a function");
function assertValidReturnValue(kind, value) {
var type = _typeof(value);
if (1 === kind) {
if ("object" !== type || null === value) throw new TypeError("accessor decorators must return an object with get, set, or init properties or void 0");
void 0 !== value.get && assertCallable(value.get, "accessor.get"), void 0 !== value.set && assertCallable(value.set, "accessor.set"), void 0 !== value.init && assertCallable(value.init, "accessor.init");
} else if ("function" !== type) {
var hint;
throw hint = 0 === kind ? "field" : 5 === kind ? "class" : "method", new TypeError(hint + " decorators must return a function or void 0");
function assertValidReturnValue(e, t) {
var r = _typeof(t);
if (1 === e) {
if ("object" !== r || null === t) throw new TypeError("accessor decorators must return an object with get, set, or init properties or void 0");
void 0 !== t.get && assertCallable(t.get, "accessor.get"), void 0 !== t.set && assertCallable(t.set, "accessor.set"), void 0 !== t.init && assertCallable(t.init, "accessor.init");
} else if ("function" !== r) {
var n;
throw n = 0 === e ? "field" : 5 === e ? "class" : "method", new TypeError(n + " decorators must return a function or void 0");
function curryThis1(fn) {
function curryThis1(e) {
return function () {
return fn(this);
return e(this);
function curryThis2(fn) {
return function (value) {
fn(this, value);
function curryThis2(e) {
return function (t) {
e(this, t);
function applyMemberDec(ret, base, decInfo, decoratorsHaveThis, name, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, initializers, hasPrivateBrand) {
var desc,
decs = decInfo[0];
decoratorsHaveThis || _Array$isArray(decs) || (decs = [decs]), isPrivate ? desc = 0 === kind || 1 === kind ? {
get: curryThis1(decInfo[3]),
set: curryThis2(decInfo[4])
} : 3 === kind ? {
get: decInfo[3]
} : 4 === kind ? {
set: decInfo[3]
function applyMemberDec(e, t, r, n, a, i, s, o, c, l) {
var u,
y = r[0];
n || _Array$isArray(y) || (y = [y]), o ? u = 0 === i || 1 === i ? {
get: curryThis1(r[3]),
set: curryThis2(r[4])
} : 3 === i ? {
get: r[3]
} : 4 === i ? {
set: r[3]
} : {
value: decInfo[3]
} : 0 !== kind && (desc = _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor(base, name)), 1 === kind ? value = {
get: desc.get,
set: desc.set
} : 2 === kind ? value = desc.value : 3 === kind ? value = desc.get : 4 === kind && (value = desc.set);
for (var inc = decoratorsHaveThis ? 2 : 1, i = decs.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= inc) {
var newInit;
if (void 0 !== (newValue = memberDec(decs[i], decoratorsHaveThis ? decs[i - 1] : void 0, name, desc, initializers, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, value, hasPrivateBrand))) assertValidReturnValue(kind, newValue), 0 === kind ? newInit = newValue : 1 === kind ? (newInit = newValue.init, get = newValue.get || value.get, set = newValue.set || value.set, value = {
get: get,
set: set
}) : value = newValue, void 0 !== newInit && (void 0 === init ? init = newInit : "function" == typeof init ? init = [init, newInit] : _pushInstanceProperty(init).call(init, newInit));
value: r[3]
} : 0 !== i && (u = _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, a)), 1 === i ? d = {
get: u.get,
set: u.set
} : 2 === i ? d = u.value : 3 === i ? d = u.get : 4 === i && (d = u.set);
for (var g = n ? 2 : 1, m = y.length - 1; m >= 0; m -= g) {
var b;
if (void 0 !== (p = memberDec(y[m], n ? y[m - 1] : void 0, a, u, c, i, s, o, d, l))) assertValidReturnValue(i, p), 0 === i ? b = p : 1 === i ? (b = p.init, h = p.get || d.get, v = p.set || d.set, d = {
get: h,
set: v
}) : d = p, void 0 !== b && (void 0 === f ? f = b : "function" == typeof f ? f = [f, b] : _pushInstanceProperty(f).call(f, b));
if (0 === kind || 1 === kind) {
if (void 0 === init) init = function init(instance, _init) {
return _init;
};else if ("function" != typeof init) {
var ownInitializers = init;
init = function init(instance, _init2) {
for (var value = _init2, i = ownInitializers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) value = ownInitializers[i].call(instance, value);
return value;
if (0 === i || 1 === i) {
if (void 0 === f) f = function f(e, t) {
return t;
};else if ("function" != typeof f) {
var I = f;
f = function f(e, t) {
for (var r = t, n = I.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) r = I[n].call(e, r);
return r;
} else {
var originalInitializer = init;
init = function init(instance, _init3) {
return, _init3);
var w = f;
f = function f(e, t) {
return, t);
_pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, init);
_pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, f);
0 !== kind && (1 === kind ? (desc.get = value.get, desc.set = value.set) : 2 === kind ? desc.value = value : 3 === kind ? desc.get = value : 4 === kind && (desc.set = value), isPrivate ? 1 === kind ? (_pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance, args) {
return, args);
}), _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance, args) {
return, args);
})) : 2 === kind ? _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, value) : _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance, args) {
return, args);
}) : _Object$defineProperty(base, name, desc));
0 !== i && (1 === i ? (u.get = d.get, u.set = d.set) : 2 === i ? u.value = d : 3 === i ? u.get = d : 4 === i && (u.set = d), o ? 1 === i ? (_pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e, t) {
return, t);
}), _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e, t) {
return, t);
})) : 2 === i ? _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, d) : _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e, t) {
return, t);
}) : _Object$defineProperty(t, a, u));
function applyMemberDecs(Class, decInfos, instanceBrand) {
for (var protoInitializers, staticInitializers, staticBrand, ret = [], existingProtoNonFields = new _Map(), existingStaticNonFields = new _Map(), i = 0; i < decInfos.length; i++) {
var decInfo = decInfos[i];
if (_Array$isArray(decInfo)) {
var base,
kind = decInfo[1],
name = decInfo[2],
isPrivate = decInfo.length > 3,
decoratorsHaveThis = 16 & kind,
isStatic = !!(8 & kind),
hasPrivateBrand = instanceBrand;
if (kind &= 7, isStatic ? (base = Class, 0 !== kind && (initializers = staticInitializers = staticInitializers || []), isPrivate && !staticBrand && (staticBrand = function staticBrand(_) {
return checkInRHS(_) === Class;
}), hasPrivateBrand = staticBrand) : (base = Class.prototype, 0 !== kind && (initializers = protoInitializers = protoInitializers || [])), 0 !== kind && !isPrivate) {
var existingNonFields = isStatic ? existingStaticNonFields : existingProtoNonFields,
existingKind = existingNonFields.get(name) || 0;
if (!0 === existingKind || 3 === existingKind && 4 !== kind || 4 === existingKind && 3 !== kind) throw new Error("Attempted to decorate a public method/accessor that has the same name as a previously decorated public method/accessor. This is not currently supported by the decorators plugin. Property name was: " + name);
existingNonFields.set(name, !(!existingKind && kind > 2) || kind);
function applyMemberDecs(e, t, r) {
for (var n, a, i, s = [], o = new _Map(), c = new _Map(), l = 0; l < t.length; l++) {
var u = t[l];
if (_Array$isArray(u)) {
var f,
p = u[1],
h = u[2],
v = u.length > 3,
y = 16 & p,
g = !!(8 & p),
m = r;
if (p &= 7, g ? (f = e, 0 !== p && (d = a = a || []), v && !i && (i = function i(t) {
return checkInRHS(t) === e;
}), m = i) : (f = e.prototype, 0 !== p && (d = n = n || [])), 0 !== p && !v) {
var b = g ? c : o,
I = b.get(h) || 0;
if (!0 === I || 3 === I && 4 !== p || 4 === I && 3 !== p) throw new Error("Attempted to decorate a public method/accessor that has the same name as a previously decorated public method/accessor. This is not currently supported by the decorators plugin. Property name was: " + h);
b.set(h, !(!I && p > 2) || p);
applyMemberDec(ret, base, decInfo, decoratorsHaveThis, name, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, initializers, hasPrivateBrand);
applyMemberDec(s, f, u, y, h, p, g, v, d, m);
return pushInitializers(ret, protoInitializers), pushInitializers(ret, staticInitializers), ret;
return pushInitializers(s, n), pushInitializers(s, a), s;
function pushInitializers(ret, initializers) {
initializers && _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance) {
for (var i = 0; i < initializers.length; i++) initializers[i].call(instance);
return instance;
function pushInitializers(e, t) {
t && _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) t[r].call(e);
return e;
function applyClassDecs(targetClass, classDecs, decoratorsHaveThis) {
if (classDecs.length) {
for (var initializers = [], newClass = targetClass, name =, inc = decoratorsHaveThis ? 2 : 1, i = classDecs.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= inc) {
var decoratorFinishedRef = {
function applyClassDecs(e, t, r) {
if (t.length) {
for (var n = [], a = e, i =, s = r ? 2 : 1, o = t.length - 1; o >= 0; o -= s) {
var c = {
v: !1
try {
var nextNewClass = classDecs[i].call(decoratorsHaveThis ? classDecs[i - 1] : void 0, newClass, {
var l = t[o].call(r ? t[o - 1] : void 0, a, {
kind: "class",
name: name,
addInitializer: createAddInitializerMethod(initializers, decoratorFinishedRef)
name: i,
addInitializer: createAddInitializerMethod(n, c)
} finally {
decoratorFinishedRef.v = !0;
c.v = !0;
void 0 !== nextNewClass && (assertValidReturnValue(5, nextNewClass), newClass = nextNewClass);
void 0 !== l && (assertValidReturnValue(5, l), a = l);
return [newClass, function () {
for (var i = 0; i < initializers.length; i++) initializers[i].call(newClass);
return [a, function () {
for (var e = 0; e < n.length; e++) n[e].call(a);
function applyDecs2305(targetClass, memberDecs, classDecs, classDecsHaveThis, instanceBrand) {
function applyDecs2305(e, t, r, n, a) {
return {
e: applyMemberDecs(targetClass, memberDecs, instanceBrand),
e: applyMemberDecs(e, t, a),
get c() {
return applyClassDecs(targetClass, classDecs, classDecsHaveThis);
return applyClassDecs(e, r, n);

@@ -225,0 +225,0 @@ };

@@ -5,28 +5,28 @@ var _Promise = require("core-js-pure/features/promise/index.js");

var OverloadYield = require("./OverloadYield.js");
function AsyncGenerator(gen) {
var front, back;
function resume(key, arg) {
function AsyncGenerator(e) {
var r, t;
function resume(r, t) {
try {
var result = gen[key](arg),
value = result.value,
overloaded = value instanceof OverloadYield;
_Promise.resolve(overloaded ? value.v : value).then(function (arg) {
if (overloaded) {
var nextKey = "return" === key ? "return" : "next";
if (!value.k || arg.done) return resume(nextKey, arg);
arg = gen[nextKey](arg).value;
var n = e[r](t),
o = n.value,
u = o instanceof OverloadYield;
_Promise.resolve(u ? o.v : o).then(function (t) {
if (u) {
var i = "return" === r ? "return" : "next";
if (!o.k || t.done) return resume(i, t);
t = e[i](t).value;
settle(result.done ? "return" : "normal", arg);
}, function (err) {
resume("throw", err);
settle(n.done ? "return" : "normal", t);
}, function (e) {
resume("throw", e);
} catch (err) {
settle("throw", err);
} catch (e) {
settle("throw", e);
function settle(type, value) {
switch (type) {
function settle(e, n) {
switch (e) {
case "return":
value: value,
value: n,
done: !0

@@ -36,34 +36,34 @@ });

case "throw":
value: value,
value: n,
done: !1
(front = ? resume(front.key, front.arg) : back = null;
(r = ? resume(r.key, r.arg) : t = null;
this._invoke = function (key, arg) {
return new _Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var request = {
key: key,
arg: arg,
resolve: resolve,
reject: reject,
this._invoke = function (e, n) {
return new _Promise(function (o, u) {
var i = {
key: e,
arg: n,
resolve: o,
reject: u,
next: null
back ? back = = request : (front = back = request, resume(key, arg));
t ? t = = i : (r = t = i, resume(e, n));
}, "function" != typeof gen["return"] && (this["return"] = void 0);
}, "function" != typeof e["return"] && (this["return"] = void 0);
AsyncGenerator.prototype["function" == typeof _Symbol && _Symbol$asyncIterator || "@@asyncIterator"] = function () {
return this;
}, = function (arg) {
return this._invoke("next", arg);
}, AsyncGenerator.prototype["throw"] = function (arg) {
return this._invoke("throw", arg);
}, AsyncGenerator.prototype["return"] = function (arg) {
return this._invoke("return", arg);
}, = function (e) {
return this._invoke("next", e);
}, AsyncGenerator.prototype["throw"] = function (e) {
return this._invoke("throw", e);
}, AsyncGenerator.prototype["return"] = function (e) {
return this._invoke("return", e);
module.exports = AsyncGenerator, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports;

@@ -5,24 +5,24 @@ var _Promise = require("core-js-pure/features/promise/index.js");

var OverloadYield = require("./OverloadYield.js");
function _asyncGeneratorDelegate(inner) {
var iter = {},
waiting = !1;
function pump(key, value) {
return waiting = !0, value = new _Promise(function (resolve) {
function _asyncGeneratorDelegate(t) {
var e = {},
n = !1;
function pump(e, r) {
return n = !0, r = new _Promise(function (n) {
}), {
done: !1,
value: new OverloadYield(value, 1)
value: new OverloadYield(r, 1)
return iter["undefined" != typeof _Symbol && _Symbol$iterator || "@@iterator"] = function () {
return e["undefined" != typeof _Symbol && _Symbol$iterator || "@@iterator"] = function () {
return this;
}, = function (value) {
return waiting ? (waiting = !1, value) : pump("next", value);
}, "function" == typeof inner["throw"] && (iter["throw"] = function (value) {
if (waiting) throw waiting = !1, value;
return pump("throw", value);
}), "function" == typeof inner["return"] && (iter["return"] = function (value) {
return waiting ? (waiting = !1, value) : pump("return", value);
}), iter;
}, = function (t) {
return n ? (n = !1, t) : pump("next", t);
}, "function" == typeof t["throw"] && (e["throw"] = function (t) {
if (n) throw n = !1, t;
return pump("throw", t);
}), "function" == typeof t["return"] && (e["return"] = function (t) {
return n ? (n = !1, t) : pump("return", t);
}), e;
module.exports = _asyncGeneratorDelegate, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports;

@@ -5,27 +5,27 @@ var _Symbol = require("core-js-pure/features/symbol/index.js");

var _Promise = require("core-js-pure/features/promise/index.js");
function _asyncIterator(iterable) {
var method,
retry = 2;
for ("undefined" != typeof _Symbol && (async = _Symbol$asyncIterator, sync = _Symbol$iterator); retry--;) {
if (async && null != (method = iterable[async])) return;
if (sync && null != (method = iterable[sync])) return new AsyncFromSyncIterator(;
async = "@@asyncIterator", sync = "@@iterator";
function _asyncIterator(r) {
var n,
e = 2;
for ("undefined" != typeof _Symbol && (t = _Symbol$asyncIterator, o = _Symbol$iterator); e--;) {
if (t && null != (n = r[t])) return;
if (o && null != (n = r[o])) return new AsyncFromSyncIterator(;
t = "@@asyncIterator", o = "@@iterator";
throw new TypeError("Object is not async iterable");
function AsyncFromSyncIterator(s) {
function AsyncFromSyncIterator(r) {
function AsyncFromSyncIteratorContinuation(r) {
if (Object(r) !== r) return _Promise.reject(new TypeError(r + " is not an object."));
var done = r.done;
return _Promise.resolve(r.value).then(function (value) {
var n = r.done;
return _Promise.resolve(r.value).then(function (r) {
return {
value: value,
done: done
value: r,
done: n
return AsyncFromSyncIterator = function AsyncFromSyncIterator(s) {
this.s = s, this.n =;
return AsyncFromSyncIterator = function AsyncFromSyncIterator(r) {
this.s = r, this.n =;
}, AsyncFromSyncIterator.prototype = {

@@ -37,15 +37,15 @@ s: null,

"return": function _return(value) {
var ret = this.s["return"];
return void 0 === ret ? _Promise.resolve({
value: value,
"return": function _return(r) {
var n = this.s["return"];
return void 0 === n ? _Promise.resolve({
value: r,
done: !0
}) : AsyncFromSyncIteratorContinuation(ret.apply(this.s, arguments));
}) : AsyncFromSyncIteratorContinuation(n.apply(this.s, arguments));
"throw": function _throw(value) {
var thr = this.s["return"];
return void 0 === thr ? _Promise.reject(value) : AsyncFromSyncIteratorContinuation(thr.apply(this.s, arguments));
"throw": function _throw(r) {
var n = this.s["return"];
return void 0 === n ? _Promise.reject(r) : AsyncFromSyncIteratorContinuation(n.apply(this.s, arguments));
}, new AsyncFromSyncIterator(s);
}, new AsyncFromSyncIterator(r);
module.exports = _asyncIterator, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports;
var OverloadYield = require("./OverloadYield.js");
function _awaitAsyncGenerator(value) {
return new OverloadYield(value, 0);
function _awaitAsyncGenerator(e) {
return new OverloadYield(e, 0);
module.exports = _awaitAsyncGenerator, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports;
var _typeof = require("./typeof.js")["default"];
function _checkInRHS(value) {
if (Object(value) !== value) throw TypeError("right-hand side of 'in' should be an object, got " + (null !== value ? _typeof(value) : "null"));
return value;
function _checkInRHS(e) {
if (Object(e) !== e) throw TypeError("right-hand side of 'in' should be an object, got " + (null !== e ? _typeof(e) : "null"));
return e;
module.exports = _checkInRHS, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports;
var _Object$defineProperty = require("core-js-pure/features/object/define-property.js");
function _defineAccessor(type, obj, key, fn) {
var desc = {
function _defineAccessor(e, r, n, t) {
var c = {
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0
return desc[type] = fn, _Object$defineProperty(obj, key, desc);
return c[e] = t, _Object$defineProperty(r, n, c);
module.exports = _defineAccessor, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports;
var _SuppressedError = require("core-js-pure/features/suppressed-error.js");
var _Object$create = require("core-js-pure/features/object/create.js");
var _Promise = require("core-js-pure/features/promise/index.js");
function dispose_SuppressedError(suppressed, error) {
return "undefined" != typeof _SuppressedError ? dispose_SuppressedError = _SuppressedError : (dispose_SuppressedError = function dispose_SuppressedError(suppressed, error) {
this.suppressed = suppressed, this.error = error, this.stack = new Error().stack;
function dispose_SuppressedError(r, e) {
return "undefined" != typeof _SuppressedError ? dispose_SuppressedError = _SuppressedError : (dispose_SuppressedError = function dispose_SuppressedError(r, e) {
this.suppressed = r, this.error = e, this.stack = new Error().stack;
}, dispose_SuppressedError.prototype = _Object$create(Error.prototype, {

@@ -13,17 +13,17 @@ constructor: {

})), new dispose_SuppressedError(suppressed, error);
})), new dispose_SuppressedError(r, e);
function _dispose(stack, error, hasError) {
function _dispose(r, e, s) {
function next() {
for (; stack.length > 0;) try {
var r = stack.pop(),
p =;
if (r.a) return _Promise.resolve(p).then(next, err);
} catch (e) {
return err(e);
for (; r.length > 0;) try {
var o = r.pop(),
p =;
if (o.a) return _Promise.resolve(p).then(next, err);
} catch (r) {
return err(r);
if (hasError) throw error;
if (s) throw e;
function err(e) {
return error = hasError ? new dispose_SuppressedError(e, error) : e, hasError = !0, next();
function err(r) {
return e = s ? new dispose_SuppressedError(r, e) : r, s = !0, next();

@@ -30,0 +30,0 @@ return next();

@@ -16,235 +16,235 @@ import _typeof from "./typeof.js";

import _Array$isArray from "core-js-pure/features/array/is-array.js";
function old_createMetadataMethodsForProperty(metadataMap, kind, property, decoratorFinishedRef) {
function old_createMetadataMethodsForProperty(e, t, a, r) {
return {
getMetadata: function getMetadata(key) {
old_assertNotFinished(decoratorFinishedRef, "getMetadata"), old_assertMetadataKey(key);
var metadataForKey = metadataMap[key];
if (void 0 !== metadataForKey) if (1 === kind) {
var pub = metadataForKey["public"];
if (void 0 !== pub) return pub[property];
} else if (2 === kind) {
var priv = metadataForKey["private"];
if (void 0 !== priv) return priv.get(property);
} else if (, "constructor")) return metadataForKey.constructor;
getMetadata: function getMetadata(o) {
old_assertNotFinished(r, "getMetadata"), old_assertMetadataKey(o);
var i = e[o];
if (void 0 !== i) if (1 === t) {
var n = i["public"];
if (void 0 !== n) return n[a];
} else if (2 === t) {
var l = i["private"];
if (void 0 !== l) return l.get(a);
} else if (, "constructor")) return i.constructor;
setMetadata: function setMetadata(key, value) {
old_assertNotFinished(decoratorFinishedRef, "setMetadata"), old_assertMetadataKey(key);
var metadataForKey = metadataMap[key];
if (void 0 === metadataForKey && (metadataForKey = metadataMap[key] = {}), 1 === kind) {
var pub = metadataForKey["public"];
void 0 === pub && (pub = metadataForKey["public"] = {}), pub[property] = value;
} else if (2 === kind) {
var priv = metadataForKey.priv;
void 0 === priv && (priv = metadataForKey["private"] = new _Map()), priv.set(property, value);
} else metadataForKey.constructor = value;
setMetadata: function setMetadata(o, i) {
old_assertNotFinished(r, "setMetadata"), old_assertMetadataKey(o);
var n = e[o];
if (void 0 === n && (n = e[o] = {}), 1 === t) {
var l = n["public"];
void 0 === l && (l = n["public"] = {}), l[a] = i;
} else if (2 === t) {
var s = n.priv;
void 0 === s && (s = n["private"] = new _Map()), s.set(a, i);
} else n.constructor = i;
function old_convertMetadataMapToFinal(obj, metadataMap) {
var parentMetadataMap = obj[_Symbol$metadata || _Symbol$for("Symbol.metadata")],
metadataKeys = _Object$getOwnPropertySymbols(metadataMap);
if (0 !== metadataKeys.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < metadataKeys.length; i++) {
var key = metadataKeys[i],
metaForKey = metadataMap[key],
parentMetaForKey = parentMetadataMap ? parentMetadataMap[key] : null,
pub = metaForKey["public"],
parentPub = parentMetaForKey ? parentMetaForKey["public"] : null;
pub && parentPub && _Object$setPrototypeOf(pub, parentPub);
var priv = metaForKey["private"];
if (priv) {
var privArr = _Array$from(_valuesInstanceProperty(priv).call(priv)),
parentPriv = parentMetaForKey ? parentMetaForKey["private"] : null;
parentPriv && (privArr = _concatInstanceProperty(privArr).call(privArr, parentPriv)), metaForKey["private"] = privArr;
function old_convertMetadataMapToFinal(e, t) {
var a = e[_Symbol$metadata || _Symbol$for("Symbol.metadata")],
r = _Object$getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
if (0 !== r.length) {
for (var o = 0; o < r.length; o++) {
var i = r[o],
n = t[i],
l = a ? a[i] : null,
s = n["public"],
c = l ? l["public"] : null;
s && c && _Object$setPrototypeOf(s, c);
var d = n["private"];
if (d) {
var u = _Array$from(_valuesInstanceProperty(d).call(d)),
f = l ? l["private"] : null;
f && (u = _concatInstanceProperty(u).call(u, f)), n["private"] = u;
parentMetaForKey && _Object$setPrototypeOf(metaForKey, parentMetaForKey);
l && _Object$setPrototypeOf(n, l);
parentMetadataMap && _Object$setPrototypeOf(metadataMap, parentMetadataMap), obj[_Symbol$metadata || _Symbol$for("Symbol.metadata")] = metadataMap;
a && _Object$setPrototypeOf(t, a), e[_Symbol$metadata || _Symbol$for("Symbol.metadata")] = t;
function old_createAddInitializerMethod(initializers, decoratorFinishedRef) {
return function (initializer) {
old_assertNotFinished(decoratorFinishedRef, "addInitializer"), old_assertCallable(initializer, "An initializer"), _pushInstanceProperty(initializers).call(initializers, initializer);
function old_createAddInitializerMethod(e, t) {
return function (a) {
old_assertNotFinished(t, "addInitializer"), old_assertCallable(a, "An initializer"), _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, a);
function old_memberDec(dec, name, desc, metadataMap, initializers, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, value) {
var kindStr;
switch (kind) {
function old_memberDec(e, t, a, r, o, i, n, l, s) {
var c;
switch (i) {
case 1:
kindStr = "accessor";
c = "accessor";
case 2:
kindStr = "method";
c = "method";
case 3:
kindStr = "getter";
c = "getter";
case 4:
kindStr = "setter";
c = "setter";
kindStr = "field";
c = "field";
var metadataKind,
ctx = {
kind: kindStr,
name: isPrivate ? "#" + name : name,
isStatic: isStatic,
isPrivate: isPrivate
var d,
f = {
kind: c,
name: l ? "#" + t : t,
isStatic: n,
isPrivate: l
decoratorFinishedRef = {
p = {
v: !1
if (0 !== kind && (ctx.addInitializer = old_createAddInitializerMethod(initializers, decoratorFinishedRef)), isPrivate) {
metadataKind = 2, metadataName = _Symbol(name);
var access = {};
0 === kind ? (access.get = desc.get, access.set = desc.set) : 2 === kind ? access.get = function () {
return desc.value;
} : (1 !== kind && 3 !== kind || (access.get = function () {
}), 1 !== kind && 4 !== kind || (access.set = function (v) {, v);
})), ctx.access = access;
} else metadataKind = 1, metadataName = name;
if (0 !== i && (f.addInitializer = old_createAddInitializerMethod(o, p)), l) {
d = 2, u = _Symbol(t);
var v = {};
0 === i ? (v.get = a.get, v.set = a.set) : 2 === i ? v.get = function () {
return a.value;
} : (1 !== i && 3 !== i || (v.get = function () {
}), 1 !== i && 4 !== i || (v.set = function (e) {, e);
})), f.access = v;
} else d = 1, u = t;
try {
return dec(value, _Object$assign(ctx, old_createMetadataMethodsForProperty(metadataMap, metadataKind, metadataName, decoratorFinishedRef)));
return e(s, _Object$assign(f, old_createMetadataMethodsForProperty(r, d, u, p)));
} finally {
decoratorFinishedRef.v = !0;
p.v = !0;
function old_assertNotFinished(decoratorFinishedRef, fnName) {
if (decoratorFinishedRef.v) throw new Error("attempted to call " + fnName + " after decoration was finished");
function old_assertNotFinished(e, t) {
if (e.v) throw new Error("attempted to call " + t + " after decoration was finished");
function old_assertMetadataKey(key) {
if ("symbol" != _typeof(key)) throw new TypeError("Metadata keys must be symbols, received: " + key);
function old_assertMetadataKey(e) {
if ("symbol" != _typeof(e)) throw new TypeError("Metadata keys must be symbols, received: " + e);
function old_assertCallable(fn, hint) {
if ("function" != typeof fn) throw new TypeError(hint + " must be a function");
function old_assertCallable(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof e) throw new TypeError(t + " must be a function");
function old_assertValidReturnValue(kind, value) {
var type = _typeof(value);
if (1 === kind) {
if ("object" !== type || null === value) throw new TypeError("accessor decorators must return an object with get, set, or init properties or void 0");
void 0 !== value.get && old_assertCallable(value.get, "accessor.get"), void 0 !== value.set && old_assertCallable(value.set, "accessor.set"), void 0 !== value.init && old_assertCallable(value.init, "accessor.init"), void 0 !== value.initializer && old_assertCallable(value.initializer, "accessor.initializer");
} else if ("function" !== type) {
var hint;
throw hint = 0 === kind ? "field" : 10 === kind ? "class" : "method", new TypeError(hint + " decorators must return a function or void 0");
function old_assertValidReturnValue(e, t) {
var a = _typeof(t);
if (1 === e) {
if ("object" !== a || null === t) throw new TypeError("accessor decorators must return an object with get, set, or init properties or void 0");
void 0 !== t.get && old_assertCallable(t.get, "accessor.get"), void 0 !== t.set && old_assertCallable(t.set, "accessor.set"), void 0 !== t.init && old_assertCallable(t.init, "accessor.init"), void 0 !== t.initializer && old_assertCallable(t.initializer, "accessor.initializer");
} else if ("function" !== a) {
var r;
throw r = 0 === e ? "field" : 10 === e ? "class" : "method", new TypeError(r + " decorators must return a function or void 0");
function old_getInit(desc) {
var initializer;
return null == (initializer = desc.init) && (initializer = desc.initializer) && "undefined" != typeof console && console.warn(".initializer has been renamed to .init as of March 2022"), initializer;
function old_getInit(e) {
var t;
return null == (t = e.init) && (t = e.initializer) && "undefined" != typeof console && console.warn(".initializer has been renamed to .init as of March 2022"), t;
function old_applyMemberDec(ret, base, decInfo, name, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, metadataMap, initializers) {
var desc,
decs = decInfo[0];
if (isPrivate ? desc = 0 === kind || 1 === kind ? {
get: decInfo[3],
set: decInfo[4]
} : 3 === kind ? {
get: decInfo[3]
} : 4 === kind ? {
set: decInfo[3]
function old_applyMemberDec(e, t, a, r, o, i, n, l, s) {
var c,
h = a[0];
if (n ? c = 0 === o || 1 === o ? {
get: a[3],
set: a[4]
} : 3 === o ? {
get: a[3]
} : 4 === o ? {
set: a[3]
} : {
value: decInfo[3]
} : 0 !== kind && (desc = _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor(base, name)), 1 === kind ? value = {
get: desc.get,
set: desc.set
} : 2 === kind ? value = desc.value : 3 === kind ? value = desc.get : 4 === kind && (value = desc.set), "function" == typeof decs) void 0 !== (newValue = old_memberDec(decs, name, desc, metadataMap, initializers, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, value)) && (old_assertValidReturnValue(kind, newValue), 0 === kind ? initializer = newValue : 1 === kind ? (initializer = old_getInit(newValue), get = newValue.get || value.get, set = newValue.set || value.set, value = {
get: get,
set: set
}) : value = newValue);else for (var i = decs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var newInit;
if (void 0 !== (newValue = old_memberDec(decs[i], name, desc, metadataMap, initializers, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, value))) old_assertValidReturnValue(kind, newValue), 0 === kind ? newInit = newValue : 1 === kind ? (newInit = old_getInit(newValue), get = newValue.get || value.get, set = newValue.set || value.set, value = {
get: get,
set: set
}) : value = newValue, void 0 !== newInit && (void 0 === initializer ? initializer = newInit : "function" == typeof initializer ? initializer = [initializer, newInit] : _pushInstanceProperty(initializer).call(initializer, newInit));
value: a[3]
} : 0 !== o && (c = _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, r)), 1 === o ? u = {
get: c.get,
set: c.set
} : 2 === o ? u = c.value : 3 === o ? u = c.get : 4 === o && (u = c.set), "function" == typeof h) void 0 !== (f = old_memberDec(h, r, c, l, s, o, i, n, u)) && (old_assertValidReturnValue(o, f), 0 === o ? d = f : 1 === o ? (d = old_getInit(f), p = f.get || u.get, v = f.set || u.set, u = {
get: p,
set: v
}) : u = f);else for (var y = h.length - 1; y >= 0; y--) {
var b;
if (void 0 !== (f = old_memberDec(h[y], r, c, l, s, o, i, n, u))) old_assertValidReturnValue(o, f), 0 === o ? b = f : 1 === o ? (b = old_getInit(f), p = f.get || u.get, v = f.set || u.set, u = {
get: p,
set: v
}) : u = f, void 0 !== b && (void 0 === d ? d = b : "function" == typeof d ? d = [d, b] : _pushInstanceProperty(d).call(d, b));
if (0 === kind || 1 === kind) {
if (void 0 === initializer) initializer = function initializer(instance, init) {
return init;
};else if ("function" != typeof initializer) {
var ownInitializers = initializer;
initializer = function initializer(instance, init) {
for (var value = init, i = 0; i < ownInitializers.length; i++) value = ownInitializers[i].call(instance, value);
return value;
if (0 === o || 1 === o) {
if (void 0 === d) d = function d(e, t) {
return t;
};else if ("function" != typeof d) {
var g = d;
d = function d(e, t) {
for (var a = t, r = 0; r < g.length; r++) a = g[r].call(e, a);
return a;
} else {
var originalInitializer = initializer;
initializer = function initializer(instance, init) {
return, init);
var m = d;
d = function d(e, t) {
return, t);
_pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, initializer);
_pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, d);
0 !== kind && (1 === kind ? (desc.get = value.get, desc.set = value.set) : 2 === kind ? desc.value = value : 3 === kind ? desc.get = value : 4 === kind && (desc.set = value), isPrivate ? 1 === kind ? (_pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance, args) {
return, args);
}), _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance, args) {
return, args);
})) : 2 === kind ? _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, value) : _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance, args) {
return, args);
}) : _Object$defineProperty(base, name, desc));
0 !== o && (1 === o ? (c.get = u.get, c.set = u.set) : 2 === o ? c.value = u : 3 === o ? c.get = u : 4 === o && (c.set = u), n ? 1 === o ? (_pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e, t) {
return, t);
}), _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e, t) {
return, t);
})) : 2 === o ? _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, u) : _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e, t) {
return, t);
}) : _Object$defineProperty(t, r, c));
function old_applyMemberDecs(ret, Class, protoMetadataMap, staticMetadataMap, decInfos) {
for (var protoInitializers, staticInitializers, existingProtoNonFields = new _Map(), existingStaticNonFields = new _Map(), i = 0; i < decInfos.length; i++) {
var decInfo = decInfos[i];
if (_Array$isArray(decInfo)) {
var base,
kind = decInfo[1],
name = decInfo[2],
isPrivate = decInfo.length > 3,
isStatic = kind >= 5;
if (isStatic ? (base = Class, metadataMap = staticMetadataMap, 0 !== (kind -= 5) && (initializers = staticInitializers = staticInitializers || [])) : (base = Class.prototype, metadataMap = protoMetadataMap, 0 !== kind && (initializers = protoInitializers = protoInitializers || [])), 0 !== kind && !isPrivate) {
var existingNonFields = isStatic ? existingStaticNonFields : existingProtoNonFields,
existingKind = existingNonFields.get(name) || 0;
if (!0 === existingKind || 3 === existingKind && 4 !== kind || 4 === existingKind && 3 !== kind) throw new Error("Attempted to decorate a public method/accessor that has the same name as a previously decorated public method/accessor. This is not currently supported by the decorators plugin. Property name was: " + name);
!existingKind && kind > 2 ? existingNonFields.set(name, kind) : existingNonFields.set(name, !0);
function old_applyMemberDecs(e, t, a, r, o) {
for (var i, n, l = new _Map(), s = new _Map(), c = 0; c < o.length; c++) {
var d = o[c];
if (_Array$isArray(d)) {
var u,
v = d[1],
h = d[2],
y = d.length > 3,
b = v >= 5;
if (b ? (u = t, f = r, 0 !== (v -= 5) && (p = n = n || [])) : (u = t.prototype, f = a, 0 !== v && (p = i = i || [])), 0 !== v && !y) {
var g = b ? s : l,
m = g.get(h) || 0;
if (!0 === m || 3 === m && 4 !== v || 4 === m && 3 !== v) throw new Error("Attempted to decorate a public method/accessor that has the same name as a previously decorated public method/accessor. This is not currently supported by the decorators plugin. Property name was: " + h);
!m && v > 2 ? g.set(h, v) : g.set(h, !0);
old_applyMemberDec(ret, base, decInfo, name, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, metadataMap, initializers);
old_applyMemberDec(e, u, d, h, v, b, y, f, p);
old_pushInitializers(ret, protoInitializers), old_pushInitializers(ret, staticInitializers);
old_pushInitializers(e, i), old_pushInitializers(e, n);
function old_pushInitializers(ret, initializers) {
initializers && _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance) {
for (var i = 0; i < initializers.length; i++) initializers[i].call(instance);
return instance;
function old_pushInitializers(e, t) {
t && _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e) {
for (var a = 0; a < t.length; a++) t[a].call(e);
return e;
function old_applyClassDecs(ret, targetClass, metadataMap, classDecs) {
if (classDecs.length > 0) {
for (var initializers = [], newClass = targetClass, name =, i = classDecs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var decoratorFinishedRef = {
function old_applyClassDecs(e, t, a, r) {
if (r.length > 0) {
for (var o = [], i = t, n =, l = r.length - 1; l >= 0; l--) {
var s = {
v: !1
try {
var ctx = _Object$assign({
var c = _Object$assign({
kind: "class",
name: name,
addInitializer: old_createAddInitializerMethod(initializers, decoratorFinishedRef)
}, old_createMetadataMethodsForProperty(metadataMap, 0, name, decoratorFinishedRef)),
nextNewClass = classDecs[i](newClass, ctx);
name: n,
addInitializer: old_createAddInitializerMethod(o, s)
}, old_createMetadataMethodsForProperty(a, 0, n, s)),
d = r[l](i, c);
} finally {
decoratorFinishedRef.v = !0;
s.v = !0;
void 0 !== nextNewClass && (old_assertValidReturnValue(10, nextNewClass), newClass = nextNewClass);
void 0 !== d && (old_assertValidReturnValue(10, d), i = d);
_pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, newClass, function () {
for (var i = 0; i < initializers.length; i++) initializers[i].call(newClass);
_pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, i, function () {
for (var e = 0; e < o.length; e++) o[e].call(i);
export default function applyDecs(targetClass, memberDecs, classDecs) {
var ret = [],
staticMetadataMap = {},
protoMetadataMap = {};
return old_applyMemberDecs(ret, targetClass, protoMetadataMap, staticMetadataMap, memberDecs), old_convertMetadataMapToFinal(targetClass.prototype, protoMetadataMap), old_applyClassDecs(ret, targetClass, staticMetadataMap, classDecs), old_convertMetadataMapToFinal(targetClass, staticMetadataMap), ret;
export default function applyDecs(e, t, a) {
var r = [],
o = {},
i = {};
return old_applyMemberDecs(r, e, i, o, t), old_convertMetadataMapToFinal(e.prototype, i), old_applyClassDecs(r, e, o, a), old_convertMetadataMapToFinal(e, o), r;

@@ -8,185 +8,185 @@ import _typeof from "./typeof.js";

function applyDecs2203Factory() {
function createAddInitializerMethod(initializers, decoratorFinishedRef) {
return function (initializer) {
!function (decoratorFinishedRef, fnName) {
if (decoratorFinishedRef.v) throw new Error("attempted to call " + fnName + " after decoration was finished");
}(decoratorFinishedRef, "addInitializer"), assertCallable(initializer, "An initializer"), _pushInstanceProperty(initializers).call(initializers, initializer);
function createAddInitializerMethod(e, t) {
return function (r) {
!function (e, t) {
if (e.v) throw new Error("attempted to call " + t + " after decoration was finished");
}(t, "addInitializer"), assertCallable(r, "An initializer"), _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, r);
function memberDec(dec, name, desc, initializers, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, value) {
var kindStr;
switch (kind) {
function memberDec(e, t, r, a, n, i, s, o) {
var c;
switch (n) {
case 1:
kindStr = "accessor";
c = "accessor";
case 2:
kindStr = "method";
c = "method";
case 3:
kindStr = "getter";
c = "getter";
case 4:
kindStr = "setter";
c = "setter";
kindStr = "field";
c = "field";
var get,
ctx = {
kind: kindStr,
name: isPrivate ? "#" + name : name,
"static": isStatic,
"private": isPrivate
var l,
f = {
kind: c,
name: s ? "#" + t : t,
"static": i,
"private": s
decoratorFinishedRef = {
p = {
v: !1
0 !== kind && (ctx.addInitializer = createAddInitializerMethod(initializers, decoratorFinishedRef)), 0 === kind ? isPrivate ? (get = desc.get, set = desc.set) : (get = function get() {
return this[name];
}, set = function set(v) {
this[name] = v;
}) : 2 === kind ? get = function get() {
return desc.value;
} : (1 !== kind && 3 !== kind || (get = function get() {
}), 1 !== kind && 4 !== kind || (set = function set(v) {, v);
})), ctx.access = get && set ? {
get: get,
set: set
} : get ? {
get: get
0 !== n && (f.addInitializer = createAddInitializerMethod(a, p)), 0 === n ? s ? (l = r.get, u = r.set) : (l = function l() {
return this[t];
}, u = function u(e) {
this[t] = e;
}) : 2 === n ? l = function l() {
return r.value;
} : (1 !== n && 3 !== n || (l = function l() {
}), 1 !== n && 4 !== n || (u = function u(e) {, e);
})), f.access = l && u ? {
get: l,
set: u
} : l ? {
get: l
} : {
set: set
set: u
try {
return dec(value, ctx);
return e(o, f);
} finally {
decoratorFinishedRef.v = !0;
p.v = !0;
function assertCallable(fn, hint) {
if ("function" != typeof fn) throw new TypeError(hint + " must be a function");
function assertCallable(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof e) throw new TypeError(t + " must be a function");
function assertValidReturnValue(kind, value) {
var type = _typeof(value);
if (1 === kind) {
if ("object" !== type || null === value) throw new TypeError("accessor decorators must return an object with get, set, or init properties or void 0");
void 0 !== value.get && assertCallable(value.get, "accessor.get"), void 0 !== value.set && assertCallable(value.set, "accessor.set"), void 0 !== value.init && assertCallable(value.init, "accessor.init");
} else if ("function" !== type) {
var hint;
throw hint = 0 === kind ? "field" : 10 === kind ? "class" : "method", new TypeError(hint + " decorators must return a function or void 0");
function assertValidReturnValue(e, t) {
var r = _typeof(t);
if (1 === e) {
if ("object" !== r || null === t) throw new TypeError("accessor decorators must return an object with get, set, or init properties or void 0");
void 0 !== t.get && assertCallable(t.get, "accessor.get"), void 0 !== t.set && assertCallable(t.set, "accessor.set"), void 0 !== t.init && assertCallable(t.init, "accessor.init");
} else if ("function" !== r) {
var a;
throw a = 0 === e ? "field" : 10 === e ? "class" : "method", new TypeError(a + " decorators must return a function or void 0");
function applyMemberDec(ret, base, decInfo, name, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, initializers) {
var desc,
decs = decInfo[0];
if (isPrivate ? desc = 0 === kind || 1 === kind ? {
get: decInfo[3],
set: decInfo[4]
} : 3 === kind ? {
get: decInfo[3]
} : 4 === kind ? {
set: decInfo[3]
function applyMemberDec(e, t, r, a, n, i, s, o) {
var c,
h = r[0];
if (s ? c = 0 === n || 1 === n ? {
get: r[3],
set: r[4]
} : 3 === n ? {
get: r[3]
} : 4 === n ? {
set: r[3]
} : {
value: decInfo[3]
} : 0 !== kind && (desc = _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor(base, name)), 1 === kind ? value = {
get: desc.get,
set: desc.set
} : 2 === kind ? value = desc.value : 3 === kind ? value = desc.get : 4 === kind && (value = desc.set), "function" == typeof decs) void 0 !== (newValue = memberDec(decs, name, desc, initializers, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, value)) && (assertValidReturnValue(kind, newValue), 0 === kind ? init = newValue : 1 === kind ? (init = newValue.init, get = newValue.get || value.get, set = newValue.set || value.set, value = {
get: get,
set: set
}) : value = newValue);else for (var i = decs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var newInit;
if (void 0 !== (newValue = memberDec(decs[i], name, desc, initializers, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, value))) assertValidReturnValue(kind, newValue), 0 === kind ? newInit = newValue : 1 === kind ? (newInit = newValue.init, get = newValue.get || value.get, set = newValue.set || value.set, value = {
get: get,
set: set
}) : value = newValue, void 0 !== newInit && (void 0 === init ? init = newInit : "function" == typeof init ? init = [init, newInit] : _pushInstanceProperty(init).call(init, newInit));
value: r[3]
} : 0 !== n && (c = _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, a)), 1 === n ? u = {
get: c.get,
set: c.set
} : 2 === n ? u = c.value : 3 === n ? u = c.get : 4 === n && (u = c.set), "function" == typeof h) void 0 !== (f = memberDec(h, a, c, o, n, i, s, u)) && (assertValidReturnValue(n, f), 0 === n ? l = f : 1 === n ? (l = f.init, p = f.get || u.get, d = f.set || u.set, u = {
get: p,
set: d
}) : u = f);else for (var v = h.length - 1; v >= 0; v--) {
var g;
if (void 0 !== (f = memberDec(h[v], a, c, o, n, i, s, u))) assertValidReturnValue(n, f), 0 === n ? g = f : 1 === n ? (g = f.init, p = f.get || u.get, d = f.set || u.set, u = {
get: p,
set: d
}) : u = f, void 0 !== g && (void 0 === l ? l = g : "function" == typeof l ? l = [l, g] : _pushInstanceProperty(l).call(l, g));
if (0 === kind || 1 === kind) {
if (void 0 === init) init = function init(instance, _init) {
return _init;
};else if ("function" != typeof init) {
var ownInitializers = init;
init = function init(instance, _init2) {
for (var value = _init2, i = 0; i < ownInitializers.length; i++) value = ownInitializers[i].call(instance, value);
return value;
if (0 === n || 1 === n) {
if (void 0 === l) l = function l(e, t) {
return t;
};else if ("function" != typeof l) {
var y = l;
l = function l(e, t) {
for (var r = t, a = 0; a < y.length; a++) r = y[a].call(e, r);
return r;
} else {
var originalInitializer = init;
init = function init(instance, _init3) {
return, _init3);
var m = l;
l = function l(e, t) {
return, t);
_pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, init);
_pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, l);
0 !== kind && (1 === kind ? (desc.get = value.get, desc.set = value.set) : 2 === kind ? desc.value = value : 3 === kind ? desc.get = value : 4 === kind && (desc.set = value), isPrivate ? 1 === kind ? (_pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance, args) {
return, args);
}), _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance, args) {
return, args);
})) : 2 === kind ? _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, value) : _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance, args) {
return, args);
}) : _Object$defineProperty(base, name, desc));
0 !== n && (1 === n ? (c.get = u.get, c.set = u.set) : 2 === n ? c.value = u : 3 === n ? c.get = u : 4 === n && (c.set = u), s ? 1 === n ? (_pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e, t) {
return, t);
}), _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e, t) {
return, t);
})) : 2 === n ? _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, u) : _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e, t) {
return, t);
}) : _Object$defineProperty(t, a, c));
function pushInitializers(ret, initializers) {
initializers && _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance) {
for (var i = 0; i < initializers.length; i++) initializers[i].call(instance);
return instance;
function pushInitializers(e, t) {
t && _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) t[r].call(e);
return e;
return function (targetClass, memberDecs, classDecs) {
var ret = [];
return function (ret, Class, decInfos) {
for (var protoInitializers, staticInitializers, existingProtoNonFields = new _Map(), existingStaticNonFields = new _Map(), i = 0; i < decInfos.length; i++) {
var decInfo = decInfos[i];
if (_Array$isArray(decInfo)) {
var base,
kind = decInfo[1],
name = decInfo[2],
isPrivate = decInfo.length > 3,
isStatic = kind >= 5;
if (isStatic ? (base = Class, 0 != (kind -= 5) && (initializers = staticInitializers = staticInitializers || [])) : (base = Class.prototype, 0 !== kind && (initializers = protoInitializers = protoInitializers || [])), 0 !== kind && !isPrivate) {
var existingNonFields = isStatic ? existingStaticNonFields : existingProtoNonFields,
existingKind = existingNonFields.get(name) || 0;
if (!0 === existingKind || 3 === existingKind && 4 !== kind || 4 === existingKind && 3 !== kind) throw new Error("Attempted to decorate a public method/accessor that has the same name as a previously decorated public method/accessor. This is not currently supported by the decorators plugin. Property name was: " + name);
!existingKind && kind > 2 ? existingNonFields.set(name, kind) : existingNonFields.set(name, !0);
return function (e, t, r) {
var a = [];
return function (e, t, r) {
for (var a, n, i = new _Map(), s = new _Map(), o = 0; o < r.length; o++) {
var c = r[o];
if (_Array$isArray(c)) {
var l,
f = c[1],
p = c[2],
d = c.length > 3,
h = f >= 5;
if (h ? (l = t, 0 != (f -= 5) && (u = n = n || [])) : (l = t.prototype, 0 !== f && (u = a = a || [])), 0 !== f && !d) {
var v = h ? s : i,
g = v.get(p) || 0;
if (!0 === g || 3 === g && 4 !== f || 4 === g && 3 !== f) throw new Error("Attempted to decorate a public method/accessor that has the same name as a previously decorated public method/accessor. This is not currently supported by the decorators plugin. Property name was: " + p);
!g && f > 2 ? v.set(p, f) : v.set(p, !0);
applyMemberDec(ret, base, decInfo, name, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, initializers);
applyMemberDec(e, l, c, p, f, h, d, u);
pushInitializers(ret, protoInitializers), pushInitializers(ret, staticInitializers);
}(ret, targetClass, memberDecs), function (ret, targetClass, classDecs) {
if (classDecs.length > 0) {
for (var initializers = [], newClass = targetClass, name =, i = classDecs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var decoratorFinishedRef = {
pushInitializers(e, a), pushInitializers(e, n);
}(a, e, t), function (e, t, r) {
if (r.length > 0) {
for (var a = [], n = t, i =, s = r.length - 1; s >= 0; s--) {
var o = {
v: !1
try {
var nextNewClass = classDecs[i](newClass, {
var c = r[s](n, {
kind: "class",
name: name,
addInitializer: createAddInitializerMethod(initializers, decoratorFinishedRef)
name: i,
addInitializer: createAddInitializerMethod(a, o)
} finally {
decoratorFinishedRef.v = !0;
o.v = !0;
void 0 !== nextNewClass && (assertValidReturnValue(10, nextNewClass), newClass = nextNewClass);
void 0 !== c && (assertValidReturnValue(10, c), n = c);
_pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, newClass, function () {
for (var i = 0; i < initializers.length; i++) initializers[i].call(newClass);
_pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, n, function () {
for (var e = 0; e < a.length; e++) a[e].call(n);
}(ret, targetClass, classDecs), ret;
}(a, e, r), a;
var applyDecs2203Impl;
export default function applyDecs2203(targetClass, memberDecs, classDecs) {
return (applyDecs2203Impl = applyDecs2203Impl || applyDecs2203Factory())(targetClass, memberDecs, classDecs);
export default function applyDecs2203(e, t, r) {
return (applyDecs2203Impl = applyDecs2203Impl || applyDecs2203Factory())(e, t, r);

@@ -8,183 +8,183 @@ import _typeof from "./typeof.js";

function applyDecs2203RFactory() {
function createAddInitializerMethod(initializers, decoratorFinishedRef) {
return function (initializer) {
!function (decoratorFinishedRef, fnName) {
if (decoratorFinishedRef.v) throw new Error("attempted to call " + fnName + " after decoration was finished");
}(decoratorFinishedRef, "addInitializer"), assertCallable(initializer, "An initializer"), _pushInstanceProperty(initializers).call(initializers, initializer);
function createAddInitializerMethod(e, t) {
return function (r) {
!function (e, t) {
if (e.v) throw new Error("attempted to call " + t + " after decoration was finished");
}(t, "addInitializer"), assertCallable(r, "An initializer"), _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, r);
function memberDec(dec, name, desc, initializers, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, value) {
var kindStr;
switch (kind) {
function memberDec(e, t, r, n, a, i, s, o) {
var c;
switch (a) {
case 1:
kindStr = "accessor";
c = "accessor";
case 2:
kindStr = "method";
c = "method";
case 3:
kindStr = "getter";
c = "getter";
case 4:
kindStr = "setter";
c = "setter";
kindStr = "field";
c = "field";
var get,
ctx = {
kind: kindStr,
name: isPrivate ? "#" + name : name,
"static": isStatic,
"private": isPrivate
var l,
f = {
kind: c,
name: s ? "#" + t : t,
"static": i,
"private": s
decoratorFinishedRef = {
p = {
v: !1
0 !== kind && (ctx.addInitializer = createAddInitializerMethod(initializers, decoratorFinishedRef)), 0 === kind ? isPrivate ? (get = desc.get, set = desc.set) : (get = function get() {
return this[name];
}, set = function set(v) {
this[name] = v;
}) : 2 === kind ? get = function get() {
return desc.value;
} : (1 !== kind && 3 !== kind || (get = function get() {
}), 1 !== kind && 4 !== kind || (set = function set(v) {, v);
})), ctx.access = get && set ? {
get: get,
set: set
} : get ? {
get: get
0 !== a && (f.addInitializer = createAddInitializerMethod(n, p)), 0 === a ? s ? (l = r.get, u = r.set) : (l = function l() {
return this[t];
}, u = function u(e) {
this[t] = e;
}) : 2 === a ? l = function l() {
return r.value;
} : (1 !== a && 3 !== a || (l = function l() {
}), 1 !== a && 4 !== a || (u = function u(e) {, e);
})), f.access = l && u ? {
get: l,
set: u
} : l ? {
get: l
} : {
set: set
set: u
try {
return dec(value, ctx);
return e(o, f);
} finally {
decoratorFinishedRef.v = !0;
p.v = !0;
function assertCallable(fn, hint) {
if ("function" != typeof fn) throw new TypeError(hint + " must be a function");
function assertCallable(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof e) throw new TypeError(t + " must be a function");
function assertValidReturnValue(kind, value) {
var type = _typeof(value);
if (1 === kind) {
if ("object" !== type || null === value) throw new TypeError("accessor decorators must return an object with get, set, or init properties or void 0");
void 0 !== value.get && assertCallable(value.get, "accessor.get"), void 0 !== value.set && assertCallable(value.set, "accessor.set"), void 0 !== value.init && assertCallable(value.init, "accessor.init");
} else if ("function" !== type) {
var hint;
throw hint = 0 === kind ? "field" : 10 === kind ? "class" : "method", new TypeError(hint + " decorators must return a function or void 0");
function assertValidReturnValue(e, t) {
var r = _typeof(t);
if (1 === e) {
if ("object" !== r || null === t) throw new TypeError("accessor decorators must return an object with get, set, or init properties or void 0");
void 0 !== t.get && assertCallable(t.get, "accessor.get"), void 0 !== t.set && assertCallable(t.set, "accessor.set"), void 0 !== t.init && assertCallable(t.init, "accessor.init");
} else if ("function" !== r) {
var n;
throw n = 0 === e ? "field" : 10 === e ? "class" : "method", new TypeError(n + " decorators must return a function or void 0");
function applyMemberDec(ret, base, decInfo, name, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, initializers) {
var desc,
decs = decInfo[0];
if (isPrivate ? desc = 0 === kind || 1 === kind ? {
get: decInfo[3],
set: decInfo[4]
} : 3 === kind ? {
get: decInfo[3]
} : 4 === kind ? {
set: decInfo[3]
function applyMemberDec(e, t, r, n, a, i, s, o) {
var c,
h = r[0];
if (s ? c = 0 === a || 1 === a ? {
get: r[3],
set: r[4]
} : 3 === a ? {
get: r[3]
} : 4 === a ? {
set: r[3]
} : {
value: decInfo[3]
} : 0 !== kind && (desc = _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor(base, name)), 1 === kind ? value = {
get: desc.get,
set: desc.set
} : 2 === kind ? value = desc.value : 3 === kind ? value = desc.get : 4 === kind && (value = desc.set), "function" == typeof decs) void 0 !== (newValue = memberDec(decs, name, desc, initializers, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, value)) && (assertValidReturnValue(kind, newValue), 0 === kind ? init = newValue : 1 === kind ? (init = newValue.init, get = newValue.get || value.get, set = newValue.set || value.set, value = {
get: get,
set: set
}) : value = newValue);else for (var i = decs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var newInit;
if (void 0 !== (newValue = memberDec(decs[i], name, desc, initializers, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, value))) assertValidReturnValue(kind, newValue), 0 === kind ? newInit = newValue : 1 === kind ? (newInit = newValue.init, get = newValue.get || value.get, set = newValue.set || value.set, value = {
get: get,
set: set
}) : value = newValue, void 0 !== newInit && (void 0 === init ? init = newInit : "function" == typeof init ? init = [init, newInit] : _pushInstanceProperty(init).call(init, newInit));
value: r[3]
} : 0 !== a && (c = _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n)), 1 === a ? u = {
get: c.get,
set: c.set
} : 2 === a ? u = c.value : 3 === a ? u = c.get : 4 === a && (u = c.set), "function" == typeof h) void 0 !== (f = memberDec(h, n, c, o, a, i, s, u)) && (assertValidReturnValue(a, f), 0 === a ? l = f : 1 === a ? (l = f.init, p = f.get || u.get, d = f.set || u.set, u = {
get: p,
set: d
}) : u = f);else for (var v = h.length - 1; v >= 0; v--) {
var g;
if (void 0 !== (f = memberDec(h[v], n, c, o, a, i, s, u))) assertValidReturnValue(a, f), 0 === a ? g = f : 1 === a ? (g = f.init, p = f.get || u.get, d = f.set || u.set, u = {
get: p,
set: d
}) : u = f, void 0 !== g && (void 0 === l ? l = g : "function" == typeof l ? l = [l, g] : _pushInstanceProperty(l).call(l, g));
if (0 === kind || 1 === kind) {
if (void 0 === init) init = function init(instance, _init) {
return _init;
};else if ("function" != typeof init) {
var ownInitializers = init;
init = function init(instance, _init2) {
for (var value = _init2, i = 0; i < ownInitializers.length; i++) value = ownInitializers[i].call(instance, value);
return value;
if (0 === a || 1 === a) {
if (void 0 === l) l = function l(e, t) {
return t;
};else if ("function" != typeof l) {
var y = l;
l = function l(e, t) {
for (var r = t, n = 0; n < y.length; n++) r = y[n].call(e, r);
return r;
} else {
var originalInitializer = init;
init = function init(instance, _init3) {
return, _init3);
var m = l;
l = function l(e, t) {
return, t);
_pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, init);
_pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, l);
0 !== kind && (1 === kind ? (desc.get = value.get, desc.set = value.set) : 2 === kind ? desc.value = value : 3 === kind ? desc.get = value : 4 === kind && (desc.set = value), isPrivate ? 1 === kind ? (_pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance, args) {
return, args);
}), _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance, args) {
return, args);
})) : 2 === kind ? _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, value) : _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance, args) {
return, args);
}) : _Object$defineProperty(base, name, desc));
0 !== a && (1 === a ? (c.get = u.get, c.set = u.set) : 2 === a ? c.value = u : 3 === a ? c.get = u : 4 === a && (c.set = u), s ? 1 === a ? (_pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e, t) {
return, t);
}), _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e, t) {
return, t);
})) : 2 === a ? _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, u) : _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e, t) {
return, t);
}) : _Object$defineProperty(t, n, c));
function applyMemberDecs(Class, decInfos) {
for (var protoInitializers, staticInitializers, ret = [], existingProtoNonFields = new _Map(), existingStaticNonFields = new _Map(), i = 0; i < decInfos.length; i++) {
var decInfo = decInfos[i];
if (_Array$isArray(decInfo)) {
var base,
kind = decInfo[1],
name = decInfo[2],
isPrivate = decInfo.length > 3,
isStatic = kind >= 5;
if (isStatic ? (base = Class, 0 !== (kind -= 5) && (initializers = staticInitializers = staticInitializers || [])) : (base = Class.prototype, 0 !== kind && (initializers = protoInitializers = protoInitializers || [])), 0 !== kind && !isPrivate) {
var existingNonFields = isStatic ? existingStaticNonFields : existingProtoNonFields,
existingKind = existingNonFields.get(name) || 0;
if (!0 === existingKind || 3 === existingKind && 4 !== kind || 4 === existingKind && 3 !== kind) throw new Error("Attempted to decorate a public method/accessor that has the same name as a previously decorated public method/accessor. This is not currently supported by the decorators plugin. Property name was: " + name);
!existingKind && kind > 2 ? existingNonFields.set(name, kind) : existingNonFields.set(name, !0);
function applyMemberDecs(e, t) {
for (var r, n, a = [], i = new _Map(), s = new _Map(), o = 0; o < t.length; o++) {
var c = t[o];
if (_Array$isArray(c)) {
var l,
f = c[1],
p = c[2],
d = c.length > 3,
h = f >= 5;
if (h ? (l = e, 0 !== (f -= 5) && (u = n = n || [])) : (l = e.prototype, 0 !== f && (u = r = r || [])), 0 !== f && !d) {
var v = h ? s : i,
g = v.get(p) || 0;
if (!0 === g || 3 === g && 4 !== f || 4 === g && 3 !== f) throw new Error("Attempted to decorate a public method/accessor that has the same name as a previously decorated public method/accessor. This is not currently supported by the decorators plugin. Property name was: " + p);
!g && f > 2 ? v.set(p, f) : v.set(p, !0);
applyMemberDec(ret, base, decInfo, name, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, initializers);
applyMemberDec(a, l, c, p, f, h, d, u);
return pushInitializers(ret, protoInitializers), pushInitializers(ret, staticInitializers), ret;
return pushInitializers(a, r), pushInitializers(a, n), a;
function pushInitializers(ret, initializers) {
initializers && _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance) {
for (var i = 0; i < initializers.length; i++) initializers[i].call(instance);
return instance;
function pushInitializers(e, t) {
t && _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) t[r].call(e);
return e;
return function (targetClass, memberDecs, classDecs) {
return function (e, t, r) {
return {
e: applyMemberDecs(targetClass, memberDecs),
e: applyMemberDecs(e, t),
get c() {
return function (targetClass, classDecs) {
if (classDecs.length > 0) {
for (var initializers = [], newClass = targetClass, name =, i = classDecs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var decoratorFinishedRef = {
return function (e, t) {
if (t.length > 0) {
for (var r = [], n = e, a =, i = t.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var s = {
v: !1
try {
var nextNewClass = classDecs[i](newClass, {
var o = t[i](n, {
kind: "class",
name: name,
addInitializer: createAddInitializerMethod(initializers, decoratorFinishedRef)
name: a,
addInitializer: createAddInitializerMethod(r, s)
} finally {
decoratorFinishedRef.v = !0;
s.v = !0;
void 0 !== nextNewClass && (assertValidReturnValue(10, nextNewClass), newClass = nextNewClass);
void 0 !== o && (assertValidReturnValue(10, o), n = o);
return [newClass, function () {
for (var i = 0; i < initializers.length; i++) initializers[i].call(newClass);
return [n, function () {
for (var e = 0; e < r.length; e++) r[e].call(n);
}(targetClass, classDecs);
}(e, r);

@@ -194,4 +194,4 @@ };

export default function applyDecs2203R(targetClass, memberDecs, classDecs) {
return (applyDecs2203R = applyDecs2203RFactory())(targetClass, memberDecs, classDecs);
export default function applyDecs2203R(e, t, r) {
return (applyDecs2203R = applyDecs2203RFactory())(e, t, r);

@@ -10,213 +10,213 @@ import _typeof from "./typeof.js";

function applyDecs2301Factory() {
function createAddInitializerMethod(initializers, decoratorFinishedRef) {
return function (initializer) {
!function (decoratorFinishedRef, fnName) {
if (decoratorFinishedRef.v) throw new Error("attempted to call " + fnName + " after decoration was finished");
}(decoratorFinishedRef, "addInitializer"), assertCallable(initializer, "An initializer"), _pushInstanceProperty(initializers).call(initializers, initializer);
function createAddInitializerMethod(e, t) {
return function (r) {
!function (e, t) {
if (e.v) throw new Error("attempted to call " + t + " after decoration was finished");
}(t, "addInitializer"), assertCallable(r, "An initializer"), _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, r);
function assertInstanceIfPrivate(has, target) {
if (!has(target)) throw new TypeError("Attempted to access private element on non-instance");
function assertInstanceIfPrivate(e, t) {
if (!e(t)) throw new TypeError("Attempted to access private element on non-instance");
function memberDec(dec, name, desc, initializers, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, value, hasPrivateBrand) {
var kindStr;
switch (kind) {
function memberDec(e, t, r, n, a, i, s, o, c) {
var u;
switch (a) {
case 1:
kindStr = "accessor";
u = "accessor";
case 2:
kindStr = "method";
u = "method";
case 3:
kindStr = "getter";
u = "getter";
case 4:
kindStr = "setter";
u = "setter";
kindStr = "field";
u = "field";
var get,
ctx = {
kind: kindStr,
name: isPrivate ? "#" + name : name,
"static": isStatic,
"private": isPrivate
var l,
p = {
kind: u,
name: s ? "#" + t : t,
"static": i,
"private": s
decoratorFinishedRef = {
d = {
v: !1
if (0 !== kind && (ctx.addInitializer = createAddInitializerMethod(initializers, decoratorFinishedRef)), isPrivate || 0 !== kind && 2 !== kind) {
if (2 === kind) get = function get(target) {
return assertInstanceIfPrivate(hasPrivateBrand, target), desc.value;
if (0 !== a && (p.addInitializer = createAddInitializerMethod(n, d)), s || 0 !== a && 2 !== a) {
if (2 === a) l = function l(e) {
return assertInstanceIfPrivate(c, e), r.value;
};else {
var t = 0 === kind || 1 === kind;
(t || 3 === kind) && (get = isPrivate ? function (target) {
return assertInstanceIfPrivate(hasPrivateBrand, target),;
} : function (target) {
}), (t || 4 === kind) && (set = isPrivate ? function (target, value) {
assertInstanceIfPrivate(hasPrivateBrand, target),, value);
} : function (target, value) {, value);
var h = 0 === a || 1 === a;
(h || 3 === a) && (l = s ? function (e) {
return assertInstanceIfPrivate(c, e),;
} : function (e) {
}), (h || 4 === a) && (f = s ? function (e, t) {
assertInstanceIfPrivate(c, e),, t);
} : function (e, t) {, t);
} else get = function get(target) {
return target[name];
}, 0 === kind && (set = function set(target, v) {
target[name] = v;
} else l = function l(e) {
return e[t];
}, 0 === a && (f = function f(e, r) {
e[t] = r;
var has = isPrivate ? _bindInstanceProperty(hasPrivateBrand).call(hasPrivateBrand) : function (target) {
return name in target;
var v = s ? _bindInstanceProperty(c).call(c) : function (e) {
return t in e;
ctx.access = get && set ? {
get: get,
set: set,
has: has
} : get ? {
get: get,
has: has
p.access = l && f ? {
get: l,
set: f,
has: v
} : l ? {
get: l,
has: v
} : {
set: set,
has: has
set: f,
has: v
try {
return dec(value, ctx);
return e(o, p);
} finally {
decoratorFinishedRef.v = !0;
d.v = !0;
function assertCallable(fn, hint) {
if ("function" != typeof fn) throw new TypeError(hint + " must be a function");
function assertCallable(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof e) throw new TypeError(t + " must be a function");
function assertValidReturnValue(kind, value) {
var type = _typeof(value);
if (1 === kind) {
if ("object" !== type || null === value) throw new TypeError("accessor decorators must return an object with get, set, or init properties or void 0");
void 0 !== value.get && assertCallable(value.get, "accessor.get"), void 0 !== value.set && assertCallable(value.set, "accessor.set"), void 0 !== value.init && assertCallable(value.init, "accessor.init");
} else if ("function" !== type) {
var hint;
throw hint = 0 === kind ? "field" : 10 === kind ? "class" : "method", new TypeError(hint + " decorators must return a function or void 0");
function assertValidReturnValue(e, t) {
var r = _typeof(t);
if (1 === e) {
if ("object" !== r || null === t) throw new TypeError("accessor decorators must return an object with get, set, or init properties or void 0");
void 0 !== t.get && assertCallable(t.get, "accessor.get"), void 0 !== t.set && assertCallable(t.set, "accessor.set"), void 0 !== t.init && assertCallable(t.init, "accessor.init");
} else if ("function" !== r) {
var n;
throw n = 0 === e ? "field" : 10 === e ? "class" : "method", new TypeError(n + " decorators must return a function or void 0");
function curryThis2(fn) {
return function (value) {
fn(this, value);
function curryThis2(e) {
return function (t) {
e(this, t);
function applyMemberDec(ret, base, decInfo, name, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, initializers, hasPrivateBrand) {
var desc,
decs = decInfo[0];
if (isPrivate ? desc = 0 === kind || 1 === kind ? {
get: (fn = decInfo[3], function () {
return fn(this);
function applyMemberDec(e, t, r, n, a, i, s, o, c) {
var u,
g = r[0];
if (s ? u = 0 === a || 1 === a ? {
get: (p = r[3], function () {
return p(this);
set: curryThis2(decInfo[4])
} : 3 === kind ? {
get: decInfo[3]
} : 4 === kind ? {
set: decInfo[3]
set: curryThis2(r[4])
} : 3 === a ? {
get: r[3]
} : 4 === a ? {
set: r[3]
} : {
value: decInfo[3]
} : 0 !== kind && (desc = _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor(base, name)), 1 === kind ? value = {
get: desc.get,
set: desc.set
} : 2 === kind ? value = desc.value : 3 === kind ? value = desc.get : 4 === kind && (value = desc.set), "function" == typeof decs) void 0 !== (newValue = memberDec(decs, name, desc, initializers, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, value, hasPrivateBrand)) && (assertValidReturnValue(kind, newValue), 0 === kind ? init = newValue : 1 === kind ? (init = newValue.init, get = newValue.get || value.get, set = newValue.set || value.set, value = {
get: get,
set: set
}) : value = newValue);else for (var i = decs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var newInit;
if (void 0 !== (newValue = memberDec(decs[i], name, desc, initializers, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, value, hasPrivateBrand))) assertValidReturnValue(kind, newValue), 0 === kind ? newInit = newValue : 1 === kind ? (newInit = newValue.init, get = newValue.get || value.get, set = newValue.set || value.set, value = {
get: get,
set: set
}) : value = newValue, void 0 !== newInit && (void 0 === init ? init = newInit : "function" == typeof init ? init = [init, newInit] : _pushInstanceProperty(init).call(init, newInit));
value: r[3]
} : 0 !== a && (u = _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n)), 1 === a ? f = {
get: u.get,
set: u.set
} : 2 === a ? f = u.value : 3 === a ? f = u.get : 4 === a && (f = u.set), "function" == typeof g) void 0 !== (d = memberDec(g, n, u, o, a, i, s, f, c)) && (assertValidReturnValue(a, d), 0 === a ? l = d : 1 === a ? (l = d.init, h = d.get || f.get, v = d.set || f.set, f = {
get: h,
set: v
}) : f = d);else for (var y = g.length - 1; y >= 0; y--) {
var m;
if (void 0 !== (d = memberDec(g[y], n, u, o, a, i, s, f, c))) assertValidReturnValue(a, d), 0 === a ? m = d : 1 === a ? (m = d.init, h = d.get || f.get, v = d.set || f.set, f = {
get: h,
set: v
}) : f = d, void 0 !== m && (void 0 === l ? l = m : "function" == typeof l ? l = [l, m] : _pushInstanceProperty(l).call(l, m));
if (0 === kind || 1 === kind) {
if (void 0 === init) init = function init(instance, _init) {
return _init;
};else if ("function" != typeof init) {
var ownInitializers = init;
init = function init(instance, _init2) {
for (var value = _init2, i = 0; i < ownInitializers.length; i++) value = ownInitializers[i].call(instance, value);
return value;
if (0 === a || 1 === a) {
if (void 0 === l) l = function l(e, t) {
return t;
};else if ("function" != typeof l) {
var b = l;
l = function l(e, t) {
for (var r = t, n = 0; n < b.length; n++) r = b[n].call(e, r);
return r;
} else {
var originalInitializer = init;
init = function init(instance, _init3) {
return, _init3);
var I = l;
l = function l(e, t) {
return, t);
_pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, init);
_pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, l);
0 !== kind && (1 === kind ? (desc.get = value.get, desc.set = value.set) : 2 === kind ? desc.value = value : 3 === kind ? desc.get = value : 4 === kind && (desc.set = value), isPrivate ? 1 === kind ? (_pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance, args) {
return, args);
}), _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance, args) {
return, args);
})) : 2 === kind ? _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, value) : _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance, args) {
return, args);
}) : _Object$defineProperty(base, name, desc));
0 !== a && (1 === a ? (u.get = f.get, u.set = f.set) : 2 === a ? u.value = f : 3 === a ? u.get = f : 4 === a && (u.set = f), s ? 1 === a ? (_pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e, t) {
return, t);
}), _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e, t) {
return, t);
})) : 2 === a ? _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, f) : _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e, t) {
return, t);
}) : _Object$defineProperty(t, n, u));
function applyMemberDecs(Class, decInfos, instanceBrand) {
for (var protoInitializers, staticInitializers, staticBrand, ret = [], existingProtoNonFields = new _Map(), existingStaticNonFields = new _Map(), i = 0; i < decInfos.length; i++) {
var decInfo = decInfos[i];
if (_Array$isArray(decInfo)) {
var base,
kind = decInfo[1],
name = decInfo[2],
isPrivate = decInfo.length > 3,
isStatic = kind >= 5,
hasPrivateBrand = instanceBrand;
if (isStatic ? (base = Class, 0 !== (kind -= 5) && (initializers = staticInitializers = staticInitializers || []), isPrivate && !staticBrand && (staticBrand = function staticBrand(_) {
return checkInRHS(_) === Class;
}), hasPrivateBrand = staticBrand) : (base = Class.prototype, 0 !== kind && (initializers = protoInitializers = protoInitializers || [])), 0 !== kind && !isPrivate) {
var existingNonFields = isStatic ? existingStaticNonFields : existingProtoNonFields,
existingKind = existingNonFields.get(name) || 0;
if (!0 === existingKind || 3 === existingKind && 4 !== kind || 4 === existingKind && 3 !== kind) throw new Error("Attempted to decorate a public method/accessor that has the same name as a previously decorated public method/accessor. This is not currently supported by the decorators plugin. Property name was: " + name);
!existingKind && kind > 2 ? existingNonFields.set(name, kind) : existingNonFields.set(name, !0);
function applyMemberDecs(e, t, r) {
for (var n, a, i, s = [], o = new _Map(), c = new _Map(), u = 0; u < t.length; u++) {
var l = t[u];
if (_Array$isArray(l)) {
var f,
d = l[1],
h = l[2],
v = l.length > 3,
g = d >= 5,
y = r;
if (g ? (f = e, 0 !== (d -= 5) && (p = a = a || []), v && !i && (i = function i(t) {
return checkInRHS(t) === e;
}), y = i) : (f = e.prototype, 0 !== d && (p = n = n || [])), 0 !== d && !v) {
var m = g ? c : o,
b = m.get(h) || 0;
if (!0 === b || 3 === b && 4 !== d || 4 === b && 3 !== d) throw new Error("Attempted to decorate a public method/accessor that has the same name as a previously decorated public method/accessor. This is not currently supported by the decorators plugin. Property name was: " + h);
!b && d > 2 ? m.set(h, d) : m.set(h, !0);
applyMemberDec(ret, base, decInfo, name, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, initializers, hasPrivateBrand);
applyMemberDec(s, f, l, h, d, g, v, p, y);
return pushInitializers(ret, protoInitializers), pushInitializers(ret, staticInitializers), ret;
return pushInitializers(s, n), pushInitializers(s, a), s;
function pushInitializers(ret, initializers) {
initializers && _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance) {
for (var i = 0; i < initializers.length; i++) initializers[i].call(instance);
return instance;
function pushInitializers(e, t) {
t && _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) t[r].call(e);
return e;
return function (targetClass, memberDecs, classDecs, instanceBrand) {
return function (e, t, r, n) {
return {
e: applyMemberDecs(targetClass, memberDecs, instanceBrand),
e: applyMemberDecs(e, t, n),
get c() {
return function (targetClass, classDecs) {
if (classDecs.length > 0) {
for (var initializers = [], newClass = targetClass, name =, i = classDecs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var decoratorFinishedRef = {
return function (e, t) {
if (t.length > 0) {
for (var r = [], n = e, a =, i = t.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var s = {
v: !1
try {
var nextNewClass = classDecs[i](newClass, {
var o = t[i](n, {
kind: "class",
name: name,
addInitializer: createAddInitializerMethod(initializers, decoratorFinishedRef)
name: a,
addInitializer: createAddInitializerMethod(r, s)
} finally {
decoratorFinishedRef.v = !0;
s.v = !0;
void 0 !== nextNewClass && (assertValidReturnValue(10, nextNewClass), newClass = nextNewClass);
void 0 !== o && (assertValidReturnValue(10, o), n = o);
return [newClass, function () {
for (var i = 0; i < initializers.length; i++) initializers[i].call(newClass);
return [n, function () {
for (var e = 0; e < r.length; e++) r[e].call(n);
}(targetClass, classDecs);
}(e, r);

@@ -226,4 +226,4 @@ };

export default function applyDecs2301(targetClass, memberDecs, classDecs, instanceBrand) {
return (applyDecs2301 = applyDecs2301Factory())(targetClass, memberDecs, classDecs, instanceBrand);
export default function applyDecs2301(e, t, r, n) {
return (applyDecs2301 = applyDecs2301Factory())(e, t, r, n);

@@ -9,218 +9,218 @@ import _typeof from "./typeof.js";

import checkInRHS from "./checkInRHS.js";
function createAddInitializerMethod(initializers, decoratorFinishedRef) {
return function (initializer) {
assertNotFinished(decoratorFinishedRef, "addInitializer"), assertCallable(initializer, "An initializer"), _pushInstanceProperty(initializers).call(initializers, initializer);
function createAddInitializerMethod(e, t) {
return function (r) {
assertNotFinished(t, "addInitializer"), assertCallable(r, "An initializer"), _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, r);
function assertInstanceIfPrivate(has, target) {
if (!has(target)) throw new TypeError("Attempted to access private element on non-instance");
function assertInstanceIfPrivate(e, t) {
if (!e(t)) throw new TypeError("Attempted to access private element on non-instance");
function memberDec(dec, thisArg, name, desc, initializers, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, value, hasPrivateBrand) {
var kindStr;
switch (kind) {
function memberDec(e, t, r, n, a, i, s, o, c, l) {
var u;
switch (i) {
case 1:
kindStr = "accessor";
u = "accessor";
case 2:
kindStr = "method";
u = "method";
case 3:
kindStr = "getter";
u = "getter";
case 4:
kindStr = "setter";
u = "setter";
kindStr = "field";
u = "field";
var get,
ctx = {
kind: kindStr,
name: isPrivate ? "#" + name : name,
"static": isStatic,
"private": isPrivate
var f,
p = {
kind: u,
name: o ? "#" + r : r,
"static": s,
"private": o
decoratorFinishedRef = {
h = {
v: !1
if (0 !== kind && (ctx.addInitializer = createAddInitializerMethod(initializers, decoratorFinishedRef)), isPrivate || 0 !== kind && 2 !== kind) {
if (2 === kind) get = function get(target) {
return assertInstanceIfPrivate(hasPrivateBrand, target), desc.value;
if (0 !== i && (p.addInitializer = createAddInitializerMethod(a, h)), o || 0 !== i && 2 !== i) {
if (2 === i) f = function f(e) {
return assertInstanceIfPrivate(l, e), n.value;
};else {
var t = 0 === kind || 1 === kind;
(t || 3 === kind) && (get = isPrivate ? function (target) {
return assertInstanceIfPrivate(hasPrivateBrand, target),;
} : function (target) {
}), (t || 4 === kind) && (set = isPrivate ? function (target, value) {
assertInstanceIfPrivate(hasPrivateBrand, target),, value);
} : function (target, value) {, value);
var v = 0 === i || 1 === i;
(v || 3 === i) && (f = o ? function (e) {
return assertInstanceIfPrivate(l, e),;
} : function (e) {
}), (v || 4 === i) && (d = o ? function (e, t) {
assertInstanceIfPrivate(l, e),, t);
} : function (e, t) {, t);
} else get = function get(target) {
return target[name];
}, 0 === kind && (set = function set(target, v) {
target[name] = v;
} else f = function f(e) {
return e[r];
}, 0 === i && (d = function d(e, t) {
e[r] = t;
var has = isPrivate ? _bindInstanceProperty(hasPrivateBrand).call(hasPrivateBrand) : function (target) {
return name in target;
var y = o ? _bindInstanceProperty(l).call(l) : function (e) {
return r in e;
ctx.access = get && set ? {
get: get,
set: set,
has: has
} : get ? {
get: get,
has: has
p.access = f && d ? {
get: f,
set: d,
has: y
} : f ? {
get: f,
has: y
} : {
set: set,
has: has
set: d,
has: y
try {
return, value, ctx);
return, c, p);
} finally {
decoratorFinishedRef.v = !0;
h.v = !0;
function assertNotFinished(decoratorFinishedRef, fnName) {
if (decoratorFinishedRef.v) throw new Error("attempted to call " + fnName + " after decoration was finished");
function assertNotFinished(e, t) {
if (e.v) throw new Error("attempted to call " + t + " after decoration was finished");
function assertCallable(fn, hint) {
if ("function" != typeof fn) throw new TypeError(hint + " must be a function");
function assertCallable(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof e) throw new TypeError(t + " must be a function");
function assertValidReturnValue(kind, value) {
var type = _typeof(value);
if (1 === kind) {
if ("object" !== type || null === value) throw new TypeError("accessor decorators must return an object with get, set, or init properties or void 0");
void 0 !== value.get && assertCallable(value.get, "accessor.get"), void 0 !== value.set && assertCallable(value.set, "accessor.set"), void 0 !== value.init && assertCallable(value.init, "accessor.init");
} else if ("function" !== type) {
var hint;
throw hint = 0 === kind ? "field" : 5 === kind ? "class" : "method", new TypeError(hint + " decorators must return a function or void 0");
function assertValidReturnValue(e, t) {
var r = _typeof(t);
if (1 === e) {
if ("object" !== r || null === t) throw new TypeError("accessor decorators must return an object with get, set, or init properties or void 0");
void 0 !== t.get && assertCallable(t.get, "accessor.get"), void 0 !== t.set && assertCallable(t.set, "accessor.set"), void 0 !== t.init && assertCallable(t.init, "accessor.init");
} else if ("function" !== r) {
var n;
throw n = 0 === e ? "field" : 5 === e ? "class" : "method", new TypeError(n + " decorators must return a function or void 0");
function curryThis1(fn) {
function curryThis1(e) {
return function () {
return fn(this);
return e(this);
function curryThis2(fn) {
return function (value) {
fn(this, value);
function curryThis2(e) {
return function (t) {
e(this, t);
function applyMemberDec(ret, base, decInfo, decoratorsHaveThis, name, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, initializers, hasPrivateBrand) {
var desc,
decs = decInfo[0];
decoratorsHaveThis || _Array$isArray(decs) || (decs = [decs]), isPrivate ? desc = 0 === kind || 1 === kind ? {
get: curryThis1(decInfo[3]),
set: curryThis2(decInfo[4])
} : 3 === kind ? {
get: decInfo[3]
} : 4 === kind ? {
set: decInfo[3]
function applyMemberDec(e, t, r, n, a, i, s, o, c, l) {
var u,
y = r[0];
n || _Array$isArray(y) || (y = [y]), o ? u = 0 === i || 1 === i ? {
get: curryThis1(r[3]),
set: curryThis2(r[4])
} : 3 === i ? {
get: r[3]
} : 4 === i ? {
set: r[3]
} : {
value: decInfo[3]
} : 0 !== kind && (desc = _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor(base, name)), 1 === kind ? value = {
get: desc.get,
set: desc.set
} : 2 === kind ? value = desc.value : 3 === kind ? value = desc.get : 4 === kind && (value = desc.set);
for (var inc = decoratorsHaveThis ? 2 : 1, i = decs.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= inc) {
var newInit;
if (void 0 !== (newValue = memberDec(decs[i], decoratorsHaveThis ? decs[i - 1] : void 0, name, desc, initializers, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, value, hasPrivateBrand))) assertValidReturnValue(kind, newValue), 0 === kind ? newInit = newValue : 1 === kind ? (newInit = newValue.init, get = newValue.get || value.get, set = newValue.set || value.set, value = {
get: get,
set: set
}) : value = newValue, void 0 !== newInit && (void 0 === init ? init = newInit : "function" == typeof init ? init = [init, newInit] : _pushInstanceProperty(init).call(init, newInit));
value: r[3]
} : 0 !== i && (u = _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, a)), 1 === i ? d = {
get: u.get,
set: u.set
} : 2 === i ? d = u.value : 3 === i ? d = u.get : 4 === i && (d = u.set);
for (var g = n ? 2 : 1, m = y.length - 1; m >= 0; m -= g) {
var b;
if (void 0 !== (p = memberDec(y[m], n ? y[m - 1] : void 0, a, u, c, i, s, o, d, l))) assertValidReturnValue(i, p), 0 === i ? b = p : 1 === i ? (b = p.init, h = p.get || d.get, v = p.set || d.set, d = {
get: h,
set: v
}) : d = p, void 0 !== b && (void 0 === f ? f = b : "function" == typeof f ? f = [f, b] : _pushInstanceProperty(f).call(f, b));
if (0 === kind || 1 === kind) {
if (void 0 === init) init = function init(instance, _init) {
return _init;
};else if ("function" != typeof init) {
var ownInitializers = init;
init = function init(instance, _init2) {
for (var value = _init2, i = ownInitializers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) value = ownInitializers[i].call(instance, value);
return value;
if (0 === i || 1 === i) {
if (void 0 === f) f = function f(e, t) {
return t;
};else if ("function" != typeof f) {
var I = f;
f = function f(e, t) {
for (var r = t, n = I.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) r = I[n].call(e, r);
return r;
} else {
var originalInitializer = init;
init = function init(instance, _init3) {
return, _init3);
var w = f;
f = function f(e, t) {
return, t);
_pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, init);
_pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, f);
0 !== kind && (1 === kind ? (desc.get = value.get, desc.set = value.set) : 2 === kind ? desc.value = value : 3 === kind ? desc.get = value : 4 === kind && (desc.set = value), isPrivate ? 1 === kind ? (_pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance, args) {
return, args);
}), _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance, args) {
return, args);
})) : 2 === kind ? _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, value) : _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance, args) {
return, args);
}) : _Object$defineProperty(base, name, desc));
0 !== i && (1 === i ? (u.get = d.get, u.set = d.set) : 2 === i ? u.value = d : 3 === i ? u.get = d : 4 === i && (u.set = d), o ? 1 === i ? (_pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e, t) {
return, t);
}), _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e, t) {
return, t);
})) : 2 === i ? _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, d) : _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e, t) {
return, t);
}) : _Object$defineProperty(t, a, u));
function applyMemberDecs(Class, decInfos, instanceBrand) {
for (var protoInitializers, staticInitializers, staticBrand, ret = [], existingProtoNonFields = new _Map(), existingStaticNonFields = new _Map(), i = 0; i < decInfos.length; i++) {
var decInfo = decInfos[i];
if (_Array$isArray(decInfo)) {
var base,
kind = decInfo[1],
name = decInfo[2],
isPrivate = decInfo.length > 3,
decoratorsHaveThis = 16 & kind,
isStatic = !!(8 & kind),
hasPrivateBrand = instanceBrand;
if (kind &= 7, isStatic ? (base = Class, 0 !== kind && (initializers = staticInitializers = staticInitializers || []), isPrivate && !staticBrand && (staticBrand = function staticBrand(_) {
return checkInRHS(_) === Class;
}), hasPrivateBrand = staticBrand) : (base = Class.prototype, 0 !== kind && (initializers = protoInitializers = protoInitializers || [])), 0 !== kind && !isPrivate) {
var existingNonFields = isStatic ? existingStaticNonFields : existingProtoNonFields,
existingKind = existingNonFields.get(name) || 0;
if (!0 === existingKind || 3 === existingKind && 4 !== kind || 4 === existingKind && 3 !== kind) throw new Error("Attempted to decorate a public method/accessor that has the same name as a previously decorated public method/accessor. This is not currently supported by the decorators plugin. Property name was: " + name);
existingNonFields.set(name, !(!existingKind && kind > 2) || kind);
function applyMemberDecs(e, t, r) {
for (var n, a, i, s = [], o = new _Map(), c = new _Map(), l = 0; l < t.length; l++) {
var u = t[l];
if (_Array$isArray(u)) {
var f,
p = u[1],
h = u[2],
v = u.length > 3,
y = 16 & p,
g = !!(8 & p),
m = r;
if (p &= 7, g ? (f = e, 0 !== p && (d = a = a || []), v && !i && (i = function i(t) {
return checkInRHS(t) === e;
}), m = i) : (f = e.prototype, 0 !== p && (d = n = n || [])), 0 !== p && !v) {
var b = g ? c : o,
I = b.get(h) || 0;
if (!0 === I || 3 === I && 4 !== p || 4 === I && 3 !== p) throw new Error("Attempted to decorate a public method/accessor that has the same name as a previously decorated public method/accessor. This is not currently supported by the decorators plugin. Property name was: " + h);
b.set(h, !(!I && p > 2) || p);
applyMemberDec(ret, base, decInfo, decoratorsHaveThis, name, kind, isStatic, isPrivate, initializers, hasPrivateBrand);
applyMemberDec(s, f, u, y, h, p, g, v, d, m);
return pushInitializers(ret, protoInitializers), pushInitializers(ret, staticInitializers), ret;
return pushInitializers(s, n), pushInitializers(s, a), s;
function pushInitializers(ret, initializers) {
initializers && _pushInstanceProperty(ret).call(ret, function (instance) {
for (var i = 0; i < initializers.length; i++) initializers[i].call(instance);
return instance;
function pushInitializers(e, t) {
t && _pushInstanceProperty(e).call(e, function (e) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) t[r].call(e);
return e;
function applyClassDecs(targetClass, classDecs, decoratorsHaveThis) {
if (classDecs.length) {
for (var initializers = [], newClass = targetClass, name =, inc = decoratorsHaveThis ? 2 : 1, i = classDecs.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= inc) {
var decoratorFinishedRef = {
function applyClassDecs(e, t, r) {
if (t.length) {
for (var n = [], a = e, i =, s = r ? 2 : 1, o = t.length - 1; o >= 0; o -= s) {
var c = {
v: !1
try {
var nextNewClass = classDecs[i].call(decoratorsHaveThis ? classDecs[i - 1] : void 0, newClass, {
var l = t[o].call(r ? t[o - 1] : void 0, a, {
kind: "class",
name: name,
addInitializer: createAddInitializerMethod(initializers, decoratorFinishedRef)
name: i,
addInitializer: createAddInitializerMethod(n, c)
} finally {
decoratorFinishedRef.v = !0;
c.v = !0;
void 0 !== nextNewClass && (assertValidReturnValue(5, nextNewClass), newClass = nextNewClass);
void 0 !== l && (assertValidReturnValue(5, l), a = l);
return [newClass, function () {
for (var i = 0; i < initializers.length; i++) initializers[i].call(newClass);
return [a, function () {
for (var e = 0; e < n.length; e++) n[e].call(a);
export default function applyDecs2305(targetClass, memberDecs, classDecs, classDecsHaveThis, instanceBrand) {
export default function applyDecs2305(e, t, r, n, a) {
return {
e: applyMemberDecs(targetClass, memberDecs, instanceBrand),
e: applyMemberDecs(e, t, a),
get c() {
return applyClassDecs(targetClass, classDecs, classDecsHaveThis);
return applyClassDecs(e, r, n);

@@ -5,28 +5,28 @@ import _Promise from "core-js-pure/features/promise/index.js";

import OverloadYield from "./OverloadYield.js";
export default function AsyncGenerator(gen) {
var front, back;
function resume(key, arg) {
export default function AsyncGenerator(e) {
var r, t;
function resume(r, t) {
try {
var result = gen[key](arg),
value = result.value,
overloaded = value instanceof OverloadYield;
_Promise.resolve(overloaded ? value.v : value).then(function (arg) {
if (overloaded) {
var nextKey = "return" === key ? "return" : "next";
if (!value.k || arg.done) return resume(nextKey, arg);
arg = gen[nextKey](arg).value;
var n = e[r](t),
o = n.value,
u = o instanceof OverloadYield;
_Promise.resolve(u ? o.v : o).then(function (t) {
if (u) {
var i = "return" === r ? "return" : "next";
if (!o.k || t.done) return resume(i, t);
t = e[i](t).value;
settle(result.done ? "return" : "normal", arg);
}, function (err) {
resume("throw", err);
settle(n.done ? "return" : "normal", t);
}, function (e) {
resume("throw", e);
} catch (err) {
settle("throw", err);
} catch (e) {
settle("throw", e);
function settle(type, value) {
switch (type) {
function settle(e, n) {
switch (e) {
case "return":
value: value,
value: n,
done: !0

@@ -36,33 +36,33 @@ });

case "throw":
value: value,
value: n,
done: !1
(front = ? resume(front.key, front.arg) : back = null;
(r = ? resume(r.key, r.arg) : t = null;
this._invoke = function (key, arg) {
return new _Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var request = {
key: key,
arg: arg,
resolve: resolve,
reject: reject,
this._invoke = function (e, n) {
return new _Promise(function (o, u) {
var i = {
key: e,
arg: n,
resolve: o,
reject: u,
next: null
back ? back = = request : (front = back = request, resume(key, arg));
t ? t = = i : (r = t = i, resume(e, n));
}, "function" != typeof gen["return"] && (this["return"] = void 0);
}, "function" != typeof e["return"] && (this["return"] = void 0);
AsyncGenerator.prototype["function" == typeof _Symbol && _Symbol$asyncIterator || "@@asyncIterator"] = function () {
return this;
}, = function (arg) {
return this._invoke("next", arg);
}, AsyncGenerator.prototype["throw"] = function (arg) {
return this._invoke("throw", arg);
}, AsyncGenerator.prototype["return"] = function (arg) {
return this._invoke("return", arg);
}, = function (e) {
return this._invoke("next", e);
}, AsyncGenerator.prototype["throw"] = function (e) {
return this._invoke("throw", e);
}, AsyncGenerator.prototype["return"] = function (e) {
return this._invoke("return", e);

@@ -5,23 +5,23 @@ import _Promise from "core-js-pure/features/promise/index.js";

import OverloadYield from "./OverloadYield.js";
export default function _asyncGeneratorDelegate(inner) {
var iter = {},
waiting = !1;
function pump(key, value) {
return waiting = !0, value = new _Promise(function (resolve) {
export default function _asyncGeneratorDelegate(t) {
var e = {},
n = !1;
function pump(e, r) {
return n = !0, r = new _Promise(function (n) {
}), {
done: !1,
value: new OverloadYield(value, 1)
value: new OverloadYield(r, 1)
return iter["undefined" != typeof _Symbol && _Symbol$iterator || "@@iterator"] = function () {
return e["undefined" != typeof _Symbol && _Symbol$iterator || "@@iterator"] = function () {
return this;
}, = function (value) {
return waiting ? (waiting = !1, value) : pump("next", value);
}, "function" == typeof inner["throw"] && (iter["throw"] = function (value) {
if (waiting) throw waiting = !1, value;
return pump("throw", value);
}), "function" == typeof inner["return"] && (iter["return"] = function (value) {
return waiting ? (waiting = !1, value) : pump("return", value);
}), iter;
}, = function (t) {
return n ? (n = !1, t) : pump("next", t);
}, "function" == typeof t["throw"] && (e["throw"] = function (t) {
if (n) throw n = !1, t;
return pump("throw", t);
}), "function" == typeof t["return"] && (e["return"] = function (t) {
return n ? (n = !1, t) : pump("return", t);
}), e;

@@ -5,27 +5,27 @@ import _Symbol from "core-js-pure/features/symbol/index.js";

import _Promise from "core-js-pure/features/promise/index.js";
export default function _asyncIterator(iterable) {
var method,
retry = 2;
for ("undefined" != typeof _Symbol && (async = _Symbol$asyncIterator, sync = _Symbol$iterator); retry--;) {
if (async && null != (method = iterable[async])) return;
if (sync && null != (method = iterable[sync])) return new AsyncFromSyncIterator(;
async = "@@asyncIterator", sync = "@@iterator";
export default function _asyncIterator(r) {
var n,
e = 2;
for ("undefined" != typeof _Symbol && (t = _Symbol$asyncIterator, o = _Symbol$iterator); e--;) {
if (t && null != (n = r[t])) return;
if (o && null != (n = r[o])) return new AsyncFromSyncIterator(;
t = "@@asyncIterator", o = "@@iterator";
throw new TypeError("Object is not async iterable");
function AsyncFromSyncIterator(s) {
function AsyncFromSyncIterator(r) {
function AsyncFromSyncIteratorContinuation(r) {
if (Object(r) !== r) return _Promise.reject(new TypeError(r + " is not an object."));
var done = r.done;
return _Promise.resolve(r.value).then(function (value) {
var n = r.done;
return _Promise.resolve(r.value).then(function (r) {
return {
value: value,
done: done
value: r,
done: n
return AsyncFromSyncIterator = function AsyncFromSyncIterator(s) {
this.s = s, this.n =;
return AsyncFromSyncIterator = function AsyncFromSyncIterator(r) {
this.s = r, this.n =;
}, AsyncFromSyncIterator.prototype = {

@@ -37,14 +37,14 @@ s: null,

"return": function _return(value) {
var ret = this.s["return"];
return void 0 === ret ? _Promise.resolve({
value: value,
"return": function _return(r) {
var n = this.s["return"];
return void 0 === n ? _Promise.resolve({
value: r,
done: !0
}) : AsyncFromSyncIteratorContinuation(ret.apply(this.s, arguments));
}) : AsyncFromSyncIteratorContinuation(n.apply(this.s, arguments));
"throw": function _throw(value) {
var thr = this.s["return"];
return void 0 === thr ? _Promise.reject(value) : AsyncFromSyncIteratorContinuation(thr.apply(this.s, arguments));
"throw": function _throw(r) {
var n = this.s["return"];
return void 0 === n ? _Promise.reject(r) : AsyncFromSyncIteratorContinuation(n.apply(this.s, arguments));
}, new AsyncFromSyncIterator(s);
}, new AsyncFromSyncIterator(r);
import OverloadYield from "./OverloadYield.js";
export default function _awaitAsyncGenerator(value) {
return new OverloadYield(value, 0);
export default function _awaitAsyncGenerator(e) {
return new OverloadYield(e, 0);
import _typeof from "./typeof.js";
export default function _checkInRHS(value) {
if (Object(value) !== value) throw TypeError("right-hand side of 'in' should be an object, got " + (null !== value ? _typeof(value) : "null"));
return value;
export default function _checkInRHS(e) {
if (Object(e) !== e) throw TypeError("right-hand side of 'in' should be an object, got " + (null !== e ? _typeof(e) : "null"));
return e;
import _Object$defineProperty from "core-js-pure/features/object/define-property.js";
export default function _defineAccessor(type, obj, key, fn) {
var desc = {
export default function _defineAccessor(e, r, n, t) {
var c = {
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0
return desc[type] = fn, _Object$defineProperty(obj, key, desc);
return c[e] = t, _Object$defineProperty(r, n, c);
import _SuppressedError from "core-js-pure/features/suppressed-error.js";
import _Object$create from "core-js-pure/features/object/create.js";
import _Promise from "core-js-pure/features/promise/index.js";
function dispose_SuppressedError(suppressed, error) {
return "undefined" != typeof _SuppressedError ? dispose_SuppressedError = _SuppressedError : (dispose_SuppressedError = function dispose_SuppressedError(suppressed, error) {
this.suppressed = suppressed, this.error = error, this.stack = new Error().stack;
function dispose_SuppressedError(r, e) {
return "undefined" != typeof _SuppressedError ? dispose_SuppressedError = _SuppressedError : (dispose_SuppressedError = function dispose_SuppressedError(r, e) {
this.suppressed = r, this.error = e, this.stack = new Error().stack;
}, dispose_SuppressedError.prototype = _Object$create(Error.prototype, {

@@ -13,19 +13,19 @@ constructor: {

})), new dispose_SuppressedError(suppressed, error);
})), new dispose_SuppressedError(r, e);
export default function _dispose(stack, error, hasError) {
export default function _dispose(r, e, s) {
function next() {
for (; stack.length > 0;) try {
var r = stack.pop(),
p =;
if (r.a) return _Promise.resolve(p).then(next, err);
} catch (e) {
return err(e);
for (; r.length > 0;) try {
var o = r.pop(),
p =;
if (o.a) return _Promise.resolve(p).then(next, err);
} catch (r) {
return err(r);
if (hasError) throw error;
if (s) throw e;
function err(e) {
return error = hasError ? new dispose_SuppressedError(e, error) : e, hasError = !0, next();
function err(r) {
return e = s ? new dispose_SuppressedError(r, e) : r, s = !0, next();
return next();
import _Symbol from "core-js-pure/features/symbol/index.js";
import _getIteratorMethod from "core-js-pure/features/get-iterator-method.js";
import _pushInstanceProperty from "core-js-pure/features/instance/push.js";
export default function _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) {
var _i = null == arr ? null : "undefined" != typeof _Symbol && _getIteratorMethod(arr) || arr["@@iterator"];
if (null != _i) {
var _s,
_arr = [],
_n = !0,
_d = !1;
export default function _iterableToArrayLimit(r, l) {
var t = null == r ? null : "undefined" != typeof _Symbol && _getIteratorMethod(r) || r["@@iterator"];
if (null != t) {
var e,
a = [],
f = !0,
o = !1;
try {
if (_x = (_i =, 0 === i) {
if (Object(_i) !== _i) return;
_n = !1;
} else for (; !(_n = (_s = && (_pushInstanceProperty(_arr).call(_arr, _s.value), _arr.length !== i); _n = !0);
} catch (err) {
_d = !0, _e = err;
if (i = (t =, 0 === l) {
if (Object(t) !== t) return;
f = !1;
} else for (; !(f = (e = && (_pushInstanceProperty(a).call(a, e.value), a.length !== l); f = !0);
} catch (r) {
o = !0, n = r;
} finally {
try {
if (!_n && null != _i["return"] && (_r = _i["return"](), Object(_r) !== _r)) return;
if (!f && null != t["return"] && (u = t["return"](), Object(u) !== u)) return;
} finally {
if (_d) throw _e;
if (o) throw n;
return _arr;
return a;
import _Symbol from "core-js-pure/features/symbol/index.js";
import _getIteratorMethod from "core-js-pure/features/get-iterator-method.js";
import _pushInstanceProperty from "core-js-pure/features/instance/push.js";
export default function _iterableToArrayLimitLoose(arr, i) {
var _i = arr && ("undefined" != typeof _Symbol && _getIteratorMethod(arr) || arr["@@iterator"]);
if (null != _i) {
var _s,
_arr = [];
for (_i =; arr.length < i && !(_s =;) _pushInstanceProperty(_arr).call(_arr, _s.value);
return _arr;
export default function _iterableToArrayLimitLoose(e, r) {
var t = e && ("undefined" != typeof _Symbol && _getIteratorMethod(e) || e["@@iterator"]);
if (null != t) {
var o,
l = [];
for (t =; e.length < r && !(o =;) _pushInstanceProperty(l).call(l, o.value);
return l;
import _Symbol from "core-js-pure/features/symbol/index.js";
import _Symbol$for from "core-js-pure/features/symbol/for.js";
export default function _createRawReactElement(type, props, key, children) {
export default function _createRawReactElement(e, r, E, l) {
REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE || (REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE = "function" == typeof _Symbol && _Symbol$for && _Symbol$for("react.element") || 60103);
var defaultProps = type && type.defaultProps,
childrenLength = arguments.length - 3;
if (props || 0 === childrenLength || (props = {
var o = e && e.defaultProps,
n = arguments.length - 3;
if (r || 0 === n || (r = {
children: void 0
}), 1 === childrenLength) props.children = children;else if (childrenLength > 1) {
for (var childArray = new Array(childrenLength), i = 0; i < childrenLength; i++) childArray[i] = arguments[i + 3];
props.children = childArray;
}), 1 === n) r.children = l;else if (n > 1) {
for (var t = new Array(n), f = 0; f < n; f++) t[f] = arguments[f + 3];
r.children = t;
if (props && defaultProps) for (var propName in defaultProps) void 0 === props[propName] && (props[propName] = defaultProps[propName]);else props || (props = defaultProps || {});
if (r && o) for (var i in o) void 0 === r[i] && (r[i] = o[i]);else r || (r = o || {});
return {
type: type,
key: void 0 === key ? null : "" + key,
type: e,
key: void 0 === E ? null : "" + E,
ref: null,
props: props,
props: r,
_owner: null

@@ -11,23 +11,23 @@ import _Object$keys from "core-js-pure/features/object/keys.js";

import defineProperty from "./defineProperty.js";
function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) {
var keys = _Object$keys(object);
function ownKeys(e, r) {
var t = _Object$keys(e);
if (_Object$getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var symbols = _Object$getOwnPropertySymbols(object);
enumerableOnly && (symbols = _filterInstanceProperty(symbols).call(symbols, function (sym) {
return _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable;
})), _pushInstanceProperty(keys).apply(keys, symbols);
var o = _Object$getOwnPropertySymbols(e);
r && (o = _filterInstanceProperty(o).call(o, function (r) {
return _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, r).enumerable;
})), _pushInstanceProperty(t).apply(t, o);
return keys;
return t;
export default function _objectSpread2(target) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
export default function _objectSpread2(e) {
for (var r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++) {
var _context, _context2;
var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {};
i % 2 ? _forEachInstanceProperty(_context = ownKeys(Object(source), !0)).call(_context, function (key) {
defineProperty(target, key, source[key]);
}) : _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? _Object$defineProperties(target, _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : _forEachInstanceProperty(_context2 = ownKeys(Object(source))).call(_context2, function (key) {
_Object$defineProperty(target, key, _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key));
var t = null != arguments[r] ? arguments[r] : {};
r % 2 ? _forEachInstanceProperty(_context = ownKeys(Object(t), !0)).call(_context, function (r) {
defineProperty(e, r, t[r]);
}) : _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? _Object$defineProperties(e, _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptors(t)) : _forEachInstanceProperty(_context2 = ownKeys(Object(t))).call(_context2, function (r) {
_Object$defineProperty(e, r, _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, r));
return target;
return e;

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

export default function _OverloadYield(value, kind) {
this.v = value, this.k = kind;
export default function _OverloadYield(t, e) {
this.v = t, this.k = e;

@@ -15,250 +15,255 @@ import _typeof from "./typeof.js";

_regeneratorRuntime = function _regeneratorRuntime() {
return exports;
return e;
var exports = {},
Op = Object.prototype,
hasOwn = Op.hasOwnProperty,
defineProperty = _Object$defineProperty || function (obj, key, desc) {
obj[key] = desc.value;
var t,
e = {},
r = Object.prototype,
n = r.hasOwnProperty,
o = _Object$defineProperty || function (t, e, r) {
t[e] = r.value;
$Symbol = "function" == typeof _Symbol ? _Symbol : {},
iteratorSymbol = $Symbol.iterator || "@@iterator",
asyncIteratorSymbol = $Symbol.asyncIterator || "@@asyncIterator",
toStringTagSymbol = $Symbol.toStringTag || "@@toStringTag";
function define(obj, key, value) {
return _Object$defineProperty(obj, key, {
value: value,
i = "function" == typeof _Symbol ? _Symbol : {},
a = i.iterator || "@@iterator",
c = i.asyncIterator || "@@asyncIterator",
u = i.toStringTag || "@@toStringTag";
function define(t, e, r) {
return _Object$defineProperty(t, e, {
value: r,
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0,
writable: !0
}), obj[key];
}), t[e];
try {
define({}, "");
} catch (err) {
define = function define(obj, key, value) {
return obj[key] = value;
} catch (t) {
define = function define(t, e, r) {
return t[e] = r;
function wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList) {
var protoGenerator = outerFn && outerFn.prototype instanceof Generator ? outerFn : Generator,
generator = _Object$create(protoGenerator.prototype),
context = new Context(tryLocsList || []);
return defineProperty(generator, "_invoke", {
value: makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context)
}), generator;
function wrap(t, e, r, n) {
var i = e && e.prototype instanceof Generator ? e : Generator,
a = _Object$create(i.prototype),
c = new Context(n || []);
return o(a, "_invoke", {
value: makeInvokeMethod(t, r, c)
}), a;
function tryCatch(fn, obj, arg) {
function tryCatch(t, e, r) {
try {
return {
type: "normal",
arg:, arg)
arg:, r)
} catch (err) {
} catch (t) {
return {
type: "throw",
arg: err
arg: t
exports.wrap = wrap;
var ContinueSentinel = {};
e.wrap = wrap;
var h = "suspendedStart",
l = "suspendedYield",
f = "executing",
s = "completed",
y = {};
function Generator() {}
function GeneratorFunction() {}
function GeneratorFunctionPrototype() {}
var IteratorPrototype = {};
define(IteratorPrototype, iteratorSymbol, function () {
var p = {};
define(p, a, function () {
return this;
var getProto = _Object$getPrototypeOf,
NativeIteratorPrototype = getProto && getProto(getProto(values([])));
NativeIteratorPrototype && NativeIteratorPrototype !== Op &&, iteratorSymbol) && (IteratorPrototype = NativeIteratorPrototype);
var Gp = GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype = Generator.prototype = _Object$create(IteratorPrototype);
function defineIteratorMethods(prototype) {
var d = _Object$getPrototypeOf,
v = d && d(d(values([])));
v && v !== r &&, a) && (p = v);
var g = GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype = Generator.prototype = _Object$create(p);
function defineIteratorMethods(t) {
var _context;
_forEachInstanceProperty(_context = ["next", "throw", "return"]).call(_context, function (method) {
define(prototype, method, function (arg) {
return this._invoke(method, arg);
_forEachInstanceProperty(_context = ["next", "throw", "return"]).call(_context, function (e) {
define(t, e, function (t) {
return this._invoke(e, t);
function AsyncIterator(generator, PromiseImpl) {
function invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject) {
var record = tryCatch(generator[method], generator, arg);
if ("throw" !== record.type) {
var result = record.arg,
value = result.value;
return value && "object" == _typeof(value) &&, "__await") ? PromiseImpl.resolve(value.__await).then(function (value) {
invoke("next", value, resolve, reject);
}, function (err) {
invoke("throw", err, resolve, reject);
}) : PromiseImpl.resolve(value).then(function (unwrapped) {
result.value = unwrapped, resolve(result);
}, function (error) {
return invoke("throw", error, resolve, reject);
function AsyncIterator(t, e) {
function invoke(r, o, i, a) {
var c = tryCatch(t[r], t, o);
if ("throw" !== c.type) {
var u = c.arg,
h = u.value;
return h && "object" == _typeof(h) &&, "__await") ? e.resolve(h.__await).then(function (t) {
invoke("next", t, i, a);
}, function (t) {
invoke("throw", t, i, a);
}) : e.resolve(h).then(function (t) {
u.value = t, i(u);
}, function (t) {
return invoke("throw", t, i, a);
var previousPromise;
defineProperty(this, "_invoke", {
value: function value(method, arg) {
var r;
o(this, "_invoke", {
value: function value(t, n) {
function callInvokeWithMethodAndArg() {
return new PromiseImpl(function (resolve, reject) {
invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject);
return new e(function (e, r) {
invoke(t, n, e, r);
return previousPromise = previousPromise ? previousPromise.then(callInvokeWithMethodAndArg, callInvokeWithMethodAndArg) : callInvokeWithMethodAndArg();
return r = r ? r.then(callInvokeWithMethodAndArg, callInvokeWithMethodAndArg) : callInvokeWithMethodAndArg();
function makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context) {
var state = "suspendedStart";
return function (method, arg) {
if ("executing" === state) throw new Error("Generator is already running");
if ("completed" === state) {
if ("throw" === method) throw arg;
function makeInvokeMethod(e, r, n) {
var o = h;
return function (i, a) {
if (o === f) throw new Error("Generator is already running");
if (o === s) {
if ("throw" === i) throw a;
return {
value: void 0,
value: t,
done: !0
for (context.method = method, context.arg = arg;;) {
var delegate = context.delegate;
if (delegate) {
var delegateResult = maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context);
if (delegateResult) {
if (delegateResult === ContinueSentinel) continue;
return delegateResult;
for (n.method = i, n.arg = a;;) {
var c = n.delegate;
if (c) {
var u = maybeInvokeDelegate(c, n);
if (u) {
if (u === y) continue;
return u;
if ("next" === context.method) context.sent = context._sent = context.arg;else if ("throw" === context.method) {
if ("suspendedStart" === state) throw state = "completed", context.arg;
} else "return" === context.method && context.abrupt("return", context.arg);
state = "executing";
var record = tryCatch(innerFn, self, context);
if ("normal" === record.type) {
if (state = context.done ? "completed" : "suspendedYield", record.arg === ContinueSentinel) continue;
if ("next" === n.method) n.sent = n._sent = n.arg;else if ("throw" === n.method) {
if (o === h) throw o = s, n.arg;
} else "return" === n.method && n.abrupt("return", n.arg);
o = f;
var p = tryCatch(e, r, n);
if ("normal" === p.type) {
if (o = n.done ? s : l, p.arg === y) continue;
return {
value: record.arg,
done: context.done
value: p.arg,
done: n.done
"throw" === record.type && (state = "completed", context.method = "throw", context.arg = record.arg);
"throw" === p.type && (o = s, n.method = "throw", n.arg = p.arg);
function maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context) {
var methodName = context.method,
method = delegate.iterator[methodName];
if (undefined === method) return context.delegate = null, "throw" === methodName && delegate.iterator["return"] && (context.method = "return", context.arg = undefined, maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context), "throw" === context.method) || "return" !== methodName && (context.method = "throw", context.arg = new TypeError("The iterator does not provide a '" + methodName + "' method")), ContinueSentinel;
var record = tryCatch(method, delegate.iterator, context.arg);
if ("throw" === record.type) return context.method = "throw", context.arg = record.arg, context.delegate = null, ContinueSentinel;
var info = record.arg;
return info ? info.done ? (context[delegate.resultName] = info.value, = delegate.nextLoc, "return" !== context.method && (context.method = "next", context.arg = undefined), context.delegate = null, ContinueSentinel) : info : (context.method = "throw", context.arg = new TypeError("iterator result is not an object"), context.delegate = null, ContinueSentinel);
function maybeInvokeDelegate(e, r) {
var n = r.method,
o = e.iterator[n];
if (o === t) return r.delegate = null, "throw" === n && e.iterator["return"] && (r.method = "return", r.arg = t, maybeInvokeDelegate(e, r), "throw" === r.method) || "return" !== n && (r.method = "throw", r.arg = new TypeError("The iterator does not provide a '" + n + "' method")), y;
var i = tryCatch(o, e.iterator, r.arg);
if ("throw" === i.type) return r.method = "throw", r.arg = i.arg, r.delegate = null, y;
var a = i.arg;
return a ? a.done ? (r[e.resultName] = a.value, = e.nextLoc, "return" !== r.method && (r.method = "next", r.arg = t), r.delegate = null, y) : a : (r.method = "throw", r.arg = new TypeError("iterator result is not an object"), r.delegate = null, y);
function pushTryEntry(locs) {
function pushTryEntry(t) {
var _context2;
var entry = {
tryLoc: locs[0]
var e = {
tryLoc: t[0]
1 in locs && (entry.catchLoc = locs[1]), 2 in locs && (entry.finallyLoc = locs[2], entry.afterLoc = locs[3]), _pushInstanceProperty(_context2 = this.tryEntries).call(_context2, entry);
1 in t && (e.catchLoc = t[1]), 2 in t && (e.finallyLoc = t[2], e.afterLoc = t[3]), _pushInstanceProperty(_context2 = this.tryEntries).call(_context2, e);
function resetTryEntry(entry) {
var record = entry.completion || {};
record.type = "normal", delete record.arg, entry.completion = record;
function resetTryEntry(t) {
var e = t.completion || {};
e.type = "normal", delete e.arg, t.completion = e;
function Context(tryLocsList) {
function Context(t) {
this.tryEntries = [{
tryLoc: "root"
}], _forEachInstanceProperty(tryLocsList).call(tryLocsList, pushTryEntry, this), this.reset(!0);
}], _forEachInstanceProperty(t).call(t, pushTryEntry, this), this.reset(!0);
function values(iterable) {
if (iterable || "" === iterable) {
var iteratorMethod = iterable[iteratorSymbol];
if (iteratorMethod) return;
if ("function" == typeof return iterable;
if (!isNaN(iterable.length)) {
var i = -1,
next = function next() {
for (; ++i < iterable.length;) if (, i)) return next.value = iterable[i], next.done = !1, next;
return next.value = undefined, next.done = !0, next;
function values(e) {
if (e || "" === e) {
var r = e[a];
if (r) return;
if ("function" == typeof return e;
if (!isNaN(e.length)) {
var o = -1,
i = function next() {
for (; ++o < e.length;) if (, o)) return next.value = e[o], next.done = !1, next;
return next.value = t, next.done = !0, next;
return = next;
return = i;
throw new TypeError(_typeof(iterable) + " is not iterable");
throw new TypeError(_typeof(e) + " is not iterable");
return GeneratorFunction.prototype = GeneratorFunctionPrototype, defineProperty(Gp, "constructor", {
return GeneratorFunction.prototype = GeneratorFunctionPrototype, o(g, "constructor", {
value: GeneratorFunctionPrototype,
configurable: !0
}), defineProperty(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, "constructor", {
}), o(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, "constructor", {
value: GeneratorFunction,
configurable: !0
}), GeneratorFunction.displayName = define(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, toStringTagSymbol, "GeneratorFunction"), exports.isGeneratorFunction = function (genFun) {
var ctor = "function" == typeof genFun && genFun.constructor;
return !!ctor && (ctor === GeneratorFunction || "GeneratorFunction" === (ctor.displayName ||;
}, exports.mark = function (genFun) {
return _Object$setPrototypeOf ? _Object$setPrototypeOf(genFun, GeneratorFunctionPrototype) : (genFun.__proto__ = GeneratorFunctionPrototype, define(genFun, toStringTagSymbol, "GeneratorFunction")), genFun.prototype = _Object$create(Gp), genFun;
}, exports.awrap = function (arg) {
}), GeneratorFunction.displayName = define(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, u, "GeneratorFunction"), e.isGeneratorFunction = function (t) {
var e = "function" == typeof t && t.constructor;
return !!e && (e === GeneratorFunction || "GeneratorFunction" === (e.displayName ||;
}, e.mark = function (t) {
return _Object$setPrototypeOf ? _Object$setPrototypeOf(t, GeneratorFunctionPrototype) : (t.__proto__ = GeneratorFunctionPrototype, define(t, u, "GeneratorFunction")), t.prototype = _Object$create(g), t;
}, e.awrap = function (t) {
return {
__await: arg
__await: t
}, defineIteratorMethods(AsyncIterator.prototype), define(AsyncIterator.prototype, asyncIteratorSymbol, function () {
}, defineIteratorMethods(AsyncIterator.prototype), define(AsyncIterator.prototype, c, function () {
return this;
}), exports.AsyncIterator = AsyncIterator, exports.async = function (innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList, PromiseImpl) {
void 0 === PromiseImpl && (PromiseImpl = _Promise);
var iter = new AsyncIterator(wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList), PromiseImpl);
return exports.isGeneratorFunction(outerFn) ? iter : (result) {
return result.done ? result.value :;
}), e.AsyncIterator = AsyncIterator, e.async = function (t, r, n, o, i) {
void 0 === i && (i = _Promise);
var a = new AsyncIterator(wrap(t, r, n, o), i);
return e.isGeneratorFunction(r) ? a : (t) {
return t.done ? t.value :;
}, defineIteratorMethods(Gp), define(Gp, toStringTagSymbol, "Generator"), define(Gp, iteratorSymbol, function () {
}, defineIteratorMethods(g), define(g, u, "Generator"), define(g, a, function () {
return this;
}), define(Gp, "toString", function () {
}), define(g, "toString", function () {
return "[object Generator]";
}), exports.keys = function (val) {
var object = Object(val),
keys = [];
for (var key in object) _pushInstanceProperty(keys).call(keys, key);
return _reverseInstanceProperty(keys).call(keys), function next() {
for (; keys.length;) {
var key = keys.pop();
if (key in object) return next.value = key, next.done = !1, next;
}), e.keys = function (t) {
var e = Object(t),
r = [];
for (var n in e) _pushInstanceProperty(r).call(r, n);
return _reverseInstanceProperty(r).call(r), function next() {
for (; r.length;) {
var t = r.pop();
if (t in e) return next.value = t, next.done = !1, next;
return next.done = !0, next;
}, exports.values = values, Context.prototype = {
}, e.values = values, Context.prototype = {
constructor: Context,
reset: function reset(skipTempReset) {
reset: function reset(e) {
var _context3;
if (this.prev = 0, = 0, this.sent = this._sent = undefined, this.done = !1, this.delegate = null, this.method = "next", this.arg = undefined, _forEachInstanceProperty(_context3 = this.tryEntries).call(_context3, resetTryEntry), !skipTempReset) for (var name in this) "t" === name.charAt(0) &&, name) && !isNaN(+_sliceInstanceProperty(name).call(name, 1)) && (this[name] = undefined);
if (this.prev = 0, = 0, this.sent = this._sent = t, this.done = !1, this.delegate = null, this.method = "next", this.arg = t, _forEachInstanceProperty(_context3 = this.tryEntries).call(_context3, resetTryEntry), !e) for (var r in this) "t" === r.charAt(0) &&, r) && !isNaN(+_sliceInstanceProperty(r).call(r, 1)) && (this[r] = t);
stop: function stop() {
this.done = !0;
var rootRecord = this.tryEntries[0].completion;
if ("throw" === rootRecord.type) throw rootRecord.arg;
var t = this.tryEntries[0].completion;
if ("throw" === t.type) throw t.arg;
return this.rval;
dispatchException: function dispatchException(exception) {
if (this.done) throw exception;
var context = this;
function handle(loc, caught) {
return record.type = "throw", record.arg = exception, = loc, caught && (context.method = "next", context.arg = undefined), !!caught;
dispatchException: function dispatchException(e) {
if (this.done) throw e;
var r = this;
function handle(n, o) {
return a.type = "throw", a.arg = e, = n, o && (r.method = "next", r.arg = t), !!o;
for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var entry = this.tryEntries[i],
record = entry.completion;
if ("root" === entry.tryLoc) return handle("end");
if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev) {
var hasCatch =, "catchLoc"),
hasFinally =, "finallyLoc");
if (hasCatch && hasFinally) {
if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) return handle(entry.catchLoc, !0);
if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) return handle(entry.finallyLoc);
} else if (hasCatch) {
if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) return handle(entry.catchLoc, !0);
for (var o = this.tryEntries.length - 1; o >= 0; --o) {
var i = this.tryEntries[o],
a = i.completion;
if ("root" === i.tryLoc) return handle("end");
if (i.tryLoc <= this.prev) {
var c =, "catchLoc"),
u =, "finallyLoc");
if (c && u) {
if (this.prev < i.catchLoc) return handle(i.catchLoc, !0);
if (this.prev < i.finallyLoc) return handle(i.finallyLoc);
} else if (c) {
if (this.prev < i.catchLoc) return handle(i.catchLoc, !0);
} else {
if (!hasFinally) throw new Error("try statement without catch or finally");
if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) return handle(entry.finallyLoc);
if (!u) throw new Error("try statement without catch or finally");
if (this.prev < i.finallyLoc) return handle(i.finallyLoc);

@@ -268,34 +273,34 @@ }

abrupt: function abrupt(type, arg) {
for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var entry = this.tryEntries[i];
if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev &&, "finallyLoc") && this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) {
var finallyEntry = entry;
abrupt: function abrupt(t, e) {
for (var r = this.tryEntries.length - 1; r >= 0; --r) {
var o = this.tryEntries[r];
if (o.tryLoc <= this.prev &&, "finallyLoc") && this.prev < o.finallyLoc) {
var i = o;
finallyEntry && ("break" === type || "continue" === type) && finallyEntry.tryLoc <= arg && arg <= finallyEntry.finallyLoc && (finallyEntry = null);
var record = finallyEntry ? finallyEntry.completion : {};
return record.type = type, record.arg = arg, finallyEntry ? (this.method = "next", = finallyEntry.finallyLoc, ContinueSentinel) : this.complete(record);
i && ("break" === t || "continue" === t) && i.tryLoc <= e && e <= i.finallyLoc && (i = null);
var a = i ? i.completion : {};
return a.type = t, a.arg = e, i ? (this.method = "next", = i.finallyLoc, y) : this.complete(a);
complete: function complete(record, afterLoc) {
if ("throw" === record.type) throw record.arg;
return "break" === record.type || "continue" === record.type ? = record.arg : "return" === record.type ? (this.rval = this.arg = record.arg, this.method = "return", = "end") : "normal" === record.type && afterLoc && ( = afterLoc), ContinueSentinel;
complete: function complete(t, e) {
if ("throw" === t.type) throw t.arg;
return "break" === t.type || "continue" === t.type ? = t.arg : "return" === t.type ? (this.rval = this.arg = t.arg, this.method = "return", = "end") : "normal" === t.type && e && ( = e), y;
finish: function finish(finallyLoc) {
for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var entry = this.tryEntries[i];
if (entry.finallyLoc === finallyLoc) return this.complete(entry.completion, entry.afterLoc), resetTryEntry(entry), ContinueSentinel;
finish: function finish(t) {
for (var e = this.tryEntries.length - 1; e >= 0; --e) {
var r = this.tryEntries[e];
if (r.finallyLoc === t) return this.complete(r.completion, r.afterLoc), resetTryEntry(r), y;
"catch": function _catch(tryLoc) {
for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var entry = this.tryEntries[i];
if (entry.tryLoc === tryLoc) {
var record = entry.completion;
if ("throw" === record.type) {
var thrown = record.arg;
"catch": function _catch(t) {
for (var e = this.tryEntries.length - 1; e >= 0; --e) {
var r = this.tryEntries[e];
if (r.tryLoc === t) {
var n = r.completion;
if ("throw" === n.type) {
var o = n.arg;
return thrown;
return o;

@@ -305,10 +310,10 @@ }

delegateYield: function delegateYield(iterable, resultName, nextLoc) {
delegateYield: function delegateYield(e, r, n) {
return this.delegate = {
iterator: values(iterable),
resultName: resultName,
nextLoc: nextLoc
}, "next" === this.method && (this.arg = undefined), ContinueSentinel;
iterator: values(e),
resultName: r,
nextLoc: n
}, "next" === this.method && (this.arg = t), y;
}, exports;
}, e;
import _Symbol from "core-js-pure/features/symbol/index.js";
import _Symbol$iterator from "core-js-pure/features/symbol/iterator.js";
export default function _typeof(obj) {
export default function _typeof(o) {
"@babel/helpers - typeof";
return _typeof = "function" == typeof _Symbol && "symbol" == typeof _Symbol$iterator ? function (obj) {
return typeof obj;
} : function (obj) {
return obj && "function" == typeof _Symbol && obj.constructor === _Symbol && obj !== _Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj;
}, _typeof(obj);
return _typeof = "function" == typeof _Symbol && "symbol" == typeof _Symbol$iterator ? function (o) {
return typeof o;
} : function (o) {
return o && "function" == typeof _Symbol && o.constructor === _Symbol && o !== _Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof o;
}, _typeof(o);

@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ import _typeof from "./typeof.js";

import _pushInstanceProperty from "core-js-pure/features/instance/push.js";
export default function _using(stack, value, isAwait) {
if (null == value) return value;
if ("object" != _typeof(value)) throw new TypeError("using declarations can only be used with objects, null, or undefined.");
if (isAwait) var dispose = value[_Symbol$asyncDispose || _Symbol$for("Symbol.asyncDispose")];
if (null == dispose && (dispose = value[_Symbol$dispose || _Symbol$for("Symbol.dispose")]), "function" != typeof dispose) throw new TypeError("Property [Symbol.dispose] is not a function.");
return _pushInstanceProperty(stack).call(stack, {
v: value,
d: dispose,
a: isAwait
}), value;
export default function _using(o, e, n) {
if (null == e) return e;
if ("object" != _typeof(e)) throw new TypeError("using declarations can only be used with objects, null, or undefined.");
if (n) var r = e[_Symbol$asyncDispose || _Symbol$for("Symbol.asyncDispose")];
if (null == r && (r = e[_Symbol$dispose || _Symbol$for("Symbol.dispose")]), "function" != typeof r) throw new TypeError("Property [Symbol.dispose] is not a function.");
return _pushInstanceProperty(o).call(o, {
v: e,
d: r,
a: n
}), e;

@@ -13,49 +13,49 @@ import _typeof from "./typeof.js";

export default function _wrapRegExp() {
_wrapRegExp = function _wrapRegExp(re, groups) {
return new BabelRegExp(re, void 0, groups);
_wrapRegExp = function _wrapRegExp(e, r) {
return new BabelRegExp(e, void 0, r);
var _super = RegExp.prototype,
_groups = new _WeakMap();
function BabelRegExp(re, flags, groups) {
var _this = new RegExp(re, flags);
return _groups.set(_this, groups || _groups.get(re)), setPrototypeOf(_this, BabelRegExp.prototype);
var e = RegExp.prototype,
r = new _WeakMap();
function BabelRegExp(e, t, p) {
var o = new RegExp(e, t);
return r.set(o, p || r.get(e)), setPrototypeOf(o, BabelRegExp.prototype);
function buildGroups(result, re) {
function buildGroups(e, t) {
var _context;
var g = _groups.get(re);
return _reduceInstanceProperty(_context = _Object$keys(g)).call(_context, function (groups, name) {
var i = g[name];
if ("number" == typeof i) groups[name] = result[i];else {
for (var k = 0; void 0 === result[i[k]] && k + 1 < i.length;) k++;
groups[name] = result[i[k]];
var p = r.get(t);
return _reduceInstanceProperty(_context = _Object$keys(p)).call(_context, function (r, t) {
var o = p[t];
if ("number" == typeof o) r[t] = e[o];else {
for (var i = 0; void 0 === e[o[i]] && i + 1 < o.length;) i++;
r[t] = e[o[i]];
return groups;
return r;
}, _Object$create(null));
return inherits(BabelRegExp, RegExp), BabelRegExp.prototype.exec = function (str) {
var result =, str);
if (result) {
result.groups = buildGroups(result, this);
var indices = result.indices;
indices && (indices.groups = buildGroups(indices, this));
return inherits(BabelRegExp, RegExp), BabelRegExp.prototype.exec = function (r) {
var t =, r);
if (t) {
t.groups = buildGroups(t, this);
var p = t.indices;
p && (p.groups = buildGroups(p, this));
return result;
}, BabelRegExp.prototype[_Symbol$replace] = function (str, substitution) {
if ("string" == typeof substitution) {
var groups = _groups.get(this);
return _super[_Symbol$replace].call(this, str, substitution.replace(/\$<([^>]+)>/g, function (_, name) {
var group = groups[name];
return "$" + (_Array$isArray(group) ? group.join("$") : group);
return t;
}, BabelRegExp.prototype[_Symbol$replace] = function (t, p) {
if ("string" == typeof p) {
var o = r.get(this);
return e[_Symbol$replace].call(this, t, p.replace(/\$<([^>]+)>/g, function (e, r) {
var t = o[r];
return "$" + (_Array$isArray(t) ? t.join("$") : t);
if ("function" == typeof substitution) {
var _this = this;
return _super[_Symbol$replace].call(this, str, function () {
if ("function" == typeof p) {
var i = this;
return e[_Symbol$replace].call(this, t, function () {
var _context2;
var args = arguments;
return "object" != _typeof(args[args.length - 1]) && _pushInstanceProperty(_context2 = args = _sliceInstanceProperty([]).call(args)).call(_context2, buildGroups(args, _this)), substitution.apply(this, args);
var e = arguments;
return "object" != _typeof(e[e.length - 1]) && _pushInstanceProperty(_context2 = e = _sliceInstanceProperty([]).call(e)).call(_context2, buildGroups(e, i)), p.apply(this, e);
return _super[_Symbol$replace].call(this, str, substitution);
return e[_Symbol$replace].call(this, t, p);
}, _wrapRegExp.apply(this, arguments);
var _Symbol = require("core-js-pure/features/symbol/index.js");
var _getIteratorMethod = require("core-js-pure/features/get-iterator-method.js");
var _pushInstanceProperty = require("core-js-pure/features/instance/push.js");
function _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) {
var _i = null == arr ? null : "undefined" != typeof _Symbol && _getIteratorMethod(arr) || arr["@@iterator"];
if (null != _i) {
var _s,
_arr = [],
_n = !0,
_d = !1;
function _iterableToArrayLimit(r, l) {
var t = null == r ? null : "undefined" != typeof _Symbol && _getIteratorMethod(r) || r["@@iterator"];
if (null != t) {
var e,
a = [],
f = !0,
o = !1;
try {
if (_x = (_i =, 0 === i) {
if (Object(_i) !== _i) return;
_n = !1;
} else for (; !(_n = (_s = && (_pushInstanceProperty(_arr).call(_arr, _s.value), _arr.length !== i); _n = !0);
} catch (err) {
_d = !0, _e = err;
if (i = (t =, 0 === l) {
if (Object(t) !== t) return;
f = !1;
} else for (; !(f = (e = && (_pushInstanceProperty(a).call(a, e.value), a.length !== l); f = !0);
} catch (r) {
o = !0, n = r;
} finally {
try {
if (!_n && null != _i["return"] && (_r = _i["return"](), Object(_r) !== _r)) return;
if (!f && null != t["return"] && (u = t["return"](), Object(u) !== u)) return;
} finally {
if (_d) throw _e;
if (o) throw n;
return _arr;
return a;
module.exports = _iterableToArrayLimit, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports;
var _Symbol = require("core-js-pure/features/symbol/index.js");
var _getIteratorMethod = require("core-js-pure/features/get-iterator-method.js");
var _pushInstanceProperty = require("core-js-pure/features/instance/push.js");
function _iterableToArrayLimitLoose(arr, i) {
var _i = arr && ("undefined" != typeof _Symbol && _getIteratorMethod(arr) || arr["@@iterator"]);
if (null != _i) {
var _s,
_arr = [];
for (_i =; arr.length < i && !(_s =;) _pushInstanceProperty(_arr).call(_arr, _s.value);
return _arr;
function _iterableToArrayLimitLoose(e, r) {
var t = e && ("undefined" != typeof _Symbol && _getIteratorMethod(e) || e["@@iterator"]);
if (null != t) {
var o,
l = [];
for (t =; e.length < r && !(o =;) _pushInstanceProperty(l).call(l, o.value);
return l;
module.exports = _iterableToArrayLimitLoose, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports;
var _Symbol = require("core-js-pure/features/symbol/index.js");
var _Symbol$for = require("core-js-pure/features/symbol/for.js");
function _createRawReactElement(type, props, key, children) {
function _createRawReactElement(e, r, E, l) {
REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE || (REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE = "function" == typeof _Symbol && _Symbol$for && _Symbol$for("react.element") || 60103);
var defaultProps = type && type.defaultProps,
childrenLength = arguments.length - 3;
if (props || 0 === childrenLength || (props = {
var o = e && e.defaultProps,
n = arguments.length - 3;
if (r || 0 === n || (r = {
children: void 0
}), 1 === childrenLength) props.children = children;else if (childrenLength > 1) {
for (var childArray = new Array(childrenLength), i = 0; i < childrenLength; i++) childArray[i] = arguments[i + 3];
props.children = childArray;
}), 1 === n) r.children = l;else if (n > 1) {
for (var t = new Array(n), f = 0; f < n; f++) t[f] = arguments[f + 3];
r.children = t;
if (props && defaultProps) for (var propName in defaultProps) void 0 === props[propName] && (props[propName] = defaultProps[propName]);else props || (props = defaultProps || {});
if (r && o) for (var i in o) void 0 === r[i] && (r[i] = o[i]);else r || (r = o || {});
return {
type: type,
key: void 0 === key ? null : "" + key,
type: e,
key: void 0 === E ? null : "" + E,
ref: null,
props: props,
props: r,
_owner: null

@@ -22,0 +22,0 @@ };

@@ -11,24 +11,24 @@ var _Object$keys = require("core-js-pure/features/object/keys.js");

var defineProperty = require("./defineProperty.js");
function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) {
var keys = _Object$keys(object);
function ownKeys(e, r) {
var t = _Object$keys(e);
if (_Object$getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var symbols = _Object$getOwnPropertySymbols(object);
enumerableOnly && (symbols = _filterInstanceProperty(symbols).call(symbols, function (sym) {
return _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable;
})), _pushInstanceProperty(keys).apply(keys, symbols);
var o = _Object$getOwnPropertySymbols(e);
r && (o = _filterInstanceProperty(o).call(o, function (r) {
return _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, r).enumerable;
})), _pushInstanceProperty(t).apply(t, o);
return keys;
return t;
function _objectSpread2(target) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
function _objectSpread2(e) {
for (var r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++) {
var _context, _context2;
var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {};
i % 2 ? _forEachInstanceProperty(_context = ownKeys(Object(source), !0)).call(_context, function (key) {
defineProperty(target, key, source[key]);
}) : _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? _Object$defineProperties(target, _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : _forEachInstanceProperty(_context2 = ownKeys(Object(source))).call(_context2, function (key) {
_Object$defineProperty(target, key, _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key));
var t = null != arguments[r] ? arguments[r] : {};
r % 2 ? _forEachInstanceProperty(_context = ownKeys(Object(t), !0)).call(_context, function (r) {
defineProperty(e, r, t[r]);
}) : _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? _Object$defineProperties(e, _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptors(t)) : _forEachInstanceProperty(_context2 = ownKeys(Object(t))).call(_context2, function (r) {
_Object$defineProperty(e, r, _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, r));
return target;
return e;
module.exports = _objectSpread2, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports;

@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

function _OverloadYield(value, kind) {
this.v = value, this.k = kind;
function _OverloadYield(t, e) {
this.v = t, this.k = e;
module.exports = _OverloadYield, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports;

@@ -15,250 +15,255 @@ var _typeof = require("./typeof.js")["default"];

module.exports = _regeneratorRuntime = function _regeneratorRuntime() {
return exports;
return e;
}, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports;
var exports = {},
Op = Object.prototype,
hasOwn = Op.hasOwnProperty,
defineProperty = _Object$defineProperty || function (obj, key, desc) {
obj[key] = desc.value;
var t,
e = {},
r = Object.prototype,
n = r.hasOwnProperty,
o = _Object$defineProperty || function (t, e, r) {
t[e] = r.value;
$Symbol = "function" == typeof _Symbol ? _Symbol : {},
iteratorSymbol = $Symbol.iterator || "@@iterator",
asyncIteratorSymbol = $Symbol.asyncIterator || "@@asyncIterator",
toStringTagSymbol = $Symbol.toStringTag || "@@toStringTag";
function define(obj, key, value) {
return _Object$defineProperty(obj, key, {
value: value,
i = "function" == typeof _Symbol ? _Symbol : {},
a = i.iterator || "@@iterator",
c = i.asyncIterator || "@@asyncIterator",
u = i.toStringTag || "@@toStringTag";
function define(t, e, r) {
return _Object$defineProperty(t, e, {
value: r,
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0,
writable: !0
}), obj[key];
}), t[e];
try {
define({}, "");
} catch (err) {
define = function define(obj, key, value) {
return obj[key] = value;
} catch (t) {
define = function define(t, e, r) {
return t[e] = r;
function wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList) {
var protoGenerator = outerFn && outerFn.prototype instanceof Generator ? outerFn : Generator,
generator = _Object$create(protoGenerator.prototype),
context = new Context(tryLocsList || []);
return defineProperty(generator, "_invoke", {
value: makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context)
}), generator;
function wrap(t, e, r, n) {
var i = e && e.prototype instanceof Generator ? e : Generator,
a = _Object$create(i.prototype),
c = new Context(n || []);
return o(a, "_invoke", {
value: makeInvokeMethod(t, r, c)
}), a;
function tryCatch(fn, obj, arg) {
function tryCatch(t, e, r) {
try {
return {
type: "normal",
arg:, arg)
arg:, r)
} catch (err) {
} catch (t) {
return {
type: "throw",
arg: err
arg: t
exports.wrap = wrap;
var ContinueSentinel = {};
e.wrap = wrap;
var h = "suspendedStart",
l = "suspendedYield",
f = "executing",
s = "completed",
y = {};
function Generator() {}
function GeneratorFunction() {}
function GeneratorFunctionPrototype() {}
var IteratorPrototype = {};
define(IteratorPrototype, iteratorSymbol, function () {
var p = {};
define(p, a, function () {
return this;
var getProto = _Object$getPrototypeOf,
NativeIteratorPrototype = getProto && getProto(getProto(values([])));
NativeIteratorPrototype && NativeIteratorPrototype !== Op &&, iteratorSymbol) && (IteratorPrototype = NativeIteratorPrototype);
var Gp = GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype = Generator.prototype = _Object$create(IteratorPrototype);
function defineIteratorMethods(prototype) {
var d = _Object$getPrototypeOf,
v = d && d(d(values([])));
v && v !== r &&, a) && (p = v);
var g = GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype = Generator.prototype = _Object$create(p);
function defineIteratorMethods(t) {
var _context;
_forEachInstanceProperty(_context = ["next", "throw", "return"]).call(_context, function (method) {
define(prototype, method, function (arg) {
return this._invoke(method, arg);
_forEachInstanceProperty(_context = ["next", "throw", "return"]).call(_context, function (e) {
define(t, e, function (t) {
return this._invoke(e, t);
function AsyncIterator(generator, PromiseImpl) {
function invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject) {
var record = tryCatch(generator[method], generator, arg);
if ("throw" !== record.type) {
var result = record.arg,
value = result.value;
return value && "object" == _typeof(value) &&, "__await") ? PromiseImpl.resolve(value.__await).then(function (value) {
invoke("next", value, resolve, reject);
}, function (err) {
invoke("throw", err, resolve, reject);
}) : PromiseImpl.resolve(value).then(function (unwrapped) {
result.value = unwrapped, resolve(result);
}, function (error) {
return invoke("throw", error, resolve, reject);
function AsyncIterator(t, e) {
function invoke(r, o, i, a) {
var c = tryCatch(t[r], t, o);
if ("throw" !== c.type) {
var u = c.arg,
h = u.value;
return h && "object" == _typeof(h) &&, "__await") ? e.resolve(h.__await).then(function (t) {
invoke("next", t, i, a);
}, function (t) {
invoke("throw", t, i, a);
}) : e.resolve(h).then(function (t) {
u.value = t, i(u);
}, function (t) {
return invoke("throw", t, i, a);
var previousPromise;
defineProperty(this, "_invoke", {
value: function value(method, arg) {
var r;
o(this, "_invoke", {
value: function value(t, n) {
function callInvokeWithMethodAndArg() {
return new PromiseImpl(function (resolve, reject) {
invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject);
return new e(function (e, r) {
invoke(t, n, e, r);
return previousPromise = previousPromise ? previousPromise.then(callInvokeWithMethodAndArg, callInvokeWithMethodAndArg) : callInvokeWithMethodAndArg();
return r = r ? r.then(callInvokeWithMethodAndArg, callInvokeWithMethodAndArg) : callInvokeWithMethodAndArg();
function makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context) {
var state = "suspendedStart";
return function (method, arg) {
if ("executing" === state) throw new Error("Generator is already running");
if ("completed" === state) {
if ("throw" === method) throw arg;
function makeInvokeMethod(e, r, n) {
var o = h;
return function (i, a) {
if (o === f) throw new Error("Generator is already running");
if (o === s) {
if ("throw" === i) throw a;
return {
value: void 0,
value: t,
done: !0
for (context.method = method, context.arg = arg;;) {
var delegate = context.delegate;
if (delegate) {
var delegateResult = maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context);
if (delegateResult) {
if (delegateResult === ContinueSentinel) continue;
return delegateResult;
for (n.method = i, n.arg = a;;) {
var c = n.delegate;
if (c) {
var u = maybeInvokeDelegate(c, n);
if (u) {
if (u === y) continue;
return u;
if ("next" === context.method) context.sent = context._sent = context.arg;else if ("throw" === context.method) {
if ("suspendedStart" === state) throw state = "completed", context.arg;
} else "return" === context.method && context.abrupt("return", context.arg);
state = "executing";
var record = tryCatch(innerFn, self, context);
if ("normal" === record.type) {
if (state = context.done ? "completed" : "suspendedYield", record.arg === ContinueSentinel) continue;
if ("next" === n.method) n.sent = n._sent = n.arg;else if ("throw" === n.method) {
if (o === h) throw o = s, n.arg;
} else "return" === n.method && n.abrupt("return", n.arg);
o = f;
var p = tryCatch(e, r, n);
if ("normal" === p.type) {
if (o = n.done ? s : l, p.arg === y) continue;
return {
value: record.arg,
done: context.done
value: p.arg,
done: n.done
"throw" === record.type && (state = "completed", context.method = "throw", context.arg = record.arg);
"throw" === p.type && (o = s, n.method = "throw", n.arg = p.arg);
function maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context) {
var methodName = context.method,
method = delegate.iterator[methodName];
if (undefined === method) return context.delegate = null, "throw" === methodName && delegate.iterator["return"] && (context.method = "return", context.arg = undefined, maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context), "throw" === context.method) || "return" !== methodName && (context.method = "throw", context.arg = new TypeError("The iterator does not provide a '" + methodName + "' method")), ContinueSentinel;
var record = tryCatch(method, delegate.iterator, context.arg);
if ("throw" === record.type) return context.method = "throw", context.arg = record.arg, context.delegate = null, ContinueSentinel;
var info = record.arg;
return info ? info.done ? (context[delegate.resultName] = info.value, = delegate.nextLoc, "return" !== context.method && (context.method = "next", context.arg = undefined), context.delegate = null, ContinueSentinel) : info : (context.method = "throw", context.arg = new TypeError("iterator result is not an object"), context.delegate = null, ContinueSentinel);
function maybeInvokeDelegate(e, r) {
var n = r.method,
o = e.iterator[n];
if (o === t) return r.delegate = null, "throw" === n && e.iterator["return"] && (r.method = "return", r.arg = t, maybeInvokeDelegate(e, r), "throw" === r.method) || "return" !== n && (r.method = "throw", r.arg = new TypeError("The iterator does not provide a '" + n + "' method")), y;
var i = tryCatch(o, e.iterator, r.arg);
if ("throw" === i.type) return r.method = "throw", r.arg = i.arg, r.delegate = null, y;
var a = i.arg;
return a ? a.done ? (r[e.resultName] = a.value, = e.nextLoc, "return" !== r.method && (r.method = "next", r.arg = t), r.delegate = null, y) : a : (r.method = "throw", r.arg = new TypeError("iterator result is not an object"), r.delegate = null, y);
function pushTryEntry(locs) {
function pushTryEntry(t) {
var _context2;
var entry = {
tryLoc: locs[0]
var e = {
tryLoc: t[0]
1 in locs && (entry.catchLoc = locs[1]), 2 in locs && (entry.finallyLoc = locs[2], entry.afterLoc = locs[3]), _pushInstanceProperty(_context2 = this.tryEntries).call(_context2, entry);
1 in t && (e.catchLoc = t[1]), 2 in t && (e.finallyLoc = t[2], e.afterLoc = t[3]), _pushInstanceProperty(_context2 = this.tryEntries).call(_context2, e);
function resetTryEntry(entry) {
var record = entry.completion || {};
record.type = "normal", delete record.arg, entry.completion = record;
function resetTryEntry(t) {
var e = t.completion || {};
e.type = "normal", delete e.arg, t.completion = e;
function Context(tryLocsList) {
function Context(t) {
this.tryEntries = [{
tryLoc: "root"
}], _forEachInstanceProperty(tryLocsList).call(tryLocsList, pushTryEntry, this), this.reset(!0);
}], _forEachInstanceProperty(t).call(t, pushTryEntry, this), this.reset(!0);
function values(iterable) {
if (iterable || "" === iterable) {
var iteratorMethod = iterable[iteratorSymbol];
if (iteratorMethod) return;
if ("function" == typeof return iterable;
if (!isNaN(iterable.length)) {
var i = -1,
next = function next() {
for (; ++i < iterable.length;) if (, i)) return next.value = iterable[i], next.done = !1, next;
return next.value = undefined, next.done = !0, next;
function values(e) {
if (e || "" === e) {
var r = e[a];
if (r) return;
if ("function" == typeof return e;
if (!isNaN(e.length)) {
var o = -1,
i = function next() {
for (; ++o < e.length;) if (, o)) return next.value = e[o], next.done = !1, next;
return next.value = t, next.done = !0, next;
return = next;
return = i;
throw new TypeError(_typeof(iterable) + " is not iterable");
throw new TypeError(_typeof(e) + " is not iterable");
return GeneratorFunction.prototype = GeneratorFunctionPrototype, defineProperty(Gp, "constructor", {
return GeneratorFunction.prototype = GeneratorFunctionPrototype, o(g, "constructor", {
value: GeneratorFunctionPrototype,
configurable: !0
}), defineProperty(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, "constructor", {
}), o(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, "constructor", {
value: GeneratorFunction,
configurable: !0
}), GeneratorFunction.displayName = define(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, toStringTagSymbol, "GeneratorFunction"), exports.isGeneratorFunction = function (genFun) {
var ctor = "function" == typeof genFun && genFun.constructor;
return !!ctor && (ctor === GeneratorFunction || "GeneratorFunction" === (ctor.displayName ||;
}, exports.mark = function (genFun) {
return _Object$setPrototypeOf ? _Object$setPrototypeOf(genFun, GeneratorFunctionPrototype) : (genFun.__proto__ = GeneratorFunctionPrototype, define(genFun, toStringTagSymbol, "GeneratorFunction")), genFun.prototype = _Object$create(Gp), genFun;
}, exports.awrap = function (arg) {
}), GeneratorFunction.displayName = define(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, u, "GeneratorFunction"), e.isGeneratorFunction = function (t) {
var e = "function" == typeof t && t.constructor;
return !!e && (e === GeneratorFunction || "GeneratorFunction" === (e.displayName ||;
}, e.mark = function (t) {
return _Object$setPrototypeOf ? _Object$setPrototypeOf(t, GeneratorFunctionPrototype) : (t.__proto__ = GeneratorFunctionPrototype, define(t, u, "GeneratorFunction")), t.prototype = _Object$create(g), t;
}, e.awrap = function (t) {
return {
__await: arg
__await: t
}, defineIteratorMethods(AsyncIterator.prototype), define(AsyncIterator.prototype, asyncIteratorSymbol, function () {
}, defineIteratorMethods(AsyncIterator.prototype), define(AsyncIterator.prototype, c, function () {
return this;
}), exports.AsyncIterator = AsyncIterator, exports.async = function (innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList, PromiseImpl) {
void 0 === PromiseImpl && (PromiseImpl = _Promise);
var iter = new AsyncIterator(wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList), PromiseImpl);
return exports.isGeneratorFunction(outerFn) ? iter : (result) {
return result.done ? result.value :;
}), e.AsyncIterator = AsyncIterator, e.async = function (t, r, n, o, i) {
void 0 === i && (i = _Promise);
var a = new AsyncIterator(wrap(t, r, n, o), i);
return e.isGeneratorFunction(r) ? a : (t) {
return t.done ? t.value :;
}, defineIteratorMethods(Gp), define(Gp, toStringTagSymbol, "Generator"), define(Gp, iteratorSymbol, function () {
}, defineIteratorMethods(g), define(g, u, "Generator"), define(g, a, function () {
return this;
}), define(Gp, "toString", function () {
}), define(g, "toString", function () {
return "[object Generator]";
}), exports.keys = function (val) {
var object = Object(val),
keys = [];
for (var key in object) _pushInstanceProperty(keys).call(keys, key);
return _reverseInstanceProperty(keys).call(keys), function next() {
for (; keys.length;) {
var key = keys.pop();
if (key in object) return next.value = key, next.done = !1, next;
}), e.keys = function (t) {
var e = Object(t),
r = [];
for (var n in e) _pushInstanceProperty(r).call(r, n);
return _reverseInstanceProperty(r).call(r), function next() {
for (; r.length;) {
var t = r.pop();
if (t in e) return next.value = t, next.done = !1, next;
return next.done = !0, next;
}, exports.values = values, Context.prototype = {
}, e.values = values, Context.prototype = {
constructor: Context,
reset: function reset(skipTempReset) {
reset: function reset(e) {
var _context3;
if (this.prev = 0, = 0, this.sent = this._sent = undefined, this.done = !1, this.delegate = null, this.method = "next", this.arg = undefined, _forEachInstanceProperty(_context3 = this.tryEntries).call(_context3, resetTryEntry), !skipTempReset) for (var name in this) "t" === name.charAt(0) &&, name) && !isNaN(+_sliceInstanceProperty(name).call(name, 1)) && (this[name] = undefined);
if (this.prev = 0, = 0, this.sent = this._sent = t, this.done = !1, this.delegate = null, this.method = "next", this.arg = t, _forEachInstanceProperty(_context3 = this.tryEntries).call(_context3, resetTryEntry), !e) for (var r in this) "t" === r.charAt(0) &&, r) && !isNaN(+_sliceInstanceProperty(r).call(r, 1)) && (this[r] = t);
stop: function stop() {
this.done = !0;
var rootRecord = this.tryEntries[0].completion;
if ("throw" === rootRecord.type) throw rootRecord.arg;
var t = this.tryEntries[0].completion;
if ("throw" === t.type) throw t.arg;
return this.rval;
dispatchException: function dispatchException(exception) {
if (this.done) throw exception;
var context = this;
function handle(loc, caught) {
return record.type = "throw", record.arg = exception, = loc, caught && (context.method = "next", context.arg = undefined), !!caught;
dispatchException: function dispatchException(e) {
if (this.done) throw e;
var r = this;
function handle(n, o) {
return a.type = "throw", a.arg = e, = n, o && (r.method = "next", r.arg = t), !!o;
for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var entry = this.tryEntries[i],
record = entry.completion;
if ("root" === entry.tryLoc) return handle("end");
if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev) {
var hasCatch =, "catchLoc"),
hasFinally =, "finallyLoc");
if (hasCatch && hasFinally) {
if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) return handle(entry.catchLoc, !0);
if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) return handle(entry.finallyLoc);
} else if (hasCatch) {
if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) return handle(entry.catchLoc, !0);
for (var o = this.tryEntries.length - 1; o >= 0; --o) {
var i = this.tryEntries[o],
a = i.completion;
if ("root" === i.tryLoc) return handle("end");
if (i.tryLoc <= this.prev) {
var c =, "catchLoc"),
u =, "finallyLoc");
if (c && u) {
if (this.prev < i.catchLoc) return handle(i.catchLoc, !0);
if (this.prev < i.finallyLoc) return handle(i.finallyLoc);
} else if (c) {
if (this.prev < i.catchLoc) return handle(i.catchLoc, !0);
} else {
if (!hasFinally) throw new Error("try statement without catch or finally");
if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) return handle(entry.finallyLoc);
if (!u) throw new Error("try statement without catch or finally");
if (this.prev < i.finallyLoc) return handle(i.finallyLoc);

@@ -268,34 +273,34 @@ }

abrupt: function abrupt(type, arg) {
for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var entry = this.tryEntries[i];
if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev &&, "finallyLoc") && this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) {
var finallyEntry = entry;
abrupt: function abrupt(t, e) {
for (var r = this.tryEntries.length - 1; r >= 0; --r) {
var o = this.tryEntries[r];
if (o.tryLoc <= this.prev &&, "finallyLoc") && this.prev < o.finallyLoc) {
var i = o;
finallyEntry && ("break" === type || "continue" === type) && finallyEntry.tryLoc <= arg && arg <= finallyEntry.finallyLoc && (finallyEntry = null);
var record = finallyEntry ? finallyEntry.completion : {};
return record.type = type, record.arg = arg, finallyEntry ? (this.method = "next", = finallyEntry.finallyLoc, ContinueSentinel) : this.complete(record);
i && ("break" === t || "continue" === t) && i.tryLoc <= e && e <= i.finallyLoc && (i = null);
var a = i ? i.completion : {};
return a.type = t, a.arg = e, i ? (this.method = "next", = i.finallyLoc, y) : this.complete(a);
complete: function complete(record, afterLoc) {
if ("throw" === record.type) throw record.arg;
return "break" === record.type || "continue" === record.type ? = record.arg : "return" === record.type ? (this.rval = this.arg = record.arg, this.method = "return", = "end") : "normal" === record.type && afterLoc && ( = afterLoc), ContinueSentinel;
complete: function complete(t, e) {
if ("throw" === t.type) throw t.arg;
return "break" === t.type || "continue" === t.type ? = t.arg : "return" === t.type ? (this.rval = this.arg = t.arg, this.method = "return", = "end") : "normal" === t.type && e && ( = e), y;
finish: function finish(finallyLoc) {
for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var entry = this.tryEntries[i];
if (entry.finallyLoc === finallyLoc) return this.complete(entry.completion, entry.afterLoc), resetTryEntry(entry), ContinueSentinel;
finish: function finish(t) {
for (var e = this.tryEntries.length - 1; e >= 0; --e) {
var r = this.tryEntries[e];
if (r.finallyLoc === t) return this.complete(r.completion, r.afterLoc), resetTryEntry(r), y;
"catch": function _catch(tryLoc) {
for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var entry = this.tryEntries[i];
if (entry.tryLoc === tryLoc) {
var record = entry.completion;
if ("throw" === record.type) {
var thrown = record.arg;
"catch": function _catch(t) {
for (var e = this.tryEntries.length - 1; e >= 0; --e) {
var r = this.tryEntries[e];
if (r.tryLoc === t) {
var n = r.completion;
if ("throw" === n.type) {
var o = n.arg;
return thrown;
return o;

@@ -305,11 +310,11 @@ }

delegateYield: function delegateYield(iterable, resultName, nextLoc) {
delegateYield: function delegateYield(e, r, n) {
return this.delegate = {
iterator: values(iterable),
resultName: resultName,
nextLoc: nextLoc
}, "next" === this.method && (this.arg = undefined), ContinueSentinel;
iterator: values(e),
resultName: r,
nextLoc: n
}, "next" === this.method && (this.arg = t), y;
}, exports;
}, e;
module.exports = _regeneratorRuntime, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports;
var _Symbol = require("core-js-pure/features/symbol/index.js");
var _Symbol$iterator = require("core-js-pure/features/symbol/iterator.js");
function _typeof(obj) {
function _typeof(o) {
"@babel/helpers - typeof";
return (module.exports = _typeof = "function" == typeof _Symbol && "symbol" == typeof _Symbol$iterator ? function (obj) {
return typeof obj;
} : function (obj) {
return obj && "function" == typeof _Symbol && obj.constructor === _Symbol && obj !== _Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj;
}, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports), _typeof(obj);
return (module.exports = _typeof = "function" == typeof _Symbol && "symbol" == typeof _Symbol$iterator ? function (o) {
return typeof o;
} : function (o) {
return o && "function" == typeof _Symbol && o.constructor === _Symbol && o !== _Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof o;
}, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports), _typeof(o);
module.exports = _typeof, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports;

@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ var _Symbol$asyncDispose = require("core-js-pure/features/symbol/async-dispose.js");

var _typeof = require("./typeof.js")["default"];
function _using(stack, value, isAwait) {
if (null == value) return value;
if ("object" != _typeof(value)) throw new TypeError("using declarations can only be used with objects, null, or undefined.");
if (isAwait) var dispose = value[_Symbol$asyncDispose || _Symbol$for("Symbol.asyncDispose")];
if (null == dispose && (dispose = value[_Symbol$dispose || _Symbol$for("Symbol.dispose")]), "function" != typeof dispose) throw new TypeError("Property [Symbol.dispose] is not a function.");
return _pushInstanceProperty(stack).call(stack, {
v: value,
d: dispose,
a: isAwait
}), value;
function _using(o, e, n) {
if (null == e) return e;
if ("object" != _typeof(e)) throw new TypeError("using declarations can only be used with objects, null, or undefined.");
if (n) var r = e[_Symbol$asyncDispose || _Symbol$for("Symbol.asyncDispose")];
if (null == r && (r = e[_Symbol$dispose || _Symbol$for("Symbol.dispose")]), "function" != typeof r) throw new TypeError("Property [Symbol.dispose] is not a function.");
return _pushInstanceProperty(o).call(o, {
v: e,
d: r,
a: n
}), e;
module.exports = _using, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports;

@@ -13,50 +13,50 @@ var _typeof = require("./typeof.js")["default"];

function _wrapRegExp() {
module.exports = _wrapRegExp = function _wrapRegExp(re, groups) {
return new BabelRegExp(re, void 0, groups);
module.exports = _wrapRegExp = function _wrapRegExp(e, r) {
return new BabelRegExp(e, void 0, r);
}, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports;
var _super = RegExp.prototype,
_groups = new _WeakMap();
function BabelRegExp(re, flags, groups) {
var _this = new RegExp(re, flags);
return _groups.set(_this, groups || _groups.get(re)), setPrototypeOf(_this, BabelRegExp.prototype);
var e = RegExp.prototype,
r = new _WeakMap();
function BabelRegExp(e, t, p) {
var o = new RegExp(e, t);
return r.set(o, p || r.get(e)), setPrototypeOf(o, BabelRegExp.prototype);
function buildGroups(result, re) {
function buildGroups(e, t) {
var _context;
var g = _groups.get(re);
return _reduceInstanceProperty(_context = _Object$keys(g)).call(_context, function (groups, name) {
var i = g[name];
if ("number" == typeof i) groups[name] = result[i];else {
for (var k = 0; void 0 === result[i[k]] && k + 1 < i.length;) k++;
groups[name] = result[i[k]];
var p = r.get(t);
return _reduceInstanceProperty(_context = _Object$keys(p)).call(_context, function (r, t) {
var o = p[t];
if ("number" == typeof o) r[t] = e[o];else {
for (var i = 0; void 0 === e[o[i]] && i + 1 < o.length;) i++;
r[t] = e[o[i]];
return groups;
return r;
}, _Object$create(null));
return inherits(BabelRegExp, RegExp), BabelRegExp.prototype.exec = function (str) {
var result =, str);
if (result) {
result.groups = buildGroups(result, this);
var indices = result.indices;
indices && (indices.groups = buildGroups(indices, this));
return inherits(BabelRegExp, RegExp), BabelRegExp.prototype.exec = function (r) {
var t =, r);
if (t) {
t.groups = buildGroups(t, this);
var p = t.indices;
p && (p.groups = buildGroups(p, this));
return result;
}, BabelRegExp.prototype[_Symbol$replace] = function (str, substitution) {
if ("string" == typeof substitution) {
var groups = _groups.get(this);
return _super[_Symbol$replace].call(this, str, substitution.replace(/\$<([^>]+)>/g, function (_, name) {
var group = groups[name];
return "$" + (_Array$isArray(group) ? group.join("$") : group);
return t;
}, BabelRegExp.prototype[_Symbol$replace] = function (t, p) {
if ("string" == typeof p) {
var o = r.get(this);
return e[_Symbol$replace].call(this, t, p.replace(/\$<([^>]+)>/g, function (e, r) {
var t = o[r];
return "$" + (_Array$isArray(t) ? t.join("$") : t);
if ("function" == typeof substitution) {
var _this = this;
return _super[_Symbol$replace].call(this, str, function () {
if ("function" == typeof p) {
var i = this;
return e[_Symbol$replace].call(this, t, function () {
var _context2;
var args = arguments;
return "object" != _typeof(args[args.length - 1]) && _pushInstanceProperty(_context2 = args = _sliceInstanceProperty([]).call(args)).call(_context2, buildGroups(args, _this)), substitution.apply(this, args);
var e = arguments;
return "object" != _typeof(e[e.length - 1]) && _pushInstanceProperty(_context2 = e = _sliceInstanceProperty([]).call(e)).call(_context2, buildGroups(e, i)), p.apply(this, e);
return _super[_Symbol$replace].call(this, str, substitution);
return e[_Symbol$replace].call(this, t, p);
}, _wrapRegExp.apply(this, arguments);
module.exports = _wrapRegExp, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports;
"name": "@babel/runtime-corejs3",
"version": "7.22.10",
"version": "7.22.11",
"description": "babel's modular runtime helpers with core-js@3 polyfilling",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "license": "MIT",

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