👨🚀 Cadet 🚀
npm install -g @bluecadet/cadet
Instantiating a new Project
When starting off a new project...
- run
terminus build:project:create ...
- clone new github repo locally
- create new local DB (rememeber the name of the DB)
- run
cadet pull
and pull db only
- run
cadet new-site
- run
cadet init-site
- commit changes
- run
drush cex
and commit changes
- run
cadet new-theme
to create new FE theme
- TODO: run
cadet new-theme
again if you want to create a specific BE theme
- commit changes
- run
cadet ci-update --incTestConfig
to add the latest ci files and changes and base test files
- commit changes
- TODO: Setup RaspberryPi with stuff.....
Installing a new Project locally
When starting local development on a new project...
- clone new github repo locally
- create new local DB (rememeber the name of the DB)
- run
cadet pull
and pull db only
- run
cadet new-site
- There should be nothing to commit, and site should be ready to go! 🚀