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MVC for the front end

Version published




  • Fix regular expression for attribute value




MVC for the front-end

From a high level perspective, a Mosaic app is made up of tiles, where each tile is one DOM element. @carlosvazpi/mosaic provides a quick way to create and integrate DOM elements in an HTML document, as well as to provide them with a behaviour.


yarn add @carlosvpi/mosaic

How to use

  1. Import Mosaic in your file
import { Mosaic } from '@carlosvpi/mosaic'
  1. Wrap document.body
const bodyConstructor = Mosaic(document.body)

Now through bodyConstructor you can add or remove elements to the body of your document

Creating new tiles in your mosaic

The tile constructor

const tileConstructor = Mosaic`tag[attr1 = value1; attr2 = ${ value 2 }]`

A tile constructor created calling Mosaic with a string template. On creation, a new DOM element is created, and its attributes are set to those provided by the template.

// create a span constructor
const spanConstructor = Mosaic`span[id=span-1]`

Providing attributes to a tile constructor

A tile constructor can be provided attributes that may be static (if provided at the time of creating the tile constructor) or dynamic (if, instead, a function is provided that will set the attribute at a different point in time, or points in time).

  1. Static attribute

This code gives the attribute placeholder statically to an input constructor

const inputConstructor = Mosaic`input[placeholder=type something here]`

A DOM element (input) is created and assigned the attribute placeholder to the value "type something here".

  1. Dynamic attribute

This code gives the attribute placeholder dynamically to an input constructor

const assignPlaceholder = assign => {
	setTimeout(() => assign('B'), 1000)
	setTimeout(() => assign('Final'), 2000)

const inputConstructor = Mosaic`input[placeholder=${assignPlaceholder}]`

A Dom element (input) is created. Then assignPlaceholder is called. The parameter (assign) is a function that sets the attribute of the input to its argument (so assign('a') has the effect that the placeholder of the input will be set to 'a'). In this case, assignPlaceholder sets the placeholder of the input, first, to 'A'. After 1 second, to 'B'. And after yet another second, to 'Final'.

Return the tile from the tile constructor

As we said, a tile constructor creates a tile, but it doesn't return it. Instead, the constructor returns a function children that expects to take the children to be appended to the tile. The children function does return the tile form the tile constructor.

const inputConstructor = Mosaic`input[placeholder=type something here]`
const inputTile = inputConstructor()

In the example above, an input is created without children.

Providing children to a tile constructor

Children are passed as arguments to a tile constructor. This has the effect of adding the children to the tile held by the tile constructor, and also makes the whole expression return said tile.

Children passed to a tile constructor can either be other tiles or even just plain strings (which are transformed into Text DOM elements).

const spanConstructor = Mosaic`span`
const strongConstructor = Mosaic`strong`
const strongTile = strongConstructor('Bold')
const spanTile = spanConstructor('This text is in ', strongTile, '. And this one is not.')

In the example above, a couple of elements are created and one is nested inside the other.

Assigning classes to a tile

Like attributes, classes can be static or dynamic. Classes are assigned to tiles, not to tile constructors.

Classes are assigned through the .classed() method, which accepts two parameters: the class name and whether the class is to be added (true) or removed (false). Alternatively, instead of two parameters, classes can be given in the form of a hash { string => boolean }.

The .classed() method returns the tile, so it is chainable.

  1. Static classes

This code adds class 'my-class' statically to a span tile.

const spanTile = Mosaic`span`().classed('my-class', true)

Notice that we have to call the span constructor (Mosaic\span``) in order to assign its tile a class.

Another way to do the same:

const spanTile = Mosaic`span`().classed({ 'my-class': true })

The above method allows us to add several classes with one call.

  1. Dynamic classes

Like with the dynamic attributes, if instead true or false we provide a function when calling .classed(), the function will be called and assign the class in a timely manner.

const assignMyClass = assign => {
	let value = true
	setInterval(() => assign(value = !value), 1000)
const spanTile = Mosaic`span`().classed('my-class', assignMyClass)

The above code assigns initially the class my-class to the span tile, and it toggles this class every second.

Another way to do the same:

const assignMyClass = assign => {
	let value = true
	setInterval(() => assign(value = !value), 1000)
const spanTile = Mosaic`span`().classed({ 'my-class': assignMyClass })

Assigning event listeners

Event listeners can be assigned using the .on() on tiles. This method has the same signature as .addEventListener.

The .on() method returns the tile, so it is chainable.

const buttonTile = Mosaic`button`('Click me').on('click', () => { alert('Clicked') })

The above code makes an alert appear upon clicking the button.

Render everything inside the body

In order to build a page, we just pass to the bodyConstructor function the children we expect it to have

bodyConstructor(inputTile, spanTile)

How to compile

@carlosvpi/mosaic is provided as a ts module. In order to use it in the browser you will have some ts file src/index.ts importing it like so

import { Mosaic } from `@carlosvpi/mosaic`

Mosaic(document.body)(Mosaic`h1`('Hello, world'))

Follow these steps:

  1. Compile it



You will need a tsconfig.json file roughly like this one

  "compilerOptions": {
    "module": "commonjs",
    "target": "es2015",
    "lib": ["es6", "dom", "es2017"],
    "declaration": true,
    "outDir": "./js-src"
  "include": [
  1. Browserify it


browserify js-src/index.js > dist/index.js

You will need to have browserify installed globally. Alternatively, install it in your devDependencies and use yarn browserify instead of browserify (in that case, you will need to remove the first 2 and last lines of the resulting file with sed -i '' '1,2d;$d' dist/index.js).

  1. Minify it


minify dist/index.js > dist/index.min.js

You will need to have minify installed globally. Alternatively, install it in your devDependencies and use yarn minify instead of browserify (in that case, you will need to remove the first 2 and last lines of the resulting file with sed -i '' '1,2d;$d' dist/index.min.js).


Last updated on 21 Jan 2023

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