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Responsive and accessible React UI components built with React and Emotion

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Package description

What is @chakra-ui/react?

@chakra-ui/react is a simple, modular, and accessible component library that gives you the building blocks you need to build your React applications. It provides a set of accessible, reusable, and composable React components that make it easy to create beautiful and responsive user interfaces.

What are @chakra-ui/react's main functionalities?

Responsive Design

Chakra UI provides responsive design utilities that allow you to easily create responsive layouts. The `Box` component in this example adjusts its width based on the screen size.

import { Box } from '@chakra-ui/react';

function ResponsiveBox() {
  return (
    <Box w={{ base: '100%', md: '50%' }} p={4} bg='tomato'>
      This box is responsive


Chakra UI allows you to extend and customize the default theme to match your design requirements. This example demonstrates how to create a custom theme and apply it to a `Box` component.

import { ChakraProvider, extendTheme } from '@chakra-ui/react';

const theme = extendTheme({
  colors: {
    primary: {
      100: '#E3F2F9',
      200: '#C5E4F3',
      300: '#A2D4EC',
      400: '#7AC1E4',
      500: '#47A9DA',
      600: '#0088CC',
      700: '#007AB8',
      800: '#006BA1',
      900: '#005885',

function App() {
  return (
    <ChakraProvider theme={theme}>
      <Box bg='primary.500' color='white' p={4}>
        Custom Themed Box


Chakra UI components are built with accessibility in mind. This example shows an accessible `Button` component with an `aria-label` attribute.

import { Button } from '@chakra-ui/react';

function AccessibleButton() {
  return (
    <Button colorScheme='blue' aria-label='Submit Form'>


Chakra UI components are designed to be composable, allowing you to build complex UIs from simple building blocks. This example demonstrates how to use `Box` and `Stack` components together.

import { Box, Text, Stack } from '@chakra-ui/react';

function ComposableComponent() {
  return (
    <Stack spacing={4} direction='row' align='center'>
      <Box p={5} shadow='md' borderWidth='1px'>
        <Text mt={4}>Box 1</Text>
      <Box p={5} shadow='md' borderWidth='1px'>
        <Text mt={4}>Box 2</Text>

Other packages similar to @chakra-ui/react



Welcome to Chakra UI ⚡️

All Contributors

  • Works out of the box. Chakra UI contains a set of polished React components that work out of the box.

  • Flexible & composable. Chakra UI components are built on top of a React UI Primitive for endless composability.

  • Accessible. Chakra UI components follows the WAI-ARIA guidelines specifications.

  • Dark Mode 😍: All components are dark mode compatible.

Looking for the documentation?

Installing Chakra UI

⚡️Chakra UI is made up of multiple components and tools which you can import one by one. All you need to do is install the @chakra-ui/react package:

$ yarn add @chakra-ui/react
# or
$ npm install --save @chakra-ui/react

Getting set up

To start using the components, please follow these steps:

  1. Wrap your application in a ThemeProvider provided by @chakra-ui/react
import { ThemeProvider, ColorModeProvider } from "@chakra-ui/react"

const App = ({ children }) => (

ColorModeProvider is a context that provides light mode and dark mode values to the components. It also comes with a function to toggle between light/dark mode.

  1. Now you can start using components like so!:
import { Button } from "@chakra-ui/react"

const App = () => <Button>I just consumed some ⚡️Chakra!</Button>


Feel like contributing? That's awesome! We have a contributing guide to help guide you.

The components to be built come from the Aria Practices Design Patterns and Widgets.

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Segun Adebayo
Segun Adebayo

💻 🚧 📖 💡 🎨
Tioluwani Kolawole
Tioluwani Kolawole

📖 💡 🚧

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!



Last updated on 16 Sep 2022

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