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@ckeditor/ckeditor5-paste-from-office - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 35.4.0 to 36.0.0



* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2022, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2023, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see
*/(()=>{var e={945:(e,t,n)=>{e.exports=n(79)("./src/clipboard.js")},704:(e,t,n)=>{e.exports=n(79)("./src/core.js")},492:(e,t,n)=>{e.exports=n(79)("./src/engine.js")},79:e=>{"use strict";e.exports=CKEditor5.dll}},t={};function n(r){var s=t[r];if(void 0!==s)return s.exports;var i=t[r]={exports:{}};return e[r](i,i.exports,n),i.exports}n.d=(e,t)=>{for(var r in t)n.o(t,r)&&!n.o(e,r)&&Object.defineProperty(e,r,{enumerable:!0,get:t[r]})},n.o=(e,t)=>,t),n.r=e=>{"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(e,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})};var r={};(()=>{"use strict";n.r(r),n.d(r,{PasteFromOffice:()=>v});var e=n(704),t=n(945),s=n(492);function i(e,t,n,{blockElements:r,inlineObjectElements:s}){let i=n.createPositionAt(e,"forward"==t?"after":"before");return i=i.getLastMatchingPosition((({item:e})=>"element")&&!r.includes(!s.includes(,{direction:t}),"forward"==t?i.nodeAfter:i.nodeBefore}function o(e,t){return!!e&&"element")&&t.includes(}function c(e,t){if(!e.childCount)return;const n=new s.UpcastWriter(e.document),r=function(e,t){const n=t.createRangeIn(e),r=new s.Matcher({name:/^p|h\d+$/,styles:{"mso-list":/.*/}}),i=[];for(const e of n)if("elementStart"===e.type&&r.match(e.item)){const t=u(e.item);i.push({element:e.item,,order:t.order,indent:t.indent})}return i}(e,n);if(!r.length)return;let i=null,o=1;r.forEach(((e,c)=>{const u=function(e,t){if(!e)return!0;if(! t.indent-e.indent!=1;const n=t.element.previousSibling;if(!n)return!0;return r=n,!("element","ol")||"element","ul"));var r}(r[c-1],e),f=u?null:r[c-1],d=(p=e,(m=f)?p.indent-m.indent:p.indent-1);var m,p;if(u&&(i=null,o=1),!i||0!==d){const r=function(e,t){const n=new RegExp(`@list l${}:level${e.indent}\\s*({[^}]*)`,"gi"),r=/mso-level-number-format:([^;]{0,100});/gi,s=/mso-level-start-at:\s{0,100}([0-9]{0,10})\s{0,100};/gi,i=n.exec(t);let o="decimal",c="ol",a=null;if(i&&i[1]){const t=r.exec(i[1]);if(t&&t[1]&&(o=t[1].trim(),c="bullet"!==o&&"image"!==o?"ol":"ul"),"bullet"===o){const t=function(e){const t=function(e){if(e.getChild(0).is("$text"))return null;for(const t of e.getChildren()){if(!"element","span"))continue;const e=t.getChild(0);return"$text")?e:e.getChild(0)}}(e);if(!t)return null;const n=t._data;if("o"===n)return"circle";if("·"===n)return"disc";if("§"===n)return"square";return null}(e.element);t&&(o=t)}else{const e=s.exec(i[1]);e&&e[1]&&(a=parseInt(e[1]))}}return{type:c,startIndex:a,style:l(o)}}(e,t);if(i){if(e.indent>o){const e=i.getChild(i.childCount-1),t=e.getChild(e.childCount-1);i=a(r,t,n),o+=1}else if(e.indent<o){const t=o-e.indent;i=function(e,t){const n=e.getAncestors({parentFirst:!0});let r=null,s=0;for(const e of n)if("ul"!"ol"!||s++,s===t){r=e;break}return r}(i,t),o=parseInt(e.indent)}}else i=a(r,e.element,n);e.indent<=o&&("element",r.type)||(i=n.rename(r.type,i)))}const g=function(e,t){return function(e,t){const n=new s.Matcher({name:"span",styles:{"mso-list":"Ignore"}}),r=t.createRangeIn(e);for(const e of r)"elementStart"===e.type&&n.match(e.item)&&t.remove(e.item)}(e,t),t.rename("li",e)}(e.element,n);n.appendChild(g,i)}))}function l(e){if(e.startsWith("arabic-leading-zero"))return"decimal-leading-zero";switch(e){case"alpha-upper":return"upper-alpha";case"alpha-lower":return"lower-alpha";case"roman-upper":return"upper-roman";case"roman-lower":return"lower-roman";case"circle":case"disc":case"square":return e;default:return null}}function a(e,t,n){const r=t.parent,s=n.createElement(e.type),i=r.getChildIndex(t)+1;return n.insertChild(i,s,r),"list-style-type",,s),e.startIndex&&e.startIndex>1&&n.setAttribute("start",e.startIndex,s),s}function u(e){const t={},n=e.getStyle("mso-list");if(n){const e=n.match(/(^|\s{1,100})l(\d+)/i),r=n.match(/\s{0,100}lfo(\d+)/i),s=n.match(/\s{0,100}level(\d+)/i);e&&r&&s&&([2],t.order=r[1],t.indent=s[1])}return t}const f=/id=("|')docs-internal-guid-[-0-9a-f]+("|')/i;class d{constructor(e){this.document=e}isActive(e){return f.test(e)}execute(e){const t=new s.UpcastWriter(this.document),{body:n}=e._parsedData;!function(e,t){for(const n of e.getChildren())if("element","b")&&"normal"===n.getStyle("font-weight")){const r=e.getChildIndex(n);t.remove(n),t.insertChild(r,n.getChildren(),e)}}(n,t),function(e,t){for(const n of t.createRangeIn(e)){const e=n.item;if("element","li")){const n=e.getChild(0);n&&"element","p")&&t.unwrapElement(n)}}}(n,t),function(e,t){const n=new s.ViewDocument(t.document.stylesProcessor),r=new s.DomConverter(n,{renderingMode:"data"}),c=r.blockElements,l=r.inlineObjectElements,a=[];for(const n of t.createRangeIn(e)){const e=n.item;if("element","br")){const n=i(e,"forward",t,{blockElements:c,inlineObjectElements:l}),r=i(e,"backward",t,{blockElements:c,inlineObjectElements:l}),s=o(n,c);(o(r,c)||s)&&a.push(e)}}for(const e of a)e.hasClass("Apple-interchange-newline")?t.remove(e):t.replace(e,t.createElement("p"))}(n,t),e.content=n}}function m(e,t){if(!e.childCount)return;const n=new s.UpcastWriter,r=function(e,t){const n=t.createRangeIn(e),r=new s.Matcher({name:/v:(.+)/}),i=[];for(const e of n){if("elementStart"!=e.type)continue;const t=e.item,n=t.previousSibling&&||null;r.match(t)&&t.getAttribute("o:gfxdata")&&"v:shapetype"!==n&&i.push(e.item.getAttribute("id"))}return i}(e,n);!function(e,t,n){const r=n.createRangeIn(t),i=new s.Matcher({name:"img"}),o=[];for(const t of r)if(i.match(t.item)){const n=t.item,r=n.getAttribute("v:shapes")?n.getAttribute("v:shapes").split(" "):[];r.length&&r.every((t=>e.indexOf(t)>-1))?o.push(n):n.getAttribute("src")||o.push(n)}for(const e of o)n.remove(e)}(r,e,n),function(e,t){const n=t.createRangeIn(e),r=new s.Matcher({name:/v:(.+)/}),i=[];for(const e of n)"elementStart"==e.type&&r.match(e.item)&&i.push(e.item);for(const e of i)t.remove(e)}(e,n);const i=function(e,t){const n=t.createRangeIn(e),r=new s.Matcher({name:"img"}),i=[];for(const e of n)r.match(e.item)&&e.item.getAttribute("src").startsWith("file://")&&i.push(e.item);return i}(e,n);i.length&&function(e,t,n){if(e.length===t.length)for(let r=0;r<e.length;r++){const s=`data:${t[r].type};base64,${p(t[r].hex)}`;n.setAttribute("src",s,e[r])}}(i,function(e){if(!e)return[];const t=/{\\pict[\s\S]+?\\bliptag-?\d+(\\blipupi-?\d+)?({\\\*\\blipuid\s?[\da-fA-F]+)?[\s}]*?/,n=new RegExp("(?:("+t.source+"))([\\da-fA-F\\s]+)\\}","g"),r=e.match(n),s=[];if(r)for(const e of r){let n=!1;e.includes("\\pngblip")?n="image/png":e.includes("\\jpegblip")&&(n="image/jpeg"),n&&s.push({hex:e.replace(t,"").replace(/[^\da-fA-F]/g,""),type:n})}return s}(t),n)}function p(e){return btoa(e.match(/\w{2}/g).map((e=>String.fromCharCode(parseInt(e,16)))).join(""))}const g=/<meta\s*name="?generator"?\s*content="?microsoft\s*word\s*\d+"?\/?>/i,h=/xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com/i;class y{constructor(e){this.document=e}isActive(e){return 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":Array(t.length+1).join("  ").substr(0,t.length)))}function w(e,t){const n=new DOMParser,r=function(e){return b(b(e)).replace(/(<span\s+style=['"]mso-spacerun:yes['"]>[^\S\r\n]*?)[\r\n]+([^\S\r\n]*<\/span>)/g,"$1$2").replace(/<span\s+style=['"]mso-spacerun:yes['"]><\/span>/g,"").replace(/ <\//g," </").replace(/ <o:p><\/o:p>/g," <o:p></o:p>").replace(/<o:p>(&nbsp;|\u00A0)<\/o:p>/g,"").replace(/>([^\S\r\n]*[\r\n]\s*)</g,"><")}(function(e){const t="</body>",n="</html>",r=e.indexOf(t);if(r<0)return e;const s=e.indexOf(n,r+t.length);return e.substring(0,r+t.length)+(s>=0?e.substring(s):"")}(e=e.replace(/<!--\[if gte vml 1]>/g,""))),i=n.parseFromString(r,"text/html");!function(e){e.querySelectorAll("span[style*=spacerun]").forEach((e=>{const t=e.innerText.length||0;e.innerText=Array(t+1).join("  ").substr(0,t)}))}(i);const o=i.body.innerHTML,c=function(e,t){const n=new s.ViewDocument(t),r=new s.DomConverter(n,{renderingMode:"data"}),i=e.createDocumentFragment(),o=e.body.childNodes;for(;o.length>0;)i.appendChild(o[0]);return r.domToView(i,{skipComments:!0})}(i,t),l=function(e){const t=[],n=[],r=Array.from(e.getElementsByTagName("style"));for(const e of r)e.sheet&&e.sheet.cssRules&&e.sheet.cssRules.length&&(t.push(e.sheet),n.push(e.innerHTML));return{styles:t,stylesString:n.join(" ")}}(i);return{body:c,bodyString:o,styles:l.styles,stylesString:l.stylesString}}class v extends e.Plugin{static get pluginName(){return"PasteFromOffice"}static get requires(){return[t.ClipboardPipeline]}init(){const e=this.editor,t=e.editing.view.document,n=[];n.push(new y(t)),n.push(new d(t)),e.plugins.get("ClipboardPipeline").on("inputTransformation",((r,s)=>{if(s._isTransformedWithPasteFromOffice)return;if(e.model.document.selection.getFirstPosition()"element","codeBlock"))return;const i=s.dataTransfer.getData("text/html"),o=n.find((e=>e.isActive(i)));o&&(s._parsedData=w(i,t.stylesProcessor),o.execute(s),s._isTransformedWithPasteFromOffice=!0)}),{priority:"high"})}}})(),(window.CKEditor5=window.CKEditor5||{}).pasteFromOffice=r})();
*/(()=>{var e={945:(e,t,n)=>{e.exports=n(79)("./src/clipboard.js")},704:(e,t,n)=>{e.exports=n(79)("./src/core.js")},492:(e,t,n)=>{e.exports=n(79)("./src/engine.js")},79:e=>{"use strict";e.exports=CKEditor5.dll}},t={};function n(r){var i=t[r];if(void 0!==i)return i.exports;var s=t[r]={exports:{}};return e[r](s,s.exports,n),s.exports}n.d=(e,t)=>{for(var r in t)n.o(t,r)&&!n.o(e,r)&&Object.defineProperty(e,r,{enumerable:!0,get:t[r]})},n.o=(e,t)=>,t),n.r=e=>{"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(e,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})};var r={};(()=>{"use strict";n.r(r),n.d(r,{PasteFromOffice:()=>v});var e=n(704),t=n(945),i=n(492);function s(e,t,n,{blockElements:r,inlineObjectElements:i}){let s=n.createPositionAt(e,"forward"==t?"after":"before");return s=s.getLastMatchingPosition((({item:e})=>"element")&&!r.includes(!i.includes(,{direction:t}),"forward"==t?s.nodeAfter:s.nodeBefore}function o(e,t){return!!e&&"element")&&t.includes(}function c(e,t){if(!e.childCount)return;const n=new i.UpcastWriter(e.document),r=function(e,t){const n=t.createRangeIn(e),r=new i.Matcher({name:/^p|h\d+$/,styles:{"mso-list":/.*/}}),s=[];for(const e of n)if("elementStart"===e.type&&r.match(e.item)){const t=u(e.item);s.push({element:e.item,,order:t.order,indent:t.indent})}return s}(e,n);if(!r.length)return;let s=null,o=1;r.forEach(((e,c)=>{const u=function(e,t){if(!e)return!0;if(! t.indent-e.indent!=1;const n=t.element.previousSibling;if(!n)return!0;return r=n,!("element","ol")||"element","ul"));var r}(r[c-1],e),f=u?null:r[c-1],m=(p=e,(d=f)?p.indent-d.indent:p.indent-1);var d,p;if(u&&(s=null,o=1),!s||0!==m){const r=function(e,t){const n=new RegExp(`@list l${}:level${e.indent}\\s*({[^}]*)`,"gi"),r=/mso-level-number-format:([^;]{0,100});/gi,i=/mso-level-start-at:\s{0,100}([0-9]{0,10})\s{0,100};/gi,s=n.exec(t);let o="decimal",c="ol",a=null;if(s&&s[1]){const t=r.exec(s[1]);if(t&&t[1]&&(o=t[1].trim(),c="bullet"!==o&&"image"!==o?"ol":"ul"),"bullet"===o){const t=function(e){const t=function(e){if(e.getChild(0).is("$text"))return null;for(const t of e.getChildren()){if(!"element","span"))continue;const e=t.getChild(0);return"$text")?e:e.getChild(0)}return null}(e);if(!t)return null;const n=t._data;if("o"===n)return"circle";if("·"===n)return"disc";if("§"===n)return"square";return null}(e.element);t&&(o=t)}else{const e=i.exec(s[1]);e&&e[1]&&(a=parseInt(e[1]))}}return{type:c,startIndex:a,style:l(o)}}(e,t);if(s){if(e.indent>o){const e=s.getChild(s.childCount-1),t=e.getChild(e.childCount-1);s=a(r,t,n),o+=1}else if(e.indent<o){const t=o-e.indent;s=function(e,t){const n=e.getAncestors({parentFirst:!0});let r=null,i=0;for(const e of n)if(("element","ul")||"element","ol"))&&i++,i===t){r=e;break}return r}(s,t),o=e.indent}}else s=a(r,e.element,n);e.indent<=o&&("element",r.type)||(s=n.rename(r.type,s)))}const g=function(e,t){return function(e,t){const n=new i.Matcher({name:"span",styles:{"mso-list":"Ignore"}}),r=t.createRangeIn(e);for(const e of r)"elementStart"===e.type&&n.match(e.item)&&t.remove(e.item)}(e,t),t.rename("li",e)}(e.element,n);n.appendChild(g,s)}))}function l(e){if(e.startsWith("arabic-leading-zero"))return"decimal-leading-zero";switch(e){case"alpha-upper":return"upper-alpha";case"alpha-lower":return"lower-alpha";case"roman-upper":return"upper-roman";case"roman-lower":return"lower-roman";case"circle":case"disc":case"square":return e;default:return null}}function a(e,t,n){const r=t.parent,i=n.createElement(e.type),s=r.getChildIndex(t)+1;return n.insertChild(s,i,r),"list-style-type",,i),e.startIndex&&e.startIndex>1&&n.setAttribute("start",e.startIndex,i),i}function u(e){const t={},n=e.getStyle("mso-list");if(n){const e=n.match(/(^|\s{1,100})l(\d+)/i),r=n.match(/\s{0,100}lfo(\d+)/i),i=n.match(/\s{0,100}level(\d+)/i);e&&r&&i&&([2],t.order=r[1],t.indent=parseInt(i[1]))}return t}const f=/id=("|')docs-internal-guid-[-0-9a-f]+("|')/i;class m{constructor(e){this.document=e}isActive(e){return f.test(e)}execute(e){const t=new i.UpcastWriter(this.document),{body:n}=e._parsedData;!function(e,t){for(const n of e.getChildren())if("element","b")&&"normal"===n.getStyle("font-weight")){const r=e.getChildIndex(n);t.remove(n),t.insertChild(r,n.getChildren(),e)}}(n,t),function(e,t){for(const n of t.createRangeIn(e)){const e=n.item;if("element","li")){const n=e.getChild(0);n&&"element","p")&&t.unwrapElement(n)}}}(n,t),function(e,t){const n=new i.ViewDocument(t.document.stylesProcessor),r=new i.DomConverter(n,{renderingMode:"data"}),c=r.blockElements,l=r.inlineObjectElements,a=[];for(const n of t.createRangeIn(e)){const e=n.item;if("element","br")){const n=s(e,"forward",t,{blockElements:c,inlineObjectElements:l}),r=s(e,"backward",t,{blockElements:c,inlineObjectElements:l}),i=o(n,c);(o(r,c)||i)&&a.push(e)}}for(const e of a)e.hasClass("Apple-interchange-newline")?t.remove(e):t.replace(e,t.createElement("p"))}(n,t),e.content=n}}function d(e,t){if(!e.childCount)return;const n=new i.UpcastWriter(e.document),r=function(e,t){const n=t.createRangeIn(e),r=new i.Matcher({name:/v:(.+)/}),s=[];for(const e of n){if("elementStart"!=e.type)continue;const t=e.item,n=t.previousSibling,i=n&&"element")?;r.match(t)&&t.getAttribute("o:gfxdata")&&"v:shapetype"!==i&&s.push(e.item.getAttribute("id"))}return s}(e,n);!function(e,t,n){const r=n.createRangeIn(t),s=new i.Matcher({name:"img"}),o=[];for(const t of r)if("element")&&s.match(t.item)){const n=t.item,r=n.getAttribute("v:shapes")?n.getAttribute("v:shapes").split(" "):[];r.length&&r.every((t=>e.indexOf(t)>-1))?o.push(n):n.getAttribute("src")||o.push(n)}for(const e of o)n.remove(e)}(r,e,n),function(e,t,n){const r=n.createRangeIn(t),i=[];for(const t of r)if("elementStart"==t.type&&"element","v:shape")){const n=t.item.getAttribute("id");if(e.includes(n))continue;s(t.item.parent.getChildren(),n)||i.push(t.item)}for(const e of i){const t={src:o(e)};e.hasAttribute("alt")&&(t.alt=e.getAttribute("alt"));const r=n.createElement("img",t);n.insertChild(e.index+1,r,e.parent)}function s(e,t){for(const n of e)if("element")){if("img""v:shapes")==t)return!0;if(s(n.getChildren(),t))return!0}return!1}function o(e){for(const t of e.getChildren())if("element")&&t.getAttribute("src"))return t.getAttribute("src")}}(r,e,n),function(e,t){const n=t.createRangeIn(e),r=new i.Matcher({name:/v:(.+)/}),s=[];for(const e of n)"elementStart"==e.type&&r.match(e.item)&&s.push(e.item);for(const e of s)t.remove(e)}(e,n);const s=function(e,t){const n=t.createRangeIn(e),r=new i.Matcher({name:"img"}),s=[];for(const e of n)"element")&&r.match(e.item)&&e.item.getAttribute("src").startsWith("file://")&&s.push(e.item);return s}(e,n);s.length&&function(e,t,n){if(e.length===t.length)for(let r=0;r<e.length;r++){const i=`data:${t[r].type};base64,${p(t[r].hex)}`;n.setAttribute("src",i,e[r])}}(s,function(e){if(!e)return[];const t=/{\\pict[\s\S]+?\\bliptag-?\d+(\\blipupi-?\d+)?({\\\*\\blipuid\s?[\da-fA-F]+)?[\s}]*?/,n=new RegExp("(?:("+t.source+"))([\\da-fA-F\\s]+)\\}","g"),r=e.match(n),i=[];if(r)for(const e of r){let n=!1;e.includes("\\pngblip")?n="image/png":e.includes("\\jpegblip")&&(n="image/jpeg"),n&&i.push({hex:e.replace(t,"").replace(/[^\da-fA-F]/g,""),type:n})}return i}(t),n)}function p(e){return btoa(e.match(/\w{2}/g).map((e=>String.fromCharCode(parseInt(e,16)))).join(""))}const g=/<meta\s*name="?generator"?\s*content="?microsoft\s*word\s*\d+"?\/?>/i,h=/xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com/i;class b{constructor(e){this.document=e}isActive(e){return g.test(e)||h.test(e)}execute(e){const{body:t,stylesString:n}=e._parsedData;c(t,n),d(t,e.dataTransfer.getData("text/rtf")),e.content=t}}function y(e){return e.replace(/<span(?: class="Apple-converted-space"|)>(\s+)<\/span>/g,((e,t)=>1===t.length?" ":Array(t.length+1).join("  ").substr(0,t.length)))}function w(e,t){const n=new DOMParser,r=function(e){return y(y(e)).replace(/(<span\s+style=['"]mso-spacerun:yes['"]>[^\S\r\n]*?)[\r\n]+([^\S\r\n]*<\/span>)/g,"$1$2").replace(/<span\s+style=['"]mso-spacerun:yes['"]><\/span>/g,"").replace(/ <\//g," </").replace(/ <o:p><\/o:p>/g," <o:p></o:p>").replace(/<o:p>(&nbsp;|\u00A0)<\/o:p>/g,"").replace(/>([^\S\r\n]*[\r\n]\s*)</g,"><")}(function(e){const t="</body>",n="</html>",r=e.indexOf(t);if(r<0)return e;const i=e.indexOf(n,r+t.length);return e.substring(0,r+t.length)+(i>=0?e.substring(i):"")}(e=e.replace(/<!--\[if gte vml 1]>/g,""))),s=n.parseFromString(r,"text/html");!function(e){e.querySelectorAll("span[style*=spacerun]").forEach((e=>{const t=e,n=t.innerText.length||0;t.innerText=Array(n+1).join("  ").substr(0,n)}))}(s);const o=s.body.innerHTML,c=function(e,t){const n=new i.ViewDocument(t),r=new i.DomConverter(n,{renderingMode:"data"}),s=e.createDocumentFragment(),o=e.body.childNodes;for(;o.length>0;)s.appendChild(o[0]);return r.domToView(s,{skipComments:!0})}(s,t),l=function(e){const t=[],n=[],r=Array.from(e.getElementsByTagName("style"));for(const e of r)e.sheet&&e.sheet.cssRules&&e.sheet.cssRules.length&&(t.push(e.sheet),n.push(e.innerHTML));return{styles:t,stylesString:n.join(" ")}}(s);return{body:c,bodyString:o,styles:l.styles,stylesString:l.stylesString}}class v extends e.Plugin{static get pluginName(){return"PasteFromOffice"}static get requires(){return[t.ClipboardPipeline]}init(){const e=this.editor,t=e.editing.view.document,n=[];n.push(new b(t)),n.push(new m(t)),e.plugins.get("ClipboardPipeline").on("inputTransformation",((r,i)=>{if(i._isTransformedWithPasteFromOffice)return;if(e.model.document.selection.getFirstPosition()"element","codeBlock"))return;const s=i.dataTransfer.getData("text/html"),o=n.find((e=>e.isActive(s)));o&&(i._parsedData=w(s,t.stylesProcessor),o.execute(i),i._isTransformedWithPasteFromOffice=!0)}),{priority:"high"})}}})(),(window.CKEditor5=window.CKEditor5||{}).pasteFromOffice=r})();

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ Software License Agreement

**CKEditor 5 paste from Office feature** – <br>
Copyright (c) 2003-2022, [CKSource Holding sp. z o.o.]( All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2003-2023, [CKSource Holding sp. z o.o.]( All rights reserved.

@@ -8,0 +8,0 @@ Licensed under the terms of [GNU General Public License Version 2 or later](

"name": "@ckeditor/ckeditor5-paste-from-office",
"version": "35.4.0",
"version": "36.0.0",
"description": "Paste from Office feature for CKEditor 5.",

@@ -15,25 +15,26 @@ "keywords": [

"dependencies": {
"ckeditor5": "^35.4.0"
"ckeditor5": "^36.0.0"
"devDependencies": {
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-basic-styles": "^35.4.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-clipboard": "^35.4.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-cloud-services": "^35.4.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-code-block": "^35.4.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-core": "^35.4.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-dev-utils": "^31.0.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-easy-image": "^35.4.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-engine": "^35.4.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-editor-classic": "^35.4.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-enter": "^35.4.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-font": "^35.4.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-heading": "^35.4.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-image": "^35.4.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-link": "^35.4.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-list": "^35.4.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-page-break": "^35.4.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-paragraph": "^35.4.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-table": "^35.4.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-theme-lark": "^35.4.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils": "^35.4.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-basic-styles": "^36.0.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-clipboard": "^36.0.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-cloud-services": "^36.0.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-code-block": "^36.0.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-core": "^36.0.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-dev-utils": "^32.0.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-easy-image": "^36.0.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-engine": "^36.0.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-editor-classic": "^36.0.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-enter": "^36.0.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-font": "^36.0.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-heading": "^36.0.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-image": "^36.0.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-link": "^36.0.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-list": "^36.0.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-page-break": "^36.0.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-paragraph": "^36.0.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-table": "^36.0.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-theme-lark": "^36.0.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils": "^36.0.0",
"typescript": "^4.8.4",
"webpack": "^5.58.1",

@@ -57,3 +58,4 @@ "webpack-cli": "^4.9.0"


@@ -65,4 +67,6 @@ "build",

"scripts": {
"dll:build": "webpack"
"dll:build": "webpack",
"build": "tsc -p ./tsconfig.release.json",
"postversion": "npm run build"
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2022, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2023, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see or
* @module paste-from-office/filters/br
import { DomConverter, ViewDocument } from 'ckeditor5/src/engine';
* Transforms `<br>` elements that are siblings to some block element into a paragraphs.
* @param {module:engine/view/documentfragment~DocumentFragment} documentFragment The view structure to be transformed.
* @param {module:engine/view/upcastwriter~UpcastWriter} writer
* @param documentFragment The view structure to be transformed.
export default function transformBlockBrsToParagraphs( documentFragment, writer ) {
const viewDocument = new ViewDocument( writer.document.stylesProcessor );
const domConverter = new DomConverter( viewDocument, { renderingMode: 'data' } );
const blockElements = domConverter.blockElements;
const inlineObjectElements = domConverter.inlineObjectElements;
const elementsToReplace = [];
for ( const value of writer.createRangeIn( documentFragment ) ) {
const element = value.item;
if ( 'element', 'br' ) ) {
const nextSibling = findSibling( element, 'forward', writer, { blockElements, inlineObjectElements } );
const previousSibling = findSibling( element, 'backward', writer, { blockElements, inlineObjectElements } );
const nextSiblingIsBlock = isBlockViewElement( nextSibling, blockElements );
const previousSiblingIsBlock = isBlockViewElement( previousSibling, blockElements );
// If the <br> is surrounded by blocks then convert it to a paragraph:
// * <p>foo</p>[<br>]<p>bar</p> -> <p>foo</p>[<p></p>]<p>bar</p>
// * <p>foo</p>[<br>] -> <p>foo</p>[<p></p>]
// * [<br>]<p>foo</p> -> [<p></p>]<p>foo</p>
if ( previousSiblingIsBlock || nextSiblingIsBlock ) {
elementsToReplace.push( element );
for ( const element of elementsToReplace ) {
if ( element.hasClass( 'Apple-interchange-newline' ) ) {
writer.remove( element );
} else {
writer.replace( element, writer.createElement( 'p' ) );
export default function transformBlockBrsToParagraphs(documentFragment, writer) {
const viewDocument = new ViewDocument(writer.document.stylesProcessor);
const domConverter = new DomConverter(viewDocument, { renderingMode: 'data' });
const blockElements = domConverter.blockElements;
const inlineObjectElements = domConverter.inlineObjectElements;
const elementsToReplace = [];
for (const value of writer.createRangeIn(documentFragment)) {
const element = value.item;
if ('element', 'br')) {
const nextSibling = findSibling(element, 'forward', writer, { blockElements, inlineObjectElements });
const previousSibling = findSibling(element, 'backward', writer, { blockElements, inlineObjectElements });
const nextSiblingIsBlock = isBlockViewElement(nextSibling, blockElements);
const previousSiblingIsBlock = isBlockViewElement(previousSibling, blockElements);
// If the <br> is surrounded by blocks then convert it to a paragraph:
// * <p>foo</p>[<br>]<p>bar</p> -> <p>foo</p>[<p></p>]<p>bar</p>
// * <p>foo</p>[<br>] -> <p>foo</p>[<p></p>]
// * [<br>]<p>foo</p> -> [<p></p>]<p>foo</p>
if (previousSiblingIsBlock || nextSiblingIsBlock) {
for (const element of elementsToReplace) {
if (element.hasClass('Apple-interchange-newline')) {
else {
writer.replace(element, writer.createElement('p'));
// Returns sibling node, threats inline elements as transparent (but should stop on an inline objects).
function findSibling( viewElement, direction, writer, { blockElements, inlineObjectElements } ) {
let position = writer.createPositionAt( viewElement, direction == 'forward' ? 'after' : 'before' );
// Find first position that is just before a first:
// * text node,
// * block element,
// * inline object element.
// It's ignoring any inline (non-object) elements like span, strong, etc.
position = position.getLastMatchingPosition( ( { item } ) => ( 'element' ) &&
!blockElements.includes( ) &&
!inlineObjectElements.includes( )
), { direction } );
return direction == 'forward' ? position.nodeAfter : position.nodeBefore;
* Returns sibling node, threats inline elements as transparent (but should stop on an inline objects).
function findSibling(viewElement, direction, writer, { blockElements, inlineObjectElements }) {
let position = writer.createPositionAt(viewElement, direction == 'forward' ? 'after' : 'before');
// Find first position that is just before a first:
// * text node,
// * block element,
// * inline object element.
// It's ignoring any inline (non-object) elements like span, strong, etc.
position = position.getLastMatchingPosition(({ item }) => ('element') &&
!blockElements.includes( &&
!inlineObjectElements.includes(, { direction });
return direction == 'forward' ? position.nodeAfter : position.nodeBefore;
// Returns true for view elements that are listed as block view elements.
function isBlockViewElement( node, blockElements ) {
return !!node && 'element' ) && blockElements.includes( );
* Returns true for view elements that are listed as block view elements.
function isBlockViewElement(node, blockElements) {
return !!node &&'element') && blockElements.includes(;
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2022, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2023, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see or
* @module paste-from-office/filters/image
/* globals btoa */
import { Matcher, UpcastWriter } from 'ckeditor5/src/engine';

@@ -18,206 +14,229 @@ * Replaces source attribute of all `<img>` elements representing regular

* @param {module:engine/view/documentfragment~DocumentFragment} documentFragment Document fragment on which transform images.
* @param {String} rtfData The RTF data from which images representation will be used.
* @param documentFragment Document fragment on which transform images.
* @param rtfData The RTF data from which images representation will be used.
export function replaceImagesSourceWithBase64( documentFragment, rtfData ) {
if ( !documentFragment.childCount ) {
const upcastWriter = new UpcastWriter();
const shapesIds = findAllShapesIds( documentFragment, upcastWriter );
removeAllImgElementsRepresentingShapes( shapesIds, documentFragment, upcastWriter );
removeAllShapeElements( documentFragment, upcastWriter );
const images = findAllImageElementsWithLocalSource( documentFragment, upcastWriter );
if ( images.length ) {
replaceImagesFileSourceWithInlineRepresentation( images, extractImageDataFromRtf( rtfData ), upcastWriter );
export function replaceImagesSourceWithBase64(documentFragment, rtfData) {
if (!documentFragment.childCount) {
const upcastWriter = new UpcastWriter(documentFragment.document);
const shapesIds = findAllShapesIds(documentFragment, upcastWriter);
removeAllImgElementsRepresentingShapes(shapesIds, documentFragment, upcastWriter);
insertMissingImgs(shapesIds, documentFragment, upcastWriter);
removeAllShapeElements(documentFragment, upcastWriter);
const images = findAllImageElementsWithLocalSource(documentFragment, upcastWriter);
if (images.length) {
replaceImagesFileSourceWithInlineRepresentation(images, extractImageDataFromRtf(rtfData), upcastWriter);
* Converts given HEX string to base64 representation.
* @protected
* @param {String} hexString The HEX string to be converted.
* @returns {String} Base64 representation of a given HEX string.
* @internal
* @param hexString The HEX string to be converted.
* @returns Base64 representation of a given HEX string.
export function _convertHexToBase64( hexString ) {
return btoa( hexString.match( /\w{2}/g ).map( char => {
return String.fromCharCode( parseInt( char, 16 ) );
} ).join( '' ) );
export function _convertHexToBase64(hexString) {
return btoa(hexString.match(/\w{2}/g).map(char => {
return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(char, 16));
// Finds all shapes (`<v:*>...</v:*>`) ids. Shapes can represent images (canvas)
// or Word shapes (which does not have RTF or Blob representation).
// @param {module:engine/view/documentfragment~DocumentFragment} documentFragment Document fragment
// from which to extract shape ids.
// @param {module:engine/view/upcastwriter~UpcastWriter} writer
// @returns {Array.<String>} Array of shape ids.
function findAllShapesIds( documentFragment, writer ) {
const range = writer.createRangeIn( documentFragment );
const shapeElementsMatcher = new Matcher( {
name: /v:(.+)/
} );
const shapesIds = [];
for ( const value of range ) {
if ( value.type != 'elementStart' ) {
const el = value.item;
const prevSiblingName = el.previousSibling && || null;
// If shape element have 'o:gfxdata' attribute and is not directly before `<v:shapetype>` element it means it represent Word shape.
if ( shapeElementsMatcher.match( el ) && el.getAttribute( 'o:gfxdata' ) && prevSiblingName !== 'v:shapetype' ) {
shapesIds.push( value.item.getAttribute( 'id' ) );
return shapesIds;
* Finds all shapes (`<v:*>...</v:*>`) ids. Shapes can represent images (canvas)
* or Word shapes (which does not have RTF or Blob representation).
* @param documentFragment Document fragment from which to extract shape ids.
* @returns Array of shape ids.
function findAllShapesIds(documentFragment, writer) {
const range = writer.createRangeIn(documentFragment);
const shapeElementsMatcher = new Matcher({
name: /v:(.+)/
const shapesIds = [];
for (const value of range) {
if (value.type != 'elementStart') {
const el = value.item;
const previousSibling = el.previousSibling;
const prevSiblingName = previousSibling &&'element') ? : null;
// If shape element have 'o:gfxdata' attribute and is not directly before `<v:shapetype>` element it means it represent Word shape.
if (shapeElementsMatcher.match(el) && el.getAttribute('o:gfxdata') && prevSiblingName !== 'v:shapetype') {
return shapesIds;
// Removes all `<img>` elements which represents Word shapes and not regular images.
// @param {Array.<String>} shapesIds Shape ids which will be checked against `<img>` elements.
// @param {module:engine/view/documentfragment~DocumentFragment} documentFragment Document fragment from which to remove `<img>` elements.
// @param {module:engine/view/upcastwriter~UpcastWriter} writer
function removeAllImgElementsRepresentingShapes( shapesIds, documentFragment, writer ) {
const range = writer.createRangeIn( documentFragment );
const imageElementsMatcher = new Matcher( {
name: 'img'
} );
const imgs = [];
for ( const value of range ) {
if ( imageElementsMatcher.match( value.item ) ) {
const el = value.item;
const shapes = el.getAttribute( 'v:shapes' ) ? el.getAttribute( 'v:shapes' ).split( ' ' ) : [];
if ( shapes.length && shapes.every( shape => shapesIds.indexOf( shape ) > -1 ) ) {
imgs.push( el );
// Shapes may also have empty source while content is paste in some browsers (Safari).
} else if ( !el.getAttribute( 'src' ) ) {
imgs.push( el );
for ( const img of imgs ) {
writer.remove( img );
* Removes all `<img>` elements which represents Word shapes and not regular images.
* @param shapesIds Shape ids which will be checked against `<img>` elements.
* @param documentFragment Document fragment from which to remove `<img>` elements.
function removeAllImgElementsRepresentingShapes(shapesIds, documentFragment, writer) {
const range = writer.createRangeIn(documentFragment);
const imageElementsMatcher = new Matcher({
name: 'img'
const imgs = [];
for (const value of range) {
if ('element') && imageElementsMatcher.match(value.item)) {
const el = value.item;
const shapes = el.getAttribute('v:shapes') ? el.getAttribute('v:shapes').split(' ') : [];
if (shapes.length && shapes.every(shape => shapesIds.indexOf(shape) > -1)) {
// Shapes may also have empty source while content is paste in some browsers (Safari).
else if (!el.getAttribute('src')) {
for (const img of imgs) {
// Removes all shape elements (`<v:*>...</v:*>`) so they do not pollute the output structure.
// @param {module:engine/view/documentfragment~DocumentFragment} documentFragment Document fragment from which to remove shape elements.
// @param {module:engine/view/upcastwriter~UpcastWriter} writer
function removeAllShapeElements( documentFragment, writer ) {
const range = writer.createRangeIn( documentFragment );
const shapeElementsMatcher = new Matcher( {
name: /v:(.+)/
} );
const shapes = [];
for ( const value of range ) {
if ( value.type == 'elementStart' && shapeElementsMatcher.match( value.item ) ) {
shapes.push( value.item );
for ( const shape of shapes ) {
writer.remove( shape );
* Removes all shape elements (`<v:*>...</v:*>`) so they do not pollute the output structure.
* @param documentFragment Document fragment from which to remove shape elements.
function removeAllShapeElements(documentFragment, writer) {
const range = writer.createRangeIn(documentFragment);
const shapeElementsMatcher = new Matcher({
name: /v:(.+)/
const shapes = [];
for (const value of range) {
if (value.type == 'elementStart' && shapeElementsMatcher.match(value.item)) {
for (const shape of shapes) {
// Finds all `<img>` elements in a given document fragment which have source pointing to local `file://` resource.
// @param {module:engine/view/documentfragment~DocumentFragment} documentFragment Document fragment in which to look for `<img>` elements.
// @param {module:engine/view/upcastwriter~UpcastWriter} writer
// @returns {Object} result All found images grouped by source type.
// @returns {Array.<module:engine/view/element~Element>} result.file Array of found `<img>` elements with `file://` source.
// @returns {Array.<module:engine/view/element~Element>} result.blob Array of found `<img>` elements with `blob:` source.
function findAllImageElementsWithLocalSource( documentFragment, writer ) {
const range = writer.createRangeIn( documentFragment );
const imageElementsMatcher = new Matcher( {
name: 'img'
} );
const imgs = [];
for ( const value of range ) {
if ( imageElementsMatcher.match( value.item ) ) {
if ( value.item.getAttribute( 'src' ).startsWith( 'file://' ) ) {
imgs.push( value.item );
return imgs;
* Inserts `img` tags if there is none after a shape.
function insertMissingImgs(shapeIds, documentFragment, writer) {
const range = writer.createRangeIn(documentFragment);
const shapes = [];
for (const value of range) {
if (value.type == 'elementStart' &&'element', 'v:shape')) {
const id = value.item.getAttribute('id');
if (shapeIds.includes(id)) {
if (!containsMatchingImg(value.item.parent.getChildren(), id)) {
for (const shape of shapes) {
const attrs = {
src: findSrc(shape)
if (shape.hasAttribute('alt')) {
attrs.alt = shape.getAttribute('alt');
const img = writer.createElement('img', attrs);
writer.insertChild(shape.index + 1, img, shape.parent);
function containsMatchingImg(nodes, id) {
for (const node of nodes) {
/* istanbul ignore else */
if ('element')) {
if ( == 'img' && node.getAttribute('v:shapes') == id) {
return true;
if (containsMatchingImg(node.getChildren(), id)) {
return true;
return false;
function findSrc(shape) {
for (const child of shape.getChildren()) {
/* istanbul ignore else */
if ('element') && child.getAttribute('src')) {
return child.getAttribute('src');
// Extracts all images HEX representations from a given RTF data.
// @param {String} rtfData The RTF data from which to extract images HEX representation.
// @returns {Array.<Object>} Array of found HEX representations. Each array item is an object containing:
// * {String} hex Image representation in HEX format.
// * {string} type Type of image, `image/png` or `image/jpeg`.
function extractImageDataFromRtf( rtfData ) {
if ( !rtfData ) {
return [];
const regexPictureHeader = /{\\pict[\s\S]+?\\bliptag-?\d+(\\blipupi-?\d+)?({\\\*\\blipuid\s?[\da-fA-F]+)?[\s}]*?/;
const regexPicture = new RegExp( '(?:(' + regexPictureHeader.source + '))([\\da-fA-F\\s]+)\\}', 'g' );
const images = rtfData.match( regexPicture );
const result = [];
if ( images ) {
for ( const image of images ) {
let imageType = false;
if ( image.includes( '\\pngblip' ) ) {
imageType = 'image/png';
} else if ( image.includes( '\\jpegblip' ) ) {
imageType = 'image/jpeg';
if ( imageType ) {
result.push( {
hex: image.replace( regexPictureHeader, '' ).replace( /[^\da-fA-F]/g, '' ),
type: imageType
} );
return result;
* Finds all `<img>` elements in a given document fragment which have source pointing to local `file://` resource.
* @param documentFragment Document fragment in which to look for `<img>` elements.
* @returns result All found images grouped by source type.
function findAllImageElementsWithLocalSource(documentFragment, writer) {
const range = writer.createRangeIn(documentFragment);
const imageElementsMatcher = new Matcher({
name: 'img'
const imgs = [];
for (const value of range) {
if ('element') && imageElementsMatcher.match(value.item)) {
if (value.item.getAttribute('src').startsWith('file://')) {
return imgs;
// Replaces `src` attribute value of all given images with the corresponding base64 image representation.
// @param {Array.<module:engine/view/element~Element>} imageElements Array of image elements which will have its source replaced.
// @param {Array.<Object>} imagesHexSources Array of images hex sources (usually the result of `extractImageDataFromRtf()` function).
// The array should be the same length as `imageElements` parameter.
// @param {module:engine/view/upcastwriter~UpcastWriter} writer
function replaceImagesFileSourceWithInlineRepresentation( imageElements, imagesHexSources, writer ) {
// Assume there is an equal amount of image elements and images HEX sources so they can be matched accordingly based on existing order.
if ( imageElements.length === imagesHexSources.length ) {
for ( let i = 0; i < imageElements.length; i++ ) {
const newSrc = `data:${ imagesHexSources[ i ].type };base64,${ _convertHexToBase64( imagesHexSources[ i ].hex ) }`;
writer.setAttribute( 'src', newSrc, imageElements[ i ] );
* Extracts all images HEX representations from a given RTF data.
* @param rtfData The RTF data from which to extract images HEX representation.
* @returns Array of found HEX representations. Each array item is an object containing:
* * hex Image representation in HEX format.
* * type Type of image, `image/png` or `image/jpeg`.
function extractImageDataFromRtf(rtfData) {
if (!rtfData) {
return [];
const regexPictureHeader = /{\\pict[\s\S]+?\\bliptag-?\d+(\\blipupi-?\d+)?({\\\*\\blipuid\s?[\da-fA-F]+)?[\s}]*?/;
const regexPicture = new RegExp('(?:(' + regexPictureHeader.source + '))([\\da-fA-F\\s]+)\\}', 'g');
const images = rtfData.match(regexPicture);
const result = [];
if (images) {
for (const image of images) {
let imageType = false;
if (image.includes('\\pngblip')) {
imageType = 'image/png';
else if (image.includes('\\jpegblip')) {
imageType = 'image/jpeg';
if (imageType) {
hex: image.replace(regexPictureHeader, '').replace(/[^\da-fA-F]/g, ''),
type: imageType
return result;
* Replaces `src` attribute value of all given images with the corresponding base64 image representation.
* @param imageElements Array of image elements which will have its source replaced.
* @param imagesHexSources Array of images hex sources (usually the result of `extractImageDataFromRtf()` function).
* The array should be the same length as `imageElements` parameter.
function replaceImagesFileSourceWithInlineRepresentation(imageElements, imagesHexSources, writer) {
// Assume there is an equal amount of image elements and images HEX sources so they can be matched accordingly based on existing order.
if (imageElements.length === imagesHexSources.length) {
for (let i = 0; i < imageElements.length; i++) {
const newSrc = `data:${imagesHexSources[i].type};base64,${_convertHexToBase64(imagesHexSources[i].hex)}`;
writer.setAttribute('src', newSrc, imageElements[i]);
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2022, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2023, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see or
* @module paste-from-office/filters/list
import { Matcher, UpcastWriter } from 'ckeditor5/src/engine';

@@ -17,446 +14,379 @@ * Transforms Word specific list-like elements to the semantic HTML lists.

* <p class=MsoListParagraphCxSpFirst style='mso-list:l1 level1 lfo1'>...</p> // Paragraph based list.
* <h1 style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1'>...</h1> // Heading 1 based list.
* ```xml
* <p class=MsoListParagraphCxSpFirst style='mso-list:l1 level1 lfo1'>...</p> // Paragraph based list.
* <h1 style='mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1'>...</h1> // Heading 1 based list.
* ```
* @param {module:engine/view/documentfragment~DocumentFragment} documentFragment The view structure to be transformed.
* @param {String} stylesString Styles from which list-like elements styling will be extracted.
* @param documentFragment The view structure to be transformed.
* @param stylesString Styles from which list-like elements styling will be extracted.
export function transformListItemLikeElementsIntoLists( documentFragment, stylesString ) {
if ( !documentFragment.childCount ) {
const writer = new UpcastWriter( documentFragment.document );
const itemLikeElements = findAllItemLikeElements( documentFragment, writer );
if ( !itemLikeElements.length ) {
let currentList = null;
let currentIndentation = 1;
itemLikeElements.forEach( ( itemLikeElement, i ) => {
const isDifferentList = isNewListNeeded( itemLikeElements[ i - 1 ], itemLikeElement );
const previousItemLikeElement = isDifferentList ? null : itemLikeElements[ i - 1 ];
const indentationDifference = getIndentationDifference( previousItemLikeElement, itemLikeElement );
if ( isDifferentList ) {
currentList = null;
currentIndentation = 1;
if ( !currentList || indentationDifference !== 0 ) {
const listStyle = detectListStyle( itemLikeElement, stylesString );
if ( !currentList ) {
currentList = insertNewEmptyList( listStyle, itemLikeElement.element, writer );
} else if ( itemLikeElement.indent > currentIndentation ) {
const lastListItem = currentList.getChild( currentList.childCount - 1 );
const lastListItemChild = lastListItem.getChild( lastListItem.childCount - 1 );
currentList = insertNewEmptyList( listStyle, lastListItemChild, writer );
currentIndentation += 1;
} else if ( itemLikeElement.indent < currentIndentation ) {
const differentIndentation = currentIndentation - itemLikeElement.indent;
currentList = findParentListAtLevel( currentList, differentIndentation );
currentIndentation = parseInt( itemLikeElement.indent );
if ( itemLikeElement.indent <= currentIndentation ) {
if ( ! 'element', listStyle.type ) ) {
currentList = writer.rename( listStyle.type, currentList );
const listItem = transformElementIntoListItem( itemLikeElement.element, writer );
writer.appendChild( listItem, currentList );
} );
export function transformListItemLikeElementsIntoLists(documentFragment, stylesString) {
if (!documentFragment.childCount) {
const writer = new UpcastWriter(documentFragment.document);
const itemLikeElements = findAllItemLikeElements(documentFragment, writer);
if (!itemLikeElements.length) {
let currentList = null;
let currentIndentation = 1;
itemLikeElements.forEach((itemLikeElement, i) => {
const isDifferentList = isNewListNeeded(itemLikeElements[i - 1], itemLikeElement);
const previousItemLikeElement = isDifferentList ? null : itemLikeElements[i - 1];
const indentationDifference = getIndentationDifference(previousItemLikeElement, itemLikeElement);
if (isDifferentList) {
currentList = null;
currentIndentation = 1;
if (!currentList || indentationDifference !== 0) {
const listStyle = detectListStyle(itemLikeElement, stylesString);
if (!currentList) {
currentList = insertNewEmptyList(listStyle, itemLikeElement.element, writer);
else if (itemLikeElement.indent > currentIndentation) {
const lastListItem = currentList.getChild(currentList.childCount - 1);
const lastListItemChild = lastListItem.getChild(lastListItem.childCount - 1);
currentList = insertNewEmptyList(listStyle, lastListItemChild, writer);
currentIndentation += 1;
else if (itemLikeElement.indent < currentIndentation) {
const differentIndentation = currentIndentation - itemLikeElement.indent;
currentList = findParentListAtLevel(currentList, differentIndentation);
currentIndentation = itemLikeElement.indent;
if (itemLikeElement.indent <= currentIndentation) {
if (!'element', listStyle.type)) {
currentList = writer.rename(listStyle.type, currentList);
const listItem = transformElementIntoListItem(itemLikeElement.element, writer);
writer.appendChild(listItem, currentList);
* Removes paragraph wrapping content inside a list item.
export function unwrapParagraphInListItem(documentFragment, writer) {
for (const value of writer.createRangeIn(documentFragment)) {
const element = value.item;
if ('element', 'li')) {
// Google Docs allows for single paragraph inside LI.
const firstChild = element.getChild(0);
if (firstChild &&'element', 'p')) {
* Finds all list-like elements in a given document fragment.
* @param {module:engine/view/documentfragment~DocumentFragment} documentFragment
* @param {module:engine/view/upcastwriter~UpcastWriter} writer
* @param documentFragment Document fragment in which to look for list-like nodes.
* @returns Array of found list-like items. Each item is an object containing:
export function unwrapParagraphInListItem( documentFragment, writer ) {
for ( const value of writer.createRangeIn( documentFragment ) ) {
const element = value.item;
if ( 'element', 'li' ) ) {
// Google Docs allows for single paragraph inside LI.
const firstChild = element.getChild( 0 );
if ( firstChild && 'element', 'p' ) ) {
writer.unwrapElement( firstChild );
function findAllItemLikeElements(documentFragment, writer) {
const range = writer.createRangeIn(documentFragment);
// Matcher for finding list-like elements.
const itemLikeElementsMatcher = new Matcher({
name: /^p|h\d+$/,
styles: {
'mso-list': /.*/
const itemLikeElements = [];
for (const value of range) {
if (value.type === 'elementStart' && itemLikeElementsMatcher.match(value.item)) {
const itemData = getListItemData(value.item);
element: value.item,
order: itemData.order,
indent: itemData.indent
return itemLikeElements;
// Finds all list-like elements in a given document fragment.
// @param {module:engine/view/documentfragment~DocumentFragment} documentFragment Document fragment
// in which to look for list-like nodes.
// @param {module:engine/view/upcastwriter~UpcastWriter} writer
// @returns {Array.<Object>} Array of found list-like items. Each item is an object containing:
// * {module:engine/src/view/element~Element} element List-like element.
// * {Number} id List item id parsed from `mso-list` style (see `getListItemData()` function).
// * {Number} order List item creation order parsed from `mso-list` style (see `getListItemData()` function).
// * {Number} indent List item indentation level parsed from `mso-list` style (see `getListItemData()` function).
function findAllItemLikeElements( documentFragment, writer ) {
const range = writer.createRangeIn( documentFragment );
// Matcher for finding list-like elements.
const itemLikeElementsMatcher = new Matcher( {
name: /^p|h\d+$/,
styles: {
'mso-list': /.*/
} );
const itemLikeElements = [];
for ( const value of range ) {
if ( value.type === 'elementStart' && itemLikeElementsMatcher.match( value.item ) ) {
const itemData = getListItemData( value.item );
itemLikeElements.push( {
element: value.item,
order: itemData.order,
indent: itemData.indent
} );
return itemLikeElements;
* Extracts list item style from the provided CSS.
* List item style is extracted from the CSS stylesheet. Each list with its specific style attribute
* value (`mso-list:l1 level1 lfo1`) has its dedicated properties in a CSS stylesheet defined with a selector like:
* ```css
* @list l1:level1 { ... }
* ```
* It contains `mso-level-number-format` property which defines list numbering/bullet style. If this property
* is not defined it means default `decimal` numbering.
* Here CSS string representation is used as `mso-level-number-format` property is an invalid CSS property
* and will be removed during CSS parsing.
* @param listLikeItem List-like item for which list style will be searched for. Usually
* a result of `findAllItemLikeElements()` function.
* @param stylesString CSS stylesheet.
* @returns An object with properties:
* * type - List type, could be `ul` or `ol`.
* * startIndex - List start index, valid only for ordered lists.
* * style - List style, for example: `decimal`, `lower-roman`, etc. It is extracted
* directly from Word stylesheet and adjusted to represent proper values for the CSS `list-style-type` property.
* If it cannot be adjusted, the `null` value is returned.
function detectListStyle(listLikeItem, stylesString) {
const listStyleRegexp = new RegExp(`@list l${}:level${listLikeItem.indent}\\s*({[^}]*)`, 'gi');
const listStyleTypeRegex = /mso-level-number-format:([^;]{0,100});/gi;
const listStartIndexRegex = /mso-level-start-at:\s{0,100}([0-9]{0,10})\s{0,100};/gi;
const listStyleMatch = listStyleRegexp.exec(stylesString);
let listStyleType = 'decimal'; // Decimal is default one.
let type = 'ol'; // <ol> is default list.
let startIndex = null;
if (listStyleMatch && listStyleMatch[1]) {
const listStyleTypeMatch = listStyleTypeRegex.exec(listStyleMatch[1]);
if (listStyleTypeMatch && listStyleTypeMatch[1]) {
listStyleType = listStyleTypeMatch[1].trim();
type = listStyleType !== 'bullet' && listStyleType !== 'image' ? 'ol' : 'ul';
// Styles for the numbered lists are always defined in the Word CSS stylesheet.
// Unordered lists MAY contain a value for the Word CSS definition `mso-level-text` but sometimes
// this tag is missing. And because of that, we cannot depend on that. We need to predict the list style value
// based on the list style marker element.
if (listStyleType === 'bullet') {
const bulletedStyle = findBulletedListStyle(listLikeItem.element);
if (bulletedStyle) {
listStyleType = bulletedStyle;
else {
const listStartIndexMatch = listStartIndexRegex.exec(listStyleMatch[1]);
if (listStartIndexMatch && listStartIndexMatch[1]) {
startIndex = parseInt(listStartIndexMatch[1]);
return {
style: mapListStyleDefinition(listStyleType)
// Extracts list item style from the provided CSS.
// List item style is extracted from the CSS stylesheet. Each list with its specific style attribute
// value (`mso-list:l1 level1 lfo1`) has its dedicated properties in a CSS stylesheet defined with a selector like:
// @list l1:level1 { ... }
// It contains `mso-level-number-format` property which defines list numbering/bullet style. If this property
// is not defined it means default `decimal` numbering.
// Here CSS string representation is used as `mso-level-number-format` property is an invalid CSS property
// and will be removed during CSS parsing.
// @param {Object} listLikeItem List-like item for which list style will be searched for. Usually
// a result of `findAllItemLikeElements()` function.
// @param {String} stylesString CSS stylesheet.
// @returns {Object} result
// @returns {String} result.type List type, could be `ul` or `ol`.
// @returns {Number} result.startIndex List start index, valid only for ordered lists.
// @returns {String|null} List style, for example: `decimal`, `lower-roman`, etc. It is extracted
// directly from Word stylesheet and adjusted to represent proper values for the CSS `list-style-type` property.
// If it cannot be adjusted, the `null` value is returned.
function detectListStyle( listLikeItem, stylesString ) {
const listStyleRegexp = new RegExp( `@list l${ }:level${ listLikeItem.indent }\\s*({[^}]*)`, 'gi' );
const listStyleTypeRegex = /mso-level-number-format:([^;]{0,100});/gi;
const listStartIndexRegex = /mso-level-start-at:\s{0,100}([0-9]{0,10})\s{0,100};/gi;
const listStyleMatch = listStyleRegexp.exec( stylesString );
let listStyleType = 'decimal'; // Decimal is default one.
let type = 'ol'; // <ol> is default list.
let startIndex = null;
if ( listStyleMatch && listStyleMatch[ 1 ] ) {
const listStyleTypeMatch = listStyleTypeRegex.exec( listStyleMatch[ 1 ] );
if ( listStyleTypeMatch && listStyleTypeMatch[ 1 ] ) {
listStyleType = listStyleTypeMatch[ 1 ].trim();
type = listStyleType !== 'bullet' && listStyleType !== 'image' ? 'ol' : 'ul';
// Styles for the numbered lists are always defined in the Word CSS stylesheet.
// Unordered lists MAY contain a value for the Word CSS definition `mso-level-text` but sometimes
// this tag is missing. And because of that, we cannot depend on that. We need to predict the list style value
// based on the list style marker element.
if ( listStyleType === 'bullet' ) {
const bulletedStyle = findBulletedListStyle( listLikeItem.element );
if ( bulletedStyle ) {
listStyleType = bulletedStyle;
} else {
const listStartIndexMatch = listStartIndexRegex.exec( listStyleMatch[ 1 ] );
if ( listStartIndexMatch && listStartIndexMatch[ 1 ] ) {
startIndex = parseInt( listStartIndexMatch[ 1 ] );
return {
style: mapListStyleDefinition( listStyleType )
* Tries to extract the `list-style-type` value based on the marker element for bulleted list.
function findBulletedListStyle(element) {
const listMarkerElement = findListMarkerNode(element);
if (!listMarkerElement) {
return null;
const listMarker = listMarkerElement._data;
if (listMarker === 'o') {
return 'circle';
else if (listMarker === '·') {
return 'disc';
// Word returns '§' instead of '■' for the square list style.
else if (listMarker === '§') {
return 'square';
return null;
// Tries to extract the `list-style-type` value based on the marker element for bulleted list.
// @param {module:engine/view/element~Element} element
// @returns {String|null}
function findBulletedListStyle( element ) {
const listMarkerElement = findListMarkerNode( element );
if ( !listMarkerElement ) {
return null;
const listMarker = listMarkerElement._data;
if ( listMarker === 'o' ) {
return 'circle';
} else if ( listMarker === '·' ) {
return 'disc';
// Word returns '§' instead of '■' for the square list style.
else if ( listMarker === '§' ) {
return 'square';
return null;
* Tries to find a text node that represents the marker element (list-style-type).
function findListMarkerNode(element) {
// If the first child is a text node, it is the data for the element.
// The list-style marker is not present here.
if (element.getChild(0).is('$text')) {
return null;
for (const childNode of element.getChildren()) {
// The list-style marker will be inside the `<span>` element. Let's ignore all non-span elements.
// It may happen that the `<a>` element is added as the first child. Most probably, it's an anchor element.
if (!'element', 'span')) {
const textNodeOrElement = childNode.getChild(0);
// If already found the marker element, use it.
if ('$text')) {
return textNodeOrElement;
return textNodeOrElement.getChild(0);
/* istanbul ignore next */
return null;
// Tries to find a text node that represents the marker element (list-style-type).
// @param {module:engine/view/element~Element} element
// @returns {module:engine/view/text~Text|null}
function findListMarkerNode( element ) {
// If the first child is a text node, it is the data for the element.
// The list-style marker is not present here.
if ( element.getChild( 0 ).is( '$text' ) ) {
return null;
for ( const childNode of element.getChildren() ) {
// The list-style marker will be inside the `<span>` element. Let's ignore all non-span elements.
// It may happen that the `<a>` element is added as the first child. Most probably, it's an anchor element.
if ( ! 'element', 'span' ) ) {
const textNodeOrElement = childNode.getChild( 0 );
// If already found the marker element, use it.
if ( '$text' ) ) {
return textNodeOrElement;
return textNodeOrElement.getChild( 0 );
* Parses the `list-style-type` value extracted directly from the Word CSS stylesheet and returns proper CSS definition.
function mapListStyleDefinition(value) {
if (value.startsWith('arabic-leading-zero')) {
return 'decimal-leading-zero';
switch (value) {
case 'alpha-upper':
return 'upper-alpha';
case 'alpha-lower':
return 'lower-alpha';
case 'roman-upper':
return 'upper-roman';
case 'roman-lower':
return 'lower-roman';
case 'circle':
case 'disc':
case 'square':
return value;
return null;
// Parses the `list-style-type` value extracted directly from the Word CSS stylesheet and returns proper CSS definition.
// @param {String|null} value
// @returns {String|null}
function mapListStyleDefinition( value ) {
if ( value.startsWith( 'arabic-leading-zero' ) ) {
return 'decimal-leading-zero';
switch ( value ) {
case 'alpha-upper':
return 'upper-alpha';
case 'alpha-lower':
return 'lower-alpha';
case 'roman-upper':
return 'upper-roman';
case 'roman-lower':
return 'lower-roman';
case 'circle':
case 'disc':
case 'square':
return value;
return null;
* Creates an empty list of a given type and inserts it after a specified element.
* @param listStyle List style object which determines the type of newly created list.
* Usually a result of `detectListStyle()` function.
* @param element Element after which list is inserted.
* @returns Newly created list element.
function insertNewEmptyList(listStyle, element, writer) {
const parent = element.parent;
const list = writer.createElement(listStyle.type);
const position = parent.getChildIndex(element) + 1;
writer.insertChild(position, list, parent);
// We do not support modifying the marker for a particular list item.
// Set the value for the `list-style-type` property directly to the list container.
if ( {
writer.setStyle('list-style-type',, list);
if (listStyle.startIndex && listStyle.startIndex > 1) {
writer.setAttribute('start', listStyle.startIndex, list);
return list;
// Creates an empty list of a given type and inserts it after a specified element.
// @param {Object} listStyle List style object which determines the type of newly created list.
// Usually a result of `detectListStyle()` function.
// @param {module:engine/view/element~Element} element Element after which list is inserted.
// @param {module:engine/view/upcastwriter~UpcastWriter} writer
// @returns {module:engine/view/element~Element} Newly created list element.
function insertNewEmptyList( listStyle, element, writer ) {
const parent = element.parent;
const list = writer.createElement( listStyle.type );
const position = parent.getChildIndex( element ) + 1;
writer.insertChild( position, list, parent );
// We do not support modifying the marker for a particular list item.
// Set the value for the `list-style-type` property directly to the list container.
if ( ) {
writer.setStyle( 'list-style-type',, list );
if ( listStyle.startIndex && listStyle.startIndex > 1 ) {
writer.setAttribute( 'start', listStyle.startIndex, list );
return list;
* Transforms a given element into a semantic list item. As the function operates on a provided
* {module:engine/src/view/element~Element element} it will modify the view structure to which this element belongs.
* @param element Element which will be transformed into a list item.
* @returns New element to which the given one was transformed. It is
* inserted in place of the old element (the reference to the old element is lost due to renaming).
function transformElementIntoListItem(element, writer) {
removeBulletElement(element, writer);
return writer.rename('li', element);
// Transforms a given element into a semantic list item. As the function operates on a provided
// {module:engine/src/view/element~Element element} it will modify the view structure to which this element belongs.
// @param {module:engine/view/element~Element} element Element which will be transformed into a list item.
// @param {module:engine/view/upcastwriter~UpcastWriter} writer
// @returns {module:engine/view/element~Element} New element to which the given one was transformed. It is
// inserted in place of the old element (the reference to the old element is lost due to renaming).
function transformElementIntoListItem( element, writer ) {
removeBulletElement( element, writer );
return writer.rename( 'li', element );
* Extracts list item information from Word specific list-like element style:
* ```
* `style="mso-list:l1 level1 lfo1"`
* ```
* where:
* ```
* * `l1` is a list id (however it does not mean this is a continuous list - see #43),
* * `level1` is a list item indentation level,
* * `lfo1` is a list insertion order in a document.
* ```
* @param element Element from which style data is extracted.
function getListItemData(element) {
const data = {};
const listStyle = element.getStyle('mso-list');
if (listStyle) {
const idMatch = listStyle.match(/(^|\s{1,100})l(\d+)/i);
const orderMatch = listStyle.match(/\s{0,100}lfo(\d+)/i);
const indentMatch = listStyle.match(/\s{0,100}level(\d+)/i);
if (idMatch && orderMatch && indentMatch) { = idMatch[2];
data.order = orderMatch[1];
data.indent = parseInt(indentMatch[1]);
return data;
// Extracts list item information from Word specific list-like element style:
// `style="mso-list:l1 level1 lfo1"`
// where:
// * `l1` is a list id (however it does not mean this is a continuous list - see #43),
// * `level1` is a list item indentation level,
// * `lfo1` is a list insertion order in a document.
// @param {module:engine/view/element~Element} element Element from which style data is extracted.
// @returns {Object} result
// @returns {Number} Parent list id.
// @returns {Number} result.order List item creation order.
// @returns {Number} result.indent List item indentation level.
function getListItemData( element ) {
const data = {};
const listStyle = element.getStyle( 'mso-list' );
if ( listStyle ) {
const idMatch = listStyle.match( /(^|\s{1,100})l(\d+)/i );
const orderMatch = listStyle.match( /\s{0,100}lfo(\d+)/i );
const indentMatch = listStyle.match( /\s{0,100}level(\d+)/i );
if ( idMatch && orderMatch && indentMatch ) { = idMatch[ 2 ];
data.order = orderMatch[ 1 ];
data.indent = indentMatch[ 1 ];
return data;
* Removes span with a numbering/bullet from a given element.
function removeBulletElement(element, writer) {
// Matcher for finding `span` elements holding lists numbering/bullets.
const bulletMatcher = new Matcher({
name: 'span',
styles: {
'mso-list': 'Ignore'
const range = writer.createRangeIn(element);
for (const value of range) {
if (value.type === 'elementStart' && bulletMatcher.match(value.item)) {
// Removes span with a numbering/bullet from a given element.
// @param {module:engine/view/element~Element} element
// @param {module:engine/view/upcastwriter~UpcastWriter} writer
function removeBulletElement( element, writer ) {
// Matcher for finding `span` elements holding lists numbering/bullets.
const bulletMatcher = new Matcher( {
name: 'span',
styles: {
'mso-list': 'Ignore'
} );
const range = writer.createRangeIn( element );
for ( const value of range ) {
if ( value.type === 'elementStart' && bulletMatcher.match( value.item ) ) {
writer.remove( value.item );
* Whether the previous and current items belong to the same list. It is determined based on ``
* (extracted from `mso-list` style, see #getListItemData) and a previous sibling of the current item.
* However, it's quite easy to change the `id` attribute for nested lists in Word. It will break the list feature while pasting.
* Let's check also the `indent` attribute. If the difference between those two elements is equal to 1, we can assume that
* the `currentItem` is a beginning of the nested list because lists in CKEditor 5 always start with the `indent=0` attribute.
* See:
function isNewListNeeded(previousItem, currentItem) {
if (!previousItem) {
return true;
if ( !== {
// See:
// * List item 1.
// - Nested list item 1.
if (currentItem.indent - previousItem.indent === 1) {
return false;
return true;
const previousSibling = currentItem.element.previousSibling;
if (!previousSibling) {
return true;
// Even with the same id the list does not have to be continuous (#43).
return !isList(previousSibling);
// Whether the previous and current items belong to the same list. It is determined based on ``
// (extracted from `mso-list` style, see #getListItemData) and a previous sibling of the current item.
// However, it's quite easy to change the `id` attribute for nested lists in Word. It will break the list feature while pasting.
// Let's check also the `indent` attribute. If the difference between those two elements is equal to 1, we can assume that
// the `currentItem` is a beginning of the nested list because lists in CKEditor 5 always start with the `indent=0` attribute.
// See:
// @param {Object} previousItem
// @param {Object} currentItem
// @returns {Boolean}
function isNewListNeeded( previousItem, currentItem ) {
if ( !previousItem ) {
return true;
if ( !== ) {
// See:
// * List item 1.
// - Nested list item 1.
if ( currentItem.indent - previousItem.indent === 1 ) {
return false;
return true;
const previousSibling = currentItem.element.previousSibling;
if ( !previousSibling ) {
return true;
// Even with the same id the list does not have to be continuous (#43).
return !isList( previousSibling );
function isList(element) {
return'element', 'ol') ||'element', 'ul');
function isList( element ) {
return 'element', 'ol' ) || 'element', 'ul' );
* Calculates the indentation difference between two given list items (based on the indent attribute
* extracted from the `mso-list` style, see #getListItemData).
function getIndentationDifference(previousItem, currentItem) {
return previousItem ? currentItem.indent - previousItem.indent : currentItem.indent - 1;
// Calculates the indentation difference between two given list items (based on the indent attribute
// extracted from the `mso-list` style, see #getListItemData).
// @param {Object} previousItem
// @param {Object} currentItem
// @returns {Number}
function getIndentationDifference( previousItem, currentItem ) {
return previousItem ? currentItem.indent - previousItem.indent : currentItem.indent - 1;
* Finds the parent list element (ul/ol) of a given list element with indentation level lower by a given value.
* @param listElement List element from which to start looking for a parent list.
* @param indentationDifference Indentation difference between lists.
* @returns Found list element with indentation level lower by a given value.
function findParentListAtLevel(listElement, indentationDifference) {
const ancestors = listElement.getAncestors({ parentFirst: true });
let parentList = null;
let levelChange = 0;
for (const ancestor of ancestors) {
if ('element', 'ul') ||'element', 'ol')) {
if (levelChange === indentationDifference) {
parentList = ancestor;
return parentList;
// Finds the parent list element (ul/ol) of a given list element with indentation level lower by a given value.
// @param {module:engine/view/element~Element} listElement List element from which to start looking for a parent list.
// @param {Number} indentationDifference Indentation difference between lists.
// @returns {module:engine/view/element~Element} Found list element with indentation level lower by a given value.
function findParentListAtLevel( listElement, indentationDifference ) {
const ancestors = listElement.getAncestors( { parentFirst: true } );
let parentList = null;
let levelChange = 0;
for ( const ancestor of ancestors ) {
if ( === 'ul' || === 'ol' ) {
if ( levelChange === indentationDifference ) {
parentList = ancestor;
return parentList;
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2022, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2023, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see or
* @module paste-from-office/filters/parse
/* globals DOMParser */
import { DomConverter, ViewDocument } from 'ckeditor5/src/engine';
import { normalizeSpacing, normalizeSpacerunSpans } from './space';
* Parses provided HTML extracting contents of `<body>` and `<style>` tags.
* @param {String} htmlString HTML string to be parsed.
* @param {module:engine/view/stylesmap~StylesProcessor} stylesProcessor
* @returns {Object} result
* @returns {module:engine/view/documentfragment~DocumentFragment} result.body Parsed body
* content as a traversable structure.
* @returns {String} result.bodyString Entire body content as a string.
* @returns {Array.<CSSStyleSheet>} result.styles Array of native `CSSStyleSheet` objects, each representing
* separate `style` tag from the source HTML.
* @returns {String} result.stylesString All `style` tags contents combined in the order of occurrence into one string.
* @param htmlString HTML string to be parsed.
export function parseHtml( htmlString, stylesProcessor ) {
const domParser = new DOMParser();
// Remove Word specific "if comments" so content inside is not omitted by the parser.
htmlString = htmlString.replace( /<!--\[if gte vml 1]>/g, '' );
const normalizedHtml = normalizeSpacing( cleanContentAfterBody( htmlString ) );
// Parse htmlString as native Document object.
const htmlDocument = domParser.parseFromString( normalizedHtml, 'text/html' );
normalizeSpacerunSpans( htmlDocument );
// Get `innerHTML` first as transforming to View modifies the source document.
const bodyString = htmlDocument.body.innerHTML;
// Transform document.body to View.
const bodyView = documentToView( htmlDocument, stylesProcessor );
// Extract stylesheets.
const stylesObject = extractStyles( htmlDocument );
return {
body: bodyView,
styles: stylesObject.styles,
stylesString: stylesObject.stylesString
export function parseHtml(htmlString, stylesProcessor) {
const domParser = new DOMParser();
// Remove Word specific "if comments" so content inside is not omitted by the parser.
htmlString = htmlString.replace(/<!--\[if gte vml 1]>/g, '');
const normalizedHtml = normalizeSpacing(cleanContentAfterBody(htmlString));
// Parse htmlString as native Document object.
const htmlDocument = domParser.parseFromString(normalizedHtml, 'text/html');
// Get `innerHTML` first as transforming to View modifies the source document.
const bodyString = htmlDocument.body.innerHTML;
// Transform document.body to View.
const bodyView = documentToView(htmlDocument, stylesProcessor);
// Extract stylesheets.
const stylesObject = extractStyles(htmlDocument);
return {
body: bodyView,
styles: stylesObject.styles,
stylesString: stylesObject.stylesString
// Transforms native `Document` object into {@link module:engine/view/documentfragment~DocumentFragment}. Comments are skipped.
// @param {Document} htmlDocument Native `Document` object to be transformed.
// @param {module:engine/view/stylesmap~StylesProcessor} stylesProcessor
// @returns {module:engine/view/documentfragment~DocumentFragment}
function documentToView( htmlDocument, stylesProcessor ) {
const viewDocument = new ViewDocument( stylesProcessor );
const domConverter = new DomConverter( viewDocument, { renderingMode: 'data' } );
const fragment = htmlDocument.createDocumentFragment();
const nodes = htmlDocument.body.childNodes;
while ( nodes.length > 0 ) {
fragment.appendChild( nodes[ 0 ] );
return domConverter.domToView( fragment, { skipComments: true } );
* Transforms native `Document` object into {@link module:engine/view/documentfragment~DocumentFragment}. Comments are skipped.
* @param htmlDocument Native `Document` object to be transformed.
function documentToView(htmlDocument, stylesProcessor) {
const viewDocument = new ViewDocument(stylesProcessor);
const domConverter = new DomConverter(viewDocument, { renderingMode: 'data' });
const fragment = htmlDocument.createDocumentFragment();
const nodes = htmlDocument.body.childNodes;
while (nodes.length > 0) {
return domConverter.domToView(fragment, { skipComments: true });
// Extracts both `CSSStyleSheet` and string representation from all `style` elements available in a provided `htmlDocument`.
// @param {Document} htmlDocument Native `Document` object from which styles will be extracted.
// @returns {Object} result
// @returns {Array.<CSSStyleSheet>} result.styles Array of native `CSSStyleSheet` object, each representing
// separate `style` tag from the source object.
// @returns {String} result.stylesString All `style` tags contents combined in the order of occurrence as one string.
function extractStyles( htmlDocument ) {
const styles = [];
const stylesString = [];
const styleTags = Array.from( htmlDocument.getElementsByTagName( 'style' ) );
for ( const style of styleTags ) {
if ( style.sheet && style.sheet.cssRules && style.sheet.cssRules.length ) {
styles.push( style.sheet );
stylesString.push( style.innerHTML );
return {
stylesString: stylesString.join( ' ' )
* Extracts both `CSSStyleSheet` and string representation from all `style` elements available in a provided `htmlDocument`.
* @param htmlDocument Native `Document` object from which styles will be extracted.
function extractStyles(htmlDocument) {
const styles = [];
const stylesString = [];
const styleTags = Array.from(htmlDocument.getElementsByTagName('style'));
for (const style of styleTags) {
if (style.sheet && style.sheet.cssRules && style.sheet.cssRules.length) {
return {
stylesString: stylesString.join(' ')
// Removes leftover content from between closing </body> and closing </html> tag:
// <html><body><p>Foo Bar</p></body><span>Fo</span></html> -> <html><body><p>Foo Bar</p></body></html>
// This function is used as specific browsers (Edge) add some random content after `body` tag when pasting from Word.
// @param {String} htmlString The HTML string to be cleaned.
// @returns {String} The HTML string with leftover content removed.
function cleanContentAfterBody( htmlString ) {
const bodyCloseTag = '</body>';
const htmlCloseTag = '</html>';
const bodyCloseIndex = htmlString.indexOf( bodyCloseTag );
if ( bodyCloseIndex < 0 ) {
return htmlString;
const htmlCloseIndex = htmlString.indexOf( htmlCloseTag, bodyCloseIndex + bodyCloseTag.length );
return htmlString.substring( 0, bodyCloseIndex + bodyCloseTag.length ) +
( htmlCloseIndex >= 0 ? htmlString.substring( htmlCloseIndex ) : '' );
* Removes leftover content from between closing </body> and closing </html> tag:
* ```html
* <html><body><p>Foo Bar</p></body><span>Fo</span></html> -> <html><body><p>Foo Bar</p></body></html>
* ```
* This function is used as specific browsers (Edge) add some random content after `body` tag when pasting from Word.
* @param htmlString The HTML string to be cleaned.
* @returns The HTML string with leftover content removed.
function cleanContentAfterBody(htmlString) {
const bodyCloseTag = '</body>';
const htmlCloseTag = '</html>';
const bodyCloseIndex = htmlString.indexOf(bodyCloseTag);
if (bodyCloseIndex < 0) {
return htmlString;
const htmlCloseIndex = htmlString.indexOf(htmlCloseTag, bodyCloseIndex + bodyCloseTag.length);
return htmlString.substring(0, bodyCloseIndex + bodyCloseTag.length) +
(htmlCloseIndex >= 0 ? htmlString.substring(htmlCloseIndex) : '');
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2022, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2023, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see or
* @module paste-from-office/filters/removeboldwrapper
* Removes `<b>` tag wrapper added by Google Docs to a copied content.
* @param {module:engine/view/documentfragment~DocumentFragment} documentFragment element `data.content` obtained from clipboard
* @param {module:engine/view/upcastwriter~UpcastWriter} writer
* @param documentFragment element `data.content` obtained from clipboard
export default function removeBoldWrapper( documentFragment, writer ) {
for ( const child of documentFragment.getChildren() ) {
if ( 'element', 'b' ) && child.getStyle( 'font-weight' ) === 'normal' ) {
const childIndex = documentFragment.getChildIndex( child );
writer.remove( child );
writer.insertChild( childIndex, child.getChildren(), documentFragment );
export default function removeBoldWrapper(documentFragment, writer) {
for (const child of documentFragment.getChildren()) {
if ('element', 'b') && child.getStyle('font-weight') === 'normal') {
const childIndex = documentFragment.getChildIndex(child);
writer.insertChild(childIndex, child.getChildren(), documentFragment);
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2022, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2023, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see or
* @module paste-from-office/filters/space

@@ -16,19 +14,18 @@ * Replaces last space preceding elements closing tag with `&nbsp;`. Such operation prevents spaces from being removed

* @param {String} htmlString HTML string in which spacing should be normalized.
* @returns {String} Input HTML with spaces normalized.
* @param htmlString HTML string in which spacing should be normalized.
* @returns Input HTML with spaces normalized.
export function normalizeSpacing( htmlString ) {
// Run normalizeSafariSpaceSpans() two times to cover nested spans.
return normalizeSafariSpaceSpans( normalizeSafariSpaceSpans( htmlString ) )
// Remove all \r\n from "spacerun spans" so the last replace line doesn't strip all whitespaces.
.replace( /(<span\s+style=['"]mso-spacerun:yes['"]>[^\S\r\n]*?)[\r\n]+([^\S\r\n]*<\/span>)/g, '$1$2' )
.replace( /<span\s+style=['"]mso-spacerun:yes['"]><\/span>/g, '' )
.replace( / <\//g, '\u00A0</' )
.replace( / <o:p><\/o:p>/g, '\u00A0<o:p></o:p>' )
// Remove <o:p> block filler from empty paragraph. Safari uses \u00A0 instead of &nbsp;.
.replace( /<o:p>(&nbsp;|\u00A0)<\/o:p>/g, '' )
// Remove all whitespaces when they contain any \r or \n.
.replace( />([^\S\r\n]*[\r\n]\s*)</g, '><' );
export function normalizeSpacing(htmlString) {
// Run normalizeSafariSpaceSpans() two times to cover nested spans.
return normalizeSafariSpaceSpans(normalizeSafariSpaceSpans(htmlString))
// Remove all \r\n from "spacerun spans" so the last replace line doesn't strip all whitespaces.
.replace(/(<span\s+style=['"]mso-spacerun:yes['"]>[^\S\r\n]*?)[\r\n]+([^\S\r\n]*<\/span>)/g, '$1$2')
.replace(/<span\s+style=['"]mso-spacerun:yes['"]><\/span>/g, '')
.replace(/ <\//g, '\u00A0</')
.replace(/ <o:p><\/o:p>/g, '\u00A0<o:p></o:p>')
// Remove <o:p> block filler from empty paragraph. Safari uses \u00A0 instead of &nbsp;.
.replace(/<o:p>(&nbsp;|\u00A0)<\/o:p>/g, '')
// Remove all whitespaces when they contain any \r or \n.
.replace(/>([^\S\r\n]*[\r\n]\s*)</g, '><');

@@ -39,25 +36,26 @@ * Normalizes spacing in special Word `spacerun spans` (`<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'>\s+</span>`) by replacing

* @param {Document} htmlDocument Native `Document` object in which spacing should be normalized.
* @param htmlDocument Native `Document` object in which spacing should be normalized.
export function normalizeSpacerunSpans( htmlDocument ) {
htmlDocument.querySelectorAll( 'span[style*=spacerun]' ).forEach( el => {
const innerTextLength = el.innerText.length || 0;
el.innerText = Array( innerTextLength + 1 ).join( '\u00A0 ' ).substr( 0, innerTextLength );
} );
export function normalizeSpacerunSpans(htmlDocument) {
htmlDocument.querySelectorAll('span[style*=spacerun]').forEach(el => {
const htmlElement = el;
const innerTextLength = htmlElement.innerText.length || 0;
htmlElement.innerText = Array(innerTextLength + 1).join('\u00A0 ').substr(0, innerTextLength);
// Normalizes specific spacing generated by Safari when content pasted from Word (`<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>`)
// by replacing all spaces sequences longer than 1 space with `&nbsp; ` pairs. This prevents spaces from being removed during
// further DOM/View processing (see especially {@link module:engine/view/domconverter~DomConverter#_processDataFromDomText}).
// This function is similar to {@link module:clipboard/utils/normalizeclipboarddata normalizeClipboardData util} but uses
// regular spaces / &nbsp; sequence for replacement.
// @param {String} htmlString HTML string in which spacing should be normalized
// @returns {String} Input HTML with spaces normalized.
function normalizeSafariSpaceSpans( htmlString ) {
return htmlString.replace( /<span(?: class="Apple-converted-space"|)>(\s+)<\/span>/g, ( fullMatch, spaces ) => {
return spaces.length === 1 ? ' ' : Array( spaces.length + 1 ).join( '\u00A0 ' ).substr( 0, spaces.length );
} );
* Normalizes specific spacing generated by Safari when content pasted from Word (`<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>`)
* by replacing all spaces sequences longer than 1 space with `&nbsp; ` pairs. This prevents spaces from being removed during
* further DOM/View processing (see especially {@link module:engine/view/domconverter~DomConverter#_processDataFromDomText}).
* This function is similar to {@link module:clipboard/utils/normalizeclipboarddata normalizeClipboardData util} but uses
* regular spaces / &nbsp; sequence for replacement.
* @param htmlString HTML string in which spacing should be normalized
* @returns Input HTML with spaces normalized.
function normalizeSafariSpaceSpans(htmlString) {
return htmlString.replace(/<span(?: class="Apple-converted-space"|)>(\s+)<\/span>/g, (fullMatch, spaces) => {
return spaces.length === 1 ? ' ' : Array(spaces.length + 1).join('\u00A0 ').substr(0, spaces.length);
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2022, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2023, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see or
* @module paste-from-office
export { default as PasteFromOffice } from './pastefromoffice';
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2022, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2023, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see or
* @module paste-from-office/normalizers/googledocsnormalizer
import { UpcastWriter } from 'ckeditor5/src/engine';
import removeBoldWrapper from '../filters/removeboldwrapper';
import transformBlockBrsToParagraphs from '../filters/br';
import { unwrapParagraphInListItem } from '../filters/list';
const googleDocsMatch = /id=("|')docs-internal-guid-[-0-9a-f]+("|')/i;
* Normalizer for the content pasted from Google Docs.
* @implements module:paste-from-office/normalizer~Normalizer
export default class GoogleDocsNormalizer {
* Creates a new `GoogleDocsNormalizer` instance.
* @param {module:engine/view/document~Document} document View document.
constructor( document ) {
* @readonly
* @type {module:engine/view/document~Document}
this.document = document;
* @inheritDoc
isActive( htmlString ) {
return googleDocsMatch.test( htmlString );
* @inheritDoc
execute( data ) {
const writer = new UpcastWriter( this.document );
const { body: documentFragment } = data._parsedData;
removeBoldWrapper( documentFragment, writer );
unwrapParagraphInListItem( documentFragment, writer );
transformBlockBrsToParagraphs( documentFragment, writer );
data.content = documentFragment;
* Creates a new `GoogleDocsNormalizer` instance.
* @param document View document.
constructor(document) {
this.document = document;
* @inheritDoc
isActive(htmlString) {
return googleDocsMatch.test(htmlString);
* @inheritDoc
execute(data) {
const writer = new UpcastWriter(this.document);
const { body: documentFragment } = data._parsedData;
removeBoldWrapper(documentFragment, writer);
unwrapParagraphInListItem(documentFragment, writer);
transformBlockBrsToParagraphs(documentFragment, writer);
data.content = documentFragment;
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2022, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2023, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see or
* @module paste-from-office/normalizers/mswordnormalizer
import { transformListItemLikeElementsIntoLists } from '../filters/list';
import { replaceImagesSourceWithBase64 } from '../filters/image';
const msWordMatch1 = /<meta\s*name="?generator"?\s*content="?microsoft\s*word\s*\d+"?\/?>/i;
const msWordMatch2 = /xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com/i;
* Normalizer for the content pasted from Microsoft Word.
* @implements module:paste-from-office/normalizer~Normalizer
export default class MSWordNormalizer {
* Creates a new `MSWordNormalizer` instance.
* @param {module:engine/view/document~Document} document View document.
constructor( document ) {
* @readonly
* @type {module:engine/view/document~Document}
this.document = document;
* @inheritDoc
isActive( htmlString ) {
return msWordMatch1.test( htmlString ) || msWordMatch2.test( htmlString );
* @inheritDoc
execute( data ) {
const { body: documentFragment, stylesString } = data._parsedData;
transformListItemLikeElementsIntoLists( documentFragment, stylesString );
replaceImagesSourceWithBase64( documentFragment, data.dataTransfer.getData( 'text/rtf' ) );
data.content = documentFragment;
* Creates a new `MSWordNormalizer` instance.
* @param document View document.
constructor(document) {
this.document = document;
* @inheritDoc
isActive(htmlString) {
return msWordMatch1.test(htmlString) || msWordMatch2.test(htmlString);
* @inheritDoc
execute(data) {
const { body: documentFragment, stylesString } = data._parsedData;
transformListItemLikeElementsIntoLists(documentFragment, stylesString);
replaceImagesSourceWithBase64(documentFragment, data.dataTransfer.getData('text/rtf'));
data.content = documentFragment;
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2022, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2023, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see or
* @module paste-from-office/pastefromoffice
import { Plugin } from 'ckeditor5/src/core';
import { ClipboardPipeline } from 'ckeditor5/src/clipboard';
import GoogleDocsNormalizer from './normalizers/googledocsnormalizer';
import MSWordNormalizer from './normalizers/mswordnormalizer';
import { parseHtml } from './filters/parse';

@@ -26,62 +21,46 @@ * The Paste from Office plugin.

* This plugin includes following normalizers:
* * {@link module:paste-from-office/normalizers/mswordnormalizer~MSWordNormalizer Microsoft Word normalizer}
* * {@link module:paste-from-office/normalizers/googledocsnormalizer~GoogleDocsNormalizer Google Docs normalizer}
* * {@link module:paste-from-office/normalizers/mswordnormalizer~MSWordNormalizer Microsoft Word normalizer}
* * {@link module:paste-from-office/normalizers/googledocsnormalizer~GoogleDocsNormalizer Google Docs normalizer}
* For more information about this feature check the {@glink api/paste-from-office package page}.
* @extends module:core/plugin~Plugin
export default class PasteFromOffice extends Plugin {
* @inheritDoc
static get pluginName() {
return 'PasteFromOffice';
* @inheritDoc
static get requires() {
return [ ClipboardPipeline ];
* @inheritDoc
init() {
const editor = this.editor;
const viewDocument = editor.editing.view.document;
const normalizers = [];
normalizers.push( new MSWordNormalizer( viewDocument ) );
normalizers.push( new GoogleDocsNormalizer( viewDocument ) );
editor.plugins.get( 'ClipboardPipeline' ).on(
( evt, data ) => {
if ( data._isTransformedWithPasteFromOffice ) {
const codeBlock = editor.model.document.selection.getFirstPosition().parent;
if ( 'element', 'codeBlock' ) ) {
const htmlString = data.dataTransfer.getData( 'text/html' );
const activeNormalizer = normalizers.find( normalizer => normalizer.isActive( htmlString ) );
if ( activeNormalizer ) {
data._parsedData = parseHtml( htmlString, viewDocument.stylesProcessor );
activeNormalizer.execute( data );
data._isTransformedWithPasteFromOffice = true;
{ priority: 'high' }
* @inheritDoc
static get pluginName() {
return 'PasteFromOffice';
* @inheritDoc
static get requires() {
return [ClipboardPipeline];
* @inheritDoc
init() {
const editor = this.editor;
const viewDocument = editor.editing.view.document;
const normalizers = [];
normalizers.push(new MSWordNormalizer(viewDocument));
normalizers.push(new GoogleDocsNormalizer(viewDocument));
editor.plugins.get('ClipboardPipeline').on('inputTransformation', (evt, data) => {
if (data._isTransformedWithPasteFromOffice) {
const codeBlock = editor.model.document.selection.getFirstPosition().parent;
if ('element', 'codeBlock')) {
const htmlString = data.dataTransfer.getData('text/html');
const activeNormalizer = normalizers.find(normalizer => normalizer.isActive(htmlString));
if (activeNormalizer) {
data._parsedData = parseHtml(htmlString, viewDocument.stylesProcessor);
data._isTransformedWithPasteFromOffice = true;
}, { priority: 'high' });
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