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@comunica/context-entries - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.22.0 to 2.0.1-alpha.5.0




@@ -1,63 +0,79 @@

export declare enum KeysCore {
import { ActionContextKey } from '@comunica/core';
import type { Logger } from '@comunica/core';
import type { IPhysicalQueryPlanLogger, QueryExplainMode, IProxyHandler, ICliArgsHandler, DataSources, IDataSource, IDataDestination, MetadataBindings } from '@comunica/types';
import type * as RDF from '@rdfjs/types';
import type { IDocumentLoader } from 'jsonld-context-parser';
import type { Algebra } from 'sparqlalgebrajs';
* When adding entries to this file, also add a shortcut for them in the contextKeyShortcuts TSDoc comment in
* ActorIniQueryBase in @comunica/actor-init-query if it makes sense to use this entry externally.
* Also, add this shortcut to IQueryContextCommon in @comunica/types.
export declare const KeysCore: {
* @range {Logger} A logger instance.
* A logger instance.
log = "@comunica/core:log"
export declare enum KeysHttp {
log: ActionContextKey<Logger>;
export declare const KeysHttp: {
* @range {boolean} Include credentials flags.
* Include credentials flags.
includeCredentials = "@comunica/bus-http:include-credentials",
includeCredentials: ActionContextKey<boolean>;
* @range {string} Authentication for a source as a "username:password"-pair.
* Authentication for a source as a "username:password"-pair.
auth = "@comunica/bus-http:auth",
auth: ActionContextKey<string>;
* @range {(input: RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit) => Promise<Response>} Fetch function implementation.
* Fetch function implementation.
fetch = "@comunica/bus-http:fetch"
export declare enum KeysHttpMemento {
fetch: ActionContextKey<typeof fetch>;
export declare const KeysHttpMemento: {
* @range {string} The desired datetime for Memento datetime-negotiation.
* The desired datetime for Memento datetime-negotiation.
datetime = "@comunica/actor-http-memento:datetime"
export declare enum KeysHttpProxy {
datetime: ActionContextKey<Date>;
export declare const KeysHttpProxy: {
* @range {IProxyHandler} A handler implementing the {@link IProxyHandler} interface.
* Interface.
httpProxyHandler = "@comunica/actor-http-proxy:httpProxyHandler"
export declare enum KeysInitSparql {
httpProxyHandler: ActionContextKey<IProxyHandler>;
export declare const KeysInitQuery: {
* @range {Bindings} Variables that have to be pre-bound to values in the query.
* Variables that have to be pre-bound to values in the query.
initialBindings = "@comunica/actor-init-sparql:initialBindings",
initialBindings: ActionContextKey<RDF.Bindings>;
* @range {string} Name of the provided query's format.
* The provided query's format.
* Defaults to { language: 'sparql', version: '1.1' }
queryFormat = "@comunica/actor-init-sparql:queryFormat",
queryFormat: ActionContextKey<RDF.QueryFormat>;
* @range {any} Which GraphQL bindings should be singularized.
* Which GraphQL bindings should be singularized.
graphqlSingularizeVariables = "@comunica/actor-init-sparql:singularizeVariables",
graphqlSingularizeVariables: ActionContextKey<any>;
* @range {boolean} If HTTP and parsing failures are ignored.
* If HTTP and parsing failures are ignored.
lenient = "@comunica/actor-init-sparql:lenient",
lenient: ActionContextKey<boolean>;
* @range {Algebra.Operation} The original parsed query.
* The original query string.
query = "@comunica/actor-init-sparql:query",
queryString: ActionContextKey<string>;
* @range {string} The query's base IRI.
* The original parsed query.
baseIRI = "@comunica/actor-init-sparql:baseIRI",
query: ActionContextKey<Algebra.Operation>;
* @range {Date} A timestamp representing the current time.
* The query's base IRI.
baseIRI: ActionContextKey<string>;
* A timestamp representing the current time.
* This is required for certain SPARQL operations such as NOW().
queryTimestamp = "@comunica/actor-init-sparql:queryTimestamp",
queryTimestamp: ActionContextKey<Date>;

@@ -71,5 +87,5 @@ * @range {functionNamedNode: RDF.NamedNode) => ((args: RDF.Term[]) => Promise<RDF.Term>) | undefined}

extensionFunctionCreator = "@comunica/actor-init-sparql:extensionFunctionCreator",
extensionFunctionCreator: ActionContextKey<(functionNamedNode: RDF.NamedNode) => ((args: RDF.Term[]) => Promise<RDF.Term>) | undefined>;
* @range {Record<string, (args: RDF.Term[]) => Promise<RDF.Term>>} Dictionary of extension functions.
* Dictionary of extension functions.
* Key is the IRI of the function, and value is the async function implementation.

@@ -79,73 +95,90 @@ *

extensionFunctions = "@comunica/actor-init-sparql:extensionFunctions",
extensionFunctions: ActionContextKey<Record<string, (args: RDF.Term[]) => Promise<RDF.Term>>>;
* @range {ICliArgsHandler[]} Enables manipulation of the CLI arguments and their processing.
* Enables manipulation of the CLI arguments and their processing.
cliArgsHandlers = "@comunica/actor-init-sparql:cliArgsHandlers"
export declare enum KeysQueryOperation {
cliArgsHandlers: ActionContextKey<ICliArgsHandler[]>;
* @range {string} Context entry for the current query operation.
* Explain mode of the query. Can be 'parsed', 'logical', or 'physical'.
operation = "@comunica/bus-query-operation:operation",
explain: ActionContextKey<QueryExplainMode>;
* @type {any} The current metadata.
* I.e., the metadata that was used to determine the next BGP operation.
* Logs the used physical operators
bgpCurrentMetadata = "@comunica/bus-query-operation:bgpCurrentMetadata",
physicalQueryPlanLogger: ActionContextKey<IPhysicalQueryPlanLogger>;
* @range {any[]} An array of parent metadata.
* I.e., an array of the metadata that was present before materializing the current BGP operations.
* This can be passed in 'bgp' actions.
* The array entries should correspond to the pattern entries in the BGP.
* The current physical operator within the query plan.
* This is used to pass parent-child relationships for invoking the query plan logger.
bgpParentMetadata = "@comunica/bus-query-operation:bgpParentMetadata",
physicalQueryPlanNode: ActionContextKey<any>;
* @range {IPatternBindings[]} Indicating which patterns were bound from variables.
* I.e., an array of the same length as the value of
* KeysQueryOperation.patternParentMetadata,
* where each array value corresponds to the pattern bindings
* for the corresponding pattern.
* A JSON-LD context
bgpPatternBindings = "@comunica/bus-query-operation:bgpPatternBindings",
jsonLdContext: ActionContextKey<any>;
export declare const KeysQueryOperation: {
* @range {any} Parent metadata hash.
* I.e., the metadata that was present before materializing the current operation.
* This can be passed in 'pattern' actions.
* Context entry for the current query operation.
patternParentMetadata = "@comunica/bus-query-operation:patternParentMetadata",
operation: ActionContextKey<string>;
* @range {boolean} Flag for indicating that only read operations are allowed, defaults to false.
* @type {any} The metadata from the left streams within a join operation.
readOnly = "@comunica/bus-query-operation:readOnly"
export declare enum KeysRdfParseJsonLd {
joinLeftMetadata: ActionContextKey<MetadataBindings>;
* An array of metadata from the right streams within a join operation.
joinRightMetadatas: ActionContextKey<MetadataBindings[]>;
* Indicates the bindings that were used to bind the operation.
joinBindings: ActionContextKey<RDF.Bindings>;
* Flag for indicating that only read operations are allowed, defaults to false.
readOnly: ActionContextKey<boolean>;
* An internal context entry to mark that a property path with arbitrary length and a distinct key is being processed.
isPathArbitraryLengthDistinctKey: ActionContextKey<boolean>;
export declare const KeysRdfParseJsonLd: {
* @range {IDocumentLoader}
documentLoader = "@comunica/actor-rdf-parse-jsonld:documentLoader",
documentLoader: ActionContextKey<IDocumentLoader>;
* @range {boolean}
strictValues = "@comunica/actor-rdf-parse-jsonld:strictValues",
strictValues: ActionContextKey<boolean>;
* @range {Record<string, any>}
parserOptions = "@comunica/actor-rdf-parse-jsonld:parserOptions"
export declare enum KeysRdfResolveQuadPattern {
parserOptions: ActionContextKey<Record<string, any>>;
export declare const KeysRdfParseHtmlScript: {
* @range {DataSources} Data sources.
* An internal context flag to determine if the engine is already processing an HTML script tag.
sources = "@comunica/bus-rdf-resolve-quad-pattern:sources",
processingHtmlScript: ActionContextKey<boolean>;
* @range {IDataSource} A data source.
* If all HTML script tags must be considered.
source = "@comunica/bus-rdf-resolve-quad-pattern:source"
export declare enum KeysRdfUpdateQuads {
extractAllScripts: ActionContextKey<boolean>;
export declare const KeysRdfResolveQuadPattern: {
* @range {IDataDestination} A data destination.
* Data sources.
destination = "@comunica/bus-rdf-update-quads:destination"
sources: ActionContextKey<DataSources>;
* A data source.
source: ActionContextKey<IDataSource>;
export declare const KeysRdfUpdateQuads: {
* A data destination.
destination: ActionContextKey<IDataDestination>;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.KeysRdfUpdateQuads = exports.KeysRdfResolveQuadPattern = exports.KeysRdfParseJsonLd = exports.KeysQueryOperation = exports.KeysInitSparql = exports.KeysHttpProxy = exports.KeysHttpMemento = exports.KeysHttp = exports.KeysCore = void 0;
var KeysCore;
(function (KeysCore) {
exports.KeysRdfUpdateQuads = exports.KeysRdfResolveQuadPattern = exports.KeysRdfParseHtmlScript = exports.KeysRdfParseJsonLd = exports.KeysQueryOperation = exports.KeysInitQuery = exports.KeysHttpProxy = exports.KeysHttpMemento = exports.KeysHttp = exports.KeysCore = void 0;
const core_1 = require("@comunica/core");
* When adding entries to this file, also add a shortcut for them in the contextKeyShortcuts TSDoc comment in
* ActorIniQueryBase in @comunica/actor-init-query if it makes sense to use this entry externally.
* Also, add this shortcut to IQueryContextCommon in @comunica/types.
exports.KeysCore = {
* @range {Logger} A logger instance.
* A logger instance.
KeysCore["log"] = "@comunica/core:log";
})(KeysCore = exports.KeysCore || (exports.KeysCore = {}));
var KeysHttp;
(function (KeysHttp) {
log: new core_1.ActionContextKey('@comunica/core:log'),
exports.KeysHttp = {
* @range {boolean} Include credentials flags.
* Include credentials flags.
KeysHttp["includeCredentials"] = "@comunica/bus-http:include-credentials";
includeCredentials: new core_1.ActionContextKey('@comunica/bus-http:include-credentials'),
* @range {string} Authentication for a source as a "username:password"-pair.
* Authentication for a source as a "username:password"-pair.
KeysHttp["auth"] = "@comunica/bus-http:auth";
auth: new core_1.ActionContextKey('@comunica/bus-http:auth'),
* @range {(input: RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit) => Promise<Response>} Fetch function implementation.
* Fetch function implementation.
KeysHttp["fetch"] = "@comunica/bus-http:fetch";
})(KeysHttp = exports.KeysHttp || (exports.KeysHttp = {}));
var KeysHttpMemento;
(function (KeysHttpMemento) {
fetch: new core_1.ActionContextKey('@comunica/bus-http:fetch'),
exports.KeysHttpMemento = {
* @range {string} The desired datetime for Memento datetime-negotiation.
* The desired datetime for Memento datetime-negotiation.
KeysHttpMemento["datetime"] = "@comunica/actor-http-memento:datetime";
})(KeysHttpMemento = exports.KeysHttpMemento || (exports.KeysHttpMemento = {}));
var KeysHttpProxy;
(function (KeysHttpProxy) {
datetime: new core_1.ActionContextKey('@comunica/actor-http-memento:datetime'),
exports.KeysHttpProxy = {
* @range {IProxyHandler} A handler implementing the {@link IProxyHandler} interface.
* Interface.
KeysHttpProxy["httpProxyHandler"] = "@comunica/actor-http-proxy:httpProxyHandler";
})(KeysHttpProxy = exports.KeysHttpProxy || (exports.KeysHttpProxy = {}));
var KeysInitSparql;
(function (KeysInitSparql) {
httpProxyHandler: new core_1.ActionContextKey('@comunica/actor-http-proxy:httpProxyHandler'),
exports.KeysInitQuery = {
* @range {Bindings} Variables that have to be pre-bound to values in the query.
* Variables that have to be pre-bound to values in the query.
KeysInitSparql["initialBindings"] = "@comunica/actor-init-sparql:initialBindings";
initialBindings: new core_1.ActionContextKey('@comunica/actor-init-query:initialBindings'),
* @range {string} Name of the provided query's format.
* The provided query's format.
* Defaults to { language: 'sparql', version: '1.1' }
KeysInitSparql["queryFormat"] = "@comunica/actor-init-sparql:queryFormat";
queryFormat: new core_1.ActionContextKey('@comunica/actor-init-query:queryFormat'),
* @range {any} Which GraphQL bindings should be singularized.
* Which GraphQL bindings should be singularized.
KeysInitSparql["graphqlSingularizeVariables"] = "@comunica/actor-init-sparql:singularizeVariables";
graphqlSingularizeVariables: new core_1.ActionContextKey('@comunica/actor-init-query:singularizeVariables'),
* @range {boolean} If HTTP and parsing failures are ignored.
* If HTTP and parsing failures are ignored.
KeysInitSparql["lenient"] = "@comunica/actor-init-sparql:lenient";
lenient: new core_1.ActionContextKey('@comunica/actor-init-query:lenient'),
* @range {Algebra.Operation} The original parsed query.
* The original query string.
KeysInitSparql["query"] = "@comunica/actor-init-sparql:query";
queryString: new core_1.ActionContextKey('@comunica/actor-init-query:queryString'),
* @range {string} The query's base IRI.
* The original parsed query.
KeysInitSparql["baseIRI"] = "@comunica/actor-init-sparql:baseIRI";
query: new core_1.ActionContextKey('@comunica/actor-init-query:query'),
* @range {Date} A timestamp representing the current time.
* The query's base IRI.
baseIRI: new core_1.ActionContextKey('@comunica/actor-init-query:baseIRI'),
* A timestamp representing the current time.
* This is required for certain SPARQL operations such as NOW().
KeysInitSparql["queryTimestamp"] = "@comunica/actor-init-sparql:queryTimestamp";
queryTimestamp: new core_1.ActionContextKey('@comunica/actor-init-query:queryTimestamp'),

@@ -79,5 +85,5 @@ * @range {functionNamedNode: RDF.NamedNode) => ((args: RDF.Term[]) => Promise<RDF.Term>) | undefined}

KeysInitSparql["extensionFunctionCreator"] = "@comunica/actor-init-sparql:extensionFunctionCreator";
extensionFunctionCreator: new core_1.ActionContextKey('@comunica/actor-init-query:extensionFunctionCreator'),
* @range {Record<string, (args: RDF.Term[]) => Promise<RDF.Term>>} Dictionary of extension functions.
* Dictionary of extension functions.
* Key is the IRI of the function, and value is the async function implementation.

@@ -87,78 +93,91 @@ *

KeysInitSparql["extensionFunctions"] = "@comunica/actor-init-sparql:extensionFunctions";
extensionFunctions: new core_1.ActionContextKey('@comunica/actor-init-query:extensionFunctions'),
* @range {ICliArgsHandler[]} Enables manipulation of the CLI arguments and their processing.
* Enables manipulation of the CLI arguments and their processing.
KeysInitSparql["cliArgsHandlers"] = "@comunica/actor-init-sparql:cliArgsHandlers";
})(KeysInitSparql = exports.KeysInitSparql || (exports.KeysInitSparql = {}));
var KeysQueryOperation;
(function (KeysQueryOperation) {
cliArgsHandlers: new core_1.ActionContextKey('@comunica/actor-init-query:cliArgsHandlers'),
* @range {string} Context entry for the current query operation.
* Explain mode of the query. Can be 'parsed', 'logical', or 'physical'.
KeysQueryOperation["operation"] = "@comunica/bus-query-operation:operation";
explain: new core_1.ActionContextKey('@comunica/actor-init-query:explain'),
* @type {any} The current metadata.
* I.e., the metadata that was used to determine the next BGP operation.
* Logs the used physical operators
KeysQueryOperation["bgpCurrentMetadata"] = "@comunica/bus-query-operation:bgpCurrentMetadata";
physicalQueryPlanLogger: new core_1.ActionContextKey('@comunica/actor-init-query:physicalQueryPlanLogger'),
* @range {any[]} An array of parent metadata.
* I.e., an array of the metadata that was present before materializing the current BGP operations.
* This can be passed in 'bgp' actions.
* The array entries should correspond to the pattern entries in the BGP.
* The current physical operator within the query plan.
* This is used to pass parent-child relationships for invoking the query plan logger.
KeysQueryOperation["bgpParentMetadata"] = "@comunica/bus-query-operation:bgpParentMetadata";
physicalQueryPlanNode: new core_1.ActionContextKey('@comunica/actor-init-query:physicalQueryPlanNode'),
* @range {IPatternBindings[]} Indicating which patterns were bound from variables.
* I.e., an array of the same length as the value of
* KeysQueryOperation.patternParentMetadata,
* where each array value corresponds to the pattern bindings
* for the corresponding pattern.
* A JSON-LD context
KeysQueryOperation["bgpPatternBindings"] = "@comunica/bus-query-operation:bgpPatternBindings";
jsonLdContext: new core_1.ActionContextKey('@context'),
exports.KeysQueryOperation = {
* @range {any} Parent metadata hash.
* I.e., the metadata that was present before materializing the current operation.
* This can be passed in 'pattern' actions.
* Context entry for the current query operation.
KeysQueryOperation["patternParentMetadata"] = "@comunica/bus-query-operation:patternParentMetadata";
operation: new core_1.ActionContextKey('@comunica/bus-query-operation:operation'),
* @range {boolean} Flag for indicating that only read operations are allowed, defaults to false.
* @type {any} The metadata from the left streams within a join operation.
KeysQueryOperation["readOnly"] = "@comunica/bus-query-operation:readOnly";
})(KeysQueryOperation = exports.KeysQueryOperation || (exports.KeysQueryOperation = {}));
var KeysRdfParseJsonLd;
(function (KeysRdfParseJsonLd) {
joinLeftMetadata: new core_1.ActionContextKey('@comunica/bus-query-operation:joinLeftMetadata'),
* An array of metadata from the right streams within a join operation.
joinRightMetadatas: new core_1.ActionContextKey('@comunica/bus-query-operation:joinRightMetadatas'),
* Indicates the bindings that were used to bind the operation.
joinBindings: new core_1.ActionContextKey('@comunica/bus-query-operation:joinBindings'),
* Flag for indicating that only read operations are allowed, defaults to false.
readOnly: new core_1.ActionContextKey('@comunica/bus-query-operation:readOnly'),
* An internal context entry to mark that a property path with arbitrary length and a distinct key is being processed.
isPathArbitraryLengthDistinctKey: new core_1.ActionContextKey('@comunica/bus-query-operation:isPathArbitraryLengthDistinct'),
exports.KeysRdfParseJsonLd = {
* @range {IDocumentLoader}
KeysRdfParseJsonLd["documentLoader"] = "@comunica/actor-rdf-parse-jsonld:documentLoader";
documentLoader: new core_1.ActionContextKey('@comunica/actor-rdf-parse-jsonld:documentLoader'),
* @range {boolean}
KeysRdfParseJsonLd["strictValues"] = "@comunica/actor-rdf-parse-jsonld:strictValues";
strictValues: new core_1.ActionContextKey('@comunica/actor-rdf-parse-jsonld:strictValues'),
* @range {Record<string, any>}
KeysRdfParseJsonLd["parserOptions"] = "@comunica/actor-rdf-parse-jsonld:parserOptions";
})(KeysRdfParseJsonLd = exports.KeysRdfParseJsonLd || (exports.KeysRdfParseJsonLd = {}));
var KeysRdfResolveQuadPattern;
(function (KeysRdfResolveQuadPattern) {
parserOptions: new core_1.ActionContextKey('@comunica/actor-rdf-parse-jsonld:parserOptions'),
exports.KeysRdfParseHtmlScript = {
* @range {DataSources} Data sources.
* An internal context flag to determine if the engine is already processing an HTML script tag.
KeysRdfResolveQuadPattern["sources"] = "@comunica/bus-rdf-resolve-quad-pattern:sources";
processingHtmlScript: new core_1.ActionContextKey('@comunica/actor-rdf-parse-html-script:processingHtmlScript'),
* @range {IDataSource} A data source.
* If all HTML script tags must be considered.
KeysRdfResolveQuadPattern["source"] = "@comunica/bus-rdf-resolve-quad-pattern:source";
})(KeysRdfResolveQuadPattern = exports.KeysRdfResolveQuadPattern || (exports.KeysRdfResolveQuadPattern = {}));
var KeysRdfUpdateQuads;
(function (KeysRdfUpdateQuads) {
extractAllScripts: new core_1.ActionContextKey('extractAllScripts'),
exports.KeysRdfResolveQuadPattern = {
* @range {IDataDestination} A data destination.
* Data sources.
KeysRdfUpdateQuads["destination"] = "@comunica/bus-rdf-update-quads:destination";
})(KeysRdfUpdateQuads = exports.KeysRdfUpdateQuads || (exports.KeysRdfUpdateQuads = {}));
sources: new core_1.ActionContextKey('@comunica/bus-rdf-resolve-quad-pattern:sources'),
* A data source.
source: new core_1.ActionContextKey('@comunica/bus-rdf-resolve-quad-pattern:source'),
exports.KeysRdfUpdateQuads = {
* A data destination.
destination: new core_1.ActionContextKey('@comunica/bus-rdf-update-quads:destination'),
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright © 2017–2018 Ruben Taelman, Joachim Van Herwegen
Ghent University – imec, Belgium
Copyright © 2017–now Ruben Taelman, Joachim Van Herwegen
Comunica Association and Ghent University – imec, Belgium

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy

"name": "@comunica/context-entries",
"version": "1.22.0",
"version": "2.0.1-alpha.5.0",
"description": "A collection of reusable Comunica context key definitions.",
"main": "index.js",
"typings": "index",
"main": "lib/index.js",
"typings": "lib/index",
"repository": {

@@ -29,11 +29,13 @@ "type": "git",

"dependencies": {
"@comunica/core": "2.0.1-alpha.5.0",
"@comunica/types": "2.0.1-alpha.5.0",
"jsonld-context-parser": "^2.1.5"
"scripts": {
"build": "node \"../../node_modules/typescript/bin/tsc\"",
"validate": "npm ls"
"build": "node \"../../node_modules/typescript/bin/tsc\""
"gitHead": "0a249ba341022eb2f1b9922fcf549a9564671d9f"
"gitHead": "e2ae2e9e924bf0656df60cc99774f7e560d47695"
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