
Wrappers for interacting with the Concordium node.
The ConcordiumNodeClient defines the interface to be used to send and receive data from
a concordium-node.
Creating a client
The current node setup only allows for insecure connections, which can be set up in the following way.
The access is controlled by the credentials and the metadata.
import { credentials, Metadata } from "@grpc/grpc-js";
import { ConcordiumNodeClient } from "@concordium/node-sdk";
const metadata = new Metadata();
metadata.add("authentication", "rpcadmin");
const insecureCredentials = credentials.createInsecure();
const client = new ConcordiumNodeClient(
Send a simple transfer
The following examples demonstrates how a simple transfer can be created and sent.
import * as ed from "noble-ed25519";
const header: AccountTransactionHeader = {
expiry: new TransactionExpiry(new Date( + 3600000)),
nonce: 1n,
sender: new AccountAddress("4ZJBYQbVp3zVZyjCXfZAAYBVkJMyVj8UKUNj9ox5YqTCBdBq2M"),
const simpleTransfer: SimpleTransfer = {
amount: new GtuAmount(100n),
toAddress: new AccountAddress("4hXCdgNTxgM7LNm8nFJEfjDhEcyjjqQnPSRyBS9QgmHKQVxKRf"),
const simpleTransferAccountTransaction: AccountTransaction = {
header: header,
payload: simpleTransfer,
type: AccountTransactionType.SimpleTransfer,
const signingKey = "ce432f6bba0d47caec1f45739331dc354b6d749fdb8ab7c2b7f6cb24db39ca0c";
const hashToSign = getAccountTransactionSignDigest(simpleTransferAccountTransaction, sha256);
const signature = Buffer.from(await ed.sign(hashToSign, signingKey)).toString("hex");
const signatures: AccountTransactionSignature = {
0: {
0: signature
const success = await client.sendAccountTransaction(simpleTransferAccountTransaction, signatures);
if (success) {
} else {
const transactionHash = getAccountTransactionHash(simpleTransferAccountTransaction, signatures, sha256);
const transactionStatus = await client.getTransactionStatus(transactionHash);
Retrieves information about an account. If no account exists with the provided address, then the node
will check if any credential with that credential identifier exists and will return information
about the credential instead. If neither an account or credential matches the address at the provided
block, then undefined will be returned.
const accountAddress = "3sAHwfehRNEnXk28W7A3XB3GzyBiuQkXLNRmDwDGPUe8JsoAcU";
const blockHash = "6b01f2043d5621192480f4223644ef659dd5cda1e54a78fc64ad642587c73def";
const accountInfo: AccountInfo = await client.getAccountInfo(accountAddress, blockHash);
const amount: bigint = accountInfo.accountAmount;
const nationality: string = accountInfo.accountCredentials[0].value.contents.policy.revealedAttributes["nationality"];
Retrieves the next account nonce, i.e. the nonce that must be set in the account transaction
header for the next transaction submitted by that account. Along with the nonce there is a boolean
that indicates whether all transactions are finalized. If this is true, then the nonce is reliable,
if not then the next nonce might be off.
const accountAddress = "3VwCfvVskERFAJ3GeJy2mNFrzfChqUymSJJCvoLAP9rtAwMGYt";
const nextAccountNonce: NextAccountNonce = await client.getNextAccountNonce(accountAddress);
const nonce: bigint = nextAccountNonce.nonce;
const allFinal: boolean = nextAccountNonce.allFinal;
if (allFinal) {
Retrieves status information about a transaction.
const transactionHash = "f1f5f966e36b95d5474e6b85b85c273c81bac347c38621a0d8fefe68b69a430f";
const transactionStatus: TransactionStatus = await client.getTransactionStatus(transactionHash);
const isFinalized = transactionStatus.status === TransactionStatusEnum.Finalized;
Note that there will be no outcomes for a transaction that has only been received:
if (transactionStatus.status === TransactionStatusEnum.Received) {
const outcomes = Object.values(transactionStatus.outcomes);
If the transaction has been finalized, then there is exactly one outcome:
if (transactionStatus.status === TransactionStatusEnum.Finalized) {
const outcomes = Object.values(transactionStatus.outcomes);
A transaction was successful if it is finalized and it has a successful outcome:
if (transactionStatus.status === TransactionStatusEnum.Finalized) {
const event = Object.values(response.outcomes)[0];
if (event.result.outcome === "success") {
Retrives a summary for a specific block. The summary contains information about finalization, the
current chain parameters, a list of the governance keys, information about any queued chain parameter
updates and a summary of any transactions within the block.
const blockHash = "7f7409679e53875567e2ae812c9fcefe90ced8761d08554756f42bf268a42749";
const blockSummary: BlockSummary = await client.getBlockSummary(blockHash);
const numberOfFinalizers = blockSummary.finalizationData.finalizers.length;
Retrieves information about a specific block.
const blockHash = "7f7409679e53875567e2ae812c9fcefe90ced8761d08554756f42bf268a42749";
const blockInfo: BlockInfo = await client.getBlockInfo(blockHash);
const transactionsCount = blockInfo.transactionCount;
Retrieves the hashes of blocks at a specific height.
const blockHeight: bigint = 5310n;
const blocksAtHeight: string[] = await client.getBlocksAtHeight(blockHeight);
Retrieves the current consensus status from the node.
const consensusStatus: ConsensusStatus = await client.getConsensusStatus();
const bestBlock = consensusStatus.bestBlock;
Building for a release
To build the project run
yarn build
Updating the gRPC files
If the external dependency concordium-grpc-api has been updated (or this is your first time building the project),
then it is required to regenerate the files from the .proto
file. Do this by running:
yarn generate
This will overwrite the existing files in src/grpc/
. Remember to check that existing functionality still
works after performing an update.
An automatic test suite is part of this project, and it is run by executing:
yarn test
Note that the tests require a locally running concordium-node on the testnet. Otherwise the tests will fail.