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Transforms member style imports (import {x} from 'y') into default style imports (import x from 'y/lib/x')

Version published




fork of babel-plugin-transform-imports introduced style option for importing css file.

Transforms member style imports:

import { Row, Grid as MyGrid } from "react-bootstrap";
import { merge } from "lodash";

...into default style imports:

import Row from "react-bootstrap/lib/Row";
import MyGrid from "react-bootstrap/lib/Grid";
import merge from "lodash/merge";

...or when style option is provided, style files will be imported as well:

import Row from "react-bootstrap/lib/Row";
import RowCss from "react-bootstrap/lib/Row.css";
import MyGrid from "react-bootstrap/lib/Grid";
import MyGridCss from "react-bootstrap/lib/Grid.css";

Note: this plugin is not restricted to the react-bootstrap and lodash libraries. You may use it with any library.

That's stupid, why would you do that?

When Babel encounters a member style import such as:

import { Grid, Row, Col } from "react-bootstrap";

it will generate something similarish to:

var reactBootstrap = require("react-bootstrap");
var Grid = reactBootstrap.Grid;
var Row = reactBootstrap.Row;
var Col = reactBootstrap.Col;

Some libraries, such as react-bootstrap and lodash, are rather large and pulling in the entire module just to use a few pieces would cause unnecessary bloat to your client optimized (webpack etc.) bundle. The only way around this is to use default style imports:

import Grid from "react-bootstrap/lib/Grid";
import Row from "react-bootstrap/lib/Row";
import Col from "react-bootstrap/lib/Col";

But, the more pieces we need, the more this sucks. This plugin will allow you to pull in just the pieces you need, without a separate import for each item. Additionally, it can be configured to throw when somebody accidentally writes an import which would cause the entire module to resolve, such as:

import Bootstrap, { Grid } from "react-bootstrap";
// -- or --
import * as Bootstrap from "react-bootstrap";


npm install --save-dev @ctsx/babel-plugin-transform-import


In .babelrc:

  "plugins": [
        "react-bootstrap": {
          "transform": "react-bootstrap/lib/${member}",
          "style": "react-bootstrap/lib/${member}.css",
          "preventFullImport": true
        "lodash": {
          "transform": "lodash/${member}",
          "preventFullImport": true

Advanced Transformations

In cases where the provided default string replacement transformation is not sufficient (for example, needing to execute a RegExp on the import name), you may instead provide a path to a .js file which exports a function to run instead. Keep in mind that the .js file will be required relative from this plugin's path, likely located in /node_modules/babel-plugin-transform-imports. You may provide any filename, as long as it ends with .js.


  "plugins": [
        "my-library": {
          "transform": "../../path/to/transform.js",
          "preventFullImport": true


module.exports = function (importName) {
  return "my-library/etc/" + importName.toUpperCase();

This is a little bit hacky, but options are a bit limited due to .babelrc being a JSON5 file which does not support functions as a type. In Babel 7.0, it appears .babelrc.js files will be supported, at which point this plugin will be updated to allow transform functions directly in the configuration file. See:


This can be used as a plugin with babel-loader.


module: {
  rules: [
      test: /\.js$/,
      exclude: /(node_modules|bower_components)/,
      use: {
        loader: "babel-loader",
        query: {
          plugins: [
                "my-library": {
                  transform: function (importName) {
                    return "my-library/etc/" + importName.toUpperCase();
                  preventFullImport: true,


transformstringyesundefinedThe library name to use instead of the one specified in the import statement. ${member} will be replaced with the member, aka Grid/Row/Col/etc. Alternatively, pass a path to a .js file which exports a function to process the transform (see Advanced Transformations)
stylestringnoundefinedThe style file to be imported along with the transformed module. ${member} will be replaced with the member. This option is useful when you extract the style of your module into a single css file.
preventFullImportbooleannofalseWhether or not to throw when an import is encountered which would cause the entire module to be imported.
camelCasebooleannofalseWhen set to true, runs ${member} through _.camelCase.
kebabCasebooleannofalseWhen set to true, runs ${member} through _.kebabCase.
snakeCasebooleannofalseWhen set to true, runs ${member} through _.snakeCase.
skipDefaultConversionbooleannofalseWhen set to true, will preserve import { X } syntax instead of converting to import X.



Last updated on 11 Jan 2023

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