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Simple popup windows using HTML controls.

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HTML Quick Popup dialog library


import {popups,Popup} from "popups.mjs";

var popup = popups.create( "caption" );

// show a dialog;

// hide a ialog

// set a new caption
popup.caption = "New Caption";

// this is the content of the frame (inner content div)
popup.divContent  // insert frame content here

// this is the frame of the frame (outer div)
popup.divFrame // insert frame content here

popup.appendChild( createElement( "canvas" ) ); // add something to draw into on the form.

Generally popups work like VERY simple GUI widgets... some of the popups.makeButton sort of methods return just a simple html element.

Utility interface

The popups object that is exports is a namespace that contains functions that are generally useful for working with forms; there are canned sort of common higher level controls that have a label and a value associated with them; or quick stylable button.

popups methodsarguments/typedescription
defaultDragtrueoption toggle whether to enable mouse dragging on frames
autoRaisetrueoption to toggle whether clicks on frames auto raise them to top
create(caption [, parent])create a new blank popup with specified caption ; if caption is an empty string, no title caption is shown.
simpleForm(title, question, defaultValue, ok, cancelCb )create a simple yesno form with a title, and a string question; and a text input field for user input
simpleNotice( title, question, ok, cancel )Create just a popup notice with Ok, and optional Cancel button.
list(parentList,toString)Creates a list with a specified tostring method for elements.
makeCheckbox(form, o, text, field )make a checkmark button, which is bound to object 'o' and member 'field'. The title is shown next to the checkbox.
makeNameInput(form, o, text, field )make a static text display, with a button to click to edit the text
makeTextInput(form,o,field,text, money, percent, number, suffix_)make a text input with a lable next to it
makeTextField(form,o,field,text, money, percent)make a text display with a label next to it (like input but readonly)
makeButton(parentElement,text, callback, options)adds a button; is 2 divs nested and styled. Callback is called when the button is clicked/touched. see button options below...
setClass(element.class)Set a class in className
toggleClass(element,class)if a class is in a class, remove it, else add it
clearClass(element,class)remove a class from className
createMenu()returns a menu object which is a popup menu
DataGrid(parent, o, field, options)Create a data grid view for the specified array; binds controls directly to the array; cancel will reset the content.
PagedFrame(parent, options )Create a paged form (pages get added with a tab that when the tab is selected the content in the frame is shown.
Alert(string)Show a generic singleton alert banner; hide() is available, if multiple show(newString) happen, the banner remains up, and just updates the text content
AlertForm()This is the form used by Alert, it extends Popup(), and just has simple single-touch/any click to clear.
Popup(...)Same as the exported Popup symbol

button Options

suffixappended to class name - if there's a space, it will add a separate class.... it just update className

Popup class

This popup class is a standard high level contain that is the general abstraction for forms.

(contructor)(title,parent,opts)A new Popup objectParameters to the constructor are optional. The first parameter may be a string which is the default name to show on the title bar of the Popup frame. The second parameter is a HTML Element or Popup to use as a parent (uses .appendChild( divFrame ) to add itself ot the parent. The third option parmeter is described below.
show()undefinedshows a hidden popup in its current position
center()undefinedA popup needs to be attached to a page, and visible (have a layout applied), then this can calculate where to position the form to center it on the visible page.
hide()undefinedhides a popup. (sets display:none on the top level control)
caption-setter-undefinedset the current text of the popup caption. (The text of popup.divTitle)
over(element)undefinedpositions the frame aligned to the top left of the specified HTML element element
on(event,cb)undefinedregister a handler for events on the popup. Events are described later.
reset()undefinedissue reset event on popup
reject()undefinedissue reject event on popup
accept()undefinedissue accept event on popup
move(x,y)undefineduses the specified x and y floating point numbers as percentages to set top and left to.
appendChild(element)this.appendChild's resultAds a HTML element to this form's content area
remove()undefinedremove all elements from the page.

Popup Constructor Options

|Name| type| default | Description | |----|----|----| |suffix| string | "" | Specifies a suffix to apply to elements created in this form. The popups utility methods use this when created on a Popup form instead of just an HTML element. | |enableClose | boolean | false | Enables showing a close button in the title bar frame. Clicking the button automatically hide()s the popup an dissues a close event. | | from | HTML Element | null | if from is specified, then the specified element is used for the popup divFrame, and all other div* elements are set to null. | | shadowFrame | creates a shadow DOM element to fill the form content into - the outer (top) frame is a div that contains the shadowRoot |

Popup Registered Events

The event function on() can be used to define user events, which are generated for the user by the user.

Passing on(event name, function) registers an additional function handler for the event. Functions are executed in the order they were added to handle the event.

Using on( event name, non-function) will call the event handler associated with the specified event name, and pass the argument supplied as data to the registered callback.

These are only loosely implemented...

Event NameDataDescription
resettruewhen the popup's reset method is run, which resets any changes to current values to their initialValue (more later).
accepttrueIssued when the changes in a form are meant to be saved to real states; (save changes)
canceltrueIssued when changes should be ignored; and the form is closed;
showtrueIssued when a popup has been told to show itself; Forms that extend Popup should just override the show() method...
closetruesome forms generate a close event.

Object members

A Popup instance exposes these data members to be able to work with internals of the popup.

divFrameHTML ElementThis is the control the popup uses as the overall container for all internal elements.
divCaptionHTML ElementThis is the frame of the caption area on the dialog; may be used to contain other button-type elements.
divTitleHTML ElementThis is the text span of the title text in the caption.
divContentHTML ElementThis is the element that contains all of the form's content. The Popup method appendChild() appends children to this element.
divCloseHTML ElementThis is the close button in the caption area container.
useMousebooleanCan be used to disable mouse drag move on the popup.

Popup Example

class MyForm extends Popup {
	constructor(parent) {
		super( "My Form Name", parent );

// create a new MyForm parented to the document's body element...
const form = new MyForm( document.body );


Drag and drop nested items in lists. This is a list container, allows adding items.

The list items may have click callback events.

The list provides callbacks for item call events? Also for adding/removing items by drag and drop operations?

Data Grid View

This shows a data grid (table) with column headers; it shows a list of records in an array. It may be able to add/remove elements from the array it has been passed; this complicates the accept/reject option.


This handles a rectangular popup menu (drop list) of items. When it shows the dialog, it puts an invisible cover-all div on the page such that any mouse event outside of the popup is captured by the popup; making these modal.

Often this sort of menu is triggered by a user right-clicking or control-clicking on a surface, and if another root menu is shown, others should already have gone away.

const menu = popups.createMenu();
menu.addItem( "text", ()=>{
	/* called when item is selected */
} );


const subMenu = menu.addMenu( "Menu Entry Text" );

Data Grid

new DataGrid( parent, object, field, opts );

Constructor options

columnsArray of column descriptionsSpecifies the columns and fields used object[field]
onCancelfunctioncalled when containing frame is canceled
suffixstringname to append to class name of these this datagrid
onNewRowfunctioncalled when a new row is created, allows application to return add a meaningful object to the list of objects in the list

Column Description

fieldstringname of the field in the members of the value array
namestringname to show for column of data
classNamestringname to specify as class for this column field
typeobjectcolumn type object specified below

Column Type

moneybooleanformat value as money using popups currency utilities
percentbooleanformat value as a percentage value
numberbooleanformat value as a number value
optionsarray of optionsThis specifies that a choice list should be built for this data grid element
clickfunctioncreates a button in the column.
textstringused for text on buttons separate from header string
editbooleandefault true; controls whether the column is editable
toStringfunctionused to get the value to display in the data grid.
ticknumbermilliseconds to auto-refresh the field

Column Type Option Description

nametypeused for option name in choice list
valueanyused as the value for an option in a choice list - when picked, is updated into the record.

Paged Frame

Constructor options

topboolalign to top of parent instead of left side
pages[ PageDef,...]page definition below...
suffixstringsuffix applied to frame
Frame Methods
addPage(title[, url])Add a page with a title, optionally filled from a URL specified.
activate(page)make a specific page active; automatically deactivate old pages
on(event,cb) or (event,data)supports event framework doesn't implement any at this time.
activatepageA new page is active, can syncrhonize other controls like buttons for next/prior pages
Page Methods

When page .activate() is called, an event is gnerated to the frame "activate" which has a parameter of the page which is being activated.

addPage(title [, url])Adds a sub-page within this page, optional url
appendChild( element )Add a chld element to this page.
remove()remove this page
removePage(pf )remove another page
activatePage(page)make a page active
enableDrag()enable dragging page handles - can be used for reodring for example.
enableDrop()enable receiving drop events
reset()reset the data content of a page
insertBeforePage()adds a new page before the specified page, NULL adds at the end.
activate()make this page active. It's better to use the frame.activate() method isntead of activating individual pages.
deactivate()make this page inactive; if multiple pages are activated, their content will all be visible, this hides the content of a page.
titlestringtext on page selection tab
urloptional stringLoad page Contnt from URL


  • 1.0.112 (in progress)
  • 1.0.111
    • add tooltip support. (most controls may have missed some)
    • update document, misc fixes.
    • Add shadowFrame option to Popup() so the content is more protected and encapsulated.
    • Improve style shee addition functions.
    • Deprecate/remove toggle/set/clear class functions that classList can provide.
    • restore seeting FormContainer vs FrameContainer.
    • some minor fixes for Lists and various controls.
  • 1.0.110
    • remove passive from touchevents on buttons; otherwise preventDefault can't be used and touch-through happens.
    • updated package to include css and images.
  • 1.0.109
    • include styles.css in files list.
    • allow data grids in datagrids.
    • Improve choice list selection in datagrids, and as a independant control.
    • Add option to datagrids to disable sorting.
    • Add option to datagrid columns to disable editing.
    • Support longer object field names for datagrids (object["field.sub.val"] converts to object.field.sub.val).
    • Nest alert form text in another div to allow increasing the size of the covering div, while centering the content.
  • 1.0.108
    • fix negative currency formatting.
    • allow 'id' option to allow recovering saved window positions.
  • 1.0.107
    • expose internals of notice form better.
  • 1.0.106
    • modify makeButton; results with a object with a more interface more similar to popups.
    • some fixes for refreshing text fields.
  • 1.0.105
    • Expose Alert, and AlertForm.
    • some misc updates
  • 1.0.104
    • ?? (Please review)
  • 1.0.103
    • fixed tracking mouse events to specific controls (avoid being so leaky with events)
    • Added just popup alert form.
  • 1.0.102
    • added remove function on more popups.
    • Improved popup sub-menu closing, put it behind a timer, which allows enough time to move over the menu from the selection before closing.
  • 1.0.101
    • Revised popup menu interface, removed constants, used separate initializer methods; make popup trigger per item instead of per-show.


Package last updated on 11 Sep 2024

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