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OpenAPI client for Datadog APIs

Version published

Package description

What is @datadog/datadog-api-client?

@datadog/datadog-api-client is an official Node.js client library for interacting with the Datadog API. It allows developers to programmatically manage and interact with Datadog's monitoring, logging, and tracing services. This includes creating and managing dashboards, monitors, events, and more.

What are @datadog/datadog-api-client's main functionalities?

Create a Dashboard

This code sample demonstrates how to create a new dashboard in Datadog using the @datadog/datadog-api-client package.

const { v1: datadog } = require('@datadog/datadog-api-client');
const configuration = datadog.createConfiguration();
const apiInstance = new datadog.DashboardsApi(configuration);

const params = {
  body: {
    title: 'Example-Dashboard',
    widgets: [],
    layoutType: 'ordered',
    description: 'A sample dashboard',
    isReadOnly: false,
    notifyList: []

apiInstance.createDashboard(params).then((data) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
}).catch((error) => {

Create a Monitor

This code sample demonstrates how to create a new monitor in Datadog using the @datadog/datadog-api-client package.

const { v1: datadog } = require('@datadog/datadog-api-client');
const configuration = datadog.createConfiguration();
const apiInstance = new datadog.MonitorsApi(configuration);

const params = {
  body: {
    name: 'Example-Monitor',
    type: 'metric alert',
    query: 'avg(last_5m):avg:system.cpu.user{host:host0} > 75',
    message: 'CPU usage is high on host0',
    tags: ['env:production'],
    options: {
      thresholds: {
        critical: 75

apiInstance.createMonitor(params).then((data) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
}).catch((error) => {

Post an Event

This code sample demonstrates how to post a new event to Datadog using the @datadog/datadog-api-client package.

const { v1: datadog } = require('@datadog/datadog-api-client');
const configuration = datadog.createConfiguration();
const apiInstance = new datadog.EventsApi(configuration);

const params = {
  body: {
    title: 'Example-Event',
    text: 'An example event for Datadog',
    tags: ['env:production'],
    alertType: 'info'

apiInstance.createEvent(params).then((data) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
}).catch((error) => {

Other packages similar to @datadog/datadog-api-client



1.25.0 / 2024-05-21


  • fix case search documentation by @api-clients-generation-pipeline in


  • Add support variablesFromScript in Synthetics API test by @api-clients-generation-pipeline in
  • Add JSONSchema assertion support to API and multistep tests by @api-clients-generation-pipeline in
  • add 1 day logs to usage api docs by @api-clients-generation-pipeline in
  • Update UserTeamIncluded to include teams by @api-clients-generation-pipeline in
  • Security Monitoring - Make Default Tags available in the response by @api-clients-generation-pipeline in
  • Add flex logs storage tier by @api-clients-generation-pipeline in

[Breaking] Changed

  • Rename the Cloud Workload Security tag to CSM Threats by @api-clients-generation-pipeline in

Full Changelog:



Node.js Datadog API Client


This repository contains a Node.js API client for the Datadog API.

How to install

The package is under @datadog/datadog-api-client and can be installed through NPM or Yarn:

npm install @datadog/datadog-api-client

# Yarn
yarn add @datadog/datadog-api-client

Getting Started

Here's an example getting a monitor:

import { client, v1 } from '@datadog/datadog-api-client';

const configuration = client.createConfiguration();
const apiInstance = new v1.MonitorsApi(configuration);

let params:v1.MonitorsApiGetMonitorRequest = {
  // number | The ID of the monitor
  monitorId: 1,

apiInstance.getMonitor(params).then((data: v1.Monitor) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
}).catch((error:any) => console.error(error));


By default the library will use the DD_API_KEY and DD_APP_KEY environment variables to authenticate against the Datadog API. To provide your own set of credentials, you need to set the appropriate keys on the configuration:

import { client } from '@datadog/datadog-api-client';

const configurationOpts = {
  authMethods: {
    apiKeyAuth: "<API KEY>",
    appKeyAuth: "<APPLICATION KEY>"

const configuration = client.createConfiguration(configurationOpts);

Unstable Endpoints

This client includes access to Datadog API endpoints while they are in an unstable state and may undergo breaking changes. An extra configuration step is required to enable these endpoints:

configuration.unstableOperations["<version>.<operationName>"] = true

where <operationName> is the name of the method used to interact with that endpoint. For example: listLogIndexes, or getLogsIndex.

Changing Server

When talking to a different server, like the eu instance, change the server variables:

import { client } from '@datadog/datadog-api-client';

const configuration = client.createConfiguration();

  site: ""

Disable compressed payloads

If you want to disable GZIP compressed responses, set the compress flag on your configuration options:

import { client } from '@datadog/datadog-api-client';
const configurationOpts = {
  httpConfig: {
    compress: false

const configuration = client.createConfiguration(configurationOpts);

Enable requests logging

If you want to enable requests logging, set the debug flag on your configuration object:

import { client } from '@datadog/datadog-api-client';
const configurationOpts = {
  debug: true

const configuration = client.createConfiguration(configurationOpts);

Enable retry

To enable the client to retry when rate limited (status 429) or status 500 and above:

import { client } from '@datadog/datadog-api-client';
const configurationOpts = {
  enableRetry: true

const configuration = client.createConfiguration(configurationOpts);

The interval between 2 retry attempts will be the value of the x-ratelimit-reset response header when available. If not, it will be :

(backoffMultiplier ** current_retry_count) * backoffBase

The maximum number of retry attempts is 3 by default and can be modified with


Adding timeout to requests

To add timeout or other mechanism to cancel requests, you need an abort controller, for example the one implemented by abort-controller. You can then pass the `signal method to the HTTP configuration options:

import { client, v1 } from '@datadog/datadog-api-client';
import AbortController from 'abort-controller';

const controller = new AbortController();
const timeout = setTimeout(
  () => { controller.abort(); },
const configurationOpts = {
  httpConfig: {
    signal: controller.signal

const configuration = client.createConfiguration(configurationOpts);

const apiInstance = new v1.MonitorsApi(configuration);
apiInstance.listMonitors().then((data: v1.Monitor[]) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
}).catch((error:any) => console.error(error)).finally(() => clearTimeout(timeout));


Several listing operations have a pagination method to help consume all the items available. For example, to retrieve all your incidents:

import { client, v2 } from "@datadog/datadog-api-client";

async function main() {
  const configuration = client.createConfiguration();
  configuration.unstableOperations["v2.listIncidents"] = true;
  const apiInstance = new v2.IncidentsApi(configuration);

  for await (const incident of apiInstance.listIncidentsWithPagination()) {
      console.log("Got incident " +;


Zstd compression

Zstd compression support requires users to supply their own zstd compressor callback function. The callback should accept string arg and return compressed Buffer data. Callback signature (body: string) => Buffer. For example, using zstd.ts package:

import { compressSync } from 'zstd.ts'
import { client, v2 } from "@datadog/datadog-api-client";

async function main() {
  const configurationOpts = {
    zstdCompressorCallback: (body: string) => compressSync({input: Buffer.from(body, "utf8")})
  const configuration = client.createConfiguration(configurationOpts);
  const apiInstance = new v2.MetricsApi(configuration);
  const params: v2.MetricsApiSubmitMetricsRequest = {
      body: {
          series: [
                  metric: "system.load.1",
                  type: 0,
                  points: [
                          timestamp: Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000),
                          value: 0.7,
      contentEncoding: "zstd1",

  apiInstance.submitMetrics(params).then((data: v2.IntakePayloadAccepted) => {
      "API called successfully. Returned data: " + JSON.stringify(data)
  }).catch((error: any) => console.error(error));


Configure proxy

You can provide custom HttpLibrary implementation with proxy support to configuration object. See example below:

import pako from "pako";
import bufferFrom from "buffer-from";
import fetch from "node-fetch";
import { HttpsProxyAgent } from "https-proxy-agent";
import { v1, client } from "@datadog/datadog-api-client";

const proxyAgent = new HttpsProxyAgent('');

class HttpLibraryWithProxy implements client.HttpLibrary {
    public debug = false;

    public send(request: client.RequestContext): Promise<client.ResponseContext> {
        const method = request.getHttpMethod().toString();
        let body = request.getBody();

        let compress = request.getHttpConfig().compress;
        if (compress === undefined) {
            compress = true;

        const headers = request.getHeaders();
        if (typeof body === "string") {
            if (headers["Content-Encoding"] === "gzip") {
                body = bufferFrom(pako.gzip(body).buffer);
            } else if (headers["Content-Encoding"] === "deflate") {
                body = bufferFrom(pako.deflate(body).buffer);

        const resultPromise = fetch(request.getUrl(), {
            method: method,
            body: body as any,
            headers: headers,
            signal: request.getHttpConfig().signal,
            compress: compress,
            agent: proxyAgent,
        }).then((resp: any) => {
            const headers: { [name: string]: string } = {};
            resp.headers.forEach((value: string, name: string) => {
                headers[name] = value;

            const body = {
                text: () => resp.text(),
                binary: () => resp.buffer(),
            const response = new client.ResponseContext(resp.status, headers, body);
            return response;

        return resultPromise;

const configuration = client.createConfiguration({httpApi: new HttpLibraryWithProxy()});
const apiInstance = new v1.DashboardsApi(configuration);

    .then((data: v1.DashboardSummary) => {
            "API called successfully. Returned data: " + JSON.stringify(data)
    .catch((error: any) => console.error(error));


Documentation for API endpoints can be found in GitHub pages.


As most of the code in this repository is generated, we will only accept PRs for files that are not modified by our code-generation machinery (changes to the generated files would get overwritten). We happily accept contributions to files that are not autogenerated, such as tests and development tooling.



Apache License, v2.0



Last updated on 21 May 2024

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