Advanced tools
12.0.0 (2023-12-12) (map-ol, map-cesium and map-maplibre)
to ^16.2.1
automatic migrations are made by ng update. See update angular from 14.0-15.0 and 14.0-15.0.^13.17.0
to ^15.12.0
. See releases Breaking Changes. Fixes in styles have been made so update the styles folder from projects/core-ui/schematics/ng-add/files/src/styles
and also add class="content-area map-view"
for content areas that include a map.^6.6.7
to ~7.8.0
. Fixes of deprecations forkJoin(obs,obs)
to forkJoin([obs,obs])
and retryWhen()
to retry({count: number deley: ()=> })
and combineLatest()
to combineLatestWith()
and of<T>()
to of()
. Use Tgroupfiltertype = TFiltertypesUncap | TFiltertypes
and import them from @dlr-eoc/services-layers
. Use Tgroupfiltertype = TFiltertypesUncap | TFiltertypes
and import them from @dlr-eoc/services-layers
is passed so you can use IPopupParams.color
and IPopupParams.mapEvent
. For the remaining properties, use IPopupParams.properties
, which contains feature properties and async data.MapOlService.addPopup
function are changed as follows addPopup(popupParams: IPopupParams, popupObj?: popup, html?: string, event?: 'click' | 'move', removePopups?: boolean)
and IDynamicPopupArgs
have been removed. Use IPopupParams
instead of IDynamicPopupArgs
- popup.dynamicPopup.getAttributes(params:IPopupParams)
is removed from MapOlService.setZoom(zoom: number)
gets more types and uses IPopupParams
which will be applied to all popups.TFiltertypesUncap
to use with TFiltertypes
. So Tgroupfiltertype = TFiltertypesUncap | TFiltertypes
is usable in maps.@dlr-eoc/map-ol:
MapOlService.popupEvents: Subject<IPopupEvent>
. For this add asObservable: true
to a popup object, you will then be able to subscribe to the event instead of having a popup container being added to the map.IPopupEvent
is exposed.@dlr-eoc/map-tools:
11.1.0 (2023-05-30) (map-ol and layer-control)
<ukis-layer-control ... [layersSort]="true" [groupLayersSort]="false">
Issue #179.Changelog
11.0.0 (2023-05-05) (Openlayers Update and map-ol)
Update Openlayers to ^v7.1.0
and ol-mapbox-style to ^9.2.1
. Issue #157.
now needs two parameters more layer: olLayer
and feature: olFeature | olRenderFeature
. Due to the removal of map.forEachLayerAtPixel in OpenLayers 7, the function works completely differently now. Iterate over all layers and test for feature
or getData
instead of just testing for color at a pixel. This also fixes Issue #120.@dlr-eoc/map-ol:
now accepts an optional object with callback
, duration
, easing
and zoomStep
on setExtent
which adds a css class to the popup element Issue #120.layerOnEvent
(for popups) now accepts an optional feature
as the last parameter.getLayerGroups
is now public to retrieve the LayerGroups and Collections from the map.hideAllPopups
on layer.visible
change and add css styles Issue #120.groupID
from CustomLayer
or StackedLayer
to the layers from there ol/layer/Group
. So you can get the LayerGroup later e.g. in map.getAllLayers().@dlr-eoc/utils-maps:
from ol/Collection
. This returns the item and the index of the item if found otherwise null
. Can set the zIndex for ol/layer/Group
and all layers in the group.layerOrGroupSetOpacity
. Can set the opacity for ol/layer/Group
and all layers in the group.layerOrGroupSetVisible
. Can set the visibility for ol/layer/Group
and all layers in the group.collectionItemSetIndex
. Moves an item in the ol/Collection
to the index.applyBackground()
from 'ol-mapbox-style' when creating vector tile layers.baselayerGroup
, layersGroup
and overlayGroup
from OpenLayers 7.Changelog
10.1.0 (2022-11-07) (Features and Bug Fixes)
- spacing and borders between layers and groups.@dlr-eoc/layer-control:
and LayerGroup.expanded
Issue #139](https://github.com/dlr-eoc/ukis-frontend-libraries/issues/139).@dlr-eoc/services-layers:
and LayerGroup
to allow configuration of an expanded user interface to show or hide some details at startup Issue #139.@dlr-eoc/services-map-state:
from last state when `setExtent Issue #148.@dlr-eoc/map-ol:
change on OpenLayers v6.15.0.time
from last state when `setExtent Issue #148.map
and crosshair
from the map div. If the map is used multiple times the ids are no longer unique and for styling classes are already there.setExtent
from MapStateService
after map init. Due to responsive map size it takes some time till the map has reached its full size and view.fit
can calculate the correct extent.