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@docusaurus/preset-classic - npm Package Versions






2.0.0-alpha.41 (2020-02-16)

:rocket: New Feature
  • docusaurus-init, docusaurus-preset-classic, docusaurus-theme-classic
    • #2224 feat(v2): add remark-admonitions to @docusaurus/preset-classic (@elviswolcott)
  • docusaurus-theme-classic, docusaurus
  • docusaurus-theme-classic
    • #2261 feat(v2): allow to specify different logo for dark mode (@lex111)
    • #2253 feat(v2): allow specify custom link for logo (@lex111)
    • #2255 feat(v2): add site title to meta title (@lex111)
  • docusaurus-plugin-content-pages, docusaurus-utils, docusaurus
:boom: Breaking Change
  • docusaurus-theme-classic
    • #2235 fix(v2): show doc sidebar on pages with case-sensitive paths (@lex111)
:bug: Bug Fix
  • docusaurus-theme-classic, docusaurus-theme-live-codeblock
  • docusaurus-theme-classic
    • #2259 fix(v2): use site title if enabled blog-only mode (@lex111)
    • #2248 fix(v2): adjust correct behavior of navbar when active anchor (@lex111)
    • #2235 fix(v2): show doc sidebar on pages with case-sensitive paths (@lex111)
    • #2162 fix(v2): unify anchor behavior (@lex111)
  • docusaurus-theme-search-algolia
    • #2262 fix(v2): remove focus on search input when hovering over it (@lex111)
  • docusaurus-plugin-content-blog, docusaurus-theme-classic
    • #2240 fix(v2): hide read more button on non-truncated posts (@lex111)
  • docusaurus
  • docusaurus-mdx-loader
  • docusaurus-theme-live-codeblock
    • #2227 fix(v2): render correct theme for live code blocks on SSR (@lex111)
:nail_care: Polish
  • docusaurus-theme-classic, docusaurus-theme-live-codeblock
:memo: Documentation
:house: Internal
Committers: 18
published 2.0.0-alpha.40 •



2.0.0-alpha.40 (2019-12-25)

:rocket: New Feature
  • docusaurus-theme-classic
    • #2117 feat(v2): auto switch theme depending on the system theme (@lex111)
    • #2055 feat(v2): hide navbar on scroll (@lex111)
:bug: Bug Fix
  • docusaurus
    • #2145 fix(v2): remove style-loader, use minicssextract in both dev & prod (@endiliey)
    • #2122 fix(v2): dont collapse whitespace in minified html (@endiliey)
  • docusaurus-mdx-loader, docusaurus-plugin-content-blog, docusaurus-plugin-content-docs
    • #2105 fix(v2): move metadata export after compiling MDX to avoid weird MDX parsing error. (@endiliey)
  • docusaurus-theme-classic
:nail_care: Polish
  • docusaurus-theme-classic
    • #2129 fix(v2): disable scroll while mobile menu open (@lex111)
  • docusaurus-theme-classic, docusaurus
    • #2127 refactor(v2): toggle data-theme with vanilla js instead of react helmet (@endiliey)
  • docusaurus-theme-search-algolia, docusaurus
    • #2125 feat(v2): lazy load algolia css so its not render blocking (@endiliey)
:memo: Documentation
  • Other
  • docusaurus-theme-classic, docusaurus-theme-live-codeblock
    • #2114 fix(v2): add syntax highlight to generated colors (@lex111)
:house: Internal
  • Other
  • docusaurus-init
  • docusaurus
  • docusaurus-1.x, docusaurus-init, docusaurus-mdx-loader, docusaurus-plugin-content-blog, docusaurus-plugin-content-docs, docusaurus-plugin-ideal-image, docusaurus-theme-live-codeblock, docusaurus
:running_woman: Performance
Committers: 6
published 2.0.0-alpha.39 •



2.0.0-alpha.39 (2019-12-07)

:bug: Bug Fix
  • docusaurus
  • docusaurus-plugin-content-blog, docusaurus-plugin-content-docs
    • #2095 fix(v2): metadata error if markdown does not have ending line (@endiliey)
:house: Internal
  • Other
    • #2100 chore(CI): docusaurus build on Windows with GitHub actions (@endiliey)
  • docusaurus
Committers: 1
published 2.0.0-alpha.38 •



2.0.0-alpha.38 (2019-12-06)

:boom: Breaking Change
  • docusaurus-plugin-content-blog, docusaurus-plugin-content-docs, docusaurus-plugin-content-pages, docusaurus-theme-classic, docusaurus-utils
    • #2088 perf(v2): smaller bundlesize by embedding metadata to content (@endiliey)

If you have swizzled any Docs/Blog component that depends on metadata, you'll have to update. If you haven't, no action is needed.

For example, if you've swizzled @theme/DocItem. You'll have to update

- const {metadata, content: DocContent} = props;
+ const {content: DocContent} = props;
+ const {metadata} = DocContent;
:bug: Bug Fix
  • docusaurus
  • docusaurus-plugin-ideal-image
    • #2074 fix(v2): fix plugin-ideal-image breaking website (exports not defined) (@endiliey)
:nail_care: Polish
  • docusaurus-mdx-loader
:house: Internal
  • docusaurus-1.x
  • docusaurus
    • #2081 refactor(v2): move scripts/stylesheets injection to server side (@endiliey)
    • #2080 refactor(v2): minor code refactoring on component creator (@endiliey)
:running_woman: Performance
  • docusaurus-utils
    • #2089 perf(v2): improve dev build time by not overwriting file if possible (@endiliey)
  • docusaurus-theme-search-algolia
    • #2079 perf(v2): algolia search result no longer cause full page refresh (@endiliey)
    • #2076 perf(v2): load algolia JS only when user interacts with search (@endiliey)
Committers: 4
published 2.0.0-alpha.37 •



2.0.0-alpha.37 (2019-12-01)

:boom: Breaking Change
  • docusaurus-init, docusaurus-plugin-content-blog, docusaurus-plugin-content-docs, docusaurus-plugin-content-pages, docusaurus-theme-classic, docusaurus-theme-live-codeblock, docusaurus-theme-search-algolia, docusaurus-utils, docusaurus
    • #2045 breaking(v2): minimum required nodejs version 8.9-> 8.10 so we can use es2017 (@endiliey)
:rocket: New Feature
  • docusaurus-theme-classic, docusaurus
    • #2069 feat(v2): support prefers-color-scheme & fix dark mode FOUC on refresh (@endiliey)
  • docusaurus-plugin-content-blog
    • #2000 feat(v2): add meta RSS/Atom feed links to head (@lex111)
  • docusaurus-plugin-content-docs, docusaurus-types, docusaurus
    • #2057 feat(v2): injectHtmlTags API to inject head and/or body html tags (@endiliey)
  • docusaurus-mdx-loader, docusaurus-plugin-content-docs, docusaurus-plugin-sitemap, docusaurus-theme-classic, docusaurus
    • #2032 feat(v2): allow non sidebar category to be first item of sidebar (@endiliey)
  • docusaurus-plugin-content-docs, docusaurus-theme-classic, docusaurus-types, docusaurus
:bug: Bug Fix
  • docusaurus-theme-classic, docusaurus
    • #2069 feat(v2): support prefers-color-scheme & fix dark mode FOUC on refresh (@endiliey)
  • docusaurus-mdx-loader
    • #2067 fix(v2): toc should not be broken for heading with html inline code (@endiliey)
  • docusaurus-theme-classic
    • #2064 fix(v2): markdown reference to file should not be page not found (@endiliey)
    • #2061 fix(v2): fix docs sidebar highlighting if link is partially matched (@endiliey)
  • docusaurus
    • #2042 fix(v2): remove css order warning if css imports are not sorted (@endiliey)
:nail_care: Polish
  • docusaurus-theme-classic
:memo: Documentation
:house: Internal
  • docusaurus-plugin-content-blog
  • docusaurus
    • #2060 fix(v2): clean generated manifest from previous build so we dont use the wrong one (@endiliey)
    • #2033 refactor(v2): move unused generated files out from build folder (@endiliey)
  • docusaurus-types, docusaurus
  • docusaurus-mdx-loader, docusaurus-plugin-ideal-image, docusaurus-types, docusaurus
  • docusaurus-init, docusaurus-mdx-loader, docusaurus-plugin-content-docs, docusaurus
:running_woman: Performance
  • docusaurus-plugin-google-analytics, docusaurus-plugin-google-gtag
  • docusaurus
    • #2046 perf(v2): use webpack future version of asset emitting logic to free memory (@endiliey)
    • #2039 perf(v2): replace unnecessary json stringify(string) with inline string (@endiliey)
    • #2035 perf(v2): use @babel/runtime plugin to reduce codesize (@endiliey)
  • docusaurus-plugin-content-docs
Committers: 5
published 2.0.0-alpha.36 •



2.0.0-alpha.36 (2019-11-22)

:boom: Breaking Change
  • docusaurus-init, docusaurus-plugin-content-blog, docusaurus-theme-classic
:rocket: New Feature
  • docusaurus-plugin-content-docs, docusaurus-theme-classic
:bug: Bug Fix
  • docusaurus
    • #2007 feat(v2): only create one css file to avoid code-split css loading problem (@endiliey)
  • docusaurus-theme-classic
:nail_care: Polish
  • docusaurus-theme-classic
    • #2013 refactor(v2): split out dark mode toggle so it is easily swizzle-able (@endiliey)
    • #2017 feat(v2): style right sidebar scrollbar when overflow (@endiliey)
    • #2003 refactor(v2): improve semantic markup of blog (@lex111)
:house: Internal
  • docusaurus
    • #2024 test(v2): babel exclude transpilation logic to prevent regression (@endiliey)
    • #2014 feat(v2): add meta generator docusaurus (@endiliey)
  • docusaurus-mdx-loader, docusaurus-plugin-ideal-image
  • Other
:memo: Documentation
Committers: 3
published 2.0.0-alpha.35 •



2.0.0-alpha.35 (2019-11-17)

:rocket: New Feature
  • docusaurus-theme-classic
    • #1965 feat(v2): add ability specify link in footer logo (@lex111)
:bug: Bug Fix
  • docusaurus-mdx-loader, docusaurus-theme-classic
    • #1992 fix(v2): static phrasing content should be rendered correctly in TOC (@endiliey)
  • docusaurus-theme-classic
    • #1999 fix(v2): remove hashbang when click on category (@lex111)
    • #1962 fix(v2): make not clickable post title on post item page (@lex111)
    • #1980 fix(v2): remove invalid label attribute of footer links (@lex111)
    • #1978 fix(v2): use regular div instead of main tag for wrapper layout page (@lex111)
    • #1975 fix(v2): move header inside article tag in doc page (@lex111)
    • #1974 fix(v2): remove invalid attributes of nav links (@lex111)
    • #1963 fix(v2): remove empty containers when no data in blog pages (@lex111)
    • #1966 fix(v2): remove duplicate meta tags (@lex111)
  • docusaurus-plugin-content-docs
    • #1994 fix(v2): throw error if first level item of a sidebar is not category (@endiliey)
:nail_care: Polish
  • docusaurus-theme-search-algolia
  • docusaurus-theme-classic
    • #1991 fix(v2): remove accessible anchors via keyboard (@lex111)
    • #1987 refactor(v2): replace h1 tag with h2 in blog list pages (@lex111)
    • #1981 fix(v2): use tag time for showing last update of doc item (@lex111)
    • #1977 feat(v2): add aria-label to read more links for a11y (@lex111)
    • #1964 fix(v2): use tag time for showing post item date (@lex111)
  • docusaurus-plugin-content-docs
    • #1994 fix(v2): throw error if first level item of a sidebar is not category (@endiliey)
  • Other
  • docusaurus-init
  • docusaurus-plugin-content-blog
:memo: Documentation
:house: Internal
  • Other
    • #2002 fix(v2): fix browser window menu icon on smaller screen (@lex111)
    • #1986 fix(v2): remove obsolete iframe attributes (@lex111)
  • docusaurus-init
  • docusaurus-1.x, docusaurus-init-1.x, docusaurus-init, docusaurus-plugin-content-docs, docusaurus-plugin-ideal-image, docusaurus-types, docusaurus
:running_woman: Performance
  • docusaurus
    • #1979 perf(v2): reduce main bundle size by using es5 if possible (@endiliey)
Committers: 6
published 2.0.0-alpha.34 •



2.0.0-alpha.34 (2019-11-11)

:rocket: New Feature
  • docusaurus-theme-classic
:boom: Breaking Change
  • docusaurus-plugin-content-docs
    • #1958 breaking(v2): editUrl should point to website instead of docsDir (@endiliey)
:bug: Bug Fix
  • docusaurus-theme-classic
    • #1959 fix(v2): useTOC hooks should not be called in each nested children (@endiliey)
:nail_care: Polish
  • docusaurus-plugin-content-docs, docusaurus
    • #1957 refactor(v2): avoid synchronous/ blocking operation when possible (@endiliey)
:memo: Documentation
:house: Internal
  • docusaurus-1.x, docusaurus-plugin-content-blog, docusaurus-plugin-content-docs, docusaurus-theme-classic, docusaurus-theme-search-algolia, docusaurus-types, docusaurus-utils, docusaurus
  • Other
:running_woman: Performance
  • docusaurus-plugin-content-docs, docusaurus-utils, docusaurus
    • #1951 perf(v2): skip runtime fileHash cache in prod & get timestamp asynchronously (@endiliey)
    • #1950 perf(v2): more efficient hot reload & consistent filegen (@endiliey)
Committers: 3
published 2.0.0-alpha.33 •



2.0.0-alpha.33 (2019-11-08)

  • Table of contents is now highlighted depending on current active headings. (thanks to awesome @SantiagoGdaR) #1896
  • Official blog plugin can now generate feed for blog posts. (thanks to awesome @moozzyk) #1916
  • BREAKING prismTheme is renamed to theme as part new prism object in themeConfig field in your docusaurus.config.js. Eg:
     themeConfig: {
    -   prismTheme: require('prism-react-renderer/themes/dracula'),
    +   prism: {
    +     theme: require('prism-react-renderer/themes/dracula'),
    +   },
  • Added new prism option defaultLanguage that is used if the language is not specified in code blocks. #1910
  • Fix babel/env not picking the correct browserslist configuration during development. When running docusaurus start, process.env.NODE_ENV is now consistently set to development.
  • Ensure routes config generation to be more consistent in ordering. Nested routes should be placed last in routes.js. This will allow user to create src/pages/docs.js to create custom docs page for /docs or even src/pages/docs/super.js to create page for /docs/super/;
  • Fix watcher does not trigger reload on windows.
  • Fix build compilation error if exists only one code tab.
  • Add minor padding to docs container so that hash-link won't be cut off.
  • Misc dependency upgrades.
  • Stability improvement (more tests) & refactoring on docs plugin to prevent regression.
published 2.0.0-alpha.32 •



2.0.0-alpha.32 (2019-11-04)

  • Add <Redirect> component for client side redirect. Example Usage:
import React from 'react';
import {Redirect} from '@docusaurus/router';

function Home() {
  return <Redirect to="/docs/test" />;
  • Allow user to add custom HTML to footer items. #1905
  • Added code block line highlighting feature (thanks @lex111)! If you have previously swizzled the CodeBlock theme component, it is recommended to update your source code to have this feature. (#1860)
Bug Fixes
  • Fix @theme/Tabs component to be able to create tabs with only one item.
  • Fix MDX @theme/Heading component. If there is no id, it should not create anchor link.
  • Fixed a bug in which if themeConfig.algolia is not defined, the custom searchbar won't appear. If you've swizzled Algolia SearchBar component before, please update your source code otherwise CSS might break. See #1909 for reference.
- <Fragment>
+ <div className="navbar__search" key="search-box">
  • Slightly adjust search icon position to be more aligned on small width device. (#1893)
  • Fix algolia styling bug, previously search suggestion result is sometimes hidden. (#1915)
  • Changed the way we read the USE_SSH env variable during deployment to be the same as in v1.
  • Fix accessing docs/ or /docs/xxxx that does not match any existing doc page should return 404 (Not found) page, not blank page. (#1903)
  • Prioritize @docusaurus/core dependencies/ node_modules over user's node_modules. This fix a bug whereby if user has core-js@3 on its own node_modules but docusaurus depends on core-js@2, we previously encounter Module not found: core-js/modules/xxxx (because core-js@3 doesn't have that).
  • Fix a bug where docs plugin add /docs route even if docs folder is empty. We also improved docs plugin test coverage to 100% for stability before working on docs versioning. (#1912)
Performance Improvement
  • Reduce memory usage consumption. (#1900)
  • Significantly reduce main bundle size and initial HTML payload on production build. Generated files from webpack is also shorter in name. (#1898)
  • Simplify blog metadata. Previously, accessing /blog/post-xxx will request for next and prev blog post metadata too aside from target post metadata. We should only request target post metadata. (#1908)
  • Convert sitemap plugin to TypeScript. (#1894)
  • Refactor dark mode toggle into a hook. (#1899)
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