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@@ -1,1146 +0,3 @@

declare class Crypto$1 implements globalThis.Crypto {
public subtle: SubtleCrypto;
public getRandomValues<T extends ArrayBufferView | null>(array: T): T;
public randomUUID(): string;
declare class CryptoKey implements globalThis.CryptoKey {
public algorithm: KeyAlgorithm;
public extractable: boolean;
public type: KeyType;
public usages: KeyUsage[];
// Type definitions for uuid 8.3
// Uses ArrayLike to admit Unit8 and co.
type OutputBuffer = ArrayLike<number>;
type InputBuffer = ArrayLike<number>;
interface RandomOptions {
random?: InputBuffer | undefined;
interface RngOptions {
rng?: (() => InputBuffer) | undefined;
type V4Options = RandomOptions | RngOptions;
type v4String = (options?: V4Options) => string;
type v4Buffer = <T extends OutputBuffer>(options: V4Options | null | undefined, buffer: T, offset?: number) => T;
type v4 = v4Buffer & v4String;
declare const v4: v4;
/// <reference lib="es2018.asynciterable" />
* A signal object that allows you to communicate with a request and abort it if required
* via its associated `AbortController` object.
* @remarks
* This interface is compatible with the `AbortSignal` interface defined in TypeScript's DOM types.
* It is redefined here, so it can be polyfilled without a DOM, for example with
* {@link | abortcontroller-polyfill} in a Node environment.
* @public
declare interface AbortSignal {
* Whether the request is aborted.
readonly aborted: boolean;
* Add an event listener to be triggered when this signal becomes aborted.
addEventListener(type: 'abort', listener: () => void): void;
* Remove an event listener that was previously added with {@link AbortSignal.addEventListener}.
removeEventListener(type: 'abort', listener: () => void): void;
* A queuing strategy.
* @public
declare interface QueuingStrategy<T = any> {
* A non-negative number indicating the high water mark of the stream using this queuing strategy.
highWaterMark?: number;
* A function that computes and returns the finite non-negative size of the given chunk value.
size?: QueuingStrategySizeCallback<T>;
* {@inheritDoc QueuingStrategy.size}
* @public
declare type QueuingStrategySizeCallback<T = any> = (chunk: T) => number;
* Allows control of a {@link ReadableStream | readable byte stream}'s state and internal queue.
* @public
declare class ReadableByteStreamController {
private constructor();
* Returns the current BYOB pull request, or `null` if there isn't one.
get byobRequest(): ReadableStreamBYOBRequest | null;
* Returns the desired size to fill the controlled stream's internal queue. It can be negative, if the queue is
* over-full. An underlying byte source ought to use this information to determine when and how to apply backpressure.
get desiredSize(): number | null;
* Closes the controlled readable stream. Consumers will still be able to read any previously-enqueued chunks from
* the stream, but once those are read, the stream will become closed.
close(): void;
* Enqueues the given chunk chunk in the controlled readable stream.
* The chunk has to be an `ArrayBufferView` instance, or else a `TypeError` will be thrown.
enqueue(chunk: ArrayBufferView): void;
* Errors the controlled readable stream, making all future interactions with it fail with the given error `e`.
error(e?: any): void;
* A readable stream represents a source of data, from which you can read.
* @public
declare class ReadableStream<R = any> {
constructor(underlyingSource: UnderlyingByteSource, strategy?: {
highWaterMark?: number;
size?: undefined;
constructor(underlyingSource?: UnderlyingSource<R>, strategy?: QueuingStrategy<R>);
* Whether or not the readable stream is locked to a {@link ReadableStreamDefaultReader | reader}.
get locked(): boolean;
* Cancels the stream, signaling a loss of interest in the stream by a consumer.
* The supplied `reason` argument will be given to the underlying source's {@link UnderlyingSource.cancel | cancel()}
* method, which might or might not use it.
cancel(reason?: any): Promise<void>;
* Creates a {@link ReadableStreamBYOBReader} and locks the stream to the new reader.
* This call behaves the same way as the no-argument variant, except that it only works on readable byte streams,
* i.e. streams which were constructed specifically with the ability to handle "bring your own buffer" reading.
* The returned BYOB reader provides the ability to directly read individual chunks from the stream via its
* {@link | read()} method, into developer-supplied buffers, allowing more precise
* control over allocation.
getReader({ mode }: {
mode: 'byob';
}): ReadableStreamBYOBReader;
* Creates a {@link ReadableStreamDefaultReader} and locks the stream to the new reader.
* While the stream is locked, no other reader can be acquired until this one is released.
* This functionality is especially useful for creating abstractions that desire the ability to consume a stream
* in its entirety. By getting a reader for the stream, you can ensure nobody else can interleave reads with yours
* or cancel the stream, which would interfere with your abstraction.
getReader(): ReadableStreamDefaultReader<R>;
* Provides a convenient, chainable way of piping this readable stream through a transform stream
* (or any other `{ writable, readable }` pair). It simply {@link ReadableStream.pipeTo | pipes} the stream
* into the writable side of the supplied pair, and returns the readable side for further use.
* Piping a stream will lock it for the duration of the pipe, preventing any other consumer from acquiring a reader.
pipeThrough<RS extends ReadableStream>(transform: {
readable: RS;
writable: WritableStream<R>;
}, options?: StreamPipeOptions): RS;
* Pipes this readable stream to a given writable stream. The way in which the piping process behaves under
* various error conditions can be customized with a number of passed options. It returns a promise that fulfills
* when the piping process completes successfully, or rejects if any errors were encountered.
* Piping a stream will lock it for the duration of the pipe, preventing any other consumer from acquiring a reader.
pipeTo(destination: WritableStream<R>, options?: StreamPipeOptions): Promise<void>;
* Tees this readable stream, returning a two-element array containing the two resulting branches as
* new {@link ReadableStream} instances.
* Teeing a stream will lock it, preventing any other consumer from acquiring a reader.
* To cancel the stream, cancel both of the resulting branches; a composite cancellation reason will then be
* propagated to the stream's underlying source.
* Note that the chunks seen in each branch will be the same object. If the chunks are not immutable,
* this could allow interference between the two branches.
tee(): [ReadableStream<R>, ReadableStream<R>];
* Asynchronously iterates over the chunks in the stream's internal queue.
* Asynchronously iterating over the stream will lock it, preventing any other consumer from acquiring a reader.
* The lock will be released if the async iterator's {@link ReadableStreamAsyncIterator.return | return()} method
* is called, e.g. by breaking out of the loop.
* By default, calling the async iterator's {@link ReadableStreamAsyncIterator.return | return()} method will also
* cancel the stream. To prevent this, use the stream's {@link ReadableStream.values | values()} method, passing
* `true` for the `preventCancel` option.
values(options?: ReadableStreamIteratorOptions): ReadableStreamAsyncIterator<R>;
* {@inheritDoc ReadableStream.values}
[Symbol.asyncIterator]: (options?: ReadableStreamIteratorOptions) => ReadableStreamAsyncIterator<R>;
* An async iterator returned by {@link ReadableStream.values}.
* @public
declare interface ReadableStreamAsyncIterator<R> extends AsyncIterator<R> {
next(): Promise<IteratorResult<R, undefined>>;
return(value?: any): Promise<IteratorResult<any>>;
* A BYOB reader vended by a {@link ReadableStream}.
* @public
declare class ReadableStreamBYOBReader {
constructor(stream: ReadableStream<Uint8Array>);
* Returns a promise that will be fulfilled when the stream becomes closed, or rejected if the stream ever errors or
* the reader's lock is released before the stream finishes closing.
get closed(): Promise<undefined>;
* If the reader is active, behaves the same as {@link ReadableStream.cancel | stream.cancel(reason)}.
cancel(reason?: any): Promise<void>;
* Attempts to reads bytes into view, and returns a promise resolved with the result.
* If reading a chunk causes the queue to become empty, more data will be pulled from the underlying source.
read<T extends ArrayBufferView>(view: T): Promise<ReadableStreamBYOBReadResult<T>>;
* Releases the reader's lock on the corresponding stream. After the lock is released, the reader is no longer active.
* If the associated stream is errored when the lock is released, the reader will appear errored in the same way
* from now on; otherwise, the reader will appear closed.
* A reader's lock cannot be released while it still has a pending read request, i.e., if a promise returned by
* the reader's {@link | read()} method has not yet been settled. Attempting to
* do so will throw a `TypeError` and leave the reader locked to the stream.
releaseLock(): void;
* A result returned by {@link}.
* @public
declare type ReadableStreamBYOBReadResult<T extends ArrayBufferView> = {
done: false;
value: T;
} | {
done: true;
value: T | undefined;
* A pull-into request in a {@link ReadableByteStreamController}.
* @public
declare class ReadableStreamBYOBRequest {
private constructor();
* Returns the view for writing in to, or `null` if the BYOB request has already been responded to.
get view(): ArrayBufferView | null;
* Indicates to the associated readable byte stream that `bytesWritten` bytes were written into
* {@link ReadableStreamBYOBRequest.view | view}, causing the result be surfaced to the consumer.
* After this method is called, {@link ReadableStreamBYOBRequest.view | view} will be transferred and no longer
* modifiable.
respond(bytesWritten: number): void;
* Indicates to the associated readable byte stream that instead of writing into
* {@link ReadableStreamBYOBRequest.view | view}, the underlying byte source is providing a new `ArrayBufferView`,
* which will be given to the consumer of the readable byte stream.
* After this method is called, `view` will be transferred and no longer modifiable.
respondWithNewView(view: ArrayBufferView): void;
* Allows control of a {@link ReadableStream | readable stream}'s state and internal queue.
* @public
declare class ReadableStreamDefaultController<R> {
private constructor();
* Returns the desired size to fill the controlled stream's internal queue. It can be negative, if the queue is
* over-full. An underlying source ought to use this information to determine when and how to apply backpressure.
get desiredSize(): number | null;
* Closes the controlled readable stream. Consumers will still be able to read any previously-enqueued chunks from
* the stream, but once those are read, the stream will become closed.
close(): void;
* Enqueues the given chunk `chunk` in the controlled readable stream.
enqueue(chunk: R): void;
* Errors the controlled readable stream, making all future interactions with it fail with the given error `e`.
error(e?: any): void;
* A default reader vended by a {@link ReadableStream}.
* @public
declare class ReadableStreamDefaultReader<R = any> {
constructor(stream: ReadableStream<R>);
* Returns a promise that will be fulfilled when the stream becomes closed,
* or rejected if the stream ever errors or the reader's lock is released before the stream finishes closing.
get closed(): Promise<undefined>;
* If the reader is active, behaves the same as {@link ReadableStream.cancel | stream.cancel(reason)}.
cancel(reason?: any): Promise<void>;
* Returns a promise that allows access to the next chunk from the stream's internal queue, if available.
* If reading a chunk causes the queue to become empty, more data will be pulled from the underlying source.
read(): Promise<ReadableStreamDefaultReadResult<R>>;
* Releases the reader's lock on the corresponding stream. After the lock is released, the reader is no longer active.
* If the associated stream is errored when the lock is released, the reader will appear errored in the same way
* from now on; otherwise, the reader will appear closed.
* A reader's lock cannot be released while it still has a pending read request, i.e., if a promise returned by
* the reader's {@link | read()} method has not yet been settled. Attempting to
* do so will throw a `TypeError` and leave the reader locked to the stream.
releaseLock(): void;
* A result returned by {@link}.
* @public
declare type ReadableStreamDefaultReadResult<T> = {
done: false;
value: T;
} | {
done: true;
value?: undefined;
* Options for {@link ReadableStream.values | async iterating} a stream.
* @public
declare interface ReadableStreamIteratorOptions {
preventCancel?: boolean;
* Options for {@link ReadableStream.pipeTo | piping} a stream.
* @public
declare interface StreamPipeOptions {
* If set to true, {@link ReadableStream.pipeTo} will not abort the writable stream if the readable stream errors.
preventAbort?: boolean;
* If set to true, {@link ReadableStream.pipeTo} will not cancel the readable stream if the writable stream closes
* or errors.
preventCancel?: boolean;
* If set to true, {@link ReadableStream.pipeTo} will not close the writable stream if the readable stream closes.
preventClose?: boolean;
* Can be set to an {@link AbortSignal} to allow aborting an ongoing pipe operation via the corresponding
* `AbortController`. In this case, the source readable stream will be canceled, and the destination writable stream
* aborted, unless the respective options `preventCancel` or `preventAbort` are set.
signal?: AbortSignal;
* A transformer for constructing a {@link TransformStream}.
* @public
declare interface Transformer<I = any, O = any> {
* A function that is called immediately during creation of the {@link TransformStream}.
start?: TransformerStartCallback<O>;
* A function called when a new chunk originally written to the writable side is ready to be transformed.
transform?: TransformerTransformCallback<I, O>;
* A function called after all chunks written to the writable side have been transformed by successfully passing
* through {@link Transformer.transform | transform()}, and the writable side is about to be closed.
flush?: TransformerFlushCallback<O>;
readableType?: undefined;
writableType?: undefined;
/** @public */
declare type TransformerFlushCallback<O> = (controller: TransformStreamDefaultController<O>) => void | PromiseLike<void>;
/** @public */
declare type TransformerStartCallback<O> = (controller: TransformStreamDefaultController<O>) => void | PromiseLike<void>;
/** @public */
declare type TransformerTransformCallback<I, O> = (chunk: I, controller: TransformStreamDefaultController<O>) => void | PromiseLike<void>;
* A transform stream consists of a pair of streams: a {@link WritableStream | writable stream},
* known as its writable side, and a {@link ReadableStream | readable stream}, known as its readable side.
* In a manner specific to the transform stream in question, writes to the writable side result in new data being
* made available for reading from the readable side.
* @public
declare class TransformStream<I = any, O = any> {
constructor(transformer?: Transformer<I, O>, writableStrategy?: QueuingStrategy<I>, readableStrategy?: QueuingStrategy<O>);
* The readable side of the transform stream.
get readable(): ReadableStream<O>;
* The writable side of the transform stream.
get writable(): WritableStream<I>;
* Allows control of the {@link ReadableStream} and {@link WritableStream} of the associated {@link TransformStream}.
* @public
declare class TransformStreamDefaultController<O> {
private constructor();
* Returns the desired size to fill the readable side’s internal queue. It can be negative, if the queue is over-full.
get desiredSize(): number | null;
* Enqueues the given chunk `chunk` in the readable side of the controlled transform stream.
enqueue(chunk: O): void;
* Errors both the readable side and the writable side of the controlled transform stream, making all future
* interactions with it fail with the given error `e`. Any chunks queued for transformation will be discarded.
error(reason?: any): void;
* Closes the readable side and errors the writable side of the controlled transform stream. This is useful when the
* transformer only needs to consume a portion of the chunks written to the writable side.
terminate(): void;
* An underlying byte source for constructing a {@link ReadableStream}.
* @public
declare interface UnderlyingByteSource {
* {@inheritDoc UnderlyingSource.start}
start?: UnderlyingByteSourceStartCallback;
* {@inheritDoc UnderlyingSource.pull}
pull?: UnderlyingByteSourcePullCallback;
* {@inheritDoc UnderlyingSource.cancel}
cancel?: UnderlyingSourceCancelCallback;
* Can be set to "bytes" to signal that the constructed {@link ReadableStream} is a readable byte stream.
* This ensures that the resulting {@link ReadableStream} will successfully be able to vend BYOB readers via its
* {@link ReadableStream.(getReader:1) | getReader()} method.
* It also affects the controller argument passed to the {@link UnderlyingByteSource.start | start()}
* and {@link UnderlyingByteSource.pull | pull()} methods.
type: 'bytes';
* Can be set to a positive integer to cause the implementation to automatically allocate buffers for the
* underlying source code to write into. In this case, when a consumer is using a default reader, the stream
* implementation will automatically allocate an ArrayBuffer of the given size, so that
* {@link ReadableByteStreamController.byobRequest | controller.byobRequest} is always present,
* as if the consumer was using a BYOB reader.
autoAllocateChunkSize?: number;
/** @public */
declare type UnderlyingByteSourcePullCallback = (controller: ReadableByteStreamController) => void | PromiseLike<void>;
/** @public */
declare type UnderlyingByteSourceStartCallback = (controller: ReadableByteStreamController) => void | PromiseLike<void>;
* An underlying sink for constructing a {@link WritableStream}.
* @public
declare interface UnderlyingSink<W = any> {
* A function that is called immediately during creation of the {@link WritableStream}.
start?: UnderlyingSinkStartCallback;
* A function that is called when a new chunk of data is ready to be written to the underlying sink. The stream
* implementation guarantees that this function will be called only after previous writes have succeeded, and never
* before {@link UnderlyingSink.start | start()} has succeeded or after {@link UnderlyingSink.close | close()} or
* {@link UnderlyingSink.abort | abort()} have been called.
* This function is used to actually send the data to the resource presented by the underlying sink, for example by
* calling a lower-level API.
write?: UnderlyingSinkWriteCallback<W>;
* A function that is called after the producer signals, via
* {@link WritableStreamDefaultWriter.close | writer.close()}, that they are done writing chunks to the stream, and
* subsequently all queued-up writes have successfully completed.
* This function can perform any actions necessary to finalize or flush writes to the underlying sink, and release
* access to any held resources.
close?: UnderlyingSinkCloseCallback;
* A function that is called after the producer signals, via {@link WritableStream.abort | stream.abort()} or
* {@link WritableStreamDefaultWriter.abort | writer.abort()}, that they wish to abort the stream. It takes as its
* argument the same value as was passed to those methods by the producer.
* Writable streams can additionally be aborted under certain conditions during piping; see the definition of the
* {@link ReadableStream.pipeTo | pipeTo()} method for more details.
* This function can clean up any held resources, much like {@link UnderlyingSink.close | close()}, but perhaps with
* some custom handling.
abort?: UnderlyingSinkAbortCallback;
type?: undefined;
/** @public */
declare type UnderlyingSinkAbortCallback = (reason: any) => void | PromiseLike<void>;
/** @public */
declare type UnderlyingSinkCloseCallback = () => void | PromiseLike<void>;
/** @public */
declare type UnderlyingSinkStartCallback = (controller: WritableStreamDefaultController) => void | PromiseLike<void>;
/** @public */
declare type UnderlyingSinkWriteCallback<W> = (chunk: W, controller: WritableStreamDefaultController) => void | PromiseLike<void>;
* An underlying source for constructing a {@link ReadableStream}.
* @public
declare interface UnderlyingSource<R = any> {
* A function that is called immediately during creation of the {@link ReadableStream}.
start?: UnderlyingSourceStartCallback<R>;
* A function that is called whenever the stream’s internal queue of chunks becomes not full,
* i.e. whenever the queue’s desired size becomes positive. Generally, it will be called repeatedly
* until the queue reaches its high water mark (i.e. until the desired size becomes non-positive).
pull?: UnderlyingSourcePullCallback<R>;
* A function that is called whenever the consumer cancels the stream, via
* {@link ReadableStream.cancel | stream.cancel()},
* {@link ReadableStreamDefaultReader.cancel | defaultReader.cancel()}, or
* {@link ReadableStreamBYOBReader.cancel | byobReader.cancel()}.
* It takes as its argument the same value as was passed to those methods by the consumer.
cancel?: UnderlyingSourceCancelCallback;
type?: undefined;
/** @public */
declare type UnderlyingSourceCancelCallback = (reason: any) => void | PromiseLike<void>;
/** @public */
declare type UnderlyingSourcePullCallback<R> = (controller: ReadableStreamDefaultController<R>) => void | PromiseLike<void>;
/** @public */
declare type UnderlyingSourceStartCallback<R> = (controller: ReadableStreamDefaultController<R>) => void | PromiseLike<void>;
* A writable stream represents a destination for data, into which you can write.
* @public
declare class WritableStream<W = any> {
constructor(underlyingSink?: UnderlyingSink<W>, strategy?: QueuingStrategy<W>);
* Returns whether or not the writable stream is locked to a writer.
get locked(): boolean;
* Aborts the stream, signaling that the producer can no longer successfully write to the stream and it is to be
* immediately moved to an errored state, with any queued-up writes discarded. This will also execute any abort
* mechanism of the underlying sink.
* The returned promise will fulfill if the stream shuts down successfully, or reject if the underlying sink signaled
* that there was an error doing so. Additionally, it will reject with a `TypeError` (without attempting to cancel
* the stream) if the stream is currently locked.
abort(reason?: any): Promise<void>;
* Closes the stream. The underlying sink will finish processing any previously-written chunks, before invoking its
* close behavior. During this time any further attempts to write will fail (without erroring the stream).
* The method returns a promise that will fulfill if all remaining chunks are successfully written and the stream
* successfully closes, or rejects if an error is encountered during this process. Additionally, it will reject with
* a `TypeError` (without attempting to cancel the stream) if the stream is currently locked.
close(): Promise<undefined>;
* Creates a {@link WritableStreamDefaultWriter | writer} and locks the stream to the new writer. While the stream
* is locked, no other writer can be acquired until this one is released.
* This functionality is especially useful for creating abstractions that desire the ability to write to a stream
* without interruption or interleaving. By getting a writer for the stream, you can ensure nobody else can write at
* the same time, which would cause the resulting written data to be unpredictable and probably useless.
getWriter(): WritableStreamDefaultWriter<W>;
* Allows control of a {@link WritableStream | writable stream}'s state and internal queue.
* @public
declare class WritableStreamDefaultController<W = any> {
private constructor();
* The reason which was passed to `WritableStream.abort(reason)` when the stream was aborted.
get abortReason(): any;
* An `AbortSignal` that can be used to abort the pending write or close operation when the stream is aborted.
get signal(): AbortSignal;
* Closes the controlled writable stream, making all future interactions with it fail with the given error `e`.
* This method is rarely used, since usually it suffices to return a rejected promise from one of the underlying
* sink's methods. However, it can be useful for suddenly shutting down a stream in response to an event outside the
* normal lifecycle of interactions with the underlying sink.
error(e?: any): void;
* A default writer vended by a {@link WritableStream}.
* @public
declare class WritableStreamDefaultWriter<W = any> {
constructor(stream: WritableStream<W>);
* Returns a promise that will be fulfilled when the stream becomes closed, or rejected if the stream ever errors or
* the writer’s lock is released before the stream finishes closing.
get closed(): Promise<undefined>;
* Returns the desired size to fill the stream’s internal queue. It can be negative, if the queue is over-full.
* A producer can use this information to determine the right amount of data to write.
* It will be `null` if the stream cannot be successfully written to (due to either being errored, or having an abort
* queued up). It will return zero if the stream is closed. And the getter will throw an exception if invoked when
* the writer’s lock is released.
get desiredSize(): number | null;
* Returns a promise that will be fulfilled when the desired size to fill the stream’s internal queue transitions
* from non-positive to positive, signaling that it is no longer applying backpressure. Once the desired size dips
* back to zero or below, the getter will return a new promise that stays pending until the next transition.
* If the stream becomes errored or aborted, or the writer’s lock is released, the returned promise will become
* rejected.
get ready(): Promise<undefined>;
* If the reader is active, behaves the same as {@link WritableStream.abort | stream.abort(reason)}.
abort(reason?: any): Promise<void>;
* If the reader is active, behaves the same as {@link WritableStream.close | stream.close()}.
close(): Promise<void>;
* Releases the writer’s lock on the corresponding stream. After the lock is released, the writer is no longer active.
* If the associated stream is errored when the lock is released, the writer will appear errored in the same way from
* now on; otherwise, the writer will appear closed.
* Note that the lock can still be released even if some ongoing writes have not yet finished (i.e. even if the
* promises returned from previous calls to {@link WritableStreamDefaultWriter.write | write()} have not yet settled).
* It’s not necessary to hold the lock on the writer for the duration of the write; the lock instead simply prevents
* other producers from writing in an interleaved manner.
releaseLock(): void;
* Writes the given chunk to the writable stream, by waiting until any previous writes have finished successfully,
* and then sending the chunk to the underlying sink's {@link UnderlyingSink.write | write()} method. It will return
* a promise that fulfills with undefined upon a successful write, or rejects if the write fails or stream becomes
* errored before the writing process is initiated.
* Note that what "success" means is up to the underlying sink; it might indicate simply that the chunk has been
* accepted, and not necessarily that it is safely saved to its ultimate destination.
write(chunk: W): Promise<void>;
* `Event` interface.
* @see
interface Event {
* The type of this event.
readonly type: string
* The target of this event.
readonly target: EventTarget<{}, {}, "standard"> | null
* The current target of this event.
readonly currentTarget: EventTarget<{}, {}, "standard"> | null
* The target of this event.
* @deprecated
readonly srcElement: any | null
* The composed path of this event.
composedPath(): EventTarget<{}, {}, "standard">[]
* Constant of NONE.
readonly NONE: number
* Constant of CAPTURING_PHASE.
readonly CAPTURING_PHASE: number
* Constant of BUBBLING_PHASE.
readonly BUBBLING_PHASE: number
* Constant of AT_TARGET.
readonly AT_TARGET: number
* Indicates which phase of the event flow is currently being evaluated.
readonly eventPhase: number
* Stop event bubbling.
stopPropagation(): void
* Stop event bubbling.
stopImmediatePropagation(): void
* Initialize event.
* @deprecated
initEvent(type: string, bubbles?: boolean, cancelable?: boolean): void
* The flag indicating bubbling.
readonly bubbles: boolean
* Stop event bubbling.
* @deprecated
cancelBubble: boolean
* Set or get cancellation flag.
* @deprecated
returnValue: boolean
* The flag indicating whether the event can be canceled.
readonly cancelable: boolean
* Cancel this event.
preventDefault(): void
* The flag to indicating whether the event was canceled.
readonly defaultPrevented: boolean
* The flag to indicating if event is composed.
readonly composed: boolean
* Indicates whether the event was dispatched by the user agent.
readonly isTrusted: boolean
* The unix time of this event.
readonly timeStamp: number
* The constructor of `EventTarget` interface.
type EventTargetConstructor<
TEvents extends EventTarget.EventDefinition = {},
TEventAttributes extends EventTarget.EventDefinition = {},
TMode extends EventTarget.Mode = "loose"
> = {
prototype: EventTarget<TEvents, TEventAttributes, TMode>
new(): EventTarget<TEvents, TEventAttributes, TMode>
* `EventTarget` interface.
* @see
type EventTarget<
TEvents extends EventTarget.EventDefinition = {},
TEventAttributes extends EventTarget.EventDefinition = {},
TMode extends EventTarget.Mode = "loose"
> = EventTarget.EventAttributes<TEventAttributes> & {
* Add a given listener to this event target.
* @param eventName The event name to add.
* @param listener The listener to add.
* @param options The options for this listener.
addEventListener<TEventType extends EventTarget.EventType<TEvents, TMode>>(
type: TEventType,
| EventTarget.Listener<EventTarget.PickEvent<TEvents, TEventType>>
| null,
options?: boolean | EventTarget.AddOptions
): void
* Remove a given listener from this event target.
* @param eventName The event name to remove.
* @param listener The listener to remove.
* @param options The options for this listener.
removeEventListener<TEventType extends EventTarget.EventType<TEvents, TMode>>(
type: TEventType,
| EventTarget.Listener<EventTarget.PickEvent<TEvents, TEventType>>
| null,
options?: boolean | EventTarget.RemoveOptions
): void
* Dispatch a given event.
* @param event The event to dispatch.
* @returns `false` if canceled.
dispatchEvent<TEventType extends EventTarget.EventType<TEvents, TMode>>(
event: EventTarget.EventData<TEvents, TEventType, TMode>
): boolean
declare const EventTarget: EventTargetConstructor & {
* Create an `EventTarget` instance with detailed event definition.
* The detailed event definition requires to use `defineEventAttribute()`
* function later.
* Unfortunately, the second type parameter `TEventAttributes` was needed
* because we cannot compute string literal types.
* @example
* const signal = new EventTarget<{ abort: Event }, { onabort: Event }>()
* defineEventAttribute(signal, "abort")
new <
TEvents extends EventTarget.EventDefinition,
TEventAttributes extends EventTarget.EventDefinition,
TMode extends EventTarget.Mode = "loose"
>(): EventTarget<TEvents, TEventAttributes, TMode>
* Define an `EventTarget` constructor with attribute events and detailed event definition.
* Unfortunately, the second type parameter `TEventAttributes` was needed
* because we cannot compute string literal types.
* @example
* class AbortSignal extends EventTarget<{ abort: Event }, { onabort: Event }>("abort") {
* abort(): void {}
* }
* @param events Optional event attributes (e.g. passing in `"click"` adds `onclick` to prototype).
TEvents extends EventTarget.EventDefinition = {},
TEventAttributes extends EventTarget.EventDefinition = {},
TMode extends EventTarget.Mode = "loose"
>(events: string[]): EventTargetConstructor<
* Define an `EventTarget` constructor with attribute events and detailed event definition.
* Unfortunately, the second type parameter `TEventAttributes` was needed
* because we cannot compute string literal types.
* @example
* class AbortSignal extends EventTarget<{ abort: Event }, { onabort: Event }>("abort") {
* abort(): void {}
* }
* @param events Optional event attributes (e.g. passing in `"click"` adds `onclick` to prototype).
TEvents extends EventTarget.EventDefinition = {},
TEventAttributes extends EventTarget.EventDefinition = {},
TMode extends EventTarget.Mode = "loose"
>(event0: string, string[]): EventTargetConstructor<
declare namespace EventTarget {
* Options of `removeEventListener()` method.
export interface RemoveOptions {
* The flag to indicate that the listener is for the capturing phase.
capture?: boolean
* Options of `addEventListener()` method.
export interface AddOptions extends RemoveOptions {
* The flag to indicate that the listener doesn't support
* `event.preventDefault()` operation.
passive?: boolean
* The flag to indicate that the listener will be removed on the first
* event.
once?: boolean
* The type of regular listeners.
export interface FunctionListener<TEvent> {
(event: TEvent): void
* The type of object listeners.
export interface ObjectListener<TEvent> {
handleEvent(event: TEvent): void
* The type of listeners.
export type Listener<TEvent> =
| FunctionListener<TEvent>
| ObjectListener<TEvent>
* Event definition.
export type EventDefinition = {
readonly [key: string]: Event
* Mapped type for event attributes.
export type EventAttributes<TEventAttributes extends EventDefinition> = {
[P in keyof TEventAttributes]:
| FunctionListener<TEventAttributes[P]>
| null
* The type of event data for `dispatchEvent()` method.
export type EventData<
TEvents extends EventDefinition,
TEventType extends keyof TEvents | string,
TMode extends Mode
> =
TEventType extends keyof TEvents
? (
// Require properties which are not generated automatically.
& Pick<
Exclude<keyof TEvents[TEventType], OmittableEventKeys>
// Properties which are generated automatically are optional.
& Partial<Pick<Event, OmittableEventKeys>>
: (
TMode extends "standard"
? Event
: Event | NonStandardEvent
* The string literal types of the properties which are generated
* automatically in `dispatchEvent()` method.
export type OmittableEventKeys = Exclude<keyof Event, "type">
* The type of event data.
export type NonStandardEvent = {
[key: string]: any
type: string
* The type of listeners.
export type PickEvent<
TEvents extends EventDefinition,
TEventType extends keyof TEvents | string,
> =
TEventType extends keyof TEvents
? TEvents[TEventType]
: Event
* Event type candidates.
export type EventType<
TEvents extends EventDefinition,
TMode extends Mode
> =
TMode extends "strict"
? keyof TEvents
: keyof TEvents | string
* - `"strict"` ..... Methods don't accept unknown events.
* `dispatchEvent()` accepts partial objects.
* - `"loose"` ...... Methods accept unknown events.
* `dispatchEvent()` accepts partial objects.
* - `"standard"` ... Methods accept unknown events.
* `dispatchEvent()` doesn't accept partial objects.
export type Mode = "strict" | "standard" | "loose"
declare class FetchEvent {
awaiting: Set<Promise<void>>
constructor(request: Request)
type URLPatternInput = URLPatternInit | string
declare class URLPattern {
constructor(init?: URLPatternInput, baseURL?: string)
test(input?: URLPatternInput, baseURL?: string): boolean
exec(input?: URLPatternInput, baseURL?: string): URLPatternResult | null
readonly protocol: string
readonly username: string
readonly password: string
readonly hostname: string
readonly port: string
readonly pathname: string
readonly search: string
readonly hash: string
interface URLPatternInit {

@@ -1177,2 +34,17 @@ baseURL?: string

interface IConsole {
assert: Console['assert']
count: Console['count']
debug: Console['debug']
dir: Console['dir']
error: Console['error']
info: Console['info']
log: Console['log']
time: Console['time']
timeEnd: Console['timeEnd']
timeLog: Console['timeLog']
trace: Console['trace']
warn: Console['warn']
interface Primitives {

@@ -1184,116 +56,124 @@ // self-references

// abort-controller
AbortController: typeof undefined
AbortSignal: typeof AbortSignal
AbortController: typeof global['AbortController']
AbortSignal: typeof global['AbortSignal']
// aggregate-error-ponyfill
AggregateError: typeof AggregateError
AggregateError: typeof global['AggregateError']
// base64
atob: (encoded: string) => string
btoa: (str: string) => string
atob: typeof global['atob']
btoa: typeof global['btoa']
// blob
Blob: typeof Blob
Blob: typeof global['Blob']
// webCrypto
crypto: Crypto
Crypto: typeof Crypto
CryptoKey: typeof CryptoKey
SubtleCrypto: typeof SubtleCrypto
crypto: typeof global['crypto']
Crypto: typeof global['Crypto']
CryptoKey: typeof global['CryptoKey']
SubtleCrypto: typeof global['SubtleCrypto']
// undici
fetch: typeof fetch
File: typeof File
FormData: typeof FormData
Headers: typeof Headers
Request: typeof Request
Response: typeof Response
Headers: typeof global['Headers']
Request: typeof global['Request']
Response: typeof global['Response']
fetch: typeof global['fetch']
File: typeof global['File']
FormData: typeof global['FormData']
// webCache
CacheStorage: typeof CacheStorage
Cache: typeof Cache
caches: CacheStorage
CacheStorage: typeof global['CacheStorage']
Cache: typeof global['Cache']
caches: typeof global['CacheStorage']
// webStreams
ReadableStream: typeof ReadableStream
ReadableStreamBYOBReader: typeof ReadableStreamBYOBReader
ReadableStreamDefaultReader: typeof ReadableStreamDefaultReader
TransformStream: typeof TransformStream
WritableStream: typeof WritableStream
WritableStreamDefaultWriter: typeof WritableStreamDefaultWriter
ReadableStream: typeof global['ReadableStream']
ReadableStreamBYOBReader: typeof global['ReadableStreamBYOBReader']
ReadableStreamDefaultReader: typeof global['ReadableStreamDefaultReader']
TransformStream: typeof global['TransformStream']
WritableStream: typeof global['WritableStream']
WritableStreamDefaultWriter: typeof global['WritableStreamDefaultWriter']
// structured-clone
structuredClone: <T>(any: T, options?: { lossy?: boolean }) => T
structuredClone: typeof global['structuredClone']
// urlpattern
URLPattern: typeof URLPattern
URLPattern: typeof global['URLPattern']
// nodejs globals
Array: typeof Array
ArrayBuffer: typeof ArrayBuffer
Atomics: typeof Atomics
BigInt: typeof BigInt
BigInt64Array: typeof BigInt64Array
BigUint64Array: typeof BigUint64Array
Boolean: typeof Boolean
clearInterval: typeof clearInterval
clearTimeout: typeof clearTimeout
Array: typeof global['Array']
ArrayBuffer: typeof global['ArrayBuffer']
Atomics: typeof global['Atomics']
BigInt: typeof global['BigInt']
BigInt64Array: typeof global['BigInt64Array']
BigUint64Array: typeof global['BigUint64Array']
Boolean: typeof global['Boolean']
clearInterval: typeof global['clearInterval']
clearTimeout: typeof global['clearTimeout']
console: IConsole
DataView: typeof DataView
Date: typeof Date
decodeURI: typeof decodeURI
decodeURIComponent: typeof decodeURIComponent
encodeURI: typeof encodeURI
encodeURIComponent: typeof encodeURIComponent
Error: typeof Error
Event: typeof Event
FetchEvent: typeof FetchEvent
EventTarget: typeof EventTarget
EvalError: typeof EvalError
Float32Array: typeof Float32Array
Float64Array: typeof Float64Array
Function: typeof Function
Infinity: typeof Infinity
Int8Array: typeof Int8Array
Int16Array: typeof Int16Array
Int32Array: typeof Int32Array
Intl: typeof Intl
isFinite: typeof isFinite
isNaN: typeof isNaN
JSON: typeof JSON
Map: typeof Map
Math: typeof Math
Number: typeof Number
Object: typeof Object
parseFloat: typeof parseFloat
parseInt: typeof parseInt
Promise: typeof Promise
PromiseRejectionEvent: typeof EventTarget
Proxy: typeof Proxy
RangeError: typeof RangeError
ReferenceError: typeof ReferenceError
Reflect: typeof Reflect
RegExp: typeof RegExp
Set: typeof Set
setInterval: typeof setInterval
setTimeout: typeof setTimeout
SharedArrayBuffer: typeof SharedArrayBuffer
String: typeof String
Symbol: typeof Symbol
SyntaxError: typeof SyntaxError
TextDecoder: typeof TextDecoder
TextEncoder: typeof TextEncoder
TypeError: typeof TypeError
Uint8Array: typeof Uint8Array
Uint8ClampedArray: typeof Uint8ClampedArray
Uint16Array: typeof Uint16Array
Uint32Array: typeof Uint32Array
URIError: typeof URIError
URL: typeof URL
URLSearchParams: typeof URLSearchParams
WeakMap: typeof WeakMap
WeakSet: typeof WeakSet
WebAssembly: typeof WebAssembly
DataView: typeof global['DataView']
Date: typeof global['Date']
decodeURI: typeof global['decodeURI']
decodeURIComponent: typeof global['decodeURIComponent']
encodeURI: typeof global['encodeURI']
encodeURIComponent: typeof global['encodeURIComponent']
Error: typeof global['Error']
Event: typeof global['Event']
FetchEvent: typeof global['FetchEvent']
EventTarget: typeof global['EventTarget']
EvalError: typeof global['EvalError']
Float32Array: typeof global['Float32Array']
Float64Array: typeof global['Float64Array']
Function: typeof global['Function']
Infinity: typeof global['Infinity']
Int8Array: typeof global['Int8Array']
Int16Array: typeof global['Int16Array']
Int32Array: typeof global['Int32Array']
Intl: typeof global['Intl']
isFinite: typeof global['isFinite']
isNaN: typeof global['isNaN']
JSON: typeof global['JSON']
Map: typeof global['Map']
Math: typeof global['Math']
Number: typeof global['Number']
Object: typeof global['Object']
parseFloat: typeof global['parseFloat']
parseInt: typeof global['parseInt']
Promise: typeof global['Promise']
PromiseRejectionEvent: typeof global['PromiseRejectionEvent']
Proxy: typeof global['Proxy']
RangeError: typeof global['RangeError']
ReferenceError: typeof global['ReferenceError']
Reflect: typeof global['Reflect']
RegExp: typeof global['RegExp']
Set: typeof global['Set']
setInterval: typeof global['setInterval']
setTimeout: typeof global['setTimeout']
SharedArrayBuffer: typeof global['SharedArrayBuffer']
String: typeof global['String']
Symbol: typeof global['Symbol']
SyntaxError: typeof global['SyntaxError']
TextDecoder: typeof global['TextDecoder']
TextEncoder: typeof global['TextEncoder']
TypeError: typeof global['TypeError']
Uint8Array: typeof global['Uint8Array']
Uint8ClampedArray: typeof global['Uint8ClampedArray']
Uint16Array: typeof global['Uint16Array']
Uint32Array: typeof global['Uint32Array']
URIError: typeof global['URIError']
URL: typeof global['URL']
URLSearchParams: typeof global['URLSearchParams']
WeakMap: typeof global['WeakMap']
WeakSet: typeof global['WeakSet']
WebAssembly: typeof global['WebAssembly']
declare function addPrimitives<T extends { [key: string | number]: any }>(
context: T
): Primitives
declare const globalThis: Primitives
declare const self: Primitives
declare const AbortController: typeof global['AbortController']
declare const AbortSignal: typeof global['AbortSignal']
declare class AggregateError<T extends Error = Error> extends Error {

@@ -1304,28 +184,112 @@ readonly name: 'AggregateError'

declare const AggregateError: typeof global['AggregateError']
declare const atob: typeof global['atob']
declare const btoa: typeof global['btoa']
declare const Blob: typeof global['Blob']
declare const crypto: Crypto
declare const Crypto: Crypto
declare const CryptoKey: CryptoKey
declare const SubtleCrypto: SubtleCrypto
declare const Headers: typeof global['Headers']
declare const Request: typeof global['Request']
declare const Response: typeof global['Response']
declare const fetch: typeof global['fetch']
declare const File: typeof global['File']
declare const FormData: typeof global['FormData']
declare const CacheStorage: typeof global['CacheStorage']
declare const Cache: typeof global['Cache']
declare const caches: typeof global['CacheStorage']
declare const ReadableStream: typeof global['ReadableStream']
declare const ReadableStreamBYOBReader: typeof global['ReadableStreamBYOBReader']
declare const ReadableStreamDefaultReader: typeof global['ReadableStreamDefaultReader']
declare const TransformStream: typeof global['TransformStream']
declare const WritableStream: typeof global['WritableStream']
declare const WritableStreamDefaultWriter: typeof global['WritableStreamDefaultWriter']
declare const structuredClone: typeof global['structuredClone']
interface Crypto extends Crypto$1 {
randomUUID: typeof v4
declare class URLPattern {
constructor(init?: URLPatternInput, baseURL?: string)
test(input?: URLPatternInput, baseURL?: string): boolean
exec(input?: URLPatternInput, baseURL?: string): URLPatternResult | null
readonly protocol: string
readonly username: string
readonly password: string
readonly hostname: string
readonly port: string
readonly pathname: string
readonly search: string
readonly hash: string
declare const URLPattern: typeof global['URLPattern']
declare const Array: typeof global['Array']
declare const ArrayBuffer: typeof global['ArrayBuffer']
declare const Atomics: typeof global['Atomics']
declare const BigInt: typeof global['BigInt']
declare const BigInt64Array: typeof global['BigInt64Array']
declare const BigUint64Array: typeof global['BigUint64Array']
declare const Boolean: typeof global['Boolean']
declare const clearInterval: typeof global['clearInterval']
declare const clearTimeout: typeof global['clearTimeout']
declare const console: IConsole
declare const DataView: typeof global['DataView']
declare const Date: typeof global['Date']
declare const decodeURI: typeof global['decodeURI']
declare const decodeURIComponent: typeof global['decodeURIComponent']
declare const encodeURI: typeof global['encodeURI']
declare const encodeURIComponent: typeof global['encodeURIComponent']
declare const Error: typeof global['Error']
declare const Event: typeof global['Event']
interface IConsole {
assert: Console['assert']
count: Console['count']
debug: Console['debug']
dir: Console['dir']
error: Console['error']
info: Console['info']
log: Console['log']
time: Console['time']
timeEnd: Console['timeEnd']
timeLog: Console['timeLog']
trace: Console['trace']
warn: Console['warn']
declare class FetchEvent {
awaiting: Set<Promise$1<void>>
constructor(request: Request)
declare const FetchEvent: typeof global['FetchEvent']
declare const EventTarget: typeof global['EventTarget']
declare const EvalError: typeof global['EvalError']
declare const Float32Array: typeof global['Float32Array']
declare const Float64Array: typeof global['Float64Array']
declare const Function: typeof global['Function']
declare const Infinity: typeof global['Infinity']
declare const Int8Array: typeof global['Int8Array']
declare const Int16Array: typeof global['Int16Array']
declare const Int32Array: typeof global['Int32Array']
declare const Intl: typeof global['Intl']
declare const isFinite: typeof global['isFinite']
declare const isNaN: typeof global['isNaN']
declare const JSON: typeof global['JSON']
declare const Map: typeof global['Map']
declare const Math: typeof global['Math']
declare const Number: typeof global['Number']
declare const Object$1: typeof global['Object']
declare const parseFloat: typeof global['parseFloat']
declare const parseInt: typeof global['parseInt']
declare const Promise$1: typeof global['Promise']
declare const PromiseRejectionEvent: typeof global['PromiseRejectionEvent']
declare const Proxy: typeof global['Proxy']
declare const RangeError: typeof global['RangeError']
declare const ReferenceError: typeof global['ReferenceError']
declare const Reflect: typeof global['Reflect']
declare const RegExp: typeof global['RegExp']
declare const Set: typeof global['Set']
declare const setInterval: typeof global['setInterval']
declare const setTimeout: typeof global['setTimeout']
declare const SharedArrayBuffer: typeof global['SharedArrayBuffer']
declare const String: typeof global['String']
declare const Symbol: typeof global['Symbol']
declare const SyntaxError: typeof global['SyntaxError']
declare const TextDecoder: typeof global['TextDecoder']
declare const TextEncoder: typeof global['TextEncoder']
declare const TypeError: typeof global['TypeError']
declare const Uint8Array: typeof global['Uint8Array']
declare const Uint8ClampedArray: typeof global['Uint8ClampedArray']
declare const Uint16Array: typeof global['Uint16Array']
declare const Uint32Array: typeof global['Uint32Array']
declare const URIError: typeof global['URIError']
declare const URL: typeof global['URL']
declare const URLSearchParams: typeof global['URLSearchParams']
declare const WeakMap: typeof global['WeakMap']
declare const WeakSet: typeof global['WeakSet']
declare const WebAssembly: typeof global['WebAssembly']
declare const context: Primitives
declare function addPrimitives<T extends { [key: string | number]: any }>(
context: T
): Primitives
export { Primitives, addPrimitives, context as default };
export { AbortController, AbortSignal, AggregateError, Array, ArrayBuffer, Atomics, BigInt, BigInt64Array, BigUint64Array, Blob, Boolean, Cache, CacheStorage, Crypto, CryptoKey, DataView, Date, Error, EvalError, Event, EventTarget, FetchEvent, File, Float32Array, Float64Array, FormData, Function, Headers, Infinity, Int16Array, Int32Array, Int8Array, Intl, JSON, Map, Math, Number, Object$1 as Object, Primitives, Promise$1 as Promise, PromiseRejectionEvent, Proxy, RangeError, ReadableStream, ReadableStreamBYOBReader, ReadableStreamDefaultReader, ReferenceError, Reflect, RegExp, Request, Response, Set, SharedArrayBuffer, String, SubtleCrypto, Symbol, SyntaxError, TextDecoder, TextEncoder, TransformStream, TypeError, URIError, URL, URLPattern, URLSearchParams, Uint16Array, Uint32Array, Uint8Array, Uint8ClampedArray, WeakMap, WeakSet, WebAssembly, WritableStream, WritableStreamDefaultWriter, addPrimitives, atob, btoa, caches, clearInterval, clearTimeout, console, crypto, decodeURI, decodeURIComponent, encodeURI, encodeURIComponent, fetch, globalThis, isFinite, isNaN, parseFloat, parseInt, self, setInterval, setTimeout, structuredClone };



@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ {

"homepage": "",
"version": "1.1.0-beta.3",
"version": "1.1.0-beta.4",
"main": "dist/index.js",

@@ -64,3 +64,3 @@ "repository": {

"types": "dist/index.d.ts",
"gitHead": "5f4c615ce2dff17b5427fb236495f6e8c37803c4"
"gitHead": "bfcddeda00aece1f9a58d16e29331f7450755e75"

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

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