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@edge-runtime/primitives - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 3.0.1 to 3.0.2



@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

module.exports = "\"use strict\";\nvar __defProp = Object.defineProperty;\nvar __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;\nvar __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;\nvar __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\nvar __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, \"name\", { value, configurable: true });\nvar __export = (target, all) => {\n for (var name in all)\n __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });\n};\nvar __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {\n if (from && typeof from === \"object\" || typeof from === \"function\") {\n for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))\n if (!, key) && key !== except)\n __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });\n }\n return to;\n};\nvar __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, \"__esModule\", { value: true }), mod);\n\n// src/primitives/url.js\nvar url_exports = {};\n__export(url_exports, {\n URLPattern: () => URLPattern\n});\nmodule.exports = __toCommonJS(url_exports);\n\n// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/urlpattern-polyfill@8.0.2/node_modules/urlpattern-polyfill/dist/urlpattern.js\nvar Part = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(class {\n constructor(type, name, prefix, value, suffix, modifier) {\n this.type = 3;\n = \"\";\n this.prefix = \"\";\n this.value = \"\";\n this.suffix = \"\";\n this.modifier = 3;\n this.type = type;\n = name;\n this.prefix = prefix;\n this.value = value;\n this.suffix = suffix;\n this.modifier = modifier;\n }\n hasCustomName() {\n return !== \"\" && typeof !== \"number\";\n }\n}, \"Part\");\nvar regexIdentifierStart = /[$_\\p{ID_Start}]/u;\nvar regexIdentifierPart = /[$_\\u200C\\u200D\\p{ID_Continue}]/u;\nvar kFullWildcardRegex = \".*\";\nfunction isASCII(str, extended) {\n return (extended ? /^[\\x00-\\xFF]*$/ : /^[\\x00-\\x7F]*$/).test(str);\n}\n__name(isASCII, \"isASCII\");\nfunction lexer(str, lenient = false) {\n const tokens = [];\n let i = 0;\n while (i < str.length) {\n const char = str[i];\n const ErrorOrInvalid = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function(msg) {\n if (!lenient)\n throw new TypeError(msg);\n tokens.push({ type: \"INVALID_CHAR\", index: i, value: str[i++] });\n }, \"ErrorOrInvalid\");\n if (char === \"*\") {\n tokens.push({ type: \"ASTERISK\", index: i, value: str[i++] });\n continue;\n }\n if (char === \"+\" || char === \"?\") {\n tokens.push({ type: \"OTHER_MODIFIER\", index: i, value: str[i++] });\n continue;\n }\n if (char === \"\\\\\") {\n tokens.push({ type: \"ESCAPED_CHAR\", index: i++, value: str[i++] });\n continue;\n }\n if (char === \"{\") {\n tokens.push({ type: \"OPEN\", index: i, value: str[i++] });\n continue;\n }\n if (char === \"}\") {\n tokens.push({ type: \"CLOSE\", index: i, value: str[i++] });\n continue;\n }\n if (char === \":\") {\n let name = \"\";\n let j = i + 1;\n while (j < str.length) {\n const code = str.substr(j, 1);\n if (j === i + 1 && regexIdentifierStart.test(code) || j !== i + 1 && regexIdentifierPart.test(code)) {\n name += str[j++];\n continue;\n }\n break;\n }\n if (!name) {\n ErrorOrInvalid(`Missing parameter name at ${i}`);\n continue;\n }\n tokens.push({ type: \"NAME\", index: i, value: name });\n i = j;\n continue;\n }\n if (char === \"(\") {\n let count = 1;\n let pattern = \"\";\n let j = i + 1;\n let error = false;\n if (str[j] === \"?\") {\n ErrorOrInvalid(`Pattern cannot start with \"?\" at ${j}`);\n continue;\n }\n while (j < str.length) {\n if (!isASCII(str[j], false)) {\n ErrorOrInvalid(`Invalid character '${str[j]}' at ${j}.`);\n error = true;\n break;\n }\n if (str[j] === \"\\\\\") {\n pattern += str[j++] + str[j++];\n continue;\n }\n if (str[j] === \")\") {\n count--;\n if (count === 0) {\n j++;\n break;\n }\n } else if (str[j] === \"(\") {\n count++;\n if (str[j + 1] !== \"?\") {\n ErrorOrInvalid(`Capturing groups are not allowed at ${j}`);\n error = true;\n break;\n }\n }\n pattern += str[j++];\n }\n if (error) {\n continue;\n }\n if (count) {\n ErrorOrInvalid(`Unbalanced pattern at ${i}`);\n continue;\n }\n if (!pattern) {\n ErrorOrInvalid(`Missing pattern at ${i}`);\n continue;\n }\n tokens.push({ type: \"REGEX\", index: i, value: pattern });\n i = j;\n continue;\n }\n tokens.push({ type: \"CHAR\", index: i, value: str[i++] });\n }\n tokens.push({ type: \"END\", index: i, value: \"\" });\n return tokens;\n}\n__name(lexer, \"lexer\");\nfunction parse(str, options = {}) {\n const tokens = lexer(str);\n options.delimiter ?? (options.delimiter = \"/#?\");\n options.prefixes ?? (options.prefixes = \"./\");\n const segmentWildcardRegex = `[^${escapeString(options.delimiter)}]+?`;\n const result = [];\n let key = 0;\n let i = 0;\n let path = \"\";\n let nameSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();\n const tryConsume = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((type) => {\n if (i < tokens.length && tokens[i].type === type)\n return tokens[i++].value;\n }, \"tryConsume\");\n const tryConsumeModifier = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => {\n return tryConsume(\"OTHER_MODIFIER\") ?? tryConsume(\"ASTERISK\");\n }, \"tryConsumeModifier\");\n const mustConsume = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((type) => {\n const value = tryConsume(type);\n if (value !== void 0)\n return value;\n const { type: nextType, index } = tokens[i];\n throw new TypeError(`Unexpected ${nextType} at ${index}, expected ${type}`);\n }, \"mustConsume\");\n const consumeText = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => {\n let result2 = \"\";\n let value;\n while (value = tryConsume(\"CHAR\") ?? tryConsume(\"ESCAPED_CHAR\")) {\n result2 += value;\n }\n return result2;\n }, \"consumeText\");\n const DefaultEncodePart = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((value) => {\n return value;\n }, \"DefaultEncodePart\");\n const encodePart = options.encodePart || DefaultEncodePart;\n let pendingFixedValue = \"\";\n const appendToPendingFixedValue = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((value) => {\n pendingFixedValue += value;\n }, \"appendToPendingFixedValue\");\n const maybeAddPartFromPendingFixedValue = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => {\n if (!pendingFixedValue.length) {\n return;\n }\n result.push(new Part(\n 3,\n \"\",\n \"\",\n encodePart(pendingFixedValue),\n \"\",\n 3\n /* kNone */\n ));\n pendingFixedValue = \"\";\n }, \"maybeAddPartFromPendingFixedValue\");\n const addPart = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((prefix, nameToken, regexOrWildcardToken, suffix, modifierToken) => {\n let modifier = 3;\n switch (modifierToken) {\n case \"?\":\n modifier = 1;\n break;\n case \"*\":\n modifier = 0;\n break;\n case \"+\":\n modifier = 2;\n break;\n }\n if (!nameToken && !regexOrWildcardToken && modifier === 3) {\n appendToPendingFixedValue(prefix);\n return;\n }\n maybeAddPartFromPendingFixedValue();\n if (!nameToken && !regexOrWildcardToken) {\n if (!prefix) {\n return;\n }\n result.push(new Part(3, \"\", \"\", encodePart(prefix), \"\", modifier));\n return;\n }\n let regexValue;\n if (!regexOrWildcardToken) {\n regexValue = segmentWildcardRegex;\n } else if (regexOrWildcardToken === \"*\") {\n regexValue = kFullWildcardRegex;\n } else {\n regexValue = regexOrWildcardToken;\n }\n let type = 2;\n if (regexValue === segmentWildcardRegex) {\n type = 1;\n regexValue = \"\";\n } else if (regexValue === kFullWildcardRegex) {\n type = 0;\n regexValue = \"\";\n }\n let name;\n if (nameToken) {\n name = nameToken;\n } else if (regexOrWildcardToken) {\n name = key++;\n }\n if (nameSet.has(name)) {\n throw new TypeError(`Duplicate name '${name}'.`);\n }\n nameSet.add(name);\n result.push(new Part(type, name, encodePart(prefix), regexValue, encodePart(suffix), modifier));\n }, \"addPart\");\n while (i < tokens.length) {\n const charToken = tryConsume(\"CHAR\");\n const nameToken = tryConsume(\"NAME\");\n let regexOrWildcardToken = tryConsume(\"REGEX\");\n if (!nameToken && !regexOrWildcardToken) {\n regexOrWildcardToken = tryConsume(\"ASTERISK\");\n }\n if (nameToken || regexOrWildcardToken) {\n let prefix = charToken ?? \"\";\n if (options.prefixes.indexOf(prefix) === -1) {\n appendToPendingFixedValue(prefix);\n prefix = \"\";\n }\n maybeAddPartFromPendingFixedValue();\n let modifierToken = tryConsumeModifier();\n addPart(prefix, nameToken, regexOrWildcardToken, \"\", modifierToken);\n continue;\n }\n const value = charToken ?? tryConsume(\"ESCAPED_CHAR\");\n if (value) {\n appendToPendingFixedValue(value);\n continue;\n }\n const openToken = tryConsume(\"OPEN\");\n if (openToken) {\n const prefix = consumeText();\n const nameToken2 = tryConsume(\"NAME\");\n let regexOrWildcardToken2 = tryConsume(\"REGEX\");\n if (!nameToken2 && !regexOrWildcardToken2) {\n regexOrWildcardToken2 = tryConsume(\"ASTERISK\");\n }\n const suffix = consumeText();\n mustConsume(\"CLOSE\");\n const modifierToken = tryConsumeModifier();\n addPart(prefix, nameToken2, regexOrWildcardToken2, suffix, modifierToken);\n continue;\n }\n maybeAddPartFromPendingFixedValue();\n mustConsume(\"END\");\n }\n return result;\n}\n__name(parse, \"parse\");\nfunction escapeString(str) {\n return str.replace(/([.+*?^${}()[\\]|/\\\\])/g, \"\\\\$1\");\n}\n__name(escapeString, \"escapeString\");\nfunction flags(options) {\n return options && options.ignoreCase ? \"ui\" : \"u\";\n}\n__name(flags, \"flags\");\nfunction stringToRegexp(path, names, options) {\n return partsToRegexp(parse(path, options), names, options);\n}\n__name(stringToRegexp, \"stringToRegexp\");\nfunction modifierToString(modifier) {\n switch (modifier) {\n case 0:\n return \"*\";\n case 1:\n return \"?\";\n case 2:\n return \"+\";\n case 3:\n return \"\";\n }\n}\n__name(modifierToString, \"modifierToString\");\nfunction partsToRegexp(parts, names, options = {}) {\n options.delimiter ?? (options.delimiter = \"/#?\");\n options.prefixes ?? (options.prefixes = \"./\");\n options.sensitive ?? (options.sensitive = false);\n options.strict ?? (options.strict = false);\n options.end ?? (options.end = true);\n options.start ?? (options.start = true);\n options.endsWith = \"\";\n let result = options.start ? \"^\" : \"\";\n for (const part of parts) {\n if (part.type === 3) {\n if (part.modifier === 3) {\n result += escapeString(part.value);\n } else {\n result += `(?:${escapeString(part.value)})${modifierToString(part.modifier)}`;\n }\n continue;\n }\n if (names)\n names.push(;\n const segmentWildcardRegex = `[^${escapeString(options.delimiter)}]+?`;\n let regexValue = part.value;\n if (part.type === 1)\n regexValue = segmentWildcardRegex;\n else if (part.type === 0)\n regexValue = kFullWildcardRegex;\n if (!part.prefix.length && !part.suffix.length) {\n if (part.modifier === 3 || part.modifier === 1) {\n result += `(${regexValue})${modifierToString(part.modifier)}`;\n } else {\n result += `((?:${regexValue})${modifierToString(part.modifier)})`;\n }\n continue;\n }\n if (part.modifier === 3 || part.modifier === 1) {\n result += `(?:${escapeString(part.prefix)}(${regexValue})${escapeString(part.suffix)})`;\n result += modifierToString(part.modifier);\n continue;\n }\n result += `(?:${escapeString(part.prefix)}`;\n result += `((?:${regexValue})(?:`;\n result += escapeString(part.suffix);\n result += escapeString(part.prefix);\n result += `(?:${regexValue}))*)${escapeString(part.suffix)})`;\n if (part.modifier === 0) {\n result += \"?\";\n }\n }\n const endsWith = `[${escapeString(options.endsWith)}]|$`;\n const delimiter = `[${escapeString(options.delimiter)}]`;\n if (options.end) {\n if (!options.strict) {\n result += `${delimiter}?`;\n }\n if (!options.endsWith.length) {\n result += \"$\";\n } else {\n result += `(?=${endsWith})`;\n }\n return new RegExp(result, flags(options));\n }\n if (!options.strict) {\n result += `(?:${delimiter}(?=${endsWith}))?`;\n }\n let isEndDelimited = false;\n if (parts.length) {\n const lastPart = parts[parts.length - 1];\n if (lastPart.type === 3 && lastPart.modifier === 3) {\n isEndDelimited = options.delimiter.indexOf(lastPart) > -1;\n }\n }\n if (!isEndDelimited) {\n result += `(?=${delimiter}|${endsWith})`;\n }\n return new RegExp(result, flags(options));\n}\n__name(partsToRegexp, \"partsToRegexp\");\nvar DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {\n delimiter: \"\",\n prefixes: \"\",\n sensitive: true,\n strict: true\n};\nvar HOSTNAME_OPTIONS = {\n delimiter: \".\",\n prefixes: \"\",\n sensitive: true,\n strict: true\n};\nvar PATHNAME_OPTIONS = {\n delimiter: \"/\",\n prefixes: \"/\",\n sensitive: true,\n strict: true\n};\nfunction isAbsolutePathname(pathname, isPattern) {\n if (!pathname.length) {\n return false;\n }\n if (pathname[0] === \"/\") {\n return true;\n }\n if (!isPattern) {\n return false;\n }\n if (pathname.length < 2) {\n return false;\n }\n if ((pathname[0] == \"\\\\\" || pathname[0] == \"{\") && pathname[1] == \"/\") {\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n}\n__name(isAbsolutePathname, \"isAbsolutePathname\");\nfunction maybeStripPrefix(value, prefix) {\n if (value.startsWith(prefix)) {\n return value.substring(prefix.length, value.length);\n }\n return value;\n}\n__name(maybeStripPrefix, \"maybeStripPrefix\");\nfunction maybeStripSuffix(value, suffix) {\n if (value.endsWith(suffix)) {\n return value.substr(0, value.length - suffix.length);\n }\n return value;\n}\n__name(maybeStripSuffix, \"maybeStripSuffix\");\nfunction treatAsIPv6Hostname(value) {\n if (!value || value.length < 2) {\n return false;\n }\n if (value[0] === \"[\") {\n return true;\n }\n if ((value[0] === \"\\\\\" || value[0] === \"{\") && value[1] === \"[\") {\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n}\n__name(treatAsIPv6Hostname, \"treatAsIPv6Hostname\");\nvar SPECIAL_SCHEMES = [\n \"ftp\",\n \"file\",\n \"http\",\n \"https\",\n \"ws\",\n \"wss\"\n];\nfunction isSpecialScheme(protocol_regexp) {\n if (!protocol_regexp) {\n return true;\n }\n for (const scheme of SPECIAL_SCHEMES) {\n if (protocol_regexp.test(scheme)) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n}\n__name(isSpecialScheme, \"isSpecialScheme\");\nfunction canonicalizeHash(hash, isPattern) {\n hash = maybeStripPrefix(hash, \"#\");\n if (isPattern || hash === \"\") {\n return hash;\n }\n const url = new URL(\"\");\n url.hash = hash;\n return url.hash ? url.hash.substring(1, url.hash.length) : \"\";\n}\n__name(canonicalizeHash, \"canonicalizeHash\");\nfunction canonicalizeSearch(search, isPattern) {\n search = maybeStripPrefix(search, \"?\");\n if (isPattern || search === \"\") {\n return search;\n }\n const url = new URL(\"\");\n = search;\n return ?, : \"\";\n}\n__name(canonicalizeSearch, \"canonicalizeSearch\");\nfunction canonicalizeHostname(hostname, isPattern) {\n if (isPattern || hostname === \"\") {\n return hostname;\n }\n if (treatAsIPv6Hostname(hostname)) {\n return ipv6HostnameEncodeCallback(hostname);\n } else {\n return hostnameEncodeCallback(hostname);\n }\n}\n__name(canonicalizeHostname, \"canonicalizeHostname\");\nfunction canonicalizePassword(password, isPattern) {\n if (isPattern || password === \"\") {\n return password;\n }\n const url = new URL(\"\");\n url.password = password;\n return url.password;\n}\n__name(canonicalizePassword, \"canonicalizePassword\");\nfunction canonicalizeUsername(username, isPattern) {\n if (isPattern || username === \"\") {\n return username;\n }\n const url = new URL(\"\");\n url.username = username;\n return url.username;\n}\n__name(canonicalizeUsername, \"canonicalizeUsername\");\nfunction canonicalizePathname(pathname, protocol, isPattern) {\n if (isPattern || pathname === \"\") {\n return pathname;\n }\n if (protocol && !SPECIAL_SCHEMES.includes(protocol)) {\n const url = new URL(`${protocol}:${pathname}`);\n return url.pathname;\n }\n const leadingSlash = pathname[0] == \"/\";\n pathname = new URL(\n !leadingSlash ? \"/-\" + pathname : pathname,\n \"\"\n ).pathname;\n if (!leadingSlash) {\n pathname = pathname.substring(2, pathname.length);\n }\n return pathname;\n}\n__name(canonicalizePathname, \"canonicalizePathname\");\nfunction canonicalizePort(port, protocol, isPattern) {\n if (defaultPortForProtocol(protocol) === port) {\n port = \"\";\n }\n if (isPattern || port === \"\") {\n return port;\n }\n return portEncodeCallback(port);\n}\n__name(canonicalizePort, \"canonicalizePort\");\nfunction canonicalizeProtocol(protocol, isPattern) {\n protocol = maybeStripSuffix(protocol, \":\");\n if (isPattern || protocol === \"\") {\n return protocol;\n }\n return protocolEncodeCallback(protocol);\n}\n__name(canonicalizeProtocol, \"canonicalizeProtocol\");\nfunction defaultPortForProtocol(protocol) {\n switch (protocol) {\n case \"ws\":\n case \"http\":\n return \"80\";\n case \"wws\":\n case \"https\":\n return \"443\";\n case \"ftp\":\n return \"21\";\n default:\n return \"\";\n }\n}\n__name(defaultPortForProtocol, \"defaultPortForProtocol\");\nfunction protocolEncodeCallback(input) {\n if (input === \"\") {\n return input;\n }\n if (/^[-+.A-Za-z0-9]*$/.test(input))\n return input.toLowerCase();\n throw new TypeError(`Invalid protocol '${input}'.`);\n}\n__name(protocolEncodeCallback, \"protocolEncodeCallback\");\nfunction usernameEncodeCallback(input) {\n if (input === \"\") {\n return input;\n }\n const url = new URL(\"\");\n url.username = input;\n return url.username;\n}\n__name(usernameEncodeCallback, \"usernameEncodeCallback\");\nfunction passwordEncodeCallback(input) {\n if (input === \"\") {\n return input;\n }\n const url = new URL(\"\");\n url.password = input;\n return url.password;\n}\n__name(passwordEncodeCallback, \"passwordEncodeCallback\");\nfunction hostnameEncodeCallback(input) {\n if (input === \"\") {\n return input;\n }\n if (/[\\t\\n\\r #%/:<>?@[\\]^\\\\|]/g.test(input)) {\n throw new TypeError(`Invalid hostname '${input}'`);\n }\n const url = new URL(\"\");\n url.hostname = input;\n return url.hostname;\n}\n__name(hostnameEncodeCallback, \"hostnameEncodeCallback\");\nfunction ipv6HostnameEncodeCallback(input) {\n if (input === \"\") {\n return input;\n }\n if (/[^0-9a-fA-F[\\]:]/g.test(input)) {\n throw new TypeError(`Invalid IPv6 hostname '${input}'`);\n }\n return input.toLowerCase();\n}\n__name(ipv6HostnameEncodeCallback, \"ipv6HostnameEncodeCallback\");\nfunction portEncodeCallback(input) {\n if (input === \"\") {\n return input;\n }\n if (/^[0-9]*$/.test(input) && parseInt(input) <= 65535) {\n return input;\n }\n throw new TypeError(`Invalid port '${input}'.`);\n}\n__name(portEncodeCallback, \"portEncodeCallback\");\nfunction standardURLPathnameEncodeCallback(input) {\n if (input === \"\") {\n return input;\n }\n const url = new URL(\"\");\n url.pathname = input[0] !== \"/\" ? \"/-\" + input : input;\n if (input[0] !== \"/\") {\n return url.pathname.substring(2, url.pathname.length);\n }\n return url.pathname;\n}\n__name(standardURLPathnameEncodeCallback, \"standardURLPathnameEncodeCallback\");\nfunction pathURLPathnameEncodeCallback(input) {\n if (input === \"\") {\n return input;\n }\n const url = new URL(`data:${input}`);\n return url.pathname;\n}\n__name(pathURLPathnameEncodeCallback, \"pathURLPathnameEncodeCallback\");\nfunction searchEncodeCallback(input) {\n if (input === \"\") {\n return input;\n }\n const url = new URL(\"\");\n = input;\n return,;\n}\n__name(searchEncodeCallback, \"searchEncodeCallback\");\nfunction hashEncodeCallback(input) {\n if (input === \"\") {\n return input;\n }\n const url = new URL(\"\");\n url.hash = input;\n return url.hash.substring(1, url.hash.length);\n}\n__name(hashEncodeCallback, \"hashEncodeCallback\");\nvar Parser = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(class {\n constructor(input) {\n this.tokenList = [];\n this.internalResult = {};\n this.tokenIndex = 0;\n this.tokenIncrement = 1;\n this.componentStart = 0;\n this.state = 0;\n this.groupDepth = 0;\n this.hostnameIPv6BracketDepth = 0;\n this.shouldTreatAsStandardURL = false;\n this.input = input;\n }\n // Return the parse result. The result is only available after the\n // `parse()` method completes.\n get result() {\n return this.internalResult;\n }\n // Attempt to parse the input string used to construct the Parser object.\n // This method may only be called once. Any errors will be thrown as an\n // exception. Retrieve the parse result by accessing the `Parser.result`\n // property getter.\n parse() {\n this.tokenList = lexer(\n this.input,\n /*lenient=*/\n true\n );\n for (; this.tokenIndex < this.tokenList.length; this.tokenIndex += this.tokenIncrement) {\n this.tokenIncrement = 1;\n if (this.tokenList[this.tokenIndex].type === \"END\") {\n if (this.state === 0) {\n this.rewind();\n if (this.isHashPrefix()) {\n this.changeState(\n 9,\n /*skip=*/\n 1\n );\n } else if (this.isSearchPrefix()) {\n this.changeState(\n 8,\n /*skip=*/\n 1\n );\n this.internalResult.hash = \"\";\n } else {\n this.changeState(\n 7,\n /*skip=*/\n 0\n );\n = \"\";\n this.internalResult.hash = \"\";\n }\n continue;\n } else if (this.state === 2) {\n this.rewindAndSetState(\n 5\n /* HOSTNAME */\n );\n continue;\n }\n this.changeState(\n 10,\n /*skip=*/\n 0\n );\n break;\n }\n if (this.groupDepth > 0) {\n if (this.isGroupClose()) {\n this.groupDepth -= 1;\n } else {\n continue;\n }\n }\n if (this.isGroupOpen()) {\n this.groupDepth += 1;\n continue;\n }\n switch (this.state) {\n case 0:\n if (this.isProtocolSuffix()) {\n this.internalResult.username = \"\";\n this.internalResult.password = \"\";\n this.internalResult.hostname = \"\";\n this.internalResult.port = \"\";\n this.internalResult.pathname = \"\";\n = \"\";\n this.internalResult.hash = \"\";\n this.rewindAndSetState(\n 1\n /* PROTOCOL */\n );\n }\n break;\n case 1:\n if (this.isProtocolSuffix()) {\n this.computeShouldTreatAsStandardURL();\n let nextState = 7;\n let skip = 1;\n if (this.shouldTreatAsStandardURL) {\n this.internalResult.pathname = \"/\";\n }\n if (this.nextIsAuthoritySlashes()) {\n nextState = 2;\n skip = 3;\n } else if (this.shouldTreatAsStandardURL) {\n nextState = 2;\n }\n this.changeState(nextState, skip);\n }\n break;\n case 2:\n if (this.isIdentityTerminator()) {\n this.rewindAndSetState(\n 3\n /* USERNAME */\n );\n } else if (this.isPathnameStart() || this.isSearchPrefix() || this.isHashPrefix()) {\n this.rewindAndSetState(\n 5\n /* HOSTNAME */\n );\n }\n break;\n case 3:\n if (this.isPasswordPrefix()) {\n this.changeState(\n 4,\n /*skip=*/\n 1\n );\n } else if (this.isIdentityTerminator()) {\n this.changeState(\n 5,\n /*skip=*/\n 1\n );\n }\n break;\n case 4:\n if (this.isIdentityTerminator()) {\n this.changeState(\n 5,\n /*skip=*/\n 1\n );\n }\n break;\n case 5:\n if (this.isIPv6Open()) {\n this.hostnameIPv6BracketDepth += 1;\n } else if (this.isIPv6Close()) {\n this.hostnameIPv6BracketDepth -= 1;\n }\n if (this.isPortPrefix() && !this.hostnameIPv6BracketDepth) {\n this.changeState(\n 6,\n /*skip=*/\n 1\n );\n } else if (this.isPathnameStart()) {\n this.changeState(\n 7,\n /*skip=*/\n 0\n );\n } else if (this.isSearchPrefix()) {\n this.changeState(\n 8,\n /*skip=*/\n 1\n );\n } else if (this.isHashPrefix()) {\n this.changeState(\n 9,\n /*skip=*/\n 1\n );\n }\n break;\n case 6:\n if (this.isPathnameStart()) {\n this.changeState(\n 7,\n /*skip=*/\n 0\n );\n } else if (this.isSearchPrefix()) {\n this.changeState(\n 8,\n /*skip=*/\n 1\n );\n } else if (this.isHashPrefix()) {\n this.changeState(\n 9,\n /*skip=*/\n 1\n );\n }\n break;\n case 7:\n if (this.isSearchPrefix()) {\n this.changeState(\n 8,\n /*skip=*/\n 1\n );\n } else if (this.isHashPrefix()) {\n this.changeState(\n 9,\n /*skip=*/\n 1\n );\n }\n break;\n case 8:\n if (this.isHashPrefix()) {\n this.changeState(\n 9,\n /*skip=*/\n 1\n );\n }\n break;\n case 9:\n break;\n case 10:\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n changeState(newState, skip) {\n switch (this.state) {\n case 0:\n break;\n case 1:\n this.internalResult.protocol = this.makeComponentString();\n break;\n case 2:\n break;\n case 3:\n this.internalResult.username = this.makeComponentString();\n break;\n case 4:\n this.internalResult.password = this.makeComponentString();\n break;\n case 5:\n this.internalResult.hostname = this.makeComponentString();\n break;\n case 6:\n this.internalResult.port = this.makeComponentString();\n break;\n case 7:\n this.internalResult.pathname = this.makeComponentString();\n break;\n case 8:\n = this.makeComponentString();\n break;\n case 9:\n this.internalResult.hash = this.makeComponentString();\n break;\n case 10:\n break;\n }\n this.changeStateWithoutSettingComponent(newState, skip);\n }\n changeStateWithoutSettingComponent(newState, skip) {\n this.state = newState;\n this.componentStart = this.tokenIndex + skip;\n this.tokenIndex += skip;\n this.tokenIncrement = 0;\n }\n rewind() {\n this.tokenIndex = this.componentStart;\n this.tokenIncrement = 0;\n }\n rewindAndSetState(newState) {\n this.rewind();\n this.state = newState;\n }\n safeToken(index) {\n if (index < 0) {\n index = this.tokenList.length - index;\n }\n if (index < this.tokenList.length) {\n return this.tokenList[index];\n }\n return this.tokenList[this.tokenList.length - 1];\n }\n isNonSpecialPatternChar(index, value) {\n const token = this.safeToken(index);\n return token.value === value && (token.type === \"CHAR\" || token.type === \"ESCAPED_CHAR\" || token.type === \"INVALID_CHAR\");\n }\n isProtocolSuffix() {\n return this.isNonSpecialPatternChar(this.tokenIndex, \":\");\n }\n nextIsAuthoritySlashes() {\n return this.isNonSpecialPatternChar(this.tokenIndex + 1, \"/\") && this.isNonSpecialPatternChar(this.tokenIndex + 2, \"/\");\n }\n isIdentityTerminator() {\n return this.isNonSpecialPatternChar(this.tokenIndex, \"@\");\n }\n isPasswordPrefix() {\n return this.isNonSpecialPatternChar(this.tokenIndex, \":\");\n }\n isPortPrefix() {\n return this.isNonSpecialPatternChar(this.tokenIndex, \":\");\n }\n isPathnameStart() {\n return this.isNonSpecialPatternChar(this.tokenIndex, \"/\");\n }\n isSearchPrefix() {\n if (this.isNonSpecialPatternChar(this.tokenIndex, \"?\")) {\n return true;\n }\n if (this.tokenList[this.tokenIndex].value !== \"?\") {\n return false;\n }\n const previousToken = this.safeToken(this.tokenIndex - 1);\n return previousToken.type !== \"NAME\" && previousToken.type !== \"REGEX\" && previousToken.type !== \"CLOSE\" && previousToken.type !== \"ASTERISK\";\n }\n isHashPrefix() {\n return this.isNonSpecialPatternChar(this.tokenIndex, \"#\");\n }\n isGroupOpen() {\n return this.tokenList[this.tokenIndex].type == \"OPEN\";\n }\n isGroupClose() {\n return this.tokenList[this.tokenIndex].type == \"CLOSE\";\n }\n isIPv6Open() {\n return this.isNonSpecialPatternChar(this.tokenIndex, \"[\");\n }\n isIPv6Close() {\n return this.isNonSpecialPatternChar(this.tokenIndex, \"]\");\n }\n makeComponentString() {\n const token = this.tokenList[this.tokenIndex];\n const componentCharStart = this.safeToken(this.componentStart).index;\n return this.input.substring(componentCharStart, token.index);\n }\n computeShouldTreatAsStandardURL() {\n const options = {};\n Object.assign(options, DEFAULT_OPTIONS);\n options.encodePart = protocolEncodeCallback;\n const regexp = stringToRegexp(\n this.makeComponentString(),\n /*keys=*/\n void 0,\n options\n );\n this.shouldTreatAsStandardURL = isSpecialScheme(regexp);\n }\n}, \"Parser\");\nvar COMPONENTS = [\n \"protocol\",\n \"username\",\n \"password\",\n \"hostname\",\n \"port\",\n \"pathname\",\n \"search\",\n \"hash\"\n];\nvar DEFAULT_PATTERN = \"*\";\nfunction extractValues(url, baseURL) {\n if (typeof url !== \"string\") {\n throw new TypeError(`parameter 1 is not of type 'string'.`);\n }\n const o = new URL(url, baseURL);\n return {\n protocol: o.protocol.substring(0, o.protocol.length - 1),\n username: o.username,\n password: o.password,\n hostname: o.hostname,\n port: o.port,\n pathname: o.pathname,\n search: !== \"\" ?, : void 0,\n hash: o.hash !== \"\" ? o.hash.substring(1, o.hash.length) : void 0\n };\n}\n__name(extractValues, \"extractValues\");\nfunction processBaseURLString(input, isPattern) {\n if (!isPattern) {\n return input;\n }\n return escapePatternString(input);\n}\n__name(processBaseURLString, \"processBaseURLString\");\nfunction applyInit(o, init, isPattern) {\n let baseURL;\n if (typeof init.baseURL === \"string\") {\n try {\n baseURL = new URL(init.baseURL);\n o.protocol = processBaseURLString(baseURL.protocol.substring(0, baseURL.protocol.length - 1), isPattern);\n o.username = processBaseURLString(baseURL.username, isPattern);\n o.password = processBaseURLString(baseURL.password, isPattern);\n o.hostname = processBaseURLString(baseURL.hostname, isPattern);\n o.port = processBaseURLString(baseURL.port, isPattern);\n o.pathname = processBaseURLString(baseURL.pathname, isPattern);\n = processBaseURLString(,, isPattern);\n o.hash = processBaseURLString(baseURL.hash.substring(1, baseURL.hash.length), isPattern);\n } catch {\n throw new TypeError(`invalid baseURL '${init.baseURL}'.`);\n }\n }\n if (typeof init.protocol === \"string\") {\n o.protocol = canonicalizeProtocol(init.protocol, isPattern);\n }\n if (typeof init.username === \"string\") {\n o.username = canonicalizeUsername(init.username, isPattern);\n }\n if (typeof init.password === \"string\") {\n o.password = canonicalizePassword(init.password, isPattern);\n }\n if (typeof init.hostname === \"string\") {\n o.hostname = canonicalizeHostname(init.hostname, isPattern);\n }\n if (typeof init.port === \"string\") {\n o.port = canonicalizePort(init.port, o.protocol, isPattern);\n }\n if (typeof init.pathname === \"string\") {\n o.pathname = init.pathname;\n if (baseURL && !isAbsolutePathname(o.pathname, isPattern)) {\n const slashIndex = baseURL.pathname.lastIndexOf(\"/\");\n if (slashIndex >= 0) {\n o.pathname = processBaseURLString(baseURL.pathname.substring(0, slashIndex + 1), isPattern) + o.pathname;\n }\n }\n o.pathname = canonicalizePathname(o.pathname, o.protocol, isPattern);\n }\n if (typeof === \"string\") {\n = canonicalizeSearch(, isPattern);\n }\n if (typeof init.hash === \"string\") {\n o.hash = canonicalizeHash(init.hash, isPattern);\n }\n return o;\n}\n__name(applyInit, \"applyInit\");\nfunction escapePatternString(value) {\n return value.replace(/([+*?:{}()\\\\])/g, \"\\\\$1\");\n}\n__name(escapePatternString, \"escapePatternString\");\nfunction escapeRegexpString(value) {\n return value.replace(/([.+*?^${}()[\\]|/\\\\])/g, \"\\\\$1\");\n}\n__name(escapeRegexpString, \"escapeRegexpString\");\nfunction partsToPattern(parts, options) {\n options.delimiter ?? (options.delimiter = \"/#?\");\n options.prefixes ?? (options.prefixes = \"./\");\n options.sensitive ?? (options.sensitive = false);\n options.strict ?? (options.strict = false);\n options.end ?? (options.end = true);\n options.start ?? (options.start = true);\n options.endsWith = \"\";\n const kFullWildcardRegex2 = \".*\";\n const segmentWildcardRegex = `[^${escapeRegexpString(options.delimiter)}]+?`;\n const regexIdentifierPart2 = /[$_\\u200C\\u200D\\p{ID_Continue}]/u;\n let result = \"\";\n for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i) {\n const part = parts[i];\n if (part.type === 3) {\n if (part.modifier === 3) {\n result += escapePatternString(part.value);\n continue;\n }\n result += `{${escapePatternString(part.value)}}${modifierToString(part.modifier)}`;\n continue;\n }\n const customName = part.hasCustomName();\n let needsGrouping = !!part.suffix.length || !!part.prefix.length && (part.prefix.length !== 1 || !options.prefixes.includes(part.prefix));\n const lastPart = i > 0 ? parts[i - 1] : null;\n const nextPart = i < parts.length - 1 ? parts[i + 1] : null;\n if (!needsGrouping && customName && part.type === 1 && part.modifier === 3 && nextPart && !nextPart.prefix.length && !nextPart.suffix.length) {\n if (nextPart.type === 3) {\n const code = nextPart.value.length > 0 ? nextPart.value[0] : \"\";\n needsGrouping = regexIdentifierPart2.test(code);\n } else {\n needsGrouping = !nextPart.hasCustomName();\n }\n }\n if (!needsGrouping && !part.prefix.length && lastPart && lastPart.type === 3) {\n const code = lastPart.value[lastPart.value.length - 1];\n needsGrouping = options.prefixes.includes(code);\n }\n if (needsGrouping) {\n result += \"{\";\n }\n result += escapePatternString(part.prefix);\n if (customName) {\n result += `:${}`;\n }\n if (part.type === 2) {\n result += `(${part.value})`;\n } else if (part.type === 1) {\n if (!customName) {\n result += `(${segmentWildcardRegex})`;\n }\n } else if (part.type === 0) {\n if (!customName && (!lastPart || lastPart.type === 3 || lastPart.modifier !== 3 || needsGrouping || part.prefix !== \"\")) {\n result += \"*\";\n } else {\n result += `(${kFullWildcardRegex2})`;\n }\n }\n if (part.type === 1 && customName && !!part.suffix.length) {\n if (regexIdentifierPart2.test(part.suffix[0])) {\n result += \"\\\\\";\n }\n }\n result += escapePatternString(part.suffix);\n if (needsGrouping) {\n result += \"}\";\n }\n if (part.modifier !== 3) {\n result += modifierToString(part.modifier);\n }\n }\n return result;\n}\n__name(partsToPattern, \"partsToPattern\");\nvar URLPattern = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(class {\n constructor(init = {}, baseURLOrOptions, options) {\n this.regexp = {};\n this.names = {};\n this.component_pattern = {};\n = {};\n try {\n let baseURL = void 0;\n if (typeof baseURLOrOptions === \"string\") {\n baseURL = baseURLOrOptions;\n } else {\n options = baseURLOrOptions;\n }\n if (typeof init === \"string\") {\n const parser = new Parser(init);\n parser.parse();\n init = parser.result;\n if (baseURL === void 0 && typeof init.protocol !== \"string\") {\n throw new TypeError(`A base URL must be provided for a relative constructor string.`);\n }\n init.baseURL = baseURL;\n } else {\n if (!init || typeof init !== \"object\") {\n throw new TypeError(`parameter 1 is not of type 'string' and cannot convert to dictionary.`);\n }\n if (baseURL) {\n throw new TypeError(`parameter 1 is not of type 'string'.`);\n }\n }\n if (typeof options === \"undefined\") {\n options = { ignoreCase: false };\n }\n const ignoreCaseOptions = { ignoreCase: options.ignoreCase === true };\n const defaults = {\n pathname: DEFAULT_PATTERN,\n protocol: DEFAULT_PATTERN,\n username: DEFAULT_PATTERN,\n password: DEFAULT_PATTERN,\n hostname: DEFAULT_PATTERN,\n port: DEFAULT_PATTERN,\n search: DEFAULT_PATTERN,\n hash: DEFAULT_PATTERN\n };\n this.pattern = applyInit(defaults, init, true);\n if (defaultPortForProtocol(this.pattern.protocol) === this.pattern.port) {\n this.pattern.port = \"\";\n }\n let component;\n for (component of COMPONENTS) {\n if (!(component in this.pattern))\n continue;\n const options2 = {};\n const pattern = this.pattern[component];\n this.names[component] = [];\n switch (component) {\n case \"protocol\":\n Object.assign(options2, DEFAULT_OPTIONS);\n options2.encodePart = protocolEncodeCallback;\n break;\n case \"username\":\n Object.assign(options2, DEFAULT_OPTIONS);\n options2.encodePart = usernameEncodeCallback;\n break;\n case \"password\":\n Object.assign(options2, DEFAULT_OPTIONS);\n options2.encodePart = passwordEncodeCallback;\n break;\n case \"hostname\":\n Object.assign(options2, HOSTNAME_OPTIONS);\n if (treatAsIPv6Hostname(pattern)) {\n options2.encodePart = ipv6HostnameEncodeCallback;\n } else {\n options2.encodePart = hostnameEncodeCallback;\n }\n break;\n case \"port\":\n Object.assign(options2, DEFAULT_OPTIONS);\n options2.encodePart = portEncodeCallback;\n break;\n case \"pathname\":\n if (isSpecialScheme(this.regexp.protocol)) {\n Object.assign(options2, PATHNAME_OPTIONS, ignoreCaseOptions);\n options2.encodePart = standardURLPathnameEncodeCallback;\n } else {\n Object.assign(options2, DEFAULT_OPTIONS, ignoreCaseOptions);\n options2.encodePart = pathURLPathnameEncodeCallback;\n }\n break;\n case \"search\":\n Object.assign(options2, DEFAULT_OPTIONS, ignoreCaseOptions);\n options2.encodePart = searchEncodeCallback;\n break;\n case \"hash\":\n Object.assign(options2, DEFAULT_OPTIONS, ignoreCaseOptions);\n options2.encodePart = hashEncodeCallback;\n break;\n }\n try {\n[component] = parse(pattern, options2);\n this.regexp[component] = partsToRegexp(\n[component],\n /* out */\n this.names[component],\n options2\n );\n this.component_pattern[component] = partsToPattern([component], options2);\n } catch (err) {\n throw new TypeError(`invalid ${component} pattern '${this.pattern[component]}'.`);\n }\n }\n } catch (err) {\n throw new TypeError(`Failed to construct 'URLPattern': ${err.message}`);\n }\n }\n test(input = {}, baseURL) {\n let values = {\n pathname: \"\",\n protocol: \"\",\n username: \"\",\n password: \"\",\n hostname: \"\",\n port: \"\",\n search: \"\",\n hash: \"\"\n };\n if (typeof input !== \"string\" && baseURL) {\n throw new TypeError(`parameter 1 is not of type 'string'.`);\n }\n if (typeof input === \"undefined\") {\n return false;\n }\n try {\n if (typeof input === \"object\") {\n values = applyInit(values, input, false);\n } else {\n values = applyInit(values, extractValues(input, baseURL), false);\n }\n } catch (err) {\n return false;\n }\n let component;\n for (component of COMPONENTS) {\n if (!this.regexp[component].exec(values[component])) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n }\n exec(input = {}, baseURL) {\n let values = {\n pathname: \"\",\n protocol: \"\",\n username: \"\",\n password: \"\",\n hostname: \"\",\n port: \"\",\n search: \"\",\n hash: \"\"\n };\n if (typeof input !== \"string\" && baseURL) {\n throw new TypeError(`parameter 1 is not of type 'string'.`);\n }\n if (typeof input === \"undefined\") {\n return;\n }\n try {\n if (typeof input === \"object\") {\n values = applyInit(values, input, false);\n } else {\n values = applyInit(values, extractValues(input, baseURL), false);\n }\n } catch (err) {\n return null;\n }\n let result = {};\n if (baseURL) {\n result.inputs = [input, baseURL];\n } else {\n result.inputs = [input];\n }\n let component;\n for (component of COMPONENTS) {\n let match = this.regexp[component].exec(values[component]);\n if (!match) {\n return null;\n }\n let groups = {};\n for (let [i, name] of this.names[component].entries()) {\n if (typeof name === \"string\" || typeof name === \"number\") {\n let value = match[i + 1];\n groups[name] = value;\n }\n }\n result[component] = {\n input: values[component] ?? \"\",\n groups\n };\n }\n return result;\n }\n static compareComponent(component, left, right) {\n const comparePart = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((left2, right2) => {\n for (let attr of [\"type\", \"modifier\", \"prefix\", \"value\", \"suffix\"]) {\n if (left2[attr] < right2[attr])\n return -1;\n else if (left2[attr] === right2[attr])\n continue;\n else\n return 1;\n }\n return 0;\n }, \"comparePart\");\n const emptyFixedPart = new Part(\n 3,\n \"\",\n \"\",\n \"\",\n \"\",\n 3\n /* kNone */\n );\n const wildcardOnlyPart = new Part(\n 0,\n \"\",\n \"\",\n \"\",\n \"\",\n 3\n /* kNone */\n );\n const comparePartList = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((left2, right2) => {\n let i = 0;\n for (; i < Math.min(left2.length, right2.length); ++i) {\n let result = comparePart(left2[i], right2[i]);\n if (result)\n return result;\n }\n if (left2.length === right2.length) {\n return 0;\n }\n return comparePart(left2[i] ?? emptyFixedPart, right2[i] ?? emptyFixedPart);\n }, \"comparePartList\");\n if (!left.component_pattern[component] && !right.component_pattern[component]) {\n return 0;\n }\n if (left.component_pattern[component] && !right.component_pattern[component]) {\n return comparePartList([component], [wildcardOnlyPart]);\n }\n if (!left.component_pattern[component] && right.component_pattern[component]) {\n return comparePartList([wildcardOnlyPart],[component]);\n }\n return comparePartList([component],[component]);\n }\n get protocol() {\n return this.component_pattern.protocol;\n }\n get username() {\n return this.component_pattern.username;\n }\n get password() {\n return this.component_pattern.password;\n }\n get hostname() {\n return this.component_pattern.hostname;\n }\n get port() {\n return this.component_pattern.port;\n }\n get pathname() {\n return this.component_pattern.pathname;\n }\n get search() {\n return;\n }\n get hash() {\n return this.component_pattern.hash;\n }\n}, \"URLPattern\");\n\n// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/urlpattern-polyfill@8.0.2/node_modules/urlpattern-polyfill/index.js\nif (!globalThis.URLPattern) {\n globalThis.URLPattern = URLPattern;\n}\n// Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node:\n0 && (module.exports = {\n URLPattern\n});\n"
module.exports = "\"use strict\";\nvar __defProp = Object.defineProperty;\nvar __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;\nvar __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;\nvar __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\nvar __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, \"name\", { value, configurable: true });\nvar __export = (target, all) => {\n for (var name in all)\n __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });\n};\nvar __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {\n if (from && typeof from === \"object\" || typeof from === \"function\") {\n for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))\n if (!, key) && key !== except)\n __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });\n }\n return to;\n};\nvar __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, \"__esModule\", { value: true }), mod);\n\n// src/primitives/url.js\nvar url_exports = {};\n__export(url_exports, {\n URLPattern: () => me\n});\nmodule.exports = __toCommonJS(url_exports);\n\n// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/urlpattern-polyfill@9.0.0/node_modules/urlpattern-polyfill/dist/urlpattern.js\nvar k = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(class {\n type = 3;\n name = \"\";\n prefix = \"\";\n value = \"\";\n suffix = \"\";\n modifier = 3;\n constructor(t, r, n, o, c, l) {\n this.type = t, = r, this.prefix = n, this.value = o, this.suffix = c, this.modifier = l;\n }\n hasCustomName() {\n return !== \"\" && typeof != \"number\";\n }\n}, \"k\");\nvar Pe = /[$_\\p{ID_Start}]/u;\nvar Se = /[$_\\u200C\\u200D\\p{ID_Continue}]/u;\nvar M = \".*\";\nfunction ke(e, t) {\n return (t ? /^[\\x00-\\xFF]*$/ : /^[\\x00-\\x7F]*$/).test(e);\n}\n__name(ke, \"ke\");\nfunction v(e, t = false) {\n let r = [], n = 0;\n for (; n < e.length; ) {\n let o = e[n], c = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function(l) {\n if (!t)\n throw new TypeError(l);\n r.push({ type: \"INVALID_CHAR\", index: n, value: e[n++] });\n }, \"c\");\n if (o === \"*\") {\n r.push({ type: \"ASTERISK\", index: n, value: e[n++] });\n continue;\n }\n if (o === \"+\" || o === \"?\") {\n r.push({ type: \"OTHER_MODIFIER\", index: n, value: e[n++] });\n continue;\n }\n if (o === \"\\\\\") {\n r.push({ type: \"ESCAPED_CHAR\", index: n++, value: e[n++] });\n continue;\n }\n if (o === \"{\") {\n r.push({ type: \"OPEN\", index: n, value: e[n++] });\n continue;\n }\n if (o === \"}\") {\n r.push({ type: \"CLOSE\", index: n, value: e[n++] });\n continue;\n }\n if (o === \":\") {\n let l = \"\", s = n + 1;\n for (; s < e.length; ) {\n let i = e.substr(s, 1);\n if (s === n + 1 && Pe.test(i) || s !== n + 1 && Se.test(i)) {\n l += e[s++];\n continue;\n }\n break;\n }\n if (!l) {\n c(`Missing parameter name at ${n}`);\n continue;\n }\n r.push({ type: \"NAME\", index: n, value: l }), n = s;\n continue;\n }\n if (o === \"(\") {\n let l = 1, s = \"\", i = n + 1, a = false;\n if (e[i] === \"?\") {\n c(`Pattern cannot start with \"?\" at ${i}`);\n continue;\n }\n for (; i < e.length; ) {\n if (!ke(e[i], false)) {\n c(`Invalid character '${e[i]}' at ${i}.`), a = true;\n break;\n }\n if (e[i] === \"\\\\\") {\n s += e[i++] + e[i++];\n continue;\n }\n if (e[i] === \")\") {\n if (l--, l === 0) {\n i++;\n break;\n }\n } else if (e[i] === \"(\" && (l++, e[i + 1] !== \"?\")) {\n c(`Capturing groups are not allowed at ${i}`), a = true;\n break;\n }\n s += e[i++];\n }\n if (a)\n continue;\n if (l) {\n c(`Unbalanced pattern at ${n}`);\n continue;\n }\n if (!s) {\n c(`Missing pattern at ${n}`);\n continue;\n }\n r.push({ type: \"REGEX\", index: n, value: s }), n = i;\n continue;\n }\n r.push({ type: \"CHAR\", index: n, value: e[n++] });\n }\n return r.push({ type: \"END\", index: n, value: \"\" }), r;\n}\n__name(v, \"v\");\nfunction D(e, t = {}) {\n let r = v(e);\n t.delimiter ?? (t.delimiter = \"/#?\"), t.prefixes ?? (t.prefixes = \"./\");\n let n = `[^${x(t.delimiter)}]+?`, o = [], c = 0, l = 0, s = \"\", i = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), a = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((f) => {\n if (l < r.length && r[l].type === f)\n return r[l++].value;\n }, \"a\"), h = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => a(\"OTHER_MODIFIER\") ?? a(\"ASTERISK\"), \"h\"), p = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((f) => {\n let u = a(f);\n if (u !== void 0)\n return u;\n let { type: d, index: T } = r[l];\n throw new TypeError(`Unexpected ${d} at ${T}, expected ${f}`);\n }, \"p\"), O = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => {\n let f = \"\", u;\n for (; u = a(\"CHAR\") ?? a(\"ESCAPED_CHAR\"); )\n f += u;\n return f;\n }, \"O\"), xe = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((f) => f, \"xe\"), L = t.encodePart || xe, I = \"\", H = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((f) => {\n I += f;\n }, \"H\"), $ = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => {\n I.length && (o.push(new k(3, \"\", \"\", L(I), \"\", 3)), I = \"\");\n }, \"$\"), G = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((f, u, d, T, Y) => {\n let g = 3;\n switch (Y) {\n case \"?\":\n g = 1;\n break;\n case \"*\":\n g = 0;\n break;\n case \"+\":\n g = 2;\n break;\n }\n if (!u && !d && g === 3) {\n H(f);\n return;\n }\n if ($(), !u && !d) {\n if (!f)\n return;\n o.push(new k(3, \"\", \"\", L(f), \"\", g));\n return;\n }\n let m;\n d ? d === \"*\" ? m = M : m = d : m = n;\n let R = 2;\n m === n ? (R = 1, m = \"\") : m === M && (R = 0, m = \"\");\n let S;\n if (u ? S = u : d && (S = c++), i.has(S))\n throw new TypeError(`Duplicate name '${S}'.`);\n i.add(S), o.push(new k(R, S, L(f), m, L(T), g));\n }, \"G\");\n for (; l < r.length; ) {\n let f = a(\"CHAR\"), u = a(\"NAME\"), d = a(\"REGEX\");\n if (!u && !d && (d = a(\"ASTERISK\")), u || d) {\n let g = f ?? \"\";\n t.prefixes.indexOf(g) === -1 && (H(g), g = \"\"), $();\n let m = h();\n G(g, u, d, \"\", m);\n continue;\n }\n let T = f ?? a(\"ESCAPED_CHAR\");\n if (T) {\n H(T);\n continue;\n }\n if (a(\"OPEN\")) {\n let g = O(), m = a(\"NAME\"), R = a(\"REGEX\");\n !m && !R && (R = a(\"ASTERISK\"));\n let S = O();\n p(\"CLOSE\");\n let be = h();\n G(g, m, R, S, be);\n continue;\n }\n $(), p(\"END\");\n }\n return o;\n}\n__name(D, \"D\");\nfunction x(e) {\n return e.replace(/([.+*?^${}()[\\]|/\\\\])/g, \"\\\\$1\");\n}\n__name(x, \"x\");\nfunction X(e) {\n return e && e.ignoreCase ? \"ui\" : \"u\";\n}\n__name(X, \"X\");\nfunction Z(e, t, r) {\n return F(D(e, r), t, r);\n}\n__name(Z, \"Z\");\nfunction y(e) {\n switch (e) {\n case 0:\n return \"*\";\n case 1:\n return \"?\";\n case 2:\n return \"+\";\n case 3:\n return \"\";\n }\n}\n__name(y, \"y\");\nfunction F(e, t, r = {}) {\n r.delimiter ?? (r.delimiter = \"/#?\"), r.prefixes ?? (r.prefixes = \"./\"), r.sensitive ?? (r.sensitive = false), r.strict ?? (r.strict = false), r.end ?? (r.end = true), r.start ?? (r.start = true), r.endsWith = \"\";\n let n = r.start ? \"^\" : \"\";\n for (let s of e) {\n if (s.type === 3) {\n s.modifier === 3 ? n += x(s.value) : n += `(?:${x(s.value)})${y(s.modifier)}`;\n continue;\n }\n t && t.push(;\n let i = `[^${x(r.delimiter)}]+?`, a = s.value;\n if (s.type === 1 ? a = i : s.type === 0 && (a = M), !s.prefix.length && !s.suffix.length) {\n s.modifier === 3 || s.modifier === 1 ? n += `(${a})${y(s.modifier)}` : n += `((?:${a})${y(s.modifier)})`;\n continue;\n }\n if (s.modifier === 3 || s.modifier === 1) {\n n += `(?:${x(s.prefix)}(${a})${x(s.suffix)})`, n += y(s.modifier);\n continue;\n }\n n += `(?:${x(s.prefix)}`, n += `((?:${a})(?:`, n += x(s.suffix), n += x(s.prefix), n += `(?:${a}))*)${x(s.suffix)})`, s.modifier === 0 && (n += \"?\");\n }\n let o = `[${x(r.endsWith)}]|$`, c = `[${x(r.delimiter)}]`;\n if (r.end)\n return r.strict || (n += `${c}?`), r.endsWith.length ? n += `(?=${o})` : n += \"$\", new RegExp(n, X(r));\n r.strict || (n += `(?:${c}(?=${o}))?`);\n let l = false;\n if (e.length) {\n let s = e[e.length - 1];\n s.type === 3 && s.modifier === 3 && (l = r.delimiter.indexOf(s) > -1);\n }\n return l || (n += `(?=${c}|${o})`), new RegExp(n, X(r));\n}\n__name(F, \"F\");\nvar b = { delimiter: \"\", prefixes: \"\", sensitive: true, strict: true };\nvar B = { delimiter: \".\", prefixes: \"\", sensitive: true, strict: true };\nvar q = { delimiter: \"/\", prefixes: \"/\", sensitive: true, strict: true };\nfunction J(e, t) {\n return e.length ? e[0] === \"/\" ? true : !t || e.length < 2 ? false : (e[0] == \"\\\\\" || e[0] == \"{\") && e[1] == \"/\" : false;\n}\n__name(J, \"J\");\nfunction Q(e, t) {\n return e.startsWith(t) ? e.substring(t.length, e.length) : e;\n}\n__name(Q, \"Q\");\nfunction Ee(e, t) {\n return e.endsWith(t) ? e.substr(0, e.length - t.length) : e;\n}\n__name(Ee, \"Ee\");\nfunction W(e) {\n return !e || e.length < 2 ? false : e[0] === \"[\" || (e[0] === \"\\\\\" || e[0] === \"{\") && e[1] === \"[\";\n}\n__name(W, \"W\");\nvar ee = [\"ftp\", \"file\", \"http\", \"https\", \"ws\", \"wss\"];\nfunction N(e) {\n if (!e)\n return true;\n for (let t of ee)\n if (e.test(t))\n return true;\n return false;\n}\n__name(N, \"N\");\nfunction te(e, t) {\n if (e = Q(e, \"#\"), t || e === \"\")\n return e;\n let r = new URL(\"\");\n return r.hash = e, r.hash ? r.hash.substring(1, r.hash.length) : \"\";\n}\n__name(te, \"te\");\nfunction re(e, t) {\n if (e = Q(e, \"?\"), t || e === \"\")\n return e;\n let r = new URL(\"\");\n return = e, ?, : \"\";\n}\n__name(re, \"re\");\nfunction ne(e, t) {\n return t || e === \"\" ? e : W(e) ? j(e) : z(e);\n}\n__name(ne, \"ne\");\nfunction se(e, t) {\n if (t || e === \"\")\n return e;\n let r = new URL(\"\");\n return r.password = e, r.password;\n}\n__name(se, \"se\");\nfunction ie(e, t) {\n if (t || e === \"\")\n return e;\n let r = new URL(\"\");\n return r.username = e, r.username;\n}\n__name(ie, \"ie\");\nfunction ae(e, t, r) {\n if (r || e === \"\")\n return e;\n if (t && !ee.includes(t))\n return new URL(`${t}:${e}`).pathname;\n let n = e[0] == \"/\";\n return e = new URL(n ? e : \"/-\" + e, \"\").pathname, n || (e = e.substring(2, e.length)), e;\n}\n__name(ae, \"ae\");\nfunction oe(e, t, r) {\n return _(t) === e && (e = \"\"), r || e === \"\" ? e : K(e);\n}\n__name(oe, \"oe\");\nfunction ce(e, t) {\n return e = Ee(e, \":\"), t || e === \"\" ? e : A(e);\n}\n__name(ce, \"ce\");\nfunction _(e) {\n switch (e) {\n case \"ws\":\n case \"http\":\n return \"80\";\n case \"wws\":\n case \"https\":\n return \"443\";\n case \"ftp\":\n return \"21\";\n default:\n return \"\";\n }\n}\n__name(_, \"_\");\nfunction A(e) {\n if (e === \"\")\n return e;\n if (/^[-+.A-Za-z0-9]*$/.test(e))\n return e.toLowerCase();\n throw new TypeError(`Invalid protocol '${e}'.`);\n}\n__name(A, \"A\");\nfunction le(e) {\n if (e === \"\")\n return e;\n let t = new URL(\"\");\n return t.username = e, t.username;\n}\n__name(le, \"le\");\nfunction he(e) {\n if (e === \"\")\n return e;\n let t = new URL(\"\");\n return t.password = e, t.password;\n}\n__name(he, \"he\");\nfunction z(e) {\n if (e === \"\")\n return e;\n if (/[\\t\\n\\r #%/:<>?@[\\]^\\\\|]/g.test(e))\n throw new TypeError(`Invalid hostname '${e}'`);\n let t = new URL(\"\");\n return t.hostname = e, t.hostname;\n}\n__name(z, \"z\");\nfunction j(e) {\n if (e === \"\")\n return e;\n if (/[^0-9a-fA-F[\\]:]/g.test(e))\n throw new TypeError(`Invalid IPv6 hostname '${e}'`);\n return e.toLowerCase();\n}\n__name(j, \"j\");\nfunction K(e) {\n if (e === \"\" || /^[0-9]*$/.test(e) && parseInt(e) <= 65535)\n return e;\n throw new TypeError(`Invalid port '${e}'.`);\n}\n__name(K, \"K\");\nfunction fe(e) {\n if (e === \"\")\n return e;\n let t = new URL(\"\");\n return t.pathname = e[0] !== \"/\" ? \"/-\" + e : e, e[0] !== \"/\" ? t.pathname.substring(2, t.pathname.length) : t.pathname;\n}\n__name(fe, \"fe\");\nfunction ue(e) {\n return e === \"\" ? e : new URL(`data:${e}`).pathname;\n}\n__name(ue, \"ue\");\nfunction pe(e) {\n if (e === \"\")\n return e;\n let t = new URL(\"\");\n return = e,,;\n}\n__name(pe, \"pe\");\nfunction de(e) {\n if (e === \"\")\n return e;\n let t = new URL(\"\");\n return t.hash = e, t.hash.substring(1, t.hash.length);\n}\n__name(de, \"de\");\nvar U = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(class {\n #i;\n #n = [];\n #t = {};\n #e = 0;\n #s = 1;\n #u = 0;\n #c = 0;\n #p = 0;\n #d = 0;\n #g = false;\n constructor(t) {\n this.#i = t;\n }\n get result() {\n return this.#t;\n }\n parse() {\n for (this.#n = v(this.#i, true); this.#e < this.#n.length; this.#e += this.#s) {\n if (this.#s = 1, this.#n[this.#e].type === \"END\") {\n if (this.#c === 0) {\n this.#P(), this.#l() ? this.#r(9, 1) : this.#h() ? (this.#r(8, 1), this.#t.hash = \"\") : (this.#r(7, 0), = \"\", this.#t.hash = \"\");\n continue;\n } else if (this.#c === 2) {\n this.#f(5);\n continue;\n }\n this.#r(10, 0);\n break;\n }\n if (this.#p > 0)\n if (this.#T())\n this.#p -= 1;\n else\n continue;\n if (this.#O()) {\n this.#p += 1;\n continue;\n }\n switch (this.#c) {\n case 0:\n this.#S() && (this.#t.username = \"\", this.#t.password = \"\", this.#t.hostname = \"\", this.#t.port = \"\", this.#t.pathname = \"\", = \"\", this.#t.hash = \"\", this.#f(1));\n break;\n case 1:\n if (this.#S()) {\n this.#C();\n let t = 7, r = 1;\n this.#g && (this.#t.pathname = \"/\"), this.#E() ? (t = 2, r = 3) : this.#g && (t = 2), this.#r(t, r);\n }\n break;\n case 2:\n this.#x() ? this.#f(3) : (this.#b() || this.#h() || this.#l()) && this.#f(5);\n break;\n case 3:\n this.#R() ? this.#r(4, 1) : this.#x() && this.#r(5, 1);\n break;\n case 4:\n this.#x() && this.#r(5, 1);\n break;\n case 5:\n this.#A() ? this.#d += 1 : this.#w() && (this.#d -= 1), this.#y() && !this.#d ? this.#r(6, 1) : this.#b() ? this.#r(7, 0) : this.#h() ? this.#r(8, 1) : this.#l() && this.#r(9, 1);\n break;\n case 6:\n this.#b() ? this.#r(7, 0) : this.#h() ? this.#r(8, 1) : this.#l() && this.#r(9, 1);\n break;\n case 7:\n this.#h() ? this.#r(8, 1) : this.#l() && this.#r(9, 1);\n break;\n case 8:\n this.#l() && this.#r(9, 1);\n break;\n case 9:\n break;\n case 10:\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n #r(t, r) {\n switch (this.#c) {\n case 0:\n break;\n case 1:\n this.#t.protocol = this.#o();\n break;\n case 2:\n break;\n case 3:\n this.#t.username = this.#o();\n break;\n case 4:\n this.#t.password = this.#o();\n break;\n case 5:\n this.#t.hostname = this.#o();\n break;\n case 6:\n this.#t.port = this.#o();\n break;\n case 7:\n this.#t.pathname = this.#o();\n break;\n case 8:\n = this.#o();\n break;\n case 9:\n this.#t.hash = this.#o();\n break;\n case 10:\n break;\n }\n this.#k(t, r);\n }\n #k(t, r) {\n this.#c = t, this.#u = this.#e + r, this.#e += r, this.#s = 0;\n }\n #P() {\n this.#e = this.#u, this.#s = 0;\n }\n #f(t) {\n this.#P(), this.#c = t;\n }\n #m(t) {\n return t < 0 && (t = this.#n.length - t), t < this.#n.length ? this.#n[t] : this.#n[this.#n.length - 1];\n }\n #a(t, r) {\n let n = this.#m(t);\n return n.value === r && (n.type === \"CHAR\" || n.type === \"ESCAPED_CHAR\" || n.type === \"INVALID_CHAR\");\n }\n #S() {\n return this.#a(this.#e, \":\");\n }\n #E() {\n return this.#a(this.#e + 1, \"/\") && this.#a(this.#e + 2, \"/\");\n }\n #x() {\n return this.#a(this.#e, \"@\");\n }\n #R() {\n return this.#a(this.#e, \":\");\n }\n #y() {\n return this.#a(this.#e, \":\");\n }\n #b() {\n return this.#a(this.#e, \"/\");\n }\n #h() {\n if (this.#a(this.#e, \"?\"))\n return true;\n if (this.#n[this.#e].value !== \"?\")\n return false;\n let t = this.#m(this.#e - 1);\n return t.type !== \"NAME\" && t.type !== \"REGEX\" && t.type !== \"CLOSE\" && t.type !== \"ASTERISK\";\n }\n #l() {\n return this.#a(this.#e, \"#\");\n }\n #O() {\n return this.#n[this.#e].type == \"OPEN\";\n }\n #T() {\n return this.#n[this.#e].type == \"CLOSE\";\n }\n #A() {\n return this.#a(this.#e, \"[\");\n }\n #w() {\n return this.#a(this.#e, \"]\");\n }\n #o() {\n let t = this.#n[this.#e], r = this.#m(this.#u).index;\n return this.#i.substring(r, t.index);\n }\n #C() {\n let t = {};\n Object.assign(t, b), t.encodePart = A;\n let r = Z(this.#o(), void 0, t);\n this.#g = N(r);\n }\n}, \"U\");\nvar V = [\"protocol\", \"username\", \"password\", \"hostname\", \"port\", \"pathname\", \"search\", \"hash\"];\nvar E = \"*\";\nfunction ge(e, t) {\n if (typeof e != \"string\")\n throw new TypeError(\"parameter 1 is not of type 'string'.\");\n let r = new URL(e, t);\n return { protocol: r.protocol.substring(0, r.protocol.length - 1), username: r.username, password: r.password, hostname: r.hostname, port: r.port, pathname: r.pathname, search: !== \"\" ?, : void 0, hash: r.hash !== \"\" ? r.hash.substring(1, r.hash.length) : void 0 };\n}\n__name(ge, \"ge\");\nfunction P(e, t) {\n return t ? C(e) : e;\n}\n__name(P, \"P\");\nfunction w(e, t, r) {\n let n;\n if (typeof t.baseURL == \"string\")\n try {\n n = new URL(t.baseURL), e.protocol = P(n.protocol.substring(0, n.protocol.length - 1), r), e.username = P(n.username, r), e.password = P(n.password, r), e.hostname = P(n.hostname, r), e.port = P(n.port, r), e.pathname = P(n.pathname, r), = P(,, r), e.hash = P(n.hash.substring(1, n.hash.length), r);\n } catch {\n throw new TypeError(`invalid baseURL '${t.baseURL}'.`);\n }\n if (typeof t.protocol == \"string\" && (e.protocol = ce(t.protocol, r)), typeof t.username == \"string\" && (e.username = ie(t.username, r)), typeof t.password == \"string\" && (e.password = se(t.password, r)), typeof t.hostname == \"string\" && (e.hostname = ne(t.hostname, r)), typeof t.port == \"string\" && (e.port = oe(t.port, e.protocol, r)), typeof t.pathname == \"string\") {\n if (e.pathname = t.pathname, n && !J(e.pathname, r)) {\n let o = n.pathname.lastIndexOf(\"/\");\n o >= 0 && (e.pathname = P(n.pathname.substring(0, o + 1), r) + e.pathname);\n }\n e.pathname = ae(e.pathname, e.protocol, r);\n }\n return typeof == \"string\" && ( = re(, r)), typeof t.hash == \"string\" && (e.hash = te(t.hash, r)), e;\n}\n__name(w, \"w\");\nfunction C(e) {\n return e.replace(/([+*?:{}()\\\\])/g, \"\\\\$1\");\n}\n__name(C, \"C\");\nfunction Re(e) {\n return e.replace(/([.+*?^${}()[\\]|/\\\\])/g, \"\\\\$1\");\n}\n__name(Re, \"Re\");\nfunction ye(e, t) {\n t.delimiter ?? (t.delimiter = \"/#?\"), t.prefixes ?? (t.prefixes = \"./\"), t.sensitive ?? (t.sensitive = false), t.strict ?? (t.strict = false), t.end ?? (t.end = true), t.start ?? (t.start = true), t.endsWith = \"\";\n let r = \".*\", n = `[^${Re(t.delimiter)}]+?`, o = /[$_\\u200C\\u200D\\p{ID_Continue}]/u, c = \"\";\n for (let l = 0; l < e.length; ++l) {\n let s = e[l];\n if (s.type === 3) {\n if (s.modifier === 3) {\n c += C(s.value);\n continue;\n }\n c += `{${C(s.value)}}${y(s.modifier)}`;\n continue;\n }\n let i = s.hasCustomName(), a = !!s.suffix.length || !!s.prefix.length && (s.prefix.length !== 1 || !t.prefixes.includes(s.prefix)), h = l > 0 ? e[l - 1] : null, p = l < e.length - 1 ? e[l + 1] : null;\n if (!a && i && s.type === 1 && s.modifier === 3 && p && !p.prefix.length && !p.suffix.length)\n if (p.type === 3) {\n let O = p.value.length > 0 ? p.value[0] : \"\";\n a = o.test(O);\n } else\n a = !p.hasCustomName();\n if (!a && !s.prefix.length && h && h.type === 3) {\n let O = h.value[h.value.length - 1];\n a = t.prefixes.includes(O);\n }\n a && (c += \"{\"), c += C(s.prefix), i && (c += `:${}`), s.type === 2 ? c += `(${s.value})` : s.type === 1 ? i || (c += `(${n})`) : s.type === 0 && (!i && (!h || h.type === 3 || h.modifier !== 3 || a || s.prefix !== \"\") ? c += \"*\" : c += `(${r})`), s.type === 1 && i && s.suffix.length && o.test(s.suffix[0]) && (c += \"\\\\\"), c += C(s.suffix), a && (c += \"}\"), s.modifier !== 3 && (c += y(s.modifier));\n }\n return c;\n}\n__name(ye, \"ye\");\nvar me = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(class {\n #i;\n #n = {};\n #t = {};\n #e = {};\n #s = {};\n constructor(t = {}, r, n) {\n try {\n let o;\n if (typeof r == \"string\" ? o = r : n = r, typeof t == \"string\") {\n let i = new U(t);\n if (i.parse(), t = i.result, o === void 0 && typeof t.protocol != \"string\")\n throw new TypeError(\"A base URL must be provided for a relative constructor string.\");\n t.baseURL = o;\n } else {\n if (!t || typeof t != \"object\")\n throw new TypeError(\"parameter 1 is not of type 'string' and cannot convert to dictionary.\");\n if (o)\n throw new TypeError(\"parameter 1 is not of type 'string'.\");\n }\n typeof n > \"u\" && (n = { ignoreCase: false });\n let c = { ignoreCase: n.ignoreCase === true }, l = { pathname: E, protocol: E, username: E, password: E, hostname: E, port: E, search: E, hash: E };\n this.#i = w(l, t, true), _(this.#i.protocol) === this.#i.port && (this.#i.port = \"\");\n let s;\n for (s of V) {\n if (!(s in this.#i))\n continue;\n let i = {}, a = this.#i[s];\n switch (this.#t[s] = [], s) {\n case \"protocol\":\n Object.assign(i, b), i.encodePart = A;\n break;\n case \"username\":\n Object.assign(i, b), i.encodePart = le;\n break;\n case \"password\":\n Object.assign(i, b), i.encodePart = he;\n break;\n case \"hostname\":\n Object.assign(i, B), W(a) ? i.encodePart = j : i.encodePart = z;\n break;\n case \"port\":\n Object.assign(i, b), i.encodePart = K;\n break;\n case \"pathname\":\n N(this.#n.protocol) ? (Object.assign(i, q, c), i.encodePart = fe) : (Object.assign(i, b, c), i.encodePart = ue);\n break;\n case \"search\":\n Object.assign(i, b, c), i.encodePart = pe;\n break;\n case \"hash\":\n Object.assign(i, b, c), i.encodePart = de;\n break;\n }\n try {\n this.#s[s] = D(a, i), this.#n[s] = F(this.#s[s], this.#t[s], i), this.#e[s] = ye(this.#s[s], i);\n } catch {\n throw new TypeError(`invalid ${s} pattern '${this.#i[s]}'.`);\n }\n }\n } catch (o) {\n throw new TypeError(`Failed to construct 'URLPattern': ${o.message}`);\n }\n }\n test(t = {}, r) {\n let n = { pathname: \"\", protocol: \"\", username: \"\", password: \"\", hostname: \"\", port: \"\", search: \"\", hash: \"\" };\n if (typeof t != \"string\" && r)\n throw new TypeError(\"parameter 1 is not of type 'string'.\");\n if (typeof t > \"u\")\n return false;\n try {\n typeof t == \"object\" ? n = w(n, t, false) : n = w(n, ge(t, r), false);\n } catch {\n return false;\n }\n let o;\n for (o of V)\n if (!this.#n[o].exec(n[o]))\n return false;\n return true;\n }\n exec(t = {}, r) {\n let n = { pathname: \"\", protocol: \"\", username: \"\", password: \"\", hostname: \"\", port: \"\", search: \"\", hash: \"\" };\n if (typeof t != \"string\" && r)\n throw new TypeError(\"parameter 1 is not of type 'string'.\");\n if (typeof t > \"u\")\n return;\n try {\n typeof t == \"object\" ? n = w(n, t, false) : n = w(n, ge(t, r), false);\n } catch {\n return null;\n }\n let o = {};\n r ? o.inputs = [t, r] : o.inputs = [t];\n let c;\n for (c of V) {\n let l = this.#n[c].exec(n[c]);\n if (!l)\n return null;\n let s = {};\n for (let [i, a] of this.#t[c].entries())\n if (typeof a == \"string\" || typeof a == \"number\") {\n let h = l[i + 1];\n s[a] = h;\n }\n o[c] = { input: n[c] ?? \"\", groups: s };\n }\n return o;\n }\n static compareComponent(t, r, n) {\n let o = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((i, a) => {\n for (let h of [\"type\", \"modifier\", \"prefix\", \"value\", \"suffix\"]) {\n if (i[h] < a[h])\n return -1;\n if (i[h] === a[h])\n continue;\n return 1;\n }\n return 0;\n }, \"o\"), c = new k(3, \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", 3), l = new k(0, \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", 3), s = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((i, a) => {\n let h = 0;\n for (; h < Math.min(i.length, a.length); ++h) {\n let p = o(i[h], a[h]);\n if (p)\n return p;\n }\n return i.length === a.length ? 0 : o(i[h] ?? c, a[h] ?? c);\n }, \"s\");\n return !r.#e[t] && !n.#e[t] ? 0 : r.#e[t] && !n.#e[t] ? s(r.#s[t], [l]) : !r.#e[t] && n.#e[t] ? s([l], n.#s[t]) : s(r.#s[t], n.#s[t]);\n }\n get protocol() {\n return this.#e.protocol;\n }\n get username() {\n return this.#e.username;\n }\n get password() {\n return this.#e.password;\n }\n get hostname() {\n return this.#e.hostname;\n }\n get port() {\n return this.#e.port;\n }\n get pathname() {\n return this.#e.pathname;\n }\n get search() {\n return;\n }\n get hash() {\n return this.#e.hash;\n }\n}, \"me\");\n\n// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/urlpattern-polyfill@9.0.0/node_modules/urlpattern-polyfill/index.js\nif (!globalThis.URLPattern) {\n globalThis.URLPattern = me;\n}\n// Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node:\n0 && (module.exports = {\n URLPattern\n});\n"

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ {

"homepage": "",
"version": "3.0.1",
"version": "3.0.2",
"main": "dist/index.js",

@@ -41,3 +41,3 @@ "repository": {

"undici": "5.22.1",
"urlpattern-polyfill": "8.0.2",
"urlpattern-polyfill": "9.0.0",
"web-streams-polyfill": "4.0.0-beta.3"

@@ -44,0 +44,0 @@ },

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