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@edge-runtime/primitives - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 5.0.0 to 5.0.1



@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

module.exports = "\"use strict\";\nvar __defProp = Object.defineProperty;\nvar __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;\nvar __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;\nvar __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\nvar __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, \"name\", { value, configurable: true });\nvar __export = (target, all) => {\n for (var name in all)\n __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });\n};\nvar __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {\n if (from && typeof from === \"object\" || typeof from === \"function\") {\n for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))\n if (!, key) && key !== except)\n __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });\n }\n return to;\n};\nvar __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, \"__esModule\", { value: true }), mod);\n\n// src/primitives/abort-controller.js\nvar abort_controller_exports = {};\n__export(abort_controller_exports, {\n AbortController: () => AbortController,\n AbortSignal: () => AbortSignal,\n DOMException: () => DOMException\n});\nmodule.exports = __toCommonJS(abort_controller_exports);\nvar kSignal = Symbol(\"kSignal\");\nvar kAborted = Symbol(\"kAborted\");\nvar kReason = Symbol(\"kReason\");\nvar kName = Symbol(\"kName\");\nvar kOnabort = Symbol(\"kOnabort\");\nvar _DOMException = class _DOMException extends Error {\n constructor(message, name) {\n super(message);\n this[kName] = name;\n }\n get name() {\n return this[kName];\n }\n};\n__name(_DOMException, \"DOMException\");\nvar DOMException = _DOMException;\nfunction createAbortSignal() {\n const signal = new EventTarget();\n Object.setPrototypeOf(signal, AbortSignal.prototype);\n signal[kAborted] = false;\n signal[kReason] = void 0;\n signal[kOnabort] = void 0;\n return signal;\n}\n__name(createAbortSignal, \"createAbortSignal\");\nfunction abortSignalAbort(signal, reason) {\n if (typeof reason === \"undefined\") {\n reason = new DOMException(\"This operation was aborted\", \"AbortError\");\n }\n if (signal.aborted) {\n return;\n }\n signal[kReason] = reason;\n signal[kAborted] = true;\n signal.dispatchEvent(new Event(\"abort\"));\n}\n__name(abortSignalAbort, \"abortSignalAbort\");\nvar _AbortController = class _AbortController {\n constructor() {\n this[kSignal] = createAbortSignal();\n }\n get signal() {\n return this[kSignal];\n }\n abort(reason) {\n abortSignalAbort(this.signal, reason);\n }\n};\n__name(_AbortController, \"AbortController\");\nvar AbortController = _AbortController;\nvar _AbortSignal = class _AbortSignal extends EventTarget {\n constructor() {\n throw new TypeError(\"Illegal constructor\");\n }\n get aborted() {\n return this[kAborted];\n }\n get reason() {\n return this[kReason];\n }\n get onabort() {\n return this[kOnabort];\n }\n set onabort(value) {\n if (this[kOnabort]) {\n this.removeEventListener(\"abort\", this[kOnabort]);\n }\n if (value) {\n this[kOnabort] = value;\n this.addEventListener(\"abort\", this[kOnabort]);\n }\n }\n throwIfAborted() {\n if (this[kAborted]) {\n throw this[kReason];\n }\n }\n static abort(reason) {\n const signal = createAbortSignal();\n abortSignalAbort(signal, reason);\n return signal;\n }\n static timeout(milliseconds) {\n const signal = createAbortSignal();\n setTimeout(() => {\n abortSignalAbort(\n signal,\n new DOMException(\n \"The operation was aborted due to timeout\",\n \"TimeoutError\"\n )\n );\n }, milliseconds);\n return signal;\n }\n};\n__name(_AbortSignal, \"AbortSignal\");\nvar AbortSignal = _AbortSignal;\n// Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node:\n0 && (module.exports = {\n AbortController,\n AbortSignal,\n DOMException\n});\n"
module.exports = "\"use strict\";var c=Object.defineProperty,f=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,y=Object.getOwnPropertyNames,S=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,a=(r,t)=>c(r,\"name\",{value:t,configurable:!0}),m=(r,t)=>{for(var e in t)c(r,e,{get:t[e],enumerable:!0})},w=(r,t,e,p)=>{if(t&&typeof t==\"object\"||typeof t==\"function\")for(let n of y(t))!,n)&&n!==e&&c(r,n,{get:()=>t[n],enumerable:!(p=f(t,n))||p.enumerable});return r},E=r=>w(c({},\"__esModule\",{value:!0}),r),_={};m(_,{AbortController:()=>x,AbortSignal:()=>O,DOMException:()=>u});module.exports=E(_);var v=Symbol(\"kSignal\"),i=Symbol(\"kAborted\"),s=Symbol(\"kReason\"),g=Symbol(\"kName\"),o=Symbol(\"kOnabort\"),h=class extends Error{constructor(t,e){super(t),this[g]=e}get name(){return this[g]}};a(h,\"DOMException\");var u=h;function b(){let r=new EventTarget;return Object.setPrototypeOf(r,O.prototype),r[i]=!1,r[s]=void 0,r[o]=void 0,r}a(b,\"createAbortSignal\");function l(r,t){typeof t>\"u\"&&(t=new u(\"This operation was aborted\",\"AbortError\")),!r.aborted&&(r[s]=t,r[i]=!0,r.dispatchEvent(new Event(\"abort\")))}a(l,\"abortSignalAbort\");var d=class{constructor(){this[v]=b()}get signal(){return this[v]}abort(t){l(this.signal,t)}};a(d,\"AbortController\");var x=d,A=class extends EventTarget{constructor(){throw new TypeError(\"Illegal constructor\")}get aborted(){return this[i]}get reason(){return this[s]}get onabort(){return this[o]}set onabort(t){this[o]&&this.removeEventListener(\"abort\",this[o]),t&&(this[o]=t,this.addEventListener(\"abort\",this[o]))}throwIfAborted(){if(this[i])throw this[s]}static abort(t){let e=b();return l(e,t),e}static timeout(t){let e=b();return setTimeout(()=>{l(e,new u(\"The operation was aborted due to timeout\",\"TimeoutError\"))},t),e}};a(A,\"AbortSignal\");var O=A;\n"

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

module.exports = "\"use strict\";\nvar __create = Object.create;\nvar __defProp = Object.defineProperty;\nvar __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;\nvar __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;\nvar __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf;\nvar __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\nvar __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, \"name\", { value, configurable: true });\nvar __esm = (fn, res) => function __init() {\n return fn && (res = (0, fn[__getOwnPropNames(fn)[0]])(fn = 0)), res;\n};\nvar __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require() {\n return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports;\n};\nvar __export = (target, all) => {\n for (var name in all)\n __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });\n};\nvar __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {\n if (from && typeof from === \"object\" || typeof from === \"function\") {\n for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))\n if (!, key) && key !== except)\n __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });\n }\n return to;\n};\nvar __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps(\n // If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM\n // file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel-\n // compatible transform (i.e. \"__esModule\" has not been set), then set\n // \"default\" to the CommonJS \"module.exports\" for node compatibility.\n isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, \"default\", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target,\n mod\n));\nvar __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, \"__esModule\", { value: true }), mod);\n\n// <define:process>\nvar init_define_process = __esm({\n \"<define:process>\"() {\n }\n});\n\n// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/blob-polyfill@7.0.20220408/node_modules/blob-polyfill/Blob.js\nvar require_Blob = __commonJS({\n \"../../node_modules/.pnpm/blob-polyfill@7.0.20220408/node_modules/blob-polyfill/Blob.js\"(exports2) {\n \"use strict\";\n init_define_process();\n (function(global2) {\n (function(factory) {\n if (typeof define === \"function\" && define.amd) {\n define([\"exports\"], factory);\n } else if (typeof exports2 === \"object\" && typeof exports2.nodeName !== \"string\") {\n factory(exports2);\n } else {\n factory(global2);\n }\n })(function(exports3) {\n \"use strict\";\n var BlobBuilder = global2.BlobBuilder || global2.WebKitBlobBuilder || global2.MSBlobBuilder || global2.MozBlobBuilder;\n var URL = global2.URL || global2.webkitURL || function(href, a) {\n a = document.createElement(\"a\");\n a.href = href;\n return a;\n };\n var origBlob = global2.Blob;\n var createObjectURL = URL.createObjectURL;\n var revokeObjectURL = URL.revokeObjectURL;\n var strTag = global2.Symbol && global2.Symbol.toStringTag;\n var blobSupported = false;\n var blobSupportsArrayBufferView = false;\n var blobBuilderSupported = BlobBuilder && BlobBuilder.prototype.append && BlobBuilder.prototype.getBlob;\n try {\n blobSupported = new Blob([\"\\xE4\"]).size === 2;\n blobSupportsArrayBufferView = new Blob([new Uint8Array([1, 2])]).size === 2;\n } catch (e) {\n }\n function mapArrayBufferViews(ary) {\n return {\n if (chunk.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer) {\n var buf = chunk.buffer;\n if (chunk.byteLength !== buf.byteLength) {\n var copy = new Uint8Array(chunk.byteLength);\n copy.set(new Uint8Array(buf, chunk.byteOffset, chunk.byteLength));\n buf = copy.buffer;\n }\n return buf;\n }\n return chunk;\n });\n }\n __name(mapArrayBufferViews, \"mapArrayBufferViews\");\n function BlobBuilderConstructor(ary, options) {\n options = options || {};\n var bb = new BlobBuilder();\n mapArrayBufferViews(ary).forEach(function(part) {\n bb.append(part);\n });\n return options.type ? bb.getBlob(options.type) : bb.getBlob();\n }\n __name(BlobBuilderConstructor, \"BlobBuilderConstructor\");\n function BlobConstructor(ary, options) {\n return new origBlob(mapArrayBufferViews(ary), options || {});\n }\n __name(BlobConstructor, \"BlobConstructor\");\n if (global2.Blob) {\n BlobBuilderConstructor.prototype = Blob.prototype;\n BlobConstructor.prototype = Blob.prototype;\n }\n function stringEncode(string) {\n var pos = 0;\n var len = string.length;\n var Arr = global2.Uint8Array || Array;\n var at = 0;\n var tlen = Math.max(32, len + (len >> 1) + 7);\n var target = new Arr(tlen >> 3 << 3);\n while (pos < len) {\n var value = string.charCodeAt(pos++);\n if (value >= 55296 && value <= 56319) {\n if (pos < len) {\n var extra = string.charCodeAt(pos);\n if ((extra & 64512) === 56320) {\n ++pos;\n value = ((value & 1023) << 10) + (extra & 1023) + 65536;\n }\n }\n if (value >= 55296 && value <= 56319) {\n continue;\n }\n }\n if (at + 4 > target.length) {\n tlen += 8;\n tlen *= 1 + pos / string.length * 2;\n tlen = tlen >> 3 << 3;\n var update = new Uint8Array(tlen);\n update.set(target);\n target = update;\n }\n if ((value & 4294967168) === 0) {\n target[at++] = value;\n continue;\n } else if ((value & 4294965248) === 0) {\n target[at++] = value >> 6 & 31 | 192;\n } else if ((value & 4294901760) === 0) {\n target[at++] = value >> 12 & 15 | 224;\n target[at++] = value >> 6 & 63 | 128;\n } else if ((value & 4292870144) === 0) {\n target[at++] = value >> 18 & 7 | 240;\n target[at++] = value >> 12 & 63 | 128;\n target[at++] = value >> 6 & 63 | 128;\n } else {\n continue;\n }\n target[at++] = value & 63 | 128;\n }\n return target.slice(0, at);\n }\n __name(stringEncode, \"stringEncode\");\n function stringDecode(buf) {\n var end = buf.length;\n var res = [];\n var i = 0;\n while (i < end) {\n var firstByte = buf[i];\n var codePoint = null;\n var bytesPerSequence = firstByte > 239 ? 4 : firstByte > 223 ? 3 : firstByte > 191 ? 2 : 1;\n if (i + bytesPerSequence <= end) {\n var secondByte, thirdByte, fourthByte, tempCodePoint;\n switch (bytesPerSequence) {\n case 1:\n if (firstByte < 128) {\n codePoint = firstByte;\n }\n break;\n case 2:\n secondByte = buf[i + 1];\n if ((secondByte & 192) === 128) {\n tempCodePoint = (firstByte & 31) << 6 | secondByte & 63;\n if (tempCodePoint > 127) {\n codePoint = tempCodePoint;\n }\n }\n break;\n case 3:\n secondByte = buf[i + 1];\n thirdByte = buf[i + 2];\n if ((secondByte & 192) === 128 && (thirdByte & 192) === 128) {\n tempCodePoint = (firstByte & 15) << 12 | (secondByte & 63) << 6 | thirdByte & 63;\n if (tempCodePoint > 2047 && (tempCodePoint < 55296 || tempCodePoint > 57343)) {\n codePoint = tempCodePoint;\n }\n }\n break;\n case 4:\n secondByte = buf[i + 1];\n thirdByte = buf[i + 2];\n fourthByte = buf[i + 3];\n if ((secondByte & 192) === 128 && (thirdByte & 192) === 128 && (fourthByte & 192) === 128) {\n tempCodePoint = (firstByte & 15) << 18 | (secondByte & 63) << 12 | (thirdByte & 63) << 6 | fourthByte & 63;\n if (tempCodePoint > 65535 && tempCodePoint < 1114112) {\n codePoint = tempCodePoint;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n if (codePoint === null) {\n codePoint = 65533;\n bytesPerSequence = 1;\n } else if (codePoint > 65535) {\n codePoint -= 65536;\n res.push(codePoint >>> 10 & 1023 | 55296);\n codePoint = 56320 | codePoint & 1023;\n }\n res.push(codePoint);\n i += bytesPerSequence;\n }\n var len = res.length;\n var str = \"\";\n var j = 0;\n while (j < len) {\n str += String.fromCharCode.apply(String, res.slice(j, j += 4096));\n }\n return str;\n }\n __name(stringDecode, \"stringDecode\");\n var textEncode = typeof TextEncoder === \"function\" ? TextEncoder.prototype.encode.bind(new TextEncoder()) : stringEncode;\n var textDecode = typeof TextDecoder === \"function\" ? TextDecoder.prototype.decode.bind(new TextDecoder()) : stringDecode;\n function FakeBlobBuilder() {\n function bufferClone(buf) {\n var view = new Array(buf.byteLength);\n var array = new Uint8Array(buf);\n var i = view.length;\n while (i--) {\n view[i] = array[i];\n }\n return view;\n }\n __name(bufferClone, \"bufferClone\");\n function array2base64(input) {\n var byteToCharMap = \"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=\";\n var output = [];\n for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i += 3) {\n var byte1 = input[i];\n var haveByte2 = i + 1 < input.length;\n var byte2 = haveByte2 ? input[i + 1] : 0;\n var haveByte3 = i + 2 < input.length;\n var byte3 = haveByte3 ? input[i + 2] : 0;\n var outByte1 = byte1 >> 2;\n var outByte2 = (byte1 & 3) << 4 | byte2 >> 4;\n var outByte3 = (byte2 & 15) << 2 | byte3 >> 6;\n var outByte4 = byte3 & 63;\n if (!haveByte3) {\n outByte4 = 64;\n if (!haveByte2) {\n outByte3 = 64;\n }\n }\n output.push(\n byteToCharMap[outByte1],\n byteToCharMap[outByte2],\n byteToCharMap[outByte3],\n byteToCharMap[outByte4]\n );\n }\n return output.join(\"\");\n }\n __name(array2base64, \"array2base64\");\n var create = Object.create || function(a) {\n function c() {\n }\n __name(c, \"c\");\n c.prototype = a;\n return new c();\n };\n function getObjectTypeName(o) {\n return, -1);\n }\n __name(getObjectTypeName, \"getObjectTypeName\");\n function isPrototypeOf(c, o) {\n return typeof c === \"object\" &&, o);\n }\n __name(isPrototypeOf, \"isPrototypeOf\");\n function isDataView(o) {\n return getObjectTypeName(o) === \"DataView\" || isPrototypeOf(global2.DataView, o);\n }\n __name(isDataView, \"isDataView\");\n var arrayBufferClassNames = [\n \"Int8Array\",\n \"Uint8Array\",\n \"Uint8ClampedArray\",\n \"Int16Array\",\n \"Uint16Array\",\n \"Int32Array\",\n \"Uint32Array\",\n \"Float32Array\",\n \"Float64Array\",\n \"ArrayBuffer\"\n ];\n function includes(a, v) {\n return a.indexOf(v) !== -1;\n }\n __name(includes, \"includes\");\n function isArrayBuffer(o) {\n return includes(arrayBufferClassNames, getObjectTypeName(o)) || isPrototypeOf(global2.ArrayBuffer, o);\n }\n __name(isArrayBuffer, \"isArrayBuffer\");\n function concatTypedarrays(chunks) {\n var size = 0;\n var j = chunks.length;\n while (j--) {\n size += chunks[j].length;\n }\n var b = new Uint8Array(size);\n var offset = 0;\n for (var i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) {\n var chunk = chunks[i];\n b.set(chunk, offset);\n offset += chunk.byteLength || chunk.length;\n }\n return b;\n }\n __name(concatTypedarrays, \"concatTypedarrays\");\n function Blob3(chunks, opts) {\n chunks = chunks ? chunks.slice() : [];\n opts = opts == null ? {} : opts;\n for (var i = 0, len = chunks.length; i < len; i++) {\n var chunk = chunks[i];\n if (chunk instanceof Blob3) {\n chunks[i] = chunk._buffer;\n } else if (typeof chunk === \"string\") {\n chunks[i] = textEncode(chunk);\n } else if (isDataView(chunk)) {\n chunks[i] = bufferClone(chunk.buffer);\n } else if (isArrayBuffer(chunk)) {\n chunks[i] = bufferClone(chunk);\n } else {\n chunks[i] = textEncode(String(chunk));\n }\n }\n this._buffer = global2.Uint8Array ? concatTypedarrays(chunks) : [].concat.apply([], chunks);\n this.size = this._buffer.length;\n this.type = opts.type || \"\";\n if (/[^\\u0020-\\u007E]/.test(this.type)) {\n this.type = \"\";\n } else {\n this.type = this.type.toLowerCase();\n }\n }\n __name(Blob3, \"Blob\");\n Blob3.prototype.arrayBuffer = function() {\n return Promise.resolve(this._buffer.buffer || this._buffer);\n };\n Blob3.prototype.text = function() {\n return Promise.resolve(textDecode(this._buffer));\n };\n Blob3.prototype.slice = function(start, end, type) {\n var slice = this._buffer.slice(start || 0, end || this._buffer.length);\n return new Blob3([slice], { type });\n };\n Blob3.prototype.toString = function() {\n return \"[object Blob]\";\n };\n function File2(chunks, name, opts) {\n opts = opts || {};\n var a =, chunks, opts) || this;\n = name.replace(/\\//g, \":\");\n a.lastModifiedDate = opts.lastModified ? new Date(opts.lastModified) : /* @__PURE__ */ new Date();\n a.lastModified = +a.lastModifiedDate;\n return a;\n }\n __name(File2, \"File\");\n File2.prototype = create(Blob3.prototype);\n File2.prototype.constructor = File2;\n if (Object.setPrototypeOf) {\n Object.setPrototypeOf(File2, Blob3);\n } else {\n try {\n File2.__proto__ = Blob3;\n } catch (e) {\n }\n }\n File2.prototype.toString = function() {\n return \"[object File]\";\n };\n function FileReader2() {\n if (!(this instanceof FileReader2)) {\n throw new TypeError(\"Failed to construct 'FileReader': Please use the 'new' operator, this DOM object constructor cannot be called as a function.\");\n }\n var delegate = document.createDocumentFragment();\n this.addEventListener = delegate.addEventListener;\n this.dispatchEvent = function(evt) {\n var local = this[\"on\" + evt.type];\n if (typeof local === \"function\")\n local(evt);\n delegate.dispatchEvent(evt);\n };\n this.removeEventListener = delegate.removeEventListener;\n }\n __name(FileReader2, \"FileReader\");\n function _read(fr, blob2, kind) {\n if (!(blob2 instanceof Blob3)) {\n throw new TypeError(\"Failed to execute '\" + kind + \"' on 'FileReader': parameter 1 is not of type 'Blob'.\");\n }\n fr.result = \"\";\n setTimeout(function() {\n this.readyState = FileReader2.LOADING;\n fr.dispatchEvent(new Event(\"load\"));\n fr.dispatchEvent(new Event(\"loadend\"));\n });\n }\n __name(_read, \"_read\");\n FileReader2.EMPTY = 0;\n FileReader2.LOADING = 1;\n FileReader2.DONE = 2;\n FileReader2.prototype.error = null;\n FileReader2.prototype.onabort = null;\n FileReader2.prototype.onerror = null;\n FileReader2.prototype.onload = null;\n FileReader2.prototype.onloadend = null;\n FileReader2.prototype.onloadstart = null;\n FileReader2.prototype.onprogress = null;\n FileReader2.prototype.readAsDataURL = function(blob2) {\n _read(this, blob2, \"readAsDataURL\");\n this.result = \"data:\" + blob2.type + \";base64,\" + array2base64(blob2._buffer);\n };\n FileReader2.prototype.readAsText = function(blob2) {\n _read(this, blob2, \"readAsText\");\n this.result = textDecode(blob2._buffer);\n };\n FileReader2.prototype.readAsArrayBuffer = function(blob2) {\n _read(this, blob2, \"readAsText\");\n this.result = (blob2._buffer.buffer || blob2._buffer).slice();\n };\n FileReader2.prototype.abort = function() {\n };\n URL.createObjectURL = function(blob2) {\n return blob2 instanceof Blob3 ? \"data:\" + blob2.type + \";base64,\" + array2base64(blob2._buffer) :, blob2);\n };\n URL.revokeObjectURL = function(url) {\n revokeObjectURL &&, url);\n };\n var _send = global2.XMLHttpRequest && global2.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send;\n if (_send) {\n XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function(data) {\n if (data instanceof Blob3) {\n this.setRequestHeader(\"Content-Type\", data.type);\n, textDecode(data._buffer));\n } else {\n, data);\n }\n };\n }\n exports3.Blob = Blob3;\n exports3.File = File2;\n exports3.FileReader = FileReader2;\n exports3.URL = URL;\n }\n __name(FakeBlobBuilder, \"FakeBlobBuilder\");\n function fixFileAndXHR() {\n var isIE = !!global2.ActiveXObject || \"-ms-scroll-limit\" in && \"-ms-ime-align\" in;\n var _send = global2.XMLHttpRequest && global2.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send;\n if (isIE && _send) {\n XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function(data) {\n if (data instanceof Blob) {\n this.setRequestHeader(\"Content-Type\", data.type);\n, data);\n } else {\n, data);\n }\n };\n }\n try {\n new File([], \"\");\n exports3.File = global2.File;\n exports3.FileReader = global2.FileReader;\n } catch (e) {\n try {\n exports3.File = new Function(\n 'class File extends Blob {constructor(chunks, name, opts) {opts = opts || {};super(chunks, opts || {}); = name.replace(/\\\\//g, \":\");this.lastModifiedDate = opts.lastModified ? new Date(opts.lastModified) : new Date();this.lastModified = +this.lastModifiedDate;}};return new File([], \"\"), File'\n )();\n } catch (e2) {\n exports3.File = function(b, d, c) {\n var blob2 = new Blob(b, c);\n var t = c && void 0 !== c.lastModified ? new Date(c.lastModified) : /* @__PURE__ */ new Date();\n = d.replace(/\\//g, \":\");\n blob2.lastModifiedDate = t;\n blob2.lastModified = +t;\n blob2.toString = function() {\n return \"[object File]\";\n };\n if (strTag) {\n blob2[strTag] = \"File\";\n }\n return blob2;\n };\n }\n }\n }\n __name(fixFileAndXHR, \"fixFileAndXHR\");\n if (blobSupported) {\n fixFileAndXHR();\n exports3.Blob = blobSupportsArrayBufferView ? global2.Blob : BlobConstructor;\n } else if (blobBuilderSupported) {\n fixFileAndXHR();\n exports3.Blob = BlobBuilderConstructor;\n } else {\n FakeBlobBuilder();\n }\n if (strTag) {\n if (!exports3.File.prototype[strTag])\n exports3.File.prototype[strTag] = \"File\";\n if (!exports3.Blob.prototype[strTag])\n exports3.Blob.prototype[strTag] = \"Blob\";\n if (!exports3.FileReader.prototype[strTag])\n exports3.FileReader.prototype[strTag] = \"FileReader\";\n }\n var blob = exports3.Blob.prototype;\n var stream;\n try {\n new ReadableStream({ type: \"bytes\" });\n stream = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function stream2() {\n var position = 0;\n var blob2 = this;\n return new ReadableStream({\n type: \"bytes\",\n autoAllocateChunkSize: 524288,\n pull: function(controller) {\n var v = controller.byobRequest.view;\n var chunk = blob2.slice(position, position + v.byteLength);\n return chunk.arrayBuffer().then(function(buffer) {\n var uint8array = new Uint8Array(buffer);\n var bytesRead = uint8array.byteLength;\n position += bytesRead;\n v.set(uint8array);\n controller.byobRequest.respond(bytesRead);\n if (position >= blob2.size)\n controller.close();\n });\n }\n });\n }, \"stream\");\n } catch (e) {\n try {\n new ReadableStream({});\n stream = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function stream2(blob2) {\n var position = 0;\n return new ReadableStream({\n pull: function(controller) {\n var chunk = blob2.slice(position, position + 524288);\n return chunk.arrayBuffer().then(function(buffer) {\n position += buffer.byteLength;\n var uint8array = new Uint8Array(buffer);\n controller.enqueue(uint8array);\n if (position == blob2.size)\n controller.close();\n });\n }\n });\n }, \"stream\");\n } catch (e2) {\n try {\n new Response(\"\").body.getReader().read();\n stream = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function stream2() {\n return new Response(this).body;\n }, \"stream\");\n } catch (e3) {\n stream = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function stream2() {\n throw new Error(\"Include\");\n }, \"stream\");\n }\n }\n }\n function promisify(obj) {\n return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {\n obj.onload = obj.onerror = function(evt) {\n obj.onload = obj.onerror = null;\n evt.type === \"load\" ? resolve(obj.result || obj) : reject(new Error(\"Failed to read the blob/file\"));\n };\n });\n }\n __name(promisify, \"promisify\");\n if (!blob.arrayBuffer) {\n blob.arrayBuffer = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function arrayBuffer() {\n var fr = new FileReader();\n fr.readAsArrayBuffer(this);\n return promisify(fr);\n }, \"arrayBuffer\");\n }\n if (!blob.text) {\n blob.text = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function text() {\n var fr = new FileReader();\n fr.readAsText(this);\n return promisify(fr);\n }, \"text\");\n }\n if (! {\n = stream;\n }\n });\n })(\n typeof self !== \"undefined\" && self || typeof window !== \"undefined\" && window || typeof global !== \"undefined\" && global || exports2\n );\n }\n});\n\n// src/primitives/blob.js\nvar blob_exports = {};\n__export(blob_exports, {\n Blob: () => import_blob_polyfill.Blob\n});\nmodule.exports = __toCommonJS(blob_exports);\ninit_define_process();\nvar import_blob_polyfill = __toESM(require_Blob());\n// Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node:\n0 && (module.exports = {\n Blob\n});\n"
module.exports = "\"use strict\";var ae=Object.create,M=Object.defineProperty,ie=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,N=Object.getOwnPropertyNames,oe=Object.getPrototypeOf,fe=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,v=(u,r)=>M(u,\"name\",{value:r,configurable:!0}),le=(u,r)=>function(){return u&&(r=(0,u[N(u)[0]])(u=0)),r},se=(u,r)=>function(){return r||(0,u[N(u)[0]])((r={exports:{}}).exports,r),r.exports},ue=(u,r)=>{for(var l in r)M(u,l,{get:r[l],enumerable:!0})},Z=(u,r,l,F)=>{if(r&&typeof r==\"object\"||typeof r==\"function\")for(let m of N(r))!,m)&&m!==l&&M(u,m,{get:()=>r[m],enumerable:!(F=ie(r,m))||F.enumerable});return u},pe=(u,r,l)=>(l=u!=null?ae(oe(u)):{},Z(r||!u||!u.__esModule?M(l,\"default\",{value:u,enumerable:!0}):l,u)),ce=u=>Z(M({},\"__esModule\",{value:!0}),u),$=le({\"<define:process>\"(){}}),ye=se({\"../../node_modules/.pnpm/blob-polyfill@7.0.20220408/node_modules/blob-polyfill/Blob.js\"(u){\"use strict\";$(),function(r){(function(l){typeof define==\"function\"&&define.amd?define([\"exports\"],l):typeof u==\"object\"&&typeof u.nodeName!=\"string\"?l(u):l(r)})(function(l){\"use strict\";var F=r.BlobBuilder||r.WebKitBlobBuilder||r.MSBlobBuilder||r.MozBlobBuilder,m=r.URL||r.webkitURL||function(a,t){return t=document.createElement(\"a\"),t.href=a,t},k=r.Blob,ee=m.createObjectURL,X=m.revokeObjectURL,B=r.Symbol&&r.Symbol.toStringTag,z=!1,C=!1,te=F&&F.prototype.append&&F.prototype.getBlob;try{z=new Blob([\"\\xE4\"]).size===2,C=new Blob([new Uint8Array([1,2])]).size===2}catch{}function j(a){return{if(t.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer){var i=t.buffer;if(t.byteLength!==i.byteLength){var o=new Uint8Array(t.byteLength);o.set(new Uint8Array(i,t.byteOffset,t.byteLength)),i=o.buffer}return i}return t})}v(j,\"mapArrayBufferViews\");function U(a,t){t=t||{};var i=new F;return j(a).forEach(function(o){i.append(o)}),t.type?i.getBlob(t.type):i.getBlob()}v(U,\"BlobBuilderConstructor\");function T(a,t){return new k(j(a),t||{})}v(T,\"BlobConstructor\"),r.Blob&&(U.prototype=Blob.prototype,T.prototype=Blob.prototype);function I(a){for(var t=0,i=a.length,o=r.Uint8Array||Array,s=0,y=Math.max(32,i+(i>>1)+7),p=new o(y>>3<<3);t<i;){var n=a.charCodeAt(t++);if(n>=55296&&n<=56319){if(t<i){var h=a.charCodeAt(t);(h&64512)===56320&&(++t,n=((n&1023)<<10)+(h&1023)+65536)}if(n>=55296&&n<=56319)continue}if(s+4>p.length){y+=8,y*=1+t/a.length*2,y=y>>3<<3;var R=new Uint8Array(y);R.set(p),p=R}if(n&4294967168)if(!(n&4294965248))p[s++]=n>>6&31|192;else if(!(n&4294901760))p[s++]=n>>12&15|224,p[s++]=n>>6&63|128;else if(!(n&4292870144))p[s++]=n>>18&7|240,p[s++]=n>>12&63|128,p[s++]=n>>6&63|128;else continue;else{p[s++]=n;continue}p[s++]=n&63|128}return p.slice(0,s)}v(I,\"stringEncode\");function V(a){for(var t=a.length,i=[],o=0;o<t;){var s=a[o],y=null,p=s>239?4:s>223?3:s>191?2:1;if(o+p<=t){var n,h,R,d;switch(p){case 1:s<128&&(y=s);break;case 2:n=a[o+1],(n&192)===128&&(d=(s&31)<<6|n&63,d>127&&(y=d));break;case 3:n=a[o+1],h=a[o+2],(n&192)===128&&(h&192)===128&&(d=(s&15)<<12|(n&63)<<6|h&63,d>2047&&(d<55296||d>57343)&&(y=d));break;case 4:n=a[o+1],h=a[o+2],R=a[o+3],(n&192)===128&&(h&192)===128&&(R&192)===128&&(d=(s&15)<<18|(n&63)<<12|(h&63)<<6|R&63,d>65535&&d<1114112&&(y=d))}}y===null?(y=65533,p=1):y>65535&&(y-=65536,i.push(y>>>10&1023|55296),y=56320|y&1023),i.push(y),o+=p}for(var A=i.length,w=\"\",g=0;g<A;)w+=String.fromCharCode.apply(String,i.slice(g,g+=4096));return w}v(V,\"stringDecode\");var G=typeof TextEncoder==\"function\"?TextEncoder.prototype.encode.bind(new TextEncoder):I,S=typeof TextDecoder==\"function\"?TextDecoder.prototype.decode.bind(new TextDecoder):V;function J(){function a(e){for(var f=new Array(e.byteLength),c=new Uint8Array(e),b=f.length;b--;)f[b]=c[b];return f}v(a,\"bufferClone\");function t(e){for(var f=\"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=\",c=[],b=0;b<e.length;b+=3){var _=e[b],L=b+1<e.length,D=L?e[b+1]:0,K=b+2<e.length,W=K?e[b+2]:0,re=_>>2,ne=(_&3)<<4|D>>4,Y=(D&15)<<2|W>>6,Q=W&63;K||(Q=64,L||(Y=64)),c.push(f[re],f[ne],f[Y],f[Q])}return c.join(\"\")}v(t,\"array2base64\");var i=Object.create||function(e){function f(){}return v(f,\"c\"),f.prototype=e,new f};function o(e){return,-1)}v(o,\"getObjectTypeName\");function s(e,f){return typeof e==\"object\"&&,f)}v(s,\"isPrototypeOf\");function y(e){return o(e)===\"DataView\"||s(r.DataView,e)}v(y,\"isDataView\");var p=[\"Int8Array\",\"Uint8Array\",\"Uint8ClampedArray\",\"Int16Array\",\"Uint16Array\",\"Int32Array\",\"Uint32Array\",\"Float32Array\",\"Float64Array\",\"ArrayBuffer\"];function n(e,f){return e.indexOf(f)!==-1}v(n,\"includes\");function h(e){return n(p,o(e))||s(r.ArrayBuffer,e)}v(h,\"isArrayBuffer\");function R(e){for(var f=0,c=e.length;c--;)f+=e[c].length;for(var b=new Uint8Array(f),_=0,L=0;L<e.length;L++){var D=e[L];b.set(D,_),_+=D.byteLength||D.length}return b}v(R,\"concatTypedarrays\");function d(e,f){e=e?e.slice():[],f=f??{};for(var c=0,b=e.length;c<b;c++){var _=e[c];_ instanceof d?e[c]=_._buffer:typeof _==\"string\"?e[c]=G(_):y(_)?e[c]=a(_.buffer):h(_)?e[c]=a(_):e[c]=G(String(_))}this._buffer=r.Uint8Array?R(e):[].concat.apply([],e),this.size=this._buffer.length,this.type=f.type||\"\",/[^\\u0020-\\u007E]/.test(this.type)?this.type=\"\":this.type=this.type.toLowerCase()}v(d,\"Blob\"),d.prototype.arrayBuffer=function(){return Promise.resolve(this._buffer.buffer||this._buffer)},d.prototype.text=function(){return Promise.resolve(S(this._buffer))},d.prototype.slice=function(e,f,c){var b=this._buffer.slice(e||0,f||this._buffer.length);return new d([b],{type:c})},d.prototype.toString=function(){return\"[object Blob]\"};function A(e,f,c){c=c||{};var,e,c)||this;return\\//g,\":\"),b.lastModifiedDate=c.lastModified?new Date(c.lastModified):new Date,b.lastModified=+b.lastModifiedDate,b}if(v(A,\"File\"),A.prototype=i(d.prototype),A.prototype.constructor=A,Object.setPrototypeOf)Object.setPrototypeOf(A,d);else try{A.__proto__=d}catch{}A.prototype.toString=function(){return\"[object File]\"};function w(){if(!(this instanceof w))throw new TypeError(\"Failed to construct 'FileReader': Please use the 'new' operator, this DOM object constructor cannot be called as a function.\");var e=document.createDocumentFragment();this.addEventListener=e.addEventListener,this.dispatchEvent=function(f){var c=this[\"on\"+f.type];typeof c==\"function\"&&c(f),e.dispatchEvent(f)},this.removeEventListener=e.removeEventListener}v(w,\"FileReader\");function g(e,f,c){if(!(f instanceof d))throw new TypeError(\"Failed to execute '\"+c+\"' on 'FileReader': parameter 1 is not of type 'Blob'.\");e.result=\"\",setTimeout(function(){this.readyState=w.LOADING,e.dispatchEvent(new Event(\"load\")),e.dispatchEvent(new Event(\"loadend\"))})}v(g,\"_read\"),w.EMPTY=0,w.LOADING=1,w.DONE=2,w.prototype.error=null,w.prototype.onabort=null,w.prototype.onerror=null,w.prototype.onload=null,w.prototype.onloadend=null,w.prototype.onloadstart=null,w.prototype.onprogress=null,w.prototype.readAsDataURL=function(e){g(this,e,\"readAsDataURL\"),this.result=\"data:\"+e.type+\";base64,\"+t(e._buffer)},w.prototype.readAsText=function(e){g(this,e,\"readAsText\"),this.result=S(e._buffer)},w.prototype.readAsArrayBuffer=function(e){g(this,e,\"readAsText\"),this.result=(e._buffer.buffer||e._buffer).slice()},w.prototype.abort=function(){},m.createObjectURL=function(e){return e instanceof d?\"data:\"+e.type+\";base64,\"+t(e._buffer),e)},m.revokeObjectURL=function(e){X&&,e)};var H=r.XMLHttpRequest&&r.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send;H&&(XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send=function(e){e instanceof d?(this.setRequestHeader(\"Content-Type\",e.type),,S(e._buffer))),e)}),l.Blob=d,l.File=A,l.FileReader=w,l.URL=m}v(J,\"FakeBlobBuilder\");function x(){var a=!!r.ActiveXObject||\"-ms-scroll-limit\"in\"-ms-ime-align\"in,t=r.XMLHttpRequest&&r.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send;a&&t&&(XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send=function(i){i instanceof Blob?(this.setRequestHeader(\"Content-Type\",i.type),,i)),i)});try{new File([],\"\"),l.File=r.File,l.FileReader=r.FileReader}catch{try{l.File=new Function('class File extends Blob {constructor(chunks, name, opts) {opts = opts || {};super(chunks, opts || {}); = name.replace(/\\\\//g, \":\");this.lastModifiedDate = opts.lastModified ? new Date(opts.lastModified) : new Date();this.lastModified = +this.lastModifiedDate;}};return new File([], \"\"), File')()}catch{l.File=function(s,y,p){var n=new Blob(s,p),h=p&&p.lastModified!==void 0?new Date(p.lastModified):new Date;return\\//g,\":\"),n.lastModifiedDate=h,n.lastModified=+h,n.toString=function(){return\"[object File]\"},B&&(n[B]=\"File\"),n}}}}v(x,\"fixFileAndXHR\"),z?(x(),l.Blob=C?r.Blob:T):te?(x(),l.Blob=U):J(),B&&(l.File.prototype[B]||(l.File.prototype[B]=\"File\"),l.Blob.prototype[B]||(l.Blob.prototype[B]=\"Blob\"),l.FileReader.prototype[B]||(l.FileReader.prototype[B]=\"FileReader\"));var O=l.Blob.prototype,E;try{new ReadableStream({type:\"bytes\"}),E=v(function(){var t=0,i=this;return new ReadableStream({type:\"bytes\",autoAllocateChunkSize:524288,pull:function(o){var s=o.byobRequest.view,y=i.slice(t,t+s.byteLength);return y.arrayBuffer().then(function(p){var n=new Uint8Array(p),h=n.byteLength;t+=h,s.set(n),o.byobRequest.respond(h),t>=i.size&&o.close()})}})},\"stream\")}catch{try{new ReadableStream({}),E=v(function(i){var o=0;return new ReadableStream({pull:function(s){var y=i.slice(o,o+524288);return y.arrayBuffer().then(function(p){o+=p.byteLength;var n=new Uint8Array(p);s.enqueue(n),o==i.size&&s.close()})}})},\"stream\")}catch{try{new Response(\"\").body.getReader().read(),E=v(function(){return new Response(this).body},\"stream\")}catch{E=v(function(){throw new Error(\"Include\")},\"stream\")}}}function q(a){return new Promise(function(t,i){a.onload=a.onerror=function(o){a.onload=a.onerror=null,o.type===\"load\"?t(a.result||a):i(new Error(\"Failed to read the blob/file\"))}})}v(q,\"promisify\"),O.arrayBuffer||(O.arrayBuffer=v(function(){var t=new FileReader;return t.readAsArrayBuffer(this),q(t)},\"arrayBuffer\")),O.text||(O.text=v(function(){var t=new FileReader;return t.readAsText(this),q(t)},\"text\")),||(})}(typeof self<\"u\"&&self||typeof window<\"u\"&&window||typeof global<\"u\"&&global||u)}}),P={};ue(P,{Blob:()=>de.Blob});module.exports=ce(P);$();var de=pe(ye());\n"

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

module.exports = "\"use strict\";\nvar __create = Object.create;\nvar __defProp = Object.defineProperty;\nvar __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;\nvar __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;\nvar __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf;\nvar __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\nvar __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, \"name\", { value, configurable: true });\nvar __esm = (fn, res) => function __init() {\n return fn && (res = (0, fn[__getOwnPropNames(fn)[0]])(fn = 0)), res;\n};\nvar __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require() {\n return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports;\n};\nvar __export = (target, all) => {\n for (var name in all)\n __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });\n};\nvar __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {\n if (from && typeof from === \"object\" || typeof from === \"function\") {\n for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))\n if (!, key) && key !== except)\n __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });\n }\n return to;\n};\nvar __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps(\n // If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM\n // file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel-\n // compatible transform (i.e. \"__esModule\" has not been set), then set\n // \"default\" to the CommonJS \"module.exports\" for node compatibility.\n isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, \"default\", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target,\n mod\n));\nvar __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, \"__esModule\", { value: true }), mod);\n\n// <define:process>\nvar init_define_process = __esm({\n \"<define:process>\"() {\n }\n});\n\n// ../format/dist/index.js\nvar require_dist = __commonJS({\n \"../format/dist/index.js\"(exports2, module2) {\n \"use strict\";\n init_define_process();\n var __defProp2 = Object.defineProperty;\n var __getOwnPropDesc2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;\n var __getOwnPropNames2 = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;\n var __hasOwnProp2 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\n var __export2 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((target, all) => {\n for (var name in all)\n __defProp2(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });\n }, \"__export\");\n var __copyProps2 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((to, from, except, desc) => {\n if (from && typeof from === \"object\" || typeof from === \"function\") {\n for (let key of __getOwnPropNames2(from))\n if (!, key) && key !== except)\n __defProp2(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc2(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });\n }\n return to;\n }, \"__copyProps\");\n var __toCommonJS2 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((mod) => __copyProps2(__defProp2({}, \"__esModule\", { value: true }), mod), \"__toCommonJS\");\n var src_exports = {};\n __export2(src_exports, {\n createFormat: () => createFormat2\n });\n module2.exports = __toCommonJS2(src_exports);\n var ReflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;\n function GetOwnGetter(target, key) {\n const descriptor = ReflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key);\n return descriptor ? descriptor.get : void 0;\n }\n __name(GetOwnGetter, \"GetOwnGetter\");\n var ReflectGetPrototypeOf = Reflect.getPrototypeOf;\n var TypedArray = ReflectGetPrototypeOf(Uint8Array);\n var ArrayPrototypeFilter = Array.prototype.filter;\n var ArrayPrototypePush = Array.prototype.push;\n var DatePrototypeGetTime = Date.prototype.getTime;\n var DatePrototypeToISOString = Date.prototype.toISOString;\n var ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptors = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors;\n var ObjectGetOwnPropertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;\n var ObjectGetOwnPropertySymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;\n var ObjectKeys = Object.keys;\n var ObjectPrototypePropertyIsEnumerable = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;\n var ObjectPrototypeToString = Object.prototype.toString;\n var MapPrototypeGetSize = GetOwnGetter(Map.prototype, \"size\");\n var SetPrototypeGetSize = GetOwnGetter(Set.prototype, \"size\");\n var StringPrototypeIncludes = String.prototype.includes;\n var SymbolIterator = Symbol.iterator;\n var SymbolPrototypeToString = Symbol.prototype.toString;\n var TypedArrayPrototypeGetLength = GetOwnGetter(\n TypedArray.prototype,\n \"length\"\n );\n var typedArrayStrings = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([\n \"[object BigInt64Array]\",\n \"[object BigUint64Array]\",\n \"[object Float32Array]\",\n \"[object Float64Array]\",\n \"[object Int8Array]\",\n \"[object Int16Array]\",\n \"[object Int32Array]\",\n \"[object Uint8Array]\",\n \"[object Uint8ClampedArray]\",\n \"[object Uint16Array]\",\n \"[object Uint32Array]\"\n ]);\n function getOwnNonIndexProperties(object, filter) {\n const indexes = Array.isArray(object) || isTypedArray(object) ? new Set([...object.keys()].map((v) => v.toString())) : void 0;\n return Object.entries(ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptors(object)).filter(([key, desc]) => {\n if (indexes && indexes.has(key)) {\n return false;\n }\n if (filter === 1 && !desc.enumerable) {\n return false;\n }\n return true;\n }).map(([key]) => key);\n }\n __name(getOwnNonIndexProperties, \"getOwnNonIndexProperties\");\n var isTypedArray = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((value) => kind(value, \"object\") && typedArrayStrings.has(, \"isTypedArray\");\n function kind(value, type) {\n return typeof value === type;\n }\n __name(kind, \"kind\");\n var getConstructorName = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((object) => {\n var _a;\n return (_a = object.constructor) == null ? void 0 :;\n }, \"getConstructorName\");\n var getPrefix = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((constructor = \"\", size = \"\") => `${constructor}${size} `, \"getPrefix\");\n function createFormat2(opts = {}) {\n if (opts.customInspectSymbol === void 0) {\n opts.customInspectSymbol = Symbol.for(\"edge-runtime.inspect.custom\");\n }\n if (opts.formatError === void 0) {\n opts.formatError = (error2) => `[${}]`;\n }\n const { formatError, customInspectSymbol } = opts;\n function format2(...args) {\n const [firstArg] = args;\n if (!kind(firstArg, \"string\")) {\n if (hasCustomSymbol(firstArg, customInspectSymbol)) {\n return format2(firstArg[customInspectSymbol]({ format: format2 }));\n } else {\n return => inspect(item, { customInspectSymbol })).join(\" \");\n }\n }\n let index = 1;\n let str = String(firstArg).replace(/%[sjdOoif%]/g, (token) => {\n if (token === \"%%\")\n return \"%\";\n if (index >= args.length)\n return token;\n switch (token) {\n case \"%s\": {\n const arg = args[index++];\n if (hasCustomSymbol(arg, customInspectSymbol)) {\n return format2(arg[customInspectSymbol]({ format: format2 }));\n } else if (isDate(arg) || isError(arg) || kind(arg, \"bigint\")) {\n return format2(arg);\n } else {\n return String(arg);\n }\n }\n case \"%j\":\n return safeStringify(args[index++]);\n case \"%d\": {\n const arg = args[index++];\n if (kind(arg, \"bigint\")) {\n return format2(arg);\n } else {\n return String(Number(arg));\n }\n }\n case \"%O\":\n return inspect(args[index++], { customInspectSymbol });\n case \"%o\":\n return inspect(args[index++], {\n customInspectSymbol,\n showHidden: true,\n depth: 4\n });\n case \"%i\": {\n const arg = args[index++];\n if (kind(arg, \"bigint\")) {\n return format2(arg);\n } else {\n return String(parseInt(arg, 10));\n }\n }\n case \"%f\":\n return String(parseFloat(args[index++]));\n default:\n return token;\n }\n });\n for (let arg = args[index]; index < args.length; arg = args[++index]) {\n if (arg === null || !kind(arg, \"object\")) {\n str += \" \" + arg;\n } else {\n str += \" \" + inspect(arg);\n }\n }\n return str;\n }\n __name(format2, \"format\");\n function formatValue(ctx, value, recurseTimes) {\n if (hasCustomSymbol(value, customInspectSymbol)) {\n return format2(value[customInspectSymbol]({ format: format2 }));\n }\n const formattedPrimitive = formatPrimitive(value);\n if (formattedPrimitive !== void 0) {\n return formattedPrimitive;\n }\n if (ctx.seen.includes(value)) {\n let index = 1;\n if (ctx.circular === void 0) {\n ctx.circular = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();\n ctx.circular.set(value, index);\n } else {\n index = ctx.circular.get(value);\n if (index === void 0) {\n index = ctx.circular.size + 1;\n ctx.circular.set(value, index);\n }\n }\n return `[Circular *${index}]`;\n }\n return formatRaw(ctx, value, recurseTimes);\n }\n __name(formatValue, \"formatValue\");\n function formatRaw(ctx, value, recurseTimes) {\n let keys = [];\n const constructor = getConstructorName(value);\n let base = \"\";\n let formatter = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => [], \"formatter\");\n let braces = [\"\", \"\"];\n let noIterator = true;\n const filter = ctx.showHidden ? 0 : 1;\n if (SymbolIterator in value) {\n noIterator = false;\n if (Array.isArray(value)) {\n const prefix = constructor !== \"Array\" ? getPrefix(constructor, `(${value.length})`) : \"\";\n keys = getOwnNonIndexProperties(value, filter);\n braces = [`${prefix}[`, \"]\"];\n if (value.length === 0 && keys.length === 0) {\n return `${braces[0]}]`;\n }\n formatter = formatArray;\n } else if (isSet(value)) {\n const size =;\n const prefix = getPrefix(constructor, `(${size})`);\n keys = getKeys(value, ctx.showHidden);\n formatter = formatSet;\n if (size === 0 && keys.length === 0) {\n return `${prefix}{}`;\n }\n braces = [`${prefix}{`, \"}\"];\n } else if (isMap(value)) {\n const size =;\n const prefix = getPrefix(constructor, `(${size})`);\n keys = getKeys(value, ctx.showHidden);\n formatter = formatMap;\n if (size === 0 && keys.length === 0) {\n return `${prefix}{}`;\n }\n braces = [`${prefix}{`, \"}\"];\n } else if (isTypedArray(value)) {\n keys = getOwnNonIndexProperties(value, filter);\n const size =;\n const prefix = getPrefix(constructor, `(${size})`);\n braces = [`${prefix}[`, \"]\"];\n if (value.length === 0 && keys.length === 0)\n return `${braces[0]}]`;\n formatter = formatTypedArray.bind(null, size);\n } else {\n noIterator = true;\n }\n }\n if (noIterator) {\n keys = getKeys(value, ctx.showHidden);\n braces = [\"{\", \"}\"];\n if (constructor === void 0) {\n if (keys.length === 0) {\n return `[Object: null prototype] {}`;\n }\n } else if (constructor === \"Object\") {\n if (keys.length === 0) {\n return `{}`;\n }\n } else if (kind(value, \"function\")) {\n base = `[Function${ ? \": \" + : \"\"}]`;\n if (keys.length === 0) {\n return base;\n }\n } else if (isRegExp(value)) {\n base =;\n if (keys.length === 0) {\n return base;\n }\n base = \" \" + base;\n } else if (isDate(value)) {\n base = Number.isNaN( ? :;\n if (keys.length === 0) {\n return base;\n }\n base = \" \" + base;\n } else if (isError(value)) {\n base = formatError(value);\n if (keys.length === 0) {\n return base;\n }\n base = \" \" + base;\n } else if (hasCustomSymbol(value, ctx.customInspectSymbol)) {\n base = format2(value[ctx.customInspectSymbol]({ format: format2 }));\n if (keys.length === 0) {\n return base;\n }\n base = \" \" + base;\n } else {\n braces[0] = `${getPrefix(constructor)}{`;\n }\n }\n if (recurseTimes && recurseTimes < 0) {\n return isRegExp(value) ? : \"[Object]\";\n }\n ctx.seen.push(value);\n const visibleKeys = new Set(keys);\n const output = formatter(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys, keys);\n for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {\n output.push(\n formatProperty(\n ctx,\n value,\n recurseTimes,\n visibleKeys,\n keys[i],\n false\n )\n );\n }\n if (ctx.circular !== void 0) {\n const index = ctx.circular.get(value);\n if (index !== void 0) {\n const reference = `<ref *${index}>`;\n base = base === \"\" ? reference : `${reference} ${base}`;\n }\n }\n ctx.seen.pop();\n return reduceToSingleString(output, base, braces);\n }\n __name(formatRaw, \"formatRaw\");\n function inspect(value, opts2) {\n opts2 = Object.assign({ seen: [], depth: 2 }, opts2);\n return formatValue(opts2, value, opts2.depth);\n }\n __name(inspect, \"inspect\");\n function formatProperty(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys, key, isArray) {\n let name;\n let str;\n const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(value, key) || {\n value: value[key]\n };\n if (desc.value !== void 0) {\n str = formatValue(ctx, desc.value, recurseTimes);\n } else if (desc.get) {\n str = desc.set ? \"[Getter/Setter]\" : \"[Getter]\";\n } else if (desc.set) {\n str = \"[Setter]\";\n } else {\n str = \"undefined\";\n }\n if (isArray) {\n return str;\n }\n if (kind(key, \"symbol\")) {\n name = `[${}]`;\n } else if (!visibleKeys.has(key)) {\n name = \"[\" + key + \"]\";\n } else {\n name = key;\n }\n return `${name}: ${str}`;\n }\n __name(formatProperty, \"formatProperty\");\n function formatArray(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys) {\n const output = [];\n for (let index = 0; index < value.length; ++index) {\n if (, String(index))) {\n output.push(\n formatProperty(\n ctx,\n value,\n recurseTimes,\n visibleKeys,\n String(index),\n true\n )\n );\n } else {\n output.push(\"\");\n }\n }\n return output;\n }\n __name(formatArray, \"formatArray\");\n function formatTypedArray(length, ctx, value, recurseTimes) {\n const output = new Array(length);\n for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) {\n output[i] = value.length > 0 && kind(value[0], \"number\") ? String(value[i]) : formatBigInt(value[i]);\n }\n if (ctx.showHidden) {\n for (const key of [\n \"BYTES_PER_ELEMENT\",\n \"length\",\n \"byteLength\",\n \"byteOffset\",\n \"buffer\"\n ]) {\n const str = formatValue(ctx, value[key], recurseTimes);\n, `[${String(key)}]: ${str}`);\n }\n }\n return output;\n }\n __name(formatTypedArray, \"formatTypedArray\");\n function formatSet(ctx, value, recurseTimes) {\n const output = [];\n for (const v of value) {\n, formatValue(ctx, v, recurseTimes));\n }\n return output;\n }\n __name(formatSet, \"formatSet\");\n function formatMap(ctx, value, recurseTimes) {\n const output = [];\n for (const { 0: k, 1: v } of value) {\n output.push(\n `${formatValue(ctx, k, recurseTimes)} => ${formatValue(\n ctx,\n v,\n recurseTimes\n )}`\n );\n }\n return output;\n }\n __name(formatMap, \"formatMap\");\n return format2;\n }\n __name(createFormat2, \"createFormat\");\n var formatBigInt = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((bigint) => `${bigint}n`, \"formatBigInt\");\n function formatPrimitive(value) {\n if (value === null)\n return \"null\";\n if (value === void 0)\n return \"undefined\";\n if (kind(value, \"string\")) {\n return `'${JSON.stringify(value).replace(/^\"|\"$/g, \"\").replace(/'/g, \"\\\\'\").replace(/\\\\\"/g, '\"')}'`;\n }\n if (kind(value, \"boolean\"))\n return \"\" + value;\n if (kind(value, \"number\"))\n return \"\" + value;\n if (kind(value, \"bigint\"))\n return formatBigInt(value);\n if (kind(value, \"symbol\"))\n return value.toString();\n }\n __name(formatPrimitive, \"formatPrimitive\");\n function hasCustomSymbol(value, customInspectSymbol) {\n return value !== null && kind(value, \"object\") && customInspectSymbol in value && kind(value[customInspectSymbol], \"function\");\n }\n __name(hasCustomSymbol, \"hasCustomSymbol\");\n function isRegExp(value) {\n return kind(value, \"object\") && === \"[object RegExp]\";\n }\n __name(isRegExp, \"isRegExp\");\n function isDate(value) {\n return kind(value, \"object\") && === \"[object Date]\";\n }\n __name(isDate, \"isDate\");\n function isError(value) {\n return kind(value, \"object\") && ( === \"[object Error]\" || value instanceof Error);\n }\n __name(isError, \"isError\");\n function isMap(value) {\n return kind(value, \"object\") && === \"[object Map]\";\n }\n __name(isMap, \"isMap\");\n function isSet(value) {\n return kind(value, \"object\") && === \"[object Set]\";\n }\n __name(isSet, \"isSet\");\n function isBelowBreakLength(output, start, base) {\n const breakLength = 80;\n let totalLength = output.length + start;\n if (totalLength + output.length > breakLength) {\n return false;\n }\n for (let i = 0; i < output.length; i++) {\n totalLength += output[i].length;\n if (totalLength > breakLength) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return base === \"\" || !, \"\\n\");\n }\n __name(isBelowBreakLength, \"isBelowBreakLength\");\n function reduceToSingleString(output, base, braces) {\n const start = output.length + braces[0].length + base.length + 10;\n if (!isBelowBreakLength(output, start, base)) {\n return (base ? base + \" \" : \"\") + braces[0] + \"\\n \" + output.join(\",\\n \") + \"\\n\" + braces[1];\n }\n return ((base ? base + \" \" : \"\") + braces[0] + \" \" + output.join(\", \") + \" \" + braces[1]).trim();\n }\n __name(reduceToSingleString, \"reduceToSingleString\");\n function safeStringify(input) {\n if (Array.isArray(input)) {\n input =\n (element) => JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(element, makeCircularReplacer()))\n );\n }\n return JSON.stringify(input, makeCircularReplacer());\n }\n __name(safeStringify, \"safeStringify\");\n function makeCircularReplacer() {\n const seen = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet();\n return (key, value) => {\n if (value !== null && kind(value, \"object\")) {\n if (seen.has(value))\n return \"[Circular]\";\n seen.add(value);\n }\n return value;\n };\n }\n __name(makeCircularReplacer, \"makeCircularReplacer\");\n function getKeys(value, showHidden = false) {\n let keys;\n const symbols = ObjectGetOwnPropertySymbols(value);\n if (showHidden) {\n keys = ObjectGetOwnPropertyNames(value);\n if (symbols.length !== 0)\n ArrayPrototypePush.apply(keys, symbols);\n } else {\n try {\n keys = ObjectKeys(value);\n } catch (err) {\n keys = ObjectGetOwnPropertyNames(value);\n }\n if (symbols.length !== 0) {\n const filter = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((key) =>, key), \"filter\");\n ArrayPrototypePush.apply(keys,, filter));\n }\n }\n return keys;\n }\n __name(getKeys, \"getKeys\");\n }\n});\n\n// src/primitives/console.js\nvar console_exports = {};\n__export(console_exports, {\n console: () => konsole\n});\nmodule.exports = __toCommonJS(console_exports);\ninit_define_process();\nvar import_format = __toESM(require_dist());\nvar format = (0, import_format.createFormat)();\nvar bareError = console.error.bind(console);\nvar bareLog = console.log.bind(console);\nvar assert = console.assert.bind(console);\nvar time = console.time.bind(console);\nvar timeEnd = console.timeEnd.bind(console);\nvar timeLog = console.timeLog.bind(console);\nvar trace = console.trace.bind(console);\nvar error = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((...args) => bareError(format(...args)), \"error\");\nvar log = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((...args) => bareLog(format(...args)), \"log\");\nvar konsole = {\n assert: (assertion, ...args) => assert(assertion, format(...args)),\n count: console.count.bind(console),\n debug: log,\n dir: console.dir.bind(console),\n error,\n info: log,\n log,\n time: (...args) => time(format(...args)),\n timeEnd: (...args) => timeEnd(format(...args)),\n timeLog,\n trace,\n warn: error\n};\n// Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node:\n0 && (module.exports = {\n console\n});\n"
module.exports = "\"use strict\";var Gr=Object.create,E=Object.defineProperty,Rr=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,v=Object.getOwnPropertyNames,Mr=Object.getPrototypeOf,xr=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,f=(a,y)=>E(a,\"name\",{value:y,configurable:!0}),Cr=(a,y)=>function(){return a&&(y=(0,a[v(a)[0]])(a=0)),y},Lr=(a,y)=>function(){return y||(0,a[v(a)[0]])((y={exports:{}}).exports,y),y.exports},kr=(a,y)=>{for(var d in y)E(a,d,{get:y[d],enumerable:!0})},ir=(a,y,d,I)=>{if(y&&typeof y==\"object\"||typeof y==\"function\")for(let j of v(y))!,j)&&j!==d&&E(a,j,{get:()=>y[j],enumerable:!(I=Rr(y,j))||I.enumerable});return a},Tr=(a,y,d)=>(d=a!=null?Gr(Mr(a)):{},ir(y||!a||!a.__esModule?E(d,\"default\",{value:a,enumerable:!0}):d,a)),vr=a=>ir(E({},\"__esModule\",{value:!0}),a),cr=Cr({\"<define:process>\"(){}}),Br=Lr({\"../format/dist/index.js\"(a,y){\"use strict\";cr();var d=Object.defineProperty,I=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,j=Object.getOwnPropertyNames,fr=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,ar=f((r,c)=>{for(var i in c)d(r,i,{get:c[i],enumerable:!0})},\"__export\"),pr=f((r,c,i,l)=>{if(c&&typeof c==\"object\"||typeof c==\"function\")for(let u of j(c))!,u)&&u!==i&&d(r,u,{get:()=>c[u],enumerable:!(l=I(c,u))||l.enumerable});return r},\"__copyProps\"),lr=f(r=>pr(d({},\"__esModule\",{value:!0}),r),\"__toCommonJS\"),B={};ar(B,{createFormat:()=>J}),y.exports=lr(B);var yr=Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;function N(r,c){let i=yr(r,c);return i?i.get:void 0}f(N,\"GetOwnGetter\");var gr=Reflect.getPrototypeOf,ur=gr(Uint8Array),br=Array.prototype.filter,D=Array.prototype.push,mr=Date.prototype.getTime,dr=Date.prototype.toISOString,Sr=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors,F=Object.getOwnPropertyNames,Or=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols,hr=Object.keys,_r=Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable,jr=Object.prototype.toString,Pr=N(Map.prototype,\"size\"),wr=N(Set.prototype,\"size\"),Ar=String.prototype.includes,$r=Symbol.iterator,Er=Symbol.prototype.toString,Ir=N(ur.prototype,\"length\"),Nr=new Set([\"[object BigInt64Array]\",\"[object BigUint64Array]\",\"[object Float32Array]\",\"[object Float64Array]\",\"[object Int8Array]\",\"[object Int16Array]\",\"[object Int32Array]\",\"[object Uint8Array]\",\"[object Uint8ClampedArray]\",\"[object Uint16Array]\",\"[object Uint32Array]\"]);function R(r,c){let i=Array.isArray(r)||z(r)?new Set([...r.keys()].map(l=>l.toString())):void 0;return Object.entries(Sr(r)).filter(([l,u])=>!(i&&i.has(l)||c===1&&!u.enumerable)).map(([l])=>l)}f(R,\"getOwnNonIndexProperties\");var z=f(r=>g(r,\"object\")&&Nr.has(,\"isTypedArray\");function g(r,c){return typeof r===c}f(g,\"kind\");var Dr=f(r=>{var c;return(c=r.constructor)==null?void},\"getConstructorName\"),P=f((r=\"\",c=\"\")=>`${r}${c} `,\"getPrefix\");function J(r={}){r.customInspectSymbol===void 0&&(r.customInspectSymbol=Symbol.for(\"edge-runtime.inspect.custom\")),r.formatError===void 0&&(r.formatError=o=>`[${}]`);let{formatError:c,customInspectSymbol:i}=r;function l(...o){let[t]=o;if(!g(t,\"string\"))return w(t,i)?l(t[i]({format:l}))>A(n,{customInspectSymbol:i})).join(\" \");let p=1,s=String(t).replace(/%[sjdOoif%]/g,n=>{if(n===\"%%\")return\"%\";if(p>=o.length)return n;switch(n){case\"%s\":{let e=o[p++];return w(e,i)?l(e[i]({format:l})):x(e)||C(e)||g(e,\"bigint\")?l(e):String(e)}case\"%j\":return Y(o[p++]);case\"%d\":{let e=o[p++];return g(e,\"bigint\")?l(e):String(Number(e))}case\"%O\":return A(o[p++],{customInspectSymbol:i});case\"%o\":return A(o[p++],{customInspectSymbol:i,showHidden:!0,depth:4});case\"%i\":{let e=o[p++];return g(e,\"bigint\")?l(e):String(parseInt(e,10))}case\"%f\":return String(parseFloat(o[p++]));default:return n}});for(let n=o[p];p<o.length;n=o[++p])n===null||!g(n,\"object\")?s+=\" \"+n:s+=\" \"+A(n);return s}f(l,\"format\");function u(o,t,p){if(w(t,i))return l(t[i]({format:l}));let s=U(t);if(s!==void 0)return s;if(o.seen.includes(t)){let n=1;return o.circular===void 0?(o.circular=new Map,o.circular.set(t,n)):(n=o.circular.get(t),n===void 0&&(n=o.circular.size+1,o.circular.set(t,n))),`[Circular *${n}]`}return _(o,t,p)}f(u,\"formatValue\");function _(o,t,p){let s=[],n=Dr(t),e=\"\",S=f(()=>[],\"formatter\"),m=[\"\",\"\"],O=!0,tr=o.showHidden?0:1;if($r in t)if(O=!1,Array.isArray(t)){let b=n!==\"Array\"?P(n,`(${t.length})`):\"\";if(s=R(t,tr),m=[`${b}[`,\"]\"],t.length===0&&s.length===0)return`${m[0]}]`;S=Q}else if(q(t)){let,h=P(n,`(${b})`);if(s=G(t,o.showHidden),S=Z,b===0&&s.length===0)return`${h}{}`;m=[`${h}{`,\"}\"]}else if(K(t)){let,h=P(n,`(${b})`);if(s=G(t,o.showHidden),S=rr,b===0&&s.length===0)return`${h}{}`;m=[`${h}{`,\"}\"]}else if(z(t)){s=R(t,tr);let;if(m=[`${P(n,`(${b})`)}[`,\"]\"],t.length===0&&s.length===0)return`${m[0]}]`;S=X.bind(null,b)}else O=!0;if(O)if(s=G(t,o.showHidden),m=[\"{\",\"}\"],n===void 0){if(s.length===0)return\"[Object: null prototype] {}\"}else if(n===\"Object\"){if(s.length===0)return\"{}\"}else if(g(t,\"function\")){if(e=`[Function${\": \"\"\"}]`,s.length===0)return e}else if(M(t)){if(,s.length===0)return e;e=\" \"+e}else if(x(t)){if(e=Number.isNaN(,s.length===0)return e;e=\" \"+e}else if(C(t)){if(e=c(t),s.length===0)return e;e=\" \"+e}else if(w(t,o.customInspectSymbol)){if(e=l(t[o.customInspectSymbol]({format:l})),s.length===0)return e;e=\" \"+e}else m[0]=`${P(n)}{`;if(p&&p<0)return M(t)?\"[Object]\";o.seen.push(t);let er=new Set(s),or=S(o,t,p,er,s);for(let b=0;b<s.length;b++)or.push(k(o,t,p,er,s[b],!1));if(o.circular!==void 0){let b=o.circular.get(t);if(b!==void 0){let h=`<ref *${b}>`;e=e===\"\"?h:`${h} ${e}`}}return o.seen.pop(),W(or,e,m)}f(_,\"formatRaw\");function A(o,t){return t=Object.assign({seen:[],depth:2},t),u(t,o,t.depth)}f(A,\"inspect\");function k(o,t,p,s,n,e){let S,m,O=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t,n)||{value:t[n]};return O.value!==void 0?m=u(o,O.value,p):O.get?m=O.set?\"[Getter/Setter]\":\"[Getter]\":O.set?m=\"[Setter]\":m=\"undefined\",e?m:(g(n,\"symbol\")?S=`[${}]`:s.has(n)?S=n:S=\"[\"+n+\"]\",`${S}: ${m}`)}f(k,\"formatProperty\");function Q(o,t,p,s){let n=[];for(let e=0;e<t.length;++e),String(e))?n.push(k(o,t,p,s,String(e),!0)):n.push(\"\");return n}f(Q,\"formatArray\");function X(o,t,p,s){let n=new Array(o);for(let e=0;e<o;++e)n[e]=p.length>0&&g(p[0],\"number\")?String(p[e]):H(p[e]);if(t.showHidden)for(let e of[\"BYTES_PER_ELEMENT\",\"length\",\"byteLength\",\"byteOffset\",\"buffer\"]){let S=u(t,p[e],s);,`[${String(e)}]: ${S}`)}return n}f(X,\"formatTypedArray\");function Z(o,t,p){let s=[];for(let n of t),u(o,n,p));return s}f(Z,\"formatSet\");function rr(o,t,p){let s=[];for(let{0:n,1:e}of t)s.push(`${u(o,n,p)} => ${u(o,e,p)}`);return s}return f(rr,\"formatMap\"),l}f(J,\"createFormat\");var H=f(r=>`${r}n`,\"formatBigInt\");function U(r){if(r===null)return\"null\";if(r===void 0)return\"undefined\";if(g(r,\"string\"))return`'${JSON.stringify(r).replace(/^\"|\"$/g,\"\").replace(/'/g,\"\\\\'\").replace(/\\\\\"/g,'\"')}'`;if(g(r,\"boolean\")||g(r,\"number\"))return\"\"+r;if(g(r,\"bigint\"))return H(r);if(g(r,\"symbol\"))return r.toString()}f(U,\"formatPrimitive\");function w(r,c){return r!==null&&g(r,\"object\")&&c in r&&g(r[c],\"function\")}f(w,\"hasCustomSymbol\");function M(r){return g(r,\"object\")&&\"[object RegExp]\"}f(M,\"isRegExp\");function x(r){return g(r,\"object\")&&\"[object Date]\"}f(x,\"isDate\");function C(r){return g(r,\"object\")&&(\"[object Error]\"||r instanceof Error)}f(C,\"isError\");function K(r){return g(r,\"object\")&&\"[object Map]\"}f(K,\"isMap\");function q(r){return g(r,\"object\")&&\"[object Set]\"}f(q,\"isSet\");function V(r,c,i){let u=r.length+c;if(u+r.length>80)return!1;for(let _=0;_<r.length;_++)if(u+=r[_].length,u>80)return!1;return i===\"\"||!,`\n`)}f(V,\"isBelowBreakLength\");function W(r,c,i){let l=r.length+i[0].length+c.length+10;return V(r,l,c)?((c?c+\" \":\"\")+i[0]+\" \"+r.join(\", \")+\" \"+i[1]).trim():(c?c+\" \":\"\")+i[0]+`\n `+r.join(`,\n `)+`\n`+i[1]}f(W,\"reduceToSingleString\");function Y(r){return Array.isArray(r)&&(>JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(c,L())))),JSON.stringify(r,L())}f(Y,\"safeStringify\");function L(){let r=new WeakSet;return(c,i)=>{if(i!==null&&g(i,\"object\")){if(r.has(i))return\"[Circular]\";r.add(i)}return i}}f(L,\"makeCircularReplacer\");function G(r,c=!1){let i,l=Or(r);if(c)i=F(r),l.length!==0&&D.apply(i,l);else{try{i=hr(r)}catch{i=F(r)}if(l.length!==0){let u=f(_=>,_),\"filter\");D.apply(i,,u))}}return i}f(G,\"getKeys\")}}),sr={};kr(sr,{console:()=>Wr});module.exports=vr(sr);cr();var Fr=Tr(Br()),$=(0,Fr.createFormat)(),zr=console.error.bind(console),Jr=console.log.bind(console),Hr=console.assert.bind(console),Ur=console.time.bind(console),Kr=console.timeEnd.bind(console),qr=console.timeLog.bind(console),Vr=console.trace.bind(console),nr=f((...a)=>zr($(...a)),\"error\"),T=f((...a)=>Jr($(...a)),\"log\"),Wr={assert:(a,...y)=>Hr(a,$(...y)),count:console.count.bind(console),debug:T,dir:console.dir.bind(console),error:nr,info:T,log:T,time:(...a)=>Ur($(...a)),timeEnd:(...a)=>Kr($(...a)),timeLog:qr,trace:Vr,warn:nr};\n"

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

module.exports = "\"use strict\";\nvar __defProp = Object.defineProperty;\nvar __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;\nvar __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;\nvar __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\nvar __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, \"name\", { value, configurable: true });\nvar __export = (target, all) => {\n for (var name in all)\n __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });\n};\nvar __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {\n if (from && typeof from === \"object\" || typeof from === \"function\") {\n for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))\n if (!, key) && key !== except)\n __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });\n }\n return to;\n};\nvar __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, \"__esModule\", { value: true }), mod);\n\n// src/primitives/crypto.js\nvar crypto_exports = {};\n__export(crypto_exports, {\n Crypto: () => Crypto,\n CryptoKey: () => CryptoKey,\n SubtleCrypto: () => SubtleCrypto,\n crypto: () => crypto\n});\nmodule.exports = __toCommonJS(crypto_exports);\nvar import_node_crypto = require(\"crypto\");\nvar { Crypto, CryptoKey } = import_node_crypto.webcrypto;\nfunction SubtleCrypto() {\n if (!(this instanceof SubtleCrypto))\n return new SubtleCrypto();\n throw TypeError(\"Illegal constructor\");\n}\n__name(SubtleCrypto, \"SubtleCrypto\");\nvar crypto = new Crypto();\n// Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node:\n0 && (module.exports = {\n Crypto,\n CryptoKey,\n SubtleCrypto,\n crypto\n});\n"
module.exports = "\"use strict\";var y=Object.defineProperty,u=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,_=Object.getOwnPropertyNames,l=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,s=(r,e)=>y(r,\"name\",{value:e,configurable:!0}),b=(r,e)=>{for(var o in e)y(r,o,{get:e[o],enumerable:!0})},i=(r,e,o,n)=>{if(e&&typeof e==\"object\"||typeof e==\"function\")for(let t of _(e))!,t)&&t!==o&&y(r,t,{get:()=>e[t],enumerable:!(n=u(e,t))||n.enumerable});return r},v=r=>i(y({},\"__esModule\",{value:!0}),r),a={};b(a,{Crypto:()=>c,CryptoKey:()=>w,SubtleCrypto:()=>p,crypto:()=>O});module.exports=v(a);var C=require(\"crypto\"),{Crypto:c,CryptoKey:w}=C.webcrypto;function p(){if(!(this instanceof p))return new p;throw TypeError(\"Illegal constructor\")}s(p,\"SubtleCrypto\");var O=new c;\n"

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

module.exports = "\"use strict\";\nvar __defProp = Object.defineProperty;\nvar __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;\nvar __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;\nvar __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\nvar __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, \"name\", { value, configurable: true });\nvar __export = (target, all) => {\n for (var name in all)\n __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });\n};\nvar __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {\n if (from && typeof from === \"object\" || typeof from === \"function\") {\n for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))\n if (!, key) && key !== except)\n __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });\n }\n return to;\n};\nvar __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, \"__esModule\", { value: true }), mod);\n\n// src/primitives/events.js\nvar events_exports = {};\n__export(events_exports, {\n FetchEvent: () => FetchEvent,\n PromiseRejectionEvent: () => PromiseRejectionEvent\n});\nmodule.exports = __toCommonJS(events_exports);\nvar _FetchEvent = class _FetchEvent extends Event {\n constructor(request) {\n super(\"fetch\");\n this.request = request;\n this.response = null;\n this.awaiting = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();\n }\n respondWith = (response) => {\n this.response = response;\n };\n waitUntil = (promise) => {\n this.awaiting.add(promise);\n promise.finally(() => this.awaiting.delete(promise));\n };\n};\n__name(_FetchEvent, \"FetchEvent\");\nvar FetchEvent = _FetchEvent;\nvar _PromiseRejectionEvent = class _PromiseRejectionEvent extends Event {\n constructor(type, init) {\n super(type, { cancelable: true });\n this.promise = init.promise;\n this.reason = init.reason;\n }\n};\n__name(_PromiseRejectionEvent, \"PromiseRejectionEvent\");\nvar PromiseRejectionEvent = _PromiseRejectionEvent;\n// Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node:\n0 && (module.exports = {\n FetchEvent,\n PromiseRejectionEvent\n});\n"
module.exports = "\"use strict\";var s=Object.defineProperty,p=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,_=Object.getOwnPropertyNames,u=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,a=(t,e)=>s(t,\"name\",{value:e,configurable:!0}),h=(t,e)=>{for(var r in e)s(t,r,{get:e[r],enumerable:!0})},l=(t,e,r,o)=>{if(e&&typeof e==\"object\"||typeof e==\"function\")for(let n of _(e))!,n)&&n!==r&&s(t,n,{get:()=>e[n],enumerable:!(o=p(e,n))||o.enumerable});return t},P=t=>l(s({},\"__esModule\",{value:!0}),t),i={};h(i,{FetchEvent:()=>E,PromiseRejectionEvent:()=>j});module.exports=P(i);var c=class extends Event{constructor(e){super(\"fetch\"),this.request=e,this.response=null,this.awaiting=new Set}respondWith=e=>{this.response=e};waitUntil=e=>{this.awaiting.add(e),e.finally(()=>this.awaiting.delete(e))}};a(c,\"FetchEvent\");var E=c,v=class extends Event{constructor(e,r){super(e,{cancelable:!0}),this.promise=r.promise,this.reason=r.reason}};a(v,\"PromiseRejectionEvent\");var j=v;\n"

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

module.exports = "\"use strict\";\nvar __defProp = Object.defineProperty;\nvar __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;\nvar __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;\nvar __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\nvar __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, \"name\", { value, configurable: true });\nvar __export = (target, all) => {\n for (var name in all)\n __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });\n};\nvar __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {\n if (from && typeof from === \"object\" || typeof from === \"function\") {\n for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))\n if (!, key) && key !== except)\n __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });\n }\n return to;\n};\nvar __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, \"__esModule\", { value: true }), mod);\n\n// src/primitives/structured-clone.js\nvar structured_clone_exports = {};\n__export(structured_clone_exports, {\n structuredClone: () => structuredClone2\n});\nmodule.exports = __toCommonJS(structured_clone_exports);\n\n// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/@ungap+structured-clone@1.2.0/node_modules/@ungap/structured-clone/esm/types.js\nvar VOID = -1;\nvar PRIMITIVE = 0;\nvar ARRAY = 1;\nvar OBJECT = 2;\nvar DATE = 3;\nvar REGEXP = 4;\nvar MAP = 5;\nvar SET = 6;\nvar ERROR = 7;\nvar BIGINT = 8;\n\n// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/@ungap+structured-clone@1.2.0/node_modules/@ungap/structured-clone/esm/deserialize.js\nvar env = typeof self === \"object\" ? self : globalThis;\nvar deserializer = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(($, _) => {\n const as = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((out, index) => {\n $.set(index, out);\n return out;\n }, \"as\");\n const unpair = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((index) => {\n if ($.has(index))\n return $.get(index);\n const [type, value] = _[index];\n switch (type) {\n case PRIMITIVE:\n case VOID:\n return as(value, index);\n case ARRAY: {\n const arr = as([], index);\n for (const index2 of value)\n arr.push(unpair(index2));\n return arr;\n }\n case OBJECT: {\n const object = as({}, index);\n for (const [key, index2] of value)\n object[unpair(key)] = unpair(index2);\n return object;\n }\n case DATE:\n return as(new Date(value), index);\n case REGEXP: {\n const { source, flags } = value;\n return as(new RegExp(source, flags), index);\n }\n case MAP: {\n const map = as(/* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), index);\n for (const [key, index2] of value)\n map.set(unpair(key), unpair(index2));\n return map;\n }\n case SET: {\n const set = as(/* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), index);\n for (const index2 of value)\n set.add(unpair(index2));\n return set;\n }\n case ERROR: {\n const { name, message } = value;\n return as(new env[name](message), index);\n }\n case BIGINT:\n return as(BigInt(value), index);\n case \"BigInt\":\n return as(Object(BigInt(value)), index);\n }\n return as(new env[type](value), index);\n }, \"unpair\");\n return unpair;\n}, \"deserializer\");\nvar deserialize = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((serialized) => deserializer(/* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), serialized)(0), \"deserialize\");\n\n// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/@ungap+structured-clone@1.2.0/node_modules/@ungap/structured-clone/esm/serialize.js\nvar EMPTY = \"\";\nvar { toString } = {};\nvar { keys } = Object;\nvar typeOf = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((value) => {\n const type = typeof value;\n if (type !== \"object\" || !value)\n return [PRIMITIVE, type];\n const asString =, -1);\n switch (asString) {\n case \"Array\":\n return [ARRAY, EMPTY];\n case \"Object\":\n return [OBJECT, EMPTY];\n case \"Date\":\n return [DATE, EMPTY];\n case \"RegExp\":\n return [REGEXP, EMPTY];\n case \"Map\":\n return [MAP, EMPTY];\n case \"Set\":\n return [SET, EMPTY];\n }\n if (asString.includes(\"Array\"))\n return [ARRAY, asString];\n if (asString.includes(\"Error\"))\n return [ERROR, asString];\n return [OBJECT, asString];\n}, \"typeOf\");\nvar shouldSkip = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(([TYPE, type]) => TYPE === PRIMITIVE && (type === \"function\" || type === \"symbol\"), \"shouldSkip\");\nvar serializer = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((strict, json, $, _) => {\n const as = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((out, value) => {\n const index = _.push(out) - 1;\n $.set(value, index);\n return index;\n }, \"as\");\n const pair = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((value) => {\n if ($.has(value))\n return $.get(value);\n let [TYPE, type] = typeOf(value);\n switch (TYPE) {\n case PRIMITIVE: {\n let entry = value;\n switch (type) {\n case \"bigint\":\n TYPE = BIGINT;\n entry = value.toString();\n break;\n case \"function\":\n case \"symbol\":\n if (strict)\n throw new TypeError(\"unable to serialize \" + type);\n entry = null;\n break;\n case \"undefined\":\n return as([VOID], value);\n }\n return as([TYPE, entry], value);\n }\n case ARRAY: {\n if (type)\n return as([type, [...value]], value);\n const arr = [];\n const index = as([TYPE, arr], value);\n for (const entry of value)\n arr.push(pair(entry));\n return index;\n }\n case OBJECT: {\n if (type) {\n switch (type) {\n case \"BigInt\":\n return as([type, value.toString()], value);\n case \"Boolean\":\n case \"Number\":\n case \"String\":\n return as([type, value.valueOf()], value);\n }\n }\n if (json && \"toJSON\" in value)\n return pair(value.toJSON());\n const entries = [];\n const index = as([TYPE, entries], value);\n for (const key of keys(value)) {\n if (strict || !shouldSkip(typeOf(value[key])))\n entries.push([pair(key), pair(value[key])]);\n }\n return index;\n }\n case DATE:\n return as([TYPE, value.toISOString()], value);\n case REGEXP: {\n const { source, flags } = value;\n return as([TYPE, { source, flags }], value);\n }\n case MAP: {\n const entries = [];\n const index = as([TYPE, entries], value);\n for (const [key, entry] of value) {\n if (strict || !(shouldSkip(typeOf(key)) || shouldSkip(typeOf(entry))))\n entries.push([pair(key), pair(entry)]);\n }\n return index;\n }\n case SET: {\n const entries = [];\n const index = as([TYPE, entries], value);\n for (const entry of value) {\n if (strict || !shouldSkip(typeOf(entry)))\n entries.push(pair(entry));\n }\n return index;\n }\n }\n const { message } = value;\n return as([TYPE, { name: type, message }], value);\n }, \"pair\");\n return pair;\n}, \"serializer\");\nvar serialize = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((value, { json, lossy } = {}) => {\n const _ = [];\n return serializer(!(json || lossy), !!json, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), _)(value), _;\n}, \"serialize\");\n\n// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/@ungap+structured-clone@1.2.0/node_modules/@ungap/structured-clone/esm/index.js\nvar esm_default = typeof structuredClone === \"function\" ? (\n /* c8 ignore start */\n (any, options) => options && (\"json\" in options || \"lossy\" in options) ? deserialize(serialize(any, options)) : structuredClone(any)\n) : (any, options) => deserialize(serialize(any, options));\n\n// src/primitives/structured-clone.js\nfunction structuredClone2(value, options) {\n if (value instanceof ReadableStream) {\n const transform = new TransformStream({});\n value.pipeTo(transform.writable);\n return transform.readable;\n }\n return esm_default(value, options);\n}\n__name(structuredClone2, \"structuredClone\");\n// Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node:\n0 && (module.exports = {\n structuredClone\n});\n"
module.exports = "\"use strict\";var h=Object.defineProperty,A=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,D=Object.getOwnPropertyNames,N=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,p=(e,n)=>h(e,\"name\",{value:n,configurable:!0}),J=(e,n)=>{for(var s in n)h(e,s,{get:n[s],enumerable:!0})},Y=(e,n,s,i)=>{if(n&&typeof n==\"object\"||typeof n==\"function\")for(let t of D(n))!,t)&&t!==s&&h(e,t,{get:()=>n[t],enumerable:!(i=A(n,t))||i.enumerable});return e},x=e=>Y(h({},\"__esModule\",{value:!0}),e),R={};J(R,{structuredClone:()=>B});module.exports=x(R);var z=-1,l=0,_=1,d=2,m=3,S=4,P=5,E=6,C=7,M=8,I=typeof self==\"object\"?self:globalThis,G=p((e,n)=>{let s=p((t,u)=>(e.set(u,t),t),\"as\"),i=p(t=>{if(e.has(t))return e.get(t);let[u,r]=n[t];switch(u){case l:case z:return s(r,t);case _:{let o=s([],t);for(let c of r)o.push(i(c));return o}case d:{let o=s({},t);for(let[c,b]of r)o[i(c)]=i(b);return o}case m:return s(new Date(r),t);case S:{let{source:o,flags:c}=r;return s(new RegExp(o,c),t)}case P:{let o=s(new Map,t);for(let[c,b]of r)o.set(i(c),i(b));return o}case E:{let o=s(new Set,t);for(let c of r)o.add(i(c));return o}case C:{let{name:o,message:c}=r;return s(new I[o](c),t)}case M:return s(BigInt(r),t);case\"BigInt\":return s(Object(BigInt(r)),t)}return s(new I[u](r),t)},\"unpair\");return i},\"deserializer\"),T=p(e=>G(new Map,e)(0),\"deserialize\"),g=\"\",{toString:V}={},{keys:v}=Object,w=p(e=>{let n=typeof e;if(n!==\"object\"||!e)return[l,n];let,-1);switch(s){case\"Array\":return[_,g];case\"Object\":return[d,g];case\"Date\":return[m,g];case\"RegExp\":return[S,g];case\"Map\":return[P,g];case\"Set\":return[E,g]}return s.includes(\"Array\")?[_,s]:s.includes(\"Error\")?[C,s]:[d,s]},\"typeOf\"),O=p(([e,n])=>e===l&&(n===\"function\"||n===\"symbol\"),\"shouldSkip\"),X=p((e,n,s,i)=>{let t=p((r,o)=>{let c=i.push(r)-1;return s.set(o,c),c},\"as\"),u=p(r=>{if(s.has(r))return s.get(r);let[o,c]=w(r);switch(o){case l:{let a=r;switch(c){case\"bigint\":o=M,a=r.toString();break;case\"function\":case\"symbol\":if(e)throw new TypeError(\"unable to serialize \"+c);a=null;break;case\"undefined\":return t([z],r)}return t([o,a],r)}case _:{if(c)return t([c,[...r]],r);let a=[],y=t([o,a],r);for(let f of r)a.push(u(f));return y}case d:{if(c)switch(c){case\"BigInt\":return t([c,r.toString()],r);case\"Boolean\":case\"Number\":case\"String\":return t([c,r.valueOf()],r)}if(n&&\"toJSON\"in r)return u(r.toJSON());let a=[],y=t([o,a],r);for(let f of v(r))(e||!O(w(r[f])))&&a.push([u(f),u(r[f])]);return y}case m:return t([o,r.toISOString()],r);case S:{let{source:a,flags:y}=r;return t([o,{source:a,flags:y}],r)}case P:{let a=[],y=t([o,a],r);for(let[f,j]of r)(e||!(O(w(f))||O(w(j))))&&a.push([u(f),u(j)]);return y}case E:{let a=[],y=t([o,a],r);for(let f of r)(e||!O(w(f)))&&a.push(u(f));return y}}let{message:b}=r;return t([o,{name:c,message:b}],r)},\"pair\");return u},\"serializer\"),k=p((e,{json:n,lossy:s}={})=>{let i=[];return X(!(n||s),!!n,new Map,i)(e),i},\"serialize\"),q=typeof structuredClone==\"function\"?(e,n)=>n&&(\"json\"in n||\"lossy\"in n)?T(k(e,n)):structuredClone(e):(e,n)=>T(k(e,n));function B(e,n){if(e instanceof ReadableStream){let s=new TransformStream({});return e.pipeTo(s.writable),s.readable}return q(e,n)}p(B,\"structuredClone\");\n"

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

module.exports = "\"use strict\";\nvar __defProp = Object.defineProperty;\nvar __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;\nvar __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;\nvar __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\nvar __export = (target, all) => {\n for (var name in all)\n __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });\n};\nvar __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {\n if (from && typeof from === \"object\" || typeof from === \"function\") {\n for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))\n if (!, key) && key !== except)\n __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });\n }\n return to;\n};\nvar __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, \"__esModule\", { value: true }), mod);\n\n// src/primitives/timers.js\nvar timers_exports = {};\n__export(timers_exports, {\n setInterval: () => setIntervalProxy,\n setTimeout: () => setTimeoutProxy\n});\nmodule.exports = __toCommonJS(timers_exports);\nvar setTimeoutProxy = new Proxy(setTimeout, {\n apply: (target, thisArg, args) => {\n const timeout = Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);\n return timeout[Symbol.toPrimitive]();\n }\n});\nvar setIntervalProxy = new Proxy(setInterval, {\n apply: (target, thisArg, args) => {\n const timeout = Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);\n return timeout[Symbol.toPrimitive]();\n }\n});\n// Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node:\n0 && (module.exports = {\n setInterval,\n setTimeout\n});\n"
module.exports = "\"use strict\";var a=Object.defineProperty,s=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,i=Object.getOwnPropertyNames,u=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,l=(t,e)=>{for(var r in e)a(t,r,{get:e[r],enumerable:!0})},y=(t,e,r,p)=>{if(e&&typeof e==\"object\"||typeof e==\"function\")for(let o of i(e))!,o)&&o!==r&&a(t,o,{get:()=>e[o],enumerable:!(p=s(e,o))||p.enumerable});return t},v=t=>y(a({},\"__esModule\",{value:!0}),t),n={};l(n,{setInterval:()=>m,setTimeout:()=>_});module.exports=v(n);var _=new Proxy(setTimeout,{apply:(t,e,r)=>Reflect.apply(t,e,r)[Symbol.toPrimitive]()}),m=new Proxy(setInterval,{apply:(t,e,r)=>Reflect.apply(t,e,r)[Symbol.toPrimitive]()});\n"

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

module.exports = "\"use strict\";\nvar __defProp = Object.defineProperty;\nvar __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;\nvar __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;\nvar __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\nvar __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, \"name\", { value, configurable: true });\nvar __export = (target, all) => {\n for (var name in all)\n __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });\n};\nvar __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {\n if (from && typeof from === \"object\" || typeof from === \"function\") {\n for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))\n if (!, key) && key !== except)\n __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });\n }\n return to;\n};\nvar __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, \"__esModule\", { value: true }), mod);\nvar __accessCheck = (obj, member, msg) => {\n if (!member.has(obj))\n throw TypeError(\"Cannot \" + msg);\n};\nvar __privateGet = (obj, member, getter) => {\n __accessCheck(obj, member, \"read from private field\");\n return getter ? : member.get(obj);\n};\nvar __privateAdd = (obj, member, value) => {\n if (member.has(obj))\n throw TypeError(\"Cannot add the same private member more than once\");\n member instanceof WeakSet ? member.add(obj) : member.set(obj, value);\n};\nvar __privateSet = (obj, member, value, setter) => {\n __accessCheck(obj, member, \"write to private field\");\n setter ?, value) : member.set(obj, value);\n return value;\n};\nvar __privateMethod = (obj, member, method) => {\n __accessCheck(obj, member, \"access private method\");\n return method;\n};\n\n// src/primitives/url.js\nvar url_exports = {};\n__export(url_exports, {\n URLPattern: () => me\n});\nmodule.exports = __toCommonJS(url_exports);\n\n// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/urlpattern-polyfill@10.0.0/node_modules/urlpattern-polyfill/dist/urlpattern.js\nvar _a;\nvar R = (_a = class {\n type = 3;\n name = \"\";\n prefix = \"\";\n value = \"\";\n suffix = \"\";\n modifier = 3;\n constructor(t, r, n, o, c, l) {\n this.type = t, = r, this.prefix = n, this.value = o, this.suffix = c, this.modifier = l;\n }\n hasCustomName() {\n return !== \"\" && typeof != \"number\";\n }\n}, __name(_a, \"R\"), _a);\nvar be = /[$_\\p{ID_Start}]/u;\nvar Pe = /[$_\\u200C\\u200D\\p{ID_Continue}]/u;\nvar M = \".*\";\nfunction Re(e, t) {\n return (t ? /^[\\x00-\\xFF]*$/ : /^[\\x00-\\x7F]*$/).test(e);\n}\n__name(Re, \"Re\");\nfunction v(e, t = false) {\n let r = [], n = 0;\n for (; n < e.length; ) {\n let o = e[n], c = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function(l) {\n if (!t)\n throw new TypeError(l);\n r.push({ type: \"INVALID_CHAR\", index: n, value: e[n++] });\n }, \"c\");\n if (o === \"*\") {\n r.push({ type: \"ASTERISK\", index: n, value: e[n++] });\n continue;\n }\n if (o === \"+\" || o === \"?\") {\n r.push({ type: \"OTHER_MODIFIER\", index: n, value: e[n++] });\n continue;\n }\n if (o === \"\\\\\") {\n r.push({ type: \"ESCAPED_CHAR\", index: n++, value: e[n++] });\n continue;\n }\n if (o === \"{\") {\n r.push({ type: \"OPEN\", index: n, value: e[n++] });\n continue;\n }\n if (o === \"}\") {\n r.push({ type: \"CLOSE\", index: n, value: e[n++] });\n continue;\n }\n if (o === \":\") {\n let l = \"\", s = n + 1;\n for (; s < e.length; ) {\n let i = e.substr(s, 1);\n if (s === n + 1 && be.test(i) || s !== n + 1 && Pe.test(i)) {\n l += e[s++];\n continue;\n }\n break;\n }\n if (!l) {\n c(`Missing parameter name at ${n}`);\n continue;\n }\n r.push({ type: \"NAME\", index: n, value: l }), n = s;\n continue;\n }\n if (o === \"(\") {\n let l = 1, s = \"\", i = n + 1, a = false;\n if (e[i] === \"?\") {\n c(`Pattern cannot start with \"?\" at ${i}`);\n continue;\n }\n for (; i < e.length; ) {\n if (!Re(e[i], false)) {\n c(`Invalid character '${e[i]}' at ${i}.`), a = true;\n break;\n }\n if (e[i] === \"\\\\\") {\n s += e[i++] + e[i++];\n continue;\n }\n if (e[i] === \")\") {\n if (l--, l === 0) {\n i++;\n break;\n }\n } else if (e[i] === \"(\" && (l++, e[i + 1] !== \"?\")) {\n c(`Capturing groups are not allowed at ${i}`), a = true;\n break;\n }\n s += e[i++];\n }\n if (a)\n continue;\n if (l) {\n c(`Unbalanced pattern at ${n}`);\n continue;\n }\n if (!s) {\n c(`Missing pattern at ${n}`);\n continue;\n }\n r.push({ type: \"REGEX\", index: n, value: s }), n = i;\n continue;\n }\n r.push({ type: \"CHAR\", index: n, value: e[n++] });\n }\n return r.push({ type: \"END\", index: n, value: \"\" }), r;\n}\n__name(v, \"v\");\nfunction D(e, t = {}) {\n let r = v(e);\n t.delimiter ??= \"/#?\", t.prefixes ??= \"./\";\n let n = `[^${S(t.delimiter)}]+?`, o = [], c = 0, l = 0, s = \"\", i = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), a = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((h) => {\n if (l < r.length && r[l].type === h)\n return r[l++].value;\n }, \"a\"), f = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => a(\"OTHER_MODIFIER\") ?? a(\"ASTERISK\"), \"f\"), d = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((h) => {\n let u = a(h);\n if (u !== void 0)\n return u;\n let { type: p, index: A } = r[l];\n throw new TypeError(`Unexpected ${p} at ${A}, expected ${h}`);\n }, \"d\"), T = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => {\n let h = \"\", u;\n for (; u = a(\"CHAR\") ?? a(\"ESCAPED_CHAR\"); )\n h += u;\n return h;\n }, \"T\"), Se = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((h) => h, \"Se\"), L = t.encodePart || Se, I = \"\", U = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((h) => {\n I += h;\n }, \"U\"), $ = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => {\n I.length && (o.push(new R(3, \"\", \"\", L(I), \"\", 3)), I = \"\");\n }, \"$\"), V = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((h, u, p, A, Y) => {\n let g = 3;\n switch (Y) {\n case \"?\":\n g = 1;\n break;\n case \"*\":\n g = 0;\n break;\n case \"+\":\n g = 2;\n break;\n }\n if (!u && !p && g === 3) {\n U(h);\n return;\n }\n if ($(), !u && !p) {\n if (!h)\n return;\n o.push(new R(3, \"\", \"\", L(h), \"\", g));\n return;\n }\n let m;\n p ? p === \"*\" ? m = M : m = p : m = n;\n let O = 2;\n m === n ? (O = 1, m = \"\") : m === M && (O = 0, m = \"\");\n let P;\n if (u ? P = u : p && (P = c++), i.has(P))\n throw new TypeError(`Duplicate name '${P}'.`);\n i.add(P), o.push(new R(O, P, L(h), m, L(A), g));\n }, \"V\");\n for (; l < r.length; ) {\n let h = a(\"CHAR\"), u = a(\"NAME\"), p = a(\"REGEX\");\n if (!u && !p && (p = a(\"ASTERISK\")), u || p) {\n let g = h ?? \"\";\n t.prefixes.indexOf(g) === -1 && (U(g), g = \"\"), $();\n let m = f();\n V(g, u, p, \"\", m);\n continue;\n }\n let A = h ?? a(\"ESCAPED_CHAR\");\n if (A) {\n U(A);\n continue;\n }\n if (a(\"OPEN\")) {\n let g = T(), m = a(\"NAME\"), O = a(\"REGEX\");\n !m && !O && (O = a(\"ASTERISK\"));\n let P = T();\n d(\"CLOSE\");\n let xe = f();\n V(g, m, O, P, xe);\n continue;\n }\n $(), d(\"END\");\n }\n return o;\n}\n__name(D, \"D\");\nfunction S(e) {\n return e.replace(/([.+*?^${}()[\\]|/\\\\])/g, \"\\\\$1\");\n}\n__name(S, \"S\");\nfunction X(e) {\n return e && e.ignoreCase ? \"ui\" : \"u\";\n}\n__name(X, \"X\");\nfunction Z(e, t, r) {\n return F(D(e, r), t, r);\n}\n__name(Z, \"Z\");\nfunction k(e) {\n switch (e) {\n case 0:\n return \"*\";\n case 1:\n return \"?\";\n case 2:\n return \"+\";\n case 3:\n return \"\";\n }\n}\n__name(k, \"k\");\nfunction F(e, t, r = {}) {\n r.delimiter ??= \"/#?\", r.prefixes ??= \"./\", r.sensitive ??= false, r.strict ??= false, r.end ??= true, r.start ??= true, r.endsWith = \"\";\n let n = r.start ? \"^\" : \"\";\n for (let s of e) {\n if (s.type === 3) {\n s.modifier === 3 ? n += S(s.value) : n += `(?:${S(s.value)})${k(s.modifier)}`;\n continue;\n }\n t && t.push(;\n let i = `[^${S(r.delimiter)}]+?`, a = s.value;\n if (s.type === 1 ? a = i : s.type === 0 && (a = M), !s.prefix.length && !s.suffix.length) {\n s.modifier === 3 || s.modifier === 1 ? n += `(${a})${k(s.modifier)}` : n += `((?:${a})${k(s.modifier)})`;\n continue;\n }\n if (s.modifier === 3 || s.modifier === 1) {\n n += `(?:${S(s.prefix)}(${a})${S(s.suffix)})`, n += k(s.modifier);\n continue;\n }\n n += `(?:${S(s.prefix)}`, n += `((?:${a})(?:`, n += S(s.suffix), n += S(s.prefix), n += `(?:${a}))*)${S(s.suffix)})`, s.modifier === 0 && (n += \"?\");\n }\n let o = `[${S(r.endsWith)}]|$`, c = `[${S(r.delimiter)}]`;\n if (r.end)\n return r.strict || (n += `${c}?`), r.endsWith.length ? n += `(?=${o})` : n += \"$\", new RegExp(n, X(r));\n r.strict || (n += `(?:${c}(?=${o}))?`);\n let l = false;\n if (e.length) {\n let s = e[e.length - 1];\n s.type === 3 && s.modifier === 3 && (l = r.delimiter.indexOf(s) > -1);\n }\n return l || (n += `(?=${c}|${o})`), new RegExp(n, X(r));\n}\n__name(F, \"F\");\nvar x = { delimiter: \"\", prefixes: \"\", sensitive: true, strict: true };\nvar B = { delimiter: \".\", prefixes: \"\", sensitive: true, strict: true };\nvar q = { delimiter: \"/\", prefixes: \"/\", sensitive: true, strict: true };\nfunction J(e, t) {\n return e.length ? e[0] === \"/\" ? true : !t || e.length < 2 ? false : (e[0] == \"\\\\\" || e[0] == \"{\") && e[1] == \"/\" : false;\n}\n__name(J, \"J\");\nfunction Q(e, t) {\n return e.startsWith(t) ? e.substring(t.length, e.length) : e;\n}\n__name(Q, \"Q\");\nfunction Ee(e, t) {\n return e.endsWith(t) ? e.substr(0, e.length - t.length) : e;\n}\n__name(Ee, \"Ee\");\nfunction W(e) {\n return !e || e.length < 2 ? false : e[0] === \"[\" || (e[0] === \"\\\\\" || e[0] === \"{\") && e[1] === \"[\";\n}\n__name(W, \"W\");\nvar ee = [\"ftp\", \"file\", \"http\", \"https\", \"ws\", \"wss\"];\nfunction N(e) {\n if (!e)\n return true;\n for (let t of ee)\n if (e.test(t))\n return true;\n return false;\n}\n__name(N, \"N\");\nfunction te(e, t) {\n if (e = Q(e, \"#\"), t || e === \"\")\n return e;\n let r = new URL(\"\");\n return r.hash = e, r.hash ? r.hash.substring(1, r.hash.length) : \"\";\n}\n__name(te, \"te\");\nfunction re(e, t) {\n if (e = Q(e, \"?\"), t || e === \"\")\n return e;\n let r = new URL(\"\");\n return = e, ?, : \"\";\n}\n__name(re, \"re\");\nfunction ne(e, t) {\n return t || e === \"\" ? e : W(e) ? j(e) : z(e);\n}\n__name(ne, \"ne\");\nfunction se(e, t) {\n if (t || e === \"\")\n return e;\n let r = new URL(\"\");\n return r.password = e, r.password;\n}\n__name(se, \"se\");\nfunction ie(e, t) {\n if (t || e === \"\")\n return e;\n let r = new URL(\"\");\n return r.username = e, r.username;\n}\n__name(ie, \"ie\");\nfunction ae(e, t, r) {\n if (r || e === \"\")\n return e;\n if (t && !ee.includes(t))\n return new URL(`${t}:${e}`).pathname;\n let n = e[0] == \"/\";\n return e = new URL(n ? e : \"/-\" + e, \"\").pathname, n || (e = e.substring(2, e.length)), e;\n}\n__name(ae, \"ae\");\nfunction oe(e, t, r) {\n return _(t) === e && (e = \"\"), r || e === \"\" ? e : K(e);\n}\n__name(oe, \"oe\");\nfunction ce(e, t) {\n return e = Ee(e, \":\"), t || e === \"\" ? e : y(e);\n}\n__name(ce, \"ce\");\nfunction _(e) {\n switch (e) {\n case \"ws\":\n case \"http\":\n return \"80\";\n case \"wws\":\n case \"https\":\n return \"443\";\n case \"ftp\":\n return \"21\";\n default:\n return \"\";\n }\n}\n__name(_, \"_\");\nfunction y(e) {\n if (e === \"\")\n return e;\n if (/^[-+.A-Za-z0-9]*$/.test(e))\n return e.toLowerCase();\n throw new TypeError(`Invalid protocol '${e}'.`);\n}\n__name(y, \"y\");\nfunction le(e) {\n if (e === \"\")\n return e;\n let t = new URL(\"\");\n return t.username = e, t.username;\n}\n__name(le, \"le\");\nfunction fe(e) {\n if (e === \"\")\n return e;\n let t = new URL(\"\");\n return t.password = e, t.password;\n}\n__name(fe, \"fe\");\nfunction z(e) {\n if (e === \"\")\n return e;\n if (/[\\t\\n\\r #%/:<>?@[\\]^\\\\|]/g.test(e))\n throw new TypeError(`Invalid hostname '${e}'`);\n let t = new URL(\"\");\n return t.hostname = e, t.hostname;\n}\n__name(z, \"z\");\nfunction j(e) {\n if (e === \"\")\n return e;\n if (/[^0-9a-fA-F[\\]:]/g.test(e))\n throw new TypeError(`Invalid IPv6 hostname '${e}'`);\n return e.toLowerCase();\n}\n__name(j, \"j\");\nfunction K(e) {\n if (e === \"\" || /^[0-9]*$/.test(e) && parseInt(e) <= 65535)\n return e;\n throw new TypeError(`Invalid port '${e}'.`);\n}\n__name(K, \"K\");\nfunction he(e) {\n if (e === \"\")\n return e;\n let t = new URL(\"\");\n return t.pathname = e[0] !== \"/\" ? \"/-\" + e : e, e[0] !== \"/\" ? t.pathname.substring(2, t.pathname.length) : t.pathname;\n}\n__name(he, \"he\");\nfunction ue(e) {\n return e === \"\" ? e : new URL(`data:${e}`).pathname;\n}\n__name(ue, \"ue\");\nfunction de(e) {\n if (e === \"\")\n return e;\n let t = new URL(\"\");\n return = e,,;\n}\n__name(de, \"de\");\nfunction pe(e) {\n if (e === \"\")\n return e;\n let t = new URL(\"\");\n return t.hash = e, t.hash.substring(1, t.hash.length);\n}\n__name(pe, \"pe\");\nvar _i, _n, _t, _e, _s, _l, _o, _d, _p, _g, _r, r_fn, _R, R_fn, _b, b_fn, _u, u_fn, _m, m_fn, _a2, a_fn, _P, P_fn, _E, E_fn, _S, S_fn, _O, O_fn, _k, k_fn, _x, x_fn, _h, h_fn, _f, f_fn, _T, T_fn, _A, A_fn, _y, y_fn, _w, w_fn, _c, c_fn, _C, C_fn, _a3;\nvar H = (_a3 = class {\n constructor(t) {\n __privateAdd(this, _r);\n __privateAdd(this, _R);\n __privateAdd(this, _b);\n __privateAdd(this, _u);\n __privateAdd(this, _m);\n __privateAdd(this, _a2);\n __privateAdd(this, _P);\n __privateAdd(this, _E);\n __privateAdd(this, _S);\n __privateAdd(this, _O);\n __privateAdd(this, _k);\n __privateAdd(this, _x);\n __privateAdd(this, _h);\n __privateAdd(this, _f);\n __privateAdd(this, _T);\n __privateAdd(this, _A);\n __privateAdd(this, _y);\n __privateAdd(this, _w);\n __privateAdd(this, _c);\n __privateAdd(this, _C);\n __privateAdd(this, _i, void 0);\n __privateAdd(this, _n, []);\n __privateAdd(this, _t, {});\n __privateAdd(this, _e, 0);\n __privateAdd(this, _s, 1);\n __privateAdd(this, _l, 0);\n __privateAdd(this, _o, 0);\n __privateAdd(this, _d, 0);\n __privateAdd(this, _p, 0);\n __privateAdd(this, _g, false);\n __privateSet(this, _i, t);\n }\n get result() {\n return __privateGet(this, _t);\n }\n parse() {\n for (__privateSet(this, _n, v(__privateGet(this, _i), true)); __privateGet(this, _e) < __privateGet(this, _n).length; __privateSet(this, _e, __privateGet(this, _e) + __privateGet(this, _s))) {\n if (__privateSet(this, _s, 1), __privateGet(this, _n)[__privateGet(this, _e)].type === \"END\") {\n if (__privateGet(this, _o) === 0) {\n __privateMethod(this, _b, b_fn).call(this), __privateMethod(this, _f, f_fn).call(this) ? __privateMethod(this, _r, r_fn).call(this, 9, 1) : __privateMethod(this, _h, h_fn).call(this) ? __privateMethod(this, _r, r_fn).call(this, 8, 1) : __privateMethod(this, _r, r_fn).call(this, 7, 0);\n continue;\n } else if (__privateGet(this, _o) === 2) {\n __privateMethod(this, _u, u_fn).call(this, 5);\n continue;\n }\n __privateMethod(this, _r, r_fn).call(this, 10, 0);\n break;\n }\n if (__privateGet(this, _d) > 0)\n if (__privateMethod(this, _A, A_fn).call(this))\n __privateSet(this, _d, __privateGet(this, _d) - 1);\n else\n continue;\n if (__privateMethod(this, _T, T_fn).call(this)) {\n __privateSet(this, _d, __privateGet(this, _d) + 1);\n continue;\n }\n switch (__privateGet(this, _o)) {\n case 0:\n __privateMethod(this, _P, P_fn).call(this) && __privateMethod(this, _u, u_fn).call(this, 1);\n break;\n case 1:\n if (__privateMethod(this, _P, P_fn).call(this)) {\n __privateMethod(this, _C, C_fn).call(this);\n let t = 7, r = 1;\n __privateMethod(this, _E, E_fn).call(this) ? (t = 2, r = 3) : __privateGet(this, _g) && (t = 2), __privateMethod(this, _r, r_fn).call(this, t, r);\n }\n break;\n case 2:\n __privateMethod(this, _S, S_fn).call(this) ? __privateMethod(this, _u, u_fn).call(this, 3) : (__privateMethod(this, _x, x_fn).call(this) || __privateMethod(this, _h, h_fn).call(this) || __privateMethod(this, _f, f_fn).call(this)) && __privateMethod(this, _u, u_fn).call(this, 5);\n break;\n case 3:\n __privateMethod(this, _O, O_fn).call(this) ? __privateMethod(this, _r, r_fn).call(this, 4, 1) : __privateMethod(this, _S, S_fn).call(this) && __privateMethod(this, _r, r_fn).call(this, 5, 1);\n break;\n case 4:\n __privateMethod(this, _S, S_fn).call(this) && __privateMethod(this, _r, r_fn).call(this, 5, 1);\n break;\n case 5:\n __privateMethod(this, _y, y_fn).call(this) ? __privateSet(this, _p, __privateGet(this, _p) + 1) : __privateMethod(this, _w, w_fn).call(this) && __privateSet(this, _p, __privateGet(this, _p) - 1), __privateMethod(this, _k, k_fn).call(this) && !__privateGet(this, _p) ? __privateMethod(this, _r, r_fn).call(this, 6, 1) : __privateMethod(this, _x, x_fn).call(this) ? __privateMethod(this, _r, r_fn).call(this, 7, 0) : __privateMethod(this, _h, h_fn).call(this) ? __privateMethod(this, _r, r_fn).call(this, 8, 1) : __privateMethod(this, _f, f_fn).call(this) && __privateMethod(this, _r, r_fn).call(this, 9, 1);\n break;\n case 6:\n __privateMethod(this, _x, x_fn).call(this) ? __privateMethod(this, _r, r_fn).call(this, 7, 0) : __privateMethod(this, _h, h_fn).call(this) ? __privateMethod(this, _r, r_fn).call(this, 8, 1) : __privateMethod(this, _f, f_fn).call(this) && __privateMethod(this, _r, r_fn).call(this, 9, 1);\n break;\n case 7:\n __privateMethod(this, _h, h_fn).call(this) ? __privateMethod(this, _r, r_fn).call(this, 8, 1) : __privateMethod(this, _f, f_fn).call(this) && __privateMethod(this, _r, r_fn).call(this, 9, 1);\n break;\n case 8:\n __privateMethod(this, _f, f_fn).call(this) && __privateMethod(this, _r, r_fn).call(this, 9, 1);\n break;\n case 9:\n break;\n case 10:\n break;\n }\n }\n __privateGet(this, _t).hostname !== void 0 && __privateGet(this, _t).port === void 0 && (__privateGet(this, _t).port = \"\");\n }\n}, _i = new WeakMap(), _n = new WeakMap(), _t = new WeakMap(), _e = new WeakMap(), _s = new WeakMap(), _l = new WeakMap(), _o = new WeakMap(), _d = new WeakMap(), _p = new WeakMap(), _g = new WeakMap(), _r = new WeakSet(), r_fn = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function(t, r) {\n switch (__privateGet(this, _o)) {\n case 0:\n break;\n case 1:\n __privateGet(this, _t).protocol = __privateMethod(this, _c, c_fn).call(this);\n break;\n case 2:\n break;\n case 3:\n __privateGet(this, _t).username = __privateMethod(this, _c, c_fn).call(this);\n break;\n case 4:\n __privateGet(this, _t).password = __privateMethod(this, _c, c_fn).call(this);\n break;\n case 5:\n __privateGet(this, _t).hostname = __privateMethod(this, _c, c_fn).call(this);\n break;\n case 6:\n __privateGet(this, _t).port = __privateMethod(this, _c, c_fn).call(this);\n break;\n case 7:\n __privateGet(this, _t).pathname = __privateMethod(this, _c, c_fn).call(this);\n break;\n case 8:\n __privateGet(this, _t).search = __privateMethod(this, _c, c_fn).call(this);\n break;\n case 9:\n __privateGet(this, _t).hash = __privateMethod(this, _c, c_fn).call(this);\n break;\n case 10:\n break;\n }\n __privateGet(this, _o) !== 0 && t !== 10 && ([1, 2, 3, 4].includes(__privateGet(this, _o)) && [6, 7, 8, 9].includes(t) && (__privateGet(this, _t).hostname ??= \"\"), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].includes(__privateGet(this, _o)) && [8, 9].includes(t) && (__privateGet(this, _t).pathname ??= __privateGet(this, _g) ? \"/\" : \"\"), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7].includes(__privateGet(this, _o)) && t === 9 && (__privateGet(this, _t).search ??= \"\")), __privateMethod(this, _R, R_fn).call(this, t, r);\n}, \"#r\"), _R = new WeakSet(), R_fn = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function(t, r) {\n __privateSet(this, _o, t), __privateSet(this, _l, __privateGet(this, _e) + r), __privateSet(this, _e, __privateGet(this, _e) + r), __privateSet(this, _s, 0);\n}, \"#R\"), _b = new WeakSet(), b_fn = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function() {\n __privateSet(this, _e, __privateGet(this, _l)), __privateSet(this, _s, 0);\n}, \"#b\"), _u = new WeakSet(), u_fn = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function(t) {\n __privateMethod(this, _b, b_fn).call(this), __privateSet(this, _o, t);\n}, \"#u\"), _m = new WeakSet(), m_fn = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function(t) {\n return t < 0 && (t = __privateGet(this, _n).length - t), t < __privateGet(this, _n).length ? __privateGet(this, _n)[t] : __privateGet(this, _n)[__privateGet(this, _n).length - 1];\n}, \"#m\"), _a2 = new WeakSet(), a_fn = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function(t, r) {\n let n = __privateMethod(this, _m, m_fn).call(this, t);\n return n.value === r && (n.type === \"CHAR\" || n.type === \"ESCAPED_CHAR\" || n.type === \"INVALID_CHAR\");\n}, \"#a\"), _P = new WeakSet(), P_fn = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function() {\n return __privateMethod(this, _a2, a_fn).call(this, __privateGet(this, _e), \":\");\n}, \"#P\"), _E = new WeakSet(), E_fn = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function() {\n return __privateMethod(this, _a2, a_fn).call(this, __privateGet(this, _e) + 1, \"/\") && __privateMethod(this, _a2, a_fn).call(this, __privateGet(this, _e) + 2, \"/\");\n}, \"#E\"), _S = new WeakSet(), S_fn = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function() {\n return __privateMethod(this, _a2, a_fn).call(this, __privateGet(this, _e), \"@\");\n}, \"#S\"), _O = new WeakSet(), O_fn = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function() {\n return __privateMethod(this, _a2, a_fn).call(this, __privateGet(this, _e), \":\");\n}, \"#O\"), _k = new WeakSet(), k_fn = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function() {\n return __privateMethod(this, _a2, a_fn).call(this, __privateGet(this, _e), \":\");\n}, \"#k\"), _x = new WeakSet(), x_fn = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function() {\n return __privateMethod(this, _a2, a_fn).call(this, __privateGet(this, _e), \"/\");\n}, \"#x\"), _h = new WeakSet(), h_fn = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function() {\n if (__privateMethod(this, _a2, a_fn).call(this, __privateGet(this, _e), \"?\"))\n return true;\n if (__privateGet(this, _n)[__privateGet(this, _e)].value !== \"?\")\n return false;\n let t = __privateMethod(this, _m, m_fn).call(this, __privateGet(this, _e) - 1);\n return t.type !== \"NAME\" && t.type !== \"REGEX\" && t.type !== \"CLOSE\" && t.type !== \"ASTERISK\";\n}, \"#h\"), _f = new WeakSet(), f_fn = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function() {\n return __privateMethod(this, _a2, a_fn).call(this, __privateGet(this, _e), \"#\");\n}, \"#f\"), _T = new WeakSet(), T_fn = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function() {\n return __privateGet(this, _n)[__privateGet(this, _e)].type == \"OPEN\";\n}, \"#T\"), _A = new WeakSet(), A_fn = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function() {\n return __privateGet(this, _n)[__privateGet(this, _e)].type == \"CLOSE\";\n}, \"#A\"), _y = new WeakSet(), y_fn = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function() {\n return __privateMethod(this, _a2, a_fn).call(this, __privateGet(this, _e), \"[\");\n}, \"#y\"), _w = new WeakSet(), w_fn = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function() {\n return __privateMethod(this, _a2, a_fn).call(this, __privateGet(this, _e), \"]\");\n}, \"#w\"), _c = new WeakSet(), c_fn = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function() {\n let t = __privateGet(this, _n)[__privateGet(this, _e)], r = __privateMethod(this, _m, m_fn).call(this, __privateGet(this, _l)).index;\n return __privateGet(this, _i).substring(r, t.index);\n}, \"#c\"), _C = new WeakSet(), C_fn = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function() {\n let t = {};\n Object.assign(t, x), t.encodePart = y;\n let r = Z(__privateMethod(this, _c, c_fn).call(this), void 0, t);\n __privateSet(this, _g, N(r));\n}, \"#C\"), __name(_a3, \"H\"), _a3);\nvar G = [\"protocol\", \"username\", \"password\", \"hostname\", \"port\", \"pathname\", \"search\", \"hash\"];\nvar E = \"*\";\nfunction ge(e, t) {\n if (typeof e != \"string\")\n throw new TypeError(\"parameter 1 is not of type 'string'.\");\n let r = new URL(e, t);\n return { protocol: r.protocol.substring(0, r.protocol.length - 1), username: r.username, password: r.password, hostname: r.hostname, port: r.port, pathname: r.pathname, search: !== \"\" ?, : void 0, hash: r.hash !== \"\" ? r.hash.substring(1, r.hash.length) : void 0 };\n}\n__name(ge, \"ge\");\nfunction b(e, t) {\n return t ? C(e) : e;\n}\n__name(b, \"b\");\nfunction w(e, t, r) {\n let n;\n if (typeof t.baseURL == \"string\")\n try {\n n = new URL(t.baseURL), t.protocol === void 0 && (e.protocol = b(n.protocol.substring(0, n.protocol.length - 1), r)), !r && t.protocol === void 0 && t.hostname === void 0 && t.port === void 0 && t.username === void 0 && (e.username = b(n.username, r)), !r && t.protocol === void 0 && t.hostname === void 0 && t.port === void 0 && t.username === void 0 && t.password === void 0 && (e.password = b(n.password, r)), t.protocol === void 0 && t.hostname === void 0 && (e.hostname = b(n.hostname, r)), t.protocol === void 0 && t.hostname === void 0 && t.port === void 0 && (e.port = b(n.port, r)), t.protocol === void 0 && t.hostname === void 0 && t.port === void 0 && t.pathname === void 0 && (e.pathname = b(n.pathname, r)), t.protocol === void 0 && t.hostname === void 0 && t.port === void 0 && t.pathname === void 0 && === void 0 && ( = b(,, r)), t.protocol === void 0 && t.hostname === void 0 && t.port === void 0 && t.pathname === void 0 && === void 0 && t.hash === void 0 && (e.hash = b(n.hash.substring(1, n.hash.length), r));\n } catch {\n throw new TypeError(`invalid baseURL '${t.baseURL}'.`);\n }\n if (typeof t.protocol == \"string\" && (e.protocol = ce(t.protocol, r)), typeof t.username == \"string\" && (e.username = ie(t.username, r)), typeof t.password == \"string\" && (e.password = se(t.password, r)), typeof t.hostname == \"string\" && (e.hostname = ne(t.hostname, r)), typeof t.port == \"string\" && (e.port = oe(t.port, e.protocol, r)), typeof t.pathname == \"string\") {\n if (e.pathname = t.pathname, n && !J(e.pathname, r)) {\n let o = n.pathname.lastIndexOf(\"/\");\n o >= 0 && (e.pathname = b(n.pathname.substring(0, o + 1), r) + e.pathname);\n }\n e.pathname = ae(e.pathname, e.protocol, r);\n }\n return typeof == \"string\" && ( = re(, r)), typeof t.hash == \"string\" && (e.hash = te(t.hash, r)), e;\n}\n__name(w, \"w\");\nfunction C(e) {\n return e.replace(/([+*?:{}()\\\\])/g, \"\\\\$1\");\n}\n__name(C, \"C\");\nfunction Oe(e) {\n return e.replace(/([.+*?^${}()[\\]|/\\\\])/g, \"\\\\$1\");\n}\n__name(Oe, \"Oe\");\nfunction ke(e, t) {\n t.delimiter ??= \"/#?\", t.prefixes ??= \"./\", t.sensitive ??= false, t.strict ??= false, t.end ??= true, t.start ??= true, t.endsWith = \"\";\n let r = \".*\", n = `[^${Oe(t.delimiter)}]+?`, o = /[$_\\u200C\\u200D\\p{ID_Continue}]/u, c = \"\";\n for (let l = 0; l < e.length; ++l) {\n let s = e[l];\n if (s.type === 3) {\n if (s.modifier === 3) {\n c += C(s.value);\n continue;\n }\n c += `{${C(s.value)}}${k(s.modifier)}`;\n continue;\n }\n let i = s.hasCustomName(), a = !!s.suffix.length || !!s.prefix.length && (s.prefix.length !== 1 || !t.prefixes.includes(s.prefix)), f = l > 0 ? e[l - 1] : null, d = l < e.length - 1 ? e[l + 1] : null;\n if (!a && i && s.type === 1 && s.modifier === 3 && d && !d.prefix.length && !d.suffix.length)\n if (d.type === 3) {\n let T = d.value.length > 0 ? d.value[0] : \"\";\n a = o.test(T);\n } else\n a = !d.hasCustomName();\n if (!a && !s.prefix.length && f && f.type === 3) {\n let T = f.value[f.value.length - 1];\n a = t.prefixes.includes(T);\n }\n a && (c += \"{\"), c += C(s.prefix), i && (c += `:${}`), s.type === 2 ? c += `(${s.value})` : s.type === 1 ? i || (c += `(${n})`) : s.type === 0 && (!i && (!f || f.type === 3 || f.modifier !== 3 || a || s.prefix !== \"\") ? c += \"*\" : c += `(${r})`), s.type === 1 && i && s.suffix.length && o.test(s.suffix[0]) && (c += \"\\\\\"), c += C(s.suffix), a && (c += \"}\"), s.modifier !== 3 && (c += k(s.modifier));\n }\n return c;\n}\n__name(ke, \"ke\");\nvar _i2, _n2, _t2, _e2, _s2, _l2, _a4;\nvar me = (_a4 = class {\n constructor(t = {}, r, n) {\n __privateAdd(this, _i2, void 0);\n __privateAdd(this, _n2, {});\n __privateAdd(this, _t2, {});\n __privateAdd(this, _e2, {});\n __privateAdd(this, _s2, {});\n __privateAdd(this, _l2, false);\n try {\n let o;\n if (typeof r == \"string\" ? o = r : n = r, typeof t == \"string\") {\n let i = new H(t);\n if (i.parse(), t = i.result, o === void 0 && typeof t.protocol != \"string\")\n throw new TypeError(\"A base URL must be provided for a relative constructor string.\");\n t.baseURL = o;\n } else {\n if (!t || typeof t != \"object\")\n throw new TypeError(\"parameter 1 is not of type 'string' and cannot convert to dictionary.\");\n if (o)\n throw new TypeError(\"parameter 1 is not of type 'string'.\");\n }\n typeof n > \"u\" && (n = { ignoreCase: false });\n let c = { ignoreCase: n.ignoreCase === true }, l = { pathname: E, protocol: E, username: E, password: E, hostname: E, port: E, search: E, hash: E };\n __privateSet(this, _i2, w(l, t, true)), _(__privateGet(this, _i2).protocol) === __privateGet(this, _i2).port && (__privateGet(this, _i2).port = \"\");\n let s;\n for (s of G) {\n if (!(s in __privateGet(this, _i2)))\n continue;\n let i = {}, a = __privateGet(this, _i2)[s];\n switch (__privateGet(this, _t2)[s] = [], s) {\n case \"protocol\":\n Object.assign(i, x), i.encodePart = y;\n break;\n case \"username\":\n Object.assign(i, x), i.encodePart = le;\n break;\n case \"password\":\n Object.assign(i, x), i.encodePart = fe;\n break;\n case \"hostname\":\n Object.assign(i, B), W(a) ? i.encodePart = j : i.encodePart = z;\n break;\n case \"port\":\n Object.assign(i, x), i.encodePart = K;\n break;\n case \"pathname\":\n N(__privateGet(this, _n2).protocol) ? (Object.assign(i, q, c), i.encodePart = he) : (Object.assign(i, x, c), i.encodePart = ue);\n break;\n case \"search\":\n Object.assign(i, x, c), i.encodePart = de;\n break;\n case \"hash\":\n Object.assign(i, x, c), i.encodePart = pe;\n break;\n }\n try {\n __privateGet(this, _s2)[s] = D(a, i), __privateGet(this, _n2)[s] = F(__privateGet(this, _s2)[s], __privateGet(this, _t2)[s], i), __privateGet(this, _e2)[s] = ke(__privateGet(this, _s2)[s], i), __privateSet(this, _l2, __privateGet(this, _l2) || __privateGet(this, _s2)[s].some((f) => f.type === 2));\n } catch {\n throw new TypeError(`invalid ${s} pattern '${__privateGet(this, _i2)[s]}'.`);\n }\n }\n } catch (o) {\n throw new TypeError(`Failed to construct 'URLPattern': ${o.message}`);\n }\n }\n test(t = {}, r) {\n let n = { pathname: \"\", protocol: \"\", username: \"\", password: \"\", hostname: \"\", port: \"\", search: \"\", hash: \"\" };\n if (typeof t != \"string\" && r)\n throw new TypeError(\"parameter 1 is not of type 'string'.\");\n if (typeof t > \"u\")\n return false;\n try {\n typeof t == \"object\" ? n = w(n, t, false) : n = w(n, ge(t, r), false);\n } catch {\n return false;\n }\n let o;\n for (o of G)\n if (!__privateGet(this, _n2)[o].exec(n[o]))\n return false;\n return true;\n }\n exec(t = {}, r) {\n let n = { pathname: \"\", protocol: \"\", username: \"\", password: \"\", hostname: \"\", port: \"\", search: \"\", hash: \"\" };\n if (typeof t != \"string\" && r)\n throw new TypeError(\"parameter 1 is not of type 'string'.\");\n if (typeof t > \"u\")\n return;\n try {\n typeof t == \"object\" ? n = w(n, t, false) : n = w(n, ge(t, r), false);\n } catch {\n return null;\n }\n let o = {};\n r ? o.inputs = [t, r] : o.inputs = [t];\n let c;\n for (c of G) {\n let l = __privateGet(this, _n2)[c].exec(n[c]);\n if (!l)\n return null;\n let s = {};\n for (let [i, a] of __privateGet(this, _t2)[c].entries())\n if (typeof a == \"string\" || typeof a == \"number\") {\n let f = l[i + 1];\n s[a] = f;\n }\n o[c] = { input: n[c] ?? \"\", groups: s };\n }\n return o;\n }\n static compareComponent(t, r, n) {\n let o = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((i, a) => {\n for (let f of [\"type\", \"modifier\", \"prefix\", \"value\", \"suffix\"]) {\n if (i[f] < a[f])\n return -1;\n if (i[f] === a[f])\n continue;\n return 1;\n }\n return 0;\n }, \"o\"), c = new R(3, \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", 3), l = new R(0, \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", 3), s = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((i, a) => {\n let f = 0;\n for (; f < Math.min(i.length, a.length); ++f) {\n let d = o(i[f], a[f]);\n if (d)\n return d;\n }\n return i.length === a.length ? 0 : o(i[f] ?? c, a[f] ?? c);\n }, \"s\");\n return !__privateGet(r, _e2)[t] && !__privateGet(n, _e2)[t] ? 0 : __privateGet(r, _e2)[t] && !__privateGet(n, _e2)[t] ? s(__privateGet(r, _s2)[t], [l]) : !__privateGet(r, _e2)[t] && __privateGet(n, _e2)[t] ? s([l], __privateGet(n, _s2)[t]) : s(__privateGet(r, _s2)[t], __privateGet(n, _s2)[t]);\n }\n get protocol() {\n return __privateGet(this, _e2).protocol;\n }\n get username() {\n return __privateGet(this, _e2).username;\n }\n get password() {\n return __privateGet(this, _e2).password;\n }\n get hostname() {\n return __privateGet(this, _e2).hostname;\n }\n get port() {\n return __privateGet(this, _e2).port;\n }\n get pathname() {\n return __privateGet(this, _e2).pathname;\n }\n get search() {\n return __privateGet(this, _e2).search;\n }\n get hash() {\n return __privateGet(this, _e2).hash;\n }\n get hasRegExpGroups() {\n return __privateGet(this, _l2);\n }\n}, _i2 = new WeakMap(), _n2 = new WeakMap(), _t2 = new WeakMap(), _e2 = new WeakMap(), _s2 = new WeakMap(), _l2 = new WeakMap(), __name(_a4, \"me\"), _a4);\n\n// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/urlpattern-polyfill@10.0.0/node_modules/urlpattern-polyfill/index.js\nif (!globalThis.URLPattern) {\n globalThis.URLPattern = me;\n}\n// Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node:\n0 && (module.exports = {\n URLPattern\n});\n"
module.exports = "\"use strict\";var yt=Object.defineProperty,Le=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,Ae=Object.getOwnPropertyNames,Te=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,h=(t,e)=>yt(t,\"name\",{value:e,configurable:!0}),Ue=(t,e)=>{for(var s in e)yt(t,s,{get:e[s],enumerable:!0})},Me=(t,e,s,r)=>{if(e&&typeof e==\"object\"||typeof e==\"function\")for(let c of Ae(e))!,c)&&c!==s&&yt(t,c,{get:()=>e[c],enumerable:!(r=Le(e,c))||r.enumerable});return t},Ie=t=>Me(yt({},\"__esModule\",{value:!0}),t),Ht=(t,e,s)=>{if(!e.has(t))throw TypeError(\"Cannot \"+s)},i=(t,e,s)=>(Ht(t,e,\"read from private field\"),s?,p=(t,e,s)=>{if(e.has(t))throw TypeError(\"Cannot add the same private member more than once\");e instanceof WeakSet?e.add(t):e.set(t,s)},v=(t,e,s,r)=>(Ht(t,e,\"write to private field\"),r?,s):e.set(t,s),s),a=(t,e,s)=>(Ht(t,e,\"access private method\"),s),oe={};Ue(oe,{URLPattern:()=>Oe});module.exports=Ie(oe);var xt,ut=(xt=class{type=3;name=\"\";prefix=\"\";value=\"\";suffix=\"\";modifier=3;constructor(t,e,s,r,c,f){this.type=t,,this.prefix=s,this.value=r,this.suffix=c,this.modifier=f}hasCustomName(){return!==\"\"&&typeof!=\"number\"}},h(xt,\"R\"),xt),De=/[$_\\p{ID_Start}]/u,Ne=/[$_\\u200C\\u200D\\p{ID_Continue}]/u,Dt=\".*\";function le(t,e){return(e?/^[\\x00-\\xFF]*$/:/^[\\x00-\\x7F]*$/).test(t)}h(le,\"Re\");function Ft(t,e=!1){let s=[],r=0;for(;r<t.length;){let c=t[r],f=h(function(l){if(!e)throw new TypeError(l);s.push({type:\"INVALID_CHAR\",index:r,value:t[r++]})},\"c\");if(c===\"*\"){s.push({type:\"ASTERISK\",index:r,value:t[r++]});continue}if(c===\"+\"||c===\"?\"){s.push({type:\"OTHER_MODIFIER\",index:r,value:t[r++]});continue}if(c===\"\\\\\"){s.push({type:\"ESCAPED_CHAR\",index:r++,value:t[r++]});continue}if(c===\"{\"){s.push({type:\"OPEN\",index:r,value:t[r++]});continue}if(c===\"}\"){s.push({type:\"CLOSE\",index:r,value:t[r++]});continue}if(c===\":\"){let l=\"\",n=r+1;for(;n<t.length;){let u=t.substr(n,1);if(n===r+1&&De.test(u)||n!==r+1&&Ne.test(u)){l+=t[n++];continue}break}if(!l){f(`Missing parameter name at ${r}`);continue}s.push({type:\"NAME\",index:r,value:l}),r=n;continue}if(c===\"(\"){let l=1,n=\"\",u=r+1,o=!1;if(t[u]===\"?\"){f(`Pattern cannot start with \"?\" at ${u}`);continue}for(;u<t.length;){if(!le(t[u],!1)){f(`Invalid character '${t[u]}' at ${u}.`),o=!0;break}if(t[u]===\"\\\\\"){n+=t[u++]+t[u++];continue}if(t[u]===\")\"){if(l--,l===0){u++;break}}else if(t[u]===\"(\"&&(l++,t[u+1]!==\"?\")){f(`Capturing groups are not allowed at ${u}`),o=!0;break}n+=t[u++]}if(o)continue;if(l){f(`Unbalanced pattern at ${r}`);continue}if(!n){f(`Missing pattern at ${r}`);continue}s.push({type:\"REGEX\",index:r,value:n}),r=u;continue}s.push({type:\"CHAR\",index:r,value:t[r++]})}return s.push({type:\"END\",index:r,value:\"\"}),s}h(Ft,\"v\");function Gt(t,e={}){let s=Ft(t);e.delimiter??=\"/#?\",e.prefixes??=\"./\";let r=`[^${R(e.delimiter)}]+?`,c=[],f=0,l=0,n=\"\",u=new Set,o=h(w=>{if(l<s.length&&s[l].type===w)return s[l++].value},\"a\"),x=h(()=>o(\"OTHER_MODIFIER\")??o(\"ASTERISK\"),\"f\"),L=h(w=>{let b=o(w);if(b!==void 0)return b;let{type:$,index:J}=s[l];throw new TypeError(`Unexpected ${$} at ${J}, expected ${w}`)},\"d\"),z=h(()=>{let w=\"\",b;for(;b=o(\"CHAR\")??o(\"ESCAPED_CHAR\");)w+=b;return w},\"T\"),Pe=h(w=>w,\"Se\"),ft=e.encodePart||Pe,pt=\"\",bt=h(w=>{pt+=w},\"U\"),kt=h(()=>{pt.length&&(c.push(new ut(3,\"\",\"\",ft(pt),\"\",3)),pt=\"\")},\"$\"),Bt=h((w,b,$,J,I)=>{let O=3;switch(I){case\"?\":O=1;break;case\"*\":O=0;break;case\"+\":O=2;break}if(!b&&!$&&O===3){bt(w);return}if(kt(),!b&&!$){if(!w)return;c.push(new ut(3,\"\",\"\",ft(w),\"\",O));return}let S;$?$===\"*\"?S=Dt:S=$:S=r;let et=2;S===r?(et=1,S=\"\"):S===Dt&&(et=0,S=\"\");let D;if(b?D=b:$&&(D=f++),u.has(D))throw new TypeError(`Duplicate name '${D}'.`);u.add(D),c.push(new ut(et,D,ft(w),S,ft(J),O))},\"V\");for(;l<s.length;){let w=o(\"CHAR\"),b=o(\"NAME\"),$=o(\"REGEX\");if(!b&&!$&&($=o(\"ASTERISK\")),b||$){let I=w??\"\";e.prefixes.indexOf(I)===-1&&(bt(I),I=\"\"),kt();let O=x();Bt(I,b,$,\"\",O);continue}let J=w??o(\"ESCAPED_CHAR\");if(J){bt(J);continue}if(o(\"OPEN\")){let I=z(),O=o(\"NAME\"),S=o(\"REGEX\");!O&&!S&&(S=o(\"ASTERISK\"));let et=z();L(\"CLOSE\");let D=x();Bt(I,O,S,et,D);continue}kt(),L(\"END\")}return c}h(Gt,\"D\");function R(t){return t.replace(/([.+*?^${}()[\\]|/\\\\])/g,\"\\\\$1\")}h(R,\"S\");function Nt(t){return t&&t.ignoreCase?\"ui\":\"u\"}h(Nt,\"X\");function ce(t,e,s){return Kt(Gt(t,s),e,s)}h(ce,\"Z\");function V(t){switch(t){case 0:return\"*\";case 1:return\"?\";case 2:return\"+\";case 3:return\"\"}}h(V,\"k\");function Kt(t,e,s={}){s.delimiter??=\"/#?\",s.prefixes??=\"./\",s.sensitive??=!1,s.strict??=!1,s.end??=!0,s.start??=!0,s.endsWith=\"\";let r=s.start?\"^\":\"\";for(let n of t){if(n.type===3){n.modifier===3?r+=R(n.value):r+=`(?:${R(n.value)})${V(n.modifier)}`;continue}e&&e.push(;let u=`[^${R(s.delimiter)}]+?`,o=n.value;if(n.type===1?o=u:n.type===0&&(o=Dt),!n.prefix.length&&!n.suffix.length){n.modifier===3||n.modifier===1?r+=`(${o})${V(n.modifier)}`:r+=`((?:${o})${V(n.modifier)})`;continue}if(n.modifier===3||n.modifier===1){r+=`(?:${R(n.prefix)}(${o})${R(n.suffix)})`,r+=V(n.modifier);continue}r+=`(?:${R(n.prefix)}`,r+=`((?:${o})(?:`,r+=R(n.suffix),r+=R(n.prefix),r+=`(?:${o}))*)${R(n.suffix)})`,n.modifier===0&&(r+=\"?\")}let c=`[${R(s.endsWith)}]|$`,f=`[${R(s.delimiter)}]`;if(s.end)return s.strict||(r+=`${f}?`),s.endsWith.length?r+=`(?=${c})`:r+=\"$\",new RegExp(r,Nt(s));s.strict||(r+=`(?:${f}(?=${c}))?`);let l=!1;if(t.length){let n=t[t.length-1];n.type===3&&n.modifier===3&&(l=s.delimiter.indexOf(n)>-1)}return l||(r+=`(?=${f}|${c})`),new RegExp(r,Nt(s))}h(Kt,\"F\");var H={delimiter:\"\",prefixes:\"\",sensitive:!0,strict:!0},je={delimiter:\".\",prefixes:\"\",sensitive:!0,strict:!0},He={delimiter:\"/\",prefixes:\"/\",sensitive:!0,strict:!0};function ue(t,e){return t.length?t[0]===\"/\"?!0:!e||t.length<2?!1:(t[0]==\"\\\\\"||t[0]==\"{\")&&t[1]==\"/\":!1}h(ue,\"J\");function Xt(t,e){return t.startsWith(e)?t.substring(e.length,t.length):t}h(Xt,\"Q\");function fe(t,e){return t.endsWith(e)?t.substr(0,t.length-e.length):t}h(fe,\"Ee\");function Vt(t){return!t||t.length<2?!1:t[0]===\"[\"||(t[0]===\"\\\\\"||t[0]===\"{\")&&t[1]===\"[\"}h(Vt,\"W\");var pe=[\"ftp\",\"file\",\"http\",\"https\",\"ws\",\"wss\"];function zt(t){if(!t)return!0;for(let e of pe)if(t.test(e))return!0;return!1}h(zt,\"N\");function de(t,e){if(t=Xt(t,\"#\"),e||t===\"\")return t;let s=new URL(\"\");return s.hash=t,s.hash?s.hash.substring(1,s.hash.length):\"\"}h(de,\"te\");function me(t,e){if(t=Xt(t,\"?\"),e||t===\"\")return t;let s=new URL(\"\");return,,\"\"}h(me,\"re\");function we(t,e){return e||t===\"\"?t:Vt(t)?Qt(t):Zt(t)}h(we,\"ne\");function ge(t,e){if(e||t===\"\")return t;let s=new URL(\"\");return s.password=t,s.password}h(ge,\"se\");function ve(t,e){if(e||t===\"\")return t;let s=new URL(\"\");return s.username=t,s.username}h(ve,\"ie\");function ye(t,e,s){if(s||t===\"\")return t;if(e&&!pe.includes(e))return new URL(`${e}:${t}`).pathname;let r=t[0]==\"/\";return t=new URL(r?t:\"/-\"+t,\"\").pathname,r||(t=t.substring(2,t.length)),t}h(ye,\"ae\");function _e(t,e,s){return Jt(e)===t&&(t=\"\"),s||t===\"\"?t:qt(t)}h(_e,\"oe\");function be(t,e){return t=fe(t,\":\"),e||t===\"\"?t:_t(t)}h(be,\"ce\");function Jt(t){switch(t){case\"ws\":case\"http\":return\"80\";case\"wws\":case\"https\":return\"443\";case\"ftp\":return\"21\";default:return\"\"}}h(Jt,\"_\");function _t(t){if(t===\"\")return t;if(/^[-+.A-Za-z0-9]*$/.test(t))return t.toLowerCase();throw new TypeError(`Invalid protocol '${t}'.`)}h(_t,\"y\");function ke(t){if(t===\"\")return t;let e=new URL(\"\");return e.username=t,e.username}h(ke,\"le\");function xe(t){if(t===\"\")return t;let e=new URL(\"\");return e.password=t,e.password}h(xe,\"fe\");function Zt(t){if(t===\"\")return t;if(/[\\t\\n\\r #%/:<>?@[\\]^\\\\|]/g.test(t))throw new TypeError(`Invalid hostname '${t}'`);let e=new URL(\"\");return e.hostname=t,e.hostname}h(Zt,\"z\");function Qt(t){if(t===\"\")return t;if(/[^0-9a-fA-F[\\]:]/g.test(t))throw new TypeError(`Invalid IPv6 hostname '${t}'`);return t.toLowerCase()}h(Qt,\"j\");function qt(t){if(t===\"\"||/^[0-9]*$/.test(t)&&parseInt(t)<=65535)return t;throw new TypeError(`Invalid port '${t}'.`)}h(qt,\"K\");function $e(t){if(t===\"\")return t;let e=new URL(\"\");return e.pathname=t[0]!==\"/\"?\"/-\"+t:t,t[0]!==\"/\"?e.pathname.substring(2,e.pathname.length):e.pathname}h($e,\"he\");function Ee(t){return t===\"\"?t:new URL(`data:${t}`).pathname}h(Ee,\"ue\");function Re(t){if(t===\"\")return t;let e=new URL(\"\");return,,}h(Re,\"de\");function Se(t){if(t===\"\")return t;let e=new URL(\"\");return e.hash=t,e.hash.substring(1,e.hash.length)}h(Se,\"pe\");var st,k,y,d,Z,it,W,F,G,nt,m,g,$t,Yt,dt,Et,Q,rt,at,mt,E,C,wt,Rt,St,te,ht,gt,Wt,ee,Ct,se,ot,vt,K,q,N,X,Ot,ie,Pt,ne,Lt,re,At,ae,P,A,Tt,he,Ut,Fe=(Ut=class{constructor(t){p(this,m),p(this,$t),p(this,dt),p(this,Q),p(this,at),p(this,E),p(this,wt),p(this,St),p(this,ht),p(this,Wt),p(this,Ct),p(this,ot),p(this,K),p(this,N),p(this,Ot),p(this,Pt),p(this,Lt),p(this,At),p(this,P),p(this,Tt),p(this,st,void 0),p(this,k,[]),p(this,y,{}),p(this,d,0),p(this,Z,1),p(this,it,0),p(this,W,0),p(this,F,0),p(this,G,0),p(this,nt,!1),v(this,st,t)}get result(){return i(this,y)}parse(){for(v(this,k,Ft(i(this,st),!0));i(this,d)<i(this,k).length;v(this,d,i(this,d)+i(this,Z))){if(v(this,Z,1),i(this,k)[i(this,d)].type===\"END\"){if(i(this,W)===0){a(this,dt,Et).call(this),a(this,N,X).call(this)?a(this,m,g).call(this,9,1):a(this,K,q).call(this)?a(this,m,g).call(this,8,1):a(this,m,g).call(this,7,0);continue}else if(i(this,W)===2){a(this,Q,rt).call(this,5);continue}a(this,m,g).call(this,10,0);break}if(i(this,F)>0)if(a(this,Pt,ne).call(this))v(this,F,i(this,F)-1);else continue;if(a(this,Ot,ie).call(this)){v(this,F,i(this,F)+1);continue}switch(i(this,W)){case 0:a(this,wt,Rt).call(this)&&a(this,Q,rt).call(this,1);break;case 1:if(a(this,wt,Rt).call(this)){a(this,Tt,he).call(this);let t=7,e=1;a(this,St,te).call(this)?(t=2,e=3):i(this,nt)&&(t=2),a(this,m,g).call(this,t,e)}break;case 2:a(this,ht,gt).call(this)?a(this,Q,rt).call(this,3):(a(this,ot,vt).call(this)||a(this,K,q).call(this)||a(this,N,X).call(this))&&a(this,Q,rt).call(this,5);break;case 3:a(this,Wt,ee).call(this)?a(this,m,g).call(this,4,1):a(this,ht,gt).call(this)&&a(this,m,g).call(this,5,1);break;case 4:a(this,ht,gt).call(this)&&a(this,m,g).call(this,5,1);break;case 5:a(this,Lt,re).call(this)?v(this,G,i(this,G)+1):a(this,At,ae).call(this)&&v(this,G,i(this,G)-1),a(this,Ct,se).call(this)&&!i(this,G)?a(this,m,g).call(this,6,1):a(this,ot,vt).call(this)?a(this,m,g).call(this,7,0):a(this,K,q).call(this)?a(this,m,g).call(this,8,1):a(this,N,X).call(this)&&a(this,m,g).call(this,9,1);break;case 6:a(this,ot,vt).call(this)?a(this,m,g).call(this,7,0):a(this,K,q).call(this)?a(this,m,g).call(this,8,1):a(this,N,X).call(this)&&a(this,m,g).call(this,9,1);break;case 7:a(this,K,q).call(this)?a(this,m,g).call(this,8,1):a(this,N,X).call(this)&&a(this,m,g).call(this,9,1);break;case 8:a(this,N,X).call(this)&&a(this,m,g).call(this,9,1);break;case 9:break;case 10:break}}i(this,y).hostname!==void 0&&i(this,y).port===void 0&&(i(this,y).port=\"\")}},st=new WeakMap,k=new WeakMap,y=new WeakMap,d=new WeakMap,Z=new WeakMap,it=new WeakMap,W=new WeakMap,F=new WeakMap,G=new WeakMap,nt=new WeakMap,m=new WeakSet,g=h(function(t,e){switch(i(this,W)){case 0:break;case 1:i(this,y).protocol=a(this,P,A).call(this);break;case 2:break;case 3:i(this,y).username=a(this,P,A).call(this);break;case 4:i(this,y).password=a(this,P,A).call(this);break;case 5:i(this,y).hostname=a(this,P,A).call(this);break;case 6:i(this,y).port=a(this,P,A).call(this);break;case 7:i(this,y).pathname=a(this,P,A).call(this);break;case 8:i(this,y).search=a(this,P,A).call(this);break;case 9:i(this,y).hash=a(this,P,A).call(this);break;case 10:break}i(this,W)!==0&&t!==10&&([1,2,3,4].includes(i(this,W))&&[6,7,8,9].includes(t)&&(i(this,y).hostname??=\"\"),[1,2,3,4,5,6].includes(i(this,W))&&[8,9].includes(t)&&(i(this,y).pathname??=i(this,nt)?\"/\":\"\"),[1,2,3,4,5,6,7].includes(i(this,W))&&t===9&&(i(this,y).search??=\"\")),a(this,$t,Yt).call(this,t,e)},\"#r\"),$t=new WeakSet,Yt=h(function(t,e){v(this,W,t),v(this,it,i(this,d)+e),v(this,d,i(this,d)+e),v(this,Z,0)},\"#R\"),dt=new WeakSet,Et=h(function(){v(this,d,i(this,it)),v(this,Z,0)},\"#b\"),Q=new WeakSet,rt=h(function(t){a(this,dt,Et).call(this),v(this,W,t)},\"#u\"),at=new WeakSet,mt=h(function(t){return t<0&&(t=i(this,k).length-t),t<i(this,k).length?i(this,k)[t]:i(this,k)[i(this,k).length-1]},\"#m\"),E=new WeakSet,C=h(function(t,e){let s=a(this,at,mt).call(this,t);return s.value===e&&(s.type===\"CHAR\"||s.type===\"ESCAPED_CHAR\"||s.type===\"INVALID_CHAR\")},\"#a\"),wt=new WeakSet,Rt=h(function(){return a(this,E,C).call(this,i(this,d),\":\")},\"#P\"),St=new WeakSet,te=h(function(){return a(this,E,C).call(this,i(this,d)+1,\"/\")&&a(this,E,C).call(this,i(this,d)+2,\"/\")},\"#E\"),ht=new WeakSet,gt=h(function(){return a(this,E,C).call(this,i(this,d),\"@\")},\"#S\"),Wt=new WeakSet,ee=h(function(){return a(this,E,C).call(this,i(this,d),\":\")},\"#O\"),Ct=new WeakSet,se=h(function(){return a(this,E,C).call(this,i(this,d),\":\")},\"#k\"),ot=new WeakSet,vt=h(function(){return a(this,E,C).call(this,i(this,d),\"/\")},\"#x\"),K=new WeakSet,q=h(function(){if(a(this,E,C).call(this,i(this,d),\"?\"))return!0;if(i(this,k)[i(this,d)].value!==\"?\")return!1;let t=a(this,at,mt).call(this,i(this,d)-1);return t.type!==\"NAME\"&&t.type!==\"REGEX\"&&t.type!==\"CLOSE\"&&t.type!==\"ASTERISK\"},\"#h\"),N=new WeakSet,X=h(function(){return a(this,E,C).call(this,i(this,d),\"#\")},\"#f\"),Ot=new WeakSet,ie=h(function(){return i(this,k)[i(this,d)].type==\"OPEN\"},\"#T\"),Pt=new WeakSet,ne=h(function(){return i(this,k)[i(this,d)].type==\"CLOSE\"},\"#A\"),Lt=new WeakSet,re=h(function(){return a(this,E,C).call(this,i(this,d),\"[\")},\"#y\"),At=new WeakSet,ae=h(function(){return a(this,E,C).call(this,i(this,d),\"]\")},\"#w\"),P=new WeakSet,A=h(function(){let t=i(this,k)[i(this,d)],e=a(this,at,mt).call(this,i(this,it)).index;return i(this,st).substring(e,t.index)},\"#c\"),Tt=new WeakSet,he=h(function(){let t={};Object.assign(t,H),t.encodePart=_t;let e=ce(a(this,P,A).call(this),void 0,t);v(this,nt,zt(e))},\"#C\"),h(Ut,\"H\"),Ut),Mt=[\"protocol\",\"username\",\"password\",\"hostname\",\"port\",\"pathname\",\"search\",\"hash\"],j=\"*\";function jt(t,e){if(typeof t!=\"string\")throw new TypeError(\"parameter 1 is not of type 'string'.\");let s=new URL(t,e);return{protocol:s.protocol.substring(0,s.protocol.length-1),username:s.username,password:s.password,hostname:s.hostname,port:s.port,pathname:s.pathname,!==\"\"?, 0,hash:s.hash!==\"\"?s.hash.substring(1,s.hash.length):void 0}}h(jt,\"ge\");function U(t,e){return e?tt(t):t}h(U,\"b\");function Y(t,e,s){let r;if(typeof e.baseURL==\"string\")try{r=new URL(e.baseURL),e.protocol===void 0&&(t.protocol=U(r.protocol.substring(0,r.protocol.length-1),s)),!s&&e.protocol===void 0&&e.hostname===void 0&&e.port===void 0&&e.username===void 0&&(t.username=U(r.username,s)),!s&&e.protocol===void 0&&e.hostname===void 0&&e.port===void 0&&e.username===void 0&&e.password===void 0&&(t.password=U(r.password,s)),e.protocol===void 0&&e.hostname===void 0&&(t.hostname=U(r.hostname,s)),e.protocol===void 0&&e.hostname===void 0&&e.port===void 0&&(t.port=U(r.port,s)),e.protocol===void 0&&e.hostname===void 0&&e.port===void 0&&e.pathname===void 0&&(t.pathname=U(r.pathname,s)),e.protocol===void 0&&e.hostname===void 0&&e.port===void 0&&e.pathname===void 0&& 0&&(,,s)),e.protocol===void 0&&e.hostname===void 0&&e.port===void 0&&e.pathname===void 0&& 0&&e.hash===void 0&&(t.hash=U(r.hash.substring(1,r.hash.length),s))}catch{throw new TypeError(`invalid baseURL '${e.baseURL}'.`)}if(typeof e.protocol==\"string\"&&(t.protocol=be(e.protocol,s)),typeof e.username==\"string\"&&(t.username=ve(e.username,s)),typeof e.password==\"string\"&&(t.password=ge(e.password,s)),typeof e.hostname==\"string\"&&(t.hostname=we(e.hostname,s)),typeof e.port==\"string\"&&(t.port=_e(e.port,t.protocol,s)),typeof e.pathname==\"string\"){if(t.pathname=e.pathname,r&&!ue(t.pathname,s)){let c=r.pathname.lastIndexOf(\"/\");c>=0&&(t.pathname=U(r.pathname.substring(0,c+1),s)+t.pathname)}t.pathname=ye(t.pathname,t.protocol,s)}return typeof\"string\"&&(,s)),typeof e.hash==\"string\"&&(t.hash=de(e.hash,s)),t}h(Y,\"w\");function tt(t){return t.replace(/([+*?:{}()\\\\])/g,\"\\\\$1\")}h(tt,\"C\");function We(t){return t.replace(/([.+*?^${}()[\\]|/\\\\])/g,\"\\\\$1\")}h(We,\"Oe\");function Ce(t,e){e.delimiter??=\"/#?\",e.prefixes??=\"./\",e.sensitive??=!1,e.strict??=!1,e.end??=!0,e.start??=!0,e.endsWith=\"\";let s=\".*\",r=`[^${We(e.delimiter)}]+?`,c=/[$_\\u200C\\u200D\\p{ID_Continue}]/u,f=\"\";for(let l=0;l<t.length;++l){let n=t[l];if(n.type===3){if(n.modifier===3){f+=tt(n.value);continue}f+=`{${tt(n.value)}}${V(n.modifier)}`;continue}let u=n.hasCustomName(),o=!!n.suffix.length||!!n.prefix.length&&(n.prefix.length!==1||!e.prefixes.includes(n.prefix)),x=l>0?t[l-1]:null,L=l<t.length-1?t[l+1]:null;if(!o&&u&&n.type===1&&n.modifier===3&&L&&!L.prefix.length&&!L.suffix.length)if(L.type===3){let z=L.value.length>0?L.value[0]:\"\";o=c.test(z)}else o=!L.hasCustomName();if(!o&&!n.prefix.length&&x&&x.type===3){let z=x.value[x.value.length-1];o=e.prefixes.includes(z)}o&&(f+=\"{\"),f+=tt(n.prefix),u&&(f+=`:${}`),n.type===2?f+=`(${n.value})`:n.type===1?u||(f+=`(${r})`):n.type===0&&(!u&&(!x||x.type===3||x.modifier!==3||o||n.prefix!==\"\")?f+=\"*\":f+=`(${s})`),n.type===1&&u&&n.suffix.length&&c.test(n.suffix[0])&&(f+=\"\\\\\"),f+=tt(n.suffix),o&&(f+=\"}\"),n.modifier!==3&&(f+=V(n.modifier))}return f}h(Ce,\"ke\");var M,B,lt,_,T,ct,It,Oe=(It=class{constructor(t={},e,s){p(this,M,void 0),p(this,B,{}),p(this,lt,{}),p(this,_,{}),p(this,T,{}),p(this,ct,!1);try{let r;if(typeof e==\"string\"?r=e:s=e,typeof t==\"string\"){let n=new Fe(t);if(n.parse(),t=n.result,r===void 0&&typeof t.protocol!=\"string\")throw new TypeError(\"A base URL must be provided for a relative constructor string.\");t.baseURL=r}else{if(!t||typeof t!=\"object\")throw new TypeError(\"parameter 1 is not of type 'string' and cannot convert to dictionary.\");if(r)throw new TypeError(\"parameter 1 is not of type 'string'.\")}typeof s>\"u\"&&(s={ignoreCase:!1});let c={ignoreCase:s.ignoreCase===!0};v(this,M,Y({pathname:j,protocol:j,username:j,password:j,hostname:j,port:j,search:j,hash:j},t,!0)),Jt(i(this,M).protocol)===i(this,M).port&&(i(this,M).port=\"\");let l;for(l of Mt){if(!(l in i(this,M)))continue;let n={},u=i(this,M)[l];switch(i(this,lt)[l]=[],l){case\"protocol\":Object.assign(n,H),n.encodePart=_t;break;case\"username\":Object.assign(n,H),n.encodePart=ke;break;case\"password\":Object.assign(n,H),n.encodePart=xe;break;case\"hostname\":Object.assign(n,je),Vt(u)?n.encodePart=Qt:n.encodePart=Zt;break;case\"port\":Object.assign(n,H),n.encodePart=qt;break;case\"pathname\":zt(i(this,B).protocol)?(Object.assign(n,He,c),n.encodePart=$e):(Object.assign(n,H,c),n.encodePart=Ee);break;case\"search\":Object.assign(n,H,c),n.encodePart=Re;break;case\"hash\":Object.assign(n,H,c),n.encodePart=Se;break}try{i(this,T)[l]=Gt(u,n),i(this,B)[l]=Kt(i(this,T)[l],i(this,lt)[l],n),i(this,_)[l]=Ce(i(this,T)[l],n),v(this,ct,i(this,ct)||i(this,T)[l].some(o=>o.type===2))}catch{throw new TypeError(`invalid ${l} pattern '${i(this,M)[l]}'.`)}}}catch(r){throw new TypeError(`Failed to construct 'URLPattern': ${r.message}`)}}test(t={},e){let s={pathname:\"\",protocol:\"\",username:\"\",password:\"\",hostname:\"\",port:\"\",search:\"\",hash:\"\"};if(typeof t!=\"string\"&&e)throw new TypeError(\"parameter 1 is not of type 'string'.\");if(typeof t>\"u\")return!1;try{typeof t==\"object\"?s=Y(s,t,!1):s=Y(s,jt(t,e),!1)}catch{return!1}let r;for(r of Mt)if(!i(this,B)[r].exec(s[r]))return!1;return!0}exec(t={},e){let s={pathname:\"\",protocol:\"\",username:\"\",password:\"\",hostname:\"\",port:\"\",search:\"\",hash:\"\"};if(typeof t!=\"string\"&&e)throw new TypeError(\"parameter 1 is not of type 'string'.\");if(typeof t>\"u\")return;try{typeof t==\"object\"?s=Y(s,t,!1):s=Y(s,jt(t,e),!1)}catch{return null}let r={};e?r.inputs=[t,e]:r.inputs=[t];let c;for(c of Mt){let f=i(this,B)[c].exec(s[c]);if(!f)return null;let l={};for(let[n,u]of i(this,lt)[c].entries())if(typeof u==\"string\"||typeof u==\"number\"){let o=f[n+1];l[u]=o}r[c]={input:s[c]??\"\",groups:l}}return r}static compareComponent(t,e,s){let r=h((n,u)=>{for(let o of[\"type\",\"modifier\",\"prefix\",\"value\",\"suffix\"]){if(n[o]<u[o])return-1;if(n[o]!==u[o])return 1}return 0},\"o\"),c=new ut(3,\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",3),f=new ut(0,\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",3),l=h((n,u)=>{let o=0;for(;o<Math.min(n.length,u.length);++o){let x=r(n[o],u[o]);if(x)return x}return n.length===u.length?0:r(n[o]??c,u[o]??c)},\"s\");return!i(e,_)[t]&&!i(s,_)[t]?0:i(e,_)[t]&&!i(s,_)[t]?l(i(e,T)[t],[f]):!i(e,_)[t]&&i(s,_)[t]?l([f],i(s,T)[t]):l(i(e,T)[t],i(s,T)[t])}get protocol(){return i(this,_).protocol}get username(){return i(this,_).username}get password(){return i(this,_).password}get hostname(){return i(this,_).hostname}get port(){return i(this,_).port}get pathname(){return i(this,_).pathname}get search(){return i(this,_).search}get hash(){return i(this,_).hash}get hasRegExpGroups(){return i(this,ct)}},M=new WeakMap,B=new WeakMap,lt=new WeakMap,_=new WeakMap,T=new WeakMap,ct=new WeakMap,h(It,\"me\"),It);globalThis.URLPattern||(globalThis.URLPattern=Oe);\n"

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ {

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"version": "5.0.0",
"version": "5.0.1",
"main": "dist/index.js",

@@ -29,2 +29,3 @@ "repository": {

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"esbuild": "0.23.0",
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@@ -31,0 +32,0 @@ "event-target-shim": "6.0.2",

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

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