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@effect/data - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.17.0 to 0.17.1



@@ -6,2 +6,3 @@ /**

import * as Equivalence from "@effect/data/Equivalence";
import type { LazyArg } from "@effect/data/Function";
import type { TypeLambda } from "@effect/data/HKT";

@@ -97,2 +98,50 @@ import type { Option } from "@effect/data/Option";

* Takes a lazy default and a nullable value, if the value is not nully (`null` or `undefined`), turn it into a `Right`, if the value is nully use
* the provided default as a `Left`.
* @example
* import * as Either from '@effect/data/Either'
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.fromNullable(1, () => 'fallback'), Either.right(1))
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.fromNullable(null, () => 'fallback'), Either.left('fallback'))
* @category constructors
* @since 1.0.0
export declare const fromNullable: {
<A, E>(onNullable: (a: A) => E): (self: A) => Either<E, NonNullable<A>>;
<A, E>(self: A, onNullable: (a: A) => E): Either<E, NonNullable<A>>;
* @example
* import * as Either from '@effect/data/Either'
* import * as Option from '@effect/data/Option'
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.fromOption(Option.some(1), () => 'error'), Either.right(1))
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.fromOption(Option.none(), () => 'error'), Either.left('error'))
* @category constructors
* @since 1.0.0
export declare const fromOption: {
<A, E>(self: Option<A>, onNone: () => E): Either<E, A>;
<E>(onNone: () => E): <A>(self: Option<A>) => Either<E, A>;
declare const try_: {
<A, E>(options: {
readonly try: LazyArg<A>;
readonly catch: (error: unknown) => E;
}): Either<E, A>;
<A>(evaluate: LazyArg<A>): Either<unknown, A>;
export {
* Imports a synchronous side-effect into a pure `Either` value, translating any
* thrown exceptions into typed failed eithers creating with `Either.left`.
* @category constructors
* @since 1.0.0
try_ as try };
* Tests if a value is a `Either`.

@@ -254,5 +303,117 @@ *

* Returns the wrapped value if it's a `Right` or a default value if is a `Left`.
* @example
* import * as Either from '@effect/data/Either'
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.getOrElse(Either.right(1), (error) => error + "!"), 1)
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.getOrElse(Either.left("not a number"), (error) => error + "!"), "not a number!")
* @category getters
* @since 1.0.0
export declare const getOrElse: {
<E, B>(onLeft: (e: E) => B): <A>(self: Either<E, A>) => B | A;
<E, A, B>(self: Either<E, A>, onLeft: (e: E) => B): A | B;
* @example
* import * as Either from '@effect/data/Either'
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.getOrNull(Either.right(1)), 1)
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.getOrNull(Either.left("a")), null)
* @category getters
* @since 1.0.0
export declare const getOrNull: <E, A>(self: Either<E, A>) => A | null;
* @example
* import * as Either from '@effect/data/Either'
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.getOrUndefined(Either.right(1)), 1)
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.getOrUndefined(Either.left("a")), undefined)
* @category getters
* @since 1.0.0
export declare const getOrUndefined: <E, A>(self: Either<E, A>) => A | undefined;
* Extracts the value of an `Either` or throws if the `Either` is `Left`.
* If a default error is sufficient for your use case and you don't need to configure the thrown error, see {@link getOrThrow}.
* @param self - The `Either` to extract the value from.
* @param onLeft - A function that will be called if the `Either` is `Left`. It returns the error to be thrown.
* @example
* import * as E from "@effect/data/Either"
* assert.deepStrictEqual(
* E.getOrThrowWith(E.right(1), () => new Error('Unexpected Left')),
* 1
* )
* assert.throws(() => E.getOrThrowWith(E.left("error"), () => new Error('Unexpected Left')))
* @category getters
* @since 1.0.0
export declare const getOrThrowWith: {
<E>(onLeft: (e: E) => unknown): <A>(self: Either<E, A>) => A;
<E, A>(self: Either<E, A>, onLeft: (e: E) => unknown): A;
* Extracts the value of an `Either` or throws if the `Either` is `Left`.
* The thrown error is a default error. To configure the error thrown, see {@link getOrThrowWith}.
* @param self - The `Either` to extract the value from.
* @throws `Error("getOrThrow called on a Left")`
* @example
* import * as E from "@effect/data/Either"
* assert.deepStrictEqual(E.getOrThrow(E.right(1)), 1)
* assert.throws(() => E.getOrThrow(E.left("error")))
* @category getters
* @since 1.0.0
export declare const getOrThrow: <E, A>(self: Either<E, A>) => A;
* @category combining
* @since 1.0.0
export declare const flatMap: {
<A, E2, B>(f: (a: A) => Either<E2, B>): <E1>(self: Either<E1, A>) => Either<E1 | E2, B>;
<E1, A, E2, B>(self: Either<E1, A>, f: (a: A) => Either<E2, B>): Either<E1 | E2, B>;
* Takes a structure of `Option`s and returns an `Option` of values with the same structure.
* - If a tuple is supplied, then the returned `Option` will contain a tuple with the same length.
* - If a struct is supplied, then the returned `Option` will contain a struct with the same keys.
* - If an iterable is supplied, then the returned `Option` will contain an array.
* @param fields - the struct of `Option`s to be sequenced.
* @example
* import * as Either from "@effect/data/Either"
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.all([Either.right(1), Either.right(2)]), Either.right([1, 2]))
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.all({ a: Either.right(1), b: Either.right("hello") }), Either.right({ a: 1, b: "hello" }))
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.all({ a: Either.right(1), b: Either.left("error") }), Either.left("error"))
* @category combining
* @since 1.0.0
export declare const all: <const I extends Iterable<Either<any, any>> | Record<string, Either<any, any>>>(input: I) => [I] extends [ReadonlyArray<Either<any, any>>] ? Either<I[number] extends never ? never : [I[number]] extends [Either<infer E, any>] ? E : never, {
-readonly [K in keyof I]: [I[K]] extends [Either<any, infer A>] ? A : never;
}> : [I] extends [Iterable<Either<infer E, infer A>>] ? Either<E, Array<A>> : Either<I[keyof I] extends never ? never : [I[keyof I]] extends [Either<infer E, any>] ? E : never, {
-readonly [K in keyof I]: [I[K]] extends [Either<any, infer A>] ? A : never;
* @since 1.0.0
export declare const reverse: <E, A>(self: Either<E, A>) => Either<A, E>;



@@ -6,3 +6,3 @@ "use strict";

exports.right = exports.reverse = exports.merge = exports.match = exports.mapRight = exports.mapLeft = exports.mapBoth = exports.left = exports.isRight = exports.isLeft = exports.isEither = exports.getRight = exports.getLeft = exports.getEquivalence = exports.TypeId = void 0;
exports.try = exports.right = exports.reverse = exports.merge = exports.match = exports.mapRight = exports.mapLeft = exports.mapBoth = exports.left = exports.isRight = exports.isLeft = exports.isEither = exports.getRight = exports.getOrUndefined = exports.getOrThrowWith = exports.getOrThrow = exports.getOrNull = exports.getOrElse = exports.getLeft = exports.getEquivalence = exports.fromOption = exports.fromNullable = exports.flatMap = exports.all = exports.TypeId = void 0;
var Equivalence = /*#__PURE__*/_interopRequireWildcard( /*#__PURE__*/require("@effect/data/Equivalence"));

@@ -42,2 +42,47 @@ var _Function = /*#__PURE__*/require("@effect/data/Function");

* Takes a lazy default and a nullable value, if the value is not nully (`null` or `undefined`), turn it into a `Right`, if the value is nully use
* the provided default as a `Left`.
* @example
* import * as Either from '@effect/data/Either'
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.fromNullable(1, () => 'fallback'), Either.right(1))
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.fromNullable(null, () => 'fallback'), Either.left('fallback'))
* @category constructors
* @since 1.0.0
exports.left = left;
const fromNullable = /*#__PURE__*/(0, _Function.dual)(2, (self, onNullable) => self == null ? left(onNullable(self)) : right(self));
* @example
* import * as Either from '@effect/data/Either'
* import * as Option from '@effect/data/Option'
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.fromOption(Option.some(1), () => 'error'), Either.right(1))
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.fromOption(Option.none(), () => 'error'), Either.left('error'))
* @category constructors
* @since 1.0.0
exports.fromNullable = fromNullable;
const fromOption = either.fromOption;
exports.fromOption = fromOption;
const try_ = evaluate => {
if ((0, _Predicate.isFunction)(evaluate)) {
try {
return right(evaluate());
} catch (e) {
return left(e);
} else {
try {
return right(evaluate.try());
} catch (e) {
return left(evaluate.catch(e));
exports.try = try_;
* Tests if a value is a `Either`.

@@ -57,3 +102,2 @@ *

exports.left = left;
const isEither = input => (0, _Predicate.isObject)(input) && "_id" in input && input["_id"] === TypeId;

@@ -196,7 +240,139 @@ /**

* Returns the wrapped value if it's a `Right` or a default value if is a `Left`.
* @example
* import * as Either from '@effect/data/Either'
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.getOrElse(Either.right(1), (error) => error + "!"), 1)
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.getOrElse(Either.left("not a number"), (error) => error + "!"), "not a number!")
* @category getters
* @since 1.0.0
exports.merge = merge;
const getOrElse = /*#__PURE__*/(0, _Function.dual)(2, (self, onLeft) => isLeft(self) ? onLeft(self.left) : self.right);
* @example
* import * as Either from '@effect/data/Either'
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.getOrNull(Either.right(1)), 1)
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.getOrNull(Either.left("a")), null)
* @category getters
* @since 1.0.0
exports.getOrElse = getOrElse;
const getOrNull = /*#__PURE__*/getOrElse(_Function.constNull);
* @example
* import * as Either from '@effect/data/Either'
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.getOrUndefined(Either.right(1)), 1)
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.getOrUndefined(Either.left("a")), undefined)
* @category getters
* @since 1.0.0
exports.getOrNull = getOrNull;
const getOrUndefined = /*#__PURE__*/getOrElse(_Function.constUndefined);
* Extracts the value of an `Either` or throws if the `Either` is `Left`.
* If a default error is sufficient for your use case and you don't need to configure the thrown error, see {@link getOrThrow}.
* @param self - The `Either` to extract the value from.
* @param onLeft - A function that will be called if the `Either` is `Left`. It returns the error to be thrown.
* @example
* import * as E from "@effect/data/Either"
* assert.deepStrictEqual(
* E.getOrThrowWith(E.right(1), () => new Error('Unexpected Left')),
* 1
* )
* assert.throws(() => E.getOrThrowWith(E.left("error"), () => new Error('Unexpected Left')))
* @category getters
* @since 1.0.0
exports.getOrUndefined = getOrUndefined;
const getOrThrowWith = /*#__PURE__*/(0, _Function.dual)(2, (self, onLeft) => {
if (isRight(self)) {
return self.right;
throw onLeft(self.left);
* Extracts the value of an `Either` or throws if the `Either` is `Left`.
* The thrown error is a default error. To configure the error thrown, see {@link getOrThrowWith}.
* @param self - The `Either` to extract the value from.
* @throws `Error("getOrThrow called on a Left")`
* @example
* import * as E from "@effect/data/Either"
* assert.deepStrictEqual(E.getOrThrow(E.right(1)), 1)
* assert.throws(() => E.getOrThrow(E.left("error")))
* @category getters
* @since 1.0.0
exports.getOrThrowWith = getOrThrowWith;
const getOrThrow = /*#__PURE__*/getOrThrowWith(() => new Error("getOrThrow called on a Left"));
* @category combining
* @since 1.0.0
exports.getOrThrow = getOrThrow;
const flatMap = /*#__PURE__*/(0, _Function.dual)(2, (self, f) => isLeft(self) ? left(self.left) : f(self.right));
* Takes a structure of `Option`s and returns an `Option` of values with the same structure.
* - If a tuple is supplied, then the returned `Option` will contain a tuple with the same length.
* - If a struct is supplied, then the returned `Option` will contain a struct with the same keys.
* - If an iterable is supplied, then the returned `Option` will contain an array.
* @param fields - the struct of `Option`s to be sequenced.
* @example
* import * as Either from "@effect/data/Either"
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.all([Either.right(1), Either.right(2)]), Either.right([1, 2]))
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.all({ a: Either.right(1), b: Either.right("hello") }), Either.right({ a: 1, b: "hello" }))
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.all({ a: Either.right(1), b: Either.left("error") }), Either.left("error"))
* @category combining
* @since 1.0.0
// @ts-expect-error
exports.flatMap = flatMap;
const all = input => {
if (Symbol.iterator in input) {
const out = [];
for (const e of input) {
if (isLeft(e)) {
return e;
return right(out);
const out = {};
for (const key of Object.keys(input)) {
const e = input[key];
if (isLeft(e)) {
return e;
out[key] = e.right;
return right(out);
* @since 1.0.0
exports.all = all;
const reverse = self => isLeft(self) ? right(self.left) : left(self.right);
exports.reverse = reverse;

@@ -6,4 +6,5 @@ "use strict";

exports.right = exports.left = exports.isRight = exports.isLeft = exports.isEither = exports.getRight = exports.getLeft = exports.Right = exports.Left = void 0;
exports.right = exports.left = exports.isRight = exports.isLeft = exports.isEither = exports.getRight = exports.getLeft = exports.fromOption = exports.Right = exports.Left = void 0;
var Equal = /*#__PURE__*/_interopRequireWildcard( /*#__PURE__*/require("@effect/data/Equal"));
var _Function = /*#__PURE__*/require("@effect/data/Function");
var Hash = /*#__PURE__*/_interopRequireWildcard( /*#__PURE__*/require("@effect/data/Hash"));

@@ -124,3 +125,6 @@ var _Effect = /*#__PURE__*/require("@effect/data/internal/Effect");

const getRight = self => isLeft(self) ? option.none : option.some(self.right);
/** @internal */
exports.getRight = getRight;
const fromOption = /*#__PURE__*/(0, _Function.dual)(2, (self, onNone) => option.isNone(self) ? left(onNone()) : right(self.value));
exports.fromOption = fromOption;



@@ -638,5 +638,5 @@ /**

* assert.deepStrictEqual(O.all([O.some(1), O.some(2)]), O.some([1, 2]))
* assert.deepStrictEqual(O.all({ a: O.some(1), b: O.some("hello") }), O.some({ a: 1, b: "hello" }))
* assert.deepStrictEqual(O.all({ a: O.some(1), b: O.none() }), O.none())
* assert.deepStrictEqual(O.all([O.some(1), O.some(2)]), O.some([1, 2]))

@@ -643,0 +643,0 @@ * @category combining

@@ -610,5 +610,5 @@ "use strict";

* assert.deepStrictEqual(O.all([O.some(1), O.some(2)]), O.some([1, 2]))
* assert.deepStrictEqual(O.all({ a: O.some(1), b: O.some("hello") }), O.some({ a: 1, b: "hello" }))
* assert.deepStrictEqual(O.all({ a: O.some(1), b: O.none() }), O.none())
* assert.deepStrictEqual(O.all([O.some(1), O.some(2)]), O.some([1, 2]))

@@ -615,0 +615,0 @@ * @category combining

"name": "@effect/data",
"version": "0.17.0",
"version": "0.17.1",
"license": "MIT",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "repository": {

@@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ /**

import * as Equivalence from "@effect/data/Equivalence"
import { dual, identity } from "@effect/data/Function"
import type { LazyArg } from "@effect/data/Function"
import { constNull, constUndefined, dual, identity } from "@effect/data/Function"
import type { TypeLambda } from "@effect/data/HKT"

@@ -13,3 +14,3 @@ import * as either from "@effect/data/internal/Either"

import type { Pipeable } from "@effect/data/Pipeable"
import { isObject } from "@effect/data/Predicate"
import { isFunction, isObject } from "@effect/data/Predicate"
import type * as Unify from "@effect/data/Unify"

@@ -110,2 +111,74 @@

* Takes a lazy default and a nullable value, if the value is not nully (`null` or `undefined`), turn it into a `Right`, if the value is nully use
* the provided default as a `Left`.
* @example
* import * as Either from '@effect/data/Either'
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.fromNullable(1, () => 'fallback'), Either.right(1))
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.fromNullable(null, () => 'fallback'), Either.left('fallback'))
* @category constructors
* @since 1.0.0
export const fromNullable: {
<A, E>(onNullable: (a: A) => E): (self: A) => Either<E, NonNullable<A>>
<A, E>(self: A, onNullable: (a: A) => E): Either<E, NonNullable<A>>
} = dual(
<A, E>(self: A, onNullable: (a: A) => E): Either<E, NonNullable<A>> =>
self == null ? left(onNullable(self)) : right(self as NonNullable<A>)
* @example
* import * as Either from '@effect/data/Either'
* import * as Option from '@effect/data/Option'
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.fromOption(Option.some(1), () => 'error'), Either.right(1))
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.fromOption(Option.none(), () => 'error'), Either.left('error'))
* @category constructors
* @since 1.0.0
export const fromOption: {
<A, E>(self: Option<A>, onNone: () => E): Either<E, A>
<E>(onNone: () => E): <A>(self: Option<A>) => Either<E, A>
} = either.fromOption
const try_: {
<A, E>(
options: { readonly try: LazyArg<A>; readonly catch: (error: unknown) => E }
): Either<E, A>
<A>(evaluate: LazyArg<A>): Either<unknown, A>
} = (<A, E>(
evaluate: LazyArg<A> | { readonly try: LazyArg<A>; readonly catch: (error: unknown) => E }
) => {
if (isFunction(evaluate)) {
try {
return right(evaluate())
} catch (e) {
return left(e)
} else {
try {
return right(evaluate.try())
} catch (e) {
return left(evaluate.catch(e))
}) as any
export {
* Imports a synchronous side-effect into a pure `Either` value, translating any
* thrown exceptions into typed failed eithers creating with `Either.left`.
* @category constructors
* @since 1.0.0
try_ as try
* Tests if a value is a `Either`.

@@ -309,4 +382,164 @@ *

* Returns the wrapped value if it's a `Right` or a default value if is a `Left`.
* @example
* import * as Either from '@effect/data/Either'
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.getOrElse(Either.right(1), (error) => error + "!"), 1)
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.getOrElse(Either.left("not a number"), (error) => error + "!"), "not a number!")
* @category getters
* @since 1.0.0
export const getOrElse: {
<E, B>(onLeft: (e: E) => B): <A>(self: Either<E, A>) => B | A
<E, A, B>(self: Either<E, A>, onLeft: (e: E) => B): A | B
} = dual(
<E, A, B>(self: Either<E, A>, onLeft: (e: E) => B): A | B => isLeft(self) ? onLeft(self.left) : self.right
* @example
* import * as Either from '@effect/data/Either'
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.getOrNull(Either.right(1)), 1)
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.getOrNull(Either.left("a")), null)
* @category getters
* @since 1.0.0
export const getOrNull: <E, A>(self: Either<E, A>) => A | null = getOrElse(constNull)
* @example
* import * as Either from '@effect/data/Either'
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.getOrUndefined(Either.right(1)), 1)
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.getOrUndefined(Either.left("a")), undefined)
* @category getters
* @since 1.0.0
export const getOrUndefined: <E, A>(self: Either<E, A>) => A | undefined = getOrElse(constUndefined)
* Extracts the value of an `Either` or throws if the `Either` is `Left`.
* If a default error is sufficient for your use case and you don't need to configure the thrown error, see {@link getOrThrow}.
* @param self - The `Either` to extract the value from.
* @param onLeft - A function that will be called if the `Either` is `Left`. It returns the error to be thrown.
* @example
* import * as E from "@effect/data/Either"
* assert.deepStrictEqual(
* E.getOrThrowWith(E.right(1), () => new Error('Unexpected Left')),
* 1
* )
* assert.throws(() => E.getOrThrowWith(E.left("error"), () => new Error('Unexpected Left')))
* @category getters
* @since 1.0.0
export const getOrThrowWith: {
<E>(onLeft: (e: E) => unknown): <A>(self: Either<E, A>) => A
<E, A>(self: Either<E, A>, onLeft: (e: E) => unknown): A
} = dual(2, <E, A>(self: Either<E, A>, onLeft: (e: E) => unknown): A => {
if (isRight(self)) {
return self.right
throw onLeft(self.left)
* Extracts the value of an `Either` or throws if the `Either` is `Left`.
* The thrown error is a default error. To configure the error thrown, see {@link getOrThrowWith}.
* @param self - The `Either` to extract the value from.
* @throws `Error("getOrThrow called on a Left")`
* @example
* import * as E from "@effect/data/Either"
* assert.deepStrictEqual(E.getOrThrow(E.right(1)), 1)
* assert.throws(() => E.getOrThrow(E.left("error")))
* @category getters
* @since 1.0.0
export const getOrThrow: <E, A>(self: Either<E, A>) => A = getOrThrowWith(() =>
new Error("getOrThrow called on a Left")
* @category combining
* @since 1.0.0
export const flatMap: {
<A, E2, B>(f: (a: A) => Either<E2, B>): <E1>(self: Either<E1, A>) => Either<E1 | E2, B>
<E1, A, E2, B>(self: Either<E1, A>, f: (a: A) => Either<E2, B>): Either<E1 | E2, B>
} = dual(
<E1, A, E2, B>(self: Either<E1, A>, f: (a: A) => Either<E2, B>): Either<E1 | E2, B> =>
isLeft(self) ? left(self.left) : f(self.right)
* Takes a structure of `Option`s and returns an `Option` of values with the same structure.
* - If a tuple is supplied, then the returned `Option` will contain a tuple with the same length.
* - If a struct is supplied, then the returned `Option` will contain a struct with the same keys.
* - If an iterable is supplied, then the returned `Option` will contain an array.
* @param fields - the struct of `Option`s to be sequenced.
* @example
* import * as Either from "@effect/data/Either"
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.all([Either.right(1), Either.right(2)]), Either.right([1, 2]))
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.all({ a: Either.right(1), b: Either.right("hello") }), Either.right({ a: 1, b: "hello" }))
* assert.deepStrictEqual(Either.all({ a: Either.right(1), b: Either.left("error") }), Either.left("error"))
* @category combining
* @since 1.0.0
// @ts-expect-error
export const all: <const I extends Iterable<Either<any, any>> | Record<string, Either<any, any>>>(
input: I
) => [I] extends [ReadonlyArray<Either<any, any>>] ? Either<
I[number] extends never ? never : [I[number]] extends [Either<infer E, any>] ? E : never,
{ -readonly [K in keyof I]: [I[K]] extends [Either<any, infer A>] ? A : never }
: [I] extends [Iterable<Either<infer E, infer A>>] ? Either<E, Array<A>>
: Either<I[keyof I] extends never ? never : [I[keyof I]] extends [Either<infer E, any>] ? E : never, { -readonly [K in keyof I]: [I[K]] extends [Either<any, infer A>] ? A : never }> = (
input: Iterable<Either<any, any>> | Record<string, Either<any, any>>
): Either<any, any> => {
if (Symbol.iterator in input) {
const out: Array<Either<any, any>> = []
for (const e of (input as Iterable<Either<any, any>>)) {
if (isLeft(e)) {
return e
return right(out)
const out: Record<string, any> = {}
for (const key of Object.keys(input)) {
const e = input[key]
if (isLeft(e)) {
return e
out[key] = e.right
return right(out)
* @since 1.0.0
export const reverse = <E, A>(self: Either<E, A>): Either<A, E> => isLeft(self) ? right(self.left) : left(self.right)

@@ -7,2 +7,3 @@ /**

import * as Equal from "@effect/data/Equal"
import { dual } from "@effect/data/Function"
import * as Hash from "@effect/data/Hash"

@@ -124,1 +125,8 @@ import { EffectTypeId, effectVariance } from "@effect/data/internal/Effect"

): Option<A> => (isLeft(self) ? option.none : option.some(self.right))
/** @internal */
export const fromOption = dual(
<A, E>(self: Option<A>, onNone: () => E): Either.Either<E, A> =>
option.isNone(self) ? left(onNone()) : right(self.value)

@@ -761,5 +761,5 @@ /**

* assert.deepStrictEqual(O.all([O.some(1), O.some(2)]), O.some([1, 2]))
* assert.deepStrictEqual(O.all({ a: O.some(1), b: O.some("hello") }), O.some({ a: 1, b: "hello" }))
* assert.deepStrictEqual(O.all({ a: O.some(1), b: O.none() }), O.none())
* assert.deepStrictEqual(O.all([O.some(1), O.some(2)]), O.some([1, 2]))

@@ -766,0 +766,0 @@ * @category combining

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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