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Library for constructing and submitting API calls to Account Management backend

Version published



JavaScript Client for Account Management APIs

AM Client provides TypeScript interfaces and functions for interaction with Elastic Path hypermedia RESTful APIs. It aims to enable all functionality offered by EP Studio through strongly-typed interfaces and functions.

Functions and interfaces in this library are generated using Elastic Path hypermedia XML definition files.

Examples for the features are:

  • Strongly-typed async functions for performing all CRUD operations
  • Functions for submitting all available forms
  • Zoom query creation with autocompletion
  • Full TypeScript support

Installing the Library

To install the library run:

npm install @elasticpath/am

Using JavaScript Client

import * as am from '@elasticpath/am';

const client = am.createClient({ serverBaseUrl: 'http://yourserver' });

// Load account with its statusinfo and its subaccounts
    statusinfo: {},
    subaccounts: {
      element: {}
  .then(accountRes => {
    const name =;
    const legalName = accountRes.legalName;
    const subaccounts = accountRes.subaccounts.elements;

Creating a Client Object

Call the am.createClient(options) function and provide a ClientOptions object as in the following example:

interface ClientOptions {
  serverBaseUrl: string;
  selectedLocale: string | (() => string);
  authHeader: string | (() => string);
  onAuthError: (err: Error) => void;
  queryParams: { [key: string]: string | null | undefined };

ClientOptions Properties

serverBaseRequiredstringBase URL of the backend server
selectedLocaleOptionalstring or
() => string
Locale used to set x-ep-user-traits header when making a request. If this function is set, for every request, the client calls this function.
authHeaderOptionalstring or
() => string
Auth token used to set Authorization header when making a request. If this function is set, for every request, the client calls this function.
onAuthErrorOptional(Error) => voidIf this function is set, the client calls this function when server returns status 401. Use this callback function to provide authorization logic, for example redirect user to a login page.
queryParamsOptional`{ [key: string]: stringnull

Fetching a Resource

Client object provides a function for every resource that can be located using resource URI. To load a resource, you need to identify it using the appropriate client function and then call .fetch() method on the result and provide a zoom query object to load. fetch() method returns a Promise that can be await-ed:

const response = await client.account(accountUri).fetch({ statusinfo: {} });

Response object consists of:

  • A uri property that can be used for subsequent fetch operations
  • Data fields of the current resource
  • Requested relationship properties to other resources

Zoom object is serialized into a zoom query that is used as the ?zoom= parameter in the request. Every node in zoom object (with or without children) will be a new entry in the zoom query.

For example a zoom object:

  a: {
    b: {},
    c: {
      d: {}

will result with a following zoom query:



The root resource is considered the main entry point which is used to discover other resources.

const myProfileRes = await client.root().fetch({
  myprofile: {
    primaryemail: {}

Typically root is used to get a list of other resources and their respective uris after which a uri can be used to zoom further into a particular object details.

// initially load multiple accounts
const rootRes = await client.root().fetch({
  accounts: {
    element: {}

// user click on a first account
const accountUri = rootRes.account.element[0].uri;

// load selected account with additional details
const accountRes = await client.account(accountUri).fetch({
  statusinfo: {},
  selfsignupinfo: {}

Updating Resources

Update the responses for entity type resource by calling an update(newValues) method as in the following example:

await client.account(accountUri).update({
  name: 'new name',
  legalName: 'new legal name',
  externalId: 'new ext id',
  registrationId: 'new reg id'

Deleting Resources

To delete a recurse Run the delete() method as in the following example:

await client.account(accountUri).delete();

Even though the update() and delete() methods change the state of the resources on the server, previously fetched responses remain unchanged. To render the latest information on the screen, some of the resources might need to be reloaded from the server.


When a zoom object contains a relationship to a form, the response object contains function to submit the form. A form submission returns resources that can be zoomed, so you must add a .fetch() function to a form function to actually submit a form. This is because a form submission returns resources that can be zoomed.

const rootRes = await client.root().fetch({
  searches: {
    accountsearchform: {}

const accountsRes = await rootRes.searches.accountsearchform({
    keywords: 'search query',
    page: 1,
    pageSize: 10
    element: {
      statusinfo: {}


Responses that might include a long list of resources are being paginated. Response for a paginated resource contains a pagination object is in addition to the elements array. The pagination object contains information about the current page as well as previous() and next() methods that fetches previous and next page respectively.

const rootRes = await client.root().fetch({
  accounts: {
    element: {}

const accountsPage = rootRes.accounts;

accountsPage.elements   // aray of accounts on the first page
accountsPage.pagination // object with page info

const nextPage = await;

nextPage.elements;   // aray of elements on the second page
nextPage.pagination; // page info for the second page

const prevPage = await nextPage.previous(); // going back to previous page

pagination property contains information about the current page as well as the total number of elements. This can be useful when rendering page info and page number links.

pagination = {
  current,      // 1-based index of the current page, i.e. has value 1 for the first page
  pages,        // total number of pages
  pageSize,     // maximum number of elements on a page
  results,      // total number of elements
  resultsOnPage // number of elements on the current page


Selectors provide a list of predefined options that a user can select from.

Single-select Selector

This selector provides two values as options. You can select only one option. This selector might be a checkbox or a dropdown menu with two options. In a response object, the selected option is represented with chosen property and the other options with choice property. Both options have a select() method associated with them. Following in an example:

const accountRes = await client.account(accountUri).fetch({
  statusinfo: {
    selector: {
      chosen: {},
      choice: {}

await; // toggle an account status

Multi-select Selector

This selector provides list of values where every one can be selected or unselected (including all of them or none). This selector can be a list of checkboxes on UI. Response for this kind of selectors will have chosen and choice as an arrays containing objects with the select() methods as in the following example:

const roleInfoRes = await client.roleInfo('uri').fetch({
  selector: {
    chosen: {},
    choice: {}

await roleInfoRes.selector.choice[0].select();

Similar to calling update() and delete() methods, calling select() will change the resource on the server but will not change the state of the response object. You may need to reload some of the resources in order to get up to date response object.



Last updated on 21 May 2020

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