Editor App Bar
This package is under development and not ready for production use.
There are 5 types of menus:
- Provides access to the main features and functionality of the application. Represented by an Elementor logo that changes to a hamburger.
- A menu where the user can access various editing tools (e.g. "add widget", "structure", etc.) for manipulating the data or interface in some way. This
section may contain a limited number of buttons for common tools, as well as a dropdown menu for accessing additional
- A menu where the user can access various utility features that are not directly related to the main
functionality of the application. This may include options for accessing the finder, getting help, or accessing other miscellaneous features.
- A menu where the user can access various options for saving the document. This may include
options for saving as draft or conditional options related to the document (e.g. "display conditions", etc.).
- A sub-menu inside the mainMenu
where the user can access various options for integrating with other services. This may
include options for connecting to a third-party service or accessing other miscellaneous features.
Each menu contains a list of items, each item can be:
- A button that performs an action.
- A link that navigates to a different page.
- A button that toggles between two states (checked or unchecked).
Let's extend the integrationsMenu
with multiple examples that will cover all the types of items:
import { integrationsMenu } from '@elementor/editor-app-bar';
import { PlusIcon } from '@elementor/icons';
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
integrationsMenu.registerAction( {
id: 'example-action-id',
props: {
title: __( 'My Custom Action', 'elementor' ),
icon: PlusIcon,
disabled: false,
onClick: () => alert( 'Custom action triggred!' ),
} );
import { integrationsMenu } from '@elementor/editor-app-bar';
import { EyeIcon } from '@elementor/icons';
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
integrationsMenu.registerToggleAction( {
name: 'my-custom-toggle',
useProps: () => {
const [ isSelected, setIsSelected ] = useState( false );
return {
title: __( 'My Custom Toggle', 'elementor' ),
icon: EyeIcon,
selected: isSelected,
onClick: () => setIsSelected( ( prev ) => ! prev ),
disabled: false,
} );
import { integrationsMenu } from '@elementor/editor-app-bar';
import { LinkIcon } from '@elementor/icons';
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
integrationsMenu.registerLink( {
name: 'my-custom-link',
props: {
title: __( 'My Custom Link', 'elementor' ),
icon: LinkIcon,
href: 'https://elementor.com',
target: '_blank',
} );
You can use either props
or useProps
(depending on your need) for all the items types:
- An object with the action props.
- A React hook that returns the action props and lets you make the props reactive.
The icon
property can be any React component that renders an SVG icon, it is recommended to use SVGIcon
from @elementor/ui
Custom Locations