![REUSE status](https://api.reuse.software/badge/github.com/SAP/fundamental-ngx)
1. Description
is a library that provides translation utilities for the Fundamental-ngx library.
The library is tailored for the use in fundamental-ngx
components and can be used for modifying the variety of the
components' labels, hints, and descriptions.
Even though the library is tailored for the use in fundamental-ngx
components, it can be used in any Angular application,
where the simple translations are needed.
The library elements are for the runtime, which gives the possibility to swap the translations on the fly, without
having to refresh the pages.
2. Requirements
To download and use Fundamental Library i18n package, you will first need to install
the node package manager. The library is intended for use with
Angular 16.2 or newer. Prior knowledge of Angular is recommended, to use it fully library.
3. Versioning
Check the Breaking Changes for the latest patches changes.
4. Known Issues
Please see Issues.
5. Support
If you encounter an issue, you can create a ticket.
6. Contributing
If you want to contribute, please check the CONTRIBUTING.md documentation for contribution guidelines. Please follow the Angular commit message guidelines.
Check out the NEW_COMPONENT.md guide on building a new component for the library and creating the necessary documentation for your new component.