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@galoymoney/client - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.8 to 0.0.9



@@ -0,1 +1,2 @@

export { GaloyGQL } from "./types";
export declare const queries: {

@@ -2,0 +3,0 @@ main: import("graphql/language/ast").DocumentNode;



@@ -1,1171 +0,6 @@

export * from "./parse-payment-destination"
import * as lightningPayReq from "bolt11"
export * from "./graphql/index"
export declare const getDescription: (
decoded: lightningPayReq.PaymentRequestObject,
) => string | undefined
export declare const getDestination: (
decoded: lightningPayReq.PaymentRequestObject,
) => string | undefined
export declare const getHashFromInvoice: (invoice: string) => string | undefined
export declare namespace GaloyGQL {
type Maybe<T> = T | null
type InputMaybe<T> = Maybe<T>
type Exact<
T extends {
[key: string]: unknown
> = {
[K in keyof T]: T[K]
type MakeOptional<T, K extends keyof T> = Omit<T, K> & {
[SubKey in K]?: Maybe<T[SubKey]>
type MakeMaybe<T, K extends keyof T> = Omit<T, K> & {
[SubKey in K]: Maybe<T[SubKey]>
/** All built-in and custom scalars, mapped to their actual values */
type Scalars = {
ID: string
String: string
Boolean: boolean
Int: number
Float: number
/** Identifier of an account api key */
AccountApiKeyLabel: string
/** An authentication code valid for a single use */
AuthToken: string
/** An alias name that a user can set for a wallet (with which they have transactions) */
ContactAlias: string
/** Hex-encoded string of 32 bytes */
Hex32Bytes: string
Language: string
LnPaymentPreImage: string
/** BOLT11 lightning invoice payment request with the amount included */
LnPaymentRequest: string
LnPaymentSecret: string
/** Text field in a lightning payment transaction */
Memo: string
/** An address for an on-chain bitcoin destination */
OnChainAddress: string
OnChainTxHash: string
/** An authentication code valid for a single use */
OneTimeAuthCode: string
PaymentHash: string
/** Phone number which includes country code */
Phone: string
/** Non-fractional signed whole numeric value between -(2^53) + 1 and 2^53 - 1 */
SafeInt: number
/** (Positive) Satoshi amount (i.g. quiz earning) */
SatAmount: number
/** An amount (of a currency) that can be negative (i.g. in a transaction) */
SignedAmount: number
/** (Positive) Number of blocks in which the transaction is expected to be confirmed */
TargetConfirmations: number
/** Timestamp field, serialized as Unix time (the number of seconds since the Unix epoch) */
Timestamp: number
/** Unique identifier of a user */
Username: string
/** Unique identifier of a wallet */
WalletId: string
type Account = {
csvTransactions: Scalars["String"]
defaultWalletId: Scalars["WalletId"]
id: Scalars["ID"]
wallets: Array<Wallet>
type AccountCsvTransactionsArgs = {
walletIds: Array<Scalars["WalletId"]>
type AccountApiKey = {
__typename?: "AccountApiKey"
expireAt: Scalars["Timestamp"]
key: Scalars["String"]
label: Scalars["AccountApiKeyLabel"]
secret: Scalars["String"]
type AccountApiKeyCreateInput = {
expireAt: Scalars["Timestamp"]
label?: InputMaybe<Scalars["AccountApiKeyLabel"]>
type AccountApiKeyDisableInput = {
label: Scalars["AccountApiKeyLabel"]
type AccountApiKeyHashed = {
__typename?: "AccountApiKeyHashed"
expireAt: Scalars["Timestamp"]
label: Scalars["AccountApiKeyLabel"]
type AccountApiKeyPayload = {
__typename?: "AccountApiKeyPayload"
accountApiKey?: Maybe<AccountApiKey>
errors: Array<Error>
type AuthTokenPayload = {
__typename?: "AuthTokenPayload"
authToken?: Maybe<Scalars["AuthToken"]>
errors: Array<Error>
type BtcWallet = Wallet & {
__typename?: "BTCWallet"
balance: Scalars["SignedAmount"]
id: Scalars["ID"]
transactions?: Maybe<TransactionConnection>
walletCurrency: WalletCurrency
type BtcWalletTransactionsArgs = {
after?: InputMaybe<Scalars["String"]>
before?: InputMaybe<Scalars["String"]>
first?: InputMaybe<Scalars["Int"]>
last?: InputMaybe<Scalars["Int"]>
type BuildInformation = {
__typename?: "BuildInformation"
buildTime?: Maybe<Scalars["Timestamp"]>
commitHash?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>
helmRevision?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>
type CaptchaCreateChallengePayload = {
__typename?: "CaptchaCreateChallengePayload"
errors: Array<Error>
result?: Maybe<CaptchaCreateChallengeResult>
type CaptchaCreateChallengeResult = {
__typename?: "CaptchaCreateChallengeResult"
challengeCode: Scalars["String"]
failbackMode: Scalars["Boolean"]
id: Scalars["String"]
newCaptcha: Scalars["Boolean"]
type CaptchaRequestAuthCodeInput = {
challengeCode: Scalars["String"]
phone: Scalars["Phone"]
secCode: Scalars["String"]
validationCode: Scalars["String"]
type ConsumerAccount = Account & {
__typename?: "ConsumerAccount"
/** return CSV stream, base64 encoded, of the list of transactions in the wallet */
csvTransactions: Scalars["String"]
defaultWalletId: Scalars["WalletId"]
id: Scalars["ID"]
wallets: Array<Wallet>
type ConsumerAccountCsvTransactionsArgs = {
walletIds: Array<Scalars["WalletId"]>
type Coordinates = {
__typename?: "Coordinates"
latitude: Scalars["Float"]
longitude: Scalars["Float"]
type DeviceNotificationTokenCreateInput = {
deviceToken: Scalars["String"]
type Error = {
message: Scalars["String"]
path?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<Scalars["String"]>>>
type ExchangeCurrencyUnit = "BTCSAT" | "USDCENT"
/** Provides global settings for the application which might have an impact for the user. */
type Globals = {
__typename?: "Globals"
buildInformation: BuildInformation
* A list of public keys for the running lightning nodes.
* This can be used to know if an invoice belongs to one of our nodes.
nodesIds: Array<Scalars["String"]>
type InitiationVia = InitiationViaIntraLedger | InitiationViaLn | InitiationViaOnChain
type InitiationViaIntraLedger = {
__typename?: "InitiationViaIntraLedger"
counterPartyUsername?: Maybe<Scalars["Username"]>
counterPartyWalletId?: Maybe<Scalars["WalletId"]>
type InitiationViaLn = {
__typename?: "InitiationViaLn"
paymentHash: Scalars["PaymentHash"]
type InitiationViaOnChain = {
__typename?: "InitiationViaOnChain"
address: Scalars["OnChainAddress"]
type InputError = Error & {
__typename?: "InputError"
code: InputErrorCode
message: Scalars["String"]
path?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<Scalars["String"]>>>
type InputErrorCode =
type IntraLedgerPaymentSendInput = {
amount: Scalars["SatAmount"]
memo?: InputMaybe<Scalars["Memo"]>
recipientWalletId: Scalars["WalletId"]
walletId: Scalars["WalletId"]
type IntraLedgerUpdate = {
__typename?: "IntraLedgerUpdate"
amount: Scalars["SatAmount"]
txNotificationType: TxNotificationType
usdPerSat: Scalars["Float"]
walletId: Scalars["WalletId"]
type InvoicePaymentStatus = "PAID" | "PENDING"
type LnInvoice = {
__typename?: "LnInvoice"
paymentHash: Scalars["PaymentHash"]
paymentRequest: Scalars["LnPaymentRequest"]
paymentSecret: Scalars["LnPaymentSecret"]
satoshis?: Maybe<Scalars["SatAmount"]>
type LnInvoiceCreateInput = {
amount: Scalars["SatAmount"]
memo?: InputMaybe<Scalars["Memo"]>
walletId: Scalars["WalletId"]
type LnInvoiceCreateOnBehalfOfRecipientInput = {
amount: Scalars["SatAmount"]
descriptionHash?: InputMaybe<Scalars["Hex32Bytes"]>
memo?: InputMaybe<Scalars["Memo"]>
recipientWalletId: Scalars["WalletId"]
type LnInvoiceFeeProbeInput = {
paymentRequest: Scalars["LnPaymentRequest"]
walletId: Scalars["WalletId"]
type LnInvoicePayload = {
__typename?: "LnInvoicePayload"
errors: Array<Error>
invoice?: Maybe<LnInvoice>
type LnInvoicePaymentInput = {
memo?: InputMaybe<Scalars["Memo"]>
paymentRequest: Scalars["LnPaymentRequest"]
walletId: Scalars["WalletId"]
type LnInvoicePaymentStatusInput = {
paymentRequest: Scalars["LnPaymentRequest"]
type LnInvoicePaymentStatusPayload = {
__typename?: "LnInvoicePaymentStatusPayload"
errors: Array<Error>
status?: Maybe<InvoicePaymentStatus>
type LnNoAmountInvoice = {
__typename?: "LnNoAmountInvoice"
paymentHash: Scalars["PaymentHash"]
paymentRequest: Scalars["LnPaymentRequest"]
paymentSecret: Scalars["LnPaymentSecret"]
type LnNoAmountInvoiceCreateInput = {
memo?: InputMaybe<Scalars["Memo"]>
walletId: Scalars["WalletId"]
type LnNoAmountInvoiceCreateOnBehalfOfRecipientInput = {
memo?: InputMaybe<Scalars["Memo"]>
recipientWalletId: Scalars["WalletId"]
type LnNoAmountInvoiceFeeProbeInput = {
amount: Scalars["SatAmount"]
paymentRequest: Scalars["LnPaymentRequest"]
walletId: Scalars["WalletId"]
type LnNoAmountInvoicePayload = {
__typename?: "LnNoAmountInvoicePayload"
errors: Array<Error>
invoice?: Maybe<LnNoAmountInvoice>
type LnNoAmountInvoicePaymentInput = {
amount: Scalars["SatAmount"]
memo?: InputMaybe<Scalars["Memo"]>
paymentRequest: Scalars["LnPaymentRequest"]
walletId: Scalars["WalletId"]
type LnUpdate = {
__typename?: "LnUpdate"
paymentHash: Scalars["PaymentHash"]
status: InvoicePaymentStatus
walletId: Scalars["WalletId"]
type MapInfo = {
__typename?: "MapInfo"
coordinates: Coordinates
title: Scalars["String"]
type MapMarker = {
__typename?: "MapMarker"
mapInfo: MapInfo
username?: Maybe<Scalars["Username"]>
type MobileVersions = {
__typename?: "MobileVersions"
currentSupported: Scalars["Int"]
minSupported: Scalars["Int"]
platform: Scalars["String"]
type Mutation = {
__typename?: "Mutation"
accountApiKeyCreate: AccountApiKeyPayload
accountApiKeyDisable: SuccessPayload
captchaCreateChallenge: CaptchaCreateChallengePayload
captchaRequestAuthCode: SuccessPayload
deviceNotificationTokenCreate: SuccessPayload
intraLedgerPaymentSend: PaymentSendPayload
lnInvoiceCreate: LnInvoicePayload
lnInvoiceCreateOnBehalfOfRecipient: LnInvoicePayload
lnInvoiceFeeProbe: SatAmountPayload
lnInvoicePaymentSend: PaymentSendPayload
lnNoAmountInvoiceCreate: LnNoAmountInvoicePayload
lnNoAmountInvoiceCreateOnBehalfOfRecipient: LnNoAmountInvoicePayload
lnNoAmountInvoiceFeeProbe: SatAmountPayload
lnNoAmountInvoicePaymentSend: PaymentSendPayload
onChainAddressCreate: OnChainAddressPayload
onChainAddressCurrent: OnChainAddressPayload
onChainPaymentSend: PaymentSendPayload
onChainPaymentSendAll: PaymentSendPayload
twoFADelete: SuccessPayload
twoFAGenerate: TwoFaGeneratePayload
twoFASave: SuccessPayload
/** @deprecated will be moved to AccountContact */
userContactUpdateAlias: UserContactUpdateAliasPayload
userLogin: AuthTokenPayload
userQuizQuestionUpdateCompleted: UserQuizQuestionUpdateCompletedPayload
userRequestAuthCode: SuccessPayload
userUpdateLanguage: UserUpdateLanguagePayload
/** @deprecated Username will be moved to @Handle in Accounts. Also SetUsername should be used instead of UpdateUsername to reflect the idempotency of Handles */
userUpdateUsername: UserUpdateUsernamePayload
type MutationAccountApiKeyCreateArgs = {
input: AccountApiKeyCreateInput
type MutationAccountApiKeyDisableArgs = {
input: AccountApiKeyDisableInput
type MutationCaptchaRequestAuthCodeArgs = {
input: CaptchaRequestAuthCodeInput
type MutationDeviceNotificationTokenCreateArgs = {
input: DeviceNotificationTokenCreateInput
type MutationIntraLedgerPaymentSendArgs = {
input: IntraLedgerPaymentSendInput
type MutationLnInvoiceCreateArgs = {
input: LnInvoiceCreateInput
type MutationLnInvoiceCreateOnBehalfOfRecipientArgs = {
input: LnInvoiceCreateOnBehalfOfRecipientInput
type MutationLnInvoiceFeeProbeArgs = {
input: LnInvoiceFeeProbeInput
type MutationLnInvoicePaymentSendArgs = {
input: LnInvoicePaymentInput
type MutationLnNoAmountInvoiceCreateArgs = {
input: LnNoAmountInvoiceCreateInput
type MutationLnNoAmountInvoiceCreateOnBehalfOfRecipientArgs = {
input: LnNoAmountInvoiceCreateOnBehalfOfRecipientInput
type MutationLnNoAmountInvoiceFeeProbeArgs = {
input: LnNoAmountInvoiceFeeProbeInput
type MutationLnNoAmountInvoicePaymentSendArgs = {
input: LnNoAmountInvoicePaymentInput
type MutationOnChainAddressCreateArgs = {
input: OnChainAddressCreateInput
type MutationOnChainAddressCurrentArgs = {
input: OnChainAddressCurrentInput
type MutationOnChainPaymentSendArgs = {
input: OnChainPaymentSendInput
type MutationOnChainPaymentSendAllArgs = {
input: OnChainPaymentSendAllInput
type MutationTwoFaDeleteArgs = {
input: TwoFaDeleteInput
type MutationTwoFaSaveArgs = {
input: TwoFaSaveInput
type MutationUserContactUpdateAliasArgs = {
input: UserContactUpdateAliasInput
type MutationUserLoginArgs = {
input: UserLoginInput
type MutationUserQuizQuestionUpdateCompletedArgs = {
input: UserQuizQuestionUpdateCompletedInput
type MutationUserRequestAuthCodeArgs = {
input: UserRequestAuthCodeInput
type MutationUserUpdateLanguageArgs = {
input: UserUpdateLanguageInput
type MutationUserUpdateUsernameArgs = {
input: UserUpdateUsernameInput
type MyUpdatesPayload = {
__typename?: "MyUpdatesPayload"
errors: Array<Error>
me?: Maybe<User>
update?: Maybe<UserUpdate>
type OnChainAddressCreateInput = {
walletId: Scalars["WalletId"]
type OnChainAddressCurrentInput = {
walletId: Scalars["WalletId"]
type OnChainAddressPayload = {
__typename?: "OnChainAddressPayload"
address?: Maybe<Scalars["OnChainAddress"]>
errors: Array<Error>
type OnChainPaymentSendAllInput = {
address: Scalars["OnChainAddress"]
memo?: InputMaybe<Scalars["Memo"]>
targetConfirmations?: InputMaybe<Scalars["TargetConfirmations"]>
walletId: Scalars["WalletId"]
type OnChainPaymentSendInput = {
address: Scalars["OnChainAddress"]
amount: Scalars["SatAmount"]
memo?: InputMaybe<Scalars["Memo"]>
targetConfirmations?: InputMaybe<Scalars["TargetConfirmations"]>
walletId: Scalars["WalletId"]
type OnChainTxFee = {
__typename?: "OnChainTxFee"
amount: Scalars["SatAmount"]
targetConfirmations: Scalars["TargetConfirmations"]
type OnChainUpdate = {
__typename?: "OnChainUpdate"
amount: Scalars["SatAmount"]
txHash: Scalars["OnChainTxHash"]
txNotificationType: TxNotificationType
usdPerSat: Scalars["Float"]
walletId: Scalars["WalletId"]
/** Information about pagination in a connection. */
type PageInfo = {
__typename?: "PageInfo"
/** When paginating forwards, the cursor to continue. */
endCursor?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>
/** When paginating forwards, are there more items? */
hasNextPage: Scalars["Boolean"]
/** When paginating backwards, are there more items? */
hasPreviousPage: Scalars["Boolean"]
/** When paginating backwards, the cursor to continue. */
startCursor?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>
type PaymentError = Error & {
__typename?: "PaymentError"
code: PaymentErrorCode
message: Scalars["String"]
path?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<Scalars["String"]>>>
type PaymentErrorCode =
type PaymentSendPayload = {
__typename?: "PaymentSendPayload"
errors: Array<Error>
status?: Maybe<PaymentSendResult>
type PaymentSendResult = "ALREADY_PAID" | "FAILURE" | "PENDING" | "SUCCESS"
/** Price amount expressed in base/offset. To calculate, use: `base / 10^offset` */
type Price = {
__typename?: "Price"
base: Scalars["SafeInt"]
currencyUnit: ExchangeCurrencyUnit
formattedAmount: Scalars["String"]
offset: Scalars["Int"]
/** The range for the X axis in the BTC price graph */
type PriceGraphRange = "FIVE_YEARS" | "ONE_DAY" | "ONE_MONTH" | "ONE_WEEK" | "ONE_YEAR"
type PriceInput = {
amount: Scalars["SatAmount"]
amountCurrencyUnit: ExchangeCurrencyUnit
priceCurrencyUnit: ExchangeCurrencyUnit
type PricePayload = {
__typename?: "PricePayload"
errors: Array<Error>
price?: Maybe<Price>
type PricePoint = {
__typename?: "PricePoint"
price: Price
/** Unix timesamp (number of seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC) */
timestamp: Scalars["Timestamp"]
type Query = {
__typename?: "Query"
accountApiKeys?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<AccountApiKeyHashed>>>
btcPrice?: Maybe<Price>
btcPriceList?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<PricePoint>>>
businessMapMarkers?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<MapMarker>>>
globals?: Maybe<Globals>
me?: Maybe<User>
mobileVersions?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<MobileVersions>>>
onChainTxFee: OnChainTxFee
quizQuestions?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<QuizQuestion>>>
userDefaultWalletId: Scalars["WalletId"]
usernameAvailable?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]>
type QueryBtcPriceListArgs = {
range: PriceGraphRange
type QueryOnChainTxFeeArgs = {
address: Scalars["OnChainAddress"]
amount: Scalars["SatAmount"]
targetConfirmations?: InputMaybe<Scalars["TargetConfirmations"]>
walletId: Scalars["WalletId"]
type QueryUserDefaultWalletIdArgs = {
username: Scalars["Username"]
type QueryUsernameAvailableArgs = {
username: Scalars["Username"]
type QuizQuestion = {
__typename?: "QuizQuestion"
/** The earn reward in Satoshis for the quiz question */
earnAmount: Scalars["SatAmount"]
id: Scalars["ID"]
type SatAmountPayload = {
__typename?: "SatAmountPayload"
amount?: Maybe<Scalars["SatAmount"]>
errors: Array<Error>
type SettlementVia = SettlementViaIntraLedger | SettlementViaLn | SettlementViaOnChain
type SettlementViaIntraLedger = {
__typename?: "SettlementViaIntraLedger"
/** Settlement destination: Could be null if the payee does not have a username */
counterPartyUsername?: Maybe<Scalars["Username"]>
counterPartyWalletId?: Maybe<Scalars["WalletId"]>
type SettlementViaLn = {
__typename?: "SettlementViaLn"
/** @deprecated Shifting property to 'preImage' to improve granularity of the LnPaymentSecret type */
paymentSecret?: Maybe<Scalars["LnPaymentSecret"]>
preImage?: Maybe<Scalars["LnPaymentPreImage"]>
type SettlementViaOnChain = {
__typename?: "SettlementViaOnChain"
transactionHash: Scalars["OnChainTxHash"]
type Subscription = {
__typename?: "Subscription"
lnInvoicePaymentStatus: LnInvoicePaymentStatusPayload
myUpdates: MyUpdatesPayload
price: PricePayload
type SubscriptionLnInvoicePaymentStatusArgs = {
input: LnInvoicePaymentStatusInput
type SubscriptionPriceArgs = {
input: PriceInput
type SuccessPayload = {
__typename?: "SuccessPayload"
errors: Array<Error>
success?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]>
* Give details about an individual transaction.
* Galoy have a smart routing system which is automatically
* settling intraledger when both the payer and payee use the same wallet
* therefore it's possible the transactions is being initiated onchain
* or with lightning but settled intraledger.
type Transaction = {
__typename?: "Transaction"
createdAt: Scalars["Timestamp"]
direction: TxDirection
id: Scalars["ID"]
/** From which protocol the payment has been initiated. */
initiationVia: InitiationVia
memo?: Maybe<Scalars["Memo"]>
/** Amount of sats sent or received. */
settlementAmount: Scalars["SatAmount"]
settlementFee: Scalars["SatAmount"]
/** Price in USDCENT/SATS at time of settlement. */
settlementPrice: Price
/** To which protocol the payment has settled on. */
settlementVia: SettlementVia
status: TxStatus
/** A connection to a list of items. */
type TransactionConnection = {
__typename?: "TransactionConnection"
/** A list of edges. */
edges?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<TransactionEdge>>>
/** Information to aid in pagination. */
pageInfo: PageInfo
/** An edge in a connection. */
type TransactionEdge = {
__typename?: "TransactionEdge"
/** A cursor for use in pagination */
cursor: Scalars["String"]
/** The item at the end of the edge */
node?: Maybe<Transaction>
type TwoFaDeleteInput = {
token: Scalars["String"]
type TwoFaGeneratePayload = {
__typename?: "TwoFAGeneratePayload"
errors: Array<Error>
twoFASecret?: Maybe<TwoFaSecret>
type TwoFaSaveInput = {
secret: Scalars["String"]
token: Scalars["String"]
type TwoFaSecret = {
__typename?: "TwoFASecret"
secret: Scalars["String"]
uri: Scalars["String"]
type TxDirection = "RECEIVE" | "SEND"
type TxNotificationType =
| "IntraLedgerPayment"
| "IntraLedgerReceipt"
| "LnInvoicePaid"
| "OnchainPayment"
| "OnchainReceipt"
| "OnchainReceiptPending"
type TxStatus = "FAILURE" | "PENDING" | "SUCCESS"
type User = {
__typename?: "User"
* Get single contact details.
* Can include the transactions associated with the contact.
contactByUsername: UserContact
* Get full list of contacts.
* Can include the transactions associated with each contact.
* @deprecated will be moved to account
contacts: Array<UserContact>
createdAt: Scalars["Timestamp"]
defaultAccount: Account
id: Scalars["ID"]
* Preferred language for user.
* When value is 'default' the intent is to use preferred language from OS settings.
language: Scalars["Language"]
/** Phone number with international calling code. */
phone: Scalars["Phone"]
/** List the quiz questions the user may have completed. */
quizQuestions: Array<UserQuizQuestion>
twoFAEnabled?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]>
* Optional immutable user friendly identifier.
* @deprecated will be moved to @Handle in Account and Wallet
username?: Maybe<Scalars["Username"]>
type UserContactByUsernameArgs = {
username: Scalars["Username"]
type UserContact = {
__typename?: "UserContact"
* Alias the user can set for this contact.
* Only the user can see the alias attached to their contact.
alias?: Maybe<Scalars["ContactAlias"]>
id: Scalars["Username"]
/** Paginated list of transactions sent to/from this contact. */
transactions?: Maybe<TransactionConnection>
transactionsCount: Scalars["Int"]
/** Actual identifier of the contact. */
username: Scalars["Username"]
type UserContactTransactionsArgs = {
after?: InputMaybe<Scalars["String"]>
before?: InputMaybe<Scalars["String"]>
first?: InputMaybe<Scalars["Int"]>
last?: InputMaybe<Scalars["Int"]>
type UserContactUpdateAliasInput = {
alias: Scalars["ContactAlias"]
username: Scalars["Username"]
type UserContactUpdateAliasPayload = {
__typename?: "UserContactUpdateAliasPayload"
contact?: Maybe<UserContact>
errors: Array<Error>
type UserLoginInput = {
code: Scalars["OneTimeAuthCode"]
phone: Scalars["Phone"]
type UserQuizQuestion = {
__typename?: "UserQuizQuestion"
completed: Scalars["Boolean"]
question: QuizQuestion
type UserQuizQuestionUpdateCompletedInput = {
id: Scalars["ID"]
type UserQuizQuestionUpdateCompletedPayload = {
__typename?: "UserQuizQuestionUpdateCompletedPayload"
errors: Array<Error>
userQuizQuestion?: Maybe<UserQuizQuestion>
type UserRequestAuthCodeInput = {
phone: Scalars["Phone"]
type UserUpdate = IntraLedgerUpdate | LnUpdate | OnChainUpdate | Price
type UserUpdateLanguageInput = {
language: Scalars["Language"]
type UserUpdateLanguagePayload = {
__typename?: "UserUpdateLanguagePayload"
errors: Array<Error>
user?: Maybe<User>
type UserUpdateUsernameInput = {
username: Scalars["Username"]
type UserUpdateUsernamePayload = {
__typename?: "UserUpdateUsernamePayload"
errors: Array<Error>
user?: Maybe<User>
type Wallet = {
balance: Scalars["SignedAmount"]
id: Scalars["ID"]
* Transactions are ordered anti-chronogically,
* ie: the newest transaction will be first
transactions?: Maybe<TransactionConnection>
walletCurrency: WalletCurrency
type WalletTransactionsArgs = {
after?: InputMaybe<Scalars["String"]>
before?: InputMaybe<Scalars["String"]>
first?: InputMaybe<Scalars["Int"]>
last?: InputMaybe<Scalars["Int"]>
type WalletCurrency = "BTC"
type CaptchaCreateChallengeMutationVariables = Exact<{
[key: string]: never
type CaptchaCreateChallengeMutation = {
__typename?: "Mutation"
captchaCreateChallenge: {
__typename?: "CaptchaCreateChallengePayload"
errors: Array<
| {
__typename?: "InputError"
message: string
| {
__typename?: "PaymentError"
message: string
| {
__typename?: "CaptchaCreateChallengeResult"
id: string
challengeCode: string
newCaptcha: boolean
failbackMode: boolean
| null
| undefined
type CaptchaRequestAuthCodeMutationVariables = Exact<{
input: CaptchaRequestAuthCodeInput
type CaptchaRequestAuthCodeMutation = {
__typename?: "Mutation"
captchaRequestAuthCode: {
__typename?: "SuccessPayload"
success?: boolean | null | undefined
errors: Array<
| {
__typename?: "InputError"
message: string
| {
__typename?: "PaymentError"
message: string
type IntraLedgerPaymentSendMutationVariables = Exact<{
input: IntraLedgerPaymentSendInput
type IntraLedgerPaymentSendMutation = {
__typename?: "Mutation"
intraLedgerPaymentSend: {
__typename?: "PaymentSendPayload"
status?: PaymentSendResult | null | undefined
errors: Array<
| {
__typename?: "InputError"
message: string
| {
__typename?: "PaymentError"
message: string
type LnInvoiceCreateMutationVariables = Exact<{
input: LnInvoiceCreateInput
type LnInvoiceCreateMutation = {
__typename?: "Mutation"
lnInvoiceCreate: {
__typename?: "LnInvoicePayload"
errors: Array<
| {
__typename?: "InputError"
message: string
| {
__typename?: "PaymentError"
message: string
| {
__typename?: "LnInvoice"
paymentRequest: string
paymentHash: string
| null
| undefined
type LnInvoiceFeeProbeMutationVariables = Exact<{
input: LnInvoiceFeeProbeInput
type LnInvoiceFeeProbeMutation = {
__typename?: "Mutation"
lnInvoiceFeeProbe: {
__typename?: "SatAmountPayload"
amount?: number | null | undefined
errors: Array<
| {
__typename?: "InputError"
message: string
| {
__typename?: "PaymentError"
message: string
type LnInvoicePaymentSendMutationVariables = Exact<{
input: LnInvoicePaymentInput
type LnInvoicePaymentSendMutation = {
__typename?: "Mutation"
lnInvoicePaymentSend: {
__typename?: "PaymentSendPayload"
status?: PaymentSendResult | null | undefined
errors: Array<
| {
__typename?: "InputError"
message: string
| {
__typename?: "PaymentError"
message: string
type LnNoAmountInvoiceCreateMutationVariables = Exact<{
input: LnNoAmountInvoiceCreateInput
type LnNoAmountInvoiceCreateMutation = {
__typename?: "Mutation"
lnNoAmountInvoiceCreate: {
__typename?: "LnNoAmountInvoicePayload"
errors: Array<
| {
__typename?: "InputError"
message: string
| {
__typename?: "PaymentError"
message: string
| {
__typename?: "LnNoAmountInvoice"
paymentRequest: string
paymentHash: string
| null
| undefined
type LnNoAmountInvoiceFeeProbeMutationVariables = Exact<{
input: LnNoAmountInvoiceFeeProbeInput
type LnNoAmountInvoiceFeeProbeMutation = {
__typename?: "Mutation"
lnNoAmountInvoiceFeeProbe: {
__typename?: "SatAmountPayload"
amount?: number | null | undefined
errors: Array<
| {
__typename?: "InputError"
message: string
| {
__typename?: "PaymentError"
message: string
type LnNoAmountInvoicePaymentSendMutationVariables = Exact<{
input: LnNoAmountInvoicePaymentInput
type LnNoAmountInvoicePaymentSendMutation = {
__typename?: "Mutation"
lnNoAmountInvoicePaymentSend: {
__typename?: "PaymentSendPayload"
status?: PaymentSendResult | null | undefined
errors: Array<
| {
__typename?: "InputError"
message: string
| {
__typename?: "PaymentError"
message: string
type UserLoginMutationVariables = Exact<{
input: UserLoginInput
type UserLoginMutation = {
__typename?: "Mutation"
userLogin: {
__typename?: "AuthTokenPayload"
authToken?: string | null | undefined
errors: Array<
| {
__typename?: "InputError"
message: string
| {
__typename?: "PaymentError"
message: string
type OnChainAddressCurrentMutationVariables = Exact<{
input: OnChainAddressCurrentInput
type OnChainAddressCurrentMutation = {
__typename?: "Mutation"
onChainAddressCurrent: {
__typename?: "OnChainAddressPayload"
address?: string | null | undefined
errors: Array<
| {
__typename?: "InputError"
message: string
| {
__typename?: "PaymentError"
message: string
type OnChainPaymentSendMutationVariables = Exact<{
input: OnChainPaymentSendInput
type OnChainPaymentSendMutation = {
__typename?: "Mutation"
onChainPaymentSend: {
__typename?: "PaymentSendPayload"
status?: PaymentSendResult | null | undefined
errors: Array<
| {
__typename?: "InputError"
message: string
| {
__typename?: "PaymentError"
message: string
type MeQueryVariables = Exact<{
hasToken: Scalars["Boolean"]
type MeQuery = {
__typename?: "Query"
| {
__typename?: "Globals"
nodesIds: Array<string>
| null
| undefined
| {
__typename?: "Price"
base: number
offset: number
currencyUnit: ExchangeCurrencyUnit
formattedAmount: string
| null
| undefined
| {
__typename?: "User"
id: string
username?: string | null | undefined
language: string
defaultAccount: {
__typename?: "ConsumerAccount"
id: string
wallets: Array<{
__typename?: "BTCWallet"
id: string
balance: number
| null
| undefined
type OnChainTxFeeQueryVariables = Exact<{
walletId: Scalars["WalletId"]
address: Scalars["OnChainAddress"]
amount: Scalars["SatAmount"]
targetConfirmations?: InputMaybe<Scalars["TargetConfirmations"]>
type OnChainTxFeeQuery = {
__typename?: "Query"
onChainTxFee: {
__typename?: "OnChainTxFee"
amount: number
targetConfirmations: number
type UserDefaultWalletIdQueryVariables = Exact<{
username: Scalars["Username"]
type UserDefaultWalletIdQuery = {
__typename?: "Query"
userDefaultWalletId: string
type MyUpdatesSubscriptionVariables = Exact<{
[key: string]: never
type MyUpdatesSubscription = {
__typename?: "Subscription"
myUpdates: {
__typename?: "MyUpdatesPayload"
errors: Array<
| {
__typename?: "InputError"
message: string
| {
__typename?: "PaymentError"
message: string
| {
__typename?: "User"
id: string
defaultAccount: {
__typename?: "ConsumerAccount"
id: string
wallets: Array<{
__typename?: "BTCWallet"
id: string
walletCurrency: WalletCurrency
balance: number
| null
| undefined
| {
__typename?: "IntraLedgerUpdate"
txNotificationType: TxNotificationType
amount: number
usdPerSat: number
type: "IntraLedgerUpdate"
| {
__typename?: "LnUpdate"
paymentHash: string
status: InvoicePaymentStatus
type: "LnUpdate"
| {
__typename?: "OnChainUpdate"
txNotificationType: TxNotificationType
txHash: string
amount: number
usdPerSat: number
type: "OnChainUpdate"
| {
__typename?: "Price"
base: number
offset: number
currencyUnit: ExchangeCurrencyUnit
formattedAmount: string
type: "Price"
| null
| undefined
export * from "./parse-payment-destination";
import * as lightningPayReq from "bolt11";
export * from "./graphql/index";
export declare const getDescription: (decoded: lightningPayReq.PaymentRequestObject) => string | undefined;
export declare const getDestination: (decoded: lightningPayReq.PaymentRequestObject) => string | undefined;
export declare const getHashFromInvoice: (invoice: string) => string | undefined;
"name": "@galoymoney/client",
"version": "0.0.8",
"version": "0.0.9",
"main": "dist/index.js",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "license": "MIT",

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

# Galay Client
# Galoy Client

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@ JavaScript client library for the Galoy stack. This is used in front-end applications like the web and mobile wallets.

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