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@glimmer/reference - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.85.5 to 0.85.6



@@ -1,372 +0,2 @@

import { getProp, setProp, toIterator, getPath } from '@glimmer/global-context';
import { expect, isDict, EMPTY_ARRAY, isObject } from '@glimmer/util';
import { CONSTANT_TAG, validateTag, track, valueForTag, consumeTag, INITIAL, createTag, dirtyTag } from '@glimmer/validator';
const REFERENCE = Symbol('REFERENCE');
const CONSTANT = 0;
const COMPUTE = 1;
const UNBOUND = 2;
const INVOKABLE = 3;
class ReferenceImpl {
tag = null;
lastRevision = INITIAL;
children = null;
compute = null;
update = null;
constructor(type) {
this[REFERENCE] = type;
function createPrimitiveRef(value) {
const ref = new ReferenceImpl(UNBOUND);
ref.tag = CONSTANT_TAG;
ref.lastValue = value;
ref.debugLabel = String(value);
return ref;
const UNDEFINED_REFERENCE = createPrimitiveRef(undefined);
const NULL_REFERENCE = createPrimitiveRef(null);
const TRUE_REFERENCE = createPrimitiveRef(true);
const FALSE_REFERENCE = createPrimitiveRef(false);
function createConstRef(value, debugLabel) {
const ref = new ReferenceImpl(CONSTANT);
ref.lastValue = value;
ref.tag = CONSTANT_TAG;
ref.debugLabel = debugLabel;
return ref;
function createUnboundRef(value, debugLabel) {
const ref = new ReferenceImpl(UNBOUND);
ref.lastValue = value;
ref.tag = CONSTANT_TAG;
ref.debugLabel = debugLabel;
return ref;
function createComputeRef(compute) {
let update = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : null;
let debugLabel = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 'unknown';
const ref = new ReferenceImpl(COMPUTE);
ref.compute = compute;
ref.update = update;
ref.debugLabel = `(result of a \`${debugLabel}\` helper)`;
return ref;
function createReadOnlyRef(ref) {
if (!isUpdatableRef(ref)) return ref;
return createComputeRef(() => valueForRef(ref), null, ref.debugLabel);
function isInvokableRef(ref) {
return ref[REFERENCE] === INVOKABLE;
function createInvokableRef(inner) {
const ref = createComputeRef(() => valueForRef(inner), value => updateRef(inner, value));
ref.debugLabel = inner.debugLabel;
return ref;
function isConstRef(_ref) {
const ref = _ref;
return ref.tag === CONSTANT_TAG;
function isUpdatableRef(_ref) {
const ref = _ref;
return ref.update !== null;
function valueForRef(_ref) {
const ref = _ref;
let {
} = ref;
if (tag === CONSTANT_TAG) {
return ref.lastValue;
const {
} = ref;
let lastValue;
if (tag === null || !validateTag(tag, lastRevision)) {
const {
} = ref;
const newTag = track(() => {
lastValue = ref.lastValue = compute();
}, ref.debugLabel);
tag = ref.tag = newTag;
ref.lastRevision = valueForTag(newTag);
} else {
lastValue = ref.lastValue;
return lastValue;
function updateRef(_ref, value) {
const ref = _ref;
const update = expect(ref.update, 'called update on a non-updatable reference');
function childRefFor(_parentRef, path) {
const parentRef = _parentRef;
const type = parentRef[REFERENCE];
let children = parentRef.children;
let child;
if (children === null) {
children = parentRef.children = new Map();
} else {
child = children.get(path);
if (child !== undefined) {
return child;
if (type === UNBOUND) {
const parent = valueForRef(parentRef);
if (isDict(parent)) {
child = createUnboundRef(parent[path], `${parentRef.debugLabel}.${path}`);
} else {
} else {
child = createComputeRef(() => {
const parent = valueForRef(parentRef);
if (isDict(parent)) {
return getProp(parent, path);
}, val => {
const parent = valueForRef(parentRef);
if (isDict(parent)) {
return setProp(parent, path, val);
child.debugLabel = `${parentRef.debugLabel}.${path}`;
children.set(path, child);
return child;
function childRefFromParts(root, parts) {
let reference = root;
for (const part of parts) {
reference = childRefFor(reference, part);
return reference;
let createDebugAliasRef;
createDebugAliasRef = (debugLabel, inner) => {
const update = isUpdatableRef(inner) ? value => updateRef(inner, value) : null;
const ref = createComputeRef(() => valueForRef(inner), update);
ref.debugLabel = debugLabel;
return ref;
const NULL_IDENTITY = {};
const KEY = (_, index) => index;
const INDEX = (_, index) => String(index);
const IDENTITY = item => {
if (item === null) {
// Returning null as an identity will cause failures since the iterator
// can't tell that it's actually supposed to be null
return item;
function keyForPath(path) {
if (path[0] === '@') {
throw new Error(`invalid keypath: '${path}', valid keys: @index, @identity, or a path`);
return uniqueKeyFor(item => getPath(item, path));
function makeKeyFor(key) {
switch (key) {
case '@key':
return uniqueKeyFor(KEY);
case '@index':
return uniqueKeyFor(INDEX);
case '@identity':
return uniqueKeyFor(IDENTITY);
return keyForPath(key);
class WeakMapWithPrimitives {
get weakMap() {
if (this._weakMap === undefined) {
this._weakMap = new WeakMap();
return this._weakMap;
get primitiveMap() {
if (this._primitiveMap === undefined) {
this._primitiveMap = new Map();
return this._primitiveMap;
set(key, value) {
if (isObject(key)) {
this.weakMap.set(key, value);
} else {
this.primitiveMap.set(key, value);
get(key) {
if (isObject(key)) {
return this.weakMap.get(key);
} else {
return this.primitiveMap.get(key);
const IDENTITIES = new WeakMapWithPrimitives();
function identityForNthOccurence(value, count) {
let identities = IDENTITIES.get(value);
if (identities === undefined) {
identities = [];
IDENTITIES.set(value, identities);
let identity = identities[count];
if (identity === undefined) {
identity = {
identities[count] = identity;
return identity;
* When iterating over a list, it's possible that an item with the same unique
* key could be encountered twice:
* ```js
* let arr = ['same', 'different', 'same', 'same'];
* ```
* In general, we want to treat these items as _unique within the list_. To do
* this, we track the occurences of every item as we iterate the list, and when
* an item occurs more than once, we generate a new unique key just for that
* item, and that occurence within the list. The next time we iterate the list,
* and encounter an item for the nth time, we can get the _same_ key, and let
* Glimmer know that it should reuse the DOM for the previous nth occurence.
function uniqueKeyFor(keyFor) {
let seen = new WeakMapWithPrimitives();
return (value, memo) => {
let key = keyFor(value, memo);
let count = seen.get(key) || 0;
seen.set(key, count + 1);
if (count === 0) {
return key;
return identityForNthOccurence(key, count);
function createIteratorRef(listRef, key) {
return createComputeRef(() => {
let iterable = valueForRef(listRef);
let keyFor = makeKeyFor(key);
if (Array.isArray(iterable)) {
return new ArrayIterator(iterable, keyFor);
let maybeIterator = toIterator(iterable);
if (maybeIterator === null) {
return new ArrayIterator(EMPTY_ARRAY, () => null);
return new IteratorWrapper(maybeIterator, keyFor);
function createIteratorItemRef(_value) {
let value = _value;
let tag = createTag();
return createComputeRef(() => {
return value;
}, newValue => {
if (value !== newValue) {
value = newValue;
class IteratorWrapper {
constructor(inner, keyFor) {
this.inner = inner;
this.keyFor = keyFor;
isEmpty() {
return this.inner.isEmpty();
next() {
let nextValue =;
if (nextValue !== null) {
nextValue.key = this.keyFor(nextValue.value, nextValue.memo);
return nextValue;
class ArrayIterator {
pos = 0;
constructor(iterator, keyFor) {
this.iterator = iterator;
this.keyFor = keyFor;
if (iterator.length === 0) {
this.current = {
kind: 'empty'
} else {
this.current = {
kind: 'first',
value: iterator[this.pos]
isEmpty() {
return this.current.kind === 'empty';
next() {
let value;
let current = this.current;
if (current.kind === 'first') {
this.current = {
kind: 'progress'
value = current.value;
} else if (this.pos >= this.iterator.length - 1) {
return null;
} else {
value = this.iterator[++this.pos];
let {
} = this;
let key = keyFor(value, this.pos);
let memo = this.pos;
return {
export { FALSE_REFERENCE, NULL_REFERENCE, REFERENCE, TRUE_REFERENCE, UNDEFINED_REFERENCE, childRefFor, childRefFromParts, createComputeRef, createConstRef, createDebugAliasRef, createInvokableRef, createIteratorItemRef, createIteratorRef, createPrimitiveRef, createReadOnlyRef, createUnboundRef, isConstRef, isInvokableRef, isUpdatableRef, updateRef, valueForRef };
import{getProp as t,setProp as e,toIterator as n,getPath as r}from"@glimmer/global-context";import{expect as i,isDict as u,EMPTY_ARRAY as l,isObject as s}from"@glimmer/util";import{CONSTANT_TAG as a,validateTag as o,track as c,valueForTag as p,consumeTag as d,INITIAL as h,createTag as f,dirtyTag as g}from"@glimmer/validator";const m=Symbol("REFERENCE"),b=1,v=2;class k{[m];tag=null;lastRevision=h;lastValue;children=null;compute=null;update=null;debugLabel;constructor(t){this[m]=t}}function w(t){const e=new k(v);return e.tag=a,e.lastValue=t,e.debugLabel=String(t),e}const y=w(void 0),M=w(null),L=w(!0),E=w(!1);function _(t,e){const n=new k(0);return n.lastValue=t,n.tag=a,n.debugLabel=e,n}function x(t,e){const n=new k(v);return n.lastValue=t,n.tag=a,n.debugLabel=e,n}function V(t){let e=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:null,n=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:"unknown";const r=new k(b);return r.compute=t,r.update=e,r.debugLabel=`(result of a \`${n}\` helper)`,r}function $(t){return A(t)?V((()=>C(t)),null,t.debugLabel):t}function F(t){return 3===t[m]}function R(t){const e=V((()=>C(t)),(e=>N(t,e)));return e.debugLabel=t.debugLabel,e[m]=3,e}function S(t){return t.tag===a}function A(t){return null!==t.update}function C(t){const e=t;let{tag:n}=e;if(n===a)return e.lastValue;const{lastRevision:r}=e;let i;if(null!==n&&o(n,r))i=e.lastValue;else{const{compute:t}=e,r=c((()=>{i=e.lastValue=t()}),e.debugLabel);n=e.tag=r,e.lastRevision=p(r)}return d(n),i}function N(t,e){i(t.update,"called update on a non-updatable reference")(e)}function W(n,r){const i=n,l=i[m];let s,a=i.children;if(null===a)a=i.children=new Map;else if(s=a.get(r),void 0!==s)return s;if(l===v){const t=C(i);s=u(t)?x(t[r],`${i.debugLabel}.${r}`):y}else s=V((()=>{const e=C(i);if(u(e))return t(e,r)}),(t=>{const n=C(i);if(u(n))return e(n,r,t)})),s.debugLabel=`${i.debugLabel}.${r}`;return a.set(r,s),s}function j(t,e){let n=t;for(const t of e)n=W(n,t);return n}let q;q=(t,e)=>{const n=V((()=>C(e)),A(e)?t=>N(e,t):null);return n[m]=e[m],n.debugLabel=t,n};const z={},B=(t,e)=>e,D=(t,e)=>String(e),G=t=>null===t?z:t;function H(t){switch(t){case"@key":return K(B);case"@index":return K(D);case"@identity":return K(G);default:return function(t){if("@"===t[0])throw new Error(`invalid keypath: '${t}', valid keys: @index, @identity, or a path`);return K((e=>r(e,t)))}(t)}}class I{_weakMap;_primitiveMap;get weakMap(){return void 0===this._weakMap&&(this._weakMap=new WeakMap),this._weakMap}get primitiveMap(){return void 0===this._primitiveMap&&(this._primitiveMap=new Map),this._primitiveMap}set(t,e){s(t)?this.weakMap.set(t,e):this.primitiveMap.set(t,e)}get(t){return s(t)?this.weakMap.get(t):this.primitiveMap.get(t)}}const J=new I;function K(t){let e=new I;return(n,r)=>{let i=t(n,r),u=e.get(i)||0;return e.set(i,u+1),0===u?i:function(t,e){let n=J.get(t);void 0===n&&(n=[],J.set(t,n));let r=n[e];return void 0===r&&(r={value:t,count:e},n[e]=r),r}(i,u)}}function O(t,e){return V((()=>{let r=C(t),i=H(e);if(Array.isArray(r))return new T(r,i);let u=n(r);return null===u?new T(l,(()=>null)):new Q(u,i)}))}function P(t){let e=t,n=f();return V((()=>(d(n),e)),(t=>{e!==t&&(e=t,g(n))}))}class Q{constructor(t,e){this.inner=t,this.keyFor=e}isEmpty(){return this.inner.isEmpty()}next(){let;return null!==t&&(t.key=this.keyFor(t.value,t.memo)),t}}class T{current;pos=0;constructor(t,e){this.iterator=t,this.keyFor=e,0===t.length?this.current={kind:"empty"}:this.current={kind:"first",value:t[this.pos]}}isEmpty(){return"empty"===this.current.kind}next(){let t,e=this.current;if("first"===e.kind)this.current={kind:"progress"},t=e.value;else{if(this.pos>=this.iterator.length-1)return null;t=this.iterator[++this.pos]}let{keyFor:n}=this;return{key:n(t,this.pos),value:t,memo:this.pos}}}export{E as FALSE_REFERENCE,M as NULL_REFERENCE,m as REFERENCE,L as TRUE_REFERENCE,y as UNDEFINED_REFERENCE,W as childRefFor,j as childRefFromParts,V as createComputeRef,_ as createConstRef,q as createDebugAliasRef,R as createInvokableRef,P as createIteratorItemRef,O as createIteratorRef,w as createPrimitiveRef,$ as createReadOnlyRef,x as createUnboundRef,S as isConstRef,F as isInvokableRef,A as isUpdatableRef,N as updateRef,C as valueForRef};


"name": "@glimmer/reference",
"type": "module",
"version": "0.85.5",
"version": "0.85.6",
"description": "Objects used to track values and their dirtiness in Glimmer",

@@ -17,6 +17,6 @@ "license": "MIT",

"@glimmer/env": "^0.1.7",
"@glimmer/global-context": "^0.85.5",
"@glimmer/interfaces": "^0.85.5",
"@glimmer/util": "^0.85.5",
"@glimmer/validator": "^0.85.5"
"@glimmer/global-context": "^0.85.6",
"@glimmer/interfaces": "^0.85.6",
"@glimmer/util": "^0.85.6",
"@glimmer/validator": "^0.85.6"

@@ -27,3 +27,3 @@ "devDependencies": {

"publint": "^0.2.5",
"@glimmer/local-debug-flags": "^0.85.5",
"@glimmer/local-debug-flags": "^0.85.6",
"@glimmer-workspace/build-support": "^1.0.0"

@@ -30,0 +30,0 @@ },

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