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@glimmer/util - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.85.5 to 0.85.6



@@ -1,646 +0,2 @@

const EMPTY_ARRAY = Object.freeze([]);
function emptyArray() {
const EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY = emptyArray();
const EMPTY_NUMBER_ARRAY = emptyArray();
* This function returns `true` if the input array is the special empty array sentinel,
* which is sometimes used for optimizations.
function isEmptyArray(input) {
return input === EMPTY_ARRAY;
function* reverse(input) {
for (let i = input.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
yield input[i];
function* enumerate(input) {
let i = 0;
for (const item of input) {
yield [i++, item];
// import Logger from './logger';
// let alreadyWarned = false;
function debugAssert(test, msg) {
// if (!alreadyWarned) {
// alreadyWarned = true;
// Logger.warn("Don't leave debug assertions on in public builds");
// }
if (!test) {
throw new Error(msg || 'assertion failure');
function deprecate(desc) {
function keys(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj);
function unwrap(val) {
if (val === null || val === undefined) throw new Error(`Expected value to be present`);
return val;
function expect(val, message) {
if (val === null || val === undefined) throw new Error(message);
return val;
function unreachable() {
let message = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 'unreachable';
return new Error(message);
function exhausted(value) {
throw new Error(`Exhausted ${String(value)}`);
const tuple = function () {
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key] = arguments[_key];
return args;
function isPresent(value) {
return value !== null && value !== undefined;
function assertPresent(value, message) {
if (!isPresent(value)) {
throw new Error(`Expected present, got ${typeof value === 'string' ? value : message}`);
function isPresentArray(list) {
return list.length > 0;
function ifPresent(list, ifPresent, otherwise) {
if (isPresentArray(list)) {
return ifPresent(list);
} else {
return otherwise();
function arrayToOption(list) {
if (isPresentArray(list)) {
return list;
} else {
return null;
function assertPresentArray(list) {
let message = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : `unexpected empty list`;
if (!isPresentArray(list)) {
throw new Error(message);
function asPresentArray(list) {
let message = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : `unexpected empty list`;
assertPresentArray(list, message);
return list;
function getLast(list) {
return list.length === 0 ? undefined : list[list.length - 1];
function getFirst(list) {
return list.length === 0 ? undefined : list[0];
function mapPresentArray(list, mapper) {
if (list === null) {
return null;
let out = [];
for (let item of list) {
return out;
function dict() {
return Object.create(null);
function isDict(u) {
return u !== null && u !== undefined;
function isObject(u) {
return typeof u === 'function' || typeof u === 'object' && u !== null;
class StackImpl {
current = null;
constructor() {
let values = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : [];
this.stack = values;
get size() {
return this.stack.length;
push(item) {
this.current = item;
pop() {
let item = this.stack.pop();
this.current = getLast(this.stack) ?? null;
return item === undefined ? null : item;
nth(from) {
let len = this.stack.length;
return len < from ? null : unwrap(this.stack[len - from]);
isEmpty() {
return this.stack.length === 0;
toArray() {
return this.stack;
const LOCAL_DEBUG = (() => {
let location = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.location;
if (location && /[&?]disable_local_debug/u.test( {
return false;
return true;
/// <reference types="qunit" />
let beginTestSteps;
let endTestSteps;
let verifySteps;
let logStep;
let LOGGED_STEPS = null;
beginTestSteps = () => {
debugAssert(LOGGED_STEPS === null, 'attempted to start steps, but it already began');
endTestSteps = () => {
debugAssert(LOGGED_STEPS, 'attempted to end steps, but they were not started');
logStep = (type, step) => {
if (LOGGED_STEPS === null) return;
let steps = LOGGED_STEPS[type];
if (!steps) steps = LOGGED_STEPS[type] = [];
verifySteps = (type, expectedSteps, message) => {
let loggedSteps = expect(LOGGED_STEPS, 'attempetd to verify steps, but steps were not started');
let steps = loggedSteps[type] || [];
loggedSteps[type] = [];
if (Array.isArray(expectedSteps)) {
QUnit.config.current.assert.deepEqual(steps, expectedSteps, message);
} else {
let debugToString;
let getFunctionName = fn => {
let functionName =;
if (functionName === undefined) {
let match = /function (\w+)\s*\(/u.exec(String(fn));
functionName = match && match[1] || '';
return functionName.replace(/^bound /u, '');
let getObjectName = obj => {
let name;
let className;
if (obj.constructor && typeof obj.constructor === 'function') {
className = getFunctionName(obj.constructor);
if ('toString' in obj && obj.toString !== Object.prototype.toString && obj.toString !== Function.prototype.toString) {
name = obj.toString();
// If the class has a decent looking name, and the `toString` is one of the
// default Ember toStrings, replace the constructor portion of the toString
// with the class name. We check the length of the class name to prevent doing
// this when the value is minified.
if (name && /<.*:ember\d+>/u.test(name) && className && className[0] !== '_' && className.length > 2 && className !== 'Class') {
return name.replace(/<.*:/u, `<${className}:`);
return name || className;
let getPrimitiveName = value => {
return String(value);
debugToString = value => {
if (typeof value === 'function') {
return getFunctionName(value) || `(unknown function)`;
} else if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) {
return getObjectName(value) || `(unknown object)`;
} else {
return getPrimitiveName(value);
var debugToString$1 = debugToString;
function clearElement(parent) {
let current = parent.firstChild;
while (current) {
let next = current.nextSibling;
current = next;
const RAW_NODE = -1;
const ELEMENT_NODE = 1;
const TEXT_NODE = 3;
const COMMENT_NODE = 8;
const DOCUMENT_NODE = 9;
const NS_HTML = '';
const NS_MATHML = '';
const NS_SVG = '';
const NS_XLINK = '';
const NS_XML = '';
const NS_XMLNS = '';
const INSERT_BEFORE_BEGIN = 'beforebegin';
const INSERT_AFTER_BEGIN = 'afterbegin';
const INSERT_BEFORE_END = 'beforeend';
const INSERT_AFTER_END = 'afterend';
Encoding notes
We use 30 bit integers for encoding, so that we don't ever encode a non-SMI
integer to push on the stack.
Handles are >= 0
Immediates are < 0
True, False, Undefined and Null are pushed as handles into the symbol table,
with well known handles (0, 1, 2, 3)
The negative space is divided into positives and negatives. Positives are
higher numbers (-1, -2, -3, etc), negatives are lower.
We only encode immediates for two reasons:
1. To transfer over the wire, so they're smaller in general
2. When pushing values onto the stack from the low level/inner VM, which may
be converted into WASM one day.
This allows the low-level VM to always use SMIs, and to minimize using JS
values via handles for things like the stack pointer and frame pointer.
Externally, most code pushes values as JS values, except when being pulled
from the append byte code where it was already encoded.
Logically, this is because the low level VM doesn't really care about these
higher level values. For instance, the result of a userland helper may be a
number, or a boolean, or undefined/null, but it's extra work to figure that
out and push it correctly, vs. just pushing the value as a JS value with a
Note: The details could change here in the future, this is just the current
let ImmediateConstants = /*#__PURE__*/function (ImmediateConstants) {
ImmediateConstants[ImmediateConstants["MAX_SMI"] = 1073741823] = "MAX_SMI";
ImmediateConstants[ImmediateConstants["MIN_SMI"] = -1073741824] = "MIN_SMI";
ImmediateConstants[ImmediateConstants["SIGN_BIT"] = -536870913] = "SIGN_BIT";
ImmediateConstants[ImmediateConstants["MAX_INT"] = 536870911] = "MAX_INT";
ImmediateConstants[ImmediateConstants["MIN_INT"] = -536870912] = "MIN_INT";
ImmediateConstants[ImmediateConstants["FALSE_HANDLE"] = 0] = "FALSE_HANDLE";
ImmediateConstants[ImmediateConstants["TRUE_HANDLE"] = 1] = "TRUE_HANDLE";
ImmediateConstants[ImmediateConstants["NULL_HANDLE"] = 2] = "NULL_HANDLE";
ImmediateConstants[ImmediateConstants["UNDEFINED_HANDLE"] = 3] = "UNDEFINED_HANDLE";
ImmediateConstants[ImmediateConstants["ENCODED_FALSE_HANDLE"] = 0] = "ENCODED_FALSE_HANDLE";
ImmediateConstants[ImmediateConstants["ENCODED_TRUE_HANDLE"] = 1] = "ENCODED_TRUE_HANDLE";
ImmediateConstants[ImmediateConstants["ENCODED_NULL_HANDLE"] = 2] = "ENCODED_NULL_HANDLE";
ImmediateConstants[ImmediateConstants["ENCODED_UNDEFINED_HANDLE"] = 3] = "ENCODED_UNDEFINED_HANDLE";
return ImmediateConstants;
function isHandle(value) {
return value >= 0;
function isNonPrimitiveHandle(value) {
return value > ImmediateConstants.ENCODED_UNDEFINED_HANDLE;
function constants() {
for (var _len = arguments.length, values = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
values[_key] = arguments[_key];
return [false, true, null, undefined, ...values];
function isSmallInt(value) {
return value % 1 === 0 && value <= ImmediateConstants.MAX_INT && value >= ImmediateConstants.MIN_INT;
function encodeNegative(num) {
debugAssert(num % 1 === 0 && num >= ImmediateConstants.MIN_INT && num < 0, `Could not encode negative: ${num}`);
return num & ImmediateConstants.SIGN_BIT;
function decodeNegative(num) {
debugAssert(num % 1 === 0 && num < ~ImmediateConstants.MAX_INT && num >= ImmediateConstants.MIN_SMI, `Could not decode negative: ${num}`);
return num | ~ImmediateConstants.SIGN_BIT;
function encodePositive(num) {
debugAssert(num % 1 === 0 && num >= 0 && num <= ImmediateConstants.MAX_INT, `Could not encode positive: ${num}`);
return ~num;
function decodePositive(num) {
debugAssert(num % 1 === 0 && num <= 0 && num >= ~ImmediateConstants.MAX_INT, `Could not decode positive: ${num}`);
return ~num;
function encodeHandle(num) {
debugAssert(num % 1 === 0 && num >= 0 && num <= ImmediateConstants.MAX_SMI, `Could not encode handle: ${num}`);
return num;
function decodeHandle(num) {
debugAssert(num % 1 === 0 && num <= ImmediateConstants.MAX_SMI && num >= 0, `Could not decode handle: ${num}`);
return num;
function encodeImmediate(num) {
num |= 0;
return num < 0 ? encodeNegative(num) : encodePositive(num);
function decodeImmediate(num) {
num |= 0;
return num > ImmediateConstants.SIGN_BIT ? decodePositive(num) : decodeNegative(num);
// Warm
[1, 2, 3].forEach(x => decodeHandle(encodeHandle(x)));
[1, -1].forEach(x => decodeImmediate(encodeImmediate(x)));
Strongly hint runtimes to intern the provided string.
When do I need to use this function?
For the most part, never. Pre-mature optimization is bad, and often the
runtime does exactly what you need it to, and more often the trade-off isn't
worth it.
Runtimes store strings in at least 2 different representations:
Ropes and Symbols (interned strings). The Rope provides a memory efficient
data-structure for strings created from concatenation or some other string
manipulation like splitting.
Unfortunately checking equality of different ropes can be quite costly as
runtimes must resort to clever string comparison algorithms. These
algorithms typically cost in proportion to the length of the string.
Luckily, this is where the Symbols (interned strings) shine. As Symbols are
unique by their string content, equality checks can be done by pointer
How do I know if my string is a rope or symbol?
Typically (warning general sweeping statement, but truthy in runtimes at
present) static strings created as part of the JS source are interned.
Strings often used for comparisons can be interned at runtime if some
criteria are met. One of these criteria can be the size of the entire rope.
For example, in chrome 38 a rope longer then 12 characters will not
intern, nor will segments of that rope.
Some numbers:
Known Trickā„¢
@return {String} interned version of the provided string
function intern(str) {
let obj = {};
obj[str] = 1;
for (let key in obj) {
if (key === str) {
return key;
return str;
function isSerializationFirstNode(node) {
return node.nodeValue === SERIALIZATION_FIRST_NODE_STRING;
let assign = Object.assign;
function fillNulls(count) {
let arr = new Array(count);
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
arr[i] = null;
return arr;
function values(obj) {
return Object.values(obj);
function entries(dict) {
return Object.entries(dict);
function castToSimple(node) {
if (isDocument(node)) {
return node;
} else if (isSimpleElement(node)) {
return node;
} else {
return node;
// If passed a document, verify we're in the browser and return it as a Document
// If we don't know what this is, but the check requires it to be an element,
// the cast will mandate that it's a browser element
// Finally, if it's a more generic check, the cast will mandate that it's a
// browser node and return a BrowserNodeUtils corresponding to the check
function castToBrowser(node, sugaryCheck) {
if (node === null || node === undefined) {
return null;
if (typeof document === undefined) {
throw new Error('Attempted to cast to a browser node in a non-browser context');
if (isDocument(node)) {
return node;
if (node.ownerDocument !== document) {
throw new Error('Attempted to cast to a browser node with a node that was not created from this document');
return checkBrowserNode(node, sugaryCheck);
function checkError(from, check) {
return new Error(`cannot cast a ${from} into ${String(check)}`);
function isDocument(node) {
return node.nodeType === DOCUMENT_NODE;
function isSimpleElement(node) {
return node?.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE;
function isElement(node) {
return node?.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE && node instanceof Element;
function checkBrowserNode(node, check) {
let isMatch = false;
if (node !== null) {
if (typeof check === 'string') {
isMatch = stringCheckNode(node, check);
} else if (Array.isArray(check)) {
isMatch = check.some(c => stringCheckNode(node, c));
} else {
throw unreachable();
if (isMatch && node instanceof Node) {
return node;
} else {
throw checkError(`SimpleElement(${node?.constructor?.name ?? 'null'})`, check);
function stringCheckNode(node, check) {
switch (check) {
case 'NODE':
return true;
case 'HTML':
return node instanceof HTMLElement;
case 'SVG':
return node instanceof SVGElement;
case 'ELEMENT':
return node instanceof Element;
if (check.toUpperCase() === check) {
throw new Error(`BUG: this code is missing handling for a generic node type`);
return node instanceof Element && node.tagName.toLowerCase() === check;
function strip(strings) {
let out = '';
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
for (const [i, string] of enumerate(strings)) {
let dynamic = args[i] !== undefined ? String(args[i]) : '';
out += `${string}${dynamic}`;
let lines = out.split('\n');
while (isPresentArray(lines) && /^\s*$/u.test(getFirst(lines))) {
while (isPresentArray(lines) && /^\s*$/u.test(getLast(lines))) {
let min = Infinity;
for (let line of lines) {
let leading = /^\s*/u.exec(line)[0].length;
min = Math.min(min, leading);
let stripped = [];
for (let line of lines) {
return stripped.join('\n');
function unwrapHandle(handle) {
if (typeof handle === 'number') {
return handle;
} else {
let error = handle.errors[0];
throw new Error(`Compile Error: ${error.problem} @ ${error.span.start}..${error.span.end}`);
function unwrapTemplate(template) {
if (template.result === 'error') {
throw new Error(`Compile Error: ${template.problem} @ ${template.span.start}..${template.span.end}`);
return template;
function extractHandle(handle) {
if (typeof handle === 'number') {
return handle;
} else {
return handle.handle;
function isOkHandle(handle) {
return typeof handle === 'number';
function isErrHandle(handle) {
return typeof handle === 'number';
function buildUntouchableThis(source) {
let context = null;
let assertOnProperty = property => {
let access = typeof property === 'symbol' || typeof property === 'number' ? `[${String(property)}]` : `.${property}`;
throw new Error(`You accessed \`this${access}\` from a function passed to the ${source}, but the function itself was not bound to a valid \`this\` context. Consider updating to use a bound function (for instance, use an arrow function, \`() => {}\`).`);
context = new Proxy({}, {
get(_target, property) {
set(_target, property) {
return false;
has(_target, property) {
return false;
return context;
* This constant exists to make it easier to differentiate normal logs from
* errant console.logs. LOCAL_LOGGER should only be used inside a
* It does not alleviate the need to check LOCAL_SHOULD_LOG, which is used
* for stripping.
const LOCAL_LOGGER = console;
* This constant exists to make it easier to differentiate normal logs from
* errant console.logs. LOGGER can be used outside of LOCAL_SHOULD_LOG checks,
* and is meant to be used in the rare situation where a console.* call is
* actually appropriate.
const LOGGER = console;
function assertNever(value) {
let desc = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 'unexpected unreachable branch';
LOGGER.log('unreachable', value);
LOGGER.log(`${desc} :: ${JSON.stringify(value)} (${value})`);
throw new Error(`code reached unreachable`);
export { COMMENT_NODE, DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE, DOCUMENT_NODE, DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE, ELEMENT_NODE, EMPTY_ARRAY, EMPTY_NUMBER_ARRAY, EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY, INSERT_AFTER_BEGIN, INSERT_AFTER_END, INSERT_BEFORE_BEGIN, INSERT_BEFORE_END, ImmediateConstants, LOCAL_LOGGER, LOGGER, NS_HTML, NS_MATHML, NS_SVG, NS_XLINK, NS_XML, NS_XMLNS, RAW_NODE, SERIALIZATION_FIRST_NODE_STRING, StackImpl as Stack, TEXT_NODE, arrayToOption, asPresentArray, debugAssert as assert, assertNever, assertPresent, assertPresentArray, assign, beginTestSteps, buildUntouchableThis, castToBrowser, castToSimple, checkBrowserNode as checkNode, clearElement, constants, debugToString$1 as debugToString, decodeHandle, decodeImmediate, decodeNegative, decodePositive, deprecate, dict, emptyArray, encodeHandle, encodeImmediate, encodeNegative, encodePositive, endTestSteps, entries, enumerate, exhausted, expect, extractHandle, fillNulls, getFirst, getLast, ifPresent, intern, isDict, isElement, isEmptyArray, isErrHandle, isHandle, isNonPrimitiveHandle, isObject, isOkHandle, isPresent, isPresentArray, isSerializationFirstNode, isSimpleElement, isSmallInt, keys, logStep, mapPresentArray, reverse, strip, tuple, unreachable, unwrap, unwrapHandle, unwrapTemplate, values, verifySteps };
const t=Object.freeze([]);function n(){return t}const e=n(),r=n();function o(n){return n===t}function*u(t){for(let n=t.length-1;n>=0;n--)yield t[n]}function*i(t){let n=0;for(const e of t)yield[n++,e]}function c(t,n){if(!t)throw new Error(n||"assertion failure")}function l(t){Ot.warn(`DEPRECATION: ${t}`)}function s(t){return Object.keys(t)}function f(t){if(null==t)throw new Error("Expected value to be present");return t}function a(t,n){if(null==t)throw new Error(n);return t}function d(){return new Error(arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:"unreachable")}function h(t){throw new Error(`Exhausted ${String(t)}`)}const E=function(){for(var t=arguments.length,n=new Array(t),e=0;e<t;e++)n[e]=arguments[e];return n};function w(t){return null!=t}function p(t,n){if(!w(t))throw new Error(`Expected present, got ${"string"==typeof t?t:n}`)}function N(t){return t.length>0}function g(t,n,e){return N(t)?n(t):e()}function _(t){return N(t)?t:null}function D(t){let n=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:"unexpected empty list";if(!N(t))throw new Error(n)}function b(t){return D(t,arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:"unexpected empty list"),t}function A(t){return 0===t.length?void 0:t[t.length-1]}function m(t){return 0===t.length?void 0:t[0]}function y(t,n){if(null===t)return null;let e=[];for(let r of t)e.push(n(r));return e}function I(){return Object.create(null)}function L(t){return null!=t}function S(t){return"function"==typeof t||"object"==typeof t&&null!==t}class M{stack;current=null;constructor(){let t=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:[];this.stack=t}get size(){return this.stack.length}push(t){this.current=t,this.stack.push(t)}pop(){let t=this.stack.pop();return this.current=A(this.stack)??null,void 0===t?null:t}nth(t){let n=this.stack.length;return n<t?null:f(this.stack[n-t])}isEmpty(){return 0===this.stack.length}toArray(){return this.stack}}const $=!("undefined"!=typeof window&&window.location&&/[&?]disable_local_debug/u.test(;let T,v,C,H,O;if($){let t=null;T=()=>{c(null===t,"attempted to start steps, but it already began"),t={}},v=()=>{c(t,"attempted to end steps, but they were not started"),t=null},H=(n,e)=>{if(null===t)return;let r=t[n];r||(r=t[n]=[]),r.push(e)},C=(n,e,r)=>{let o=a(t,"attempetd to verify steps, but steps were not started"),u=o[n]||[];o[n]=[],Array.isArray(e)?QUnit.config.current.assert.deepEqual(u,e,r):e(u)}}{let t=t=>{let;if(void 0===n){let e=/function (\w+)\s*\(/u.exec(String(t));n=e&&e[1]||""}return n.replace(/^bound /u,"")},n=n=>{let e,r;return n.constructor&&"function"==typeof n.constructor&&(r=t(n.constructor)),"toString"in n&&n.toString!==Object.prototype.toString&&n.toString!==Function.prototype.toString&&(e=n.toString()),e&&/<.*:ember\d+>/u.test(e)&&r&&"_"!==r[0]&&r.length>2&&"Class"!==r?e.replace(/<.*:/u,`<${r}:`):e||r},e=t=>String(t);O=r=>"function"==typeof r?t(r)||"(unknown function)":"object"==typeof r&&null!==r?n(r)||"(unknown object)":e(r)}var k=O;function x(t){let n=t.firstChild;for(;n;){let e=n.nextSibling;t.removeChild(n),n=e}}const U=-1,j=1,X=3,F=8,G=9,B=10,R=11,V="",z="",P="",q="",J="",Q="",Y="beforebegin",K="afterbegin",W="beforeend",Z="afterend";let tt=function(t){return t[t.MAX_SMI=1073741823]="MAX_SMI",t[t.MIN_SMI=-1073741824]="MIN_SMI",t[t.SIGN_BIT=-536870913]="SIGN_BIT",t[t.MAX_INT=536870911]="MAX_INT",t[t.MIN_INT=-536870912]="MIN_INT",t[t.FALSE_HANDLE=0]="FALSE_HANDLE",t[t.TRUE_HANDLE=1]="TRUE_HANDLE",t[t.NULL_HANDLE=2]="NULL_HANDLE",t[t.UNDEFINED_HANDLE=3]="UNDEFINED_HANDLE",t[t.ENCODED_FALSE_HANDLE=0]="ENCODED_FALSE_HANDLE",t[t.ENCODED_TRUE_HANDLE=1]="ENCODED_TRUE_HANDLE",t[t.ENCODED_NULL_HANDLE=2]="ENCODED_NULL_HANDLE",t[t.ENCODED_UNDEFINED_HANDLE=3]="ENCODED_UNDEFINED_HANDLE",t}({});function nt(t){return t>=0}function et(t){return t>tt.ENCODED_UNDEFINED_HANDLE}function rt(){for(var t=arguments.length,n=new Array(t),e=0;e<t;e++)n[e]=arguments[e];return[!1,!0,null,void 0,...n]}function ot(t){return t%1==0&&t<=tt.MAX_INT&&t>=tt.MIN_INT}function ut(t){return $&&c(t%1==0&&t>=tt.MIN_INT&&t<0,`Could not encode negative: ${t}`),t&tt.SIGN_BIT}function it(t){return $&&c(t%1==0&&t<~tt.MAX_INT&&t>=tt.MIN_SMI,`Could not decode negative: ${t}`),t|~tt.SIGN_BIT}function ct(t){return $&&c(t%1==0&&t>=0&&t<=tt.MAX_INT,`Could not encode positive: ${t}`),~t}function lt(t){return $&&c(t%1==0&&t<=0&&t>=~tt.MAX_INT,`Could not decode positive: ${t}`),~t}function st(t){return $&&c(t%1==0&&t>=0&&t<=tt.MAX_SMI,`Could not encode handle: ${t}`),t}function ft(t){return $&&c(t%1==0&&t<=tt.MAX_SMI&&t>=0,`Could not decode handle: ${t}`),t}function at(t){return(t|=0)<0?ut(t):ct(t)}function dt(t){return(t|=0)>tt.SIGN_BIT?lt(t):it(t)}function ht(t){let n={};n[t]=1;for(let e in n)if(e===t)return e;return t}[1,2,3].forEach((t=>ft(st(t)))),[1,-1].forEach((t=>dt(at(t))));const Et="%+b:0%";function wt(t){return t.nodeValue===Et}let pt=Object.assign;function Nt(t){let n=new Array(t);for(let e=0;e<t;e++)n[e]=null;return n}function gt(t){return Object.values(t)}function _t(t){return Object.entries(t)}function Dt(t){return At(t)||mt(t),t}function bt(t,n){if(null==t)return null;if(void 0===typeof document)throw new Error("Attempted to cast to a browser node in a non-browser context");if(At(t))return t;if(t.ownerDocument!==document)throw new Error("Attempted to cast to a browser node with a node that was not created from this document");return It(t,n)}function At(t){return t.nodeType===G}function mt(t){return t?.nodeType===j}function yt(t){return t?.nodeType===j&&t instanceof Element}function It(t,n){let e=!1;if(null!==t)if("string"==typeof n)e=Lt(t,n);else{if(!Array.isArray(n))throw d();e=n.some((n=>Lt(t,n)))}if(e&&t instanceof Node)return t;throw function(t,n){return new Error(`cannot cast a ${t} into ${String(n)}`)}(`SimpleElement(${t?.constructor?.name??"null"})`,n)}function Lt(t,n){switch(n){case"NODE":return!0;case"HTML":return t instanceof HTMLElement;case"SVG":return t instanceof SVGElement;case"ELEMENT":return t instanceof Element;default:if(n.toUpperCase()===n)throw new Error("BUG: this code is missing handling for a generic node type");return t instanceof Element&&t.tagName.toLowerCase()===n}}function St(t){let n="";for(var e=arguments.length,r=new Array(e>1?e-1:0),o=1;o<e;o++)r[o-1]=arguments[o];for(const[e,o]of i(t)){n+=`${o}${void 0!==r[e]?String(r[e]):""}`}let u=n.split("\n");for(;N(u)&&/^\s*$/u.test(m(u));)u.shift();for(;N(u)&&/^\s*$/u.test(A(u));)u.pop();let c=1/0;for(let t of u){let n=/^\s*/u.exec(t)[0].length;c=Math.min(c,n)}let l=[];for(let t of u)l.push(t.slice(c));return l.join("\n")}function Mt(t){if("number"==typeof t)return t;{let n=t.errors[0];throw new Error(`Compile Error: ${n.problem} @ ${n.span.start}..${n.span.end}`)}}function $t(t){if("error"===t.result)throw new Error(`Compile Error: ${t.problem} @ ${t.span.start}..${t.span.end}`);return t}function Tt(t){return"number"==typeof t?t:t.handle}function vt(t){return"number"==typeof t}function Ct(t){return"number"==typeof t}function Ht(t){let n=null;{let e=n=>{let e="symbol"==typeof n||"number"==typeof n?`[${String(n)}]`:`.${n}`;throw new Error(`You accessed \`this${e}\` from a function passed to the ${t}, but the function itself was not bound to a valid \`this\` context. Consider updating to use a bound function (for instance, use an arrow function, \`() => {}\`).`)};n=new Proxy({},{get(t,n){e(n)},set:(t,n)=>(e(n),!1),has:(t,n)=>(e(n),!1)})}return n}const Ot=console,kt=console;function xt(t){let n=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:"unexpected unreachable branch";throw kt.log("unreachable",t),kt.log(`${n} :: ${JSON.stringify(t)} (${t})`),new Error("code reached unreachable")}export{F as COMMENT_NODE,R as DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE,G as DOCUMENT_NODE,B as DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE,j as ELEMENT_NODE,t as EMPTY_ARRAY,r as EMPTY_NUMBER_ARRAY,e as EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY,K as INSERT_AFTER_BEGIN,Z as INSERT_AFTER_END,Y as INSERT_BEFORE_BEGIN,W as INSERT_BEFORE_END,tt as ImmediateConstants,Ot as LOCAL_LOGGER,kt as LOGGER,V as NS_HTML,z as NS_MATHML,P as NS_SVG,q as NS_XLINK,J as NS_XML,Q as NS_XMLNS,U as RAW_NODE,Et as SERIALIZATION_FIRST_NODE_STRING,M as Stack,X as TEXT_NODE,_ as arrayToOption,b as asPresentArray,c as assert,xt as assertNever,p as assertPresent,D as assertPresentArray,pt as assign,T as beginTestSteps,Ht as buildUntouchableThis,bt as castToBrowser,Dt as castToSimple,It as checkNode,x as clearElement,rt as constants,k as debugToString,ft as decodeHandle,dt as decodeImmediate,it as decodeNegative,lt as decodePositive,l as deprecate,I as dict,n as emptyArray,st as encodeHandle,at as encodeImmediate,ut as encodeNegative,ct as encodePositive,v as endTestSteps,_t as entries,i as enumerate,h as exhausted,a as expect,Tt as extractHandle,Nt as fillNulls,m as getFirst,A as getLast,g as ifPresent,ht as intern,L as isDict,yt as isElement,o as isEmptyArray,Ct as isErrHandle,nt as isHandle,et as isNonPrimitiveHandle,S as isObject,vt as isOkHandle,w as isPresent,N as isPresentArray,wt as isSerializationFirstNode,mt as isSimpleElement,ot as isSmallInt,s as keys,H as logStep,y as mapPresentArray,u as reverse,St as strip,E as tuple,d as unreachable,f as unwrap,Mt as unwrapHandle,$t as unwrapTemplate,gt as values,C as verifySteps};


"name": "@glimmer/util",
"type": "module",
"version": "0.85.5",
"version": "0.85.6",
"description": "Common utilities used in Glimmer",

@@ -10,3 +10,3 @@ "repository": "",

"@glimmer/env": "0.1.7",
"@glimmer/interfaces": "^0.85.5"
"@glimmer/interfaces": "^0.85.6"

@@ -21,3 +21,3 @@ "files": [

"publint": "^0.2.5",
"@glimmer/local-debug-flags": "^0.85.5",
"@glimmer/local-debug-flags": "^0.85.6",
"@glimmer-workspace/build-support": "^1.0.0"

@@ -24,0 +24,0 @@ },

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