Honeybadger React.js Integration

React.js Integration for Honeybadger.io
Documentation and Support
For comprehensive documentation and support, check out our documentation site.
The documentation includes a detailed React integration guide
Project Goals
The goal is to provide an idiomatic, simple integration of Honeybadger's
exception monitoring service with React.js applications.
Project Status
This version is considered suitable for preview.
Honeybadger-react hooks in to the error handler in React. This means we only
notify Honeybadger of React context for errors that React handles. Some
errors inside React code may propagate to the window onerror handler
In those cases, Honeybadger JavaScript's default error notifier is invoked,
which will contain a stack trace but none of the React variables.
Key Assumptions
This project is built using create-react-library with rollup and generates
artifacts in commonjs, esm and umd formats. It's possible
your own build environment may be just different enough to require some
adjustments. If you find that our artifacts don't quite meet your needs,
please file an issue on GitHub.
Example app
There's a minimal implementation of a honeybadger-react integration in the ./example
folder. If you want to contribute a patch to honeybadger-react, it can be useful to have
the demo app running.
To run it, issue these commands from your shell:
cd example
npm install
REACT_APP_HONEYBADGER_API_KEY=b425b636 npm run start
This will serve the demo app with hot reload at localhost:3000
For a detailed explanation on how hot reloading works, check out the documentation.
npm install
npm run build
npm test
npm run start
This package is MIT licensed. See the MIT-LICENSE file in this folder for details.