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@huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-ocr - npm Package Versions






3.0.41-rc 2022-05-19

HuaweiCloud SDK ECS

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • Add the request parameter dry_run to the interface ResizeServer
    • Add the request parameter dry_run to the interface ResizePostPaidServer
    • Add the request parameter dry_run to the interface AttachServerVolume

HuaweiCloud SDK VOD

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • Add the enum values M3U8 to the request parameter video_type to the interface UploadMetaDataByUrl
    • Add the response parameter sign_url to the interface PublishAssets
    • Add the response parameter sign_url to the interface UnpublishAssets
    • Add the response parameter sign_url to the interface ShowAssetMeta
    • Add the response parameter sign_url to the interface ShowAssetDetail
    • Add the response parameter sign_url to the interface ShowTakeOverTaskDetails
    • Add the response parameter sign_url to the interface ShowTakeOverAssetDetails

HuaweiCloud SDK VPC

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • Add the enum values neutron:VIP_PORT, Remove the enum values network:VIP_PORT from the response parameter device_owner to the interface ListPorts
    • Add the enum values neutron:VIP_PORT, Remove the enum values network:VIP_PORT from the response parameter device_owner to the interface UpdatePort
    • Add the enum values neutron:VIP_PORT, Remove the enum values network:VIP_PORT from the response parameter device_owner to the interface ShowPort
published 3.0.40-rc •



3.0.40-rc 2022-05-12

HuaweiCloud SDK FRS

  • Features
    • Support the following interfaces:
      • DetectLiveByUrlIntl
      • DetectLiveByFileIntl
      • DetectLiveByBase64Intl
      • DetectFaceByFileIntl
      • DetectFaceByUrlIntl
      • DetectFaceByBase64Intl
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK IAM

  • Features
    • Support the interface ShowDomainRoleAssignments
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK Moderation

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • Changes of the interface RunImageModeration:
      • Add the request parameter show_ocr_text
      • Add the response parameter ocr_text

HuaweiCloud SDK OCR

  • Features
    • Support the interface RecognizeHealthCode
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None
published 3.0.39-rc •



3.0.39-rc 2022-05-05

HuaweiCloud SDK Moderation

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • Modify the type byte -> string of the request parameter image of the interface RunImageModeration
published 3.0.38-rc •



3.0.38-rc 2022-04-28

HuaweiCloud SDK DevStar

  • Features
    • Support the interface ConfirmDeploymentJob
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • Add the request parameter cci to the interface CreateDeploymentJobs

HuaweiCloud SDK FunctionGraph

  • Features
    • Support the interfaces CancelAsyncInvocation, StartSyncWorkflowExecution
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • Changes of the interface ListFunctionStatistics:
      • Modify the type int32 -> int64 of the response parameter timestamp
      • Modify the type int32 -> double of the response parameter value
    • Changes of the interface ListStatistics:
      • Modify the type int32 -> int64 of the response parameter timestamp
      • Modify the type int32 -> double of the response parameter value
    • Add the response parameter enable_async_status_log to the interface ListFunctionAsyncInvokeConfig
    • Add the response parameter enable_async_status_log to the interface ShowFunctionAsyncInvokeConfig
    • Changes of the interface UpdateFunctionAsyncInvokeConfig:
      • Add the request parameter enable_async_status_log
      • Add the response parameter enable_async_status_log
    • Changes of the interface CreateWorkflow:
      • Add the request parameters mode, express_config
      • Add the enum values End to the request parameter type
    • Changes of the interface ShowWorkFlow:
      • Add the response parameters mode, express_config
      • Add the enum values End to the response parameter type
    • Changes of the interface UpdateWorkFlow:
      • Add the request parameters mode, express_config
      • Add the enum values End to the request parameter type
    • Changes of the interface ShowTenantMetric:
      • Add the request parameters start_time, end_time
      • Modify the type int32 -> int64 of the response parameter timestamp
      • Modify the type int32 -> double of the response parameter value
    • Changes of the interface ShowWorkFlowMetric:
      • Add the request parameters start_time, end_time
      • Modify the type int32 -> int64 of the response parameter timestamp
      • Modify the type int32 -> double of the response parameter value

HuaweiCloud SDK OCR

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • Fix the problem that the response body's type of the interface RecognizeMyanmarDriverLicense is incorrect.
  • Change
    • None
published 3.0.37-rc •



3.0.37-rc 2022-04-14

HuaweiCloud SDK ECS

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • Add the request parameter ip_eq to the interface ListServersDetails

HuaweiCloud SDK FunctionGraph

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • Add the request parameter encrypted_user_data to the interface UpdateFunctionConfig

HuaweiCloud SDK Moderation

  • Features
    • Support the interface RunModerationAudio
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None
published 3.0.36-rc •



3.0.36-rc 2022-04-07

HuaweiCloud SDK CCE

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • Remove the request parameters kind, apiVersion, status from the interface UpdateNodePool

HuaweiCloud SDK OCR

  • Features
    • Support the interface RecognizeWaybillElectronic
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • Add the response parameter print_code to the interface RecognizeVatInvoice
    • Changes of the interface RecognizeVehicleLicense:
      • Add the request parameter return_text_location
      • Add the response parameter text_location
    • Changes of the interface RecognizeTaxiInvoice:
      • Add the request parameter return_text_location
      • Add the response parameter text_location
    • Add the response parameters type, accumulated_scores, status, generation_date, current_time to the interface RecognizeDriverLicense
    • Changes of the interface RecognizeTrainTicket:
      • Add the request parameter return_text_location
      • Add the response parameter text_location
    • Changes of the interface RecognizeBankcard:
      • Add the request parameter return_text_location
      • Add the response parameter text_location
published 3.0.35-rc •



3.0.35-rc 2022-03-25

HuaweiCloud SDK FunctionGraph

  • Features
    • Support the following interfaces:
      • ListWorkflows
      • CreateWorkflow
      • BatchDeleteWorkflows
      • ListWorkflowExecutions
      • StartWorkflowExecution
      • ShowWorkflowExecution
      • ShowWorkFlow
      • UpdateWorkFlow
      • ShowTenantMetric
      • ShowWorkFlowMetric
      • RetryWorkFlow
      • StopWorkFlow
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK IMS

  • Features
    • Support the interfaces ListVersions, ShowVersion
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • The request parameter os_type changed to not required of the interface CreateDataImage

HuaweiCloud SDK IoTDA

  • Features
    • Support the interface ResetFingerprint
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK OCR

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • Changes of the interface RecognizeVatInvoice:
      • Add the request parameter return_text_location
      • Add the response parameter text_location
    • Changes of the interface RecognizeIdCard:
      • Add the request parameter return_text_location
      • Add the response parameter text_location
    • Changes of the interface RecognizeDriverLicense:
      • Add the request parameter return_text_location
      • Add the response parameter text_location

HuaweiCloud SDK SWR

  • Features
    • Support Software Repository for Container service.
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None
published 3.0.34-rc •



3.0.34-rc 2022-03-10

HuaweiCloud SDK CCE

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • The request parameter cluster_id changed to not required of the interface DeleteAddonInstance
published 3.0.33-rc •



3.0.33-rc 2022-03-07

HuaweiCloud SDK CCE

  • Features
    • Support the interfaces UpdateClusterEip, ShowClusterEndpoints
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK EIP

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • Modify the type of the request parameter ip_version of the interface CreatePrePaidPublicip: integer -> enum
published 3.0.32-rc •



3.0.32-rc 2022-02-25

HuaweiCloud SDK FunctionGraph

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • Add the enum values Java8, Java11, Node.js6.10, Node.js8.10, Node.js10.16, Node.js12.13, Node.js14.18, Python2.7, Python3.6, Python3.9, Go1.8, Go1.x, PHP7.3, Remove the enum values Java 8, Node.js 6.10, Node.js 8.10, Node.js 10.16, Node.js 12.13, Python 2.7, Python 3.6, Go 1.8, Go 1.x, PHP 7.3 from the response parameter runtime to the interface ListFunctions
    • Changes of the interface CreateFunction:
      • Add the enum values Java8, Java11, Node.js6.10, Node.js8.10, Node.js10.16, Node.js12.13, Node.js14.18, Python2.7, Python3.6, Python3.9, Go1.8, Go1.x, PHP7.3, Remove the enum values Java 8, Node.js 6.10, Node.js 8.10, Node.js 10.16, Node.js 12.13, Python 2.7, Python 3.6, Go 1.8, Go 1.x, PHP 7.3 from the request parameter runtime
      • Add the enum values Java8, Java11, Node.js6.10, Node.js8.10, Node.js10.16, Node.js12.13, Node.js14.18, Python2.7, Python3.6, Python3.9, Go1.8, Go1.x, PHP7.3, Remove the enum values Java 8, Node.js 6.10, Node.js 8.10, Node.js 10.16, Node.js 12.13, Python 2.7, Python 3.6, Go 1.8, Go 1.x, PHP 7.3 from the response parameter runtime
    • Add the enum values Java8, Java11, Node.js6.10, Node.js8.10, Node.js10.16, Node.js12.13, Node.js14.18, Python2.7, Python3.6, Python3.9, Go1.8, Go1.x, PHP7.3, Remove the enum values Java 8, Node.js 6.10, Node.js 8.10, Node.js 10.16, Node.js 12.13, Python 2.7, Python 3.6, Go 1.8, Go 1.x, PHP 7.3 from the response parameter runtime to the interface ShowFunctionCode
    • Add the enum values Java8, Java11, Node.js6.10, Node.js8.10, Node.js10.16, Node.js12.13, Node.js14.18, Python2.7, Python3.6, Python3.9, Go1.8, Go1.x, PHP7.3, Remove the enum values Java 8, Node.js 6.10, Node.js 8.10, Node.js 10.16, Node.js 12.13, Python 2.7, Python 3.6, Go 1.8, Go 1.x, PHP 7.3 from the response parameter runtime to the interface UpdateFunctionCode
    • Add the enum values Java8, Java11, Node.js6.10, Node.js8.10, Node.js10.16, Node.js12.13, Node.js14.18, Python2.7, Python3.6, Python3.9, Go1.8, Go1.x, PHP7.3, Remove the enum values Java 8, Node.js 6.10, Node.js 8.10, Node.js 10.16, Node.js 12.13, Python 2.7, Python 3.6, Go 1.8, Go 1.x, PHP 7.3 from the response parameter runtime to the interface ShowFunctionConfig
    • Changes of the interface UpdateFunctionConfig:
      • Add the enum values Java8, Java11, Node.js6.10, Node.js8.10, Node.js10.16, Node.js12.13, Node.js14.18, Python2.7, Python3.6, Python3.9, Go1.8, Go1.x, PHP7.3, Remove the enum values Java 8, Node.js 6.10, Node.js 8.10, Node.js 10.16, Node.js 12.13, Python 2.7, Python 3.6, Go 1.8, Go 1.x, PHP 7.3 from the request parameter runtime
      • Add the enum values Java8, Java11, Node.js6.10, Node.js8.10, Node.js10.16, Node.js12.13, Node.js14.18, Python2.7, Python3.6, Python3.9, Go1.8, Go1.x, PHP7.3, Remove the enum values Java 8, Node.js 6.10, Node.js 8.10, Node.js 10.16, Node.js 12.13, Python 2.7, Python 3.6, Go 1.8, Go 1.x, PHP 7.3 from the response parameter runtime
    • Add the enum values Java8, Java11, Node.js6.10, Node.js8.10, Node.js10.16, Node.js12.13, Node.js14.18, Python2.7, Python3.6, Python3.9, Go1.8, Go1.x, PHP7.3, Remove the enum values Java 8, Node.js 6.10, Node.js 8.10, Node.js 10.16, Node.js 12.13, Python 2.7, Python 3.6, Go 1.8, Go 1.x, PHP 7.3 from the response parameter runtime to the interface ListFunctionVersions
    • Add the enum values Java8, Java11, Node.js6.10, Node.js8.10, Node.js10.16, Node.js12.13, Node.js14.18, Python2.7, Python3.6, Python3.9, Go1.8, Go1.x, PHP7.3, Remove the enum values Java 8, Node.js 6.10, Node.js 8.10, Node.js 10.16, Node.js 12.13, Python 2.7, Python 3.6, Go 1.8, Go 1.x, PHP 7.3 from the response parameter runtime to the interface CreateFunctionVersion
    • Add the enum values Java11, Node.js14.18, Python3.9 to the request parameter runtime to the interface CreateDependency
    • Add the enum values Java8, Java11, Node.js6.10, Node.js8.10, Node.js10.16, Node.js12.13, Node.js14.18, Python2.7, Python3.6, Python3.9, Go1.8, PHP7.3, Remove the enum values Java 8, Node.js 6.10, Node.js 8.10, Node.js 10.16, Node.js 12.13, Python 2.7, Python 3.6, Go 1.8, PHP 7.3 from the request parameter runtime to the interface UpdateDependency
    • Add the enum values Java8, Java11, Node.js6.10, Node.js8.10, Node.js10.16, Node.js12.13, Node.js14.18, Python2.7, Python3.6, Python3.9, Go1.8, Go1.x, PHP7.3, Remove the enum values Java 8, Node.js 6.10, Node.js 8.10, Node.js 10.16, Node.js 12.13, Python 2.7, Python 3.6, Go 1.8, Go 1.x, PHP 7.3 from the response parameter runtime to the interface ImportFunction

HuaweiCloud SDK VOD

  • Features
    • Support the interface ListDomainLogs
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • Add the request parameter delete_type to the interface DeleteAssets

HuaweiCloud SDK VPC

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • Add the response parameter subnetpool_id to the interface NeutronListSubnets
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