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4.3.0 (2017-12-11)

Bug Fixes

  • Alert: close button focus overlapping edge of container (aeb2130)
  • Alert: Convert border values to theme vars (273c86e)
  • Autocomplete: fix controlled behavior (8af7d62)
  • browser: fix accessing style when it's undefined in Position (806a861)
  • build: Always ask for the release tag (e01629c)
  • build: Use correct format for release (git) tags (c9ec4df)
  • Checkbox: Update disabled/readonly checkboxes to not be tabbable (8b37729)
  • ContextBox: Position close button correctly in dialog example (7c0e846)
  • DateInput: fix controlled component version (af6208e)
  • DateInput: Link messages to inputs for SR (fe8f2bc)
  • DateInput: Prevent inputRef from getting called multiple times (1dbd960)
  • FileDrop: allow extensions without leading dot (9a155e9)
  • Grid: Make GridCols equal-width by default (cb8e5d3)
  • Link: fix inverse focus for a11y (c98a4af)
  • List: remove ellipsis styles from pipe variant (390a60a)
  • Mask: Make full-screen Mask work in Safari (029f467)
  • Menu: Long menu item alignment is off (3cfc435)
  • Menu,MenuItem,PopoverMenu: Fix VO double select on radio,checkbox (28b733b)
  • NumberInput: add sv locale (40c6cb7)
  • NumberInput: extend disabled styling to the arrow container (d3ac1d4)
  • Popover: Popover onDismiss callback never fired (28d236c)
  • RadioInput: Disabled/read-only radios selectable in Safari (5fbba2c)
  • RadioInput,Checkbox: Move inputs outside label elements (7531488)
  • release: Run tests only once for a release (c3710fb)
  • Select: Make arrowColor theme variable work (3731899)
  • Spinner: adjust large spinner animation (36d9ea6)
  • Tag: Tag components render wrong title value (88b9bf1)
  • ToggleDetails: Fix filled variant in IE11 (f1970d1)
  • Tooltip: Move focus on single tab press with tooltip (dd7d4d0)
  • ui-core: Audit/add missing Canvas variables (a9cefe9)
  • ui-core: Fix canvas-high-contrast component themes (c577019)
  • ui-docs-client: Codepen links are missing some globals (9e620e2)
  • ui-docs-plugin: misc fixes (aff7b27)
  • ui-presets: Build CSS with webpack in dev/debug mode (d3083be)
  • ui-presets: Don't remove width/height from SVG tags (639f620)


  • build: Default release script to HEAD commit (f96b34a)
  • build: Use headless chrome (39339fd)
  • ContextBox,Container: Moving border from ContextBox to Container (8bf314a)
  • FileDrop: Add support for validation messages (37a9106)
  • FormField: Add prop to allow left aligned FormField label (089833a)
  • Menu: Add focus state (b5f4069)
  • Menu: Focus first menu item when menu only has one item (d03d1f2)
  • TextInput: add textAlign variant to support center (53843e1)
  • ui-core: Move moment dependency to ui-utils (0d12a6a)
  • ui-presets: Add build and test scripts (6921a48)
  • ui-themes: Add canvas-high-contrast theme (e6cd8e8)
  • ui-utils: Add a uid helper (c9cc6c3)
  • ui-utils: Addition of utils needed for the layout component (501ada3)

<a name="4.2.0"></a>

published 4.0.0-dev.3 •

published 4.2.0 •



4.2.0 (2017-12-08)


  • button: remove focus on disabled buttons (863e055)

<a name="4.1.0"></a>

published 4.0.0-dev.2 •

published 4.1.0 •



4.1.0 (2017-11-29)

Bug Fixes

  • Tag: Focus state hidden in IE11 (22d5d5c)
  • ui-docs-client: Codepen links are missing some globals (0a3f30c)


<a name="4.0.1"></a>

published 4.0.1 •



4.0.1 (2017-11-17)

Bug Fixes

  • Mask: Fullscreen modal footer hidden on iPad (ebb76d5)
  • ui-codemods: add lib to imports path for ui-themes and ui-themeable (973cf9b)

<a name="4.0.0"></a>

published 4.1.0-dev.1 •

published 4.1.0-dev.0 •

published 4.0.1-dev.0 •

published 4.0.0 •



4.0.0 (2017-10-13)

The two major themes of the 4.0 release are mono-repo and documentation!


In 4.0 we've split the instructure-ui library into a bunch of smaller libraries and we're publishing them all as separate modules to NPM.

This should make it easier to upgrade going forward. (e.g you can upgrade to a patch or minor release of @instructure/ui-core without upgrading @instructure/ui-themeable).

Unfortunately this also means that paths for imports will have to change when applying this upgrade.

However, the codemod script provided by @instructure/ui-codemods should help with that, and you can see what paths have changed in the ui-core/config/imports.config.json file.


The @instructure/ui-docs-plugin module has gotten an overhaul and now supports JSDoc and generates documentation from any file format that supports JS style code blocks, in addition to markdown.

All of the utilities, and packages have been documented, so finding your way around the libraries and seeing how they fit together should be a lot easier.

Bug Fixes

  • Alert: Announce live region content in the docs (493440a)
  • Autocomplete: add calls for onInputChange (33ad3cb)
  • Autocomplete,Codepen: Codepen examples should render (36ef124)
  • Autocomplete,Menu,Dialog: Prevent esc from closing Dialog (284eeed)
  • Avatar: include canvas theme generator (dc27b6a)
  • build: ignore lib directories (cb56606)
  • build: Use local version of yarn for scripts (fcf7732)
  • build: use relative paths for entries so that app rebuilds in dev (f60d94d)
  • Button: Correct fluidWidth Button heights (5ede261)
  • CheckboxGroup,RadioInputGroup: Link messages to inputs for SR (fba6550)
  • documentation: Examples should have valid URLs for hrefs (18eeaa4)
  • FileDrop: make input sibling of label (d892cff)
  • Forms: fix css placeholder color (7c63393)
  • Forms: Update size prop (95ecfd2)
  • Grid: width and offset not working (1a2fa45)
  • Grid: GridCol with width="auto" should not shrink (ae82286)
  • Mask: Prevent mask from calling onDismiss when defaultPrevented (4f42ad0)
  • Mask: Update Mask example text (77deb7e)
  • Modal: Modify modal to dismiss for Mask click instead of document (64f6816)
  • ToggleDetails: Fix fluidWidth prop / updates (de9ef24)
  • ui-docs-client: Fix navigation issues (193399e)
  • ui-docs-client: Make version link to changelog (581fca4)


  • Autocomplete: implement value getter (1a8a730)
  • ui-codemods: Adding codemod for updating imports (f4907cb)
  • build: Monorepo second pass (5fae316)
  • build: Monorepo, yarn workspaces and Lerna setup (edd71af)
  • DateInput: Add conversion status as part of onDateChange (1ecb819)
  • Forms: Update component font sizes (13f77c6)
  • List: Remove margin from unstyled list item (0e39d75)
  • ToggleDetails: add controllable behavior (f767b50)
  • ui-docs-plugin: Doc comment blocks in all file types & JSdocs (6189147)
  • ui-docs-plugin: Integrate react-axe in dev mode (6a29682)
  • ui-utils: Add jsdocs for util functions (c6b5834)


  • Autocomplete,Codepen: JS examples will need to include a call to render and will need to include render: false as front matter inside the code block
  • ui-docs-plugin: Inverse examples will need to include inverse: true as front matter inside the code block
  • Typography,Text: Typography component is renamed to Text, so imports/requires will need to be updated (it's added to the codemod config in ui-core)
  • Forms: The font size of the components will have increased
  • Forms: Font-sizes for large and small simple RadioInputs and Checkboxes have changed. In particular, Checkbox toggles have gone from using the same font-size for every size to changing the font-size based on the size prop (to be consistent with other InstUI components).
  • List: ListItem with unstyled variant won't have margins.
  • build: Imports of instructure-ui/babel/, instructure-ui/lib/themeable and instructure-ui/lib/themes will need to be updated
  • build: Imports of instructure-ui and ui-docs packages will need to be updated to use the new packages: @instructure/ui-core, @instructure/ui-codemods, @instructure/ui-config
  • build: Imports of ui-docs will need to be updated to: @instructure/ui-docs-plugin, @instructure/ui-docs-client
  • Autocomplete: onInputChange prop now has a new argument providing the value and the event argument is now nullable
  • ToggleDetails: expanded prop now means ToggleDetails is controlled and defaultExpanded prop fills the same job expanded did previously

<a name="3.4.0"></a>

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