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@intuned/runner-types - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.19.3 to 0.19.4


declare module '@intuned/runner' {
// Generated by dts-bundle-generator v8.0.1
import { PutObjectCommandInput, S3Client } from '@aws-sdk/client-s3';
import { getSignedUrl } from '@aws-sdk/s3-request-presigner';
import { BrowserContext, Download as PlaywrightDownload, Locator, Page } from '@intuned/playwright-core';
import * as z from 'zod';
export type ClassificationCategories = {
categoryName: string;
categoryDescription: string;
export type ObjectExtractor = Record<string, AbsoluteValueSelector | null>;
export interface AbsoluteValueSelector {
value: string;
type: "xpath" | "css";
property: "direct-text" | "all-text" | {
attribute: string;
backupSelectors?: AbsoluteValueSelector[];
regex?: string;
regexMatchIndex?: number;
extractionType?: "string" | "string-list";
export interface AbsoluteElementSelector {
value: string;
type: "xpath" | "css";
backupSelectors?: AbsoluteElementSelector[];
export type RelativeValueSelector = {
value: string;
type: "relative-css" | "relative-xpath";
property: "direct-text" | "all-text" | {
attribute: string;
regex?: string;
regexMatchIndex?: number;
backupSelectors?: RelativeValueSelector[];
extractionType?: "sting" | "string-list";
export interface BasicListInfo {
containerSelector: AbsoluteElementSelector;
nodeSplit: {
itemTagsToBeFlitteredOut: string[];
numberOfElementsPerItem: number;
export interface ListStaticExtractor {
containerSelector: AbsoluteElementSelector;
nodeSplit?: BasicListInfo["nodeSplit"] & {
numberOfElementsPerItem?: number;
propertySelectors: Record<string, RelativeValueSelector & {
indexOfNodeInsideListItem?: number;
export type JSONSchemaType = "object" | "array" | "string" | "number" | "integer" | "boolean";
export interface JSONSchema {
type: JSONSchemaType | JSONSchemaType[];
properties?: {
[key: string]: JSONSchema;
items?: JSONSchema | JSONSchema[];
required?: string[];
enum?: any[];
description?: string;
export type ObjectJSONSchema = {
properties: Record<string, {
description: string;
primary?: boolean;
export type OpenAiModels = "gpt4" | "gpt4-turbo" | "gpt3.5-turbo";
export interface InputFieldsInfo {
fieldType: "select" | "text-input" | "checkbox" | "radiogroup" | "submit-button";
ariaLabel: string | null;
fieldLabelText: string | null;
id: string | null;
name: string | null;
options?: {
value: string | null;
label: string | null;
name?: string;
id?: string;
disabled?: boolean | null;
visible?: boolean | null;
visible?: boolean | null;
disabled?: boolean | null;
selector: AbsoluteElementSelector;
export type FieldSelector = {
selector: string;
type: "css" | "xpath";
export type InputFieldType = "text-input" | "select" | "checkbox" | "radiogroup" | "submit-button" | "auto-complete";
export type StaticFormDataItem = {
fieldSelector: FieldSelector;
fieldType: InputFieldType;
value: {
type: "static";
value: string | boolean | number;
export type DynamicFormDataItem = {
fieldSelector: FieldSelector;
fieldType: InputFieldType;
value: {
type: "dynamic";
source: string | object;
export type FormDataItem = DynamicFormDataItem | StaticFormDataItem;
export interface FillFormConfigs {
didFormSucceed: (formLocator: Locator, page: EnhancedPlaywrightPage) => Promise<boolean>;
submitForm: (formLocator: Locator, page: EnhancedPlaywrightPage) => Promise<void>;
autoRecovery?: {
enabled: boolean;
input: object;
maskFields?: FieldSelector[];
maxRetries?: number;
generateDataToUnblockForm?: {
prompt: string;
enabled: boolean;
maxRetries?: number;
maskFields?: FieldSelector[];
export interface FillFormOptions {
timeout?: number;
fillFieldTimeout?: number;
waitTimeBetweenFill?: number;
const strategySchema: z.ZodDefault<z.ZodOptional<z.ZodUnion<[
model: z.ZodEnum<[
type: z.ZodLiteral<"HTML">;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "HTML";
model: "gpt4-turbo" | "gpt3.5-turbo" | "claude-3-opus" | "claude-3-sonnet" | "claude-3-haiku";
}, {
type: "HTML";
model: "gpt4-turbo" | "gpt3.5-turbo" | "claude-3-opus" | "claude-3-sonnet" | "claude-3-haiku";
model: z.ZodEnum<[
type: z.ZodLiteral<"IMAGE">;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "IMAGE";
model: "gpt4-turbo" | "claude-3-opus" | "claude-3-sonnet" | "claude-3-haiku";
}, {
type: "IMAGE";
model: "gpt4-turbo" | "claude-3-opus" | "claude-3-sonnet" | "claude-3-haiku";
export type ExtractionStrategy = z.infer<typeof strategySchema>;
export type ExtractionResultObject = Record<string, string | null> | null;
export type InvalidatorFunction = (result: ExtractionResultObject) => string[];
export interface DynamicObjectExtractorOptions {
entityName: string;
entityDescription?: string;
properties: Record<string, {
description: string;
required?: boolean;
visible?: boolean;
type?: "string";
searchRegion?: Locator;
optionalPropertiesInvalidator?: InvalidatorFunction;
variantKey?: string;
strategy?: ExtractionStrategy;
export interface ExecutionInfo {
runId: string;
jobStartTime?: string;
export interface ExecutionHelpers {
getExecutionInfo: () => ExecutionInfo;
extendJobPayload: (payloadItem: PayloadItem) => void;
export interface PayloadItem {
apiName: string;
parameters: Record<string, any>;
export type ExtractObjectUsingStaticSelectorsReturnType<T extends ObjectExtractor> = {
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends {
extractionType?: "string-list";
} ? string[] | null : string | null;
export type ExtractListObjectsUsingStaticSelectorsReturnType<T extends ListStaticExtractor> = {
[K in keyof T["propertySelectors"]]: T["propertySelectors"][K] extends {
extractionType?: "string-list";
} ? string[] | null : string | null;
export type ExtractObjectDynamicExtractorReturnType<T extends ObjectJSONSchema> = Record<keyof T["properties"], string | null>;
export type ExtractListDynamicExtractorReturnType<T extends ObjectJSONSchema> = Record<keyof T["properties"], string | null>[];
export type ExtractionResultList = Record<string, string>[];
export type ListInvalidatorFunction = (result: ExtractionResultList) => string[];
const listPropertiesInputSchema: z.ZodEffects<z.ZodEffects<z.ZodRecord<z.ZodString, z.ZodObject<{
primary: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodBoolean>;
description: z.ZodString;
required: z.ZodDefault<z.ZodOptional<z.ZodBoolean>>;
visible: z.ZodDefault<z.ZodOptional<z.ZodBoolean>>;
type: z.ZodDefault<z.ZodOptional<z.ZodLiteral<"string">>>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "string";
visible: boolean;
description: string;
required: boolean;
primary?: boolean | undefined;
}, {
description: string;
primary?: boolean | undefined;
required?: boolean | undefined;
visible?: boolean | undefined;
type?: "string" | undefined;
}>>, Record<string, {
type: "string";
visible: boolean;
description: string;
required: boolean;
primary?: boolean | undefined;
}>, Record<string, {
description: string;
primary?: boolean | undefined;
required?: boolean | undefined;
visible?: boolean | undefined;
type?: "string" | undefined;
}>>, Record<string, {
type: "string";
visible: boolean;
description: string;
required: boolean;
primary?: boolean | undefined;
}>, Record<string, {
description: string;
primary?: boolean | undefined;
required?: boolean | undefined;
visible?: boolean | undefined;
type?: "string" | undefined;
const dynamicListExtractorOptionsSchema: z.ZodObject<{
listEntityName: z.ZodString;
listEntityDescription: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
variantKey: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
optionalPropertiesInvalidator: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodFunction<z.ZodTuple<[
], z.ZodUnknown>, z.ZodUnknown>>;
strategy: z.ZodDefault<z.ZodOptional<z.ZodUnion<[
model: z.ZodEnum<[
type: z.ZodLiteral<"HTML">;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "HTML";
model: "gpt4-turbo" | "gpt3.5-turbo" | "claude-3-opus" | "claude-3-sonnet" | "claude-3-haiku";
}, {
type: "HTML";
model: "gpt4-turbo" | "gpt3.5-turbo" | "claude-3-opus" | "claude-3-sonnet" | "claude-3-haiku";
model: z.ZodEnum<[
type: z.ZodLiteral<"IMAGE">;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "IMAGE";
model: "gpt4-turbo" | "claude-3-opus" | "claude-3-sonnet" | "claude-3-haiku";
}, {
type: "IMAGE";
model: "gpt4-turbo" | "claude-3-opus" | "claude-3-sonnet" | "claude-3-haiku";
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
listEntityName: string;
strategy: {
type: "HTML";
model: "gpt4-turbo" | "gpt3.5-turbo" | "claude-3-opus" | "claude-3-sonnet" | "claude-3-haiku";
} | {
type: "IMAGE";
model: "gpt4-turbo" | "claude-3-opus" | "claude-3-sonnet" | "claude-3-haiku";
listEntityDescription?: string | undefined;
variantKey?: string | undefined;
optionalPropertiesInvalidator?: ((...args: unknown[]) => unknown) | undefined;
}, {
listEntityName: string;
listEntityDescription?: string | undefined;
variantKey?: string | undefined;
optionalPropertiesInvalidator?: ((...args: unknown[]) => unknown) | undefined;
strategy?: {
type: "HTML";
model: "gpt4-turbo" | "gpt3.5-turbo" | "claude-3-opus" | "claude-3-sonnet" | "claude-3-haiku";
} | {
type: "IMAGE";
model: "gpt4-turbo" | "claude-3-opus" | "claude-3-sonnet" | "claude-3-haiku";
} | undefined;
export interface DynamicListExtractorOptions extends Omit<z.infer<typeof dynamicListExtractorOptionsSchema>, "container" | "optionalPropertiesInvalidator"> {
searchRegion?: Locator;
optionalPropertiesInvalidator?: ListInvalidatorFunction;
properties: z.input<typeof listPropertiesInputSchema>;
export type IntunedPageGoToOptions = Parameters<Page["goto"]>[1] & {
* Whether to throw if the page.goto times out. Defaults to `false`.
throwOnTimeout?: boolean;
class IntunedExtendedPage {
private page;
private constructor();
private getLocatorFromRegionElementSelector;
convertToMarkdown(locator?: Locator | AbsoluteElementSelector): Promise<string>;
* can be called like page['__saveSnapshotWithExamples']()
* @param snapshotName
* @param examples
* @param s3Configs
* @returns
private __saveSnapshotWithExamples;
private ـgetVisiblePageHtml;
private ـgetVisiblePageHtmlImpl;
goto(url: string, options?: IntunedPageGoToOptions): ReturnType<Page["goto"]>;
fillForm(formLocator: AbsoluteElementSelector | Locator, formFields: FormDataItem[], configs: FillFormConfigs, options?: FillFormOptions): Promise<boolean>;
getFormFields(formLocator: Locator): Promise<InputFieldsInfo[]>;
getAbsoluteElementReliableSelectors(element: Locator): Promise<string[]>;
getRelativeElementReliableSelectors(anchorElement: Locator, relativeSelector: string): Promise<string[]>;
extractDataUsingAiFromPage<T = any>(entityName: string, jsonSchema: JSONSchema, searchRegion?: AbsoluteElementSelector | Locator, model?: OpenAiModels): Promise<T>;
classifyUsingAi(categories: ClassificationCategories): Promise<{
status: "failed" | "success";
result: any;
extractDataUsingAiFromImage<T = any>(entityName: string, jsonSchema: JSONSchema, searchRegion?: Locator): Promise<T>;
dynamicObjectExtractor(identifier: string, options: DynamicObjectExtractorOptions): Promise<ExtractionResultObject | undefined>;
dynamicListExtractor(identifier: string, options: DynamicListExtractorOptions): Promise<ExtractionResultList | undefined>;
extractDataUsingAiFromText<T = any>(entityName: string, jsonSchema: JSONSchema, text: string, model?: OpenAiModels): Promise<T>;
extractObjectDynamicExtractor<T extends ObjectJSONSchema>(entityName: string, jsonSchema: T, searchRegion?: AbsoluteElementSelector | Locator, InvalidatePropertyIfEmpty?: boolean): Promise<ExtractObjectDynamicExtractorReturnType<T>>;
private findXpathForLocator;
extractListDynamicExtractor<T extends ObjectJSONSchema>(entityName: string, jsonSchema: T, searchRegion?: AbsoluteElementSelector | Locator, InvalidatePropertyIfEmpty?: boolean): Promise<ExtractListDynamicExtractorReturnType<T>>;
extractObjectUsingStaticSelectors<T extends ObjectExtractor>(extractor: T): Promise<ExtractObjectUsingStaticSelectorsReturnType<T>>;
extractListObjectsUsingStaticSelectors<T extends ListStaticExtractor>(listExtractor: T): Promise<ExtractListObjectsUsingStaticSelectorsReturnType<T>>;
static create(page: Page): EnhancedPlaywrightPage;
export type EnhancedPlaywrightPage = IntunedExtendedPage & Page;
class IntunedExtendedBrowserContext {
private context;
constructor(context: BrowserContext);
newPage(): Promise<EnhancedPlaywrightPage>;
static create(context: BrowserContext): Promise<EnhancedPlaywrightBrowserContext>;
export type EnhancedPlaywrightBrowserContext = IntunedExtendedBrowserContext & BrowserContext;
const PRIVATE_KEY: unique symbol;
export interface RequestMoreInfoReturnTypeBase {
[PRIVATE_KEY]: true;
action: "request_more_info";
export interface RequestMultipleChoiceReturnType extends RequestMoreInfoReturnTypeBase {
messageToUser: string;
choices: string[];
requestType: "multiple_choice";
export interface RequestOtpReturnType extends RequestMoreInfoReturnTypeBase {
messageToUser: string;
requestType: "otp";
export function requestOTP(messageToUser: string): RequestOtpReturnType;
export function requestMultipleChoice(messageToUser: string, choices: string[]): RequestMultipleChoiceReturnType;
export interface IntunedErrorOptions {
retry: false;
status_code?: number;
error_code?: string;
export class IntunedError extends Error {
options: IntunedErrorOptions;
constructor(message: string, options?: IntunedErrorOptions);
export type Download = Pick<PlaywrightDownload, "delete" | "path" | "suggestedFilename">;
export type PersistFileConfigs = {
type: "DownloadByOpeningNewTab";
trigger: ((page: EnhancedPlaywrightPage) => Promise<void>) | Locator;
} | {
type: "DownloadByDirectLink";
trigger: ((page: EnhancedPlaywrightPage) => Promise<void>) | Locator;
} | {
type: "ThirdPartyFileViewer";
link: string;
downloadAction: (page: EnhancedPlaywrightPage) => Promise<void>;
} | {
type: "DirectLink";
link: string;
} | {
type: "PrintPdf";
options?: Parameters<EnhancedPlaywrightPage["pdf"]>[0];
class File {
private folderName;
private fileName;
private s3Configs;
private s3Client;
constructor(folderName: string, fileName: string, s3Configs: S3Configs, s3Client: S3Client);
urlDescriptor(): string;
generateSignedUrl(options?: Parameters<typeof getSignedUrl>[2]): Promise<string>;
export interface S3Configs {
bucket: string;
region: string;
accessKeyId: string;
secretAccessKey: string;
export class S3FileUploadHelpers {
private s3Client;
private executionInfo;
private context;
private page;
private configs;
constructor(page: EnhancedPlaywrightPage, context: EnhancedPlaywrightBrowserContext, executionHelpers: ExecutionHelpers, config?: S3Configs);
uploadFile(fileName: string, file: PutObjectCommandInput["Body"]): Promise<File>;
uploadDownloadedFile(fileName: string, download: Download): Promise<File>;
waitForPdfPreviewAndDownloadNewPage(): Promise<Download>;
waitForPdfPreviewAndDownload(newPage: Page): Promise<Download>;
persistFile(fileName: string, configs: PersistFileConfigs): Promise<File | undefined>;
export interface SearchPdfConfigs {
contextWindow?: number;
matchCase?: boolean;
wholeWord?: boolean;
export type SearchPdfResult = {
context: string;
page: number;
found: true;
} | {
found: false;
export function searchPdf(dataBuffer: Buffer, search: string, options?: SearchPdfConfigs): Promise<SearchPdfResult>;
export function pdfPageToText(dataBuffer: Buffer, pageNumbers: number[]): Promise<{
results: {
text: string;
pageNumber: number;
totalPages: number;
const pdfSourceSchema: z.ZodObject<{
type: z.ZodLiteral<"pdf">;
pageNumbers: z.ZodUnion<[
z.ZodArray<z.ZodNumber, "many">,
location: z.ZodUnion<[
type: z.ZodLiteral<"Buffer">;
buffer: z.ZodType<Buffer, z.ZodTypeDef, Buffer>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "Buffer";
buffer: Buffer;
}, {
type: "Buffer";
buffer: Buffer;
type: z.ZodLiteral<"Url">;
url: z.ZodString;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "Url";
url: string;
}, {
type: "Url";
url: string;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "pdf";
pageNumbers: (number[] | "*") & (number[] | "*" | undefined);
location: {
type: "Buffer";
buffer: Buffer;
} | {
type: "Url";
url: string;
}, {
type: "pdf";
pageNumbers: (number[] | "*") & (number[] | "*" | undefined);
location: {
type: "Buffer";
buffer: Buffer;
} | {
type: "Url";
url: string;
export type PdfSource = z.infer<typeof pdfSourceSchema>;
const excelSourceSchema: z.ZodObject<{
type: z.ZodLiteral<"excel">;
location: z.ZodUnion<[
type: z.ZodLiteral<"Buffer">;
buffer: z.ZodType<Buffer, z.ZodTypeDef, Buffer>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "Buffer";
buffer: Buffer;
}, {
type: "Buffer";
buffer: Buffer;
type: z.ZodLiteral<"Url">;
url: z.ZodString;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "Url";
url: string;
}, {
type: "Url";
url: string;
sheetsNames: z.ZodUnion<[
z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">,
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "excel";
location: {
type: "Buffer";
buffer: Buffer;
} | {
type: "Url";
url: string;
sheetsNames: (string[] | "*") & (string[] | "*" | undefined);
}, {
type: "excel";
location: {
type: "Buffer";
buffer: Buffer;
} | {
type: "Url";
url: string;
sheetsNames: (string[] | "*") & (string[] | "*" | undefined);
export type ExcelSource = z.infer<typeof excelSourceSchema>;
const fileExtractionPropertiesSchema: z.ZodRecord<z.ZodString, z.ZodUnion<[
type: z.ZodLiteral<"array">;
description: z.ZodString;
required: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodBoolean>;
items: z.ZodUnion<[
type: z.ZodUnion<[
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "string" | "number" | "boolean";
}, {
type: "string" | "number" | "boolean";
type: z.ZodLiteral<"object">;
properties: z.ZodRecord<z.ZodString, z.ZodEffects<z.ZodObject<{
description: z.ZodString;
required: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodBoolean>;
exact: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodBoolean>;
type: z.ZodUnion<[
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "string" | "number" | "boolean";
description: string;
required?: boolean | undefined;
exact?: boolean | undefined;
}, {
type: "string" | "number" | "boolean";
description: string;
required?: boolean | undefined;
exact?: boolean | undefined;
}>, {
type: "string" | "number" | "boolean";
description: string;
required?: boolean | undefined;
exact?: boolean | undefined;
}, {
type: "string" | "number" | "boolean";
description: string;
required?: boolean | undefined;
exact?: boolean | undefined;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "object";
properties: Record<string, {
type: "string" | "number" | "boolean";
description: string;
required?: boolean | undefined;
exact?: boolean | undefined;
}, {
type: "object";
properties: Record<string, {
type: "string" | "number" | "boolean";
description: string;
required?: boolean | undefined;
exact?: boolean | undefined;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "array";
description: string;
items: {
type: "string" | "number" | "boolean";
} | {
type: "object";
properties: Record<string, {
type: "string" | "number" | "boolean";
description: string;
required?: boolean | undefined;
exact?: boolean | undefined;
required?: boolean | undefined;
}, {
type: "array";
description: string;
items: {
type: "string" | "number" | "boolean";
} | {
type: "object";
properties: Record<string, {
type: "string" | "number" | "boolean";
description: string;
required?: boolean | undefined;
exact?: boolean | undefined;
required?: boolean | undefined;
type: z.ZodLiteral<"object">;
description: z.ZodString;
required: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodBoolean>;
properties: z.ZodRecord<z.ZodString, z.ZodEffects<z.ZodObject<{
description: z.ZodString;
required: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodBoolean>;
exact: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodBoolean>;
type: z.ZodUnion<[
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "string" | "number" | "boolean";
description: string;
required?: boolean | undefined;
exact?: boolean | undefined;
}, {
type: "string" | "number" | "boolean";
description: string;
required?: boolean | undefined;
exact?: boolean | undefined;
}>, {
type: "string" | "number" | "boolean";
description: string;
required?: boolean | undefined;
exact?: boolean | undefined;
}, {
type: "string" | "number" | "boolean";
description: string;
required?: boolean | undefined;
exact?: boolean | undefined;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "object";
properties: Record<string, {
type: "string" | "number" | "boolean";
description: string;
required?: boolean | undefined;
exact?: boolean | undefined;
description: string;
required?: boolean | undefined;
}, {
type: "object";
properties: Record<string, {
type: "string" | "number" | "boolean";
description: string;
required?: boolean | undefined;
exact?: boolean | undefined;
description: string;
required?: boolean | undefined;
description: z.ZodString;
required: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodBoolean>;
exact: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodBoolean>;
type: z.ZodUnion<[
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
type: "string" | "number" | "boolean";
description: string;
required?: boolean | undefined;
exact?: boolean | undefined;
}, {
type: "string" | "number" | "boolean";
description: string;
required?: boolean | undefined;
exact?: boolean | undefined;
}>, {
type: "string" | "number" | "boolean";
description: string;
required?: boolean | undefined;
exact?: boolean | undefined;
}, {
type: "string" | "number" | "boolean";
description: string;
required?: boolean | undefined;
exact?: boolean | undefined;
export type FileExtractionProperties = z.infer<typeof fileExtractionPropertiesSchema>;
export type FileExtractionPropertyType = FileExtractionProperties[keyof FileExtractionProperties];
function extractFromPdfImproved(entityName: string, sourceInput: PdfSource, fileExtractionPropertiesInput: FileExtractionProperties): Promise<any>;
function extractTablesFromExcel(source: Omit<ExcelSource, "type">): Promise<{
pages: {
title: string | undefined;
content: (string | undefined | number | Date)[][];
export function extractTablesFromPdf(source: Omit<PdfSource, "type">): Promise<{
pages: {
title: string | undefined;
content: (string | undefined)[][];
export class FileHelpers {
static searchPdf(...params: Parameters<typeof searchPdf>): Promise<{
context: string;
page: number;
found: true;
} | {
found: false;
static pdfPageToText(...pdfPageToTextParams: Parameters<typeof pdfPageToText>): Promise<{
results: {
text: string;
pageNumber: number;
totalPages: number;
static extractTablesFromPdf(...extractTablesFromPdfParams: Parameters<typeof extractTablesFromPdf>): Promise<{
pages: {
title: string | undefined;
content: (string | undefined)[][];
static extractTablesFromExcel(...extractTablesFromExcelParams: Parameters<typeof extractTablesFromExcel>): Promise<{
pages: {
title: string | undefined;
content: (string | number | Date | undefined)[][];
static getPdfPagesCount(pdf: Buffer): Promise<number>;
export {
extractFromPdfImproved as extractFromPdfV2,
export {};


"name": "@intuned/runner-types",
"version": "0.19.3",
"version": "0.19.4",
"description": "intuned runner types",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "author": "Intuned Team",

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