Advanced tools
3.3.1 (2017-03-28)
3.1.0 (2017-03-20)
create no longer returns a MediaObject instance. Make changes to your app accordingly.
docs update + remove any static methods/properties
remove duplicate method
remove extra docs
remove extra docs
docs(): rename plugins
chore(decorators): do not check method name on instancecheck
chore(decorators): do not check method name on cordovacheck
chore(plugin): fix pluginWarn
chore(plugin): fix pluginWarn
fix(decorators): fix InstanceCheck decorator
chore(docs): fix readme generation
fix(transfer): fix v3 implementation
refactor(paypal): PayPal is brand name
chore(docs): replace all spaces with dashes
chore(): add dashify filter
chore(build): add aot path to core tsconfig
feat(action-sheet): add ANDROID_THEMES constant