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Jest's reporters

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Package description

What is @jest/reporters?

The @jest/reporters package provides utilities for handling and customizing the output of test results when using Jest, a popular JavaScript testing framework. It allows developers to create custom reporters to modify how test results are reported, making it easier to integrate with various CI tools, generate reports in different formats, or enhance the testing experience with additional logging and notifications.

What are @jest/reporters's main functionalities?

Custom Test Reporter

This feature allows developers to create a custom test reporter by implementing methods that Jest calls at different stages of the test run. The example shows a basic custom reporter that logs messages at the start and end of the test suite, as well as after each test result.

class MyCustomReporter {
  onRunStart(results, options) {
    console.log('Test suite started');

  onTestResult(test, testResult, aggregatedResult) {
    console.log(`Test ${test.path} finished with ${testResult.numFailingTests} failures`);

  onRunComplete(contexts, results) {
    console.log('All tests completed');

module.exports = MyCustomReporter;

Other packages similar to @jest/reporters





  • [expect] [BREAKING] Differentiate between MatcherContext MatcherUtils and MatcherState types (#13141)
  • [jest-circus] Add support for test.failing.each (#13142)
  • [jest-config] [BREAKING] Make snapshotFormat default to escapeString: false and printBasicPrototype: false (#13036)
  • [jest-config] [BREAKING] Remove undocumented collectCoverageOnlyFrom option (#13156)
  • [jest-environment-jsdom] [BREAKING] Upgrade to jsdom@20 (#13037, #13058)
  • [@jest/globals] Add jest.Mocked, jest.MockedClass, jest.MockedFunction and jest.MockedObject utility types (#12727)
  • [jest-mock] [BREAKING] Refactor Mocked* utility types. MaybeMockedDeep and MaybeMocked became Mocked and MockedShallow respectively; only deep mocked variants of MockedClass, MockedFunction and MockedObject are exported (#13123, #13124)
  • [jest-mock] [BREAKING] Change the default jest.mocked helper’s behavior to deep mocked (#13125)
  • [jest-snapshot] [BREAKING] Let babel find config when updating inline snapshots (#13150)
  • [@jest/test-result, @jest/types] [BREAKING] Replace Bytes and Milliseconds types with number (#13155)
  • [jest-worker] Adds workerIdleMemoryLimit option which is used as a check for worker memory leaks >= Node 16.11.0 and recycles child workers as required (#13056, #13105, #13106, #13107)
  • [pretty-format] [BREAKING] Remove ConvertAnsi plugin in favour of jest-serializer-ansi-escapes (#13040)
  • [pretty-format] Allow to opt out from sorting object keys with compareKeys: null (#12443)


  • [jest-config] Fix testing multiple projects with TypeScript config files (#13099)
  • [@jest/expect-utils] Fix deep equality of ImmutableJS Record (#13055)
  • [jest-haste-map] Increase the maximum possible file size that jest-haste-map can handle (#13094)
  • [jest-runtime] Properly support CJS re-exports from dual packages (#13170)
  • [jest-snapshot] Make prettierPath optional in SnapshotState (#13149)
  • [jest-snapshot] Fix parsing error from inline snapshot files with JSX (#12760)
  • [jest-worker] When a process runs out of memory worker exits correctly and doesn't spin indefinitely (#13054)

Chore & Maintenance

  • [*] [BREAKING] Drop support for Node v12 and v17 (#13033)
  • [docs] Fix webpack name (#13049)
  • [docs] Explicit how to set n for --bail (#13128)
  • [docs] Update Enzyme URL (#13166)
  • [jest-leak-detector] Remove support for weak-napi (#13035)
  • [jest-snapshot] [BREAKING] Require rootDir as argument to SnapshotState (#13150)


Last updated on 25 Aug 2022

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