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@jest/types - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 27.5.1 to 28.0.0-alpha.0



@@ -7,7 +7,1031 @@ /**

import type * as Circus from './Circus';
import type * as Config from './Config';
import type * as Global from './Global';
import type * as TestResult from './TestResult';
import type * as TransformTypes from './Transform';
export type { Circus, Config, Global, TestResult, TransformTypes };
/// <reference types="node" />
import type {Arguments} from 'yargs';
import type {CoverageMapData} from 'istanbul-lib-coverage';
import type {ForegroundColor} from 'chalk';
import type {ReportOptions} from 'istanbul-reports';
declare type Argv = Arguments<
all: boolean;
automock: boolean;
bail: boolean | number;
cache: boolean;
cacheDirectory: string;
changedFilesWithAncestor: boolean;
changedSince: string;
ci: boolean;
clearCache: boolean;
clearMocks: boolean;
collectCoverage: boolean;
collectCoverageFrom: string;
collectCoverageOnlyFrom: Array<string>;
color: boolean;
colors: boolean;
config: string;
coverage: boolean;
coverageDirectory: string;
coveragePathIgnorePatterns: Array<string>;
coverageReporters: Array<string>;
coverageThreshold: string;
debug: boolean;
env: string;
expand: boolean;
findRelatedTests: boolean;
forceExit: boolean;
globals: string;
globalSetup: string | null | undefined;
globalTeardown: string | null | undefined;
haste: string;
init: boolean;
injectGlobals: boolean;
json: boolean;
lastCommit: boolean;
logHeapUsage: boolean;
maxWorkers: number | string;
moduleDirectories: Array<string>;
moduleFileExtensions: Array<string>;
moduleNameMapper: string;
modulePathIgnorePatterns: Array<string>;
modulePaths: Array<string>;
noStackTrace: boolean;
notify: boolean;
notifyMode: string;
onlyChanged: boolean;
onlyFailures: boolean;
outputFile: string;
preset: string | null | undefined;
projects: Array<string>;
prettierPath: string | null | undefined;
resetMocks: boolean;
resetModules: boolean;
resolver: string | null | undefined;
restoreMocks: boolean;
rootDir: string;
roots: Array<string>;
runInBand: boolean;
selectProjects: Array<string>;
setupFiles: Array<string>;
setupFilesAfterEnv: Array<string>;
showConfig: boolean;
silent: boolean;
snapshotSerializers: Array<string>;
testEnvironment: string;
testEnvironmentOptions: string;
testFailureExitCode: string | null | undefined;
testMatch: Array<string>;
testNamePattern: string;
testPathIgnorePatterns: Array<string>;
testPathPattern: Array<string>;
testRegex: string | Array<string>;
testResultsProcessor: string;
testRunner: string;
testSequencer: string;
testURL: string;
testTimeout: number | null | undefined;
timers: string;
transform: string;
transformIgnorePatterns: Array<string>;
unmockedModulePathPatterns: Array<string> | null | undefined;
updateSnapshot: boolean;
useStderr: boolean;
verbose: boolean;
version: boolean;
watch: boolean;
watchAll: boolean;
watchman: boolean;
watchPathIgnorePatterns: Array<string>;
declare type ArrayTable = Table | Row;
declare type AssertionResult = {
ancestorTitles: Array<string>;
duration?: Milliseconds | null;
failureDetails: Array<unknown>;
failureMessages: Array<string>;
fullName: string;
invocations?: number;
location?: Callsite | null;
numPassingAsserts: number;
status: Status;
title: string;
declare type AsyncEvent =
| {
name: 'setup';
testNamePattern?: string;
runtimeGlobals: JestGlobals;
parentProcess: Process;
| {
name: 'include_test_location_in_result';
| {
name: 'hook_start';
hook: Hook;
| {
name: 'hook_success';
describeBlock?: DescribeBlock;
test?: TestEntry;
hook: Hook;
| {
name: 'hook_failure';
error: string | Exception;
describeBlock?: DescribeBlock;
test?: TestEntry;
hook: Hook;
| {
name: 'test_fn_start';
test: TestEntry;
| {
name: 'test_fn_success';
test: TestEntry;
| {
name: 'test_fn_failure';
error: Exception;
test: TestEntry;
| {
name: 'test_retry';
test: TestEntry;
| {
name: 'test_start';
test: TestEntry;
| {
name: 'test_skip';
test: TestEntry;
| {
name: 'test_todo';
test: TestEntry;
| {
name: 'test_done';
test: TestEntry;
| {
name: 'run_describe_start';
describeBlock: DescribeBlock;
| {
name: 'run_describe_finish';
describeBlock: DescribeBlock;
| {
name: 'run_start';
| {
name: 'run_finish';
| {
name: 'teardown';
declare type AsyncFn = TestFn_2 | HookFn_2;
declare type BlockFn = () => void;
declare type BlockFn_2 = Global.BlockFn;
declare type BlockMode = void | 'skip' | 'only' | 'todo';
declare type BlockName = string;
declare type BlockName_2 = Global.BlockName;
declare type Callsite = {
column: number;
line: number;
declare namespace Circus {
export {
BlockFn_2 as BlockFn,
BlockName_2 as BlockName,
TestName_2 as TestName,
TestFn_2 as TestFn,
HookFn_2 as HookFn,
TestContext_2 as TestContext,
Event_2 as Event,
TestResult_2 as TestResult,
export {Circus};
declare type Col = unknown;
declare type ConcurrentTestFn = () => TestReturnValuePromise;
declare namespace Config {
export {
export {Config};
declare interface ConfigGlobals {
[K: string]: unknown;
declare type CoverageProvider = 'babel' | 'v8';
declare type CoverageReporterName = keyof ReportOptions;
declare type CoverageReporters = Array<
CoverageReporterName | CoverageReporterWithOptions
declare type CoverageReporterWithOptions<K = CoverageReporterName> =
K extends CoverageReporterName
? ReportOptions[K] extends never
? never
: [K, Partial<ReportOptions[K]>]
: never;
declare type CoverageThreshold = {
[path: string]: CoverageThresholdValue;
global: CoverageThresholdValue;
declare type CoverageThresholdValue = {
branches?: number;
functions?: number;
lines?: number;
statements?: number;
declare type DefaultOptions = {
automock: boolean;
bail: number;
cache: boolean;
cacheDirectory: Path;
changedFilesWithAncestor: boolean;
ci: boolean;
clearMocks: boolean;
collectCoverage: boolean;
coveragePathIgnorePatterns: Array<string>;
coverageReporters: Array<CoverageReporterName>;
coverageProvider: CoverageProvider;
detectLeaks: boolean;
detectOpenHandles: boolean;
errorOnDeprecated: boolean;
expand: boolean;
extensionsToTreatAsEsm: Array<Path>;
forceCoverageMatch: Array<Glob>;
globals: ConfigGlobals;
haste: HasteConfig;
injectGlobals: boolean;
listTests: boolean;
maxConcurrency: number;
maxWorkers: number | string;
moduleDirectories: Array<string>;
moduleFileExtensions: Array<string>;
moduleNameMapper: Record<string, string | Array<string>>;
modulePathIgnorePatterns: Array<string>;
noStackTrace: boolean;
notify: boolean;
notifyMode: NotifyMode;
passWithNoTests: boolean;
prettierPath: string;
resetMocks: boolean;
resetModules: boolean;
restoreMocks: boolean;
roots: Array<Path>;
runTestsByPath: boolean;
runner: string;
setupFiles: Array<Path>;
setupFilesAfterEnv: Array<Path>;
skipFilter: boolean;
slowTestThreshold: number;
snapshotSerializers: Array<Path>;
testEnvironment: string;
testEnvironmentOptions: Record<string, unknown>;
testFailureExitCode: string | number;
testLocationInResults: boolean;
testMatch: Array<Glob>;
testPathIgnorePatterns: Array<string>;
testRegex: Array<string>;
testRunner: string;
testSequencer: string;
testURL: string;
timers: Timers;
transformIgnorePatterns: Array<Glob>;
useStderr: boolean;
watch: boolean;
watchPathIgnorePatterns: Array<string>;
watchman: boolean;
declare interface Describe extends DescribeBase {
only: DescribeBase;
skip: DescribeBase;
declare interface DescribeBase {
(blockName: BlockName, blockFn: BlockFn): void;
each: Each<BlockFn>;
declare type DescribeBlock = {
type: 'describeBlock';
children: Array<DescribeBlock | TestEntry>;
hooks: Array<Hook>;
mode: BlockMode;
name: BlockName_2;
parent?: DescribeBlock;
/** @deprecated Please get from `children` array instead */
tests: Array<TestEntry>;
declare type DisplayName = {
name: string;
color: typeof ForegroundColor;
declare type DoneFn = Global.DoneFn;
declare type DoneFn_2 = (reason?: string | Error) => void;
declare type DoneTakingTestFn = (
this: TestContext | undefined,
done: DoneFn_2,
) => ValidTestReturnValues;
declare type Each<EachCallback extends TestCallback> =
| ((
table: EachTable,
...taggedTemplateData: TemplateData
) => (
name: BlockName | TestName,
test: EachTestFn<EachCallback>,
timeout?: number,
) => void)
| (() => () => void);
declare type EachTable = ArrayTable | TemplateTable;
declare type EachTestFn<EachCallback extends TestCallback> = (
...args: ReadonlyArray<any>
) => ReturnType<EachCallback>;
declare type Event_2 = SyncEvent | AsyncEvent;
declare interface EventHandler {
(event: AsyncEvent, state: State): void | Promise<void>;
(event: SyncEvent, state: State): void;
declare type Exception = any;
declare type FormattedError = string;
declare type GeneratorReturningTestFn = (
this: TestContext | undefined,
) => TestReturnValueGenerator;
declare type Glob = string;
declare namespace Global {
export {
DoneFn_2 as DoneFn,
Global_2 as Global,
export {Global};
declare interface Global_2
extends GlobalAdditions,
Omit<typeof globalThis, keyof GlobalAdditions> {
[extras: string]: unknown;
declare interface GlobalAdditions extends TestFrameworkGlobals {
__coverage__: CoverageMapData;
declare type GlobalConfig = {
bail: number;
changedSince?: string;
changedFilesWithAncestor: boolean;
collectCoverage: boolean;
collectCoverageFrom: Array<Glob>;
collectCoverageOnlyFrom?: {
[key: string]: boolean;
coverageDirectory: string;
coveragePathIgnorePatterns?: Array<string>;
coverageProvider: CoverageProvider;
coverageReporters: CoverageReporters;
coverageThreshold?: CoverageThreshold;
detectLeaks: boolean;
detectOpenHandles: boolean;
expand: boolean;
filter?: Path;
findRelatedTests: boolean;
forceExit: boolean;
json: boolean;
globalSetup?: string;
globalTeardown?: string;
lastCommit: boolean;
logHeapUsage: boolean;
listTests: boolean;
maxConcurrency: number;
maxWorkers: number;
noStackTrace: boolean;
nonFlagArgs: Array<string>;
noSCM?: boolean;
notify: boolean;
notifyMode: NotifyMode;
outputFile?: Path;
onlyChanged: boolean;
onlyFailures: boolean;
passWithNoTests: boolean;
projects: Array<Glob>;
replname?: string;
reporters?: Array<string | ReporterConfig>;
runTestsByPath: boolean;
rootDir: Path;
silent?: boolean;
skipFilter: boolean;
snapshotFormat: PrettyFormatOptions;
errorOnDeprecated: boolean;
testFailureExitCode: number;
testNamePattern?: string;
testPathPattern: string;
testResultsProcessor?: string;
testSequencer: string;
testTimeout?: number;
updateSnapshot: SnapshotUpdateState;
useStderr: boolean;
verbose?: boolean;
watch: boolean;
watchAll: boolean;
watchman: boolean;
watchPlugins?: Array<{
path: string;
config: Record<string, unknown>;
}> | null;
declare type GlobalErrorHandlers = {
uncaughtException: Array<(exception: Exception) => void>;
unhandledRejection: Array<
(exception: Exception, promise: Promise<unknown>) => void
declare type HasteConfig = {
/** Whether to hash files using SHA-1. */
computeSha1?: boolean;
/** The platform to use as the default, e.g. 'ios'. */
defaultPlatform?: string | null;
/** Force use of Node's `fs` APIs rather than shelling out to `find` */
forceNodeFilesystemAPI?: boolean;
* Whether to follow symlinks when crawling for files.
* This options cannot be used in projects which use watchman.
* Projects with `watchman` set to true will error if this option is set to true.
enableSymlinks?: boolean;
/** Path to a custom implementation of Haste. */
hasteImplModulePath?: string;
/** All platforms to target, e.g ['ios', 'android']. */
platforms?: Array<string>;
/** Whether to throw on error on module collision. */
throwOnModuleCollision?: boolean;
/** Custom HasteMap module */
hasteMapModulePath?: string;
declare type Hook = {
asyncError: Error;
fn: HookFn_2;
type: HookType;
parent: DescribeBlock;
seenDone: boolean;
timeout: number | undefined | null;
declare interface HookBase {
(fn: HookFn, timeout?: number): void;
declare type HookFn = TestFn;
declare type HookFn_2 = Global.HookFn;
declare type HookType = SharedHookType | 'afterEach' | 'beforeEach';
declare type InitialOptions = Partial<{
automock: boolean;
bail: boolean | number;
cache: boolean;
cacheDirectory: Path;
ci: boolean;
clearMocks: boolean;
changedFilesWithAncestor: boolean;
changedSince: string;
collectCoverage: boolean;
collectCoverageFrom: Array<Glob>;
collectCoverageOnlyFrom: {
[key: string]: boolean;
coverageDirectory: string;
coveragePathIgnorePatterns: Array<string>;
coverageProvider: CoverageProvider;
coverageReporters: CoverageReporters;
coverageThreshold: CoverageThreshold;
dependencyExtractor: string;
detectLeaks: boolean;
detectOpenHandles: boolean;
displayName: string | DisplayName;
expand: boolean;
extensionsToTreatAsEsm: Array<Path>;
extraGlobals: Array<string>;
filter: Path;
findRelatedTests: boolean;
forceCoverageMatch: Array<Glob>;
forceExit: boolean;
json: boolean;
globals: ConfigGlobals;
globalSetup: string | null | undefined;
globalTeardown: string | null | undefined;
haste: HasteConfig;
injectGlobals: boolean;
reporters: Array<string | ReporterConfig>;
logHeapUsage: boolean;
lastCommit: boolean;
listTests: boolean;
maxConcurrency: number;
maxWorkers: number | string;
moduleDirectories: Array<string>;
moduleFileExtensions: Array<string>;
moduleLoader: Path;
moduleNameMapper: {
[key: string]: string | Array<string>;
modulePathIgnorePatterns: Array<string>;
modulePaths: Array<string>;
name: string;
noStackTrace: boolean;
notify: boolean;
notifyMode: string;
onlyChanged: boolean;
onlyFailures: boolean;
outputFile: Path;
passWithNoTests: boolean;
* @deprecated Use `transformIgnorePatterns` options instead.
preprocessorIgnorePatterns: Array<Glob>;
preset: string | null | undefined;
prettierPath: string | null | undefined;
projects: Array<Glob | InitialProjectOptions>;
replname: string | null | undefined;
resetMocks: boolean;
resetModules: boolean;
resolver: Path | null | undefined;
restoreMocks: boolean;
rootDir: Path;
roots: Array<Path>;
runner: string;
runTestsByPath: boolean;
* @deprecated Use `transform` options instead.
scriptPreprocessor: string;
setupFiles: Array<Path>;
* @deprecated Use `setupFilesAfterEnv` options instead.
setupTestFrameworkScriptFile: Path;
setupFilesAfterEnv: Array<Path>;
silent: boolean;
skipFilter: boolean;
skipNodeResolution: boolean;
slowTestThreshold: number;
snapshotResolver: Path;
snapshotSerializers: Array<Path>;
snapshotFormat: PrettyFormatOptions;
errorOnDeprecated: boolean;
testEnvironment: string;
testEnvironmentOptions: Record<string, unknown>;
testFailureExitCode: string | number;
testLocationInResults: boolean;
testMatch: Array<Glob>;
testNamePattern: string;
* @deprecated Use `roots` options instead.
testPathDirs: Array<Path>;
testPathIgnorePatterns: Array<string>;
testRegex: string | Array<string>;
testResultsProcessor: string;
testRunner: string;
testSequencer: string;
testURL: string;
testTimeout: number;
timers: Timers;
transform: {
[regex: string]: Path | TransformerConfig;
transformIgnorePatterns: Array<Glob>;
watchPathIgnorePatterns: Array<string>;
unmockedModulePathPatterns: Array<string>;
updateSnapshot: boolean;
useStderr: boolean;
verbose?: boolean;
watch: boolean;
watchAll: boolean;
watchman: boolean;
watchPlugins: Array<string | [string, Record<string, unknown>]>;
declare type InitialOptionsWithRootDir = InitialOptions &
Required<Pick<InitialOptions, 'rootDir'>>;
declare type InitialProjectOptions = Pick<
InitialOptions & {
cwd?: string;
keyof ProjectConfig
declare interface It extends ItBase {
only: ItBase;
skip: ItBase;
todo: (testName: TestName) => void;
declare interface ItBase {
(testName: TestName, fn: TestFn, timeout?: number): void;
each: Each<TestFn>;
declare interface ItConcurrent extends It {
concurrent: ItConcurrentExtended;
declare interface ItConcurrentBase {
(testName: TestName, testFn: ConcurrentTestFn, timeout?: number): void;
each: Each<ConcurrentTestFn>;
declare interface ItConcurrentExtended extends ItConcurrentBase {
only: ItConcurrentBase;
skip: ItConcurrentBase;
declare interface JestGlobals extends Global.TestFrameworkGlobals {
expect: unknown;
declare type MatcherResults = {
actual: unknown;
expected: unknown;
name: string;
pass: boolean;
declare type Milliseconds = number;
declare type NotifyMode =
| 'always'
| 'failure'
| 'success'
| 'change'
| 'success-change'
| 'failure-change';
declare type Path = string;
declare interface PrettyFormatOptions {}
declare type Process = NodeJS.Process;
declare type ProjectConfig = {
automock: boolean;
cache: boolean;
cacheDirectory: Path;
clearMocks: boolean;
coveragePathIgnorePatterns: Array<string>;
cwd: Path;
dependencyExtractor?: string;
detectLeaks: boolean;
detectOpenHandles: boolean;
displayName?: DisplayName;
errorOnDeprecated: boolean;
extensionsToTreatAsEsm: Array<Path>;
extraGlobals: Array<keyof typeof globalThis>;
filter?: Path;
forceCoverageMatch: Array<Glob>;
globalSetup?: string;
globalTeardown?: string;
globals: ConfigGlobals;
haste: HasteConfig;
injectGlobals: boolean;
moduleDirectories: Array<string>;
moduleFileExtensions: Array<string>;
moduleLoader?: Path;
moduleNameMapper: Array<[string, string]>;
modulePathIgnorePatterns: Array<string>;
modulePaths?: Array<string>;
name: string;
prettierPath: string;
resetMocks: boolean;
resetModules: boolean;
resolver?: Path;
restoreMocks: boolean;
rootDir: Path;
roots: Array<Path>;
runner: string;
setupFiles: Array<Path>;
setupFilesAfterEnv: Array<Path>;
skipFilter: boolean;
skipNodeResolution?: boolean;
slowTestThreshold: number;
snapshotResolver?: Path;
snapshotSerializers: Array<Path>;
snapshotFormat: PrettyFormatOptions;
testEnvironment: string;
testEnvironmentOptions: Record<string, unknown>;
testMatch: Array<Glob>;
testLocationInResults: boolean;
testPathIgnorePatterns: Array<string>;
testRegex: Array<string | RegExp>;
testRunner: string;
testURL: string;
timers: Timers;
transform: Array<[string, Path, Record<string, unknown>]>;
transformIgnorePatterns: Array<Glob>;
watchPathIgnorePatterns: Array<string>;
unmockedModulePathPatterns?: Array<string>;
declare type PromiseReturningTestFn = (
this: TestContext | undefined,
) => TestReturnValue;
declare type ReporterConfig = [string, Record<string, unknown>];
declare type Row = ReadonlyArray<Col>;
declare type RunResult = {
unhandledErrors: Array<FormattedError>;
testResults: TestResults;
declare type SerializableError = {
code?: unknown;
message: string;
stack: string | null | undefined;
type?: string;
declare type SharedHookType = 'afterAll' | 'beforeAll';
declare type SnapshotUpdateState = 'all' | 'new' | 'none';
declare type State = {
currentDescribeBlock: DescribeBlock;
currentlyRunningTest?: TestEntry | null;
expand?: boolean;
hasFocusedTests: boolean;
hasStarted: boolean;
originalGlobalErrorHandlers?: GlobalErrorHandlers;
parentProcess: Process | null;
rootDescribeBlock: DescribeBlock;
testNamePattern?: RegExp | null;
testTimeout: number;
unhandledErrors: Array<Exception>;
includeTestLocationInResult: boolean;
declare type Status =
| 'passed'
| 'failed'
| 'skipped'
| 'pending'
| 'todo'
| 'disabled';
declare type SyncEvent =
| {
asyncError: Error;
mode: BlockMode;
name: 'start_describe_definition';
blockName: BlockName_2;
| {
mode: BlockMode;
name: 'finish_describe_definition';
blockName: BlockName_2;
| {
asyncError: Error;
name: 'add_hook';
hookType: HookType;
fn: HookFn_2;
timeout: number | undefined;
| {
asyncError: Error;
name: 'add_test';
testName: TestName_2;
fn: TestFn_2;
mode?: TestMode;
timeout: number | undefined;
| {
name: 'error';
error: Exception;
declare type Table = ReadonlyArray<Row>;
declare type TemplateData = ReadonlyArray<unknown>;
declare type TemplateTable = TemplateStringsArray;
declare type TestCallback = BlockFn | TestFn | ConcurrentTestFn;
declare type TestContext = Record<string, unknown>;
declare type TestContext_2 = Global.TestContext;
declare type TestEntry = {
type: 'test';
asyncError: Exception;
errors: Array<TestError>;
fn: TestFn_2;
invocations: number;
mode: TestMode;
name: TestName_2;
parent: DescribeBlock;
startedAt?: number | null;
duration?: number | null;
seenDone: boolean;
status?: TestStatus | null;
timeout?: number;
declare type TestError = Exception | [Exception | undefined, Exception];
declare type TestFn =
| PromiseReturningTestFn
| GeneratorReturningTestFn
| DoneTakingTestFn;
declare type TestFn_2 = Global.TestFn;
declare interface TestFrameworkGlobals {
it: ItConcurrent;
test: ItConcurrent;
fit: ItBase & {
concurrent?: ItConcurrentBase;
xit: ItBase;
xtest: ItBase;
describe: Describe;
xdescribe: DescribeBase;
fdescribe: DescribeBase;
beforeAll: HookBase;
beforeEach: HookBase;
afterEach: HookBase;
afterAll: HookBase;
declare type TestMode = BlockMode;
declare type TestName = string;
declare type TestName_2 = Global.TestName;
declare namespace TestResult {
export {Milliseconds, AssertionResult, SerializableError};
export {TestResult};
declare type TestResult_2 = {
duration?: number | null;
errors: Array<FormattedError>;
errorsDetailed: Array<MatcherResults | unknown>;
invocations: number;
status: TestStatus;
location?: {
column: number;
line: number;
} | null;
testPath: Array<TestName_2 | BlockName_2>;
declare type TestResults = Array<TestResult_2>;
declare type TestReturnValue = ValidTestReturnValues | TestReturnValuePromise;
declare type TestReturnValueGenerator = Generator<void, unknown, void>;
declare type TestReturnValuePromise = Promise<unknown>;
declare type TestStatus = 'skip' | 'done' | 'todo';
declare type Timers = 'real' | 'fake' | 'modern' | 'legacy';
declare type TransformerConfig = [string, Record<string, unknown>];
declare type TransformResult = {
code: string;
originalCode: string;
sourceMapPath: string | null;
declare namespace TransformTypes {
export {TransformResult};
export {TransformTypes};
declare type ValidTestReturnValues = void | undefined;
export {};


"name": "@jest/types",
"version": "27.5.1",
"version": "28.0.0-alpha.0",
"repository": {

@@ -10,3 +10,3 @@ "type": "git",

"engines": {
"node": "^10.13.0 || ^12.13.0 || ^14.15.0 || >=15.0.0"
"node": "^12.13.0 || ^14.15.0 || ^16.13.0 || >=17.0.0"

@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ "license": "MIT",

"@types/node": "*",
"@types/yargs": "^16.0.0",
"@types/yargs": "^17.0.8",
"chalk": "^4.0.0"
"devDependencies": {
"@tsd/typescript": "~4.1.5",
"@tsd/typescript": "~4.5.5",
"tsd-lite": "^0.5.1"

@@ -38,3 +38,3 @@ },

"gitHead": "67c1aa20c5fec31366d733e901fee2b981cb1850"
"gitHead": "89275b08977065d98e42ad71fcf223f4ad169f09"
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