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@js-draw/math - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.16.0 to 1.17.0




@@ -20,3 +20,3 @@ /**

export { LineSegment2 } from './shapes/LineSegment2';
export { Path, PathCommandType, PathCommand, LinePathCommand, MoveToPathCommand, QuadraticBezierPathCommand, CubicBezierPathCommand, } from './shapes/Path';
export { Path, IntersectionResult as PathIntersectionResult, CurveIndexRecord as PathCurveIndex, PathCommandType, PathCommand, LinePathCommand, MoveToPathCommand, QuadraticBezierPathCommand, CubicBezierPathCommand, } from './shapes/Path';
export { Rect2 } from './shapes/Rect2';

@@ -23,0 +23,0 @@ export { QuadraticBezier } from './shapes/QuadraticBezier';

@@ -41,2 +41,5 @@ import LineSegment2 from './LineSegment2';

* Returns a bounding box that precisely fits the content of this shape.
* **Note**: This bounding box should aligned with the x/y axes. (Thus, it may be
* possible to find a tighter bounding box not axes-aligned).

@@ -43,0 +46,0 @@ abstract getTightBoundingBox(): Rect2;

import { Bezier } from 'bezier-js';
import { Point2, Vec2 } from '../Vec2';
import Abstract2DShape from './Abstract2DShape';
import LineSegment2 from './LineSegment2';
import Rect2 from './Rect2';
import Parameterized2DShape from './Parameterized2DShape';

@@ -12,9 +12,10 @@ * A lazy-initializing wrapper around Bezier-js.

* Do not use this class directly. It may be removed/replaced in a future release.
* **Do not use this class directly.** It may be removed/replaced in a future release.
* @internal
declare abstract class BezierJSWrapper extends Abstract2DShape {
export declare abstract class BezierJSWrapper extends Parameterized2DShape {
protected constructor(bezierJsBezier?: Bezier);
/** Returns the start, control points, and end point of this Bézier. */
abstract getPoints(): Point2[];
abstract getPoints(): readonly Point2[];
protected getBezier(): Bezier;

@@ -33,6 +34,15 @@ signedDistance(point: Point2): number;

derivativeAt(t: number): Point2;
secondDerivativeAt(t: number): Point2;
normal(t: number): Vec2;
normalAt(t: number): Vec2;
tangentAt(t: number): Vec2;
getTightBoundingBox(): Rect2;
intersectsLineSegment(line: LineSegment2): Point2[];
argIntersectsLineSegment(line: LineSegment2): number[];
splitAt(t: number): [BezierJSWrapper] | [BezierJSWrapper, BezierJSWrapper];
nearestPointTo(point: Point2): {
parameterValue: number;
point: import("../Vec3").Vec3;
toString(): string;
export default BezierJSWrapper;
"use strict";
var __classPrivateFieldGet = (this && this.__classPrivateFieldGet) || function (receiver, state, kind, f) {
if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a getter");
if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it");
return kind === "m" ? f : kind === "a" ? : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver);
var __classPrivateFieldSet = (this && this.__classPrivateFieldSet) || function (receiver, state, value, kind, f) {

@@ -13,2 +8,7 @@ if (kind === "m") throw new TypeError("Private method is not writable");

var __classPrivateFieldGet = (this && this.__classPrivateFieldGet) || function (receiver, state, kind, f) {
if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a getter");
if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it");
return kind === "m" ? f : kind === "a" ? : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver);
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {

@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.BezierJSWrapper = void 0;
const bezier_js_1 = require("bezier-js");
const Vec2_1 = require("../Vec2");
const Abstract2DShape_1 = __importDefault(require("./Abstract2DShape"));
const Rect2_1 = __importDefault(require("./Rect2"));
const Parameterized2DShape_1 = __importDefault(require("./Parameterized2DShape"));

@@ -30,9 +31,12 @@ * A lazy-initializing wrapper around Bezier-js.

* Do not use this class directly. It may be removed/replaced in a future release.
* **Do not use this class directly.** It may be removed/replaced in a future release.
* @internal
class BezierJSWrapper extends Abstract2DShape_1.default {
constructor() {
class BezierJSWrapper extends Parameterized2DShape_1.default {
constructor(bezierJsBezier) {
_BezierJSWrapper_bezierJs.set(this, null);
if (bezierJsBezier) {
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _BezierJSWrapper_bezierJs, bezierJsBezier, "f");

@@ -47,3 +51,3 @@ getBezier() {

// .d: Distance
return this.getBezier().project(point.xy).d;
return this.nearestPointTo(point).point.distanceTo(point);

@@ -68,5 +72,14 @@ /**

secondDerivativeAt(t) {
return Vec2_1.Vec2.ofXY(this.getBezier().dderivative(t));
normal(t) {
return Vec2_1.Vec2.ofXY(this.getBezier().normal(t));
normalAt(t) {
return this.normal(t);
tangentAt(t) {
return this.derivativeAt(t).normalized();
getTightBoundingBox() {

@@ -78,5 +91,5 @@ const bbox = this.getBezier().bbox();

intersectsLineSegment(line) {
argIntersectsLineSegment(line) {
const bezier = this.getBezier();
const intersectionPoints = bezier.intersects(line).map(t => {
return bezier.intersects(line).map(t => {
// We're using the .intersects(line) function, which is documented

@@ -88,14 +101,118 @@ // to always return numbers. However, to satisfy the type checker (and

const point = Vec2_1.Vec2.ofXY(bezier.get(t));
const point = Vec2_1.Vec2.ofXY(;
// Ensure that the intersection is on the line segment
if (point.minus(line.p1).magnitude() > line.length
|| point.minus(line.p2).magnitude() > line.length) {
if (point.distanceTo(line.p1) > line.length
|| point.distanceTo(line.p2) > line.length) {
return null;
return point;
return t;
}).filter(entry => entry !== null);
return intersectionPoints;
splitAt(t) {
if (t <= 0 || t >= 1) {
return [this];
const bezier = this.getBezier();
const split = bezier.split(t);
return [
new BezierJSWrapperImpl( => Vec2_1.Vec2.ofXY(point)), split.left),
new BezierJSWrapperImpl( => Vec2_1.Vec2.ofXY(point)), split.right),
nearestPointTo(point) {
// One implementation could be similar to this:
// const projection = this.getBezier().project(point);
// return {
// point: Vec2.ofXY(projection),
// parameterValue: projection.t!,
// };
// However, Bezier-js is rather impercise (and relies on a lookup table).
// Thus, we instead use Newton's Method:
// We want to find t such that f(t) = |B(t) - p|² is minimized.
// Expanding,
// f(t) = (Bₓ(t) - pₓ)² + (Bᵧ(t) - pᵧ)²
// ⇒ f'(t) = Dₜ(Bₓ(t) - pₓ)² + Dₜ(Bᵧ(t) - pᵧ)²
// ⇒ f'(t) = 2(Bₓ(t) - pₓ)(Bₓ'(t)) + 2(Bᵧ(t) - pᵧ)(Bᵧ'(t))
// = 2Bₓ(t)Bₓ'(t) - 2pₓBₓ'(t) + 2Bᵧ(t)Bᵧ'(t) - 2pᵧBᵧ'(t)
// ⇒ f''(t)= 2Bₓ'(t)Bₓ'(t) + 2Bₓ(t)Bₓ''(t) - 2pₓBₓ''(t) + 2Bᵧ'(t)Bᵧ'(t)
// + 2Bᵧ(t)Bᵧ''(t) - 2pᵧBᵧ''(t)
// Because f'(t) = 0 at relative extrema, we can use Newton's Method
// to improve on an initial guess.
const sqrDistAt = (t) => point.squareDistanceTo(;
const yIntercept = sqrDistAt(0);
let t = 0;
let minSqrDist = yIntercept;
// Start by testing a few points:
const pointsToTest = 4;
for (let i = 0; i < pointsToTest; i++) {
const testT = i / (pointsToTest - 1);
const testMinSqrDist = sqrDistAt(testT);
if (testMinSqrDist < minSqrDist) {
t = testT;
minSqrDist = testMinSqrDist;
// To use Newton's Method, we need to evaluate the second derivative of the distance
// function:
const secondDerivativeAt = (t) => {
// f''(t) = 2Bₓ'(t)Bₓ'(t) + 2Bₓ(t)Bₓ''(t) - 2pₓBₓ''(t)
// + 2Bᵧ'(t)Bᵧ'(t) + 2Bᵧ(t)Bᵧ''(t) - 2pᵧBᵧ''(t)
const b =;
const bPrime = this.derivativeAt(t);
const bPrimePrime = this.secondDerivativeAt(t);
return (2 * bPrime.x * bPrime.x + 2 * b.x * bPrimePrime.x - 2 * point.x * bPrimePrime.x
+ 2 * bPrime.y * bPrime.y + 2 * b.y * bPrimePrime.y - 2 * point.y * bPrimePrime.y);
// Because we're zeroing f'(t), we also need to be able to compute it:
const derivativeAt = (t) => {
// f'(t) = 2Bₓ(t)Bₓ'(t) - 2pₓBₓ'(t) + 2Bᵧ(t)Bᵧ'(t) - 2pᵧBᵧ'(t)
const b =;
const bPrime = this.derivativeAt(t);
return (2 * b.x * bPrime.x - 2 * point.x * bPrime.x
+ 2 * b.y * bPrime.y - 2 * point.y * bPrime.y);
const iterate = () => {
const slope = secondDerivativeAt(t);
// We intersect a line through the point on f'(t) at t with the x-axis:
// y = m(x - x₀) + y₀
// ⇒ x - x₀ = (y - y₀) / m
// ⇒ x = (y - y₀) / m + x₀
// Thus, when zeroed,
// tN = (0 - f'(t)) / m + t
const newT = (0 - derivativeAt(t)) / slope + t;
//const distDiff = sqrDistAt(newT) - sqrDistAt(t);
//console.assert(distDiff <= 0, `${-distDiff} >= 0`);
t = newT;
if (t > 1) {
t = 1;
else if (t < 0) {
t = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
return { parameterValue: t, point: };
toString() {
return `Bézier(${this.getPoints().map(point => point.toString()).join(', ')})`;
exports.BezierJSWrapper = BezierJSWrapper;
_BezierJSWrapper_bezierJs = new WeakMap();
* Private concrete implementation of `BezierJSWrapper`, used by methods above that need to return a wrapper
* around a `Bezier`.
class BezierJSWrapperImpl extends BezierJSWrapper {
constructor(controlPoints, curve) {
this.controlPoints = controlPoints;
getPoints() {
return this.controlPoints;
exports.default = BezierJSWrapper;
import Mat33 from '../Mat33';
import Rect2 from './Rect2';
import { Vec2, Point2 } from '../Vec2';
import Abstract2DShape from './Abstract2DShape';
import Parameterized2DShape from './Parameterized2DShape';
import Vec3 from '../Vec3';
interface IntersectionResult {

@@ -10,3 +11,3 @@ point: Point2;

/** Represents a line segment. A `LineSegment2` is immutable. */
export declare class LineSegment2 extends Abstract2DShape {
export declare class LineSegment2 extends Parameterized2DShape {
private readonly point1;

@@ -32,4 +33,5 @@ private readonly point2;

get p2(): Point2;
get center(): Point2;
* Gets a point a distance `t` along this line.
* Gets a point a **distance** `t` along this line.

@@ -47,4 +49,16 @@ * @deprecated

at(t: number): Point2;
normalAt(_t: number): Vec2;
tangentAt(_t: number): Vec3;
splitAt(t: number): [LineSegment2] | [LineSegment2, LineSegment2];
* Returns the intersection of this with another line segment.
* **WARNING**: The parameter value returned by this method does not range from 0 to 1 and
* is currently a length.
* This will change in a future release.
* @deprecated
intersection(other: LineSegment2): IntersectionResult | null;
intersects(other: LineSegment2): boolean;
argIntersectsLineSegment(lineSegment: LineSegment2): number[];

@@ -58,4 +72,8 @@ * Returns the points at which this line segment intersects the

intersectsLineSegment(lineSegment: LineSegment2): import("../Vec3").Vec3[];
closestPointTo(target: Point2): import("../Vec3").Vec3;
intersectsLineSegment(lineSegment: LineSegment2): Vec3[];
closestPointTo(target: Point2): Vec3;
nearestPointTo(target: Vec3): {
point: Vec3;
parameterValue: number;

@@ -73,3 +91,14 @@ * Returns the distance from this line segment to `target`.

toString(): string;
* Returns `true` iff this is equivalent to `other`.
* **Options**:
* - `tolerance`: The maximum difference between endpoints. (Default: 0)
* - `ignoreDirection`: Allow matching a version of `this` with opposite direction. (Default: `true`)
eq(other: LineSegment2, options?: {
tolerance?: number;
ignoreDirection?: boolean;
}): boolean;
export default LineSegment2;

@@ -9,5 +9,5 @@ "use strict";

const Vec2_1 = require("../Vec2");
const Abstract2DShape_1 = __importDefault(require("./Abstract2DShape"));
const Parameterized2DShape_1 = __importDefault(require("./Parameterized2DShape"));
/** Represents a line segment. A `LineSegment2` is immutable. */
class LineSegment2 extends Abstract2DShape_1.default {
class LineSegment2 extends Parameterized2DShape_1.default {
/** Creates a new `LineSegment2` from its endpoints. */

@@ -36,4 +36,7 @@ constructor(point1, point2) {

get center() {
return this.point1.lerp(this.point2, 0.5);
* Gets a point a distance `t` along this line.
* Gets a point a **distance** `t` along this line.

@@ -55,3 +58,27 @@ * @deprecated

normalAt(_t) {
return this.direction.orthog();
tangentAt(_t) {
return this.direction;
splitAt(t) {
if (t <= 0 || t >= 1) {
return [this];
return [
new LineSegment2(this.point1,,
new LineSegment2(, this.point2),
* Returns the intersection of this with another line segment.
* **WARNING**: The parameter value returned by this method does not range from 0 to 1 and
* is currently a length.
* This will change in a future release.
* @deprecated
intersection(other) {
// TODO(v2.0.0): Make this return a `t` value from `0` to `1`.
// We want x₁(t) = x₂(t) and y₁(t) = y₂(t)

@@ -115,6 +142,6 @@ // Observe that

// Ensure the result is in this/the other segment.
const resultToP1 = resultPoint.minus(this.point1).magnitude();
const resultToP2 = resultPoint.minus(this.point2).magnitude();
const resultToP3 = resultPoint.minus(other.point1).magnitude();
const resultToP4 = resultPoint.minus(other.point2).magnitude();
const resultToP1 = resultPoint.distanceTo(this.point1);
const resultToP2 = resultPoint.distanceTo(this.point2);
const resultToP3 = resultPoint.distanceTo(other.point1);
const resultToP4 = resultPoint.distanceTo(other.point2);
if (resultToP1 > this.length

@@ -134,2 +161,9 @@ || resultToP2 > this.length

argIntersectsLineSegment(lineSegment) {
const intersection = this.intersection(lineSegment);
if (intersection) {
return [intersection.t / this.length];
return [];

@@ -152,2 +186,5 @@ * Returns the points at which this line segment intersects the

closestPointTo(target) {
return this.nearestPointTo(target).point;
nearestPointTo(target) {
// Distance from P1 along this' direction.

@@ -158,9 +195,9 @@ const projectedDistFromP1 = target.minus(this.p1).dot(this.direction);

if (projectedDistFromP1 > 0 && projectedDistFromP1 < this.length) {
return projection;
return { point: projection, parameterValue: projectedDistFromP1 / this.length };
if (Math.abs(projectedDistFromP2) < Math.abs(projectedDistFromP1)) {
return this.p2;
return { point: this.p2, parameterValue: 1 };
else {
return this.p1;
return { point: this.p1, parameterValue: 0 };

@@ -188,4 +225,20 @@ }

* Returns `true` iff this is equivalent to `other`.
* **Options**:
* - `tolerance`: The maximum difference between endpoints. (Default: 0)
* - `ignoreDirection`: Allow matching a version of `this` with opposite direction. (Default: `true`)
eq(other, options) {
if (!(other instanceof LineSegment2)) {
return false;
const tolerance = options?.tolerance;
const ignoreDirection = options?.ignoreDirection ?? true;
return ((other.p1.eq(this.p1, tolerance) && other.p2.eq(this.p2, tolerance))
|| (ignoreDirection && other.p1.eq(this.p2, tolerance) && other.p2.eq(this.p1, tolerance)));
exports.LineSegment2 = LineSegment2;
exports.default = LineSegment2;

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ import LineSegment2 from './LineSegment2';

import { Point2 } from '../Vec2';
import Abstract2DShape from './Abstract2DShape';
import Parameterized2DShape from './Parameterized2DShape';
export declare enum PathCommandType {

@@ -33,9 +33,20 @@ LineTo = 0,

export type PathCommand = CubicBezierPathCommand | QuadraticBezierPathCommand | MoveToPathCommand | LinePathCommand;
interface IntersectionResult {
curve: Abstract2DShape;
/** @internal @deprecated */
export interface IntersectionResult {
curve: Parameterized2DShape;
curveIndex: number;
/** Parameter value for the closest point **on** the path to the intersection. @internal @deprecated */
parameterValue?: number;
/** Point at which the intersection occured. */
point: Point2;
* Allows indexing a particular part of a path.
* @see {@link} {@link Path.tangentAt}
export interface CurveIndexRecord {
curveIndex: number;
parameterValue: number;
* Represents a union of lines and curves.

@@ -62,3 +73,3 @@ */

private cachedGeometry;
get geometry(): Abstract2DShape[];
get geometry(): Parameterized2DShape[];

@@ -92,6 +103,27 @@ * Iterates through the start/end points of each component in this path.

intersection(line: LineSegment2, strokeRadius?: number): IntersectionResult[];
* @returns the nearest point on this path to the given `point`.
* @internal
* @beta
nearestPointTo(point: Point2): IntersectionResult;
at(index: CurveIndexRecord): import("../Vec3").Vec3;
tangentAt(index: CurveIndexRecord): import("../Vec3").Vec3;
private static mapPathCommand;
mapPoints(mapping: (point: Point2) => Point2): Path;
transformedBy(affineTransfm: Mat33): Path;
union(other: Path | null): Path;
union(other: Path | null, options?: {
allowReverse?: boolean;
}): Path;
* @returns a version of this path with the direction reversed.
* Example:
* ```ts,runnable,console
* import {Path} from '@js-draw/math';
* console.log(Path.fromString('m0,0l1,1').reversed()); // -> M1,1 L0,0
* ```
reversed(): Path;
private getEndPoint;

@@ -110,2 +142,4 @@ /**

closedRoughlyIntersects(rect: Rect2): boolean;
/** @returns true if all points on this are equivalent to the points on `other` */
eq(other: Path, tolerance?: number): boolean;

@@ -112,0 +146,0 @@ * Returns a path that outlines `rect`.

@@ -239,3 +239,3 @@ "use strict";

// the current minimum.
if (!bbox.grownBy(minDist).containsPoint(point)) {
if (isFinite(minDist) && !bbox.grownBy(minDist).containsPoint(point)) {

@@ -278,3 +278,3 @@ }

const stoppingThreshold = strokeRadius / 1000;
// Returns the maximum x value explored
// Returns the maximum parameter value explored
const raymarchFrom = (startPoint,

@@ -323,5 +323,10 @@ // Direction to march in (multiplies line.direction)

point: currentPoint,
parameterValue: NaN,
parameterValue: NaN, // lastPart.nearestPointTo(currentPoint).parameterValue,
curve: lastPart,
curveIndex: this.geometry.indexOf(lastPart),
// Slightly increase the parameter value to prevent the same point from being
// added to the results twice.
const parameterIncrease = strokeRadius / 20 / line.length;
lastParameter += isFinite(parameterIncrease) ? parameterIncrease : 0;

@@ -359,10 +364,14 @@ return lastParameter;

let index = 0;
for (const part of this.geometry) {
const intersection = part.intersectsLineSegment(line);
if (intersection.length > 0) {
const intersections = part.argIntersectsLineSegment(line);
for (const intersection of intersections) {
curve: part,
point: intersection[0],
curveIndex: index,
parameterValue: intersection,

@@ -380,2 +389,38 @@ // If given a non-zero strokeWidth, attempt to raymarch.

* @returns the nearest point on this path to the given `point`.
* @internal
* @beta
nearestPointTo(point) {
// Find the closest point on this
let closestSquareDist = Infinity;
let closestPartIndex = 0;
let closestParameterValue = 0;
let closestPoint = this.startPoint;
for (let i = 0; i < this.geometry.length; i++) {
const current = this.geometry[i];
const nearestPoint = current.nearestPointTo(point);
const sqareDist = nearestPoint.point.squareDistanceTo(point);
if (i === 0 || sqareDist < closestSquareDist) {
closestPartIndex = i;
closestSquareDist = sqareDist;
closestParameterValue = nearestPoint.parameterValue;
closestPoint = nearestPoint.point;
return {
curve: this.geometry[closestPartIndex],
curveIndex: closestPartIndex,
parameterValue: closestParameterValue,
point: closestPoint,
at(index) {
return this.geometry[index.curveIndex].at(index.parameterValue);
tangentAt(index) {
return this.geometry[index.curveIndex].tangentAt(index.parameterValue);
static mapPathCommand(part, mapping) {

@@ -424,15 +469,82 @@ switch (part.kind) {

// Creates a new path by joining [other] to the end of this path
union(other) {
// allowReverse: true iff reversing other or this is permitted if it means
// no moveTo command is necessary when unioning the paths.
options = { allowReverse: true }) {
if (!other) {
return this;
return new Path(this.startPoint, [,
kind: PathCommandType.MoveTo,
point: other.startPoint,
const thisEnd = this.getEndPoint();
let newParts = [];
if (thisEnd.eq(other.startPoint)) {
newParts =;
else if (options.allowReverse && this.startPoint.eq(other.getEndPoint())) {
return other.union(this, { allowReverse: false });
else if (options.allowReverse && this.startPoint.eq(other.startPoint)) {
return this.union(other.reversed(), { allowReverse: false });
else {
newParts = [,
kind: PathCommandType.MoveTo,
point: other.startPoint,
return new Path(this.startPoint, newParts);
* @returns a version of this path with the direction reversed.
* Example:
* ```ts,runnable,console
* import {Path} from '@js-draw/math';
* console.log(Path.fromString('m0,0l1,1').reversed()); // -> M1,1 L0,0
* ```
reversed() {
const newStart = this.getEndPoint();
const newParts = [];
let lastPoint = this.startPoint;
for (const part of {
switch (part.kind) {
case PathCommandType.LineTo:
case PathCommandType.MoveTo:
kind: part.kind,
point: lastPoint,
lastPoint = part.point;
case PathCommandType.CubicBezierTo:
kind: part.kind,
controlPoint1: part.controlPoint2,
controlPoint2: part.controlPoint1,
endPoint: lastPoint,
lastPoint = part.endPoint;
case PathCommandType.QuadraticBezierTo:
kind: part.kind,
controlPoint: part.controlPoint,
endPoint: lastPoint,
lastPoint = part.endPoint;
const exhaustivenessCheck = part;
return exhaustivenessCheck;
return new Path(newStart, newParts);
getEndPoint() {

@@ -528,2 +640,48 @@ if ( === 0) {

/** @returns true if all points on this are equivalent to the points on `other` */
eq(other, tolerance) {
if ( !== {
return false;
for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
const part1 =[i];
const part2 =[i];
switch (part1.kind) {
case PathCommandType.LineTo:
case PathCommandType.MoveTo:
if (part1.kind !== part2.kind) {
return false;
else if (!part1.point.eq(part2.point, tolerance)) {
return false;
case PathCommandType.CubicBezierTo:
if (part1.kind !== part2.kind) {
return false;
else if (!part1.controlPoint1.eq(part2.controlPoint1, tolerance)
|| !part1.controlPoint2.eq(part2.controlPoint2, tolerance)
|| !part1.endPoint.eq(part2.endPoint, tolerance)) {
return false;
case PathCommandType.QuadraticBezierTo:
if (part1.kind !== part2.kind) {
return false;
else if (!part1.controlPoint.eq(part2.controlPoint, tolerance)
|| !part1.endPoint.eq(part2.endPoint, tolerance)) {
return false;
const exhaustivenessCheck = part1;
return exhaustivenessCheck;
return true;

@@ -530,0 +688,0 @@ * Returns a path that outlines `rect`.

import { Point2 } from '../Vec2';
import Vec3 from '../Vec3';
import Abstract2DShape from './Abstract2DShape';
import LineSegment2 from './LineSegment2';
import Parameterized2DShape from './Parameterized2DShape';
import Rect2 from './Rect2';

@@ -11,9 +11,20 @@ /**

declare class PointShape2D extends Abstract2DShape {
declare class PointShape2D extends Parameterized2DShape {
readonly p: Point2;
constructor(p: Point2);
signedDistance(point: Vec3): number;
intersectsLineSegment(lineSegment: LineSegment2, epsilon?: number): Vec3[];
argIntersectsLineSegment(lineSegment: LineSegment2, epsilon?: number): number[];
getTightBoundingBox(): Rect2;
at(_t: number): Vec3;
* Returns an arbitrary unit-length vector.
normalAt(_t: number): Vec3;
tangentAt(_t: number): Vec3;
splitAt(_t: number): [PointShape2D];
nearestPointTo(_point: Point2): {
point: Vec3;
parameterValue: number;
export default PointShape2D;

@@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Abstract2DShape_1 = __importDefault(require("./Abstract2DShape"));
const Vec2_1 = require("../Vec2");
const Parameterized2DShape_1 = __importDefault(require("./Parameterized2DShape"));
const Rect2_1 = __importDefault(require("./Rect2"));

@@ -14,3 +15,3 @@ /**

class PointShape2D extends Abstract2DShape_1.default {
class PointShape2D extends Parameterized2DShape_1.default {
constructor(p) {

@@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ super();

signedDistance(point) {
return this.p.minus(point).magnitude();
return this.p.distanceTo(point);
intersectsLineSegment(lineSegment, epsilon) {
argIntersectsLineSegment(lineSegment, epsilon) {
if (lineSegment.containsPoint(this.p, epsilon)) {
return [this.p];
return [0];

@@ -33,3 +34,25 @@ return [];

at(_t) {
return this.p;
* Returns an arbitrary unit-length vector.
normalAt(_t) {
// Return a vector that makes sense.
return Vec2_1.Vec2.unitY;
tangentAt(_t) {
return Vec2_1.Vec2.unitX;
splitAt(_t) {
return [this];
nearestPointTo(_point) {
return {
point: this.p,
parameterValue: 0,
exports.default = PointShape2D;

@@ -21,7 +21,11 @@ import { Point2, Vec2 } from '../Vec2';

private static derivativeComponentAt;
private static secondDerivativeComponentAt;
* @returns the curve evaluated at `t`.
* `t` should be a number in `[0, 1]`.
at(t: number): Point2;
derivativeAt(t: number): Point2;
secondDerivativeAt(t: number): Point2;
normal(t: number): Vec2;

@@ -28,0 +32,0 @@ /** @returns an overestimate of this shape's bounding box. */

@@ -34,6 +34,15 @@ "use strict";

static secondDerivativeComponentAt(t, p0, p1, p2) {
return 2 * (p0 - 2 * p1 + p2);
* @returns the curve evaluated at `t`.
* `t` should be a number in `[0, 1]`.
at(t) {
if (t === 0)
return this.p0;
if (t === 1)
return this.p2;
const p0 = this.p0;

@@ -50,2 +59,8 @@ const p1 = this.p1;

secondDerivativeAt(t) {
const p0 = this.p0;
const p1 = this.p1;
const p2 = this.p2;
return Vec2_1.Vec2.of(QuadraticBezier.secondDerivativeComponentAt(t, p0.x, p1.x, p2.x), QuadraticBezier.secondDerivativeComponentAt(t, p0.y, p1.y, p2.y));
normal(t) {

@@ -111,6 +126,6 @@ const tangent = this.derivativeAt(t);

const at2 =;
const sqrDist1 = at1.minus(point).magnitudeSquared();
const sqrDist2 = at2.minus(point).magnitudeSquared();
const sqrDist3 =;
const sqrDist4 =;
const sqrDist1 = at1.squareDistanceTo(point);
const sqrDist2 = at2.squareDistanceTo(point);
const sqrDist3 =;
const sqrDist4 =;
return Math.sqrt(Math.min(sqrDist1, sqrDist2, sqrDist3, sqrDist4));

@@ -117,0 +132,0 @@ }

@@ -28,2 +28,5 @@ import LineSegment2 from './LineSegment2';

containsRect(other: Rect2): boolean;
* @returns true iff this and `other` overlap
intersects(other: Rect2): boolean;

@@ -30,0 +33,0 @@ intersection(other: Rect2): Rect2 | null;

@@ -47,2 +47,5 @@ "use strict";

* @returns true iff this and `other` overlap
intersects(other) {

@@ -134,3 +137,3 @@ // Project along x/y axes.

for (const point of closestEdgePoints) {
const dist = point.minus(target).length();
const dist = point.distanceTo(target);
if (closestDist === null || dist < closestDist) {

@@ -137,0 +140,0 @@ closest = point;

@@ -39,2 +39,16 @@ /**

* Interpreting this vector as a point in ℝ^3, computes the square distance
* to another point, `p`.
* Equivalent to `.minus(p).magnitudeSquared()`.
squareDistanceTo(p: Vec3): number;
* Interpreting this vector as a point in ℝ³, returns the distance to the point
* `p`.
* Equivalent to `.minus(p).magnitude()`.
distanceTo(p: Vec3): number;
* Returns the entry of this with the greatest magnitude.

@@ -44,2 +58,8 @@ *

* all entries of this vector.
* **Example**:
* ```ts,runnable,console
* import { Vec3 } from '@js-draw/math';
* console.log(Vec3.of(-1, -10, 8).maximumEntryMagnitude()); // -> 10
* ```

@@ -55,2 +75,3 @@ maximumEntryMagnitude(): number;

* **Example**:
* ```ts,runnable,console

@@ -57,0 +78,0 @@ * import { Vec2 } from '@js-draw/math';

@@ -62,2 +62,23 @@ "use strict";

* Interpreting this vector as a point in ℝ^3, computes the square distance
* to another point, `p`.
* Equivalent to `.minus(p).magnitudeSquared()`.
squareDistanceTo(p) {
const dx = this.x - p.x;
const dy = this.y - p.y;
const dz = this.z - p.z;
return dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
* Interpreting this vector as a point in ℝ³, returns the distance to the point
* `p`.
* Equivalent to `.minus(p).magnitude()`.
distanceTo(p) {
return Math.sqrt(this.squareDistanceTo(p));
* Returns the entry of this with the greatest magnitude.

@@ -67,2 +88,8 @@ *

* all entries of this vector.
* **Example**:
* ```ts,runnable,console
* import { Vec3 } from '@js-draw/math';
* console.log(Vec3.of(-1, -10, 8).maximumEntryMagnitude()); // -> 10
* ```

@@ -80,2 +107,3 @@ maximumEntryMagnitude() {

* **Example**:
* ```ts,runnable,console

@@ -82,0 +110,0 @@ * import { Vec2 } from '@js-draw/math';

@@ -20,3 +20,3 @@ /**

export { LineSegment2 } from './shapes/LineSegment2';
export { Path, PathCommandType, PathCommand, LinePathCommand, MoveToPathCommand, QuadraticBezierPathCommand, CubicBezierPathCommand, } from './shapes/Path';
export { Path, IntersectionResult as PathIntersectionResult, CurveIndexRecord as PathCurveIndex, PathCommandType, PathCommand, LinePathCommand, MoveToPathCommand, QuadraticBezierPathCommand, CubicBezierPathCommand, } from './shapes/Path';
export { Rect2 } from './shapes/Rect2';

@@ -23,0 +23,0 @@ export { QuadraticBezier } from './shapes/QuadraticBezier';

@@ -41,2 +41,5 @@ import LineSegment2 from './LineSegment2';

* Returns a bounding box that precisely fits the content of this shape.
* **Note**: This bounding box should aligned with the x/y axes. (Thus, it may be
* possible to find a tighter bounding box not axes-aligned).

@@ -43,0 +46,0 @@ abstract getTightBoundingBox(): Rect2;

import { Bezier } from 'bezier-js';
import { Point2, Vec2 } from '../Vec2';
import Abstract2DShape from './Abstract2DShape';
import LineSegment2 from './LineSegment2';
import Rect2 from './Rect2';
import Parameterized2DShape from './Parameterized2DShape';

@@ -12,9 +12,10 @@ * A lazy-initializing wrapper around Bezier-js.

* Do not use this class directly. It may be removed/replaced in a future release.
* **Do not use this class directly.** It may be removed/replaced in a future release.
* @internal
declare abstract class BezierJSWrapper extends Abstract2DShape {
export declare abstract class BezierJSWrapper extends Parameterized2DShape {
protected constructor(bezierJsBezier?: Bezier);
/** Returns the start, control points, and end point of this Bézier. */
abstract getPoints(): Point2[];
abstract getPoints(): readonly Point2[];
protected getBezier(): Bezier;

@@ -33,6 +34,15 @@ signedDistance(point: Point2): number;

derivativeAt(t: number): Point2;
secondDerivativeAt(t: number): Point2;
normal(t: number): Vec2;
normalAt(t: number): Vec2;
tangentAt(t: number): Vec2;
getTightBoundingBox(): Rect2;
intersectsLineSegment(line: LineSegment2): Point2[];
argIntersectsLineSegment(line: LineSegment2): number[];
splitAt(t: number): [BezierJSWrapper] | [BezierJSWrapper, BezierJSWrapper];
nearestPointTo(point: Point2): {
parameterValue: number;
point: import("../Vec3").Vec3;
toString(): string;
export default BezierJSWrapper;
import Mat33 from '../Mat33';
import Rect2 from './Rect2';
import { Vec2, Point2 } from '../Vec2';
import Abstract2DShape from './Abstract2DShape';
import Parameterized2DShape from './Parameterized2DShape';
import Vec3 from '../Vec3';
interface IntersectionResult {

@@ -10,3 +11,3 @@ point: Point2;

/** Represents a line segment. A `LineSegment2` is immutable. */
export declare class LineSegment2 extends Abstract2DShape {
export declare class LineSegment2 extends Parameterized2DShape {
private readonly point1;

@@ -32,4 +33,5 @@ private readonly point2;

get p2(): Point2;
get center(): Point2;
* Gets a point a distance `t` along this line.
* Gets a point a **distance** `t` along this line.

@@ -47,4 +49,16 @@ * @deprecated

at(t: number): Point2;
normalAt(_t: number): Vec2;
tangentAt(_t: number): Vec3;
splitAt(t: number): [LineSegment2] | [LineSegment2, LineSegment2];
* Returns the intersection of this with another line segment.
* **WARNING**: The parameter value returned by this method does not range from 0 to 1 and
* is currently a length.
* This will change in a future release.
* @deprecated
intersection(other: LineSegment2): IntersectionResult | null;
intersects(other: LineSegment2): boolean;
argIntersectsLineSegment(lineSegment: LineSegment2): number[];

@@ -58,4 +72,8 @@ * Returns the points at which this line segment intersects the

intersectsLineSegment(lineSegment: LineSegment2): import("../Vec3").Vec3[];
closestPointTo(target: Point2): import("../Vec3").Vec3;
intersectsLineSegment(lineSegment: LineSegment2): Vec3[];
closestPointTo(target: Point2): Vec3;
nearestPointTo(target: Vec3): {
point: Vec3;
parameterValue: number;

@@ -73,3 +91,14 @@ * Returns the distance from this line segment to `target`.

toString(): string;
* Returns `true` iff this is equivalent to `other`.
* **Options**:
* - `tolerance`: The maximum difference between endpoints. (Default: 0)
* - `ignoreDirection`: Allow matching a version of `this` with opposite direction. (Default: `true`)
eq(other: LineSegment2, options?: {
tolerance?: number;
ignoreDirection?: boolean;
}): boolean;
export default LineSegment2;

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ import LineSegment2 from './LineSegment2';

import { Point2 } from '../Vec2';
import Abstract2DShape from './Abstract2DShape';
import Parameterized2DShape from './Parameterized2DShape';
export declare enum PathCommandType {

@@ -33,9 +33,20 @@ LineTo = 0,

export type PathCommand = CubicBezierPathCommand | QuadraticBezierPathCommand | MoveToPathCommand | LinePathCommand;
interface IntersectionResult {
curve: Abstract2DShape;
/** @internal @deprecated */
export interface IntersectionResult {
curve: Parameterized2DShape;
curveIndex: number;
/** Parameter value for the closest point **on** the path to the intersection. @internal @deprecated */
parameterValue?: number;
/** Point at which the intersection occured. */
point: Point2;
* Allows indexing a particular part of a path.
* @see {@link} {@link Path.tangentAt}
export interface CurveIndexRecord {
curveIndex: number;
parameterValue: number;
* Represents a union of lines and curves.

@@ -62,3 +73,3 @@ */

private cachedGeometry;
get geometry(): Abstract2DShape[];
get geometry(): Parameterized2DShape[];

@@ -92,6 +103,27 @@ * Iterates through the start/end points of each component in this path.

intersection(line: LineSegment2, strokeRadius?: number): IntersectionResult[];
* @returns the nearest point on this path to the given `point`.
* @internal
* @beta
nearestPointTo(point: Point2): IntersectionResult;
at(index: CurveIndexRecord): import("../Vec3").Vec3;
tangentAt(index: CurveIndexRecord): import("../Vec3").Vec3;
private static mapPathCommand;
mapPoints(mapping: (point: Point2) => Point2): Path;
transformedBy(affineTransfm: Mat33): Path;
union(other: Path | null): Path;
union(other: Path | null, options?: {
allowReverse?: boolean;
}): Path;
* @returns a version of this path with the direction reversed.
* Example:
* ```ts,runnable,console
* import {Path} from '@js-draw/math';
* console.log(Path.fromString('m0,0l1,1').reversed()); // -> M1,1 L0,0
* ```
reversed(): Path;
private getEndPoint;

@@ -110,2 +142,4 @@ /**

closedRoughlyIntersects(rect: Rect2): boolean;
/** @returns true if all points on this are equivalent to the points on `other` */
eq(other: Path, tolerance?: number): boolean;

@@ -112,0 +146,0 @@ * Returns a path that outlines `rect`.

import { Point2 } from '../Vec2';
import Vec3 from '../Vec3';
import Abstract2DShape from './Abstract2DShape';
import LineSegment2 from './LineSegment2';
import Parameterized2DShape from './Parameterized2DShape';
import Rect2 from './Rect2';

@@ -11,9 +11,20 @@ /**

declare class PointShape2D extends Abstract2DShape {
declare class PointShape2D extends Parameterized2DShape {
readonly p: Point2;
constructor(p: Point2);
signedDistance(point: Vec3): number;
intersectsLineSegment(lineSegment: LineSegment2, epsilon?: number): Vec3[];
argIntersectsLineSegment(lineSegment: LineSegment2, epsilon?: number): number[];
getTightBoundingBox(): Rect2;
at(_t: number): Vec3;
* Returns an arbitrary unit-length vector.
normalAt(_t: number): Vec3;
tangentAt(_t: number): Vec3;
splitAt(_t: number): [PointShape2D];
nearestPointTo(_point: Point2): {
point: Vec3;
parameterValue: number;
export default PointShape2D;

@@ -21,7 +21,11 @@ import { Point2, Vec2 } from '../Vec2';

private static derivativeComponentAt;
private static secondDerivativeComponentAt;
* @returns the curve evaluated at `t`.
* `t` should be a number in `[0, 1]`.
at(t: number): Point2;
derivativeAt(t: number): Point2;
secondDerivativeAt(t: number): Point2;
normal(t: number): Vec2;

@@ -28,0 +32,0 @@ /** @returns an overestimate of this shape's bounding box. */

@@ -28,2 +28,5 @@ import LineSegment2 from './LineSegment2';

containsRect(other: Rect2): boolean;
* @returns true iff this and `other` overlap
intersects(other: Rect2): boolean;

@@ -30,0 +33,0 @@ intersection(other: Rect2): Rect2 | null;

@@ -39,2 +39,16 @@ /**

* Interpreting this vector as a point in ℝ^3, computes the square distance
* to another point, `p`.
* Equivalent to `.minus(p).magnitudeSquared()`.
squareDistanceTo(p: Vec3): number;
* Interpreting this vector as a point in ℝ³, returns the distance to the point
* `p`.
* Equivalent to `.minus(p).magnitude()`.
distanceTo(p: Vec3): number;
* Returns the entry of this with the greatest magnitude.

@@ -44,2 +58,8 @@ *

* all entries of this vector.
* **Example**:
* ```ts,runnable,console
* import { Vec3 } from '@js-draw/math';
* console.log(Vec3.of(-1, -10, 8).maximumEntryMagnitude()); // -> 10
* ```

@@ -55,2 +75,3 @@ maximumEntryMagnitude(): number;

* **Example**:
* ```ts,runnable,console

@@ -57,0 +78,0 @@ * import { Vec2 } from '@js-draw/math';

"name": "@js-draw/math",
"version": "1.16.0",
"version": "1.17.0",
"description": "A math library for js-draw. ",

@@ -24,4 +24,4 @@ "types": "./dist/mjs/lib.d.ts",

"dist": "npm run build && npm run dist-test",
"build": "rm -rf ./dist && mkdir dist && build-tool build",
"watch": "rm -rf ./dist/* && mkdir -p dist && build-tool watch"
"build": "rm -rf ./dist && build-tool build",
"watch": "build-tool watch"

@@ -32,3 +32,3 @@ "dependencies": {

"devDependencies": {
"@js-draw/build-tool": "^1.11.1",
"@js-draw/build-tool": "^1.17.0",
"@types/bezier-js": "4.1.0",

@@ -50,3 +50,3 @@ "@types/jest": "29.5.5",

"gitHead": "b0b6d7165d76582e1c197d0f56a10bfe6b46e2bc"
"gitHead": "d0eff585750ab5670af3acda8ddff090e8825bd3"

@@ -24,2 +24,4 @@ /**

IntersectionResult as PathIntersectionResult,
CurveIndexRecord as PathCurveIndex,

@@ -26,0 +28,0 @@ PathCommand,

@@ -52,2 +52,5 @@ import LineSegment2 from './LineSegment2';

* Returns a bounding box that precisely fits the content of this shape.
* **Note**: This bounding box should aligned with the x/y axes. (Thus, it may be
* possible to find a tighter bounding box not axes-aligned).

@@ -54,0 +57,0 @@ public abstract getTightBoundingBox(): Rect2;

import { Bezier } from 'bezier-js';
import { Point2, Vec2 } from '../Vec2';
import Abstract2DShape from './Abstract2DShape';
import LineSegment2 from './LineSegment2';
import Rect2 from './Rect2';
import Parameterized2DShape from './Parameterized2DShape';

@@ -13,10 +13,20 @@ /**

* Do not use this class directly. It may be removed/replaced in a future release.
* **Do not use this class directly.** It may be removed/replaced in a future release.
* @internal
abstract class BezierJSWrapper extends Abstract2DShape {
export abstract class BezierJSWrapper extends Parameterized2DShape {
#bezierJs: Bezier|null = null;
protected constructor(
bezierJsBezier?: Bezier
) {
if (bezierJsBezier) {
this.#bezierJs = bezierJsBezier;
/** Returns the start, control points, and end point of this Bézier. */
public abstract getPoints(): Point2[];
public abstract getPoints(): readonly Point2[];

@@ -32,3 +42,3 @@ protected getBezier() {

// .d: Distance
return this.getBezier().project(point.xy).d!;
return this.nearestPointTo(point).point.distanceTo(point);

@@ -49,3 +59,3 @@

public at(t: number): Point2 {
public override at(t: number): Point2 {
return Vec2.ofXY(this.getBezier().get(t));

@@ -58,2 +68,6 @@ }

public secondDerivativeAt(t: number): Point2 {
return Vec2.ofXY((this.getBezier() as any).dderivative(t));
public normal(t: number): Vec2 {

@@ -63,2 +77,10 @@ return Vec2.ofXY(this.getBezier().normal(t));

public override normalAt(t: number): Vec2 {
return this.normal(t);
public override tangentAt(t: number): Vec2 {
return this.derivativeAt(t).normalized();
public override getTightBoundingBox(): Rect2 {

@@ -72,6 +94,6 @@ const bbox = this.getBezier().bbox();

public override intersectsLineSegment(line: LineSegment2): Point2[] {
public override argIntersectsLineSegment(line: LineSegment2): number[] {
const bezier = this.getBezier();
const intersectionPoints = bezier.intersects(line).map(t => {
return bezier.intersects(line).map(t => {
// We're using the .intersects(line) function, which is documented

@@ -84,17 +106,135 @@ // to always return numbers. However, to satisfy the type checker (and

const point = Vec2.ofXY(bezier.get(t));
const point = Vec2.ofXY(;
// Ensure that the intersection is on the line segment
if (point.minus(line.p1).magnitude() > line.length
|| point.minus(line.p2).magnitude() > line.length) {
if (point.distanceTo(line.p1) > line.length
|| point.distanceTo(line.p2) > line.length) {
return null;
return point;
}).filter(entry => entry !== null) as Point2[];
return t;
}).filter(entry => entry !== null) as number[];
return intersectionPoints;
public override splitAt(t: number): [BezierJSWrapper] | [BezierJSWrapper, BezierJSWrapper] {
if (t <= 0 || t >= 1) {
return [ this ];
const bezier = this.getBezier();
const split = bezier.split(t);
return [
new BezierJSWrapperImpl( => Vec2.ofXY(point)), split.left),
new BezierJSWrapperImpl( => Vec2.ofXY(point)), split.right),
public override nearestPointTo(point: Point2) {
// One implementation could be similar to this:
// const projection = this.getBezier().project(point);
// return {
// point: Vec2.ofXY(projection),
// parameterValue: projection.t!,
// };
// However, Bezier-js is rather impercise (and relies on a lookup table).
// Thus, we instead use Newton's Method:
// We want to find t such that f(t) = |B(t) - p|² is minimized.
// Expanding,
// f(t) = (Bₓ(t) - pₓ)² + (Bᵧ(t) - pᵧ)²
// ⇒ f'(t) = Dₜ(Bₓ(t) - pₓ)² + Dₜ(Bᵧ(t) - pᵧ)²
// ⇒ f'(t) = 2(Bₓ(t) - pₓ)(Bₓ'(t)) + 2(Bᵧ(t) - pᵧ)(Bᵧ'(t))
// = 2Bₓ(t)Bₓ'(t) - 2pₓBₓ'(t) + 2Bᵧ(t)Bᵧ'(t) - 2pᵧBᵧ'(t)
// ⇒ f''(t)= 2Bₓ'(t)Bₓ'(t) + 2Bₓ(t)Bₓ''(t) - 2pₓBₓ''(t) + 2Bᵧ'(t)Bᵧ'(t)
// + 2Bᵧ(t)Bᵧ''(t) - 2pᵧBᵧ''(t)
// Because f'(t) = 0 at relative extrema, we can use Newton's Method
// to improve on an initial guess.
const sqrDistAt = (t: number) => point.squareDistanceTo(;
const yIntercept = sqrDistAt(0);
let t = 0;
let minSqrDist = yIntercept;
// Start by testing a few points:
const pointsToTest = 4;
for (let i = 0; i < pointsToTest; i ++) {
const testT = i / (pointsToTest - 1);
const testMinSqrDist = sqrDistAt(testT);
if (testMinSqrDist < minSqrDist) {
t = testT;
minSqrDist = testMinSqrDist;
// To use Newton's Method, we need to evaluate the second derivative of the distance
// function:
const secondDerivativeAt = (t: number) => {
// f''(t) = 2Bₓ'(t)Bₓ'(t) + 2Bₓ(t)Bₓ''(t) - 2pₓBₓ''(t)
// + 2Bᵧ'(t)Bᵧ'(t) + 2Bᵧ(t)Bᵧ''(t) - 2pᵧBᵧ''(t)
const b =;
const bPrime = this.derivativeAt(t);
const bPrimePrime = this.secondDerivativeAt(t);
return (
2 * bPrime.x * bPrime.x + 2 * b.x * bPrimePrime.x - 2 * point.x * bPrimePrime.x
+ 2 * bPrime.y * bPrime.y + 2 * b.y * bPrimePrime.y - 2 * point.y * bPrimePrime.y
// Because we're zeroing f'(t), we also need to be able to compute it:
const derivativeAt = (t: number) => {
// f'(t) = 2Bₓ(t)Bₓ'(t) - 2pₓBₓ'(t) + 2Bᵧ(t)Bᵧ'(t) - 2pᵧBᵧ'(t)
const b =;
const bPrime = this.derivativeAt(t);
return (
2 * b.x * bPrime.x - 2 * point.x * bPrime.x
+ 2 * b.y * bPrime.y - 2 * point.y * bPrime.y
const iterate = () => {
const slope = secondDerivativeAt(t);
// We intersect a line through the point on f'(t) at t with the x-axis:
// y = m(x - x₀) + y₀
// ⇒ x - x₀ = (y - y₀) / m
// ⇒ x = (y - y₀) / m + x₀
// Thus, when zeroed,
// tN = (0 - f'(t)) / m + t
const newT = (0 - derivativeAt(t)) / slope + t;
//const distDiff = sqrDistAt(newT) - sqrDistAt(t);
//console.assert(distDiff <= 0, `${-distDiff} >= 0`);
t = newT;
if (t > 1) {
t = 1;
} else if (t < 0) {
t = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
return { parameterValue: t, point: };
public override toString() {
return `Bézier(${this.getPoints().map(point => point.toString()).join(', ')})`;
* Private concrete implementation of `BezierJSWrapper`, used by methods above that need to return a wrapper
* around a `Bezier`.
class BezierJSWrapperImpl extends BezierJSWrapper {
public constructor(private controlPoints: readonly Point2[], curve?: Bezier) {
public override getPoints() {
return this.controlPoints;
export default BezierJSWrapper;

@@ -31,3 +31,3 @@ import LineSegment2 from './LineSegment2';

// t=10 implies 10 units along he line from (10, 10) to (-10, 10)
// t=10 implies 10 units along the line from (10, 10) to (-10, 10)

@@ -100,2 +100,36 @@

{ from: Vec2.of(0, 0), to: Vec2.of(2, 2) },
{ from: Vec2.of(100, 0), to: Vec2.of(2, 2) },
])('should be able to split a line segment between %j', ({ from, to }) => {
const midpoint = from.lerp(to, 0.5);
const lineSegment = new LineSegment2(from, to);
// Halving
const [ firstHalf, secondHalf ] = lineSegment.splitAt(0.5);
if (!secondHalf) {
throw new Error('Splitting a line segment in half should yield two line segments.');
// Before start/end
it('equivalence check should allow ignoring direction', () => {
expect(new LineSegment2(, Vec2.unitX)).objEq(new LineSegment2(, Vec2.unitX));
expect(new LineSegment2(, Vec2.unitX)).objEq(new LineSegment2(Vec2.unitX,;
expect(new LineSegment2(, Vec2.unitX)).not.objEq(new LineSegment2(Vec2.unitX,, { ignoreDirection: false });
import Mat33 from '../Mat33';
import Rect2 from './Rect2';
import { Vec2, Point2 } from '../Vec2';
import Abstract2DShape from './Abstract2DShape';
import Parameterized2DShape from './Parameterized2DShape';
import Vec3 from '../Vec3';

@@ -12,3 +13,3 @@ interface IntersectionResult {

/** Represents a line segment. A `LineSegment2` is immutable. */
export class LineSegment2 extends Abstract2DShape {
export class LineSegment2 extends Parameterized2DShape {
// invariant: ||direction|| = 1

@@ -62,4 +63,8 @@

public get center(): Point2 {
return this.point1.lerp(this.point2, 0.5);
* Gets a point a distance `t` along this line.
* Gets a point a **distance** `t` along this line.

@@ -79,7 +84,36 @@ * @deprecated

public at(t: number): Point2 {
public override at(t: number): Point2 {
return this.get(t * this.length);
public override normalAt(_t: number): Vec2 {
return this.direction.orthog();
public override tangentAt(_t: number): Vec3 {
return this.direction;
public splitAt(t: number): [LineSegment2]|[LineSegment2,LineSegment2] {
if (t <= 0 || t >= 1) {
return [this];
return [
new LineSegment2(this.point1,,
new LineSegment2(, this.point2),
* Returns the intersection of this with another line segment.
* **WARNING**: The parameter value returned by this method does not range from 0 to 1 and
* is currently a length.
* This will change in a future release.
* @deprecated
public intersection(other: LineSegment2): IntersectionResult|null {
// TODO(v2.0.0): Make this return a `t` value from `0` to `1`.
// We want x₁(t) = x₂(t) and y₁(t) = y₂(t)

@@ -152,6 +186,6 @@ // Observe that

// Ensure the result is in this/the other segment.
const resultToP1 = resultPoint.minus(this.point1).magnitude();
const resultToP2 = resultPoint.minus(this.point2).magnitude();
const resultToP3 = resultPoint.minus(other.point1).magnitude();
const resultToP4 = resultPoint.minus(other.point2).magnitude();
const resultToP1 = resultPoint.distanceTo(this.point1);
const resultToP2 = resultPoint.distanceTo(this.point2);
const resultToP3 = resultPoint.distanceTo(other.point1);
const resultToP4 = resultPoint.distanceTo(other.point2);
if (resultToP1 > this.length

@@ -174,2 +208,11 @@ || resultToP2 > this.length

public override argIntersectsLineSegment(lineSegment: LineSegment2) {
const intersection = this.intersection(lineSegment);
if (intersection) {
return [ intersection.t / this.length ];
return [];

@@ -194,2 +237,6 @@ * Returns the points at which this line segment intersects the

public closestPointTo(target: Point2) {
return this.nearestPointTo(target).point;
public override nearestPointTo(target: Vec3): { point: Vec3; parameterValue: number; } {
// Distance from P1 along this' direction.

@@ -202,9 +249,9 @@ const projectedDistFromP1 = target.minus(this.p1).dot(this.direction);

if (projectedDistFromP1 > 0 && projectedDistFromP1 < this.length) {
return projection;
return { point: projection, parameterValue: projectedDistFromP1 / this.length };
if (Math.abs(projectedDistFromP2) < Math.abs(projectedDistFromP1)) {
return this.p2;
return { point: this.p2, parameterValue: 1 };
} else {
return this.p1;
return { point: this.p1, parameterValue: 0 };

@@ -238,3 +285,24 @@ }

* Returns `true` iff this is equivalent to `other`.
* **Options**:
* - `tolerance`: The maximum difference between endpoints. (Default: 0)
* - `ignoreDirection`: Allow matching a version of `this` with opposite direction. (Default: `true`)
public eq(other: LineSegment2, options?: { tolerance?: number, ignoreDirection?: boolean }) {
if (!(other instanceof LineSegment2)) {
return false;
const tolerance = options?.tolerance;
const ignoreDirection = options?.ignoreDirection ?? true;
return (
(other.p1.eq(this.p1, tolerance) && other.p2.eq(this.p2, tolerance))
|| (ignoreDirection && other.p1.eq(this.p2, tolerance) && other.p2.eq(this.p1, tolerance))
export default LineSegment2;

@@ -63,2 +63,20 @@ import LineSegment2 from './LineSegment2';

[ 'm0,0 L1,1', 'M0,0 L1,1', true ],
[ 'm0,0 L1,1', 'M1,1 L0,0', false ],
[ 'm0,0 L1,1 Q2,3 4,5', 'M1,1 L0,0', false ],
[ 'm0,0 L1,1 Q2,3 4,5', 'M1,1 L0,0 Q2,3 4,5', false ],
[ 'm0,0 L1,1 Q2,3 4,5', 'M0,0 L1,1 Q2,3 4,5', true ],
[ 'm0,0 L1,1 Q2,3 4,5 C4,5 6,7 8,9', 'M0,0 L1,1 Q2,3 4,5 C4,5 6,7 8,9', true ],
[ 'm0,0 L1,1 Q2,3 4,5 C4,5 6,7 8,9Z', 'M0,0 L1,1 Q2,3 4,5 C4,5 6,7 8,9', false ],
[ 'm0,0 L1,1 Q2,3 4,5 C4,5 6,7 8,9', 'M0,0 L1,1 Q2,3 4,5 C4,5 6,7 8,9Z', false ],
[ 'm0,0 L1,1 Q2,3 4,5 C4,5 6,7 8,9', 'M0,0 L1,1 Q2,3 4,5 C4,5 6,7 8,9.01', false ],
[ 'm0,0 L1,1 Q2,3 4,5 C4,5 6,7 8,9', 'M0,0 L1,1 Q2,3 4,5 C4,5 6,7.01 8,9', false ],
[ 'm0,0 L1,1 Q2,3 4,5 C4,5 6,7 8,9', 'M0,0 L1,1 Q2,3 4,5 C4,5.01 6,7 8,9', false ],
])('.eq should check equality', (path1Str, path2Str, shouldEqual) => {
describe('intersection', () => {

@@ -183,3 +201,3 @@ it('should give all intersections for a path made up of lines', () => {

it('should give all intersections for a Bézier stroked path', () => {
it('should correctly report intersections for a simple Bézier curve path', () => {
const lineStart =;

@@ -201,3 +219,3 @@ const path = new Path(lineStart, [


@@ -208,4 +226,27 @@ // Should be an intersection when exiting/entering the edge of the stroke

it('should correctly report intersections near the cap of a line-like Bézier', () => {
const path = Path.fromString('M0,0Q14,0 27,0');
new LineSegment2(Vec2.of(0, -100), Vec2.of(0, 100)),
// Should have intersections, despite being at the cap of the Bézier
// curve.
[new LineSegment2(Vec2.of(43.5,-12.5), Vec2.of(40.5,24.5)), 0],
// TODO: The below case is failing. It seems to be a Bezier-js bug though...
// (The Bézier.js method returns an empty array).
//[new LineSegment2(Vec2.of(35.5,19.5), Vec2.of(38.5,-17.5)), 0],
])('should correctly report positive intersections with a line-like Bézier', (line, strokeRadius) => {
const bezier = Path.fromString('M0,0 Q50,0 100,0');
expect(bezier.intersection(line, strokeRadius).length).toBeGreaterThan(0);

@@ -313,2 +354,21 @@

[ 'm0,0 L1,1', 'M1,1 L0,0' ],
[ 'm0,0 L1,1', 'M1,1 L0,0' ],
[ 'M0,0 L1,1 Q2,2 3,3', 'M3,3 Q2,2 1,1 L0,0' ],
[ 'M0,0 L1,1 Q4,2 5,3 C12,13 10,9 8,7', 'M8,7 C 10,9 12,13 5,3 Q 4,2 1,1 L 0,0' ],
])('.reversed should reverse paths', (original, expected) => {
[ 'm0,0 l1,0', Vec2.of(0, 0), Vec2.of(0, 0) ],
[ 'm0,0 l1,0', Vec2.of(0.5, 0), Vec2.of(0.5, 0) ],
[ 'm0,0 Q1,0 1,2', Vec2.of(1, 0), Vec2.of(0.6236, 0.299) ],
])('.nearestPointTo should return the closest point on a path to the given parameter (case %#)', (path, point, expectedClosest) => {
expect(Path.fromString(path).nearestPointTo(point).point).objEq(expectedClosest, 0.002);

@@ -5,3 +5,2 @@ import LineSegment2 from './LineSegment2';

import { Point2, Vec2 } from '../Vec2';
import Abstract2DShape from './Abstract2DShape';
import CubicBezier from './CubicBezier';

@@ -12,2 +11,3 @@ import QuadraticBezier from './QuadraticBezier';

import toStringOfSamePrecision from '../rounding/toStringOfSamePrecision';
import Parameterized2DShape from './Parameterized2DShape';

@@ -46,10 +46,12 @@ export enum PathCommandType {

interface IntersectionResult {
export interface IntersectionResult {
// @internal
curve: Abstract2DShape;
curve: Parameterized2DShape;
// @internal
curveIndex: number;
/** @internal @deprecated */
/** Parameter value for the closest point **on** the path to the intersection. @internal @deprecated */
parameterValue?: number;
// Point at which the intersection occured.
/** Point at which the intersection occured. */
point: Point2;

@@ -59,2 +61,12 @@ }

* Allows indexing a particular part of a path.
* @see {@link} {@link Path.tangentAt}
export interface CurveIndexRecord {
curveIndex: number;
parameterValue: number;
* Represents a union of lines and curves.

@@ -104,6 +116,6 @@ */

private cachedGeometry: Abstract2DShape[]|null = null;
private cachedGeometry: Parameterized2DShape[]|null = null;
// Lazy-loads and returns this path's geometry
public get geometry(): Abstract2DShape[] {
public get geometry(): Parameterized2DShape[] {
if (this.cachedGeometry) {

@@ -114,3 +126,3 @@ return this.cachedGeometry;

let startPoint = this.startPoint;
const geometry: Abstract2DShape[] = [];
const geometry: Parameterized2DShape[] = [];

@@ -279,3 +291,3 @@ for (const part of {

type DistanceFunctionRecord = {
part: Abstract2DShape,
part: Parameterized2DShape,
bbox: Rect2,

@@ -319,5 +331,5 @@ distFn: DistanceFunction,

// line could intersect are considered.
const sdf = (point: Point2): [Abstract2DShape|null, number] => {
const sdf = (point: Point2): [Parameterized2DShape|null, number] => {
let minDist = Infinity;
let minDistPart: Abstract2DShape|null = null;
let minDistPart: Parameterized2DShape|null = null;

@@ -349,3 +361,3 @@ const uncheckedDistFunctions: DistanceFunctionRecord[] = [];

// the current minimum.
if (!bbox.grownBy(minDist).containsPoint(point)) {
if (isFinite(minDist) && !bbox.grownBy(minDist).containsPoint(point)) {

@@ -400,3 +412,3 @@ }

// Returns the maximum x value explored
// Returns the maximum parameter value explored
const raymarchFrom = (

@@ -459,5 +471,11 @@ startPoint: Point2,

point: currentPoint,
parameterValue: NaN,
parameterValue: NaN,// lastPart.nearestPointTo(currentPoint).parameterValue,
curve: lastPart,
curveIndex: this.geometry.indexOf(lastPart),
// Slightly increase the parameter value to prevent the same point from being
// added to the results twice.
const parameterIncrease = strokeRadius / 20 / line.length;
lastParameter += isFinite(parameterIncrease) ? parameterIncrease : 0;

@@ -503,11 +521,16 @@

let index = 0;
for (const part of this.geometry) {
const intersection = part.intersectsLineSegment(line);
const intersections = part.argIntersectsLineSegment(line);
if (intersection.length > 0) {
for (const intersection of intersections) {
curve: part,
point: intersection[0],
curveIndex: index,
parameterValue: intersection,
index ++;

@@ -528,2 +551,43 @@

* @returns the nearest point on this path to the given `point`.
* @internal
* @beta
public nearestPointTo(point: Point2): IntersectionResult {
// Find the closest point on this
let closestSquareDist = Infinity;
let closestPartIndex = 0;
let closestParameterValue = 0;
let closestPoint: Point2 = this.startPoint;
for (let i = 0; i < this.geometry.length; i++) {
const current = this.geometry[i];
const nearestPoint = current.nearestPointTo(point);
const sqareDist = nearestPoint.point.squareDistanceTo(point);
if (i === 0 || sqareDist < closestSquareDist) {
closestPartIndex = i;
closestSquareDist = sqareDist;
closestParameterValue = nearestPoint.parameterValue;
closestPoint = nearestPoint.point;
return {
curve: this.geometry[closestPartIndex],
curveIndex: closestPartIndex,
parameterValue: closestParameterValue,
point: closestPoint,
public at(index: CurveIndexRecord) {
return this.geometry[index.curveIndex].at(index.parameterValue);
public tangentAt(index: CurveIndexRecord) {
return this.geometry[index.curveIndex].tangentAt(index.parameterValue);
private static mapPathCommand(part: PathCommand, mapping: (point: Point2)=> Point2): PathCommand {

@@ -579,3 +643,9 @@ switch (part.kind) {

// Creates a new path by joining [other] to the end of this path
public union(other: Path|null): Path {
public union(
other: Path|null,
// allowReverse: true iff reversing other or this is permitted if it means
// no moveTo command is necessary when unioning the paths.
options: { allowReverse?: boolean } = { allowReverse: true },
): Path {
if (!other) {

@@ -585,10 +655,73 @@ return this;

return new Path(this.startPoint, [,
const thisEnd = this.getEndPoint();
let newParts: Readonly<PathCommand>[] = [];
if (thisEnd.eq(other.startPoint)) {
newParts =;
} else if (options.allowReverse && this.startPoint.eq(other.getEndPoint())) {
return other.union(this, { allowReverse: false });
} else if (options.allowReverse && this.startPoint.eq(other.startPoint)) {
return this.union(other.reversed(), { allowReverse: false });
} else {
newParts = [,
kind: PathCommandType.MoveTo,
point: other.startPoint,
return new Path(this.startPoint, newParts);
* @returns a version of this path with the direction reversed.
* Example:
* ```ts,runnable,console
* import {Path} from '@js-draw/math';
* console.log(Path.fromString('m0,0l1,1').reversed()); // -> M1,1 L0,0
* ```
public reversed() {
const newStart = this.getEndPoint();
const newParts: Readonly<PathCommand>[] = [];
let lastPoint: Point2 = this.startPoint;
for (const part of {
switch (part.kind) {
case PathCommandType.LineTo:
case PathCommandType.MoveTo:
kind: part.kind,
point: lastPoint,
lastPoint = part.point;
case PathCommandType.CubicBezierTo:
kind: part.kind,
controlPoint1: part.controlPoint2,
controlPoint2: part.controlPoint1,
endPoint: lastPoint,
lastPoint = part.endPoint;
case PathCommandType.QuadraticBezierTo:
kind: part.kind,
controlPoint: part.controlPoint,
endPoint: lastPoint,
lastPoint = part.endPoint;
kind: PathCommandType.MoveTo,
point: other.startPoint,
const exhaustivenessCheck: never = part;
return exhaustivenessCheck;
return new Path(newStart, newParts);

@@ -700,2 +833,53 @@

/** @returns true if all points on this are equivalent to the points on `other` */
public eq(other: Path, tolerance?: number) {
if ( !== {
return false;
for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
const part1 =[i];
const part2 =[i];
switch (part1.kind) {
case PathCommandType.LineTo:
case PathCommandType.MoveTo:
if (part1.kind !== part2.kind) {
return false;
} else if(!part1.point.eq(part2.point, tolerance)) {
return false;
case PathCommandType.CubicBezierTo:
if (part1.kind !== part2.kind) {
return false;
} else if (
!part1.controlPoint1.eq(part2.controlPoint1, tolerance)
|| !part1.controlPoint2.eq(part2.controlPoint2, tolerance)
|| !part1.endPoint.eq(part2.endPoint, tolerance)
) {
return false;
case PathCommandType.QuadraticBezierTo:
if (part1.kind !== part2.kind) {
return false;
} else if (
!part1.controlPoint.eq(part2.controlPoint, tolerance)
|| !part1.endPoint.eq(part2.endPoint, tolerance)
) {
return false;
const exhaustivenessCheck: never = part1;
return exhaustivenessCheck;
return true;

@@ -702,0 +886,0 @@ * Returns a path that outlines `rect`.

@@ -1,5 +0,5 @@

import { Point2 } from '../Vec2';
import { Point2, Vec2 } from '../Vec2';
import Vec3 from '../Vec3';
import Abstract2DShape from './Abstract2DShape';
import LineSegment2 from './LineSegment2';
import Parameterized2DShape from './Parameterized2DShape';
import Rect2 from './Rect2';

@@ -12,3 +12,3 @@

class PointShape2D extends Abstract2DShape {
class PointShape2D extends Parameterized2DShape {
public constructor(public readonly p: Point2) {

@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ super();

public override signedDistance(point: Vec3): number {
return this.p.minus(point).magnitude();
return this.p.distanceTo(point);
public override intersectsLineSegment(lineSegment: LineSegment2, epsilon?: number): Vec3[] {
public override argIntersectsLineSegment(lineSegment: LineSegment2, epsilon?: number): number[] {
if (lineSegment.containsPoint(this.p, epsilon)) {
return [ this.p ];
return [ 0 ];

@@ -33,4 +33,31 @@ return [ ];

public override at(_t: number) {
return this.p;
* Returns an arbitrary unit-length vector.
public override normalAt(_t: number) {
// Return a vector that makes sense.
return Vec2.unitY;
public override tangentAt(_t: number): Vec3 {
return Vec2.unitX;
public override splitAt(_t: number): [PointShape2D] {
return [this];
public override nearestPointTo(_point: Point2) {
return {
point: this.p,
parameterValue: 0,
export default PointShape2D;

@@ -5,9 +5,8 @@ import { Vec2 } from '../Vec2';

describe('QuadraticBezier', () => {
it('approxmiateDistance should approximately return the distance to the curve', () => {
const curves = [
new QuadraticBezier(, Vec2.of(10, 0), Vec2.of(20, 0)),
new QuadraticBezier(Vec2.of(-10, 0), Vec2.of(2, 10), Vec2.of(20, 0)),
new QuadraticBezier(Vec2.of(0, 0), Vec2.of(4, -10), Vec2.of(20, 60)),
new QuadraticBezier(Vec2.of(0, 0), Vec2.of(4, -10), Vec2.of(-20, 60)),
new QuadraticBezier(, Vec2.of(10, 0), Vec2.of(20, 0)),
new QuadraticBezier(Vec2.of(-10, 0), Vec2.of(2, 10), Vec2.of(20, 0)),
new QuadraticBezier(Vec2.of(0, 0), Vec2.of(4, -10), Vec2.of(20, 60)),
new QuadraticBezier(Vec2.of(0, 0), Vec2.of(4, -10), Vec2.of(-20, 60)),
])('approxmiateDistance should approximately return the distance to the curve (%s)', (curve) => {
const testPoints = [

@@ -22,9 +21,46 @@ Vec2.of(1, 1),

for (const point of testPoints) {
const actualDist = curve.distance(point);
const approxDist = curve.approximateDistance(point);
expect(approxDist).toBeGreaterThan(actualDist * 0.6 - 0.25);
expect(approxDist).toBeLessThan(actualDist * 1.5 + 2.6);
[ new QuadraticBezier(, Vec2.unitX, Vec2.unitY),, 0 ],
[ new QuadraticBezier(, Vec2.unitX, Vec2.unitY), Vec2.unitY, 1 ],
[ new QuadraticBezier(, Vec2.of(0.5, 0), Vec2.of(1, 0)), Vec2.of(0.4, 0), 0.4],
[ new QuadraticBezier(, Vec2.of(0, 0.5), Vec2.of(0, 1)), Vec2.of(0, 0.4), 0.4],
[ new QuadraticBezier(, Vec2.unitX, Vec2.unitY), Vec2.unitX, 0.42514 ],
// Should not return an out-of-range parameter
[ new QuadraticBezier(, Vec2.of(0, 0.5), Vec2.unitY), Vec2.of(0, -1000), 0 ],
[ new QuadraticBezier(, Vec2.of(0, 0.5), Vec2.unitY), Vec2.of(0, 1000), 1 ],
])('nearestPointTo should return the nearest point and parameter value on %s to %s', (bezier, point, expectedParameter) => {
const nearest = bezier.nearestPointTo(point);
expect(nearest.parameterValue).toBeCloseTo(expectedParameter, 0.0001);
test('.normalAt should return a unit normal vector at the given parameter value', () => {
const curves = [
new QuadraticBezier(, Vec2.unitY, Vec2.unitY.times(2)),
new QuadraticBezier(, Vec2.unitX, Vec2.unitY),
new QuadraticBezier(, Vec2.unitX, Vec2.unitY.times(-2)),
new QuadraticBezier(Vec2.of(2, 3), Vec2.of(4, 5.1), Vec2.of(6, 7)),
new QuadraticBezier(Vec2.of(2, 3), Vec2.of(100, 1000), Vec2.unitY.times(-2)),
for (const curve of curves) {
for (const point of testPoints) {
const actualDist = curve.distance(point);
const approxDist = curve.approximateDistance(point);
for (let t = 0; t < 1; t += 0.1) {
const normal = curve.normalAt(t);
expect(approxDist).toBeGreaterThan(actualDist * 0.6 - 0.25);
expect(approxDist).toBeLessThan(actualDist * 1.5 + 2.6);
const tangentApprox = + 0.001).minus( - 0.001));
// The tangent vector should be perpindicular to the normal

@@ -31,0 +67,0 @@ }

@@ -33,6 +33,15 @@ import { Point2, Vec2 } from '../Vec2';

private static secondDerivativeComponentAt(t: number, p0: number, p1: number, p2: number) {
return 2 * (p0 - 2 * p1 + p2);
* @returns the curve evaluated at `t`.
* `t` should be a number in `[0, 1]`.
public override at(t: number): Point2 {
if (t === 0) return this.p0;
if (t === 1) return this.p2;
const p0 = this.p0;

@@ -57,2 +66,12 @@ const p1 = this.p1;

public override secondDerivativeAt(t: number): Point2 {
const p0 = this.p0;
const p1 = this.p1;
const p2 = this.p2;
return Vec2.of(
QuadraticBezier.secondDerivativeComponentAt(t, p0.x, p1.x, p2.x),
QuadraticBezier.secondDerivativeComponentAt(t, p0.y, p1.y, p2.y),
public override normal(t: number): Vec2 {

@@ -131,8 +150,7 @@ const tangent = this.derivativeAt(t);

const at2 =;
const sqrDist1 = at1.minus(point).magnitudeSquared();
const sqrDist2 = at2.minus(point).magnitudeSquared();
const sqrDist3 =;
const sqrDist4 =;
const sqrDist1 = at1.squareDistanceTo(point);
const sqrDist2 = at2.squareDistanceTo(point);
const sqrDist3 =;
const sqrDist4 =;
return Math.sqrt(Math.min(sqrDist1, sqrDist2, sqrDist3, sqrDist4));

@@ -139,0 +157,0 @@ }

@@ -70,2 +70,5 @@ import LineSegment2 from './LineSegment2';

* @returns true iff this and `other` overlap
public intersects(other: Rect2): boolean {

@@ -185,3 +188,3 @@ // Project along x/y axes.

for (const point of closestEdgePoints) {
const dist = point.minus(target).length();
const dist = point.distanceTo(target);
if (closestDist === null || dist < closestDist) {

@@ -188,0 +191,0 @@ closest = point;

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@

describe('Vec3', () => {
it('.xy should contain the x and y components', () => {
test('.xy should contain the x and y components', () => {
const vec = Vec3.of(1, 2, 3);

@@ -14,3 +14,3 @@ expect(vec.xy).toMatchObject({

it('should be combinable with other vectors via .zip', () => {
test('should be combinable with other vectors via .zip', () => {
const vec1 = Vec3.unitX;

@@ -22,3 +22,3 @@ const vec2 = Vec3.unitY;

it('.cross should obey the right hand rule', () => {
test('.cross should obey the right hand rule', () => {
const vec1 = Vec3.unitX;

@@ -30,3 +30,3 @@ const vec2 = Vec3.unitY;

it('.orthog should return an orthogonal vector', () => {
test('.orthog should return an orthogonal vector', () => {

@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@

it('.minus should return the difference between two vectors', () => {
test('.minus should return the difference between two vectors', () => {
expect(Vec3.of(1, 2, 3).minus(Vec3.of(4, 5, 6))).objEq(Vec3.of(1 - 4, 2 - 5, 3 - 6));
it('.orthog should return a unit vector', () => {
test('.orthog should return a unit vector', () => {

@@ -50,3 +50,3 @@ expect(Vec3.unitZ.orthog().magnitude()).toBe(1);

it('.normalizedOrZero should normalize the given vector or return zero', () => {
test('.normalizedOrZero should normalize the given vector or return zero', () => {

@@ -57,2 +57,21 @@ expect(Vec3.unitX.normalizedOrZero()).objEq(Vec3.unitX);

{ from: Vec3.of(1, 1, 1), to: Vec3.of(1, 2, 1), expected: 1 },
{ from: Vec3.of(1, 1, 1), to: Vec3.of(1, 2, 2), expected: 2 },
{ from: Vec3.of(1, 1, 1), to: Vec3.of(2, 2, 2), expected: 3 },
{ from: Vec3.of(1, 1, 1), to: Vec3.of(0, 1, 1), expected: 1 },
{ from: Vec3.of(1, 1, 1), to: Vec3.of(0, 1, 0), expected: 2 },
{ from: Vec3.of(1, 1, 1), to: Vec3.of(0, 0, 0), expected: 3 },
{ from: Vec3.of(-1, -10, 0), to: Vec3.of(1, 2, 0), expected: 148 },
'.squareDistanceTo and .distanceTo should return correct square and euclidean distances (%j)',
({ from , to, expected }) => {

@@ -67,2 +67,25 @@

* Interpreting this vector as a point in ℝ^3, computes the square distance
* to another point, `p`.
* Equivalent to `.minus(p).magnitudeSquared()`.
public squareDistanceTo(p: Vec3) {
const dx = this.x - p.x;
const dy = this.y - p.y;
const dz = this.z - p.z;
return dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
* Interpreting this vector as a point in ℝ³, returns the distance to the point
* `p`.
* Equivalent to `.minus(p).magnitude()`.
public distanceTo(p: Vec3) {
return Math.sqrt(this.squareDistanceTo(p));
* Returns the entry of this with the greatest magnitude.

@@ -72,2 +95,8 @@ *

* all entries of this vector.
* **Example**:
* ```ts,runnable,console
* import { Vec3 } from '@js-draw/math';
* console.log(Vec3.of(-1, -10, 8).maximumEntryMagnitude()); // -> 10
* ```

@@ -86,2 +115,3 @@ public maximumEntryMagnitude(): number {

* **Example**:
* ```ts,runnable,console

@@ -88,0 +118,0 @@ * import { Vec2 } from '@js-draw/math';

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