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@jsonlang/core - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.1 to 0.0.2



import { RuleCore } from '../core';
export declare class JsonLang extends RuleCore {
private mathRules;
private logicalRules;
private objectRules;
private arrayRules;
private registerBuiltinRules;



@@ -17,27 +17,2 @@ "use strict";

var __read = (this && this.__read) || function (o, n) {
var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
if (!m) return o;
var i =, r, ar = [], e;
try {
while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = ar.push(r.value);
catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }
finally {
try {
if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"]));
finally { if (e) throw e.error; }
return ar;
var __spreadArray = (this && this.__spreadArray) || function (to, from, pack) {
if (pack || arguments.length === 2) for (var i = 0, l = from.length, ar; i < l; i++) {
if (ar || !(i in from)) {
if (!ar) ar =, 0, i);
ar[i] = from[i];
return to.concat(ar ||;
exports.__esModule = true;

@@ -51,14 +26,3 @@ exports.JsonLang = void 0;

var _this = || this;
_this.registerBuiltinRules = function () {
var mathRules = _this.mathRules.getRules();
var logicalRules = _this.logicalRules.getRules();
var objectRules = _this.objectRules.getRules();
var arrayRules = _this.arrayRules.getRules();
_this.registerMany(new Map(__spreadArray(__spreadArray(__spreadArray(__spreadArray([], __read(mathRules), false), __read(logicalRules), false), __read(objectRules), false), __read(arrayRules), false)));
_this.mathRules = new rule_1.MathRules();
_this.logicalRules = new rule_1.LogicalRules();
_this.objectRules = new rule_1.ObjectRules();
_this.arrayRules = new rule_1.ArrayRules();
return _this;

@@ -65,0 +29,0 @@ }

@@ -1,20 +0,21 @@

import { IJsonLangParams, IRulesCore, RuleHandler, RuleIdentifier, RuleResult, Rules } from './core.types';
export declare class RuleCore implements IRulesCore {
import { IJsonLangParams, RuleHandler, RuleResult, Rules, RuleDefinition, JsonLangOptions, SyncJsonLangOptions, AsyncJsonLangOptions } from './core.types';
export declare class RuleCore {
private rules;
private ruleIds;
private rulesDefinitions;
private sync;
constructor(options?: JsonLangOptions);
* @param {IJsonLangParams} jsonLang
* @param {Object} data.
* @returns {RuleResult}
* @description is the `Sync` version of jsonLang, use it to run all builtin rules and any extended `Sync` Rules
* @returns {Promise<RuleResult> | RuleResult}
* @description use it to run all rules and any extended `Sync/Async` Rules
execute(rules: IJsonLangParams, data?: {}): RuleResult;
execute(rules: IJsonLangParams, data?: {}, options?: AsyncJsonLangOptions): Promise<RuleResult>;
execute(rules: IJsonLangParams, data?: {}, options?: SyncJsonLangOptions): RuleResult;
* @param {IJsonLangParams} jsonLang
* @param {Object} data.
* @returns {Promise<RuleResult>}
* @description is the `Async` version of jsonLang, use it to run all builtin rules and any extended `Sync/Async` Rules
* @param {Class[]} RuleClasses - Array of Classes which contain methods/rules.
* @returns {void}
* @description to extend JsonLang by importing a class with @JsonLangExtension decorator, and register its methods by @RuleExtension decorator
executeAsync(rules: IJsonLangParams, data?: {}): Promise<RuleResult>;
import: (...ruleClasses: any[]) => void;

@@ -25,3 +26,3 @@ * @param {Rules} rules - Map of Rules.

registerMany: (rules: Rules, group?: string) => void;
registerMany: (rules: Rules) => void;

@@ -33,21 +34,19 @@ * @param {RuleIdentifier} ruleIdentifier

registerOne: (ruleIdentifier: RuleIdentifier, ruleHandler: RuleHandler) => void;
registerOne: (definition: Omit<RuleDefinition, 'sync'>, ruleHandler: RuleHandler) => void;
* @returns {RuleIdentifier[]}
* @description Get rules identifiers
* @param {string[]} rules - Optional Array of Rules' names or shortcuts to get their definitions.
* @returns {RuleDefinition[]}
* @description Get rules definitions, if no rules names passed, it will return all rules definitions
getRulesIds: () => RuleIdentifier[];
getRulesDefinitions: (rules?: string[]) => RuleDefinition[];
private setRuleWithDefinition;
private createRunContext;
private createAsyncRunContext;
private createSyncRunContext;
private resolveRuleInputs;
private resolveRuleAsyncInputs;
private getAllInputs;
private resolveSyncRuleInputs;
private getInputsWithActions;
private getRuleParams;
private getHandlerInnerRules;
private getHandlerArgs;
private isRule;
private setOutputValue;
private getOutputValue;
private getDate;
"use strict";
var __assign = (this && this.__assign) || function () {
__assign = Object.assign || function(t) {
for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
s = arguments[i];
for (var p in s) if (, p))
t[p] = s[p];
return t;
return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {

@@ -28,3 +17,3 @@ function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }

if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
while (_) try {
while (g && (g = 0, op[0] && (_ = 0)), _) try {
if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) &&, 0) : && !(t =, op[1])).done) return t;

@@ -78,6 +67,40 @@ if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value];

var core_types_1 = require("./core.types");
var rule_parser_1 = require("./rule-parser");
var RuleCore = /** @class */ (function () {
function RuleCore() {
function RuleCore(options) {
var _this = this;
* @param {Class[]} RuleClasses - Array of Classes which contain methods/rules.
* @returns {void}
* @description to extend JsonLang by importing a class with @JsonLangExtension decorator, and register its methods by @RuleExtension decorator
this["import"] = function () {
var ruleClasses = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
ruleClasses[_i] = arguments[_i];
__spreadArray([], __read(ruleClasses), false).forEach(function (RuleClass) {
console.log('RuleClass', RuleClass);
if (!RuleClass.prototype)
var ruleClass = new RuleClass();
console.log('ruleClass', ruleClass);
var propertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(RuleClass.prototype);
propertyNames.forEach(function (propertyName) {
var _a;
console.log('propertyName', propertyName);
var group = ((_a = Reflect.getMetadata('jsonlang:group', RuleClass)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : || 'Others';
var ruleDefinition = Reflect.getMetadata('jsonlang:rule', RuleClass, propertyName);
console.log('ruleDefinition', ruleDefinition);
if (ruleDefinition) {
var handler = ruleClass[propertyName].bind(ruleClass);
console.log('handler', handler); = || group;
var ruleHandler = ruleDefinition.sync ? { sync: handler } : { async: handler };
_this.setRuleWithDefinition(ruleDefinition, ruleHandler);
* @param {Rules} rules - Map of Rules.

@@ -87,4 +110,4 @@ * @returns {void}

this.registerMany = function (rules, group) {
rules.forEach(function (value, key) { return _this.registerOne(__assign({ group: group }, key), value); });
this.registerMany = function (rules) {
rules.forEach(function (value, key) { return _this.registerOne(key, value); });

@@ -97,183 +120,191 @@ /**

this.registerOne = function (ruleIdentifier, ruleHandler) {
_this.rules.set(, ruleHandler);
if (ruleIdentifier.shortcut)
_this.rules.set(ruleIdentifier.shortcut, ruleHandler);
this.registerOne = function (definition, ruleHandler) {
var handler = ruleHandler.sync || ruleHandler.async;
var ruleDefinition = rule_parser_1.RuleDefinitionParser.parse(handler, [], definition);
_this.setRuleWithDefinition(ruleDefinition, ruleHandler);
* @returns {RuleIdentifier[]}
* @description Get rules identifiers
* @param {string[]} rules - Optional Array of Rules' names or shortcuts to get their definitions.
* @returns {RuleDefinition[]}
* @description Get rules definitions, if no rules names passed, it will return all rules definitions
this.getRulesIds = function () { return __spreadArray([], __read(_this.ruleIds), false); };
this.createRunContext = function (outputs, data) {
var run = function (scopedData) {
var localData = scopedData;
var innerRun = function (jsonLang) {
if (!_this.isRule(jsonLang))
return jsonLang;
var _a = _this.getRuleParams(jsonLang), ruleHandler = _a.ruleHandler, rule = _a.rule, _b = _a.inputs, inputs = _b === void 0 ? [] : _b, output = _a.output;
var resolvedInputs = _this.resolveRuleInputs(inputs, ruleHandler, innerRun, run);
resolvedInputs = _this.getAllInputs(rule, resolvedInputs, outputs, data, localData);
var result = ruleHandler.apply(void 0, __spreadArray([], __read(resolvedInputs), false));
this.getRulesDefinitions = function (rules) {
var definitions = new Map();
_this.rulesDefinitions.forEach(function (definition, rule) {
var id = + definition.identifier.shortcut || '';
if (rules) {
if (rules.includes(rule))
definitions.set(id, definition);
else {
definitions.set(id, definition);
return __spreadArray([], __read(definitions.values()), false);
this.createRunContext = function (localDataStore, data) {
var runner = function (jsonLang, localData) { return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var _a, ruleHandler, rule, _b, inputs, output, resolvedInputs, handler, result, error_1;
return __generator(this, function (_c) {
switch (_c.label) {
case 0:
if (localData === null || localData === void 0 ? void 0 : localData.key)
localDataStore.set(localData.key, localData === null || localData === void 0 ? void 0 : localData.value);
if (!this.isRule(jsonLang))
return [2 /*return*/, jsonLang];
_a = this.getRuleParams(jsonLang), ruleHandler = _a.ruleHandler, rule = _a.rule, _b = _a.inputs, inputs = _b === void 0 ? [] : _b, output = _a.output;
_c.label = 1;
case 1:
_c.trys.push([1, 4, , 5]);
return [4 /*yield*/, this.resolveRuleInputs(rule, inputs, runner, data, localDataStore)];
case 2:
resolvedInputs = _c.sent();
handler = ruleHandler.async || ruleHandler.sync;
return [4 /*yield*/, handler.apply(void 0, __spreadArray([], __read(resolvedInputs), false))];
case 3:
result = _c.sent();
if (output)
localDataStore.set(output, result);
return [2 /*return*/, result];
case 4:
error_1 = _c.sent();
throw Error("Failed to Run \"".concat(rule, "\" cause of ").concat(error_1));
case 5: return [2 /*return*/];
}); };
return runner;
this.createSyncRunContext = function (localDataStore, data) {
var runner = function (jsonLang, localData) {
if (localData === null || localData === void 0 ? void 0 : localData.key)
localDataStore.set(localData.key, localData === null || localData === void 0 ? void 0 : localData.value);
if (!_this.isRule(jsonLang))
return jsonLang;
var _a = _this.getRuleParams(jsonLang), ruleHandler = _a.ruleHandler, rule = _a.rule, _b = _a.inputs, inputs = _b === void 0 ? [] : _b, output = _a.output;
try {
var resolvedInputs = _this.resolveSyncRuleInputs(rule, inputs, runner, data, localDataStore);
var handler = ruleHandler.sync;
var result = handler.apply(void 0, __spreadArray([], __read(resolvedInputs), false));
if (output)
_this.setOutputValue(output, result, outputs);
localDataStore.set(output, result);
return result;
return innerRun;
catch (error) {
throw Error("Failed to Run \"".concat(rule, "\" cause of ").concat(error));
return run;
return runner;
this.createAsyncRunContext = function (outputs, syncRun, data) {
var run = function (scopedData) {
var localData = scopedData;
var innerRun = function (jsonLang) { return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var _a, ruleHandler, rule, _b, inputs, output, resolvedInputs, result, error_1;
return __generator(this, function (_c) {
switch (_c.label) {
case 0:
if (!this.isRule(jsonLang))
return [2 /*return*/, jsonLang];
_a = this.getRuleParams(jsonLang), ruleHandler = _a.ruleHandler, rule = _a.rule, _b = _a.inputs, inputs = _b === void 0 ? [] : _b, output = _a.output;
_c.label = 1;
case 1:
_c.trys.push([1, 4, , 5]);
return [4 /*yield*/, this.resolveRuleAsyncInputs(inputs, ruleHandler, innerRun, syncRun, run)];
case 2:
resolvedInputs = _c.sent();
resolvedInputs = this.getAllInputs(rule, resolvedInputs, outputs, data, localData);
return [4 /*yield*/, ruleHandler.apply(void 0, __spreadArray([], __read(resolvedInputs), false))];
case 3:
result = _c.sent();
if (output)
this.setOutputValue(output, result, outputs);
return [2 /*return*/, result];
case 4:
error_1 = _c.sent();
throw Error("Failed to Run \"".concat(rule, "\" cause of ").concat(error_1));
case 5: return [2 /*return*/];
}); };
return innerRun;
return run;
this.resolveRuleInputs = function (rule, inputs, runner, globalData, localDataStore) {
if (globalData === void 0) { globalData = {}; }
return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var resolvedInputs, innerRules, i, input, result, _a;
return __generator(this, function (_b) {
switch (_b.label) {
case 0:
resolvedInputs = [];
innerRules = this.getHandlerInnerRules(rule);
i = 0;
_b.label = 1;
case 1:
if (!(i < inputs.length)) return [3 /*break*/, 6];
input = inputs[i];
if (!(this.isRule(input) && !innerRules.rules.includes(i))) return [3 /*break*/, 3];
return [4 /*yield*/, runner(input)];
case 2:
_a = _b.sent();
return [3 /*break*/, 4];
case 3:
_a = input;
_b.label = 4;
case 4:
result = _a;
_b.label = 5;
case 5:
return [3 /*break*/, 1];
case 6: return [2 /*return*/, this.getInputsWithActions(runner, globalData, localDataStore, innerRules, resolvedInputs)];
this.resolveRuleInputs = function (inputs, ruleHandler, run, runner) {
var innerRules = _this.getHandlerInnerRules(ruleHandler);
var resolvedInputs = (input, i) {
return _this.isRule(input) && !innerRules.rules.includes(i) ? run(input) : input;
this.resolveSyncRuleInputs = function (rule, inputs, runner, globalData, localDataStore) {
if (globalData === void 0) { globalData = {}; }
var resolvedInputs = [];
var innerRules = _this.getHandlerInnerRules(rule);
for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
var input = inputs[i];
var result = _this.isRule(input) && !innerRules.rules.includes(i) ? runner(input) : input;
return _this.getInputsWithActions(runner, globalData, localDataStore, innerRules, resolvedInputs);
this.getInputsWithActions = function (runner, globalData, localDataStore, innerRules, resolvedInputs) {
if (globalData === void 0) { globalData = {}; }
if (innerRules.runner)
resolvedInputs.splice(innerRules.runner, 0, runner);
if (innerRules.localData)
resolvedInputs.splice(innerRules.localData, 0, localDataStore);
if (innerRules.globalData)
resolvedInputs.splice(innerRules.globalData, 0, globalData);
return resolvedInputs;
this.resolveRuleAsyncInputs = function (inputs, ruleHandler, run, runner, asyncRunner) { return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var innerRules, resolvedInputs, i, input, result, _a;
return __generator(this, function (_b) {
switch (_b.label) {
case 0:
innerRules = this.getHandlerInnerRules(ruleHandler);
resolvedInputs = [];
i = 0;
_b.label = 1;
case 1:
if (!(i < inputs.length)) return [3 /*break*/, 6];
input = inputs[i];
if (!(this.isRule(input) && !innerRules.rules.includes(i))) return [3 /*break*/, 3];
return [4 /*yield*/, run(input)];
case 2:
_a = _b.sent();
return [3 /*break*/, 4];
case 3:
_a = input;
_b.label = 4;
case 4:
result = _a;
_b.label = 5;
case 5:
return [3 /*break*/, 1];
case 6:
if (innerRules.runner)
resolvedInputs.splice(innerRules.runner, 0, runner);
if (innerRules.asyncRunner)
resolvedInputs.splice(innerRules.asyncRunner, 0, asyncRunner);
return [2 /*return*/, resolvedInputs];
this.getHandlerInnerRules = function (rule) {
var _a;
var innerRules = { runner: null, globalData: null, localData: null, rules: [] };
var _b = __read(_this.getRulesDefinitions([rule]), 1), definition = _b[0];
if (!(definition === null || definition === void 0 ? void 0 : definition.inputs))
return innerRules;
if (((_a = definition === null || definition === void 0 ? void 0 : definition.inputs) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.type) && Object.keys(definition === null || definition === void 0 ? void 0 : definition.inputs).length === 1) {
if (definition.inputs.type === 'runner')
innerRules.runner = 0;
if (definition.inputs.type === 'globalData')
innerRules.globalData = 0;
if (definition.inputs.type === 'localData')
innerRules.localData = 0;
if (definition.inputs.type === 'rule')
innerRules.rules = [0];
else {
for (var key in definition === null || definition === void 0 ? void 0 : definition.inputs) {
if (definition.inputs[key].type === 'runner')
innerRules.runner = definition.inputs[key].index;
if (definition.inputs[key].type === 'globalData')
innerRules.globalData = definition.inputs[key].index;
if (definition.inputs[key].type === 'localData')
innerRules.localData = definition.inputs[key].index;
if (definition.inputs[key].type === 'rule')
}); };
this.getHandlerInnerRules = function (ruleHandler) {
var innerRules = { runner: null, asyncRunner: null, rules: [] };
_this.getHandlerArgs(ruleHandler).forEach(function (arg, i) {
if (arg === '$runner') {
innerRules.runner = i;
else if (arg === '$asyncRunner') {
innerRules.asyncRunner = i;
else if (arg.startsWith('$rule')) {
return innerRules;
this.getHandlerArgs = function (ruleHandler) {
var _a, _b, _c, _d;
return ((_d = (_c = (_b = (_a = ruleHandler
.toString()) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.match(/\((.*?)\)/)) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b[1]) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.split(',')) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : (i) { return i.trim(); })) || [];
this.isRule = function (data) { return (data && typeof data === 'object' && data[core_types_1.RuleParams.Rule]); };
this.setOutputValue = function (out, value, outputs) {
outputs.set(out, value);
this.getOutputValue = function (varName, outputs) {
var outputValue = outputs.get(varName);
if (!outputValue)
throw Error("The \"".concat(varName, "\" output value is not exist"));
return outputValue;
this.getDate = function (data) {
if (!data)
throw Error('There is no data passed');
return data;
this.sync = (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.sync) || false;
this.rules = new Map();
this.ruleIds = new Set();
this.registerOne({ name: core_types_1.CoreRules.Var, group: 'Core' }, this.getOutputValue);
this.registerOne({ name: core_types_1.CoreRules.Data, group: 'Core' }, this.getDate);
this.rulesDefinitions = new Map();
* @param {IJsonLangParams} jsonLang
* @param {Object} data.
* @returns {RuleResult}
* @description is the `Sync` version of jsonLang, use it to run all builtin rules and any extended `Sync` Rules
RuleCore.prototype.execute = function (rules, data) {
var outputs = new Map();
var run = this.createRunContext(outputs, data);
return run()(rules);
RuleCore.prototype.execute = function (rules, data, options) {
var localData = new Map();
var sync = (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.sync) || this.sync;
return sync ? this.createSyncRunContext(localData, data)(rules) : this.createRunContext(localData, data)(rules);
* @param {IJsonLangParams} jsonLang
* @param {Object} data.
* @returns {Promise<RuleResult>}
* @description is the `Async` version of jsonLang, use it to run all builtin rules and any extended `Sync/Async` Rules
RuleCore.prototype.executeAsync = function (rules, data) {
var outputs = new Map();
var syncRun = this.createRunContext(outputs, data);
var run = this.createAsyncRunContext(outputs, syncRun, data);
return run()(rules);
RuleCore.prototype.getAllInputs = function (rule, inputs, outputs, data, scopedData) {
var params = inputs;
if (rule === core_types_1.CoreRules.Var) {
params = [inputs === null || inputs === void 0 ? void 0 : inputs[0], outputs];
RuleCore.prototype.setRuleWithDefinition = function (definition, ruleHandler) {
var finalDefinition = definition;
var finalRuleHandler = ruleHandler;
var existingRule = this.rules.get(;
if (existingRule) {
finalRuleHandler = Object.assign(existingRule, ruleHandler);
finalDefinition = this.rulesDefinitions.get( || definition;
else if (rule === core_types_1.CoreRules.Data) {
params = (inputs === null || inputs === void 0 ? void 0 : inputs[0]) === 'Local' ? [scopedData] : [data];
finalRuleHandler.async = finalRuleHandler.async || finalRuleHandler.sync;
finalRuleHandler.sync = finalRuleHandler.sync || finalRuleHandler.async;
this.rules.set(, finalRuleHandler);
this.rulesDefinitions.set(, finalDefinition);
if (definition.identifier.shortcut) {
this.rulesDefinitions.set(definition.identifier.shortcut, finalDefinition);
this.rules.set(definition.identifier.shortcut, finalRuleHandler);
return params;

@@ -280,0 +311,0 @@ RuleCore.prototype.getRuleParams = function (jsonLang) {

@@ -1,8 +0,2 @@

export declare type IRulesCore = {
registerOne(ruleIdentifier: RuleIdentifier, ruleHandler: RuleHandler): void;
registerMany(rules: Rules): void;
execute(rules: IJsonLangParams, data?: {}): RuleResult;
executeAsync(rules: IJsonLangParams, data?: {}): Promise<RuleResult>;
export declare type RuleIdentifier = {
export type RuleIdentifier = {

@@ -24,6 +18,20 @@ * the `Rule` name i.e. "And", "Or"

export declare type RuleHandler = ((...inputs: RuleInput[]) => RuleResult) | ((...inputs: RuleInput[]) => Promise<RuleResult>);
export declare type RuleInput = string | number | boolean | bigint | string[] | number[] | boolean[] | bigint[] | any | IJsonLangParams;
export declare type RuleResult = string | number | boolean | bigint | string[] | number[] | boolean[] | bigint[] | any | IJsonLangParams;
export declare type RulesValidation = {
export type AsyncRuleHandler = ((...inputs: RuleInput[]) => Promise<RuleResult>);
export type SyncRuleHandler = ((...inputs: RuleInput[]) => RuleResult);
export type RuleInput = string | number | boolean | bigint | string[] | number[] | boolean[] | bigint[] | {
[key: string]: any;
} | IJsonLangParams;
export type RuleResult = string | number | boolean | bigint | string[] | number[] | boolean[] | bigint[] | {
[key: string]: any;
} | IJsonLangParams;
export type JsonLangOptions = {
sync?: boolean;
export type SyncJsonLangOptions = JsonLangOptions & {
sync?: true;
export type AsyncJsonLangOptions = JsonLangOptions & {
sync?: false;
export type RulesValidation = {
isValid: boolean;

@@ -37,3 +45,3 @@ errors: string[];

export declare type IJsonLangParams = {
export type IJsonLangParams = {

@@ -53,5 +61,2 @@ * Rule: is rule name itself. i.e. "And", "Or", "==", ">"

export interface RulesImplementation {
getRules(): Rules;

@@ -62,17 +67,64 @@ * A Set of Rules

export declare type Rules = Map<RuleIdentifier, RuleHandler>;
export type Rules = Map<Omit<RuleDefinition, 'sync'>, RuleHandler>;
export type RuleHandler = {
sync: SyncRuleHandler;
async?: SyncRuleHandler;
} | {
sync?: SyncRuleHandler;
async: AsyncRuleHandler;
export declare enum CoreRules {
Var = "Var",
Data = "Data"
export declare enum DataScope {
Global = "Global",
Local = "Local"
External = "External",
Internal = "Internal"
export declare type Runner = (scopedData?: any) => (jsonLang: IJsonLangParams) => any;
export type LocalData = {
key: string;
value: any;
export interface JsonSchema {
title?: string;
description?: string;
type?: 'string' | 'number' | 'boolean' | 'object' | 'array' | 'rule' | 'runner' | 'globalData' | 'localData' | 'null' | 'any';
nullable?: boolean;
examples?: any[];
deprecated?: boolean;
items?: JsonSchema | JsonSchema[];
properties?: {
[propertyName: string]: (JsonSchema);
format?: string;
default?: any;
maximum?: number;
minimum?: number;
maxLength?: number;
minLength?: number;
pattern?: string;
maxItems?: number;
minItems?: number;
uniqueItems?: boolean;
maxProperties?: number;
minProperties?: number;
required?: string[];
enum?: any[];
export type RuleInputs = {
[key in string]: JsonSchema;
} | JsonSchema;
export type RuleOutput = JsonSchema;
export type RuleDefinition = {
identifier: RuleIdentifier;
sync?: boolean;
inputs?: RuleInputs;
output?: RuleOutput;
export type Runner = (jsonLang: IJsonLangParams, localData?: LocalData) => any;
export interface InnerRules {
runner: number | null;
asyncRunner: number | null;
globalData: number | null;
localData: number | null;
rules: number[];

@@ -10,6 +10,4 @@ "use strict";

})(RuleParams = exports.RuleParams || (exports.RuleParams = {}));
var CoreRules;
(function (CoreRules) {
CoreRules["Var"] = "Var";
CoreRules["Data"] = "Data";

@@ -19,6 +17,6 @@ })(CoreRules = exports.CoreRules || (exports.CoreRules = {}));

(function (DataScope) {
DataScope["Global"] = "Global";
DataScope["Local"] = "Local";
DataScope["External"] = "External";
DataScope["Internal"] = "Internal";
})(DataScope = exports.DataScope || (exports.DataScope = {}));

@@ -0,3 +1,5 @@

import 'reflect-metadata';
export * from './core';
export * from './core.types';
export * from './decorators';

@@ -17,4 +17,6 @@ "use strict";

exports.__esModule = true;
__exportStar(require("./core"), exports);
__exportStar(require("./core.types"), exports);
__exportStar(require("./decorators"), exports);
export * from './app';
export * from './core/core.types';
export * from './core';
export * from './rule';

@@ -18,3 +18,4 @@ "use strict";

__exportStar(require("./app"), exports);
__exportStar(require("./core/core.types"), exports);
__exportStar(require("./core"), exports);
__exportStar(require("./rule"), exports);

@@ -1,5 +0,2 @@

export * from './logical';
export * from './math';
export * from './object';
export * from './array';
export * from './data';

@@ -17,6 +17,3 @@ "use strict";

exports.__esModule = true;
__exportStar(require("./logical"), exports);
__exportStar(require("./math"), exports);
__exportStar(require("./object"), exports);
__exportStar(require("./array"), exports);
__exportStar(require("./data"), exports);
"name": "@jsonlang/core",
"version": "0.0.1",
"description": "Json Programming Language",
"version": "0.0.2",
"description": "Json Programming Language Core",
"funding": [
"type": "github",
"url": ""
"type": "opencollective",
"url": ""
"publishConfig": {
"access": "public"
"main": "./dist/index.js",

@@ -10,3 +23,3 @@ "types": "./dist/index.d.ts",

"scripts": {
"dev": "ts-node -r tsconfig-paths/register src/app/app.ts",
"start": "concurrently --handle-input \"wait-on dist/index.js && nodemon\" \"tsc -w\" ",
"build": "rimraf ./dist/ && tsc",

@@ -18,13 +31,14 @@ "release": "npm run build && npm publish --access public",

"type": "git",
"url": "git+"
"url": "git+"
"keywords": [

@@ -35,3 +49,3 @@ ],

"bugs": {
"url": "",
"url": "",
"email": ""

@@ -42,3 +56,5 @@ },

"@types/node": "^18.7.23",
"concurrently": "^7.6.0",
"jest": "^29.1.1",
"nodemon": "^2.0.20",
"rimraf": "^3.0.2",

@@ -48,6 +64,9 @@ "ts-jest": "^29.0.3",

"tsconfig-paths": "^4.1.0",
"typescript": "^4.8.4"
"typescript": "^4.8.4",
"wait-on": "^7.0.1"
"dependencies": {
"reflect-metadata": "^0.1.13"
"gitHead": "fc7cdb70359d2c7b45852843c4e3d13bee7adbd2"
# 👋 **JsonLang**
<a href=""><img align="center" src="./assets/default-monochrome.svg" height="200" width="300" alt="JsonLang Logo"/></a></br></br>
<a href=""><img align="center" src="./jsonlang.svg" height="50%" width="60%" alt="JsonLang Logo"/></a></br></br>
<li style="display:inline; margin:17px; font-size:17px"><a href=""><b>Website</b></a></li>
<li style="display:inline; margin:17px; font-size:17px"><a href=""><b>Tutorial</b></a></li>
<li style="display:inline; margin:17px; font-size:17px"><a href=""><b>Live Playground (Try it NOW)</b></a></li>
<li style="display:inline; margin:17px; font-size:17px"><a href=""><b>Examples</b></a></li>
It is a Typescript package that provides a simple JSON Programming Language, allowing you to execute a safe logic in Frontend or Backend (NodeJS). Furthermore, it can be stored in the database and rendered to the Frontend-Side to execute/run some business logic.

@@ -19,12 +24,14 @@

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## ⏬ **Installation**

@@ -40,3 +47,3 @@

1. Typescript. It's a strongly typed npm package
1. the JsonLang structure is Simple and Optimized. Its [structure](#🏗️-structure) and [rules](#⚒️-builtin-rules) have a shortcut to make your JSON in a small size.
1. the JsonLang structure is Simple and Optimized. Its [structure](#%EF%B8%8F-structure) and [rules](#%EF%B8%8F-builtin-rules) have a shortcut to make your JSON in a small size.
1. Its structure is always Consistent. i.e. `{"$R": "R1", "$I": ["value1", "value2", {"$R": "R2", "$I": [...] }, ...] }`.

@@ -47,4 +54,15 @@ 1. Safe & Secure. Each Rule has a secure handler.

1. DRY. You can pass any rule result in a variable to be used in another rule which makes JsonLang JSON more optimized
## 🏗️ **Structure**
JsonLang have three main parameters:
1. **$R**: (`String`) is the rule name itself. i.e. `and`, `or`, `==`, `>`.
1. **$I**: (`any[]`) is an array of inputs which will be passed to the `Rule` handler/function, their type depends on the `Rule` handler, or it can be a nested rule
1. **$O**?: (`Symbol [Optional]`), is an optional field, it accept a name of variable which used to save the Rule result in a [variable](#core) and can be called in any other rule by `{ "$R": "Var": "$I": ["variableX"] }`. The output value should be unique. If you define the same value more than once, the last one will override the value of the previous one.
## 🛠️ **Methods**

@@ -54,25 +72,33 @@ </br>

### **Execute**
``` js
execute = (jsonLang: IJsonLangParams, data?: {}): RuleResult
async execute(jsonLang: IJsonLangParams, data?: {}, options?: { sync: false }): Promise<RuleResult>
Execute is used to run the JsonLang and takes two parameters.
1. **JsonLang**: check the [Structure](#🏗️-structure)
1. **JsonLang**: check the [Structure](#%EF%B8%8F-structure)
1. **Data**: schemaless data object to read/write to it. To get data use the Rule [Data](#core)
1. **options**: execution options. it has one property called `sync` if it false the execute will be async for async rules, else it will be sync
Execute is the `Sync` version of JsonLang, use it to run all [builtin rules](#⚒️-builtin-rules) and any [extended](#extend) `Sync` Rules
Execute is the `Async` version of JsonLang, use it to run all [builtin rules](#%EF%B8%8F-builtin-rules) and any [extended](#extend) `Sync` or `Async` Rules
``` js
executeAsync = async (jsonLang: IJsonLangParams, data?: {}): Promise<RuleResult>
execute(jsonLang: IJsonLangParams, data: {} | undefined, options: { sync: true }): RuleResult
Execute is the `Async` version of JsonLang, use it to run all [builtin rules](#⚒️-builtin-rules) and any [extended](#extend) `Sync` or `Async` Rules
Execute is the `Sync` version of JsonLang, use it to run all [builtin rules](#%EF%B8%8F-builtin-rules) and any [extended](#extend) `Sync` Rules
### **Extend**
#### **The First Way**:
``` js
registerOne = (ruleIdentifier: RuleIdentifier, ruleHandler: RuleHandler): void
registerOne(ruleDefinition: RuleDefinition, ruleHandler: RuleHandler): void

@@ -82,21 +108,81 @@

1. **ruleIdentifier**: Object `{ name: string, shortcut?: string }`, `name`(required) is the `Rule` name, and `shortcut`(optional) is the shortcut. i.e `Sum` is the `name`, and `+` is the `shortcut`.
1. **ruleHandler**: Sync/Async Function `(...inputs: RuleInput[]) => RuleResult)`, `inputs`(required) is array of all inputs needs for the handler [check Input in Structure](#🏗️-structure), and `data` is the schemaless data [check Data in the Execute Section](#execute)
* **ruleDefinition**: Object of
* identifier: `{ name: string, shortcut?: string, group?: string }`, `name`(required) is the `Rule` name, `shortcut`(optional) is the shortcut. i.e `Sum` is the `name`, and `+` is the `shortcut`, and `group` a name of group to categorize/group set of rule under group.
* inputs: JsonSchema to define the rule inputs
* output: JsonSchema to define the rule output
* **ruleHandler**: Object of two props sync & async, you need to pass the implementation Function `(...inputs: RuleInput[]) => RuleResult)`, `inputs`(required) is array of all inputs needs for the handler [check Input in Structure](#%EF%B8%8F-structure), and `data` is the schemaless data [check Data in the Execute Section](#execute)
``` js
registerMany(rules: Rules): void
registerMany(rules: Rules): void
registerMany allows registering a `Map()` of rules. The `Map key` is `RuleIdentifier`, and the `Map value` is the `RuleHandler`
registerMany allows registering a `Map()` of rules. The `Map key` is `RuleDefinition`, and the `Map value` is the `RuleHandler`
#### **The Second Way**:
This way is the best practice way to extend JSONLang using decorators and import
``` js
import { JsonLang } from '@jsonlang/core';
import { MathRules } from '@jsonlang/math';
import { LogicRules } from '@jsonlang/logic';
import { ArrayRules } from '@jsonlang/array';
import { ObjectRules } from '@jsonlang/object';
const jsonLang = new JsonLang();
jsonLang.import(MathRules, LogicRules, ArrayRules, ObjectRules);
``` js
import { JsonLang } from '@jsonlang/core';
const jsonLang = new JsonLang();
@JsonLangExtension('Test') // here pass the groupName
export class TestRules {
/* rule name and shortcut */
identifier: { name: 'RuleOne', shortcut: 'R' },
/* key-value pair <variableName, jsonschema> for rule's inputs */
inputs: { inputOne: {type: 'string', enum: ['TP', 'RF']}, inputTwo: {type: 'number'} },
/* jsonschema object for rule's output */
output: { type: 'boolean', default: false }
inputOne: string,
inputTwo: number
): boolean {
// do the implementation here
identifier: { name: 'RuleTwo' },
inputs: { type: 'array', items: { type: 'string' } },
output: { type: 'number' }
RuleTwo(...inputs: string[]): number {
// do the implementation here
## 🏗️ **Structure**
JsonLang have three main parameters:
1. **$R**: (`String`) is the rule name itself. i.e. `and`, `or`, `==`, `>`.
1. **$I**: (`any[]`) is an array of inputs which will be passed to the `Rule` handler/function, their type depends on the `Rule` handler, or it can be a nested rule
1. **$O**?: (`Symbol [Optional]`), is an optional field, it accept a name of variable which used to save the Rule result in a [variable](#core) and can be called in any other rule by `{ "$R": "Var": "$I": ["variableX"] }`. The output value should be unique. If you define the same value more than once, the last one will override the value of the previous one.
## ⚒️ **Builtin Rules**

@@ -107,15 +193,36 @@ </br>

* **Var**
* Input[]: Array<string> (Size: 1), for the Variable name of the Output.
* Output: Any (depends on the output value).
* Description: used to get the value of any `Output` from any rules, [Check the Output part](#🏗️-structure).
[**For more Info and examples**](
``` js
import { JsonLang } from '@jsonlang/core';
* **Data**
* Input[]?: Array<string> (Size: 1) Enum of "Global" or "Local", defaulted with "Global".
* Input[]: Array<string> (Size: 2) var name you need to access, Enum of "External" or "Internal"
* Output: any.
* Description: if the Input is `["Global"]` it will return the schemaless data object which you pass it to the [execute](#execute) method, else if the input is `["Local"]`, it will return the value passed from the parent rule like [filter in array rules](#array).
* Description: if the Input is `["External"]` it will return the schemaless data object which you pass it to the [execute](#execute) method, else if the input is `["Internal"]`, it will return the value of any `Output` from any rules, [Check the Output part](#%EF%B8%8F-structure) or the value passed from the parent rule like [filter in array rules](#array).
* [**More...**](
### **Logical**
[**For more Info and examples**](
``` js
import { JsonLang } from '@jsonlang/core';
import { LogicRules } from '@jsonlang/logic';
const jsonLang = new JsonLang();
* **And** or **&&**

@@ -165,6 +272,23 @@ * Input[]: Array<any> (Size: Unlimited).

* Description: It takes an array of 2 inputs to compare if element one `Less Than or Equal` element two or not.
* [**More...**](
### **Math**
[**For more Info and examples**](
``` js
import { JsonLang } from '@jsonlang/core';
import { MathRules } from '@jsonlang/math';
const jsonLang = new JsonLang();
* **IsNumber**

@@ -194,29 +318,23 @@ * Input[]: Array<number> (Size: 1).

* Description: Used to Divide all values. i.e. `Input1 / Input2 / .... / InputN`.
* [**More...**](
### **Array**
### **Object**
[**For more Info and examples**](
* **Get** [In Progress]
* Input[]: Array<mixed> (Size: 3) {path: string, defaultValue?: any, data:{}}.
* Output: Any.
* Description: It accepts two inputs, the 1st one (required) is a path to get the [Data](#execute), and the 2nd one (optional) is a default value of the path is not found. the `path` must follow the dotted style `var1.var2` for nested fields and brackets with number for arrays `var1.var2[3].var3`
``` js
import { JsonLang } from '@jsonlang/core';
import { ArrayRules } from '@jsonlang/array';
* **Set** [In Progress]
* Input[]: Array<mixed> (Size: 3) {path: string, value: any, data:{}}.
* Output: Any.
* Description: It accepts two inputs. The 1st one (required) is a path to update/mutate the [Data](#execute), and the 2nd one is the value to set. the `path` must follow the dotted style `var1.var2` for nested fields and brackets with number for arrays `var1.var2[3].var3`. If the `path` does not exist, the `Set` Rule will create it.
const jsonLang = new JsonLang();
* **Update** [In Progress]
* Input[]: Array<mixed> (Size: 3) {path: string, value: any, data:{}}.
* Output: Any.
* Description: It accepts two inputs. The 1st one (required) is a path to update/mutate the [Data](#execute), and the 2nd one is the value to update. the `path` must follow the dotted style `var1.var2` for nested fields and brackets with number for arrays `var1.var2[3].var3`. If the `path` does not exist, the `Update` rule won't do anything.
* **Delete** [In Progress]
* Input[]: Array<string> (Size: 2) {path: string, data:{}}.
* Output: Any.
* Description: It accepts two inputs, a path to mutate the [Data](#execute) by deleting a field in the request path. the `path` must follow the dotted style `var1.var2` for nested fields and brackets with number for arrays `var1.var2[3].var3`. If the `path` does not exist, the `Delete` rule won't do anything.
### **Array**
* **All**

@@ -230,3 +348,3 @@ * Input[]: Array<any> (Size: Unlimited).

* Output: Any[].
* Description: It accepts array of elements with any type to filter them using nested/inner rules, the filter rule will pass each elements as a Data with scope `Local`, to access it by the inner rules, you will need to use [Data](#core) Rule with scope local, check this [example](#Access-Inner-Data).
* Description: It accepts array of elements with any type to filter them using nested/inner rules, the filter rule will pass each elements as a Data with scope `Internal`, to access it by the inner rules, you will need to use [Data](#core) Rule with scope local, check this [example](#Access-Inner-Data).

@@ -236,3 +354,3 @@ * **Map**

* Output: Any[].
* Description: It accepts array of elements with any type to map them using nested/inner rules, the filter rule will pass each elements as a Data with scope `Local`, to access it by the inner rules, you will need to use [Data](#execute) Rule with scope local.
* Description: It accepts array of elements with any type to map them using nested/inner rules, the filter rule will pass each elements as a Data with scope `Internal`, to access it by the inner rules, you will need to use [Data](#core) Rule with scope local.

@@ -242,3 +360,3 @@ * **Foreach**

* Output: true.
* Description: It accepts array of elements with any type to iterate over them using nested/inner rules, the filter rule will pass each elements as a Data with scope `Local`, to access it by the inner rules, you will need to use [Data](#execute) Rule with scope local.
* Description: It accepts array of elements with any type to iterate over them using nested/inner rules, the filter rule will pass each elements as a Data with scope `Internal`, to access it by the inner rules, you will need to use [Data](#core) Rule with scope local.

@@ -249,21 +367,72 @@ * **Flatten**

* Description: It accepts array of elements with any type to flatten this array with any level.
* [**More...**](
### **Object**
[**For more Info and examples**](
``` js
import { JsonLang } from '@jsonlang/core';
import { ObjectRules } from '@jsonlang/object';
const jsonLang = new JsonLang();
* **Get** [In Progress]
* Input[]: Array<mixed> (Size: 3) {path: string, defaultValue?: any, data:{}}.
* Output: Any.
* Description: It accepts two inputs, the 1st one (required) is a path to get the [Data](#execute), and the 2nd one (optional) is a default value of the path is not found. the `path` must follow the dotted style `var1.var2` for nested fields and brackets with number for arrays `var1.var2[3].var3`
* **Set** [In Progress]
* Input[]: Array<mixed> (Size: 3) {path: string, value: any, data:{}}.
* Output: Any.
* Description: It accepts two inputs. The 1st one (required) is a path to update/mutate the [Data](#execute), and the 2nd one is the value to set. the `path` must follow the dotted style `var1.var2` for nested fields and brackets with number for arrays `var1.var2[3].var3`. If the `path` does not exist, the `Set` Rule will create it.
* **Update** [In Progress]
* Input[]: Array<mixed> (Size: 3) {path: string, value: any, data:{}}.
* Output: Any.
* Description: It accepts two inputs. The 1st one (required) is a path to update/mutate the [Data](#execute), and the 2nd one is the value to update. the `path` must follow the dotted style `var1.var2` for nested fields and brackets with number for arrays `var1.var2[3].var3`. If the `path` does not exist, the `Update` rule won't do anything.
* **Delete** [In Progress]
* Input[]: Array<string> (Size: 2) {path: string, data:{}}.
* Output: Any.
* Description: It accepts two inputs, a path to mutate the [Data](#execute) by deleting a field in the request path. the `path` must follow the dotted style `var1.var2` for nested fields and brackets with number for arrays `var1.var2[3].var3`. If the `path` does not exist, the `Delete` rule won't do anything.
* [**More...**](
## 💻**Examples**
[**For more examples**](
### **One Level Example**
import { JsonLang } from '@jsonlang/core';
import { LogicRules } from '@jsonlang/logic';
const jsonLang = new JsonLang();
jsonLang.execute( { "$R": "LessThan" , "$I": [10, 20] } ); // true
jsonLang.execute( { "$R": "LessThan" , "$I": [10, 20] }, undefined, { sync: true } ); // true
// or for short
jsonLang.execute( { "$R": "<" , "$I": [10, 20] } ); // true
jsonLang.execute( { "$R": "<" , "$I": [10, 20] }, undefined, { sync: true } ); // true
// or use the async function
jsonLang.executeAsync( { "$R": "<" , "$I": [10, 20] } )
jsonLang.execute( { "$R": "<" , "$I": [10, 20] } )
.then(result => {

@@ -277,8 +446,13 @@ console.log(result); // true

### **Nested Levels Example**
import { JsonLang } from '@jsonlang/core';
import { MathRules } from '@jsonlang/math';
import { ObjectRules } from '@jsonlang/object';
const jsonLang = new JsonLang();
jsonLang.import(MathRules, ObjectRules);
const result = jsonLang.execute({

@@ -304,5 +478,5 @@ $R: '+',

{ $R: 'Var', $I: ['x'] },
{ $R: 'Get', $I: ['user.age', null, { $R: 'Data', $I: ['Global'] }] }
{ $R: 'Get', $I: ['user.age', null, { $R: 'Data', $I: ['External'] }] }
}, { user: { name: 'test', age: 100 } });
}, { user: { name: 'test', age: 100 } }, { sync: true });

@@ -315,12 +489,18 @@ console.log(result);

### **Access Inner Data**
import { JsonLang } from '@jsonlang/core';
import { LogicRules } from '@jsonlang/logic';
import { ArrayRules } from '@jsonlang/array';
import { ObjectRules } from '@jsonlang/object';
const jsonLang = new JsonLang();
jsonLang.import(LogicRules, ArrayRules, ObjectRules);
const result = jsonLang.execute({ $R: 'All', $I: [
$R: 'Filter',
$I: [[1, 3, 5], { $R: '>', $I: [{ $R: 'Data', $I: ['Local'] }, 2] }]
$I: [[1, 3, 5], 'i', { $R: '>', $I: [{ $R: 'Data', $I: ['Internal'] }, 2] }],

@@ -330,7 +510,8 @@ {

$I: [
{ $R: 'Get', $I: ['data.test', null, { $R: 'Data', $I: ['Global'] }] },
{ $R: '<', $I: [{ $R: 'Data', $I: ['Local'] }, 500] }
{ $R: 'Get', $I: ['data.test', null, { $R: 'Data', $I: ['External'] }] },
{ $R: '<', $I: [{ $R: 'Data', $I: ['Internal'] }, 500] }
] }, { data: { id: 'test', test: [100, 300, 700] } });
] }, { data: { id: 'test', test: [100, 300, 700] } }, { sync: true });

@@ -344,13 +525,18 @@ console.log(result);

### **Extend Rules Example**
import { JsonLang } from '@jsonlang/core';
import { ObjectRules } from '@jsonlang/object';
const jsonLang = new JsonLang();
jsonLang.registerOne({ name: 'Test', shortcut: 't' }, (input: any) => {
return `${input} Test`
jsonLang.registerOne({ name: 'Test', shortcut: 't' }, {
sync: (input: any) => { return `${input} Test` },
async: async (input: any) => { return `${input} Test` }
const result = jsonLang.execute({
const result = await jsonLang.execute({
$R: 'Test',

@@ -360,3 +546,3 @@ $I: [

}, { user: { name: 'test', age: 100 } });
}, { user: { name: 'test', age: 100 } }, { sync: true });

@@ -366,5 +552,6 @@ console.log(result);

## 🧱 **Customization**

@@ -374,6 +561,7 @@ You can extend JsonLang and add any logic you want from well-known sync/async packages like lodash, moment, ajv, axios, mysql, mongoose, ...etc.

Just use the [register functions](#extend) and follow its structure to add whatever you want.
## ⚠️ **Warnings**

@@ -385,22 +573,26 @@ JsonLang can be extended with any function, and you can override the existing rules, but make sure that any method you will add won't:

1. Block the event loop in backend nodejs
1. abuse the CPU or the memory
1. Abuse the CPU or the memory
## 🔌 **Compatibility**
This library uses `` and `Array.reduce`, so it's not *exactly* Internet Explorer 8 friendly.
## 📗 **What's Next?**
* Adding more math, logic, object, array, date, and casting methods.
* Allow importing packages to extend JsonLang easily.
* Provide plugins to wrap well-known packages like MathJs, Jsonata, Axios, Lodash, MomentJs, ...etc.
* Make a UI Editor generate the JSON of JsonLang.
* Allow Writing Rules as expression. i.e. `And(true, Or(1, Get('var1.var2', 0)))`.
* Public website has good documentation, for example, playground to try JsonLang, use-cases session has many ideas for using JsonLang.
* Adding Jsonschema validation for rules inputs
* Allow saving, loading, calling other block of rules.
* Allow logging with different level for rules while execution.
* Make a UI diagram react npm package to generate, show, build, run and show instances logs.
* Add more use-cases for many ideas for using JsonLang.
## 📜 **License**
JsonLang is [MIT licensed](LICENSE)
**JsonLang** is [ **MIT licensed**](LICENSE)

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