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Keep ECDSA Wallet

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= Keep ECDSA v2[image:[ECDSA contracts build status]]

The Keep Network offers threshold ECDSA protocol to generate ECDSA wallets without any single signer having access to the corresponding private key. This functionality is used by TBTC v2 to manage Bitcoin wallets used by the TBTC Bridge.

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== Overview

Keep ECDSA allows creating threshold ECDSA wallets where where n parties share the power to issue digital signatures under a single public key. A threshold t is specified such that any subset of t + 1 players can jointly sign, but any smaller subset cannot.

WalletRegistry smart contract is an on-chain registry of ECDSA wallets controlled by an off-chain network of nodes. The distributed key generation protocol used by the off-chain network of nodes should have three properties:

  • The signing group as a whole should have an ECDSA public key, which will be shared on the host chain (Ethereum) and will correspond to the Bitcoin wallet owned by that signing group.
  • Each member of the signing group should have a threshold ECDSA secret key share, which can be used to create a threshold ECDSA signature share for any transactions involving the signing group’s wallet.
  • Each member of the signing group should be able to combine a threshold number of signature shares from itself and other members of the group to produce a signed version of a given transaction to be performed on behalf of the signing group.

== Prior Work

Smart contracts for the first version of Keep ECDSA are available in link:[`keep-ecdsa` repository]. The new version is optimised for larger groups by implementing optimistic selection of group members during DKG protocol. Staker rewards are redesigned and allocated for all sortition pool members. Most parameters are now governable.

== The Mechanism

=== Wallet Creation

A new wallet is created on request from the walletOwner address. Signing group creation starts with an owner's call to WalletRegistry.requestNewWallet(). This transaction locks the sortition pool and sends a request to the Random Beacon for a new relay entry. From this moment, no operator can enter or leave the pool. Once a new relay entry appears on the chain and gets delivered to WalletRegistry by the Random Beacon contract via WalletRegistry.__beaconCallback callback function call, all off-chain clients perform group selection calling WalletRegistry.selectGroup() view function for free. Relay entry provided by the Random Beacon is used as a seed for the group selection. After determining signing group members, clients should perform off-chain distributed key generation (DKG). <<operator-only,One of the group members>> submits the result to the chain calling WalletRegistry.submitDkgResult(DKG.Result calldata dkgResult) function. Once the result is submitted, a challenge period starts.

During the challenge period, anyone can notify that the submitted DKG result is malicious by calling WalletRegistry.challengeDkgResult(DKG.Result calldata dkgResult) function. A malicious DKG result may contain corrupted data, group members not selected by the pool, or incorrect supporting signatures. If such malicious result is submitted and successfully challenged, the result submitter gets slashed and the malicious result is immediately discarded. The address which notified about malicious DKG result is <<punishment,rewarded>>. DKG timeout timer is reset, and group members have another chance to submit a valid result.

Once the challenge period passes, and no valid challenge is reported, the DKG result submitter should mark the DKG result as approved calling WalletRegistry.approveDkgResult(DKG.Result calldata dkgResult). This transaction also unlocks the sortition pool. The submitter receives an ETH reimbursement for both submitDkgResult and approveDkgResult transactions as described in <<transaction-incentives,Transaction Incentives>> section. In case the original submitter does not call the approveDkgResult function within a specific number of blocks, anyone can do that and receive the submitter's reimbursement.

In case the DKG result was not submitted before the timeout, anyone can notify about the timed out DKG by calling WalletRegistry.notifyDkgTimeout() function and unlock the sortition pool as part of this transaction. In case the relay entry was not produced by the Random Beacon on time, anyone can notify a seed timeout by calling WalletRegistry.notifySeedTimeout() and unlock the sortition pool as a part of this transaction.

Off-chain clients are expected to follow the <<operator-only,submission order>> when submitting DKG result to avoid front-running and minimize the cost, but no ordering is enforced on-chain.

The sortition pool weights operators by their authorized stake amount and allows selecting the same operator multiple times. Inactive/disqualified members during the off-chain DKG protocol are marked as ineligible for <<rewards,rewards>> for a governable period of time when the DKG result is approved.

Each ECDSA wallet created in the system remains active until it is closed by the walletOwner with a call to WalletRegistry.closeWallet().

=== Signing

WalletRegistry does not expose functions for requesting and submitting ECDSA signatures. Wallet signing group needs to monitor the walletOwner contract and is responsible for handling requests from the walletOwner - this logic is not a part of WalletRegistry. For TBTC v2, the walletOwner is the Bridge contract. The wallet signing group reacts on the state changes in the Bridge by producing appropriate ECDSA signatures, moving funds on Bitcoin, and proving it to the Bridge contract.

=== Timeouts

==== DKG Timeout

There is a governable timeout for DKG to complete and for the result to be submitted. DKG timeout includes the time it takes to execute off-chain protocol to generate a key, and the time it takes to submit the result. When DKG timeout is exceeded, anyone can call RandomBeacon.notifyDkgTimeout(). This function unlocks the sortition pool and clears up DKG data, but no slashing for DKG timeout is executed and no one is marked as ineligible for rewards.

==== DKG Seed Timeout

There is a governable timeout for a new signing group selection seed to be provided.

For a signing group member selection to be executed by the sortition pool, Random Beacon needs to provide a group selection seed. Request to the Random Beacon is one of the first steps of the new wallet creation process in WalletRegistry.requestNewWallet()

When Random Beacon did not provide a seed and a timeout for a seed is exceeded, anyone can call WalletRegistry.notifySeedTimeout(). This function unlocks the sortition pool and clears up DKG data, but no slashing for DKG timeout is executed by WalletRegistry and no one is marked as ineligible for rewards. Random Beacon has its own mechanism of slashing for not providing relay entry on time.

[[inactivity]] === Inactivity notification and Heartbeat failures

Off-chain clients are free to execute any heartbeat protocol they want to ensure signing group member key share is still available and nodes are operating properly.

[TIP] One example of a heartbeat protocol is signing some piece of information every n-th block. Wallet signing group members need to ensure the signed piece of information can not be used in a fraudulent way and can not be used to accuse them for committing a fraud in TBTC Bridge.

Group members can agree to punish members who are permanently inactive and issue an operator inactivity claim. If the required threshold of group members signed the operator inactivity claim, they can submit it to WalletRegistry.notifyOperatorInactivity(Inactivity.Claim calldata claim, uint256 nonce, int32[] calldata groupMembers) function and have the group members who are inactive excluded from the sortition pool <<rewards,rewards>> for a governable time period.

This approach is theoretically susceptible to group members colluding together, but because a reasonably high number of operators is needed to sign a claim and operators signing the claim receive nothing in return, we consider this approach safe and good enough. An important advantage of this approach is that honest players can decide off-chain when it makes sense to submit an operator inactivity claim and mark someone as ineligible for rewards. For example, marking an operator ineligible for rewards for the next two weeks has a higher impact than prolonging reward ineligibility for 10 minutes for an operator that was already marked as ineligible for rewards. This approach does not increase the gas cost of a happy path and leaves some freedom to group members. They can mark as ineligible operators who turned off their nodes, operators whose nodes never participate in signing because they are misconfigured, or operators who notoriously miss their turn in submitting relay entries.

Inactivity.Claim has an additional boolean field of heartbeatFailed. If too many members are inactive during the heartbeat failing, it means that the wallet is at risk of losing the possibility to sign transactions. walletOwner (TBTC Bridge) is informed about a failed heartbeat by IWalletOwner.__ecdsaWalletHeartbeatFailedCallback callback function call and starts the process of moving funds out of the problematic wallet.

[[rewards]] === Rewards

T rewards are allocated to all operators registered in the ECDSA sortition pool, excluding operators who were marked as ineligible for rewards as a result of being reported by other group members as <<inactivity,inactive>> or as a result of being inactive or disqualified during the DKG. Rewards are allocated proportionally to the operator's weight in the pool.

[[transaction-incentives]] === Transaction Incentives

There are three types of transactions: <<operator-only,Operator-Only>>, <<public-knowledge,Public-Knowledge>>, and <<punishment,Punishment>>.

[[operator-only]] ==== Operator-Only Operator-Only transactions are where only the operators have access to the information required to assemble the transaction with the right input parameters.

In order to avoid all operators racing to submit the transaction at the same time, we have an off-chain informal agreement to submit based on the operator's position in the group (can use the hash of the group's pubkey).

If the designated operator does not submit their transaction before a timeout expires, the duty moves to the next operator and the group can sign a transaction to mark that operator as <<inactivity,inactive>>. Since there is no slashing reward, and since this transaction can only be submitted by an operator, this transaction is also Operator-Only.

In order to compensate the operator for posting the transaction, the gas spent will be reimbursed by a DAO-funded ETH pool in the same transaction. It is important to note, that the system has a governable cap for the gas price to protect against malicious operators trying to drain the pool (see Reimbursable and ReimbursementPool smart contracts).

Operator-only transactions are submitDkgResult, notifyOperatorInactivity, and approveDkgResult for a certain number of blocks, before a timeout for the original DKG result submitter to call this function elapses.

[[public-knowledge]] ==== Public-Knowledge Public-Knowledge transactions are where anyone has access to the information required to assemble the transaction and the transaction does not lead to punishment.

In order to prevent wasting gas on racing to submit, such transactions need to be executed rarely, and off-chain clients should follow the informal agreement about the submission order.

To compensate these transactions, whoever posts them will have the gas spent reimbursed by a DAO-funded ETH pool in the same transaction.

The only two public knowledge transactions are notifyDkgTimeout and notifySeedTimeout.

approveDkgResult turns into a public knowledge transaction in case the original submitter has not approved the result before the timeout.

[[punishment]] ==== Punishment Punishment transactions are where anyone has access to the information required to assemble the transaction (like <<public-knowledge,Public-Knowledge>>) and the transaction leads to slashing.

In these transactions, maintaining system health is more important than optimizing gas via preventing racing, so we offer up bounties in the form of a notifier reward from slashed tokens to whichever submitter submits first. We do not compensate gas. Notification rewards are distributed by Threshold Network TokenStaking contract.

The only punishment transaction in WalletRegistry itself if challengeDkgResult. Additionally, walletOwner can implement its own punishment transactions, and slash the signing group members with a call to WalletRegistry.seize function.

== System Diagram

image::system-diagram.png[System Diagram]

== Parameters

[%header,cols="3m,4,^1,^2m"] |=== ^|Property Name ^|Description |Governable |Default Value


|groupSize |Size of a signing group for a wallet. |No |100

|groupThreshold |The minimum number of group members needed to interact according to the protocol to produce a signature |No |51

|activeThreshold |The minimum number of active and properly behaving group members during the DKG needed to accept the result. |No d|90 + 90% of groupSize

|singnatureByteSize |Size in bytes of a single signature produced by operator supporting DKG result. |No |65

|seedTimeout |Time in blocks for Random Beacon to provide group selection seed. |Yes d|11_520 blocks + ~48h assuming 15s block time

|resultChallengePeriodLength |Time in blocks during which the submitted DKG result can be challenged. |Yes d|11_520 blocks + ~48h assuming 15s block time

|resultSubmissionTimeout |Time in blocks during which a DKG result is expected to be submitted. |Yes d|2000 blocks + 100 members * 20 blocks = 2000 blocks

|submitterPrecedencePeriodLength |Time in blocks during which only the DKG result submitter is allowed to approve it. |Yes |20 blocks


|maliciousDkgResultSlashingAmount |Slashing amount for submitting malicious DKG result. |Yes d|400e18 + 400 T

|dkgMaliciousResultNotificationRewardMultiplier |Percentage of the staking contract malicious behavior notification reward which will be transferred to the notifier reporting about a malicious DKG result. |Yes |100

|sortitionPoolRewardsBanDuration |Duration of the sortition pool rewards ban imposed on operators who were inactive/disqualified during off-chain DKG or were voted by the group as inactive for other reasons. |Yes |2 weeks

4+s|Gas offsets

|dkgResultSubmissionGas |Calculated gas cost for submitting a DKG result. This will be refunded as part of the DKG approval process. |Yes |290_000

|dkgResultApprovalGasOffset |Gas that is meant to balance the DKG result approval's overall cost. |Yes |72_000

|notifyOperatorInactivityGasOffset |Gas that is meant to balance the operator inactivity notification cost. |Yes |93_000

|notifySeedTimeoutGasOffset |Gas that is meant to balance the DKG seed delivery timeout notification cost. |Yes |7_250

|notifyDkgTimeoutNegativeGasOffset |Gas that is meant to balance the DKG timeout notification cost. |Yes |2_300


|minimumAuthorization |The minimum authorization amount required so that operator can participate in the Random Beacon. |Yes d|40_000e18 + 40 000 T

|authorizationDecreaseDelay |Delay in seconds that needs to pass between the time authorization decrease is requested and the time that request gets approved. |Yes d|3_888_000 seconds + 45 days

|authorizationDecreaseChangePeriod |Time period in seconds before the authorization decrease delay end, during which the authorization decrease request can be overwritten. |Yes d|3_888_000 seconds + 45 days

4+s|Wallet Registry

|walletOwner |Wallet owner address capable of requesting new wallets, closing and slashing existing ones. |Yes d|TBTC Bridge contract address

|randomBeacon |Random Beacon contract address, needed to produce seed for wallet signing group member selection. |Yes d|RandomBeacon contract address


== Build

The contracts use[*Hardhat*] development environment. To build and deploy contracts, please follow the instructions presented below.

=== Prerequisites

Please make sure you have the following prerequisites installed on your machine:

=== Build contracts

To build the smart contracts, install node packages first:

yarn install

Once packages are installed, you can build the smart contracts using:

yarn build

Compiled contracts will land in the build/ directory.

==== TypeScript Typings

Typings are generated for the contracts in typechain/ directory.

=== Test contracts

There are multiple test scenarios living in the test directory. You can run them by doing:

yarn test

=== Deploy contracts

To deploy contract execute:

yarn deploy --network <NETWORK>

After the Bridge contract from tbtc-v2 is deployed it has to be set as the walletOwner in the WalletRegistry:

npx hardhat --network <NETWORK> initialize-wallet-owner --wallet-owner-address <BRIDGE_ADDRESS>


Package last updated on 20 Dec 2023

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