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@lit-labs/react - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.1.2-pre.0 to 1.2.0




@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ /**

/// <reference types="react" />
export type EventName<T extends Event = Event> = string & {
export declare type EventName<T extends Event = Event> = string & {
__event_type: T;
type EventNames = Record<string, EventName | string>;
type EventListeners<R extends EventNames> = {
declare type EventNames = Record<string, EventName | string>;
declare type EventListeners<R extends EventNames> = {
[K in keyof R]: R[K] extends EventName ? (e: R[K]['__event_type']) => void : (e: Event) => void;
type ReactProps<I, E> = Omit<React.HTMLAttributes<I>, keyof E>;
type ElementWithoutPropsOrEventListeners<I, E> = Omit<I, keyof E | keyof ReactProps<I, E>>;
export type WebComponentProps<I extends HTMLElement, E extends EventNames = {}> = Partial<ReactProps<I, E> & ElementWithoutPropsOrEventListeners<I, E> & EventListeners<E>>;
export type ReactWebComponent<I extends HTMLElement, E extends EventNames = {}> = React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<React.PropsWithoutRef<WebComponentProps<I, E>> & React.RefAttributes<I>>;
declare type ReactProps<I, E> = Omit<React.HTMLAttributes<I>, keyof E>;
declare type ElementWithoutPropsOrEventListeners<I, E> = Omit<I, keyof E | keyof ReactProps<I, E>>;
export declare type WebComponentProps<I extends HTMLElement, E extends EventNames = {}> = Partial<ReactProps<I, E> & ElementWithoutPropsOrEventListeners<I, E> & EventListeners<E>>;
export declare type ReactWebComponent<I extends HTMLElement, E extends EventNames = {}> = React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<React.PropsWithoutRef<WebComponentProps<I, E>> & React.RefAttributes<I>>;
interface Options<I extends HTMLElement, E extends EventNames = {}> {

@@ -26,3 +26,3 @@ tagName: string;

type Constructor<T> = {
declare type Constructor<T> = {
new (): T;

@@ -29,0 +29,0 @@ };

@@ -6,3 +6,3 @@ /**

const t=new Set(["children","localName","ref","style","className"]),e=new WeakMap,n=(t,n,s,i,o)=>{const l=o?.[n];void 0===l||s===i?null==s&&n in HTMLElement.prototype?t.removeAttribute(n):t[n]=s:((t,n,s)=>{let i=e.get(t);void 0===i&&e.set(t,i=new Map);let o=i.get(n);void 0!==s?void 0===o?(i.set(n,o={handleEvent:s}),t.addEventListener(n,o)):o.handleEvent=s:void 0!==o&&(i.delete(n),t.removeEventListener(n,o))})(t,l,s)},s=(t,e)=>{"function"==typeof t?t(e):t.current=e};function i(e=window.React,i,o,l,c){let d,a,r;if(void 0===i){const t=e;({tagName:a,elementClass:r,events:l,displayName:c}=t),d=t.react}else d=e,r=o,a=i;const h=d.Component,f=d.createElement,u=new Set(Object.keys(l??{}));class m extends h{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.o=null}t(t){if(null!==this.o)for(const e in this.i)n(this.o,e,this.props[e],t?t[e]:void 0,l)}componentDidMount(){this.t()}componentDidUpdate(t){this.t(t)}render(){const{_$Gl:e,...n}=this.props;this.h!==e&&(this.u=t=>{null!==e&&s(e,t),this.o=t,this.h=e}),this.i={};const i={ref:this.u};for(const[e,s]of Object.entries(n))t.has(e)?i["className"===e?"class":e]=s:u.has(e)||e in r.prototype?this.i[e]=s:i[e]=s;return f(a,i)}}m.displayName=c??;const p=d.forwardRef(((t,e)=>f(m,{...t,_$Gl:e},t?.children)));return p.displayName=m.displayName,p}export{i as createComponent};
const t=new Set(["children","localName","ref","style","className"]),e=new WeakMap,n=(t,n,s,i,o)=>{const l=null==o?void 0:o[n];void 0===l||s===i?null==s&&n in HTMLElement.prototype?t.removeAttribute(n):t[n]=s:((t,n,s)=>{let i=e.get(t);void 0===i&&e.set(t,i=new Map);let o=i.get(n);void 0!==s?void 0===o?(i.set(n,o={handleEvent:s}),t.addEventListener(n,o)):o.handleEvent=s:void 0!==o&&(i.delete(n),t.removeEventListener(n,o))})(t,l,s)},s=(t,e)=>{"function"==typeof t?t(e):t.current=e};function i(e=window.React,i,o,l,d){let a,c,r;if(void 0===i){const t=e;({tagName:c,elementClass:r,events:l,displayName:d}=t),a=t.react}else a=e,r=o,c=i;const h=a.Component,u=a.createElement,f=new Set(Object.keys(null!=l?l:{}));class v extends h{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.o=null}t(t){if(null!==this.o)for(const e in this.i)n(this.o,e,this.props[e],t?t[e]:void 0,l)}componentDidMount(){var t;this.t(),null===(t=this.o)||void 0===t||t.removeAttribute("defer-hydration")}componentDidUpdate(t){this.t(t)}render(){const{_$Gl:e,...n}=this.props;this.h!==e&&(this.u=t=>{null!==e&&s(e,t),this.o=t,this.h=e}),this.i={};const i={ref:this.u};for(const[e,s]of Object.entries(n))t.has(e)?i["className"===e?"class":e]=s:f.has(e)||e in r.prototype?this.i[e]=s:i[e]=s;return i.suppressHydrationWarning=!0,u(c,i)}}v.displayName=null!=d?;const m=a.forwardRef(((t,e)=>u(v,{...t,_$Gl:e},null==t?void 0:t.children)));return m.displayName=v.displayName,m}export{i as createComponent};

@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ /**

/// <reference types="react" />
export type EventName<T extends Event = Event> = string & {
export declare type EventName<T extends Event = Event> = string & {
__event_type: T;
type EventNames = Record<string, EventName | string>;
type EventListeners<R extends EventNames> = {
declare type EventNames = Record<string, EventName | string>;
declare type EventListeners<R extends EventNames> = {
[K in keyof R]: R[K] extends EventName ? (e: R[K]['__event_type']) => void : (e: Event) => void;
type ReactProps<I, E> = Omit<React.HTMLAttributes<I>, keyof E>;
type ElementWithoutPropsOrEventListeners<I, E> = Omit<I, keyof E | keyof ReactProps<I, E>>;
export type WebComponentProps<I extends HTMLElement, E extends EventNames = {}> = Partial<ReactProps<I, E> & ElementWithoutPropsOrEventListeners<I, E> & EventListeners<E>>;
export type ReactWebComponent<I extends HTMLElement, E extends EventNames = {}> = React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<React.PropsWithoutRef<WebComponentProps<I, E>> & React.RefAttributes<I>>;
declare type ReactProps<I, E> = Omit<React.HTMLAttributes<I>, keyof E>;
declare type ElementWithoutPropsOrEventListeners<I, E> = Omit<I, keyof E | keyof ReactProps<I, E>>;
export declare type WebComponentProps<I extends HTMLElement, E extends EventNames = {}> = Partial<ReactProps<I, E> & ElementWithoutPropsOrEventListeners<I, E> & EventListeners<E>>;
export declare type ReactWebComponent<I extends HTMLElement, E extends EventNames = {}> = React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<React.PropsWithoutRef<WebComponentProps<I, E>> & React.RefAttributes<I>>;
interface Options<I extends HTMLElement, E extends EventNames = {}> {

@@ -26,3 +26,3 @@ tagName: string;

type Constructor<T> = {
declare type Constructor<T> = {
new (): T;

@@ -29,0 +29,0 @@ };

@@ -6,2 +6,3 @@ /**

const NODE_MODE = false;
const DEV_MODE = true;

@@ -50,3 +51,3 @@ const reservedReactProperties = new Set([

const setProperty = (node, name, value, old, events) => {
const event = events?.[name];
const event = events === null || events === void 0 ? void 0 : events[name];
if (event !== undefined && value !== old) {

@@ -113,3 +114,3 @@ // Dirty check event value.

const createElement = React.createElement;
const eventProps = new Set(Object.keys(events ?? {}));
const eventProps = new Set(Object.keys(events !== null && events !== void 0 ? events : {}));
class ReactComponent extends Component {

@@ -137,3 +138,5 @@ constructor() {

componentDidMount() {
var _a;
(_a = this._element) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.removeAttribute('defer-hydration');

@@ -190,7 +193,20 @@ /**

// If component is to be server rendered with `@lit-labs/ssr-react` pass
// element properties in a special bag to be set by the server-side
// element renderer.
if (NODE_MODE && === 'litPatchedCreateElement' &&
Object.keys(this._elementProps).length) {
// This property needs to remain unminified.
props['_$litProps$'] = this._elementProps;
return createElement(tag, props);
// Suppress hydration warning for server-rendered attributes, including
// "defer-hydration"
props['suppressHydrationWarning'] = true;
return createElement(tag, props);
ReactComponent.displayName = displayName ??;
const ForwardedComponent = React.forwardRef((props, __forwardedRef) => createElement(ReactComponent, { ...props, __forwardedRef }, props?.children));
ReactComponent.displayName = displayName !== null && displayName !== void 0 ? displayName :;
const ForwardedComponent = React.forwardRef((props, __forwardedRef) => createElement(ReactComponent, { ...props, __forwardedRef }, props === null || props === void 0 ? void 0 : props.children));
// To ease debugging in the React Developer Tools

@@ -197,0 +213,0 @@ ForwardedComponent.displayName = ReactComponent.displayName;

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ /**

import { ReactiveController, ReactiveControllerHost } from '@lit/reactive-element/reactive-controller.js';
export type ControllerConstructor<C extends ReactiveController> = {
export declare type ControllerConstructor<C extends ReactiveController> = {
new (...args: Array<any>): C;

@@ -11,0 +11,0 @@ };

@@ -28,5 +28,6 @@ /**

removeController(controller) {
var _a;
// Note, if the indexOf is -1, the >>> will flip the sign which makes the
// splice do nothing.
this._controllers?.splice(this._controllers.indexOf(controller) >>> 0, 1);
(_a = this._controllers) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.splice(this._controllers.indexOf(controller) >>> 0, 1);

@@ -46,3 +47,3 @@ requestUpdate() {

this._isConnected = true;
this._controllers.forEach((c) => c.hostConnected?.());
this._controllers.forEach((c) => { var _a; return (_a = c.hostConnected) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :; });

@@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ /* @internal */

this._isConnected = false;
this._controllers.forEach((c) => c.hostDisconnected?.());
this._controllers.forEach((c) => { var _a; return (_a = c.hostDisconnected) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :; });
/* @internal */
_update() {
this._controllers.forEach((c) => c.hostUpdate?.());
this._controllers.forEach((c) => { var _a; return (_a = c.hostUpdate) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :; });

@@ -68,3 +69,3 @@ /* @internal */

this._controllers.forEach((c) => c.hostUpdated?.());
this._controllers.forEach((c) => { var _a; return (_a = c.hostUpdated) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :; });

@@ -71,0 +72,0 @@ }

"name": "@lit-labs/react",
"version": "1.1.2-pre.0",
"version": "1.2.0",
"description": "A React component wrapper for web components.",

@@ -22,2 +22,6 @@ "license": "BSD-3-Clause",

"types": "./development/index.d.ts",
"node": {
"development": "./node/development/index.js",
"default": "./node/index.js"
"development": "./development/index.js",

@@ -28,2 +32,6 @@ "default": "./index.js"

"types": "./development/use-controller.d.ts",
"node": {
"development": "./node/development/use-controller.js",
"default": "./node/use-controller.js"
"development": "./development/use-controller.js",

@@ -36,2 +44,3 @@ "default": "./use-controller.js"


@@ -49,2 +58,3 @@ "/create-component.{d.ts,,js,}",

"test:prod": "wireit",
"test:node": "wireit",
"checksize": "wireit"

@@ -101,3 +111,4 @@ },


@@ -119,7 +130,8 @@ },

"test:dev": {
"command": "MODE=dev node ../../tests/run-web-tests.js \"development/**/*_test.js\" --config ../../tests/web-test-runner.config.js",
"command": "node ../../tests/run-web-tests.js \"development/**/*_test.js\" --config ../../tests/web-test-runner.config.js",
"dependencies": [

@@ -133,3 +145,4 @@ "build:ts",

"external": true
"MODE": "dev"

@@ -140,6 +153,7 @@ "files": [],

"test:prod": {
"command": "MODE=prod node ../../tests/run-web-tests.js \"development/**/*_test.js\" --config ../../tests/web-test-runner.config.js",
"command": "node ../../tests/run-web-tests.js \"development/**/*_test.js\" --config ../../tests/web-test-runner.config.js",
"dependencies": [

@@ -150,6 +164,17 @@ ],

"external": true
"MODE": "prod"
"files": [],
"output": []
"test:node": {
"command": "node development/test/node-render.js",
"dependencies": [
"files": [],
"output": []

@@ -159,7 +184,7 @@ },

"devDependencies": {
"@lit/reactive-element": "^2.0.0-pre.0",
"@lit/reactive-element": "^1.5.0",
"@types/react": "^17.0.0",
"@types/react-dom": "^17.0.0",
"@types/trusted-types": "^2.0.2",
"@lit-internal/scripts": "^1.0.1-pre.0",
"@lit-internal/scripts": "^1.0.0",
"react": "^17.0.1",

@@ -166,0 +191,0 @@ "react-dom": "^17.0.1"

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ /**

import { ReactiveController, ReactiveControllerHost } from '@lit/reactive-element/reactive-controller.js';
export type ControllerConstructor<C extends ReactiveController> = {
export declare type ControllerConstructor<C extends ReactiveController> = {
new (...args: Array<any>): C;

@@ -11,0 +11,0 @@ };

@@ -6,3 +6,3 @@ /**

const t=Promise.resolve();class s{constructor(t,s){this.p=[],this._=!0,this.m=!1,this.v=t,this.C=s,this.j=new Promise(((t,s)=>{this.M=t}))}addController(t){this.p.push(t)}removeController(t){this.p?.splice(this.p.indexOf(t)>>>0,1)}requestUpdate(){this._||(this._=!0,t.then((()=>this.C(++this.v))))}get updateComplete(){return this.j}N(){this.m=!0,this.p.forEach((t=>t.hostConnected?.()))}O(){this.m=!1,this.p.forEach((t=>t.hostDisconnected?.()))}R(){this.p.forEach((t=>t.hostUpdate?.()))}L(){this._=!1;const t=this.M;this.j=new Promise(((t,s)=>{this.M=t})),this.p.forEach((t=>t.hostUpdated?.())),t(this._)}}const e=(e,i)=>{const{useState:h,useLayoutEffect:o}=e,[n,r]=h(0);let c=!1;const[u]=h((()=>{const e=new s(n,r),h=i(e);return e.P=h,e.N(),c=!0,t.then((()=>{c&&e.O()})),e}));return u._=!0,o((()=>(c=!1,u.m||u.N(),()=>u.O())),[]),o((()=>u.L())),u.R(),u.P};export{e as useController};
const t=Promise.resolve();class s{constructor(t,s){this.v=[],this.p=!0,this._=!1,this.m=t,this.C=s,this.j=new Promise(((t,s)=>{this.O=t}))}addController(t){this.v.push(t)}removeController(t){var s;null===(s=this.v)||void 0===s||s.splice(this.v.indexOf(t)>>>0,1)}requestUpdate(){this.p||(this.p=!0,t.then((()=>this.C(++this.m))))}get updateComplete(){return this.j}M(){this._=!0,this.v.forEach((t=>{var s;return null===(s=t.hostConnected)||void 0===s?void}))}N(){this._=!1,this.v.forEach((t=>{var s;return null===(s=t.hostDisconnected)||void 0===s?void}))}P(){this.v.forEach((t=>{var s;return null===(s=t.hostUpdate)||void 0===s?void}))}R(){this.p=!1;const t=this.O;this.j=new Promise(((t,s)=>{this.O=t})),this.v.forEach((t=>{var s;return null===(s=t.hostUpdated)||void 0===s?void})),t(this.p)}}const i=(i,e)=>{const{useState:r,useLayoutEffect:o}=i,[n,h]=r(0);let u=!1;const[d]=r((()=>{const i=new s(n,h),r=e(i);return i.L=r,i.M(),u=!0,t.then((()=>{u&&i.N()})),i}));return d.p=!0,o((()=>(u=!1,d._||d.M(),()=>d.N())),[]),o((()=>d.R())),d.P(),d.L};export{i as useController};

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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