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@littlemissrobot/sass-functions - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.1.3 to 1.0.0



"name": "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions",
"version": "0.1.3",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "Little Miss Robot sass functions library that helps execute reusable and complex tasks ",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"start": "webpack-dev-server --inline --config .webpack/",
"build": "webpack -p --config .webpack/",
"todo": "leasot -x --reporter markdown 'src/**/*.html' 'src/**/*.scss' >",
"start": "NODE_ENV=DEVELOPMENT ./node_modules/.bin/gulp start --gulpfile .gulpfile.js",
"build": "NODE_ENV=PRODUCTION ./node_modules/.bin/gulp build --gulpfile .gulpfile.js",
"prepublishOnly": "npm run build"

@@ -24,25 +23,24 @@ },

"files": [
"publishConfig": {
"access": "public"
"devDependencies": {
"@littlemissrobot/stylelint-config": "^1.0.6",
"clean-webpack-plugin": "^3.0.0",
"copy-webpack-plugin": "^5.1.1",
"css-loader": "^3.4.2",
"html-webpack-plugin": "^3.2.0",
"leasot": "^10.0.0",
"node-sass": "^4.13.0",
"postcss-loader": "^3.0.0",
"@littlemissrobot/stylelint-config": "^1.0.15",
"browser-sync": "^2.26.7",
"del": "^5.1.0",
"gulp": "^4.0.2",
"gulp-postcss": "^8.0.0",
"gulp-sass": "^4.1.0",
"gulp-sourcemaps": "^2.6.5",
"gulp-stylelint": "^13.0.0",
"postcss-preset-env": "^6.7.0",
"postcss-scss": "^2.0.0",
"sass-loader": "^8.0.2",
"style-loader": "^1.1.2",
"stylelint": "^13.0.0",
"stylelint-webpack-plugin": "^1.2.1",
"webpack": "^4.41.5",
"webpack-cli": "^3.3.10",
"webpack-dev-server": "^3.10.1",
"webpack-fix-style-only-entries": "^0.4.0",
"webpack-merge": "^4.2.2"
"postcss-scss": "^2.1.1",
"stylelint": "^13.5.0"
"dependencies": {
"sass": "^1.26.8"
# Little Miss Robot - Sass functions
> This repository contains SASS functions that we, at Little Miss Robot, like to
> use to make our wonderful lives in the world of SASS easier and more
> managable.
> This repository contains Sass (Dart Sass) based functions that we, at Little
> Miss Robot, like to use to make our wonderful lives in the world of SASS more
> wondeful. These functions are also mainly used throughout our other libraries
> to manage recurring tasks.
## Info
This package does not contain or generate any CSS. It simply provides a couple
of `@function` statements for you to make use of.
This package contains no styling but simply provides a couple of functions that
execute a simple task. This is specifically made for SASS and cannot be used in
any other language.
This library makes use of [Dart Sass](, which is
the primary implementation of Sass. Make sure that your Sass compiler is making
use of Dart Sass.
This means that if you are using a task manager (like Gulp) or a module bundler
(like Webpack), you must indicate which compiler it should use for compiling
Sass to CSS.
Furthermore, this library makes heavy use of Sass modules:
[`@use`]( Therefore we
recommend importing and using this library with the `@use` statement.
## Install
# As a dependency
$ npm install @littlemissrobot/sass-functions
# As a dev-dependency
$ npm install --save-dev @littlemissrobot/sass-functions

@@ -20,228 +35,798 @@ ```

1. Import the library from the node_modules folder.
### Through the main entry point
1. Import the library from the node_modules folder:
@import "~@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/lib/main";
@use "YOUR-PATH-TO-NODE_MODULES/@littlemissrobot/sass-functions" as _f;
2. That's it! The functions that are present within this file are now available
to you!
2. Functions are now available within the `_f` namespace:
h1 {
margin-bottom: _f.px_rem(16px);
3. That's (mind-blowingly) it! The functions are seperated with internal
namespaces, where functions related to a `map` are namespaced with
`_f.map_[FUNCTION-NAME]` or a `list` would be `_f.list_[FUNCTION-NAME]`.
### Through the partial entry points
1. Import the partial of the library from the node_modules folder.
@use "YOUR-PATH-TO-NODE_MODULES/@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/px" as _px;
2. Functions are now available within the `_px` namespace:
h1 {
margin-bottom: _px.rem(16px);
3. That's (mind-blowingly) it! There are a number of partials to use the
functions from:
* `"sass-functions/list" as _list;`
* `"sass-functions/map" as _map;`
* `"sass-functions/math" as _math;`
* `"sass-functions/number" as _number;`
* `"sass-functions/px" as _px;`
* `"sass-functions/rem" as _rem;`
* `"sass-functions/string" as _string;`
## Functions
### escape-chars($value)
### List
> Escapes special characters in SASS to be used in for example, class names. It
> places backward slashes in front of the special characters to escape them.
These functions are namespace with **list_**:
Supported characters (will get extended):
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions" as _f;
* **%** is changed to **\%**
* **.** is changed to **\.**
_f.list_includes($list, 5);
Or can be included through the partial:
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/list" as _list;
_list.includes($list, 5);
#### includes($list, $item)
Checks if the list contains a certain item. Returns a boolean.
* **$value**: the string that contain characters that needs to be escaped
* **$list**: the list to search within
* **$item**: the item to search for in the list
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/list" as _list;
$list: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
_list.includes($list, 5); // true
_list.includes($list, 10); // false
### is-number($value)
#### is-low-to-high($list)
> Checks if the passed value is a number and returns a boolean.
Checks if the numbers in the list are ordered lowest to highest.
* **$value**: the value that should get checked
* **$list**: the list which contains the numbers.
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/list" as _list;
$list1: (2, 1, 3);
$list2: (1, 2, 3);$list1); // false$list2); // true
### list-contains($list, $item)
#### merge-unique($lists...)
> Checks if a list contains a certain item and returns a boolean.
Merges multiple lists and removes any duplicates.
* **$list**: the list that contains multiple items
* **$item**: the item to look for in the list
* **$lists...**: any amount of lists to merge together
$list: (1, 2, 3);
$item: 1;
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/list" as _list;
list-contains($list, $item);
$list1: (1, 2, 3);
$list2: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
$list3: (4, 5, 6, 7, 8);
_list.merge-unique($list1, $list2, $list3); // (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
### map-collect($maps...)
#### remove-duplicates($list)
> The standard map-merge function only lets you merge 2 maps together. This
> function makes use of map-merge but merges as much maps together as you want.
Loops through the list and removes duplicate values.
* **$maps...**: comma seperated maps that should all get merged together.
* **$list**: the list to remove the duplicates from
map-collect($map1, $map2, $map3);
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/list" as _list;
$list: (1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 4, 5);
_list.remove-duplicates($list); // (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
### px-to-rem($value, $normalize)
#### reverse($list)
> Convert a pixel value to a rem value. Do note that we assume here that on the
> html tag you have defined that the font-size is 62.5%, to make sure that the
> 1rem is equal to 10px. If you want to overwrite this than you can simply pass
> a second parameter that indicates how much 1rem is in pixels.
Reverses the order of the values within a list.
* **$value**: the amount of pixels to be converted to rem
* **$normalize**: the amount of pixels that is equal to 1 rem, defalut is 10px
* **$list**: the list to reverse the order of the items.
margin: px-to-rem(50px);
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/list" as _list;
$list: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
_list.reverse($list); // (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
### random-number($min, $max)
#### sort-low-to-high($list)
> Generate a random number between a minimum and maximum value. This returns
> a randomised number between the range.
Sorts a list of numbers from lowest to highest.
* **$min**: the minimum value to generate the number between
* **$max**: the maximum value to generate the number between
* **$list**: the list to sort.
margin: random-number(2rem, 10rem);
margin: random-number(20px, 100px);
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/list" as _list;
$list: (2, 1, 5, 3, 4);
_list.sort-low-to-high($list); // (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
### rem-to-px($value, $normalize)
### Map
> Convert a rem value to a pixel value. Do note that we assume here that on the
> html tag you have defined that the font-size is 62.5%, to make sure that the
> 1rem is equal to 10px. If you want to overwrite this than you can simply pass
> a second parameter that indicates how much 1rem is in pixels.
These functions are namespace with **map_**:
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions" as _f;
_f.map_includes($map, color);
Or can be included through the partial:
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/map" as _map;
_map.includes($map, color);
#### collect($maps...)
The standard map-merge function only lets you merge 2 maps. This function makes
use of the method, but merges as many maps together as you want.
* **$value:** the amount of rem to be converted to pixels
* **$normalize**: the amount of pixels that is equal to 1 rem, defalut is 10px
* **$maps**: any amount of maps to merge together
margin: rem-to-px(5rem);
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/map" as _map;
$map1: (
display: flex;
justify-content: center,
align-items: center,
$map2: (
font-size: 16px,
line-height: 24px,
$map3: (
color: white,
background-color: black,
_map.sort-low-to-high($map1, $map2, $map3);
// result: (
// display: flex;
// justify-content: center,
// align-items: center,
// font-size: 16px,
// line-height: 24px,
// color: white,
// background-color: black,
// );
### reverse-map($map)
#### get($map, $path)
> Reverses the order of the keys in a map
Retrieve a value from a map which can contain mulitple more maps with values.
Pass a path as a string, where each key is seperated by a space. Each key within
that string represents the keys until you reach a certain value within the map.
* **$map**: the target map that should be reversed
* **$map**: The map to retrieve the value from
* **$path**: The path of keys to the value
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/map" as _map;
$colors: (
brand: (
primary: black,
secondary: white
typo: (
title: (
h1: black,
h2: red,
h3: blue
text: (
p: black,
small: (
base: gray,
inverse: white,
_map.get($colors, "brand primary"); // black
_map.get($colors, "typo title h1"); // black
_map.get($colors, "typo text small base"); // gray
### set-px($value)
#### get-from-list($map, $list)
> Converts any value into a pixel, only if it is supported within the function.
Generate a new map of items, based on the values within the list, which
represent the keys in the map.
Supported values (get expanded):
* rem to pixel
* **$map**: The map with the keys and values
* **$list**: The list to create a new map from
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/map" as _map;
* **$value**: the value that should get converted to a pixel.
$breakpoints: (
viewport-3: 360px,
viewport-4: 480px,
viewport-7: 720px,
viewport-9: 992px,
viewport-12: 1200px
$list1: (viewport-7, viewport-9);
$list2: (viewport-3, viewport-9, viewport-12);
_map.get-from-list($breakpoints, $list1);
// result: (
// viewport-7: 720px,
// viewport-9: 992px,
// );
_map.get-from-list($breakpoints, $list2);
// result: (
// viewport-3: 360px,
// viewport-9: 992px,
// viewport-12: 1200px,
// );
#### get-keys-from-list($map, $list)
Generate a new list of keys from a map, based on the items within a map and a
list representing the values in that map.
* **$map**: The map with the keys and values
* **$list**: The list to create a new list from
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/map" as _map;
$breakpoints: (
viewport-3: 360px,
viewport-4: 480px,
viewport-7: 720px,
viewport-9: 992px,
viewport-12: 1200px
$list1: (720px, 992px);
$list2: (360px, 992px, 1200px);
_map.get-keys-from-list($breakpoints, $list1);
// result: (viewport-7, viewport-9);
_map.get-keys-from-list($breakpoints, $list2);
// result: (viewport-3, viewport-9, viewport-12);
### str-replace($string, $search, $replace)
#### get-values-from-list($map, $list)
> Searches a string for a certain character or group of characters and replaces
> it with the passed character(s).
Generate a new list of values from a map, based on the items within a map and a
list representing the keys in that map.
* **$string**: the string to search for and replace
* **$search**: the character(s) to search for in the string
* **$replace**: the character(s) to replace the searched characters with
* **$map**: The map with the keys and values
* **$list**: The list to create a new list from
str-replace("Drupal 4 life", "Drupal", "Craft");
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/map" as _map;
$breakpoints: (
viewport-3: 360px,
viewport-4: 480px,
viewport-7: 720px,
viewport-9: 992px,
viewport-12: 1200px
$list1: (viewport-7, viewport-9);
$list2: (viewport-3, viewport-9, viewport-12);
_map.get-values-from-list($breakpoints, $list1);
// result: (720px, 992px);
_map.get-values-from-list($breakpoints, $list2);
// result: (360px, 992px, 1200px);
### str-split($string, $separator)
#### includes($map, $key)
> Create a list from a string by defining a character to split the string at.
Checks if a map contains a certain key.
* **$string**: the string to split and create a list from
* **$separator**: the character(s) to split the string at
* **$map**: The map to search
* **$key**: The item to search for
$string: "Batman Superman Flash";
$separator: " ";
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/map" as _map;
str-split($string, $separator);
$breakpoints: (
viewport-3: 360px,
viewport-4: 480px,
viewport-7: 720px,
viewport-9: 992px,
viewport-12: 1200px
_map.includes($breakpoints, viewport-7); // true
_map.includes($breakpoints, viewport-2); // false
### strip-unit($value)
#### is-low-to-high($map)
> Removes the unit from a value. For example: 10px becomes 10.
Checks if the numbers, as values, in the map are ordered lowest to highest.
* **$value**: the value that should get its units stripped
* **$map**: the map which contains the keys with its number.
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/map" as _map;
$map1: (
viewport-7: 720px,
viewport-3: 360px,
viewport-9: 960px
$map2: (
viewport-3: 360px,
viewport-7: 720px,
viewport-9: 960px
);$map1); // false$map2); // true
### to-string($value)
#### reverse($map)
> Converts a value to a string
Reverses the order of the items within a map.
* **$value**: the value that should get converted to a string
* **$map**: the map to reverse the order of the items.
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/map" as _map;
$breakpoints: (
viewport-3: 360px,
viewport-4: 480px,
viewport-7: 720px,
viewport-9: 992px,
viewport-12: 1200px
// result: (
// viewport-12: 1200px
// viewport-9: 992px,
// viewport-7: 720px,
// viewport-4: 480px,
// viewport-3: 360px,
// );
### trim-map-to($map, $target)
#### trim($map, $target)
> Trims a map to a certain target key. Returns a new map that is trimmed down
> until the key is met.
Trims a map to a certain target key. Returns a new map that is trimmed down
until the key is met.
* **$map**: the map that needs to be trimmed
* **$target**: the target key that needs to be met
* **$map**: the map to trim
* **$target**: the target key to trim the map to.
trim-map-to($breakpoints, "viewport-9");
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/map" as _map;
$breakpoints: (
viewport-3: 360px,
viewport-4: 480px,
viewport-7: 720px,
viewport-9: 992px,
viewport-12: 1200px
_map.trim($breakpoints, viewport-7);
// result: (
// viewport-3: 360px,
// viewport-4: 480px,
// viewport-7: 720px
// );
### trim-reverse-map-to($map, $target)
### Math
> Trims a map to a certain target key. Reverses the map to start from the top
> and goes down to the bottom. It trims the keys until the target is met.
These functions are namespace with **math_**:
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions" as _f;
_f.math_pow(8, 2);
Or can be included through the partial:
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/math" as _math;
_math.pow(8, 2);
#### Decimal($value, $amount)
Round a number's value after the comma (decimals) to a certain amount.
* **$map**: the map that needs to be trimmed
* **$target**: the target key that needs to be met
* **$value**: The number and its decimals to round
* **$target**: The target amount to round the decimals to
trim-reverse-map-to($breakpoints, "viewport-9");
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/math" as _math;
_math.decimal(1.12345, 2); // 1.12
_math.decimal(1.123456789, 5); // 1.12346
#### Pow($number, $exponent)
Power function / exponent operator which accepts positive, negative (integer,
float) exponents.
* **$number**: The number to apply the exponent operator to
* **$exponent**: The exponent used ont he number
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/math" as _math;
_math.pow(2, 8); // 256
_math.pow(4, 2); // 16
### Number
These functions are namespace with **number_**:
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions" as _f;
Or can be included through the partial:
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/number" as _number;
#### is-int($value)
Check if a number is of type integer (no decimals).
* **$value**: The value to check
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/number" as _number;"sass-functions"); // false; // true; // false
#### randomize($min, $max)
Generate a random number between a minimum and maximum value.
* **$min**: The minimum number to randomize a number between
* **$max**: The maximum number to randomize a number between
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/number" as _number;
_number.randomize(0, 10); // 4, 10); // 5, 8); // 6, 8); // 7
#### strip($value)
Removes the unit from a value.
* **$value**: The number to remove the unit from
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/number" as _number;
_number.strip(10px); // 10
_number.strip(7rem); // 7
#### valid($value)
Checks whether or not the passed value is a number. Very similar to is-int, but
this value can have decimals.
* **$value**: The number to validate
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/number" as _number;
_number.valid(10px); // true
_number.valid(7rem); // true
_number.valid(2.5px); // true
_number.valid("sass-functions"); // false
_number.valid(center); // false
### String
These functions are namespace with **string_**:
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions" as _f;
_f.string_includes("Functions", "F");
Or can be included through the partial:
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/string" as _string;
_string.includes("Functions", "F");
#### escape($value)
Escapes a value and adds extra slashes to special characters. This can be useful
for creating a class with special characters.
* **$value**: The number to escape
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/string" as _string;
_string.escape(100%); // 100\%
_string.escape(l-grid__col:12/12); // l-grid__col\:12\/12
#### includes($string, $characters)
Check if string contains certain characters. Returns a boolean.
* **$string**: The string to search
* **$characters**: The characters to search for
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/string" as _string;
_string.escape(100%); // 100\%
_string.escape(l-grid__col:12/12); // l-grid__col\:12\/12
#### replace($string, $search, $replace)
Replace a certain part of a string by another string.
* **$string**: The string containing the characters to replace
* **$search**: The characters to search for
* **$replace**: The characters to replace the searched with
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/string" as _string;
_string.replace("sass-functions", "sass", "dart-sass"); // dart-sass-functions
#### split($string, $separator)
Create a list from a string by defining a character to split the string at.
* **$string**: The string to split
* **$separator**: The character to split the string at
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/string" as _string;
_string.split("sass-functions", "-"); // (sass, functions)
#### to($string, $separator)
Converts a value to a string
* **$value**: The value to convert to
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/string" as _string;; // "10px"
### Px
These functions are namespace with **px_**:
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions" as _f;
Or can be included through the partial:
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/px" as _px;
#### em($value, $base)
Converts a pixel value to em.
* **$value**: The value to convert
* **$base** (optional): The base font-size on the body, by default is 16.
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/string" as _px;
_px.em(16px); // 1em
_px.em(10px, 16px); // 0.625em
_px.em(32px); // 2em
_px.em(20px, 10px); // 2em
#### rem($value, $base)
Converts a pixel value to rem.
* **$value**: The value to convert
* **$base** (optional): The base font-size on the body, by default is 16.
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/string" as _px;
_px.rem(16px); // 1rem
_px.rem(10px, 16px); // 0.625rem
_px.rem(32px); // 2rem
_px.rem(20px, 10px); // 2rem
### Rem
These functions are namespace with **rem_**:
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions" as _f;
Or can be included through the partial:
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/rem" as _rem;
#### px($value, $base)
Converts a rem value to px.
* **$value**: The value to convert
* **$base** (optional): The base font-size on the body, by default is 16.
@use "@littlemissrobot/sass-functions/string" as _rem;
_rem.px(1rem); // 16px
_rem.px(2rem); // 32px
_rem.px(1rem, 10px); // 10px
_rem.px(2rem, 10px); // 20px
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