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@lumino/signaling - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.10.2 to 1.11.0


import { find, each, ArrayExt } from '@lumino/algorithm';
import { AttachedProperty } from '@lumino/properties';

@@ -60,5 +61,23 @@ // Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.

function Signal(sender) {
this._blockedCount = 0;
this.sender = sender;
* Block the signal during the execution of a callback.
* ### Notes
* The callback function must be synchronous.
* @param fn The callback during which the signal is blocked
Signal.prototype.block = function (fn) {
try {
finally {
* Connect a slot to the signal.

@@ -100,3 +119,5 @@ *

Signal.prototype.emit = function (args) {
Private.emit(this, args);
if (!this._blockedCount) {
Private.emit(this, args);

@@ -110,2 +131,23 @@ return Signal;

* Block all signals emitted by an object during
* the execution of a callback.
* ### Notes
* The callback function must be synchronous.
* @param sender The signals sender
* @param fn The callback during which all signals are blocked
function blockAll(sender, fn) {
var blockedProperty = Private.blockedProperty;
blockedProperty.set(sender, blockedProperty.get(sender) + 1);
try {
finally {
blockedProperty.set(sender, blockedProperty.get(sender) - 1);
Signal.blockAll = blockAll;
* Remove all connections between a sender and receiver.

@@ -409,2 +451,5 @@ *

function emit(signal, args) {
if (Private.blockedProperty.get(signal.sender) > 0) {
// If there are no receivers, there is nothing to do.

@@ -513,2 +558,9 @@ var receivers = receiversForSender.get(signal.sender);

* A property indicating a sender has been blocked if its value is not 0.
Private.blockedProperty = new AttachedProperty({
name: 'blocked',
create: function () { return 0; }
})(Private || (Private = {}));

@@ -515,0 +567,0 @@

(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('@lumino/algorithm')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', '@lumino/algorithm'], factory) :
(global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, factory(global.lumino_signaling = {}, global.lumino_algorithm));
}(this, (function (exports, algorithm) { 'use strict';
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('@lumino/algorithm'), require('@lumino/properties')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', '@lumino/algorithm', '@lumino/properties'], factory) :
(global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, factory(global.lumino_signaling = {}, global.lumino_algorithm, global.lumino_properties));
}(this, (function (exports, algorithm, properties) { 'use strict';

@@ -64,5 +64,23 @@ // Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.

function Signal(sender) {
this._blockedCount = 0;
this.sender = sender;
* Block the signal during the execution of a callback.
* ### Notes
* The callback function must be synchronous.
* @param fn The callback during which the signal is blocked
Signal.prototype.block = function (fn) {
try {
finally {
* Connect a slot to the signal.

@@ -104,3 +122,5 @@ *

Signal.prototype.emit = function (args) {
Private.emit(this, args);
if (!this._blockedCount) {
Private.emit(this, args);

@@ -114,2 +134,23 @@ return Signal;

* Block all signals emitted by an object during
* the execution of a callback.
* ### Notes
* The callback function must be synchronous.
* @param sender The signals sender
* @param fn The callback during which all signals are blocked
function blockAll(sender, fn) {
var blockedProperty = Private.blockedProperty;
blockedProperty.set(sender, blockedProperty.get(sender) + 1);
try {
finally {
blockedProperty.set(sender, blockedProperty.get(sender) - 1);
Signal.blockAll = blockAll;
* Remove all connections between a sender and receiver.

@@ -413,2 +454,5 @@ *

function emit(signal, args) {
if (Private.blockedProperty.get(signal.sender) > 0) {
// If there are no receivers, there is nothing to do.

@@ -517,2 +561,9 @@ var receivers = receiversForSender.get(signal.sender);

* A property indicating a sender has been blocked if its value is not 0.
Private.blockedProperty = new properties.AttachedProperty({
name: 'blocked',
create: function () { return 0; }
})(Private || (Private = {}));

@@ -519,0 +570,0 @@



@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

!function(n,e){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?e(exports,require("@lumino/algorithm")):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["exports","@lumino/algorithm"],e):e((n="undefined"!=typeof globalThis?globalThis:n||self).lumino_signaling={},n.lumino_algorithm)}(this,(function(n,e){"use strict";var t,i;n.Signal=function(){function n(n){this.sender=n}return n.prototype.connect=function(n,e){return i.connect(this,n,e)},n.prototype.disconnect=function(n,e){return i.disconnect(this,n,e)},n.prototype.emit=function(n){i.emit(this,n)},n}(),(t=n.Signal||(n.Signal={})).disconnectBetween=function(n,e){i.disconnectBetween(n,e)},t.disconnectSender=function(n){i.disconnectSender(n)},t.disconnectReceiver=function(n){i.disconnectReceiver(n)},t.disconnectAll=function(n){i.disconnectAll(n)},t.clearData=function(n){i.disconnectAll(n)},t.getExceptionHandler=function(){return i.exceptionHandler},t.setExceptionHandler=function(n){var e=i.exceptionHandler;return i.exceptionHandler=n,e},function(n){function t(n){var t=o.get(n);t&&0!==t.length&&(e.each(t,(function(n){if(n.signal){var e=n.thisArg||n.slot;n.signal=null,u(r.get(e))}})),u(t))}function i(n){var t=r.get(n);t&&0!==t.length&&(e.each(t,(function(n){if(n.signal){var e=n.signal.sender;n.signal=null,u(o.get(e))}})),u(t))}n.exceptionHandler=function(n){console.error(n)},n.connect=function(n,e,t){t=t||void 0;var i=o.get(n.sender);if(i||(i=[],o.set(n.sender,i)),a(i,n,e,t))return!1;var c=t||e,l=r.get(c);l||(l=[],r.set(c,l));var s={signal:n,slot:e,thisArg:t};return i.push(s),l.push(s),!0},n.disconnect=function(n,e,t){t=t||void 0;var i=o.get(n.sender);if(!i||0===i.length)return!1;var c=a(i,n,e,t);if(!c)return!1;var l=t||e,s=r.get(l);return c.signal=null,u(i),u(s),!0},n.disconnectBetween=function(n,t){var i=o.get(n);if(i&&0!==i.length){var c=r.get(t);c&&0!==c.length&&(e.each(c,(function(e){e.signal&&e.signal.sender===n&&(e.signal=null)})),u(i),u(c))}},n.disconnectSender=t,n.disconnectReceiver=i,n.disconnectAll=function(n){t(n),i(n)},n.emit=function(n,e){var t=o.get(n.sender);if(t&&0!==t.length)for(var i=0,r=t.length;i<r;++i){var c=t[i];c.signal===n&&s(c,e)}};var o=new WeakMap,r=new WeakMap,c=new Set,l="function"==typeof requestAnimationFrame?requestAnimationFrame:setImmediate;function a(n,t,i,o){return e.find(n,(function(n){return n.signal===t&&n.slot===i&&n.thisArg===o}))}function s(e,t){var i=e.signal,o=e.slot,r=e.thisArg;try{,i.sender,t)}catch(e){n.exceptionHandler(e)}}function u(n){0===c.size&&l(f),c.add(n)}function f(){c.forEach(d),c.clear()}function d(n){e.ArrayExt.removeAllWhere(n,g)}function g(n){return null===n.signal}}(i||(i={})),Object.defineProperty(n,"__esModule",{value:!0})}));
!function(n,e){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?e(exports,require("@lumino/algorithm"),require("@lumino/properties")):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["exports","@lumino/algorithm","@lumino/properties"],e):e((n="undefined"!=typeof globalThis?globalThis:n||self).lumino_signaling={},n.lumino_algorithm,n.lumino_properties)}(this,(function(n,e,t){"use strict";var i,o;n.Signal=function(){function n(n){this._blockedCount=0,this.sender=n}return n.prototype.block=function(n){this._blockedCount++;try{n()}finally{this._blockedCount--}},n.prototype.connect=function(n,e){return o.connect(this,n,e)},n.prototype.disconnect=function(n,e){return o.disconnect(this,n,e)},n.prototype.emit=function(n){this._blockedCount||o.emit(this,n)},n}(),(i=n.Signal||(n.Signal={})).blockAll=function(n,e){var t=o.blockedProperty;t.set(n,t.get(n)+1);try{e()}finally{t.set(n,t.get(n)-1)}},i.disconnectBetween=function(n,e){o.disconnectBetween(n,e)},i.disconnectSender=function(n){o.disconnectSender(n)},i.disconnectReceiver=function(n){o.disconnectReceiver(n)},i.disconnectAll=function(n){o.disconnectAll(n)},i.clearData=function(n){o.disconnectAll(n)},i.getExceptionHandler=function(){return o.exceptionHandler},i.setExceptionHandler=function(n){var e=o.exceptionHandler;return o.exceptionHandler=n,e},function(n){function i(n){var t=r.get(n);t&&0!==t.length&&(e.each(t,(function(n){if(n.signal){var e=n.thisArg||n.slot;n.signal=null,f(c.get(e))}})),f(t))}function o(n){var t=c.get(n);t&&0!==t.length&&(e.each(t,(function(n){if(n.signal){var e=n.signal.sender;n.signal=null,f(r.get(e))}})),f(t))}n.exceptionHandler=function(n){console.error(n)},n.connect=function(n,e,t){t=t||void 0;var i=r.get(n.sender);if(i||(i=[],r.set(n.sender,i)),u(i,n,e,t))return!1;var o=t||e,l=c.get(o);l||(l=[],c.set(o,l));var s={signal:n,slot:e,thisArg:t};return i.push(s),l.push(s),!0},n.disconnect=function(n,e,t){t=t||void 0;var i=r.get(n.sender);if(!i||0===i.length)return!1;var o=u(i,n,e,t);if(!o)return!1;var l=t||e,s=c.get(l);return o.signal=null,f(i),f(s),!0},n.disconnectBetween=function(n,t){var i=r.get(n);if(i&&0!==i.length){var o=c.get(t);o&&0!==o.length&&(e.each(o,(function(e){e.signal&&e.signal.sender===n&&(e.signal=null)})),f(i),f(o))}},n.disconnectSender=i,n.disconnectReceiver=o,n.disconnectAll=function(n){i(n),o(n)},n.emit=function(e,t){if(!(n.blockedProperty.get(e.sender)>0)){var i=r.get(e.sender);if(i&&0!==i.length)for(var o=0,c=i.length;o<c;++o){var l=i[o];l.signal===e&&a(l,t)}}};var r=new WeakMap,c=new WeakMap,l=new Set,s="function"==typeof requestAnimationFrame?requestAnimationFrame:setImmediate;function u(n,t,i,o){return e.find(n,(function(n){return n.signal===t&&n.slot===i&&n.thisArg===o}))}function a(e,t){var i=e.signal,o=e.slot,r=e.thisArg;try{,i.sender,t)}catch(e){n.exceptionHandler(e)}}function f(n){0===l.size&&s(d),l.add(n)}function d(){l.forEach(g),l.clear()}function g(n){e.ArrayExt.removeAllWhere(n,p)}function p(n){return null===n.signal}n.blockedProperty=new t.AttachedProperty({name:"blocked",create:function(){return 0}})}(o||(o={})),Object.defineProperty(n,"__esModule",{value:!0})}));
"name": "@lumino/signaling",
"version": "1.10.2",
"version": "1.11.0",
"description": "Lumino Signals and Slots",

@@ -49,3 +49,4 @@ "homepage": "",

"dependencies": {
"@lumino/algorithm": "^1.9.2"
"@lumino/algorithm": "^1.9.2",
"@lumino/properties": "^1.8.2"

@@ -52,0 +53,0 @@ "devDependencies": {

@@ -11,2 +11,3 @@ // Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.

import { ArrayExt, each, find } from '@lumino/algorithm';
import { AttachedProperty } from '@lumino/properties';

@@ -36,2 +37,12 @@ /**

* Block the signal during the execution of a callback.
* ### Notes
* The callback function must be synchronous.
* @param fn The callback during which the signal is blocked
block(fn: () => void): void;
* Connect a slot to the signal.

@@ -143,2 +154,19 @@ *

* Block the signal during the execution of a callback.
* ### Notes
* The callback function must be synchronous.
* @param fn The callback during which the signal is blocked
block(fn: () => void): void {
try {
} finally {
* Connect a slot to the signal.

@@ -182,4 +210,8 @@ *

emit(args: U): void {
Private.emit(this, args);
if (!this._blockedCount) {
Private.emit(this, args);
private _blockedCount = 0;

@@ -192,2 +224,22 @@

* Block all signals emitted by an object during
* the execution of a callback.
* ### Notes
* The callback function must be synchronous.
* @param sender The signals sender
* @param fn The callback during which all signals are blocked
export function blockAll(sender: unknown, fn: () => void): void {
const { blockedProperty } = Private;
blockedProperty.set(sender, blockedProperty.get(sender) + 1);
try {
} finally {
blockedProperty.set(sender, blockedProperty.get(sender) - 1);
* Remove all connections between a sender and receiver.

@@ -532,2 +584,6 @@ *

export function emit<T, U>(signal: Signal<T, U>, args: U): void {
if (Private.blockedProperty.get(signal.sender) > 0) {
// If there are no receivers, there is nothing to do.

@@ -674,2 +730,10 @@ let receivers = receiversForSender.get(signal.sender);

* A property indicating a sender has been blocked if its value is not 0.
export const blockedProperty = new AttachedProperty<unknown, number>({
name: 'blocked',
create: () => 0

@@ -23,2 +23,11 @@ /**

* Block the signal during the execution of a callback.
* ### Notes
* The callback function must be synchronous.
* @param fn The callback during which the signal is blocked
block(fn: () => void): void;
* Connect a slot to the signal.

@@ -124,2 +133,11 @@ *

* Block the signal during the execution of a callback.
* ### Notes
* The callback function must be synchronous.
* @param fn The callback during which the signal is blocked
block(fn: () => void): void;
* Connect a slot to the signal.

@@ -157,2 +175,3 @@ *

emit(args: U): void;
private _blockedCount;

@@ -164,2 +183,13 @@ /**

* Block all signals emitted by an object during
* the execution of a callback.
* ### Notes
* The callback function must be synchronous.
* @param sender The signals sender
* @param fn The callback during which all signals are blocked
function blockAll(sender: unknown, fn: () => void): void;
* Remove all connections between a sender and receiver.

@@ -166,0 +196,0 @@ *

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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