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The Material Components for the web layout grid component

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152 kB
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14.0.0 (2022-04-27)

Bug Fixes

  • button: update HCM shim to use the existing focus-ring (a657abb)
  • checkbox: Add explicit system color for checkmark in HCM. (8c4da22)
  • checkbox: move forced-colors theme out of static styles (bbd1126)
  • checkbox: Update checkbox theme styles mixin to accept css vars (c14e977)
  • chips: Fix typography selector in GMDC-Wiz chips theming (43c7d87)
  • datatable: Adjust data table last row border-radius to support setting row background-color. (ba78e87)
  • dialog: Render dividers in Firefox 94 on Windows HCM (fae6c65)
  • dialog: Set default z-index for close button in FloatingSheet dialog. (3366a71)
  • fab: Add focus ring in HCM. (d57ec74)
  • focus-ring: add 2d padding customizability, RTL bugfix (f81fb1d)
  • focus-ring: box-sizing bugfix to content-box. If box-sizing border-box is inherited the ring spacing will collapse. (e58552c)
  • focus-ring: ignore pointer events (3ef470e)
  • focus-ring: RTL bugfix (e00181e)
  • iconbutton: Fixed max width and height for high contrast mode focus ring on icon buttons. Display only in forced colors mode. (cf42927)
  • iconbutton: Set icon button ripple z-index to -1. (586e740)
  • list: Improve a11y for multi-select lists (9736ddc)
  • list: Remove conflicting validation for checkbox list in setEnabled (353ca7e)
  • list: Update lastSelectedIndex when toggling a checkbox range (dcba26f)
  • menusurface: Add a getOwnerDocument() method to MDCMenuSurfaceAdapter to provide a reference to the document that owns the menu surface DOM element. (3486659)
  • radio: Fix disabled state in Firefox Windows high contrast mode (23043ac)
  • radio: Modify theme styles Sass mixin validation to validate only keys (390220e)
  • select: Add border to select menu in HCM. (5d80969)
  • select: revert down/up arrow on anchor changing selected index (43d08ba)
  • slider: Fix bug where secondary click moves slider thumb. (3ab9565)
  • slider: Fix IE11 bug - unset is unsupported in IE. (f460e23)
  • slider: In updateUI, fix behavior to match jsdoc claim that when thumb param is undefined it updates both thumbs. Input attributes were not being updated at all. (cc4ed13)
  • slider: Make the slider errors easier to debug by providing all relevant values in the error message. (8687937)
  • snackbar: address Trusted Types violation (cbd9358)
  • tooltip: Adjusts logic in validateTooltipWithCaretDistances method. (3e30054)
  • typography: Fixes typography theme-styles mixin... the value being retreived from the $theme map and css property name was swapped. The mixin would request font-size/font-weight/letter-spacing from the $theme map (which expects size/weight/tracking)... so these values would always be null. (32b3913)
  • Remove /** @override */ tags from TypeScript code. (c3cdff0)
  • Simplify MDCAttachable interface to be any object (Function) that has attachTo. (05db65e)
  • Snackbar action button ripple color is applied to the ripple element. (4e66fb2)
  • Work around bug in Sass (037285f), closes sass/sass#3259
  • switch: Restore Firefox 94 HCM outlines (39cf14b)
  • textfield: Fix breaking tests due to no valid pointerId being associated with pointer events. (15db4f1)
  • tooltip: Only sends notification of a tooltip being hidden if showTimeout is not set (indicating that this tooltip is about to be re-shown). (6ca8b8f)


  • banner: Add disableAutoClose params for both banner actions to prevent the banner buttons from automatically closing the banner. Add adapter #notifyActionClicked method. (b094eaa)
  • chips: add focus ring styles (783f6fd)
  • chips: Added elevation tint layer color support in chips (c78ff04)
  • data-table: separate table structure into its own mixin (9f9d928)
  • dialog: Add styling for floating sheets (78305b6)
  • dialog: Add styling for floating sheets with content padding (3e20c1d)
  • Dialog: Adds an API to hide the header for GMDC Fullscreen Dialog in non-fullscreen mode (ab4aba1)
  • Dialog: Adds an API to set custom position for GMDC Dialog (ea9b5b4)
  • Dialog: Adds an API to set custom z-index for GMDC Dialog (96ea061)
  • focus-ring: added a new mixin so we can override just the focus-ring color (641ed08)
  • focus-ring: added a new mixin so we can override just the focus-ring radius (7321d62)
  • iconbutton: Add link icon button Sass. (9803d2d)
  • mdc-list: introduce selection change event (7d8ea46)
  • menu: allow preferentially opening surface below anchor (261f2db)
  • MenuSurface: Add opening event for menus. (53b3cad)
  • select: Add theming mixin boilerplate code to select (ae8a6a3)
  • select: Add validation getter methods. (bdf1d37)
  • select: Added theme mixins to MDC select (dcfe49c)
  • slider: Add minRange param to range sliders to request a minimum gap between the two thumbs. (8fffcb5)
  • slider: Add an option to hide focus styles after pointer interaction. (ec54d90)
  • slider: Keep the slider value indicator within the bounds of the slider if possible. (c047f7c)
  • state: make context aware (b2fe352)
  • switch: Add high contrast mode focus ring to switch (f31a833)
  • text-field: Add theming mixin boilerplate code to text-field (eb382f3)
  • text-field: Added theme mixins to MDC text field (344d528)
  • textfield: adding input-font-size mixin (207230e)
  • theme: allow custom property strings in theme.validate-theme() (4e372fb)
  • add new class and mixin for open state of a menu item (9a02b6e)
  • Indicate which thumb valueToAriaValueTextFn and valueToValueIndicatorTextFn functions are called for. (b6510c8)
  • textfield: adding input-font-family mixin (991fb99)
  • Describe how to add child lists into a list item. (758ce31)


  • MenuSurface: Adds #notifyOpening method to menu surface adapter.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 444830518

  • slider: Adds #getValueIndicatorContainerWidth method to slider adapter.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 419837612



Layout Grid

Material design’s responsive UI is based on a column-variate grid layout. It has 12 columns on desktop, 8 columns on tablet and 4 columns on phone.

Design & API Documentation


npm install @material/layout-grid


HTML Structure

<div class="mdc-layout-grid">
  <div class="mdc-layout-grid__inner">
    <div class="mdc-layout-grid__cell"></div>
    <div class="mdc-layout-grid__cell"></div>
    <div class="mdc-layout-grid__cell"></div>
Nested grid

When your contents need extra structure that cannot be supported by single layout grid, you can nest layout grid within each other. To nest layout grid, add a new mdc-layout-grid__inner to wrap around nested mdc-layout-grid__cell within an existing mdc-layout-grid__cell.

The nested layout grid behaves exactly like when they are not nested, e.g, they have 12 columns on desktop, 8 columns on tablet and 4 columns on phone. They also use the same gutter size as their parents, but margins are not re-introduced since they are living within another cell.

However, the Material Design guidelines do not recommend having a deeply nested grid as it might mean an over complicated UX.

<div class="mdc-layout-grid">
  <div class="mdc-layout-grid__inner">
    <div class="mdc-layout-grid__cell">
      <div class="mdc-layout-grid__inner">
        <div class="mdc-layout-grid__cell"><span>Second level</span></div>
        <div class="mdc-layout-grid__cell"><span>Second level</span></div>
    <div class="mdc-layout-grid__cell">First level</div>
    <div class="mdc-layout-grid__cell">First level</div>


@use "@material/layout-grid/mdc-layout-grid";

CSS Classes

CSS ClassDescription
mdc-layout-gridMandatory, for the layout grid element
mdc-layout-grid__innerMandatory, for wrapping grid cell
mdc-layout-grid__cellMandatory, for the layout grid cell
mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-<NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS>Optional, specifies the number of columns the cell spans
mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-<NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS>-<TYPE_OF_DEVICE>Optional, specifies the number of columns the cell spans on a type of device (desktop, tablet, phone)
mdc-layout-grid__cell--order-<INDEX>Optional, specifies the order of the cell
mdc-layout-grid__cell--align-<POSITION>Optional, specifies the alignment of cell
mdc-layout-grid--fixed-column-widthOptional, specifies the grid should have fixed column width
mdc-layout-grid--align-<GRID_POSITION>Optional, specifies the alignment of the whole grid

You can set the cells span by applying one of the span classes, of the form mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-{columns}, where {columns} is an integer between 1 and 12. If the chosen span size is larger than the available number of columns at the current screen size, the cell behaves as if its chosen span size were equal to the available number of columns at that screen size. If the span classes are not set, mdc-layout-grid__cell will fallback to a default span size of 4 columns.


The same as mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-<NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS> but for a specific type of device(desktop, tablet or phone).


By default, items are positioned in the source order. However, you can reorder them by using the mdc-layout-grid__cell--order-<INDEX> classes, where <INDEX> is an integer between 1 and 12. Please bear in mind that this may have an impact on accessibility, since screen readers and other tools tend to follow source order.


Items are defined to stretch, by default, taking up the height of their corresponding row. You can switch to a different behavior by using one of the mdc-layout-grid__cell--align-<POSITION> alignment classes, where <POSITION> is one of top, middle or bottom.


You can designate each column to have a certain width by using mdc-layout-grid--fixed-column-width modifier. The column width can be specified through sass map $mdc-layout-grid-column-width or css custom properties --mdc-layout-grid-column-width-{screen_size}. The column width is set to 72px on all devices by default.


The grid is by default center aligned. You can add mdc-layout-grid--align-left or mdc-layout-grid--align-right modifier class to change this behavior. Note, these modifiers will have no effect when the grid already fills its container.

Sass Mixins

mdc-layout-grid($size, $margin, $max-width)Generates CSS for a grid container on certain device type
mdc-layout-grid-inner($size, $margin, $gutter)Generates CSS for a grid cell wrapper on certain device type
mdc-layout-grid-cell($size, $default-span, $gutter)Generates CSS for a grid cell on certain device type
mdc-layout-grid-fixed-column-width($size, $margin, $gutter, $column-width)Generates CSS for a fixed column width container on certain device type
mdc-layout-grid-cell-order($order)Reorders a cell inside a grid
mdc-layout-grid-cell-align($position)Aligns a cell vertically inside a grid
mdc-layout-grid($size, $margin, $max-width)

Generates CSS for a grid container on certain device type. The mixin takes three parameters:

  • $size: the target platform: desktop, tablet or phone.
  • $margin: the size of the grid margin.
  • $max-width (optional): the maximum width of the grid, at which point space stops being distributed by the columns.
mdc-layout-grid-inner($size, $margin, $gutter)

Generates CSS for a grid cell wrapper on certain device type. The mixin takes three parameters:

  • $size: the target platform: desktop, tablet or phone.
  • $margin: the size of the grid margin.
  • $gutter: the size of the gutter between cells.
mdc-layout-grid-cell($size, $default-span, $gutter)

Generates CSS for a grid cell on certain device type. The mixin takes three parameters:

  • $size: the target platform: desktop, tablet or phone.
  • $default-span (optional, default 4): how many columns this cell should span (1 to 12).
  • $gutter: the size of the gutter between cells. Be sure to use the same value as for the parent grid.

Note even though size is passed in as one of the arguments, it won't apply any media-query rules. It is set for using the correct CSS custom properties to overriden the margin and gutter at runtime (See Margins and gutters section for detail).

mdc-layout-grid-fixed-column-width($size, $margin, $gutter, $column-width)

Generates CSS for a fixed column width container on certain device type. The mixin takes four parameters:

  • $size: the target platform: desktop, tablet or phone.
  • $margin: the size of the grid margin.
  • $gutter: the size of the gutter between cells.
  • $column-width: the width of the column within the grid.

Sass Variables

mdc-layout-grid-breakpointsA SASS Map specifies the breakpoints width
mdc-layout-grid-columnsA SASS Map specifies the number of columns
mdc-layout-grid-default-marginA SASS Map specifies the space between the edge of the grid and the edge of the first cell
mdc-layout-grid-default-gutterA SASS Map specifies the space between edges of adjacent cells
mdc-layout-grid-column-widthA SASS Map specifies the column width of grid columns
mdc-layout-grid-default-column-spanSpecifies a cell's default span
mdc-layout-grid-max-widthRestricts max width of the layout grid

CSS Custom Properties

CSS Custom PropertiesDescription
mdc-layout-grid-margin-<TYPE_OF_DEVICE>Specifies the space between the edge of the grid and the edge of the first cell
mdc-layout-grid-gutter-<TYPE_OF_DEVICE>Specifies the space between edges of adjacent cells



Last updated on 28 Apr 2022

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