This package consists of decorator-functions that could
be used with koajs.
They are inspired by the .NET WebApi attributes
and should add routing information to a controller-class.
To use this package you have to add support for stage-2 decorators to your preferred compiler.
When used with babeljs, use the @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators plugin without legacy: true
Getting Started
It is easy to create a controller with routes to an existing koajs-project:
Create Controller
You have to create a Controller class first and add the decorators to it.
import { Route, HttpGet } from '@mbraun/koa-decorators';
class ExampleController {
static GetExamples(ctx) {
ctx.body = 'Hello World';
ctx.status = 200;
return ctx;
Add Controller to Koa-Router
Then you have to connect it to a koa-router using the createRoutes function
of the koa-decorators package.
import Koa from 'koa';
import Router from 'koa-router';
import { createRoutes } from '@mbraun/koa-decorators';
const app = new Koa();
const router = new Router();
createRoutes(router, ExampleController);
This package consists of the following decorators:
Name | class | method |
Route | x | x |
AcceptVerbs | | x |
Http<Verb> | | x |
Middleware | x | x |
The Route-decorator could be used on class-level and method-level.
It is possible to set multiple Routes on the same element.
On class-level the decorator works as a prefix for each route that
is specified inside this class.
On method-level it has to be used with a AcceptVerbs or
import { AcceptVerbs, Route } from '@mbraun/koa-decorators';
class ExampleController {
static GetExampleById(ctx) {
ctx.body = `Hello ${ctx.params.id}`;
ctx.status = 200;
return ctx;
The AcceptVerbs-decorator could only be used on method-level.
It specifies the possible http-methods that could be handled by the route.
import { AcceptVerbs } from '@mbraun/koa-decorators';
class ExampleController {
@AcceptVerbs('GET', 'POST')
static GetExampleById(ctx) {
ctx.body = `Hello World!`;
ctx.status = 200;
return ctx;
Because most routes only work with one http-method and one route
this library contains shortcut-decorators too.
shortcut-decorators where created for the following http-methods:
import { HttpGet } from '@mbraun/koa-decorators';
class ExampleController {
static GetExampleById(ctx) {
ctx.body = `Hello World!`;
ctx.status = 200;
return ctx;
The middleware-decorator could be used on class-level and method-level.
It should be compatible with any existing middleware for koa.
On class-level, the middleware is used on any route inside this class.
On method-level, the middleware is only used on all routes that are
mapped to this method.
import { Middleware } from '@mbraun/koa-decorators';
async function RequestTimeLogger(ctx, next) {
const start = Date.now();
await next();
const ms = Date.now() - start;
console.log(`${ctx.method} ${ctx.url} - ${ms}ms`);
class ExampleController {
static GetExampleById(ctx) {
It is also possible to add multiple middlewares using only one
import { Middleware } from '@mbraun/koa-decorators';
class ExampleController {
@Middleware(Middleware1, Middleware2)
static GetExampleById(ctx) {
The decorateMiddleware function creates a Middleware-Decorator with
a given middleware.
It could be used on a custom middleware that is required on multiple routes
across multiple controllers. It should make things a lot more easier:
import { decorateMiddleware } from '@mbraun/koa-decorators';
async function RequestTimeLogger(ctx, next) {
const start = Date.now();
await next();
const ms = Date.now() - start;
console.log(`${ctx.method} ${ctx.url} - ${ms}ms`);
export default decorateMiddleware(RequestTimeLogger);
import RequestTimeLogger from './Middleware.js';
class ExampleController {
static GetExampleById(ctx) {